How To Lose Weight & Stay Fit

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How to lose weight & stay fit

Arun Kumar
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How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
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By Baitong333, Stock Photo - image ID: 100128764

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Thanks to all authors for their contribution


How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014

I give special thanks to our Lord
Jesus Christ
who inspired to write this book

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014

5 Change your thoughts

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Change your thoughts
The secret of getting ahead is getting started - Mark Twain
Health is wealth. The old saying holds for generations. Good health is the best thing that god has gifted us. We
need to maintain it through proper health practices. Whenever we call a friend or relative the first thing that
we would ask after saying Hello is, How are you? This single question itself explains how important our
health is. We want to know the person at the opposite is healthier or not. If he is fine then we would feel good.
This actually is a good habit. But how much are we caring about our health?
I have seen a lot of women who, when a family member becomes sick they will help them a lot, as if they were
the next Mother Theresa. But when they become ill, they dont take care that much. This is absolutely wrong.
We are responsible for our health. We must take care of our body. Its our duty to be fit. Wealth brings
happiness, right? The same holds here, health brings happiness. For an example, if you buy an ice cream, you
will be happy only if you eat it. Will you be happy only by buying and seeing it? Not so, isnt? Likewise, only if
you enjoy your success you will be happier. That is the reason health is important. Think that you have won
gold medal in a tournament. The organizing committee is giving a big feast, but because of your health issues
you are not able to attend it. Will it be nice? Only when you take part in the party and enjoy the feast, you
become a happier person that you enjoy your victory.
There is no wealth equal to good health. I read a quote that impressed me and inspired me a lot to like it.
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, but when health is lost, something is lost. This something can be your
happiness, peace of mind, sleep and why even relations such as relatives and friends. It can bring a great
destruction to your life. Like a snow ball, when you loss happiness, it destroys peace of mind which in turn
affects sleep, which totally affect our job performance and family relations. At last a huge avalanche would
have taken place in your life leaving a great destruction. So without good health, nothing can be enjoyed.
There is no equivalent to health that you can substitute. So, do you want to be a loser or a winner? If you want
to be the person who wants to have a long life, want to marry your dream girl, see your children grow, want to
be rich? Then go on reading this book and practice the ideas that are given in this book.
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.-Henry Ford.
The verse is a wonderful verse, which fits for everything. There are several reasons that I had failed in my
weight reduction program. Many men and women have failed in weight reduction because they get advice of
wrong people, dont know the biology of human body, believing the wrong facts or dont follow good health
habits. I dont want you to be one among them. You can enjoy success, you can enjoy good health and you can
have a wonderful life, if you do believe. All you need is to do believe that you can also have the healthy long
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. -
The verse strongly express the idea that belief is what important to being successful. So at this moment,
believe that you too can reduce weight and become fit. In bible a verse comes like this believe the Good
News (Mark 1:15), a good verse. Here, I also tell you, believe that you can reduce your weight and have a
wonderful life. Believe that you can do it and believe that you will win. Everything will change only if you
change your mind.
Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - Bernard Shaw

6 Change your thoughts

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Be Inspired - Do it
One day, an old man was having a stroll in the forest when he suddenly saw a little cat stuck in a hole. The
poor animal was struggling to get out. So, he gave him his hand to get him out. But the cat scratched his hand
with fear. The man pulled his hand screaming with pain. But he did not stop; he tried to give a hand to the cat
again and again...
Another man was watching the scene, screamed with surprise, For god sakes! Stop helping this cat! Hes
going to get himself out of there. The other man did not care about him, he just continued saving that animal
until he finally succeeded, and then he walked to that man and said, Son, it is cats Instincts that makes him
scratch and to hurt, and it is my job to love and care.
Treat everyone around you with your ethics, not with theirs. Treat the people the way you want to be treated
by them.

7 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
You now know
Nourish the mind like you would your body. Mind cannot survive on junk food.- Jim Rohn
Before going into the weight reduction program, you need to learn a lot of books about human body, its
functions and books on diet and nutrition. You need to know all facts and figures, about body health
maintenance. Then only you can enter into the fitness program. You may ask, Do I need to read a lot of
books? I would say yes, if you have time. But if you dont have time, I would just say, Just read this book. I
have provided the most essential facts in this book, which covers almost all the basics of health management.
So, this book will provide you the essential knowledge that you need to know before getting into the program.
Who is a healthy person? You may point out a man who wears those 3/4 trouser like those people on Hawaii
beach and has six packs like one of those from the 300 movie. Else, you may point a lady with 36-24-36
dimensions, with a skin complexion like those coming in Garnier or LOreal advertisement. The bitter truth is
that they are not! A man with six packs may have some problems in his health that doesnt appear outside. A
woman with a beautiful body may not be social, preventing the company of friends & relatives. They may not
have the tendency to be social. So what is health then?
Health is a state where both mind and body are in good condition. Not only the health of body, but with good
knowledge and respect for people, and good habits, overall good character makes a healthy person.
As the saying says, Sound mind, in a sound body, focus on maintaining the health of body. If your body is
healthy, you can gain mental health. Lets begin with an introduction to body weight. There are three
techniques to analyse your body weight. Let us see them one by one.
Ideal Body weight
First of all measure your height in centimetres and note it down. Now subtract the value by 100. This is the
ideal body weight. For example, my height: 164 cm. Then my ideal body weight is 164 100 = 64. So 64 kg is
my ideal weight. This is the weight I should be. This is an approximate calculation to know what weight to
maintain body weight.
Body Mass Index (BMI).
BMI is a measure for human body shape based on height & weight. BMI is calculated by the formula. BMI =
Weight / (height *height); weight in kg; height in m.
For example, if the height is 1.65 m &weight is 64 kg. Then, BMI = 64/ (1.65*1.65), which gives the BMI value
23.52. If BMI is less than 18.5, the person is in underweight. If the person is in a range of 18.5 to 24.9 it is
normal. If he is in a range of 25 to 29.9 he is in over weight. But if the BMI is above 3o, he suffers obesity. But
this method also has some limitations. Even though this BMI method is a common standard used worldwide
there are limitations. BMI may over estimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build. Also it
may under estimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle.
Waist Hip ratio
Waist Hip ratio: The ratio of the waist to hip must be less than unity for men and less than 0.85 for women.
For example, if waist is 120 cm & hip is 80 cm. Then 120:80 will give you 1.25:1 ratio. Which shows the waist
size is bigger meaning, the person is fat. A man must maintain a waist size of less than or equal to 80 cm if his
hip size is 80 cm.
8 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Over weight
A person with BMI in range of 25-29.9 is said to be overweight. A research says that a person who is 40%
overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely, than a normal-weight person. Obesity has been linked to
several serious medical conditions, including, type 2 diabetes, CAD, OHS, stroke, arthritis, hypertension,
cancer, mental disorder, infertility (for women), hernia, gall stone, gout and problems related to respiratory
When you are overweight, due to high fat content in blood, the fat blocks the way in the blood
vessels, making the flow of blood to be forced. Simply to understand, its like water flowing from a
pipe. When unblocked, the water flows smoothly. But if you block the way passage of the water flow
and just leave a small opening, the water will be coming in huge pressure. Similarly, when fat blocks
the blood vessels, the heart needs to pump blood with more force. This state is what it is called as
If the fat is blocking in the Coronary artery, then the heart is not able to function properly. This is
what they call Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). At Later stage this is what leads to Heart attack
Cancers of the colon, breast (postmenopausal), endometrium (the lining of the uterus), kidney, and
oesophagus are associated with obesity. Some studies have also reported links between obesity and
cancers of the gallbladder, ovaries, and pancreas.
Osteoarthritis is a common joint condition that most often affects the knee, hip, and back. Carrying
extra pounds places extra pressure on these joints and wear away the cartilage (tissue that cushions
the joints) that normally protects them.
Gout is a disease that affects the joints that is caused by excess levels of a substance called uric acid in
the blood. The excess uric acid can form crystals that deposit in the joints. Gout is more common in
overweight people and the risk of developing the disorder increases with higher body weights.
Sleep apnea is a serious breathing condition that is associated with being overweight. Sleep apnea can
cause a person to snore heavily and to stop breathing for short periods during sleep. Sleep apnea may
cause daytime sleepiness and increase risk for heart disease and stroke. The risk for sleep apnea
increases as body weight increases.
Stroke comes by being overweight leading to a build-up of plaque in your arteries. Eventually, an area
of plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form. If the clot is close to your brain, it can block the
flow of blood and oxygen to your brain and cause a stroke. The risk of having a stroke rises as BMI
Diabetes is a disease in which the body's blood glucose, or blood sugar, level is too high. Normally, the
body breaks down food into glucose and then carries it to cells throughout the body. The cells use a
hormone called insulin to turn the glucose into energy. In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells don't use
insulin properly. At first, the body reacts by making more insulin. Over time, however, the body can't
make enough insulin to control its blood sugar level. Diabetes is a leading cause of early death, CHD,
stroke, kidney disease, and blindness. Most people who have type 2 diabetes are overweight.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is a breathing disorder that affects some obese people. In
OHS, poor breathing results in too much carbon dioxide (hypoventilation) and too little oxygen in the
blood (hypoxemia). OHS can lead to serious health problems and may even cause death.
Gallstones are hard pieces of stone-like material that form in the gallbladder. They're mostly made of
cholesterol. Gallstones can cause stomach or back pain. People who are overweight or obese are at
increased risk of having gallstones. Also, being overweight may result in an enlarged gallbladder that
doesn't work well.
You now know the problems that come for people who are overweight. Now you need to know the problems
that occur for persons who are under weight.
9 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Under weight
A person with body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 is underweight. These are the health risks of persons who are
under weight.
1. Anaemia and Nutrient Deficiencies
2. Bone loss and osteoporosis
3. Heart irregularities and blood vessel diseases
4. Amenorrhea (loss of periods for women)
5. Increased vulnerability to infection and disease
6. Delayed wound healing
Since our book is focused on weight reduction only, we can focus on that topic alone. At this point you might
have got an idea that you must not be overweight and also you must not be underweight.
Pulse rate
Human heart can beat in a range of 65-85 per minute. Approximately the average rate is nearing 72 per
minute. Some people have heartbeat less than 65 per minute. But this also is normal. This value depends on
individual and it can vary from person to person. At normal state the heartbeat can be at an average rate of 72
per minute. But during some cases such as playing a game, jogging, engaging in sports and also in escaping
from accidents the heart beat can raise for higher values. This happens because, due to the activity such as
running, the body provides work to legs. For this it needs more oxygen. So heart pumps fast the blood, which
carries the oxygen toward the cells. Now to balance this, the lungs are forced to intake oxygen at a higher rate.
So when you do a work, the heart pumps fast.
How can you measure the heart beat rate?
Place you index finger and middle finger on your wrist. This may take time to identify the pulse if you havent
done this before. You can feel the heart beat here. Just note for a minute. This is your pulse rate.
How can you know how fast your heart can beat?
To measure this maximum heart beat rate. You can use the formula, Max. Pulse rate = 220 your age. For
example, my age is 27. So 220-27 = 193, my heart can go up to 193 beats per minute.
What is the advantage of doing this check?
You will know the heart beat rate and you can choose the exercises according to it. Your heart beat should not
cross the limit of 80% when you are doing exercise. You need to be cautious about this pulse rate. Say if my
age is 27, my maximum pulse rate is 193.Max pulse rate limit during exercise = 193 * 0.8 = 154 (rounded
value). So, I must stay in the limit of 154 beats per minute during exercise.
Is there a minimum pulse rate then?
Yes, when doing the exercise your pulse rate must not fall below 60%. The beat rate must be above 60% of
max pulse rate and below 80% of pulse rate. So the minimum pulse rate for the person will be 115 beats per
Blood pressure
When you switch on a pump, it exerts a force over the liquid and forces it out to the delivery. Like the same
way the heart pumps the purified blood towards the cells. So when the pumping action takes place the blood
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pressure increases. When the heart relaxes the pressure reduces. The pressure due to pumping of heart is
Systolic pressure and the pressure due to relaxing of heart is what they call Diastolic pressure. The blood
pressure is recorded as 120/80, where 120 are Systolic and 80 for Diastolic. This value 120/80 holds
approximately for many people, but not for all. Some people may have varied blood pressure rates. For this
you need to consult your doctor.
Sugar level
The normal level of blood sugar before eating must be in range of 70 to 110. Sugar is present in blood as
Glucose. Glucose is a must for your brain to be active. When you are idle, nearly 66% of your body Glucose
travels to your brain.
Have you seen persons fainting when they work hard?
This happens because when you work too hard, the glucose going to the head gets reduced. The muscle takes
the glucose to do the useful work. When this Glucose level drops it causes the person to faint. Insulin is a
hormone that is important for the metabolism and utilization of energy from the ingested nutrients
especially Glucose. It is produced in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Insulin converts the glucose from
blood and converts to glycogen that can be stored in liver and muscles. It also prevents the utilization of fat as
an energy source and it controls the body systems, regulates the amino acid take up by the body cells
What will happen if there is no sufficient Insulin?
If there is no sufficient insulin then it may lead to Diabetes. There are two types of diabetes. They are type 1 &
type 2. Let us see them now.
Type 1-diabetes: When there is no or low production of insulin from the pancreatic beta cells, the glucose level
increases in blood. The lack of insulin causes improper glucose supply to the body cells. Those who suffer from
this problem, takes the advice from the doctor and they need to take insulin injections daily to control the
level of glucose in blood. If they fail to supply the regular insulin injections, they die.
Type 2 Diabetes: Almost 90% of diabetes patients come into this category. They cant produce enough amount
of insulin to maintain normal sugar level. This type of diabetes comes due to over-weight. When you have this
type of diabetes, your fat, liver and muscle cells dont respond to insulin. This is called insulin resistance. As a
result the blood sugar doesnt enter into the cells to be stored for energy. When sugar cant enter cells, high
levels of sugar build up in the blood. This is called Hyperglycaemia.
Blood cholesterol
Our blood contains cholesterol. To be clearer, it is Serum Cholesterol. This is a combination of three
Cholesterol types. They are Serum High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL), Serum Low Density Lipoprotein
Cholesterol (LDL) and Serum Very Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (VLDL). The Serum Cholesterol must be
in range of 130 to 250 mg. The HDL cholesterol must be greater than 35 mg, LDL cholesterol must be less than
170 mg and VLDL Cholesterol must be up to 35mg. Among these the HDL cholesterol is the one which needs to
be higher. It is the good cholesterol. But the LDL cholesterol must be within the range below 170 mg. If it is
high, there comes the health problem.
These are the test that doctor conduct to analyse your health condition. Before getting into the weight
reduction program, you need to know where you are, what you are capable. Some of you may have health
problems that doctors might have advised you to not to engage in heavy exercises. So if thats the case, please
listen to the doctor first. Before getting into this program I need you to do these tests by yourself or with the
help of another person whom you can trust a doctor!
How does a car work?
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How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Dont you think that this question is strange? Why would I ask you this question in a weight loss guide? Well, I
would say, you can understand the whole concept of human body with a car. Now answer my question, how
does a car work?
Well you say, put the fuel, start the engine, press the pedal and voila! The car runs! Thats good! You know
something about the functioning of a car. But let us take a deeper look at the functioning of the car. The petrol
is loaded into the petrol tank and from there it is transferred to the engine. There the petrol is burnt and the
work is done by the piston, operating the flywheel. From there the motion is transferred to the wheel through
some mechanisms. Similar way is our bodys functioning. We take in food (petrol) and it passes to the stomach
(engine) where the food (fuel) is burnt and the power obtained by the food (fuel) is transferred to the cells
(wheels). Now you need to understand more about the food (fuel). The amount of heat given by the fuel is
what you call calorie. Same way the amount of heat produced by burning the food is called calorie. So what is
One calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of ice to 1o C.
Again consider the example of fuel burning in the engine. When the fuel is ignited, the fuel burns and it breaks
up into gases such as carbon emissions (COx). Likewise the food that we take is burnt in the stomach and the
carbohydrates in the food, is broken down to glucose, which in turn is converted to carbon dioxide and water
in the cells through mitochondria. The heat liberated in this conversion is what you call Calorie. So calorie is
the measure of energy. Now you will understand why those packed foods contains a nutrition chart, stating
the calories present in that food. That food supplies that much calorie to you. Simply its like the petrol you
load in your car. More petrol, you get more power. More calories, more is your power. So do you need to eat
No! There is a specific amount of calorie that is needed for everyday activity. This depends according to your
Well, you must have seen a nutrition chart in almost all packed food products. From small Cadburys chocolate
bar to big huge Kelloggs corn flakes, from skimmed milk to tetra packed Tropicana juice, all carry these charts
on their cover or package. They enable the user to be informed how nutritious their product is. Well, what
matters is that, does everyone know what they mean? What the values represents? Its better to know them
and then proceed to the program. Food contains the essential items that are needed for our body. Each
nutrient is need for each part of the body. Simply, for understanding take the example of repairing a car. In a
car there are various parts such as engine, gearbox, radiator, clutch, differential, battery, accessories etc. Say
the gear box needs lubrication. But does the battery needs lubrication? No, it needs distilled water. Likewise a
radiator doesnt need grease, but it needs water with coolant compound. Similarly, our body needs different
nutrients for different purpose and functions. Let us see them in detail, one by one.
Any group of organic compounds that includes sugars, starch, cellulose, gums and which serve as a major
source of energy in diet of animals. These are produced by the photosynthesis plants and contain only carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen.
Sugar is a type of carbohydrate. But it contains 100% carbohydrates, which can directly mix in blood stream.
Sweets, sweetened beverages and also in some tablets (the coating) contain these kinds of carbohydrates. This
is very harmful and at any cost these must be prevented. So it is good that you prevent sugar completely. The
carbohydrate from food is converted into sugars. Then this sugar is converted into glucose by insulin and is
taken to the cells. Now you understand why you must prevent sweets. Sweets contain sugar directly. There is
no need for conversion from carbohydrates to sugar. As these sugars are directly absorbed into blood, they
12 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
increase the blood sugar level instantly. Now, you understand why your sugar level increases to the value of
Bugatti Veyrons top speed, as soon as you eat that small piece of sweet?
What are the sources of carbohydrates?
Whole grains (such as Whole wheat grain), unpolished rice, corn, ragi, potato, beans, carrot, sweets etc. Be
sure that 65% of carbohydrates must constitute towards total energy calories.
Proteins are the nutrients that are needs for the growth and maintenance of human body.
Our body is build-up of lot of cells. Daily lot of cells die and lot of cells are created. For this activity protein is
essential. Out of the total calories we obtain from food, a minimum of 12% of the calories must be from
What are the sources of Proteins?
The main sources of proteins are pork, pulses, milk and milk products, fish products, soya beans, egg, beans,
lean beef etc. Among these, beef contains a lot of cholesterol. As far as possible, take sea foods as protein
source. They are always good. If you are a vegetarian, you can go for soya beans. They contain a lot of proteins
Fats are a wide group of compounds that are soluble in organic solvents but not in water.
Hey! I dont need that, I need to reduce fat! This is why I bought your book!
I hear your voice. But listen there are good fat and bad fat. Our food must contain fat calorie at a composition
of 23% of the total calories. Our body stores the energy in form of fats. When times of starving where there is
no food, our body utilizes this fat as a source of energy. So if you do give more work to the body than normal,
body utilizes this fat source and provides energy to do work. But if a person doesnt stay physically active, in
the sense doing no work, then this fat gets accumulated in the body. As you keep on eating, fat keeps on
building in your body. So, you need to stay physically active, involving in any sports or in doing exercise in a
Well what are the sources of fat?
I think you know more than I could. Anyway I tell you what I know. The foods that are rich in fat are milk and
milk products, oil, beef, ice cream etc. But you need to know that some of these items have saturated fatty
acids. There are two kinds of fatty acids. They are Saturated Fatty Acids & Unsaturated Fatty Acids. Saturated
Fatty Acids are those which have the capability of freezing at room temperature. Ghee, coconut oil, and
vegetable oil are all examples. These are highly dangerous. They are liquid state when you eat with the hot
food. But when it goes inside your body and gets mixed with blood, the temperature rapidly drops and they
become solid fat, depositing on the walls of blood vessels. These type of fats cause major heart problems. Fats
are important because certain vitamins like A, D, E and K can only be dissolved in fat and they can be only
digested along with fat. So fat is essential for normal health.
Vitamins are those nutrients which are found naturally in food items. They are needed for normal operation of
hormones and enzymes. Vitamins can be classified as fat-soluble & water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are
those such as Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. These vitamins being soluble in water, needs to be completely
supplied to our body on regular basis. Fat-Soluble on the other hand are those which can be stored in the body
along with fat. They are A, D, E and K. Each and every vitamin has its own importance. Let us see them one by
13 You now know

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Vitamin A
Purpose: Needed for vision, healthy skin and mucous membranes, bone and tooth growth, immune system
Source: fortified milk, cheese, cream, butter, fortified margarine, eggs, liver, Beta-carotene sources such as
Leafy, dark green vegetables; dark orange fruits (apricots, cantaloupe) and vegetables (carrots, winter squash,
sweet potatoes, pumpkin)
Deficiency: The deficiency of vitamin leads to skin changes and to night blindness or failure of dark adaptation
due to the effects of deficiency on retina.

Vitamin B1 Thiamine
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for energy metabolism; important to nerve function
Sources: Found in all nutritious foods in moderate amounts: pork, whole-grain or enriched breads and cereals,
legumes, nuts and seeds
Deficiency: Beriberi.

Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for energy metabolism; important for normal vision and skin health
Sources: Milk and milk products; leafy green vegetables; whole-grain, enriched breads and cereals
Deficiency: Deficiency leads to fissures in the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the tongue showing a
reddish purple coloration and skin disease.

Vitamin B3 - Niacin
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for energy metabolism; important for nervous system, digestive system,
and skin health
Sources: Meat, poultry, fish, whole-grain or enriched breads and cereals, vegetables (especially mushrooms,
asparagus, and leafy green vegetables), peanut butter
Deficiency: The deficiency state in humans causes skin disease, diarrhoea, dementia, and ultimately death.

Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for energy metabolism
Sources: Good sources of it include liver, kidney, eggs, and dairy products while apart from that it is present in
perhaps all animal and plant tissues, as well as in many microorganisms
Deficiency: There is no known naturally occurring deficiency state.
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Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for protein metabolism; helps make red blood cells
Sources: Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits
Deficiency: Can result in central nervous system disturbances e.g. convulsions in infants, More generally the
effects of deficiency include inadequate growth or weight loss and anaemia due to the role of B6 in the
manufacture of haemoglobin.

Vitamin B7 - Biotin
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for energy metabolism
Sources: Widespread in foods includes egg yolk, kidney, liver, tomatoes and yeast; also produced in intestinal
tract by bacteria
Deficiency: No deficiency yet is known associated with this vitamin.

Vitamin B9 - Folic Acid
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for making DNA and new cells, especially red blood cells
Sources: Leafy green vegetables and legumes, seeds, orange juice, and liver; now added to most refined grains
Deficiency: Its deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects, such as neural tube defects

Vitamin B12 - Cobalamin
Purpose: Part of an enzyme needed for making new cells; important to nerve function
Sources: Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, milk and milk products; not found in plant foods
Deficiency: Its deficiency results in anaemia.

Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid
Purpose: Antioxidant; part of an enzyme needed for protein metabolism; important for immune system
health; aids in iron absorption
Sources: Found only in fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, vegetables in the cabbage family,
cantaloupe, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, papayas, mangoes, kiwifruit
Deficiency: The deficiency causes scurvy, anaemia, decreased ability to fight infections, slow metabolism which
may result in weight gain and dryness.

15 You now know

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Vitamin D - Calciferol
Purpose: Needed for proper absorption of calcium; stored in bones
Sources: Egg yolks, liver, fatty fish, fortified milk, fortified margarine. When exposed to sunlight, the skin can
make vitamin D.
Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Vitamin E
Purpose: Antioxidant; protects cell walls
Sources: Polyunsaturated plant oils (soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflower); leafy green vegetables; wheat
germ; whole-grain products; liver; egg yolks; nuts and seeds
Deficiency: It is essential for many vertebrate animals but its role in the human body has not been established.
No clear evidence exist that it alleviates any specific disease.

Vitamin K
Purpose: Needed for proper blood clotting
Sources: Leafy green vegetables and vegetables in the cabbage family; milk; also produced in intestinal tract by
Deficiency: Deficiency results in impaired blood clotting, usually demonstrated by tests that measure clotting
time. Symptoms include easy bruising and bleeding diathesis. In infants, vitamin K deficiency may result in
intracranial haemorrhage.

Like vitamins, the minerals present in food also help our body to stay healthy and perform our daily duties
properly. Our body is full of chemicals and their reactions. You will wonder how many elements are present in
our body, which perform their duties in our day to day life. Minerals can be classified as micro minerals and
macro minerals. Macro minerals are those which are needed to our body in larger amounts. Micro minerals on
the other hand are those which are needed in minute amounts. Let us see the minerals, their function and the

Function: Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction
Sources: Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, breads, vegetables,
and unprocessed meats

16 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Function: Needed for proper fluid balance, stomach acid
Sources: Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, meats, breads, and

Function: Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction
Sources: Meats, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes

Function: Important for healthy bones and teeth; helps muscles relax and contract; important in nerve
functioning, blood clotting, blood pressure regulation, immune system health
Sources: Milk and milk products; canned fish with bones (salmon, sardines); fortified tofu and fortified soy
milk; greens (broccoli, mustard greens); legumes

Function: Important for healthy bones and teeth; found in every cell; part of the system that maintains acid-
base balance
Sources: Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, processed foods (including soda pop)

Function: Found in bones; needed for making protein, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, immune system
Sources: Nuts and seeds; legumes; leafy, green vegetables; seafood; chocolate; artichokes; "hard" drinking

Function: Found in protein molecules
Sources: Occurs in foods as part of protein: meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts

17 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Function: Part of a molecule (haemoglobin) found in red blood cells that carries oxygen in the body; needed
for energy metabolism
Sources: Organ meats; red meats; fish; poultry; shellfish (especially clams); egg yolks; legumes; dried fruits;
dark, leafy greens; iron-enriched breads and cereals; and fortified cereals

Function: Part of many enzymes; needed for making protein and genetic material; has a function in taste
perception, wound healing, production of sperm, normal growth and sexual maturation, immune system
Sources: Meats, fish, poultry, leavened whole grains, vegetables

Function: Found in thyroid hormone, which helps regulate growth, development, and metabolism
Sources: Seafood, foods grown in iodine-rich soil, iodized salt, bread, dairy products

Function: Antioxidant
Sources: Meats, seafood, grains

Function: Part of many enzymes; needed for iron metabolism
Sources: Legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, organ meats, drinking water

Function: Part of many enzymes
Sources: Widespread in foods, especially plant foods

Function: Involved in formation of bones and teeth; helps prevent tooth decay
Sources: Drinking water (either fluoridated or naturally containing fluoride), fish, and most teas
18 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014

Function: Works closely with insulin to regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels
Sources: Unrefined foods, especially liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts, cheeses

Function: Part of some enzymes
Sources: Legumes; breads and grains; leafy greens; leafy, green vegetables; milk; liver.

You may ask, Is water a nutrient? It has no calories! I have seen the nutrition table in Aquafina bottle!
Well to say clearly, it is essential for our body. If you lack some nutrients, then you have several problems. Like
the same way when you dont take sufficient water, it leads to serious problems. Our body contains 80% of
water. So we need to maintain the water content in our body. There are several diseases that are water borne.
Diseases such as common cold, cholera, jaundice, dysentery, viral fever etc. spread easily. So it is always
advised to use boiled and filtered water.
Too much of anything is harmful
Many say that it is essential that you drink 3-5 litres of water every day. But this is also wrong. Too much of
anything is harmful. When you drink a lot of water, the sodium concentration in your body gets reduced, as
water dilutes it. This would bring diseases which may lead to Coma too. People who suffer from diseases
regarding kidney, hypertension etc., must not take too much water. Because they drink lot of water, the
kidneys are not able to manage the high amount of water intake. So the problem becomes too serious.
Something is better than nothing
On the other hand there are people who dont drink enough water too. This is also a big problem. The kidneys
are the filters of our body. It filters out the unwanted nutrients and passes them to urine. Only the essential
nutrients are absorbed by the kidneys and they are utilized for normal functioning of the body. While these
unwanted minerals are mixed in the urine and sent to urinary bladder. Now what happens is that, the calcium
in the urine gets concentrated if the person doesnt drink sufficient water. Thats why the colour of urine is too
yellow when you dont drink sufficient water. As these calcium deposits at the bottom of the urinary bladder,
the calcium collectively concentrate and form a calcium stone. This is what you called, kidney stones. So if you
dont take sufficient water or pass urine as soon as you feel to do so, you get these problems.
Now, on the other hand, our brain has numerous blood vessels thinner than hair, When the water content is
rich in blood, they can flow through them easily. But if water content is less, the thicker blood cannot flow
through the blood vessels in the brain. So when the sufficient oxygen doesnt reach the brain cells, the cells
fail, making the brain to fail to control. Say if that part of brain is controlling the hand, then brain losses the
power to control the hands, leaving the hands not able to function.
19 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Now, I think you have got an idea how important water is for our body. So you must not take too much of
water or too less. It is advised that you take 1.6 litres of water a day at equal intervals of time. Dont take more
than 180ml at a session.
Now you have learned about the important facts about food, nutrition and the need of them in it diet to lead a
healthy life. In the next chapter you can learn about exercises which can help you to gain good health.

20 You now know

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Be Inspired - Think and act
There was a king in a country. He ordered his ministers to go to the forest and spend few days there and come
back and tell their experience to him. The ministers too accepted and went to the forest and came after few
days. The king asked one of the ministers, What was the most wonderful moment that you have experienced
in the forest? The minister replied, I saw a furious lion, when it came near me, I took a stick and beat him
and killed the lion. The king appreciated him. Then he asked the next minister, what his experience was.
The second minister said, I went to the river to drink water, a crocodile caught my leg. I just gave a punch in
its head. The crocodile left me and went with fear. The king appreciated him. Next he asked another minister
about his experience. That minister said, I was in the forest, a bear was chasing me. I climbed up a tree to
escape. But the bear too climbed the tree. So I was looking for a way to escape. Suddenly I saw an eagle came
by my way. So I jumped and caught the eagle's leg and I flew along with the eagle. Then the eagle came near
the palace, I jumped down safe and came to you. The king hearing this said, Well this is unbelievable. I can't
accept this must have taken place."
Now the minister said, Oh King! If you can accept the stories of others why cant you accept this story? He
added, A king must listen and analyse whether it is true or false and then he must act. Now the king
understood that it was his fault and he thanked the minister for teaching him a lesson.
Whatever we hear, we must not believe them blindly. We must verify, analyse and then believe in it.
This is what you call it as true knowledge.

21 Exercise Why & how

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Exercise Why & how
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Benefits of exercise
There are several reasons for this question. Let us see them one by one.
Get good shape
Would any man hate a woman who has size zero hips or would any girl hate a man with six pack abs? Here I
am saying about their looks alone, not their character. So a woman appears sexy if she has a fantastic figure.
Isnt? The same holds good for a sexy man. So how do they get that good shape and structure? Its nothing
secret, all comes by exercise alone. If you do exercise regularly, your body becomes more organized in its
functioning. Every part of the body is tuned up during various exercises. So, when you exercise, the body
becomes healthier, gets good shape. When you are at the age of 40, the slimness can make you look like a
person of age 25. Without any make up you can be young for years. As you do exercises the blood in our body
has the capability to flow regularly to the cells. As the flow is regular, the reproduction of cells takes place fast
enough making the skin not to appear shrinking when you get old. So you can appear young without make up,
only through exercise.
Reduce Weight
By exercise, you can reduce weight! We are going to see this in detail in the fore coming pages. Our body
burns energy according to the intensity of our exercise. Say more amount of energy is needed to run fast than
to walk slowly. Like the same way if you increase the intensity of the exercise, you can achieve more fat
burning, which in turn reduces your weight.
Increased Immunity
Prevention is better than cure. This quote alone is enough to say how better it is good to prevent diseases,
than to spend lot of money on medicines. The best way to prevent diseases is to do exercise. If you exercise
properly, you can save a lot of money that will be spent on medicines if a disease comes to you.
Exercise for joy
Think how good you would feel when you are running in hot sunny day for a long time and then come and rest
under a tree shade. The same you will feel when you exercise a lot and take rest. The comfort you get after
doing exercise cant be expressed in words. You can also gain a lot of friends when you go to gym or for a jog in
Understand who you are
This was the greatest thing that I understood when I started doing exercise. Really I assure you, you will know
your real side when you do exercise. You will know how weak you are, what you are not capable of. You must
have heard about Zen. One of their principles is that Know who you are. If you know who you are, then you
have understood life. Like the same way, you will know more about you if you do exercise. If you know your
weakness, you will try to break that weakness. Breaking the weakness is a victory. So you become victorious in
your life.
Develop Leadership qualities
When you exercise you will be disciplined in your way of living. Without discipline you cant do exercise. So
when you do exercise, you will learn leadership qualities such as motivation, communication skills, confidence,
and obedience.
22 Exercise Why & how

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Types of exercise
Exercises are of three types. They are body strength exercises, stamina exercises and exercises for flexibility.
For to develop the strength of your body, do the body strength exercises. The exercise done in gym using
weights come under this category. These exercises give you good muscle strength.
To develop the strength of your heart, you do stamina exercises. Walking, running and Aerobic exercises come
under this category. When you do these exercises, the heart becomes trained and become strong. These
exercises are needed for to burn the unwanted fat in your body.
Exercises do improve flexibility. Exercises such as Yoga, brings good flexibility to body. Flexibility is need for to
do different tasks. Say if you need to take an object from the ground, you need to bend down and pickup. For
this bending action you need flexibility. To catch a ball in cricket, you need flexibility of your fingers.
Action plan
If you don't risk anything, then you risk even more. - Erica Jong
These are the key points that are needed for you to know before following this program.
1. Dont do any exercise, if you have even the slightest doubt about it. This is not a trial and error
method. Always get the proper data and then involve in the plan. A certified coach can help you.
2. Dont do anything that doesnt seem to be right. When doing an exercise, you might feel hard, but
you must not feel discomfort. There are differences between these.
3. From a small seed, grows the big tree. Remember the quote, Rome was not built in a day. It takes a
long time to get a fit shape. All you need is continuous effort. Start with lighter exercises.
4. Always have a helper with you when you do exercise. If you are alone, then dont involve in too risky
exercises. There are always alternatives.
5. Give a lot of rest. Most of the action plan happens when you rest.
6. Never skip a warm-up session.
7. Never do exercise when you have injuries. First let the injury heal completely!
8. Dont cross the limits. Calculate your pulse rate and do exercise accordingly.
9. Monitor your body continuously, it is recommended that you keep a note with you and record your
10. Last but not the least, get advice from a doctor. Everyone have different body conditions. Ones idea
wont fit other completely. If a doctor says dont do exercise, then dont do it.
Warm up
A warm up exercise is a preparatory stage for the body before engaging in exercise. Never ever skip the warm
up and engage in exercise. If you skip, the muscles, due to sudden exercise movements will be damaged,
causing you pain. A warm up can be general warm up and then specific warm up. Say you can go for a run or
engage in jogging before doing exercise. This is what you call general warm up. After this if you have scheduled
for to do chest exercises, and then you must do the warm up for chest such as push up. After these you can
engage in heavy exercise.
When you engage in walking, keep your mind calm. You can listen to your favourite music in your mp3 player
or just have a talk with your buddies. But always keep in mind that the walking must be a relaxed one. I have
seen a lot of couple who do walking, talking all non-sense about their relatives, telling faults of the
neighbourhood people, complaining at the government and all blah-blah-blah!! They dont enjoy walking.
When you walk, keep your mind calm, enjoy the sounds of birds, and enjoy the chill breeze. You must be like a
Zen guru when you walk.
23 Exercise Why & how

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
When you go for jogging, choose the correct shoes and dress. The shoes must not be too hard or too soft.
When buying the shoes, go in the evening, dont buy shoes in morning. Your bodys blood flow will be less in
morning. So the correct shoe size will not be known in morning. When you go for jogging, do warm up for 20
minutes by walking. Then engage in jogging for 20 minutes. And take rest by walking for 20 minutes. Never
directly run from start or never forget to give rest by walking. The jogging must be smooth and at regular
speed. There is a difference between jogging and running. Many people say that they do jogging but they
actually run. The best time to go for jogging is morning, as the air will be fresh and chill. You will love to enjoy
the jogging.
Isometric crunch
This is the exercise used to train the muscles in abs. To do this you will need to wear a comfortable dress. The
dress must not over strain the abs.
How to do?
1. First lie down on the floor with your back and stretch your body straight.
2. Now bend your knees at 45 degree angle.
3. Place both the arms behind your head, and move up your head till half the way.
4. Now return back to the initial position by moving your head backwards.
5. Repeat the same again.
6. Repeat these for a cycle of 20 to 25 crunches.
7. Do this for 4 cycles with a resting time of 120 sec between each cycle.
When moving your head up, move fast and when dropping, move slowly. At the end point of upward crunch,
you might feel the abs being crushed. If you are new to this exercise and cant even do one, never leave up
but try the best you can. Some day you will start doing it. Another variation of this exercise is that you twist
your abs slightly when you are lifting up, by touching the right hand elbow with the left knee and left hand
elbow with right knee.
Push up
This exercise builds up chest muscles.
How to do?
1. Place your hands upon the ground and stretch you whole body, so that from head to toe, the body
forms a straight line.
2. Dont make your elbows too rigid.
3. Slowly push down to ground level, but not with your body touching the ground. There must be at
least 2 inch gap between the ground and chest.
4. Now push yourself faster and rise up to normal level. Now the elbows will be straight.
5. Slowly lower your whole body and take the position you were in the start of the exercise.
6. Repeat the cycle again
Set the exercise in order of 20, 18, 15, 12 and 10 drops. Simply, first do the cycles with 20 as target, then do
with 18, then 15. While placing the hands if you place the hands shoulder width, then that push up will train
your chest muscles. But if you place the hand too close to each other, it will train the triceps. If you find too
hard to do a push-up, start with knee push-up. In knee push up your weight is reduced because you dont
supply full weight to the hands instead, you now kneel down and your knees carry a certain amount of body
weight. Do this for some time and then move on to regular push up.
24 Exercise Why & how

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Dumb-bell curl
This exercise is for biceps. You can buy dumb-bells in weights of 3kg, 5kg and 10kg and use for exercise at
How to do?
1. Stand straight and hold the dumb bell in right arm (or left arm one at a time).
2. Now lift the dumb-bell from down to up without changing the position of the hand. Only your arm
must work.
3. Hold it for 2 seconds and then drop down slowly.
4. Again repeat this.
Repeat the cycle for 4 times. When starting, start from 3kg dumb-bell and do for 15 drops. Then increase the
weight for 5kg with 12 drops and finally with 10 kg dumb-bell with 10 drops. Maintain a gap of 2 min between
each cycle.
Dumb-bell back curl
This exercise is for triceps.
How to do?
1. Stand straight and hold the dumb bell in one hand and lift them, so that your arm comes close to your
ears. The arm will be taking an inverted L position, with forearm parallel to floor.
2. Now just bring down the dumb-bell by folding the elbow alone, until the dumb-bell is in the back side
of your head. When reached stop.
3. Now lift the dumb-bell from down to up, so that the dumb-bell returns to old position.
4. Hold there for 2 seconds and then drop down slowly and again repeat this cycle.
5. Similar to dumb-bell curl you can repeat the sets for each arm.
Dumb-bell Shoulder curl
This exercise is for shoulder muscles.
How to do?
1. Hold the dumb-bells in each of the arm.
2. Stand stiff and lift the dumb-bells up to shoulder level without folding your elbow.
3. Lift those till both the dumb-bells till your arms are horizontal.
4. Now drop slowly and bring back to normal position.
Repeat the cycle again for 4 times. When starting, start from 3kg dumb-bell and do for 15 drops. Then increase
the weight for 5kg with 12 drops and finally with 10 kg dumb-bell with 10 drops. Maintain a gap of 2 min
between each cycle.
This exercise is for you muscles in legs (especially buttocks). To do this you may need a bar-bell and sufficient
1. Carrying the bar-bell on your shoulders with your hands and now sit down without altering the
position of your spine (back must be parallel with nearby wall).
2. When you sit, the width of your legs must be approximately equal to the width of the shoulder.
3. Sit down for 2 seconds and then lift up.
4. When doing the spine must be straight always (spine be parallel with nearby wall)
5. Repeat the cycle again.
25 Exercise Why & how

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Similar to previous exercises you can do a set of 18, 15, 12 and 10, with increasing weights and take rest for 2
minutes between the cycles.
Well these are the exercises that are sufficient to make you lean. Make a schedule and do one exercise per day
for one part of the body.
Thats it?
Some of you may think these things I know already. If you would have known these already, then you might
have not searched for ways to reduce your weight or bought this book. Isnt?
While some others might think, these exercises are very basic. How can these be useful to reduce the
weight? Say for an example, if a person asks Rs 10,000 from you in a month it seems to be a huge amount,
because it is ten thousand rupees!
But if a person asks you Rs 350 per day, hearing this you might think 350 is acceptable. It is merely low!
Generally people see the number rather than the value first. Generally, people have the mentality to spend
money as low as possible. Fact is that when this Rs 350 is collected every day for a month, it would
approximate to Rs 10,500 in a month, which is greater than the amount said before. If you understand the
business trick of people selling products in internet or in the television you can understand it more easily.
Have you seen in online or in TV, where a product demo is shown and at last they would say that the product is
Rs 999/- only?
The fact is that the product is nearing Rs 1000. But when you see the ad, your mind observes that the price is
only a 3 digit number and your mind will only think, this product is cheaper! It is less than thousand a 4 digit
Likewise when a person does exercise with 10 kg dumb-bell with 10 repetitions for 2 sets and when you do
with 3 kg dumb-bell with 20 repetitions for 4 sets, people may see the person with 10 kg dumb-bell as the
strongest, as he lift a heavy weight. They may think you are weak. But the real fact is that you exercise your
muscles more than he does. Strength will come by endurance. In long term you will see more good results. So
practice these basic exercises well and you will succeed in improving your health. Be strong in basics and be
strong through the basics. When you do the exercises that I have mentioned here regularly - again I say
regularly- with full effort, certainly your weight will reduce a lot. There is no doubt in it. For people who want
to reduce weight drastically, focus more on stamina exercises such as walking or jogging. The more you do, the
more you lose weight.

26 Exercise Why & how

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Be Inspired - Action
There was a guru in a village. He had some disciples who would stay with him always. One day they were going
near a river. A group of young men who possessed good knowledge came near guru and said, We have good
knowledge about various things. Knowledge is the most powerful thing on earth. With knowledge you can
achieve anything.
Hearing their speech, the guru didnt say anything, but just smiled and took a stone and threw into the river.
Now the guru asked the young men, Can you bring back the stone by using your knowledge alone?
One of the young men said, No it is possible only if we jump into the river and take the stone. Then the guru
replied, You cant do anything by gaining knowledge alone. But you need to take action for things to happen.
Knowledge is useful only if we apply through action
Gaining knowledge is good. But only when it combines with action, it produces the desired results.

27 Queries & answers

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Queries & answers
Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which
transcends everything. - Napoleon Hill
Clear away the confusions
You must have got a lot of questions in your mind, when you have planned to practice the weight reduction
program. Here are some of the questions that you may have in your mind. I want you to be completely relaxed
and knowledgeable during the weight reduction program. Well here are the most wanted questions that
people often ask at any health expert.
Is there any way that can reduce the size of my stomach alone?
The above question is the most popular question that many people ask. Their mind thinks in a risk-free way. All
they want is flat abs without exercise, without diet control. Well, I say no, its not possible and if its possible, it
would not be the safest method. You need to make some effort at least to burn down your fat. The reader
must understand the basics of human body. When we intake the food. The fat from the food is collect at the
abs and then it is distributed to the hands and legs. So if you exercise, first the fat stored in the hands and legs
gets burned out. Then the fat in abs gets burned. This is the fact that it is hard to get a 6 pack abs. For getting
the six pack abs you need to burn the body fat and bring it to a very lower percentage. For the six packs to be
visible, you need to maintain the body fat to about 5%. A normal man will have a fat range of about 18%.
Is there any way that without any equipment I can do exercise?
Yes, absolutely you can do all basic exercise without equipment. But, to become like a body builder, you need
to go to gym. So it depends upon you, whether to stay lean or to become a body builder. If it is sufficient for
you to be lean or just to maintain your weight, you can do exercises without going for a gym.
If I reduce the food intake or if I fast will I become lean?
No, you will become fat. Remember that once man was starving for food. He needed to chase down and hunt
animals and eat. He cannot find a deer or a rabbit as soon as he feels hungry. So when he hunts down an
animal and eat, the energy will be stored in the body as fat. Then when food is not available, this fat is burnt
and energy is obtained for survival. When you fast, the brain monitors that, no food is taken for that session.
So next time when you eat, brain being programmed to survive for life, will order the organs to gather as much
fat as it can so that it can use of future use when there may be chances of no food. So a lot of fat will be
accumulated in the body. So never fast when reducing weight. You can try healthy foods which are less in fat.
But dont fast!
Well, I need to know, why people eating fruits and vegetables become slim?
Some fruits and vegetables are negative calorie food. Generally, when we eat food, the food will give calories.
But fruits like apple are negative calorie foods, which when eaten will consume energy from your body to
digest down. So during the burning process, the fat stored will be burned by these negative calorie foods. So
they make the weight reduction easier, making easier to lose weight. Green leafy vegetables, for example
Spinach contains high fibre content. These fibres are essential to eliminate fat from your body. More fibre in
your diet, healthier you are.
Tell me a weight reduction without going to gym or diet control. Any medicine based like tablets or powder
based drugs?
28 Queries & answers

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Just answer me; Can you make a huge banyan tree grow from a small seed within a day? The question is
likewise. People want to see instant results, that too without any effort. Slow cooking and instant cook. Have
you seen the difference in taste? There is always goodness in slow, long term, constant processes. Likewise
dont fall towards these weight reduction medicines or those attractive devices such as that shaking belt,
exercise rope, rocker like, which says reduce weight in one week. Actually those models coming for those
advertisements are hired. Dont ever believe what they say. Take your own time and do exercises with relaxed
Hi, I am a vegetarian. My friend says only non-vegetarians are stronger as they eat flesh. Is it true?
Well, just answer my question, What does the huge, strong elephant eat?
They take 100% vegetarian food. It is true that you dont get one of the vitamins of Vitamin B group through
plants. (But now they are available through fortified drinks - such as soymilk). Only animal sources contain
these. But it is not true that the non-vegetarian is the stronger person. Only those who do exercise regularly
with proper diet will be stronger. So if you are a vegetarian it is good, if you are a non-vegetarian it is good. But
if you change your habits from non-vegetarian to vegetarian it is too good. But it is just optional; you can be
healthy being a non-vegetarian also.
Can you tell some good food habits?
Its a good question. I will tell you some good food habits that you need to follow always.
1. Eat your food as slow as possible. I have seen people eating fast like a worker working in the olden
day steam engine loading up the coal in the furnace.
2. Grind the food in your mouth such that the food becomes will masticated and becomes like liquid.
Then swallow the food. Some people eat like snake swallowing its food, as a whole they take the food
in one swallow.
3. Dont drink fruit juice as a whole. Drink sip by sip. Because when you drink as a whole, acidity is
developed in the stomach. Think that you drink a glass of wine when you drink anything.
4. Dont waste food. A survey tells that for every second 3 people die around the world, not because of
accidents or being murdered or by age, but by failing to get at least one meal a day. So whenever you
eat, think this and thank god for the meal you have got.
5. Dont drink water too often, when eating. It will dilute the acid concentration in stomach and make
digestion take long.
6. You can identify the good food by eating. When you eat, from the start till the last, you must not feel
to drink water. Such a kind of food is what you call good food.
7. Add more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
8. If possible, become vegetarian. (I said if it is possible (?) become a vegetarian.)
9. Drink water 30 minutes after you take meal. This time gap will be sufficient for you to breakdown and
start digesting the food.
These are some of the key points that you need to remember always.
I am always busy! So I need to know what will be the minimum time needed for to do exercise to reduce body
weight. Do you have any idea?
All you need is just 30 minutes a day. If you can find 30 minutes time in a day to do exercise then you can
surely do exercise for weight management. I remember a quote that sounds like this A busy man is the one
who finds time to do everything. Many say Well, I like to do exercise but, I dont find time! I am always
busy! If you are one among those who say like this, I would say please read the quote again!
29 Queries & answers

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
In simple, can you say the steps involved in reducing weight?
Make a goal that you will maintain the correct weight always. Then educate yourself with all information you
need to know about healthy lifestyle. Plan each step in advance for weight management, and finally do it
How can I know the right amount of calories that is needed for me? I need and exact value, not a range.
Well if you want to know exact figures, you can try the calorie calculator available online. I suggest you to look
in the website, where there is a calorie calculator. You need to feed your height, weight
and intensity of exercise (no, low, high) and it will show the amount of calories that you need to maintain.
I have heard people say that when we eat more at dinner, we gain weight. Is it true?
Yes, its true. The proper diet plan for a day must be like this. Morning meal supplies the days energy need.
Thats why you should never skip the breakfast. But at lunch you should eat less than breakfast, and in dinner,
since you are going to sleep; you need to take a minimal meal.
One of the cine actresses says that she eats a little during 6 days of the week, and on Sundays she eats
whatever she likes. She looks sobeautiful with a fair complexion and a very good structure. I too want to look
like her. Shall I follow her way?
So, if she looks so beautiful, you must thank the make-up man and the cameraman. They show the actress
beautiful. Have you seen any actress without make-up? If you had seen, you would suggest her for Ripleys
believe it or not! What I say is She is an actress, not a doctor! May be she may have acted in a role of a
doctor who saves the whole world. But in real life, you need to keep in mind that everyone is unique.
Whatever matches with her lifestyle, wont match with your lifestyle. You need to find out your own body
condition and need to work on it. Believe a doctor, not an actress doing the role of a doctor.
The actress would have a million ready cash with her, so when in future if a health problem arises, with the
money she had earned, she can cure her health problem. But if you follow her ways and get into trouble,
where will you go for the money for treatment? This book aims to give you the tips to prevent and cure body
weight problems. I want my readers to lead a healthy life with a minimal expense. This book aims more on
prevention, not on cure.
In the television they show a machine which gives the workout for the whole body. Shall I buy it?
No! Please dont buy those machines. I have seen people who buy this kind of machines work for a week and
then lose interest in it. Then the machine turns it to be a toy for the kids or a cloth hanger for the family
members or something else. Surely it loses its own purpose and becomes a normal day to day life product.
These machines that are shown in the television are based upon cardiovascular exercises i.e., they are basically
the stamina exercises. Think a while, is it better to buy a big machine for Rs 10,000, keep in your home and
exercise in it? Or just buy a shoe for Rs 999 and jog around your apartment or nearby park or in the highway
during the early morning hours? Think a while; you can save a lot of money when you buy a shoe alone. No
machine can completely give workout for the whole body. Most of the machines are based on stamina
exercises. The burn fat but they dont give you strength that comes by doing the body strength exercises. You
need to balance a correct proportion of body strength exercises and stamina exercises. Dont believe the
television ads.
Hey! I did exercise for an hour. After my exercise session, I checked the weight. Still it remains the same! Why I
didnt lose my weight?
30 Queries & answers

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
There is an old saying, Rome was not built in a day! Similarly, many think that when you do exercise
intensely, you will see immediate result. No, its not. It takes some time to observe visually and by body
weight. You need to do practice continuously.
Hello! I take diet food, do exercise but still cant get good results. Why it happens?
Well, what is diet? Many of us think that eating little is diet. No its not. Diet means, eating the proper food at
correct amount and at correct time. I have seen many people eat big pizza or that stuffed hamburger or that
full plate biryani and at last they take Diet coke. They feel good when, after eating a mega meal and having
the diet coke, which makes to feel that the cola suppresses the feast. Also many do exercise regularly. What it
means is that, they never fail to do exercise daily, but fail in doing the proper exercise method. Their approach
is wrong. One step at a time is the good approach. Eat in small amounts at proper amount at proper time. Be
aware of what you feed in both in mind and body.
I have been taking on medicines according to my doctors advice. I am fat and my friends say to reduce weight.
I am going to get married. Can I engage in this program to reduce weight?
I say No! You need to understand that sometime when you take medicines, they impact on your body. Say, if a
person has nervous problems the medicines given to the patients will bring good sleep to the patient. Fact is
that, these medicines work well and cure only during times when brain is at rest. The brain takes rest during
sleep. During the sleep, brain waves are of lower frequencies, so that the medicine works better and cures the
patient during his sleep. Sometimes these patients are requested to sleep for at least 10 12 hours. So for
these patients, it is hard to follow the weight reduction program schedule.
So my advice is to first get the counsel of your doctor and then engage in the program, if only he says there is
no problem in weight reduction. Dont take a trial and error method in your health.
Which country food style is best for weight reduction? Some say the Italians are good, while others say some
other. I am confused. What style must I choose?
I say, choose Regional! What it means is that, eat the local food and eat seasonal foods foods that are
available for that season. That will do the best. Simply, for an example, from my child hood I would eat idly-
sambar, dosa, vada, pongal, upma etc.(one at a time!). If I suddenly change to a diet style of eating a veg
hamburger for breakfast, spicy Italian pasta for lunch and ramen noodles for dinner, my body will not be able
to balance the changes and it will struggle a lot making improper digestion, unbalanced nutrient absorption
leading to various problems. This will happen because I have changed from my regular style to another diet
style which I have not been practiced. So it is advised, that you eat your regional food, the food that you have
been taking since your child hood. Just you need to slightly modify the way you prepare food, modify your
eating habits etc.
I drink fruit juices daily. I buy the fruit juice powder and mix with ice cold water and drink but still I feel
something is missing. What problem do I have?
The root cause of the problem is not with you, its in the powder. Always prefer eating the fruits as a whole. It
is because when you juice the fruits, they destroy the nutrient value. Many fruits contain anti-oxidants, when
these fruits are cut into very small pieces or made as a juice they lose the nutrient value. When you eat these,
it is like filling your stomach alone. Those powdered drinks, doesnt contain the same nutrient value as a whole
fruit. When a fruit is converted to powdered form it loses its nutrition. So once the nutrition is lost, is lost
forever. It will not come back again when you mix with water. The nutrition in juice is not Jesus Christ, to
become dead and rise again. So eat fresh fruits and try to eat the fruit as whole as possible rather than
converting into a fruit juice. I think now you might have got an idea of what you have mentioned something is
31 Queries & answers

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Is it good to keep the excess food in fridge and eat for next day?
Good! I said, Good for the question, not for keeping in fridge and eating for the next day. This question, I had
in my mind for a long time. Because many women in our country have the habit of cooking the food at a once
and then keep a part of it in fridge and then use it for next day. I searched a lot and found answer. This habit of
keeping the excess food in fridge and eating the next day is more common in people who say, We are middle
class people. How can we cook every meal, every time? It takes a lot of gas consumption. The price of gas is
hiking a lot! These people think that they save gas and save money. But the real fact is that they fail to
improve the health. There are some other people who eat after a day. I have seen people say, Fish gravy
(Meen kulambu in Tamil) tastes better when it is a day old. Well it would taste good, but not nutritious. So
stop this habit and try to eat the food as fresh as possible. If you are working, then you cant cook a lunch. But
at least, you can do those for breakfast & dinner.
Apart from diet and exercise what would help me to improve my health condition?
Apart from diet control and exercise you need to focus on having a good sleep, adopt health habits, such as
not involving in smoking, drugs or drinking and achieve mind control through yoga, meditation etc. I would
discuss about these in later chapters.
What is the difference between carbohydrates, sugar and glucose?
Say you eat potato chips. The carbohydrates from the potato chips gets converted to sugar, insulin converts
this sugar to useful glucose. This glucose is taken to the cells.
Why do people eating more sugar become fatter?
Its because, when you intake sugar a lot, you get calories a lot. So what our body does is that, it converts this
sugar into fat, which may be used for future. When they keep on eating sweet items, our body coverts it into
fat and keep on storing. This is the reason why they become fat.
Where can I find the amount of calories that my cooking stuffs have? I mean, I need information of calories
present in fruits, vegetables etc.?
You can find some useful information in these websites.
Some branded hotels, restaurants also provide their nutrition information in their websites. Take a look at for nutrition information of products of Pizza hut. KFC on the other hand provides nutrition
info on its website- and also offers users to download a nutrition sheet containing all
information of their products. You can also download apps to android, apple or windows devices and use
them. Look for My Fitness Pal and Diet point apps for your device (Android/iOS).

32 Queries & answers

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Be Inspired: Knowledge & skill
One fine day, a father was walking with his daughter. The daughter was a small child and she was asking a lot
of questions to her father like any other kid. The small girl asked why the bird has two wings. The father
replied that only if the bird has to wings the flying will be balanced else if it has only one wing it will push air on
one side and will not be able to push air on the other side.
Only when it has two wings on the either side it will be able to push the air and balance. The father also
continued, Similar to the bird's wings, you must also have two things that will help you to achieve success.
The two wings are knowledge and skill. When you have knowledge and skill then only you will be able to
succeed. You need to study and apply the knowledge into practical life.
The daughter smiled and said she understood.
Learn skills and also upgrade your knowledge.

33 Weight loss everywhere

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Weight loss everywhere
Victory belongs to the most persevering.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Have you heard many people say, I have no time for exercise. What shall I do?
I like the quote, Nothing is impossible. When I cant do things, I remember this quote and it becomes easier
for me to do things. Well for those busy people, I would like to tell some few tips where you can exercise your
body on the go. These tips not only help you to stay fit, but some will save your hard earned money too.
For people at home
1. When you go out to shopping or for anything if you use public transport, then get down in the before your
stopping comes. If you get down in the stopping before your home, you find time to walk to home.
2. When you go for shopping, it would be better, if you can go by walk or by cycle, not only your health is
improved, but you save the money for the fuel that you spend in motorcycle or car to go to the market to buy
3. If you are hearing songs in mp3, you can just take a walk, instead of sitting in an easy chair and listening.
Instead of sitting and reading a book, try to walk a while and read the book.
4. Play with kids. I say to play games that involve more movements, not those games with the PSP or with
those Barbie dolls set or the HOT WHEELS car, which your kid rides making his own car sound from his mouth,
riding from dining table to desk and from desk to bath tub! You can spend time by playing with kids with some
games that involve more walking, running etc.
5. Change the diet style for the whole family. I dont say to completely prevent favourite foods. But you can go
for slight changes such as starting to use olive oil and prevent eating potato chips, namkeen and other chat
items such as samosa, puri etc.
6. Dance! Turn on your favourite music and start dancing. Dance and enjoy the music. According to researches,
dancing with joy actually improves your mental health and also it exercises the muscles of the body. Some
dance such as Barathanatiyam of India, employs complex steps which actually exercise most parts of your
body. Only in dance, you actually exercise all the muscles of your body. In exercise, you just focus on one part
of your body. But in dance, you burn more calories than normal. So dance a lot. Do something that you admire.
For working people
Seems like your pupil enlarges than its normal and you become more interested to read. Some of you bought
this book, after seeing this topic. Well you might be happier seeing this topic if you an office worker. Here are
some tips for office workers.
1. You can find a lot of time to walk in the weekends. Try to take a long walk with your family or friends instead
of watching the DVD movies in your home theatre with that home delivered pizza. You can go for a walk in the
2. In your office, instead of asking others to bring a cup of water, you can go and drink the water. If you have
lift and steps, then prefer the steps to go up and down. Even when you go to the bathroom, make a point to
do some calf raises, squats or something else creative.
34 Weight loss everywhere

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3. Instead of sitting in the office for prolonged hours, just take a break and walk around your office. Dont
worry about the scolding of the boss. He will not be taking care of you by making food for you, cleaning your
clothes or taking your kids to school, if you are sick. All he can do is that to tell a word, Get well soon! So it is
your duty to take of your health. Dont worry about anything or anyone which would destroy your health.
4. If you are an office worker in 3rd floor and you want to inform some instruction to a worker who is in
ground floor, then instead of sending an email with a subject, Read this, you can take a walk, directly go and
have a talk with him/her. This will not only make the worker feel that he is great and important, but it will
build a good relation between you and him/her and above that, by waling you get good health.
5. Avoid high calorie snacks and tea or coffee from the office vending machine. Instead stack your drawer with
healthy and nutritious snacks like nuts, seeds, raisins and other dry fruits. Other choices include fresh fruits,
raw veggies, sachets of herbal teas and ordinary coffee. Drinking strong coffee also helps, since caffeine
increases your metabolism. However, it should be black coffee, minus the cream and sugar. If possible try to
take green tea.
6. Use a wireless headset to receive phone calls. This way you can also take a walk around the office premises
at the same time. Make it a point to take a 5 minute brisk walk at regular intervals of 2 hours. By the end of
the day, this will eventually add up to a 20 minute walk, which can make a big difference.
7. Party comes every second in office environment. Instead of celebrating a party with a huge fat filled creamy
cake and a big pizza or some ice cream, you can just say wishes to them. Not only you are cutting fat, but you
are also cutting cost. Money not spent is actually an income.
8. Speed your metabolism up by snacking on foods that are calorie negative. Resist the urge to eat as soon as
you feel it. As an office worker, never take the meal in express speed. If you have 45 minutes for lunch break,
utilize it completely. Eat slowly with constant rate. Remember, Slow and steady wins the race.
9. If you have the habit of bringing lunch from home, then during the lunch hour, dont eat at your desk,
instead walk to a place that is far away from your desk and there you can eat your lunch. This small walk will
also contribute to weight reduction. Replace the diet Coke or diet Pepsi with water, even these diet drinks
will have some unwanted calories being added to your body.
10. Stand in the bus or train. I have seen many people rushing to get a seat in the bus or train. That too in
populated cities of our India, this becomes the worst scenario. People like kids, run in a hurry to get a windows
seat in train or bus. Instead of sitting in the bus or train, just stand. This will also exercise your legs, because
you will not stand like a robot, you will move here and there to get stability due to the shaking vehicle. These
movements will exercise your muscles.
These are some of the ideas that I have suggested you. But you can frame your own methods. Keep in mind
that your ultimate goal is only to reduce weight and become slim. If you are very strong in your aim, then you
will start inventing your own methods to decrease weight. Look for opportunities. They always come disguised.

35 Weight loss everywhere

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Be Inspired: Small wonder
It was the time when Faraday had invented electricity. He was displaying his invention before the audience. He
moved a magnet inside a copper coil, and electricity was produced. He explained how electricity is generated.
When Faraday was explaining, a woman asked him, What is the use of this electricity which is generated?
Faraday took a child who was nearby him and asked the lady, Can you tell what will be the future of this small
Hearing this, the audience laughed. Faraday continued, ...likewise my invention also will be useful one day!
Today, without electricity there is nothing. Every factory and every house needs electricity. It has become an
essential to human life.
Never ever neglect any small thing.
Even a small thing can change your life completely.

36 Smoking, drinking & drugs

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Smoking, drinking & drugs
No man is a failure who is enjoying life.
- William Feather
Smoking causes cancer. This is a very well-known fact. But how many people know that it has negative effects
on body weight? I think most people dont know. Well here we discuss about smoking and its effects.
When a person smokes, the nicotine suppresses the activity of brain. Simply if a person feels hungry, if he
smokes, the nicotine suppresses the brain making the hunger to disappear. In this case, now the person will
not able to eat as he does not feel the urge to eat. So, smoking people wont feel the hunger to eat at correct
times. This will make the person slimmer as his intake of food is cut off. This is the reason why people who are
chain smokers appear slim in nature. When a person smokes, the depressing activity at the brain makes every
part of the body to slow down. Eventually the heart too slows down, achieving a lower blood flow in blood
vessels which finally decreases the blood pressure.
This is the reason why many people smoke when they have a heart attack or experience a critical situation in
job environment. When they smoke, the depression achieved through smoking, makes them to feel like being
relaxed. They get into smoking whenever facing those critical times, and eventually become chain smokers.
Some people tell us that, when they quit smoking, they gain weight. Fact is that only a small fraction of the
people gain weight. It doesnt match everyone. If you were one among those who gain weight by quitting
smoke, I would tell, Read this book again. Surely you will lose weight if you do practice properly.
Nowadays we can see more people engaging in drinking. Whatever the drink be, a beer or brandy, they surely
destroy your health. Alcohol is harmful for health. Lets see how this alcohol impacts body health.
So why do people behave like junk, when alcohol goes in? Lets take a look of how alcohol does the work.
Food in the diet must be digested before being absorbed by the cells, but alcohol included in the diet flows
directly through the bodys membranes into the bloodstream, which carries alcohol to nearly every organ in
the body. The alcohol flows through the stomach walls into the bloodstream and on to the small intestine.
From there it flows through blood vessels to the liver. The normal, healthy liver can process about 1/2 ounce
of pure alcohol (thats 6 to 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of spirits) in an hour.
The rest flows on to the heart. Entering the heart, alcohol reduces the force with which the heart muscle
contracts. Heart pumps out slightly less blood, blood vessels all over the body relax, and the blood pressure
goes down temporarily. The contractions soon return to normal, but the blood vessels may remain relaxed and
the blood pressure lower for as long as half an hour. Meanwhile, alcohol flows in blood from the heart through
the pulmonary vein to the lungs. Now when the person breathes out a tiny bit of alcohol every time, the
breath smells of liquor.
Alcohol also makes blood less likely to clot, temporarily reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Alcohol
makes blood vessels expand, so more warm blood flows up from the centre of the body to the surface of the
skin. The person feels warmer and, if the skin is fair, he may flush and turn pink. When it reaches the brain, it
slows the transmission of impulses between nerve cells that control the ability to think and move. Thats why
people become fuzzy, tongue twisted, have their vision blurred, and loss control.
37 Smoking, drinking & drugs

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Alcohol contains empty calories and has no nutritional value. Not only does alcohol not contain any nutrients
of its own, but it can impair your body's ability to absorb nutrients and vitamins from the food you eat. Alcohol
irritates your gastrointestinal tract, and can damage your body's ability to absorb nutrients, vitamins and
minerals from the food you eat. Alcohol is toxic to your liver, and if you drink heavily for a long time you can
experience cirrhosis of the liver and death.
Heavy drinking over the long term can also impair your liver's ability to activate vitamins, which contributes to
the malnutrition often suffered by long term alcoholics. when you drink alcohol, maintaining healthy blood
sugar levels is one of the first elements of metabolism to be shoved aside in your body's rush to excrete the
toxins as efficiently as possible. Alcohol inhibits your body's ability to make glucose and to maintain healthy
levels of glucose (or blood sugar) in the blood. Over time, heavy drinkers develop glucose intolerance and can
even become diabetic. Even occasional alcohol consumption can cause dangerous drops in blood sugar levels,
especially when consumed on an empty stomach. That's why drinking alcohol can be very dangerous for
diabetics and hypoglycaemic.
Because your body can't store alcohol and must metabolize it right away, other metabolic processes suffer.
Your body won't metabolize sugars and fats as efficiently during the metabolism of alcohol, and drinking
heavily can cause your metabolism to slow. This can contribute to weight gain.
So, now you have known the effects why alcohol causes weight gain. Lets see the last partdrugs!
There are different types of drugs. They can be classified under different categories such as sedatives,
inhalants, hallucinogens, stimulants, tranquilizers, pain relievers etc. So, how do these function in weight gain?
Guess what? The answer is similar to that of the smoking and drinking. In smoking the nicotine depresses the
brain activities and in drinking the alcohol that is taken does the work. In drugs, similar to the former cases, a
chemical present in each of these drugs depresses the brain.
Tobacco contains Nicotine. Marijuana is a cannabinoid. The main psychoactive substance in marijuana is
tetrahydrocannabinol and there are at least 66 other cannabinoids present in marijuana, some of which are
also psychoactive. Heroin is a kind of opioid, which is metabolized into 6-monoacetylemorphine and morphine,
which brings the excitement effect. Cocaine is a stimulant, basically a hydrochloride salt, when inhaled, can
bring the excitement-relaxing effect within 10 seconds. Some drugs depress the central nervous system and in
most cases the brain gets depressed.
Think a while, what will happen when if all the wires in an electronic device get damaged? The same happens
in the body. If the nervous system gets damaged, then the whole body losses control. When the control
system itself gets out of control, every other systems (digestive, circulatory, excretory etc.) gets damaged,
not able to perform up to the level. So when the balance is lost, it causes improper digestion leading to
improper nutrition absorption and improper blood circulation. So totally the health collapses and causes the
fat to be stored in the blood. This is the reason why drug addicts gain body weight.
By now you have known the ways how these habits affect our health. But now, you must also know the
methods to stop and say good bye to these habits, if you are an unhealthy person. The case I mention as
unhealthy person and not as a fat person is that, a slim drug addict is not a healthy one. Anyone who is
addicted to any of these or all of these! is an unhealthy person. So say no to smoking, drinking and drugs.
How to stop and escape from addiction?
Anyone can quit and say no to smoking or alcohol or drugs. All they have to do is to have a strong desire to
quit the habit and believe that they can quit those habits even it is too hard to quit.
38 Smoking, drinking & drugs

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7 tips to quit addiction
Commit yourself and engage fully in the program and work for it. Every second remember that these will
destroy your health, happiness, peace of yourself and also your family, friends etc.
Every New Year, we all take a resolution to do this or that. But many can hold that only for a day. So think
that you have everyday a new year.
Read some books on people who quit these and how they become successful. If you get a chance to meet such
person, then never leave the chance.
Whether its a Facebook page or a local community, whatever it be, its better to have a company. Join a group
of people who try to quit smoking, drugs or drinking.
Set a plan to quit and if you do it, you must celebrate it. Start with a week plan to quit and if you do, reward
yourself with something special, such as a dinner at a restaurant.
Remember the tortoise who won the hare? If you constantly put effort without quitting, surely you will win.
If you have failed in quitting, never say I quit doing quitting. Just start from the start. I have read in a book
that if a man practices a habit for just 23 days continuously, it will become a routine habit. So if you fail, just
plan for 23 days. Say that you dont quit without winning! So, if you have been addicted, start to quit smoking,
drinking and drugs. If you are not addicted, say no to anyone who offers you these in future. Always remember
the hazards of these habits.

39 Smoking, drinking & drugs

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Be Inspired: Do it continuously
There was a man who was digging a well for to get water for his land. After digging for about 25 feet, he saw
that there was no water coming in the well he had dug. He left the place and started to dig a well in another
place. There also he dig about 25 feet and didnt get any water.
He again left it and went to a nearby place and started to dig a well. There also he didnt get any water. The
man felt frustrated and became tired. There was a wise man going that way. When he asked why the man was
so frustrated and tired, the man replied what had happened.
The wise man said, It is your mistake, instead of digging wells at different places, if you have dug the first well
for more 50 feet, at 75 feet you must have got water.
If we have consistency in what we do, we will succeed.

40 Sleep

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Sleep is the best meditation
- Dalai Lama
Now, when you consider the factors that affect weight reduction, sleep plays a vital role. Brain is the main
powerful organ in our human body. So it is very important to know about sleep. Here I am just discussing the
basics; you can read more about sleep by your own from various sites and books. Sleep is a must for any
person. There is no problem bigger than sleeplessness. Ask those who suffer from sleeplessness, their life will
be filled with problems, problems and only problems.
Why is sleep so important in weight loss?
At sleep all your body organs comes to rest. The blood pressure is reduced; the breathing rate is made
constant and the brain takes rest. The blood in your body, when you are active, flows to all organs and less to
muscles. But when you sleep, the process is reversed. The blood flows from organs to muscles. So when you
do body weight exercises, the muscles are damaged. During the sleep, these damaged muscles are repaired.
Thats why when you do heavy work, you get good sleep. Also when in sleep, the proteins that are needed for
cell growth are processed. That is the reason why small babies sleep for hours. During the sleep the body
growth takes place. There are some diseases that affect sleep. The most common diseases are Parkinsons
disease, Neurosis rheumatology and chronic pain diseases.
This is the disease that occurs for people with problem of getting a good sleep. The basic symptoms of
insomnia includes
1. Difficulty in getting sleep
2. Waking up often during night
3. Waking too early in morning
4. Feeling tired upon waking
There are 2 types of insomnia, Primary insomnia and Secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia is the
sleeplessness not associated with any diseases. Secondary insomnia is the one which comes due to some
diseases (cancer, asthma, depression etc.), that are already in our body.
Main causes of insomnia
1. Stress due to job loss; change of job type; death of loved ones; divorce etc.
2. Environmental conditions (noisy, too bright light, uncomfortable climatic condition)
3. Medications: Patients undergoing medication
4. Interference: People who have home near airport, transport terminals, kids playing
How to get good sleep?
For reducing the weight effectively you need to organize your sleeping habit. According to a research, the
persons who are sleeping less than 5 hours have the urge to eat more, than those who sleep for 8 hours. So if
you sleep at correct time then it will enhance your weight reduction program.
Tips for a good sleep
1. Go to bed at regular time: If you practice to go to bed at 10pm every day, then on the course you will start
experiencing sleep as soon as 10pm comes. Your body will schedule itself to start sleep mode at 10 pm.
41 Sleep

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2. If you go to sleep at 10 pm dont do any work beyond 10 pm. Instead postpone the work to next day and
start sleeping. If you are an employee working during night hours, then as soon as you come home after duty,
start to sleep.
3. Since darkness will bring you sleep, try to keep the room dark by installing low bright light and installing a
dark colour screen for the windows. Keep the air conditioner at an optimal temperature that is comfortable for
your body condition. Try to keep away substances such as perfumes, room fresheners, which produce extreme
smell inside the room. Keep all those make up kits away from your bed room. A bed room is only for sleep
4. If you have the habit of drinking coffee, prevent it. Researchers say, the effect of the caffeine in coffee,
remain up to 7 hours in your body. So if you cant leave drinking coffee, then at least prevent it during evening
or night time.
5. Whether it may be the television or computer or that music player that causes disturbance, remove it.
Suppose if you want to sleep, but your wife wants to see her favourite program on television or those episodes
of How I met your mother on the computer, then you can opt for two ways. One is either you can get her a
new headphone or you can get an earplug. It is better to give her a headphone, because if you put on the
earplug and go for sleep, she may feel that you are insulting her. But if you give her a new headphone, she may
think My husband loves me a lot! Thats why he has got me a headphone set. It will be more effective if you
give it on anniversary or birth day.
6. Keep away all your worries from your mind. Most of us get these sleep disorder because we focus more on
worries rather than sleeping. Listen to some relaxing instrumental music, read a book or do some meditation
and bring your mind to a relaxed state.
7. When you are travelling long distance, you can sleep during the travel.
8. Prevent drinking and smoking.
9. Do exercise regularly: If you do exercise regularly then you will get good sleep. Do aerobic exercises or body
strength exercises with high intensity. You will get good sleep.

42 Sleep

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Be Inspired: There a way
There was a king who ruled a country for a long time. People had trust in him and they would inform about
any problem that existed in the country. One day, the king was asking the problems that were in the country.
Many people told him that the roads were damaged a lot and they hurt people a lot during travel. The king
promised that he would solve this problem.
Returning home, the king arranged for a meeting to discuss with his ministers. Many ministers told various
ideas. Finally they chose an idea. The idea was to lay the leather skin of the buffalo over the roads, so that
people when walking dont get hurt. But when they calculated how much buffalo would be killed for making
such arrangement, it was crossing large numbers. The king was so worried.
Then a wise man came and asked why he was so worried. The king told his problem, and asked where he
would go for such a large number of buffalos for to make the roads be covered. The wise man smiled and said
that the problem is so simple. He continued that instead of killing a lot of buffalos for covering the roads, it
would be wise that if the people cover their feet. The king was delighted by the idea of the wise man and
thanked him. Then the king ordered for to make shoes for the people.
Every coin has two sides. If there is a problem, think in a different approach

43 Meditation

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit.
- Jeremy Taylor
Mental concentration is what you call as meditation. Your mind concentrates on something and through this
constant concentration, the mind is made controlled which leads to peace. There are so many advantages of
meditation. Some of them are
1. Achievement of mental peace
2. Tranquillity of mind
3. Strengthen your nervous system.
4. Deep breathing improves blood circulation.
5. Increases the absorption of nutrients
6. Body metabolism is tuned for better health.
Why meditation is important in weight reduction?
During meditation, the lungs inhale larger amount of air. So your body takes in larger amount of oxygen than
during normal oxygen. Now this oxygen is mixed in the blood stream and it is carried to all the cells. So each
and every cell receives this enriched oxygen, which increases the working capability of cells.
Simply, in other words, the cells become healthy and they do their work more effectively. So the metabolism is
increased a lot making the absorption of the nutrients from the food more effectively and burning more
calories during exercises. Also since meditation brings peace of mind, it becomes easier to get a good sleep at
How to do meditation?
1. Before doing meditation, loosen your clothing and undo any belt if you are wearing one.
2. Take your seat in easy and natural way. Your posture must be comfortable. If possible take the cross-legged
sitting position.
3. The body should be erect; the spine must not be stiffly straight or should be too bent.
4. Rest your right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
5. Close your eyes not too tight nor opened. The eyelids must be closed like curtain.
6. All the muscles must be well relaxed.
7. Now slowly inhale the air by taking a deep breath. The breathing must be in a uniform rate. Just count
numbers in your mind when inhaling.
8. Hold the breath for 2-3 seconds and then slowly exhale it. The exhale of air must also be in uniform rate like
that of the inhale cycle.
9. Repeat this cycle for about 15 minutes.
44 Meditation

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10. During meditation, try to focus your mind on a single thing. Say you can focus your mind on the number of
breath you inhale and exhale or you can focus on the expansion and contraction of your lungs. Please dont
focus on your worries or any kind of emotions. They will destruct your effectiveness in doing this exercise.
11. When you are finishing, inhale the air at a very fast rate and exhale it very fast. Repeat this for about 10
times. This is done to remove your excess body heat.
After doing this dont get up, but stay at the place where you did meditation and give a good rest to your body.
At first, you will experience a lot of distractions in your mind. As there goes a saying, Our mind is like a
monkey and our thoughts are like horses, it is initially too hard for to focus upon one thing. But, because of
this dont stop to meditate. Try and try the same meditation again and again. Say if you are counting your
breath for 45 with 50 as your target, when you suddenly make a mistake and lose concentration, dont
frustrate, but focus on starting from one again. It will take some time to become good at meditation. But once
you do well, you will enjoy the peace that is obtained in meditation. All you need is constant effort.

45 Meditation

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Be Inspired: Feel great about yourself
One day a teacher took out a 100 rupee note and showed to his students and asked, Who needs this?
Everyone raised their hand. Now he put the note down on the floor and again asked the same question, Who
needs this?
Again, everyone raised their hand. Now he took the note and crushed it and again asked the same question,
Who needs this? Again, everyone raised their hand. Now the teacher asked, Why do you need the note
now? Its crushed!
Everyone replied that even though the note is crushed, its value remains the same. Now the teacher replied,
Yes, like this note, you should contain a good character. You should never lose your self-esteem. Self-esteem
is how you look yourself. If you have a good self-esteem about you, then none can bring down your value."
Whatever bad happens in your life, dont lose self-esteem.

46 The way of life

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
The way of life
If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane!
- Robert Frost
Smile and laughter
Laughter is a great gift that is offered to human race. For a man to be healthy in his mind he needs to be
happy. Laughter is an expression that the person is happy. If you laugh you will be healthy.
In the previous chapters, I have told you what are all the important things that you need to know for weight
reduction and to stay healthy. But this chapter, even though being the last, is the important among all. If your
thoughts are good then your actions will be good. From actions arises your habit. This habit makes your
character, which ultimately determines your life. To have a healthy mind set, try to be happy. There is a
famous quote that I have heard. It goes like this
Victory comes to those who are happy!
If you want victory in life, then try to be happy. Most of the problems are caused to man are because of
inability of the man to be happy. I you want a good mind, good body and a good life be happy.
Why are people unhappy?
People are mostly unhappy because they expect something and if they dont get it, they feel unhappy.
Whether it is wealth or health or something that a man desires, if he doesnt get it then, he loses his
happiness. So how can one be happy?
Here I have shared some of the ideas that you need to keep them in your mind always. Remember always!
No fear
I have seen this wording pasted as a sticker in most bikes and cars. But what I tell is that this must have been
pasted in your heart. Fear arises when we are not ready to face the problem. When we dont have an idea
about a thing that is going to happen, then fear arises. To prevent this fear all you have to do is to face the
problem with confidence. Most problems will go away without affecting us when we are ready to face it.
This parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmers well. The farmer heard
the mule praying or whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully assessing the situation, the
farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of
saving. Instead, he called his neighbours together, told them what had happened, and enlisted them to help
haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.
Initially the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his neighbours continued shovelling and the dirt hit
his back, a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his
back, he would shake it off and step up! This he did, blow after blow. Shake it off and step upshake it off and
step upshake it off and step up! He repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the blows, or
how distressing the situation seemed, the old mule fought panic and just kept right on shaking it off and
stepping up!
It wasnt long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly over the wall of that well!
What seemed like it would bury him actually helped him, all because of the manner in which he handled his
If we face our problems positively, without fear, then we will win.
47 The way of life

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Change your focus and choose happiness
Life is full of choices. If you need happiness in your life, then choose happiness. There are always alternates for
everything, but what happens is that we dont focus upon then. We keep a single choice and look for it. When
it fails, we dont have other choice, so we fail. Instead, if we have alternative choices, then we can be safe and
successful. So to be happy, choose happiness as your first priority.
A man feared his wife wasnt hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not
quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there
is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.
Heres what you do, said the Doctor, stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational
speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and go until you get a response.
That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, Im about
40 feet away, lets see what happens. Then in a normal tone he asks, Honey, whats for dinner? No
So the husband moves to closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, Honey, whats for
dinner? Still there was no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, Honey, whats for
Again he gets no response so, He walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. Honey, whats for
dinner? Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind her. Honey, whats for dinner?
James, for the FIFTH time Ive said, CHICKEN!
The problem may not be with the other one as we always think, could be very much within us..!
Extract goodness from your failure
Everything in this world had good and bad in it. A matchstick can light a candle and also it can destroy a forest.
You have to choose the goodness from everything. Try to choose the goodness, when you fail. Dont worry
that you have failed. Instead, try to extract goodness from it by making the failure an experience.
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures
were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the
elephants could, at any time can break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a
trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. Well, trainer
said, when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, its
enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe
the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.
The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed
they couldnt, they were stuck right where they were.
Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply
because we failed at it once before?
48 The way of life

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Leave your stresses
If you are a working person, if you have stresses times at job, leave the stress there itself and then go home.
Many people carry their job stress to home, show the stress towards his wife and children. A home is a place
that is apart from office. Then why should we bring stress to home? Home is a place to live, not a place to
work. There are differences between a home and a workplace.
A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass
of water, everyone expected theyd be asked the half empty or half full question. Instead, with a smile on
her face, she inquired: How heavy is this glass of water?
Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.
She replied, The absolute weight doesnt matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, its
not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, Ill have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb
and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesnt change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it
She continued, The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and
nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day
long, you will feel paralyzed incapable of doing anything.
Its important to remember to let go of your stresses. Remember to put the glass down!
Never find faults with any one
Everyone in this world is created for a purpose. We were created by god for a specific purpose. Every one of us
has unique capabilities. One may be well in cooking, but he may not be well in sports. But there will be a man
who will be who is good at sports, but not well in cooking. We all have certain capabilities. So it is not wise to
complain about anyone or anything. Remember the quote, Everyman is a volume if you know how to read
them. Everyone is useful to someone in some way. Keep this in mind and never find fault with any one.
One day a peacock met a crane and said, "So sorry for you. You have so dull feathers. Look at the fine colours
of my feathers."
"Well!" replied the crane, "your looks are brighter than mine. But whereas I can fly high up into the sky, all you
can do is to strut about on the ground."
Dont underestimate yourself
When all your friends, neighbours and relatives are living a good life, you might get a feeling that you are not
capable. It is common to have such a feeling. But the fact is that, we too can also improve like them if we have
a confidence to achieve success.
Once upon a time, a clever monkey lived in a tree that bore juicy, red rose apples. He was very happy. One fine
day, a crocodile swam up to that tree and told the monkey that he had travelled a long distance and was in
search of food as he was very hungry. The kind monkey offered him a few rose apples. The crocodile enjoyed
them very much and asked the monkey whether he could come again for some more fruit. The generous
monkey happily agreed.
The crocodile returned again the fore coming days. Soon the two became very good friends. They discussed
their lives, their friends and family, like all friends do. The crocodile told the monkey that he had a wife and
that they lived on the other side of the river. So the kind monkey offered him some extra rose apples to take
home to his wife. The crocodiles wife loved the rose apples and made her husband promise to get her some
every day.
49 The way of life

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Meanwhile, the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile deepened as they spent more and more
time together. The crocodiles wife started getting jealous. She wanted to put an end to this friendship. So she
pretended that she could not believe that her husband could be friends with a monkey. Her husband tried to
convince her that he and the monkey shared a true friendship. The crocodiles wife thought to herself that if
the monkey lived on a diet of rose monkeys, his flesh would be very sweet. So she asked the crocodile to invite
the monkey to their house. The crocodile was not happy about this. He tried to make the excuse that it would
be difficult to get the monkey across the river. But his wife was determined to eat the monkeys flesh. So she
thought of a plan. One day, she pretended to be very ill and told the crocodile that the doctor said that she
would only recover if she ate a monkeys heart. If her husband wanted to save her life, he must bring her his
friends heart.
The crocodile was aghast. He was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he loved his friend. On the other, he could
not possibly let his wife die. The crocodiles wife threatened him saying that if he did not get her the monkeys
heart, she would surely die. So the crocodile went to the rose apple tree and invited the monkey to come
home to meet his wife. He told the monkey that he could ride across the river on the crocodiles back. The
monkey happily agreed. As they reached the middle of the river, the crocodile began to sink. The frightened
monkey asked him why he was doing that. The crocodile explained that he would have to kill the monkey to
save his wifes life. The clever monkey told him that he would gladly give up his heart to save the life of the
crocodiles wife, but he had left his heart behind in the rose apple tree. He asked the crocodile to make haste
and turn back so that the monkey could go get his heart from the apple tree.
The silly crocodile quickly swam back to the rose apple tree. The monkey scampered up the tree to safety. He
told the crocodile to tell his wicked wife that she had married the biggest fool in the world.
Dont underestimate yourself. There are bigger fools in this world.
Be yourself
You cant satisfy everyone. Even when you are the best in all, there will be some people who will hate you. As I
said already, people are unique; you cant satisfy all of them. So you need to learn to live even in midst of such
people. Always be yourself, try not to please everyone.
One day, a man was on his way to the market with his son to sell their donkey. He comes across some village
boys out to have fun. Seeing the father and son duo walking with the donkey, they first suggest that the son
ride on the donkey and save the effort. The son is put on the donkeys back. The boys then ridicule the boy for
riding while the father walks. The father and son switch places. The father rides while the son walks. The boys
then taunt the father for making the poor son walk and advise the duo to ride the donkey together.
Thinking it a good idea they comply. The poor donkey collapses from exhaustion. The boys then express their
disgust at the duo for ill-treating the donkey and advice that they take the donkey to an animal doctor. The
duo again follows the advice. On the way, they come across barking stray dogs. In the confusion that ensues,
the donkey falls into the flowing river. The donkey is lost forever. The man loses the donkey, because he
follows what he is suggested without thinking for himself.
If you listen to everybody, then you will only become a laughing stock.
Money cant buy everything
Most people run for to earn money. It is good to earn money. But there is something that money cant buy.
Money is just a tool to live. But many think, with money only you can do things. This is a wrong approach. Try
to live a happy life without money or with less money and fill the remaining with love.
50 The way of life

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of
showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be
considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, How was the trip?
It was great, Dad.
Did you see how poor people live? the father asked.
Oh yeah, said the son.
So, tell me, what you learnt from the trip? asked the father.
The son answered: I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle
of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have
the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece
of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve
others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us; they have
friends to protect them.
The boys father was speechless. Then his son added, Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.
Love, Unity, Care, Satisfaction is richer than any comfort money gives.
Be true, always!
If you be true to everyone there will be no worries or fear. Life will be hard, but it will not be impossible. There
is a difference between a task that is hard and a task that is impossible. An honest life will be hard to live. But
its benefit will be seen in long terms.
Two women were brought before King Solomon. Both these women had a quarrel over a single baby. Each
woman was saying that she was the baby's mother.
One lady said, "Oh King! I am the baby's mother". The other lady said, "Oh King! Believe her not. She is not the
mother. I am the mother of the child".
King Solomon was confused. After a deep thought he said, "Cut the baby into two and give one part to each
mother". One woman was silent. The other cried "Oh King! Let she have the baby. Let the baby live". The king
gave the child to the crying mother.
Truth wins, always!
Love everyone.
Love the greatest thing that holds us all. Without love we would not be living in this world. Life is not
meaningful without love. There is a quote which says like this, People when they understand that this life is
not meaningful to live, some of them die; while others start to love someone. The best way to be happy is to
love one. This one may be your parents, children, wife or husband, friends, relatives etc. When you love, you
feel that this life is wonderful. So stay in love always.
No one is perfect. But if we start loving perfectly, then life becomes beautiful. If a husband and wife have a
problem, one has to adjust themselves. If anyone forgives, then the problem goes away. But when they both
stay in having ego, then problem arises more furious.
51 The way of life

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Take an example, a man loved a woman but, due to some reasons, they get separated. The man marries
another woman, and he lives peacefully. One day the past love of the man gets revealed to the mans wife and
she gets angry and fights with the man. The man too fights and says bad things at his wife. Now if you see, to
solve this problem either of the one must leave their ego and try to compromise by asking sorry. A sorry and a
smile is enough to end any problem. If the man had truly loved his wife, then surely he would have told about
his past or at least after his wife came to know the past, he would have asked sorry. If the wife truly loved him,
then when she came to know the past love, then she would have understood that her husband didnt tell this
to her, because it would hurt her feeling and make her unhappy. When love becomes lean between
relationships, there is more space for problems to enter.
Bible says a verse which would mean, True love forgets faults. When a couple is in true love, then they will
not see any faults between. A husband will never see any fault with his wife and in the same way, the wife will
never see any fault in her husband, and if there are also any faults between them, they will forgive them. Love
stands firm in presence of forgiveness. If any you have any problems in relations, then just forgive. You will
surely having a loving life when you forgive. So try to love everyone, dont find faults in them, since nobody is
perfect. There is no happiness greater than to be in love and to be loved.
Howard Kelly, was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin
dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his
nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of
milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?
You dont owe me anything, she replied. Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.
He said, Then I thank you from my heart.
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong
also. He had been ready to give up and quit.
Years later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the
big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr Howard Kelly was called in for the
consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately
he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctors gown he went in to see
her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her
life. From that day he gave special attention to the case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for
approval. He looked at it, and then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared
to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something
caught her attention on the side of the bill. She began to read the following words:
Paid in full, with one glass of milk
Signed by
Dr Howard Kelly.

52 The way of life

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Where is happiness?
The better part of happiness is to wish to be what you are. - Desiderius Erasmus
There was a thief looking for to rob someone. As he was searching, he saw a man having a bag full of money.
So the thief started to follow him. After a while the man came to a temple. The man had noticed that the thief
is following him and trying to steal his bag. So he was very careful in keeping his money.
There were many people who used to stay in the temple, especially those who come from far places to
worship god. For those people the temple will provide a blanket and a place to stay. People can keep their bag
like a pillow. The man decided to stay and so did the thief. The thiefs plan was to escape as soon as he gets
the money. He was waiting for everyone to sleep. After some time all the people other than the thief, fell
asleep. Now the thief started to look for the money. But he could not find it anywhere near the man who had
money. He searched the whole night, but could not find it.
In the morning the thief was so disappointed. The man who had money got up and asked the thief did he get
the money. The thief was shocked and asked, Did you know that I came to steal your money?
The man answered, Yes, I know it
Then thief asked, Well, where you kept the money? I searched everywhere, but could not find it.
The man asked, Did you check below your pillow? I kept the money below it. I knew that you wont search it
The main moral in this story is that, what we search for in our life is actually is within us. If you need happiness,
then search inside you. Try not to search happiness in a glass of alcohol or in a cigar or at the prostitute.
Instead, search for happiness in your work environment, in your home wife and children. Happiness is
everywhere, if you can identify it.
See your wife who has come into your life, to share all your sorrow, joy and every moment of your life.
See your kids an exact carbon copy of you! How amazing is that you have a loveable child having your
See your friends and relatives how joyful is it to be with friends and relatives? They are similar to you! They
like the same things like yours and hate the things that you hate too.
See this world You can find happiness everywhere. See kids when they play, spend time with your pets,
spend time in gardening, play games with friends, go outing with your lover/wife, everywhere you can find
Enjoy even a small joke
If you can laugh for even a small joke, then you will be happy always. Crack jokes and make everyone laugh.
Laughter doesnt cost any money. So laugh and laugh. But remember, not to hurt anyone with your laughter.
Laughter without hurting anyone is good for all.
Everyone loves jokes. Here I have some jokes that made me to laugh. I want you too to laugh. Some laughter
for you

53 The way of life

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Boss hangs a poster in Office
He returns from lunch, finds a slip on his desk.
"Your wife made a phone call; she wants her poster back home."
Man (outside phone booth): Excuse me! You are holding the phone since 20 min, but you haven't spoken a
Man (inside): I'm talking to my wife!
Husband: You know, our son got his brain from me.
Wife: I think he did, I still got mine with me!
Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.
Boy: It's very kind of you darling. But I don't have any worries or troubles.
Girl: Well that is because we aren't married yet.
Tom: How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?
David: You just send a telegram Result declared, past year's performance repeated.
Man: Doctor! My Son has swallowed a key.
Doctor: When?
Man: Three Months Ago
Doctor: What were you doing till now?
Man: We were using duplicate key
Teacher: Hey! Stand up. Tell me two pronouns.
Student: Who? Me?
Teacher: Very Good, Sit down.
54 The way of life

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Before marriage
He: yes! At last it was so hard to wait
She: do you want me to leave?
He: No! Dont even think about it
She: do you love me?
He: of course! Over and over!
She: have u ever cheated on me?
He: No! Why are you even asking?
She: will u go on with me on picnic?
He: every chance I get!
She: will you hit me?
He: Are you crazy? I'm not that kind of person!
She: can I trust you?
He: yes..
She: Darling!
After marriage??? - Simply read from bottom to top
A very old lady teacher of English asks this question with the class:
When I say "I am beautiful", which tense is it?
One pupil answered: Its the past tense of course.
Man: How old is your father?
Boy: As old as me.
Man: How can that be?
Boy: He became a father only when I was born
Diner: I can't eat such a rotten chicken. Call the manager!
Waiter: It's no use. He won't eat it either.
55 The way of life

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Commerce professor: what is the most important source of finance for starting business?
Student: Father in law.
Husband sent a text to his wife at night,
Hi I will get late, please try and wash all my dirty clothes and make sure you prepare my favourite dish before
I return.
He sent another text,
And I forgot to tell you that I got an increase in my salary at the end of the month Im getting you a new car
She texts back: Oh really?
Husband replied,
No, I just wanted to make sure you got my first message.
A prisoner in jail receives a letter from his wife: "Dear husband, I have decided to plant some lettuce in the
back garden. When is the best time to plant them?"
The prisoner, knowing that the prison guards read all mail, replies in a letter: "Dear wife, whatever you do, do
not touch the back garden. That is where I hid all the money."
A week or so later, he receives another letter from his wife. "Dear husband, you wouldn't believe what
happened. Some men came with shovels to the house and dug up the back garden."
The prisoner writes back: "Dear wife now is the best time to plant the lettuce."
2 men are looking at Egyptian mummy.
Man 1: Look so many bandages; I think its a truck accident case.
Man 2: Yes. The number of the truck which hit is also written here. It says BC-1760!
A tourist asked a man
Tourist: Any great man born in this village???
Man: no sir, only small babies!
At an interview
Manager: Can you spell a word that has more than 100 letters in it?
Man replied: Post box
56 The way of life

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
Interviewer: What is your birth date?
Man: 13th October
Interviewer: Which year?
Man: Every year!
Man (on phone): "Doctor my wife is pregnant. She is having pain right now".
Doctor: Is this her first child?
Man: No, this is her husband speaking!
A man made a call to the airport and asks
Man: How long is the journey from India to America?"
Receptionist: One second sir
Man: Ok, thank you!
Doctor: You will die within 2 hours. Do you want to see any one before you die?
Woman: Yes! A good doctor!
Judge: why are you arrested?
Man: for shopping early?
Judge: well, that's not a crime! Anyway how early were you shopping?
Man: before opening the shop...
Teacher told all students in a class to write an essay on a cricket match.
All were busy writing except one boy. He wrote
No match, due to rain!!!
A drunkard (looking at sky): Is that a sun or moon?
Other drunkard: No idea. I am new to this city.
57 The way of life

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
The doctor told a man that if he ran 8 km a day for 300 days, he would lose 34 kg. At the end of 300 days, the
man called the doctor to report he had lost the weight, but he had a problem.
Doctor: What's the problem?
Man: I am 2400 km from home!
Two leaders L1 & L2 are sitting in a bar.
A guy walks in and asks them, What are you guys doing in here?"
L1: We're planning World War III.
Guy: Really? What's going to happen?
L1: Well, we're going to kill 140 million people and one blonde.
Guy (exclaimed): A blonde? Why kill a blonde?"
L1 (to L2): See, I told you, no one would worry about the 140 million people!!!
There were 11 people holding onto a rope that came down from a plane. Ten were men, and one was a
woman. They all decided that one person should get off because if they didn't then the rope would break and
everyone would die. No one could decide who should go, so finally the woman said, "I'll get off. A woman
always makes others to live" After hearing this touching speech from the woman saying she would get off, all
the men started clapping.

Hope you had a good laughter.
Hold that smile on the lip and the happiness in your heart, always.
58 The final words

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
The final words
Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die
for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.
- Dale Carnegie
Thats it! Till now, you would have learnt a lot of information that are relevant to weight loss. Here I have given
almost all essential data that are needed for a beginner to start the weight loss program. As there is a saying,
Knowing is not enough, we must do it, start practicing the techniques that I have explained in this book and
achieve a good healthy lifestyle.
Read this book repeatedly until you are thorough with the ideas explained in this book. Suggest this book for
your friends, relatives and co-workers or even your boss, if they have been following an unhealthy lifestyle. By
this you not only show that you care for them, but actually you improve their health and make them to live
This life we live is a gift of god. We dont have the authority to destroy our life or others life, but we have the
right to stay healthy and live happily and make others happy. Each and every second of our life is worth a lot.
Dont destroy it by living an unhealthy life, but make it a masterpiece by living a fulfilled life. So, I wish you to
have a very wonderful health, both in mind and body and I am sure that your life will become a masterpiece.
Wishes to you,
Arun Kumar

59 About the author

How to lose weight & stay fit Arun Kumar 2014
About the author

Arun Kumar, comes from Chennai. He is a health expert and has been writing articles about it. Interested in
alternative medicines. Strong believer of Jesus Christ.
For any queries and feedbacks, you can contact him in Twitter @arkarun29

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