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The Art of War: A Handbook on how to play Invasions

on the Planet of Serimona

Due to paranoia that there will be major god-modding and massive unrealism, I, Eric
Levengood, decided to make a handbook for how to play on the planet of Serimona. To
conduct an invasion, you are required to;

1. Have a purpose. Every invasion has a purpose.

2. Allow a turn-based system. That way, we can have the other player have time to
respond to the attacker’s first strike.

3. You must post on the nation’s wall of WHY you are invading, so that they know.

4. You must announce the units you wish to deploy.

Ericea Invades Sallar Roltolk!

Ericea, the United Glorious Leo’an Empire, has invaded Sallar Roltolk since the governor has lost
his parents in the Ericean-Sallar War when Sallar Roltolk bombed Eric’anople, which was a draw
(sorry Corl, this is not actually happening), and he wants revenge for what happened. For that,
we will deploy;

200,000 Leo’an Infantry
200,000 Leo’an Medium Infantry
100,000 Praetorian Infantry
100,000 Leo’s Wrath Marines
100,000 Eagle’s Talon Assault Marines
50,000 Leo’s Will Heavy Marines
50,000 Lion’s Claw Special Ops. Infantry
50,000 Angels of Death
50,000 Heavy Weapon Teams
50,000 Heavy Officers
50,000 Leo’s Roar Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Air Infantry
Total: 1,000,000 troops

10,000 Transport Vehicles
10,000 Main Battle Tanks
10,000 Heavy Walkers
8,000 Wrath of the Great Father Super-Tanks
6,000 Great Father’s Sword
6,000 All-Terrain Heavy Transport
3 Armored Imperial Transport, with one as a command tank
1,000 Titan Infantry
1,000 Heavy Titans
Total: 52,003 Vehicles
20,000 Scorpion Attack Helicopters
20,000 Predator Stealth Bombers
20,000 Transport Vessels
15,000 Air-to-Air Gunships
100 Attack Zeppelins (Armed with railguns and carries the titans)
1 Giant Air Zeppelin (The Air Force Commander’s Flagship. Can perform bombardments and
carries all the army & aircraft)
Total: 65,101 Aircraft

Above is how you start a war or invasion. Also, please do not make them one post. That makes
you a major ass and you will be suspended. You have to wait for the other person to make their
move. Also, when your forces are being defeated, do not offend the player, and do not god-mod
like a little 5-year-old. Once a day, you have to put up a map of your progress, and then state
how many troops and enemy troops were killed and injured REALISTICALLY!

You also have the option to send reinforcements when the times are rough, except when there is
a blockade, where you have to actually send a fleet to fight the blockading navy. That is just
common sense. Another rule, like the above example, is you have to accept your nation size and
play with it, which may be harder for small and weak nations. But as I said earlier, you have to
put up a valid purpose to invade them. If it is just for the desire of land, either I or Sallar Roltolk
will lock the thread.

Abide by the rules and have fun, and don’t be an ass (or you will be outta here).

Have a good day.

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