Mini Project 2013 Updated 18042013

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (Page 1 of 3)
Course Incharge: Mr. Hussain Saleem (Assistant Professor)
Applicable to Courses:
BSCS-401 (Section A & B) CS-501, MCS (Previous) BSSE-303 (Section-A Only)
2013, Hussain Continued Page 1 of 3
Project-1: Simple Addition
Develop and Implement 4-Bit Parallel Adder Circuit that performs the operation of
A3A2A1A0 + B3B2B1B0.
Use LEDs to indicate INPUTs (Ai & Bi) and OUTPUT (i) Binary.
A Decimal input should be applied through keypad/switch, and output sum should also be in Decimal
Form at Display.
Following Modules should include:
a. Keypad/Keyboard encoder (Ref.: Floyd, Pg.316, Fig.6-42)
b. Adder Unit (Ref.: Floyd, Pg.291, Fig.6-9a)
c. Binary to BCD Converter (IC: 74184, or work on it yourself)
d. Input/Output 7-Seg Display (Ref.: Floyd, Pg.310-311)
Project-2: Bi-Functional Controlled Adder/Subtracter
Develop and Implement 4-Bit 2s Complement Controlled Adder/Subtracter Circuit that performs the
operation of A3A2A1A0 B3B2B1B0.
Use LEDs to indicate INPUTs (Ai & Bi) and OUTPUT (i) Binary.
A Decimal input should be applied through keypad/switch, and output difference should also be in
Decimal Form at Display.
Following Modules should include:
a. Keypad/Keyboard encoder (Ref.: Floyd, Pg.316, Fig.6-42)
b. 2s Complement Unit (Ref.: Malvino-Brown, Pg.86, Fig.6-7)
c. Binary to BCD Converter (IC: 74184, or work on it yourself)
d. Input/Output 7-Seg Display (Ref.: Floyd, Pg.310-311)
Project-3: A Simple Yes/No Electronic Voting System using Adders
Develop and Implement a simple Yes/No electronic voting system using adders (Nine Positions) as per
mentioned in (Ref: Floyd, Pg.295, Fig.6-14).
Use Green LEDs to indicate YES input and Red LEDs for NO input indication.
Total vote count should be displayed on 7-Segment units.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (Page 2 of 3)
Course Incharge: Mr. Hussain Saleem (Assistant Professor)
Applicable to Courses:
BSCS-401 (Section A & B) CS-501, MCS (Previous) BSSE-303 (Section-A Only)
2013, Hussain Continued Page 2 of 3
General Instructions
1. Every individual is assigned One Project as per list enclosed. There is no group project.
2. Request for Change of Project is prohibited.
3. The deadline of evaluation is Wed, 15
May 2013 (Duration: 04 Weeks).
4. Project Snap should must be emailed on 11
May 2013 on
with subject: MINIPROJECT2013 <SEAT#> <NAME>
5. Any ADDER IC is not allowed in main module, however other direct function ICs could
be used as per requirement. (Ref.: Floyd, Pg.342, Fig.6-72).
6. Candidates should bring project document alongwith project containing: Project Snap,
Complete Analysis and Workouts of each module, and Snaps Document of All Practicals
(List could be obtained from Photocopier at MassComm).
7. Project should be fully tested, complete as per objective, and in running/execution. In case
of incomplete or malfunction, Part (b) of lab will not be assigned on exam day. No
troubleshooting time will also be given.
8. The Project is a part of Lab Exam, and is also applicable on Repeaters/Improvement
9. The project is In-Applicable on candidates with below 60% attendance in course as per
semester rules. Their names are not mentioned in Project Assign List.
10.The names of students having attendance equal or above 60% and below 75% are also
mentioned in name-list. They are required to bring G1 Form on 15th May 2013 for
endorsement. The original receipt of payment of fine should must be shown before theory
exam, and receipt copy should be enclosed with theory answer copy. The candidate will
not be allowed for exam if he/she fails to process G1 before exam day.
11.For any query students should contact their CRs first, or drop their concern to DCS Office.
Direct phone call should be avoided.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (Page 3 of 3)
Course Incharge: Mr. Hussain Saleem (Assistant Professor)
Applicable to Courses:
BSCS-401 (Section A & B) CS-501, MCS (Previous) BSSE-303 (Section-A Only)
2013, Hussain Continued Page 3 of 3
Course Outline Covered
Chapter: 1 to 6, Book: Digital Fundamentals, 10
/ed, Thomas L. Floyd
Chapter: 1 to 6, Book: Digital Computer Electronics, 3
/ed, Malvino-Brown
Topics of Simplification methods: (1) Quine McCluskey (2) Cell Adjacency (3) Espresso Algorithmare also
Marks Distribution
Theory : 80 Marks
Lab : 20 Marks
Paper Pattern
Theory: Total 7 to 8 questions, 5 or 6 to be done. Numerical, Analytical and Circuit Design type
questions covering the above Course outline and Lectures. (2hrs, 80 Marks)
(a) Practicality in the form of MiniProject: 10 marks. Project should be fully tested, complete as
per objective, and in running/execution. In case of incomplete or malfunction, Part (b) of lab
will not be assigned.
(b) Circuit Analysis Objective will be given on the day of exam for hour duration. Contents
are based on extracted practical objectives from above outline (List is available on
Photocopier). 10 Marks.
Those candidates who are intended to appear for the above exam as Repeater/Improvement candidate:
o They are required to make sure that their evaluation will be held as per semester examination rule.
o Retain of marks is not a rule. In case of failure in either Theory or Lab or both, previous marks will
not be retained in any case.
o They have to appear with regular candidates for all above concerned evaluations on mentioned dates.
No separate exam will be conducted.
o If they agree with above clauses, then they should bring written request for project assignment till
April 2013 at 12:30pm. None of the projects to above candidates will be assigned later.
Those names which are not enlisted in project assignment have attendance below 60%. They are not
eligible to appear in exam of Theory or Lab.
The names of students having attendance equal or above 60% and below 75% are also mentioned in
name-list. They are required to bring G1 Form on 15
May 2013 for endorsement. The original receipt
of payment of fine should must be shown before theory exam, and receipt copy should be enclosed with
theory answer copy. The candidate will not be allowed for exam if he/she fails to process G1 before exam

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