Tomorrow'S Wonderful World Economy: The Trumpet Weekly The Trumpet Weekly

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JANUARY 31, 2014


J A N U A R Y 3 1 , 2 0 1 4
170,000 missiles aimed at? 2
Germany embraces military destiny 4
Germany and Japans shared history and challenges 5
Plan to wreck the country 10
World risks deationary shock 11
1s . bold move, proclaiming that you should have inu-
ence over the entire global economy. But thats exactly
what Pope Francis did in November.
In his ocial exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Francis
particularly attacked the idea that free-market capitalism
can produce economic growth that causes greater justice
and inclusiveness. Tis opinion, he wrote, which has
never been conrmed by the facts, expresses a crude and
naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic
power. Te popes solution: Trust in the goodness of those
wielding economic powerwhen they are Catholic.
Te Catholic Church has inuenced economics in
dierent ways for centuries. Te historical facts conrm
the results: Dark Ages where peasants live in pulverizing
poverty; six oppressive eras under the Holy Roman Empire;
the modern rise of dictators in Italy, Austria and Spain. Te
facts also conrm that the church almost always manages
to get richer even when the poor get poorer.
But if Catholic corporatism causes injustice and suer-
ingand so does capitalism, communism, socialism, fas-
cism, Islamism, anarchism and every other human model
where is there an economic system that actually works:
Tomorrows Wonderful World
see TOMORROW page 12
JANUARY 31, 2014
threat. Tere are about :,o,ooo rock-
ets and missiles that threaten Israel,
Kochavi said.
For the rst time the enemy now
has the ability to hit Israeli cities hard,
he commented.
Te state of Israel is surrounded
,oo degrees with active enemies. Te
conventional threats have not disap-
Khohavi added that the cyberworld
was a great opportunity for Israels
growth but that the threat of cyber-
warfare is growing signicantly and
there have been many attacks on the
security establishment.
Iraq and Iran Plot Oil
THE TELEGRAPH | January 28
v.q is poised to ood the oil market
by tripling its capacity to pump
crude by :o:o and is collaborating
with Iran on strategy in a move that
will challenge Saudi Arabias grip on
the Organization of Petroleum Ex-
porting Countries.
We feel the world needs to be as-
sured of fuel for economic growth,
Hussain al-Shahristani, deputy prime
minister for energy in Iraq told oil
The Next Missile
Frigate of the IDF Navy
uv.ciu ico1i.1ios are under
way between Israel and Germany
regarding the procurement of two to
four new missile frigates that would
be assigned to defend, among other
things, the oshore gas drilling rigs in
the Mediterranean.
Israeli defense industry ocials are
demanding that Germany be required
to make oset purchases in Israel if the
new missile frigate deal is approved.
Te German deal appears to be
materializing afer the iuv Navy had
examined several vessel types around
the world in an eort to select its next
missile frigate. One of the options
examined was a vessel made by the
Hyundai shipyards in South Korea.
Te new vessel will have a displace-
ment of about :,,oo tons, like the larg-
est vessels currently in service in the
iuv Navythe Saar-, missiles frigates,
manufactured by Ingalls Shipbuilding
in the U.S.
With the beginning of the quest
for a vessel of this size, the iuv Navy
had abandoned its previous plans of
acquiring vessels with a displacement
of :,ooo tons minimum. Te iuv Navy
had originally intended to acquire
vessels manufactured by Lockheed-
Martin in the context of Project ics
(Littoral Combat Ship) .
Now the intention of the iuv is to
nance the procurement of the new
vessels by a dedicated budget allocated
by the government outside the frame-
work of the normal defense budget,
in order to secure the oshore gas
drilling rigs. Te procurement plan
notwithstanding, the total number
of missile frigates in the iuv Navy is
expected to decrease during the next
ve-year period, owing to the obsoles-
cence of the present vessels, some of
which are to be decommissioned.
170,000 Rockets
Threaten Israel
sv.iis .niii1v to deter enemies is
strong, but on the other hand, terror
is still a challenge, military intel-
ligence head Gen. Aviv Kochavi said
on Wednesday during remarks at the
annual conference of the Institute for
National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.
We call this period in time the era
of re in light of the amount of mis-
siles and rockets we face as a constant
v.s i1ivim deal with the international community
only set it back six weeks in terms of the time [it] would
take its nuclear program to assemble a bomb, Prime Min-
ister Benjamin Netanyahu warned in a speech on Tuesday
Although there are internal disagreements in Iran, there
is no dispute in the regime about developing nuclear weap-
ons and the goal of wiping Israel o the map, he told the
crowd at a conference of the Institute for National Security
Studies in Tel Aviv.
Tis agreement merely set Iran back six weeksno
moreaccording to our assessments, in relation to its pre-
vious position, so that the test, as to denying Iran the abil-
ity to manufacture nuclear weapons, has been and remains
the permanent agreement, if such [a deal] can indeed be
achieved, he said.
Iran reached the deal in November with the interna-
tional community on its disputed nuclear drive, which the
West suspects has a military goal, notwithstanding Teh-
rans protestations to the contrary.
Te six-month deal freezes key aspects of Irans nuclear
program, while allowing limited enrichment to continue,
in exchange for some economic sanctions relief. It went
into eect on January :o.
Te whole world knows that Iran wants to develop
nuclear weapons, Netanyahu said. We will only support
an arrangement that ensures the complete dismantling of
Irans infrastructure and capabilities to build nuclear weap-
ons. We will not let Iran develop the capability to build
nuclear weapons. Tis was and remains Israels stance.
Iran Set Back Six Weeks by Nuclear Deal
TIMES OF ISRAEL | January 28
JANUARY 31, 2014
industry delegates attending a Cha-
tham House Middle East energy
Al Shahristani said on Tuesday
that Iraq plans to boost its capacity
to produce oil to million barrels a
day (nvu) by the end of the decade as
Baghdad rushes to bolster its economy,
which is still shattered by war and
internal conict. Iraq was producing
, million nvu in December, according
to the International Energy Agency.
Iraqs intention to challenge Saudi
Arabias status as the swing pro-
ducer in the ovic cartel could see a
dramatic fall in oil prices if Baghdad
decides to break the groups quotas
and sell more of its crude on the open
Iraqs ambitious plan could see it
clash increasingly with the regime in
Saudi Arabia, which has used its inu-
ence in ovic over the last decade to
keep oil prices above s:oo a barrel.
In a further challenge to Saudi
Arabia, which is mostly closed to
international oil companies, Mr. al-
Shahristani revealed that Baghdad is
working with Iran to help it attract
investment ahead of the possible lif-
ing of sanctions. Oil companies are
understood to be queuing up to win
Iranian oil deals.
Combined, Iran and Iraq hold
greater reserves of oil than Saudi
Arabia and the potential with the help
of international investment to match
its capacity to produce oil, which
currently stands at around ::., mil-
lionnvu of crude.
Turkeys Erdoan
Visits Iran
REUTERS | January 29
Uvxisu Pvimi Minister Tayyip
Erdoan visited Iran on Wednesday
to bolster trade and energy ties, state
1v said, in what also looked like a bid
to defuse tensions over Syria by capi-
talizing on Tehrans diplomatic open-
ing to regional rivals and the West.
Iran has been a strong strategic
ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad
since the start of the uprising against
him, while Turkey has been one of
his ercest critics, supporting his
opponents and giving refuge to rebel
While deep divisions remain
between Ankara and Tehran over the
conict in Syria, diplomats and gov-
ernment ocials say both sides want
to mend a relationship that could be
pivotal to the fast-changing political
map of the Middle East.
Te United States believes detente
between Turkey and Iran is important
to wider stability in the Middle East, a
strategic breakthrough Washington
hopes to achieve from talks that world
powers are pursuing with Tehran to
curb its nuclear program.
Erdoan met Iranian Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as
well as Rouhani, whose foreign policy
of prudence and moderation has
eased Tehrans international isolation
and revived contact with longtime
archenemy Washington.
No details were immediately
released about the three trade pacts
or Erdoans meetings with Khame-
nei and Rouhani, who plans to visit
Turkey within the next few months,
according to Iranian and Turkish
n Surrendering to the Taliban
Screams, sirens and smoke are once
more lling the streets of Kabul afer
another terrorist attack in the Afghan
capital. On January :,, a Taliban sui-
cide bomber blew himself up at the gate
to a popular restaurant in downtown
visiui1 Obamas major foreign policy mes-
sage in his State of the Union address on Tuesday is
expected to be that :o: will mark the end of the U.S. war
in Afghanistan.
But the presidents pronouncement will come with a
bitter irony: Even afer a dozen years, more than s: trillion
and the loss of thousands of American lives, the basic dan-
ger that prompted President George W. Bush to invade not
only remains but, many national-security watchers argue,
is more alarming than ever.
Te threat of terrorists using ungoverned spaces to
target the U.S., one of the central rationales for launching
the invasion of Afghanistan and the bid to dismantle the
Taliban, remains a very present danger, with Syria, western
Iraq and parts of Africa and Afghanistan itself all potential
Whats changed is that Americans and most of their
leaders in Washington have exhausted their willingness
to deal with such problems using major military interven-
tions. So if the threat from al Qaeda is metastasizing, as
many in national-security Washington like to say, the doc-
trine that has emerged from Obamas time in oce is that
America must learn how to respond without resorting to
the large-scale military action that has so far dened much
of the ::st century.
Te U.S. must use every tool in the box, Obama and Ha-
gel say, and treat every situation dierently. Some problems
will call for diplomacy, some for military assistance and
some for lethal action by special operators or drones, the
administration says.
To know if a strategy is working, one must know what
the fallout is. I rmly believe that nobodynot even the
president himselfyet understands the fallout from these
drone strikes, said Sarah Holewinski, executive director of
the Center for Civilians in Conict. Tat should give every
American pause.
Te U.S. needs to pause and consider the ramica-
tions of the strategy, she said, assuming there is a
big-picture strategy and not just knee-jerk operations
based on a visceral fear that another strike will occur if
America doesnt use lethal force. Tat we, the American
public, dont have a good sense of what that strategy is, is
a major problem.
As Afghanistan War Wanes
POLITICO | January 26
JANUARY 31, 2014
Kabul. As the smoke cleared, two
gunmen rushed into the restaurant,
opening re on the patrons. Tis
restaurant was a popular destination
for foreigners. Twenty-one civilians
died, :, of which were internationals. It
was the deadliest attack against foreign
civilians in Afghanistan since the war
began almost :, years ago. Notice this
attack came afer :, years of conict.
Te Taliban just struck its deadliest
blow against civilians yet. What have
the vast time and resources America
has thrown at the occupation achieved:
Te goal has been to oust the Taliban
and install peace and democracy. But
the murder of :: civilians is stark
testimony to the fact that this cause has
been all but lost. Te smoldering ruins
of the restaurant in Kabul are a sign
that the war is over for America. In :,
years, with an abundance of troops and
weaponry, the U.S. has been unable to
defeat the smaller and weaker Taliban.
Instead, the U.S. has slowly but surely
extricated itself from the country, giv-
ing the region back to the enemy on a
silver platter. Afer more than a decade
of war, the U.S. is tired of policing the
nation. Te drawdown has begun; by
the end of :o:, most U.S. troops will
be out of the nation. Despite the obvi-
ous negative eects of a Middle East
and North Africa without American
inuence, Washington continues the
extraction process.
oviic Miis1iv Frank-Walter Steinmeier and De-
fense Minister Ursula von der Leyen want Germany to
assume a greater role in world aairs, including military
missions abroad. Teir stance marks a break with Angela
Merkels policy of restraint.
Last Tuesdays meeting between German Foreign Min-
ister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his French counterpart
Laurent Fabius could hardly have been more harmonious.
Dark-gray suits, white shirts, blue tiesthe two looked as
if they had even coordinated their clothing as they faced
the press. Steinmeier said he already felt at home afer
visiting the French Foreign Ministry for the third time in
two weeks. Fabius politely praised his friendship with dear
Relations between Berlin and Paris are better than
theyve been in a long time, and thats evident not just in
the eusive exchanges of pleasantries. Te French now
want to follow the German example in economic policy, af-
ter two years of resisting it. Berlin in turn wants to provide
Paris with stronger support in military missions in Africa
in future. Europe cant leave France on its own, said
Tats a big step not just for France, but for Germany
as well. Te new German government, inaugurated just a
month ago, is charting a new course in foreign policy.
Now, two ministers from Chancellor Angela Merkels
new coalition believe that an economic powerhouse like
Germany cant continue to stand on the sidelines. Tey
want to show Germanys allies that the country can be relied
upon. We cant look away when murder and rape are tak-
ing place daily, von der Leyen told Spiegel in an interview.
Te new approach has already led to concrete policy
changes. Germany plans to dispatch more troops to sup-
port Frances campaign against Islamists in Mali. Te gov-
ernment is also considering providing military aircraf for
transport and medical evacuation in the Central African
We want to reactivate the Foreign Ministry, State Sec-
retary Markus Ederer, a close condante of Steinmeier, said
last week. Another high-ranking ocial in the ministry
put it even more clearly: Its getting harder each month to
justify a policy of military restraint.
Von der Leyen agrees. She wants to use the Defense
Ministry to forge a common European security policy, and
to put Germany at the forefront of this development. But
the project will only be credible if Germany really does sign
up to dangerous deployments.
Te position adopted by the two ministers runs counter
to the policy Merkel has pursued over the last four years.
Te key question remains, however, whether von der Leyen
and Steinmeier can jointly make inroads on the foreign
policy domain of Merkels Chancellery. Te fact that the
two have similar ideas about Germanys role in the world
will certainly help. Steinmeier would like to strengthen
European institutions while von der Leyen, in her previ-
ous role as labor minister, voiced her support for a United
States of Europe. Merkel, on the other hand, has little time
for such musings. She has enough on her plate.
Germany Weighs Stronger Military Role
We Cant Look Away
DER SPIEGEL | January 28
ivm.v u.s been heavily criti-
cized in recent years for not doing
its share in hotspots around the world.
New Defense Minister Ursula von der
Leyen says that it is time for Berlin
to take more responsibility. She also
dreams of a European army.
Spiegel: Germany would like to
become more engaged in Mali and
perhaps also join the European Union
mission in the Central African Repub-
lic. What are Germanys interests in
JANUARY 31, 2014
those conicts:
Von der Leyen: It isnt about Ger-
man interests; its about European
interests. Africa is our direct neigh-
bor. At the Strait of Gibraltar, the
two continents are only : kilometers
(8., miles) from one another. Should
a large part of Africa become desta-
bilized, it could have grave conse-
quences for us. Let me remind you
of the terrible images of the drowned
refugees o the coast of Lampedusa.
Spiegel: Te Central African Repub-
lic is not in North Africa. Te country
is ,,,oo kilometers (,,:,.,miles) away
from Germany. Why should German
soldiers be sent there:
Von der Leyen: A bloody war is
developing in Central Africa be-
tween Christians and Muslims. We
cant allow the conict to engulf the
entire region. From a population
perspective, Central Africa is small,
but it is surrounded by countries
with more than :,o million inhabit-
ants. One billion live in Africa. In
the next ,oyears, that number will
double. If this growth takes place
within democratic structures, the
continent represents an opportunity
for Europe. A booming Africa
is an opportunity, particularly for
a country like Germany with such
strong exports.
Spiegel: In recent years, allies have
repeatedly complained that Germany
stands on the sidelines when it comes
to foreign missions and lets others do
the real work. Does Germany need to
take more responsibility around the
Von der Leyen: Within the frame-
work of our alliances, yes. Due to
globalization, distant conicts are
now much closer to Europe, whether
we like it or not. Tats why its in
the European Unions best interests
to provide for security and stability
ivm.v .u Japan have pursued relatively unassertive
foreign policies since the end of World War ii, but the
vagaries of geopolitics are forcing them to change course in
dramatic ways. On Tursday, German leaders announced
that Berlin would try to play a larger global role politically
and militarily. Meanwhile, Japan has already been gradu-
ally normalizing its military and strengthening its regional
and global role, but its transformation has accelerated
under the premiership of Shinzo Abe.
Tough nearly ,ooo kilometers (,,,: miles) apart,
Germany and Japan still share many of the geopolitical
constraints that dictated their actions in the rst half of
the :oos, culminating for each in defeat, ruin and even-
tual rebirth. Both emerged en force at the turn of the :oth
century, taking established regional and global powers by
Germany did not unify ocially until :8,:. Over the
course of a few years, the quaint and chaotic fragments
of the Holy Roman Empire became the most powerful
militaristic player in the heart of Europe. Te transforma-
tion was spearheaded by the economic and military power
of Prussia and the iron will of its chancellor, Otto von
Japan modernized spectacularly during roughly the
same time period. In the late :th century, the country
shed centuries of feudal rule and self-imposed politico-
economic isolation to become the rst modern industrial
and military power in Asia.
Both countries entered the world stage to the sound of
warand of victory. In :8,:, Prussia led a German military
coalition into the heart of France . In :o,, Japan defeat-
ed the mighty Russian Empire in a dazzling military cam-
paign, staking a colonial claim in Korea and Manchuria.
Relative to the births of other nations, modern Germany
and Japan emerged nearly overnight. Te suddenness of
their appearance and their power created a violent geopo-
litical shock to the established global order.
Between :: and :,, Japan invaded China and tried
to dominate the northern Pacic, while Germany wreaked
havoc on continental Europe. Tey did not achieve their
strategic objectives, and they were lef ravaged.
Despite their reversal of fortunes, the fundamental
strengths of Germany and Japan remained relatively intact,
even afer both suered through partition and occupation.
But as both countries industrial and economic power
grew again, questions about how to manage their global
ambitions with their tenuous strategic positions arose once
Te recent changes in rhetoric and policy by Japan and
Germany are in response to yet another transformative
geopolitical shif. Both countries are the economic and
industrial leaders of their respective regions, but both are
growing increasingly aware that the U.S. security guaran-
tees that had been the hallmark of the global order since
:: may not be as credible as they once were. In the afer-
math of global economic crisis and military overreach in
the Middle East, the United States is disengaging from its
hegemonic military role in the world, pursuing a policy of
regional self-balancing instead. In other words, Japan and
Germany are increasingly expected to shoulder the burden
of their own security and play a greater stabilizing role
within their regions.
Finally, Japan and Germany face the resurgence of old
foes. Under President Vladimir Putin, Russia has expanded
its inuence closer to Europe, threatening the Continents
stability in the event of collapse. Japan faces a similar
threat to its west. China continues to expand its reach
across the region and seeks to challenge the naval power of
Tokyo and Washington .
As these geopolitical fault lines continue to loom over Ja-
pan and Germany, both countries will continue to reclaim
greater regional and global roles outside their traditional
spheres of trade and economics, focusing particularly on
aspects of security and regional political stability.
The Shared Challenges of Germany and Japan
STRATFOR | January 30
JANUARY 31, 2014
by helping countries live up to their
responsibilities. In recent years and
decades, the fall of the Berlin Wall,
digitalization and the integration of
the nancial markets have illustrated
the dramatic consequences of the
world growing closer together. Now
we have to realize that globalization
also includes completely new chal-
lenges for defense and security policy.
Europe must speak with a single voice
in the future when it comes to security
Spiegel: Do you believe it was a mis-
take for Germany to abstain from the
:o:: United Nations Security Council
vote on intervention in Libya:
Von der Leyen: As a member of the
cabinet, I supported the Libya deci-
sion. But aferwards, I also saw the
aggravation it triggered among our
Spiegel: Te Security Council
abstention was the result of former
Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelles
policy of military restraint. Are you
advocating for a change in course:
Von der Leyen: Tere is no crisis
that can be solved by military means
alone. But Europe will not make
progress in the global power game if
one country always daintily stays away
from military operations while an-
other country storms forward without
consulting others. We have a curious
situation at the moment: Germany is
currently engaged in a dozen mis-
sions around the world, demanding
an enormous military and nancial
eort. But our allies continue to re-
member our reluctance, the product of
our restraint.
Spiegel: What would a unied
European foreign policy mean when it
comes to armaments:
Von der Leyen: Is this age of sink-
ing defense budgets, no country in
Europe will be able to maintain all
military capabilities across a broad
spectrum and in sucient quantity.
Spiegel: Is your goal that of estab-
lishing a joint European army:
Von der Leyen: Tere are many
interim steps to be taken before get-
ting to that point. But I believe that
joint armed forces would be a logical
consequence of an increasingly close
military cooperation in Europe.
The Worlds
1ui run-up to the Munich Securi-
ty Conference, prominent German
foreign policy specialists are calling
for German leadership in the EUs
foreign and military policy activities.
It is the responsibility of the power-
ful to insure Europes ability to
act, wrote former German Minister
of Defense Volker Rhe recently in a
newspaper column: Germany must
lead. As the Security Conferences
director, Wolfgang Ischinger, ex-
plained, Germany must massively
bring to bear its foreign policy in
Europe. Since the beginning of the
crisis, Germanys clout has grown
in the EU, and so have the worlds
expectations on German leadership.
Te prerequisites for a German-
European global policy seem favor-
able, since the German government
laid the groundwork for integrating
France into its foreign policy, last
week. As both countries foreign
ministers announced, in the future,
they will coordinate closely with one
another and even take joint trips
abroad. In this cooperation, Berlin is
operating from a position of strength
vis a vis Parisseriously weakened
by the crisisand can presume that
it will largely pursue its interests in
the framework of this alleged coop-
Serbia Starts EU
Membership Talks
THE EU OBSERVER | January 21
1 w.s on the UN sanctions list and
bombed by .1o in the :os Balkan
wars, but Serbia on Tuesday (Janu-
ary::) ocially started EU member-
ship talks at a ceremony in Brussels.
It will take several years of talks
before it can join.
But the Serbian Prime Minister,
Ivica Dacic, who ew in to the EU
capital, described the event as the
most important moment for Serbia
since the end of World War ii.
He said his country is now seen for
what it wants to bean EU member
stateinstead of people focusing on
its role in past conicts.
He promised to continue Ser-
bias normalization of relations with
Kosovothe main sticking point in
recent EU-Serb relations, but dodged
the question whether his government
will ever recognize the independence
of its former province.
Dacic noted that EU member states
themselves have dierent positions
on Kosovo status.
Nobody in Brussels asked us to
change our position. Our goal is the
normalization of relations with Pris-
tina, we need that, he said.
n German central bank calls for
wealth tax instead of bailouts
Germanys Bundesbank argued that
before nations get an international
bailout, they should rst introduce a
one-o capital levy in their monthly
report, published on January :8. Tis
would be a one-o tax on all the
wealth and assets in the country. Te
International Monetary Fund made a
similar suggestion in October, saying
that a tax rate of :o percent would be
needed. Such a tax would be electoral
suicide for any government forced
to implement it. Even if all the major
parties agreed on the tax, that would
probably not be enough to save them.
In Greece, the established parties were
cut down almost overnight. Te mes-
sage from the Bundesbank is this: If
you dont want to submit to Germanys
conditions, thats ne. Tere are other
ways you can bail out your governments
and banks, but theyre pretty painful. It
would be much better for you to do it
the German way. Te euro crisis is out
of the news, but the fundamental prob-
lem at the heart of the euro has not
been solved. For more on the coming
German solution, read Trumpet editor
in chief Gerald Flurrys important
article Did the Holy Roman Empire
Plan the Greek Crisis:
Related: Germanys Conquest of the
JANUARY 31, 2014
Russia, EU Agree to
Let German Pipeline
Run at Full Capacity
RIA NOVOSTI | January 28
Ussi. .u the European Union
agreed that the Opal pipeline in
Germany, a continuation of Russias
Nord Stream pipeline, should oper-
ate at full capacity, Russian President
Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.
Te Nord Streams twin :,::-kilo-
meter (,oo.o miles) pipelines [have]
an annual capacity of :,., billion cubic
meters of gas. Te integrated twin
pipeline system has the capacity to
transport ,, billion cubic meters of gas
a year from Russias massive gas elds
to the EU when fully operational.
China-EU Free Trade
THE DIPLOMAT | January 28
uiisi S1.1i Councilor Yang
Jiechi is in Brussels this week for
meetings with Belgian ocials as
well as the fourth China-European
Union strategic dialogue, which Yang
co-chaired Monday with EU for-
eign aairs chief Catherine Ashton.
Tough the main focus of the dialogue
is strategic and security issues (includ-
ing regional aairs, non-proliferation,
and climate change), perhaps the big-
gest news to come out of the meeting
was economicYangs enthusiasm for
a free-trade agreement between China
and the European Union.
According to Reuters, Yang told the
press that China and the EU should
work jointly to create conditions
for launching a feasibility study of
a China-EU free-trade agreement.
Te global repercussions of such an
agreement would be hugeduring his
December visit to Beijing, UK Prime
Minister David Cameron estimated
that an v1. between China and the EU
could be worth tens of billions of dol-
lars every year. He predicted it would
boost the UK economy alone by c:.8
billion (Uss:.8 billion) per year .
Te EU is Chinas largest trading
partner, and only the United States does
more trade with the EU than China
does. Te EUs Trade Commission
notes that China-EU trade is worth over
: billion (s:.,, billion) a day, reaching
,,.o billion (s,, billion) in :o::.
n Putin: Now its the U.S. that is the
godless nation
During the Cold War era, American
leaders routinely labeled the atheist
Soviet Union a godless nation. But
,o years on, the tables have turned. On
January :8, Russian President Vladi-
mir Putin said that, under President
Barack Obama, its the U.S. that is now
godless. Policies are being pursued
that place on the same level a multi-
child family and a same-sex partner-
ship, a faith in God and a belief in
Satan. Tis is the path to degrada-
tion, Putin said. His sentiments
were echoed by Patriarch Kirill i, the
leader of Russias Orthodox Church,
who said Western leaders are engag-
ing in the spiritual disarmament of
their people. Te general political
direction of the [Western political]
elite bears, without doubt, an anti-
Christian and anti-religious character.
We have been through an epoch
of atheism, and we know what it is to
live without God. We want to shout to
the whole world, Stop! the patriarch
said. A glance at modern America,
and especially its growing reverence
for same-sex relationships, makes it
dicult to dispute Putin and Kirills
accusations. Te nation is, as the presi-
dent said, on the path to degradation.
n Russia, China signal Europe with
Mediterranean drills
For the rst time in history, China and
Russia held joint naval drills in Eu-
ropes backyardthe Mediterranean
Sea. First, a Russian nuclear-powered
missile cruiser and a Chinese frigate
helped transport a batch of chemi-
cal weapons from Syria to Italy. Ten
they stuck around to sharpen up their
skills in joint maneuvers for ship-
based helicopters. Analysts say the
purpose of the joint military drills was
in large part to act as a signal to Eu-
rope. By no accident, China and Rus-
sias joint exercises made the West feel
nervous which is quite understand-
able, said Konstantin Sivkov of the
Academy for Geopolitical Problems.
A ght for this region, particularly
its eastern part, is going to be harsh.
Neither Russia nor China is capable of
creating a grouping powerful enough
to confront the .1o eet indepen-
dently. However, they can succeed in it
by making joint eorts. Its a mutually
benecial cooperation which will al-
low them to balance out .1o forces,
he said. We should expect more mili-
tary cooperation between Russia and
China and for these moves to trouble
Europe. Te military confrontation
between the two sides will, as Sivkov
said, be harsh.
I believe that Germanys leaders may
have already agreed to a deal with Rus-
sia, a modern Hitler-Stalin pact where
Germany and Russia divide countries
and assets between themselves. This
agreement would allow each to turn its
sights on other targets.
Gerald Flurry, Trumpet,
November-December 2008
Two great trading blocs are positioning
themselves to control the world. Both
power conglomerates are discussed
in Daniel 11:40-45 and in Isaiah 23.
China and Europe have undertaken
myriad joint ventures, including the
Galileo global satellite system, which
was a direct challenge to Americans GPS
monopoly in space. Europe and China
are also cooperating in nuclear research,
motivated in part by the desire to form
a strategic alliance as a counterweight
to Washingtons nuclear power. The
relationship we see developing between
the king of the north [Europe] and the
kings of the east [China, Russia, etc.]
is exactly what Isaiah prophesied over
2,700 years ago!
Gerald Flurry, Isaiahs End-Time Vision
JANUARY 31, 2014
Related: Will Iran Try to Take Over
Related: Why Al Shabaab Warrants Your
Extremists Kill at
Least 99 Nigerians
Usvic1iu Isi.mic extremists
used explosives and heavy guns
[on January :o] to attack a village
and worshipers during a Christian
church service in Nigerias northeast,
killing at least people and razing
hundreds of homes, ocials and wit-
nesses said .
Te attacks in Borno and Adamawa
states resulted in one of the highest
death tolls in recent attacks by mili-
tants who are defying an 8-month-old
military state of emergency in three
states in northern Nigeria designed to
halt an Islamic uprising there.
[Security ocials] blamed sus-
pected Boko Haram militants for the
Also on [January :o], suspected
militants in Adamawa state, south
of Borno, stormed a Roman Catholic
church during a Sunday morning
service in Wada Chakawa village.
Tey red guns into the church, set
o explosives and took people hostage
during a ve-hour siege, residents
U.S. Air Strike on
REUTERS | January 27
U.S. missile strike in southern
Somalia on [January :o] killed a
senior commander in the al Qaeda-
linked militant group al Shabaab who
had masterminded suicide attacks,
two Somali security ocials have said.
Te intelligence sources and a
Somali government spokesman
named the target as Ahmed Mohamed
Amey, a chemicals expert also known
as Isku Dhuuq.
On [January :o], a U.S. ocial said
the missile strike occurred in a remote
area near Barawe, a coastal rebel en-
clave that was the site of a failed raid
by American commandos in October
targeting a militant known as Ikrima.
It was not clear whether the missile
was launched from a drone.
Te security sources said Amey was
close to al Shabaabs leader, Ahmed
Abdi Godane, who since taking charge
in :oo8 has restyled the group as a
global player in the al Qaeda franchise.
In September the group killed at least
o, people in an attack on a Kenyan
shopping mall.
Obama Pledges to Go
It Alone
TELEGRAPH | January 29
uis S1.1i of the Union could turn
out to be very signicant. Obama
began by saying that he wants to work
with Congress. Ten he said he didnt
expect Congress to work with him.
Ten he said that he doesnt care
hell go ahead and do what he wants
to do anyway. Constitutionally, this is
troubling. But it promises an interest-
ing year ahead.
Te two things that really matter
are the minimum wage and Iran. On
the minimum wage hes promised an
executive order to raise it for federal
workers, with the goal of spurring
Congress to do the same for everyone
else. Likewise, the president made
an incredibly bold statement about
Iran to the eect that he believes nego-
tiations can work, he will make them
work, and hell veto any congressional
eort to scupper them. But hawks
wont like it and it stalls some of the
growing assertiveness when it comes
to Congresss inuence on foreign
policy. In short, Obama intends to
spend :o: putting Congress in its
placenot something a president is
really supposed to do. Te opinion of
the legislature is supposed to matter.
Te imperial decrees matched the
spirit of the occasion. As the years
go by, the State of the Union more
and more resembles a cross between
Versailles and the Emmys. Some
might say that the endless standing
ovations for the prez, the First Ladys
box, the chants of Us.! Us.! Us.!
are meant to reect the signicance
of the ocebut it doesnt lend it
much dignity. And the signicance
of Congress is reduced. Te event has
become a stage for a not-so-subtle
culture war. Te Republicans brought
the star of Duck Dynasty to reect
their ongoing commitment to pre-
tending to watch ordinary peoples 1v.
Te Obamas brought a gay basketball
player fresh out of the closet. Te
whole chamber erupted with applause
when the president talked about U.S.
athletes attending the Olympics as a
display of Americas commitment to
equality. Vladimir Putin has managed
to make Congress gay friendlyquite
an accomplishment.
Presidents Brother:
Muslims Will Destroy
PJ MEDIA | January 28
.iix On.m. is Barack Obamas
half-brother, but he is close
enough to the president to have been
the best man at Barack and Michelles
wedding. He has also visited the
White House, and is president of the
JANUARY 31, 2014
The State of Disunion
Divided, troubled, deterioratingthats how most
Americans describe the nation.
n Germanys Conquest of Europe
n The California Curse
Click to Play
between tomorrow morning and the
end of the year is how I would put it. I
am also surprised this has gone on as
long as it has gone on . Tings that
you would expect to happen ofen take
much longer than you think to hap-
pen, but once they get underway, they
happen much more quickly. Casey
goes on to say, Were going into what
I call Te Greater Depression. Its
going to be much more serious than
what happened in the :,os. Tere
is a gigantic amount of debt in the U.S.
at all levelsgovernmental, corporate
and individual. Debt is a sign you have
been living above your means. Its a
debt bubble, and this is a major reason
the government wants interest rates
low. When interest rates rise, it makes
it harder for people in debt to service
that debt. Tey are simply delaying the
inevitable at this point, but it is inevita-
ble what is going to happen, and we are
going to have a fantastic depression.
On physical gold and silver, Casey
says, Gold is more important to own
and perhaps a better bargain now than
in :,: or :oo:, and the same is true of
Stocks to Crash as U.S.
Lies to Its People
KING WORLD NEWS | January 28
i1u co1iUiu chaos around the
world and uncertainty in global
markets, today xw is publishing an
incredibly powerful piece that was
written by a oo-year market veteran.
Richard Russell, has issued a dire warn-
ing, saying that even though there will
be rallies in the major markets, stocks
are now headed into crash mode as
the U.S. government is using massive
propaganda and lying to its people.
Russell: Te market was in semi-
crash mode (Friday), closing on its
lows with no late rally. I dont think
anybody knows whats going on .
Te bear market that started in Octo-
ber of :oo, continued through :oo8,
but at the :oo lows the Fed inter-
vened with all the ammunition at its
command, and halted the bear market.
What were seeing now is the
primary trend overpowering the
Barack H. Obama Foundation.
Its at the nuo Foundation website
that Malik Obama has posted this
curious photo.
Te scarf is a Hamas scarf. Hamas
is a designated terrorist group accord-
ing to the U.S. State Department. It
has held that status since :,.
Te text on the scarf that the presi-
dents brother is wearing in the :o:o
photo reads, Jerusalem is ourswi
.vi comic! It also includes a map
of Palestine that reads From the river
to the sea!
In Search of a Pin
Greg Hunter, USA WATCHDOG |
January 29
U1uov/ivis1ov DoUc Casey
says, Were in a bond bubble. Tis
is much more serious than the other
bubbles because the bond market is
much larger than either the real estate
market or the stock market. Casey
explains, What the government has
been doing in an attempt to prop
up the failing economy and prop up
failing banks and brokerage rms is
keep interest rates at very low levels,
and that has taken bonds to very high
levels. Tat bubble is in search of a pin
at this point, and when it blows up, it
will be much worse than what we saw
when the recession started in :oo,.
On the subject of the Federal Re-
serve, which just passed its :oo-year
anniversary, Casey says, Te Fed
has destroyed, by their own statistics,
about , percent of the value of the
dollar, and at this point, the Fed has
created trillions of new currency units
in a desperate attempt to prop up the
structure of the economy which is
resting on quick sand. Teyre going to
destroy the rest of the value of the dol-
lar. I have to compliment Bernanke of
having gotten in and gotten out when
he did but Yellen is not going to be
so lucky. I think we are going back into
the hurricane late this year, certainly
no later than next year. It is going to
be much worse and last much longer
and be much dierent than what we
experienced in :oo8 and :oo.
On the timing of the bond bubble
blowing up, Casey warns, Anytime
JANUARY 31, 2014
Federal Reserve. Were now seeing
the resumption of the bear market .
All bear markets are international in
scope. Tus the primary bear trend
that were now in will aect everything
on the planet. Already we hear reports
of a slump in Chinas manufacturing.
When new Fed Chairwoman Janet
Yellen takes command, she will have
to open the spigots wide in an eort to
halt deleveraging and deation.
Interestingly, at currencies
around the world are sinking. Teres
only one currency that represents
safety, and that currency is gold. I
expect to see further semi-crash ac-
tion in the days ahead, as the primary
bear market resumes. I think inves-
tors will remain hopeful as long as
this decline remains this side of :o
percent.But if the decline surpasses :o
percent, I believe we will see panic ac-
tion as investors realize that this is not
a correction, but a bear market.
My advice is to stay out of this bear
market and hold only gold bullion and
s HoUsi Republicans prepare to sell out the country on
immigration this week, Phyllis Schlay has produced
a stunning report on how immigration is changing the
Leave aside the harm cheap labor being dumped on the
country does to the millions of unemployed Americans.
What does it mean for the Republican Party:
Citing surveys Schlays report overwhelmingly dem-
onstrates that merely continuing our current immigration
policies spells doom for the Republican Party.
For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in
need of government assistance. Also, theyre coming from
societies that are far more lef-wing than our own. History
shows that, rather than eeing those policies, they bring
their cultures with them.
Tis is not a secret. For at least a century, theres never
been a period when a majority of immigrants werent
At the current accelerated rate of immigration:.: mil-
lion new immigrants every yearRepublicans will be a
fringe party in about a decade.
Tanks to endless polling, we have a pretty good idea of
what most immigrants believe.
According to a Harris poll, 8: percent of native-born
citizens think the schools should teach students to be
proud of being American. Only ,o percent of naturalized
U.S. citizens do.
While o, percent of native-born Americans believe our
Constitution is a higher legal authority than international
law, only ,, percent of naturalized citizens agree.
No wonder they vote :-: for the Democrats.
Te two largest immigrant groups, Hispanics and
Asians, have little in common economically, culturally
or historically. But they both overwhelmingly support
big government, Obamacare, armative action and gun
control. Tat same survey showed that only ,, percent
of native-born Americans support armative action,
compared to ,8 percent of immigrants, includingamaz-
inglyo percent of Asians .
Also surprising, a Pew Research Center poll of all His-
panics, immigrant and citizen alike, found that Hispanics
take a dimmer view of capitalism than even people who
describe themselves as liberal Democrats.
Seventy-ve percent of Hispanic immigrants and ,,
percent of Asian immigrants support bigger government
. Even afer three generations in America, Hispanics still
support bigger government ,, percent to ,o percent, com-
pared to the general public, which opposes bigger govern-
ment 8 percent to : percent.
How are Republicans going to square that circle: Its not
their position on amnesty that immigrants dont like; its
Republicans support for small government, gun rights,
patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism.
Reading these statistics, does anyone wonder why
Democrats think vastly increasing immigration should be
the nations number one priority:
Plan to Wreck the Country
Ann Coulter, UEXPRESS | January 30
Christs Digression After
the Fourth Seal
There are seven seals covered in the book of Revelation. Jesus
Christ explains those seven seals in Matthew 24. After He covers
the rst four seals He digresses away from the main subject and
goes back to A.D. 70 and Jerusalem. He digressed just before the
fth seal, or the Great Tribulation. What does that all mean?
Click to Play
JANUARY 31, 2014
a limited supply of U.S. dollars. I think
we are watching history in the making,
and it is far better to watch it than to
be part of it.
Most professional writers today
do not understand what is happening.
Whats happening is a correction of all
the ination and hype since :8o. Its
not going to be pretty.
Im taking a deep breath and telling
you what I really think. I think the Fed
and the U.S. government are embarked
on a campaign to tell the American
people that the U.S. economy is a lot
better than the people think it is.
I think that the U.S. is ghting the
forces of deleveraging and deation,
and I think the Fed is losing its battle
against deation. Afer spending tril-
lions via quantitative easing, the Fed
has still been unable to push ination
to its desired level of : percent.
I think the Feds QE has owed to
the rich : percent, sending tangible
items at auction and collectibles
through the roof. Te Feds QE has
ironically shifed the items that
the middle class uses progressively
highercollege tuition, food, insur-
ance, energy, medical, etc. I think the
middle class is suering hugely and a
fringe of the middle class has dropped
into poverty.
While the U.S.
denigrates gold,
China, which
understands gold,
is accumulating
all it can. I think
that the U.S. does
not have the gold
that it pretends to
I think China
is intent on mak-
ing its yuan the
worlds reserve
currency. I think
we will see a pow-
erful gold-backed
convertible yuan become the worlds
new reserve currency. I see Chinas
Communist leaders literally begging
its populace to accumulate gold.
Which would you rather own, a
gold-backed yuan or a debt-backed
Federal Reserve note: Tats the ques-
tion the world will be faced with.
.iv 1ui world economy is one accident away from a
deation trap. Te International Monetary Fund says
the probability may now be as high as :o percent.
It is a remarkable state of aairs that the G-: monetary
superpowersthe U.S. and Chinashould both be tight-
ening into such a :o percent risk, though no doubt they
have concluded that asset bubbles are becoming an even
bigger danger.
We need to be extremely vigilant, said the imvs Chris-
tine Lagarde in Davos. Te deation risk is what would
occur if there was a shock to those economies now at low
ination rates, way below target. I dont think anyone can
dispute that in the eurozone, ination is way below target.
It is not hard to imagine what that shock might be. It is
already before us as Turkey, India and South Africa all slam
on the brakes, forced to defend their currencies as global
liquidity drains away.
Te World Bank warns If market reactions to taper-
ing are precipitous, developing countries could see ows
decline by as much as 8o percent for several months, it
said. A quarter of these economies risk a sudden stop.
William Browder from Hermitage says that is exactly
where the crisis is leading, and it will be sobering for inves-
tors to learn that their money is locked upalready the
case in Cyprus, and starting in Egypt. Te chain-reaction
becomes self-fullling. People will start asking themselves
which country is next, he said.
Emerging markets are now half the global economy, so
we are in uncharted waters.
One country afer another is now having to tighten into
weakness. Te longer this goes on, and the wider it spreads,
the greater the risk that it will metamorphose into a global
deationary shock.
Turkeys central bank took drastic steps on Tuesday
night to halt capital ight, doubling its repurchase rate from
., percent to :o percent. Tis will bring the economy to a
standstill in short order, and may ultimately prove as futile
as Britains ideological defense of the ivm in September ::.
South Africa raised rates on Wednesday by half a point
to ,., percent to defend the rand, and India raised a quar-
ter-point to 8 percent on Tuesday, all forced to grit their
teeth as growth zzles. Brazil and Indonesia have already
been through this for months to stem a currency slide that
risks turning malign at any moment.
Russia has a foot in recession but cannot take action to
kickstart growth as the ruble falls to a record low against
the euro. Te central bank is burning reserves at a rate of
soo million a day to defend the currency, de facto tight-
ening. As for Ukraine, Argentina and Tailand, they are
already spinning out of control.
Te implications are obvious. China may at some stage
try to steer down the yuan to hold on to market share,
whatever they say in the U.S. Congress, partly to stop Japan
stealing a march with its ,o percent devaluation under
Abenomics. Albert Edwards from Socit Gnrale says
this may prove the ultimate deationary shock, dwarng
the :8 Asia crisis.
Europe has let its defenses collapse behind a Maginot
Line of orthodox monetary policy.
World Risks Deation Shock
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, TELEGRAPH | January 30
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JANUARY 31, 2014
Believe it or not, the worlds most brilliant, equitable,
innovative, comprehensive, prosperous economic system is
hiding in plain sight: inside your Bible! And it is about to
be established!
Te Bible reveals how Jesus Christ will institute a perfect
world economy.
God is love (: John :8)and so is His law. Christ named
the two main principles of that law in Matthew :::,o-o:
Love God, and love your fellow man. Tese two principles
expand into the legal (and economic) foundation of the
World Tomorrow: the Ten Commandments.
When He returns, Christ and His kings will administer
these great commandments powerfully and fairly. What
will that world economy be like:
First, everyone will worship the true God (by obeying
the rst four commandments), producing a spectacularly
peaceful, purposeful culture, as well as an educational
system beyond your wildest dreams.
Christs subjects will keep the Fifh Commandment,
honoring their parents, caring for and even providing for
them when necessary. World Tomorrow economics will be
built on the foundation of family!
Tese citizens will be protected against murder as Christ
enforces the Sixth Commandment. One eect: all the
manpower, innovation and money that would otherwise
be spent on massive militaries instead will ood into the
productive economy.
Christs subjects will not suer or even fear thef or
robbery. No resources will be wasted on police and secu-
rity industries. Workers will consider it a sin to cheat their
employers. Owners will consider it a sin to horde prots
generated by laborers. Te goal wont be to get at all costs,
but to give, to grow and to build.
Te World Tomorrow economy will not suer the eects
of lying. Contracts will be kept. Misleading promises, bait-
and-switch transactions, embezzling, fraud and counter-
feiting will be unheard of. Sellers wont lie to buyers; buyers
wont lie to sellers.
And those who live under Christs rule will not covet!
Imagine what the Tenth Commandment will do for the
economy. People wont waste their lives lusting and being
greedy. Tey wont invent ways to spend more than they
actually have. Tey will care far less about what they own
and far more about who they are and how they keep Gods
God gave His magnicent Ten Commandments in Exo-
dus :o. But throughout the Bible, He also gave many more
nancial statutes and judgments: brilliant, practical, surpris-
ingly specic regulations that will help make the World To-
morrow economy unimaginably prosperous and equitable.
Te World Tomorrow citizen will pay no taxes: no income
taxes, business taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, health
care taxes or death taxes. Instead, he will pay his rst tithe
to Gods government: a tenth of his increase (Deuterono-
my::::). Not only will the percentage he pays be extremely
low, but he will also be blessed by God for paying it!
Christs government will also abolish the economic drag of
interest. Tis will be a key step to restrict much of the power
associated with money. Te Old Testament calls it usury,
and all :: times this word is mentioned, there is evidence that
God disapproves of it. Deuteronomy :,:: says, You shall
not charge interest to your brotherinterest on money or
food or anything that is lent out at interest (New King James
Version; see also Exodus ::::,; Leviticus :,:,,-,,). Christ will
outlaw not just exorbitant interest or interest charged to the
poor, but any interest. Tere will be exactly zero headlines
about credit card debt, mortgage debt or national debt.
Although interest will not exist, loans willbut they
will be interest-free! Some ancient Israelites experienced -
nancial problems, and that will still be the (rare) case in the
World Tomorrow. Notice each part of Gods statute in Deu-
teronomy :,:,: If there be among you a poor man of one
of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which
the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine
heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother. Notice
that the man :) really does need help; :) lives among the
potential lenders; and ,) receives the loan. Who responds to
the situation: Not a government bureau or a multinational
corporation, which can be easily lied toand cares nothing
about the borrower as a person. Its the mans neighbors
most probably his actual family.
Te borrower is expected to pay his loan back, not to
default or declare bankruptcy. Israelite borrowers went so
far as to sell themselves into indentured servitude in order
to pay back what they had been given. Meanwhile, God
commands the needy persons family/friends/neighbors to
respond and to live the way of give.
God will also administer two other major laws on borrow-
ing and debt. One is known as the year of release. Every sev-
enth year, everyone will cancel all the short-term debts people
owe them (Deuteronomy :,). God even species that people
of means should not withhold lending to the poor even if the
seventh year is coming soon and theres a good chance the
lender will then release the borrower from his debt.
Te other fantastic law is called the jubilee, which occurs
every ,oth year (Leviticus :,:8-:,). In that year, people will
cancel debts and return land to the family that had sold
it. Tese two laws are perfect reset buttons that will help
create an economy with a gigantic middle class. Instead
of experiencing a depression every half-century, the world
economy will experience a jubilee!
What about those who open their hands and then watch
their repayment evaporate: Amazingly, God tells them,
I will repay (Proverbs :::,). Itll be a blessing to receive
a much-needed loan, then to be liberated from paying it
back. But it will be an even greater blessing to be the person
who gave that loan (Acts :o:,,). You can be sure that on
that jubilee year, the lenders will be celebrating right along-
side the borrowers, probably even buying them a drink!
Tese foundational economic laws reveal an amazing
truth about the prosperous World Tomorrow economy: Its
not about prosperity. Family will be far more important.
Giving will be far more important. Character will be far
more important. Your relationship with God will be far
more important.
TOMORROW from page 1

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