Amigable Vs Cuenca

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Amigable vs Cuenca

GR L-26400 February 29, 1972

This is an appeal from the e!ision of the "ourt of First #nstan!e of "ebu in its "i$il "ase %o& R-'977,
ismissin( the plaintiff)s !omplaint
*i!toria +mi(able, the appellant herein, is the re(istere o,ner of Lot %o& 6-9 of the .anila /state in "ebu
"ity& %o annotation in fa$or of the (o$ernment of any ri(ht or interest in the property appears at the ba!0 of
the !ertifi!ate&
1ithout prior e2propriation or ne(otiate sale, the (o$ernment use a portion of sai lot, ,ith an area of
6,167 s3uare meters, for the !onstru!tion of the 4an(o an Gororo +$enues&
+mi(able5s !ounsel ,rote to the 6resient an re3uestin( payment of the portion of her lot ,hi!h ha been
appropriate by the (o$ernment ,hi!h ,as isallo,e by the +uitor General
+mi(able file a !omplaint a(ainst the Republi! of the 6hilippines an %i!olas "uen!a, in his !apa!ity as
"ommissioner of 6ubli! 7i(h,ays, for the re!o$ery of o,nership an possession the lan plus ama(es
The trial !ourt renere its e!ision holin( that it ha no 8urisi!tion o$er the plaintiff)s !ause of a!tion for
the re!o$ery of possession an o,nership of the portion of her lot in 3uestion on the (roun that the
(o$ernment !annot be sue ,ithout its !onsent&
+!!orin(ly, the !omplaint ,as ismisse& 9nable to se!ure a re!onsieration, the plaintiff appeale to the
"ourt of +ppeals, ,hi!h subse3uently !ertifie the !ase to the :", there bein( no 3uestion of fa!t in$ol$e&
1hether or not the appellant may properly sue the (o$ernment&
;es& 1here the (o$ernment ta0es a,ay property from a pri$ate lano,ner for publi! use ,ithout (oin(
throu(h the le(al pro!ess of e2propriation or ne(otiate sale, the a((rie$e party may properly maintain a
suit a(ainst the (o$ernment ,ithout thereby $iolatin( the o!trine of (o$ernmental immunity from suit
,ithout its !onsent&
The o!trine of (o$ernmental immunity from suit !annot ser$e as an instrument for perpetratin( an in8usti!e
on a !iti<en&
#t is not too mu!h to say that ,hen the (o$ernment ta0es any property for publi! use, ,hi!h is !onitione
upon the payment of 8ust !ompensation, to be 8ui!ially as!ertaine, it ma0es manifest that it submits to the
8urisi!tion of a !ourt& There is no thou(ht then that the o!trine of immunity from suit !oul still be
appropriately in$o0e&
"onsierin( that no annotation in fa$or of the (o$ernment appears at the ba!0 of her !ertifi!ate of title an
that she has not e2e!ute any ee of !on$eyan!e of any portion of her lot to the (o$ernment, the appellant
remains the o,ner of the ,hole lot& +s re(istere o,ner, she !oul brin( an a!tion to re!o$er possession of
the portion of lan in 3uestion at anytime be!ause possession is one of the attributes of o,nership

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