6A & 6B Post Unfair Grading Concerns

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Email correspondence

Regarding Post Student Concerns

K. Stewart/FSO Instructor &
Q Searles/FSO Student
Wk 1 discussion Post

DOC 6 - A

Queen~ Thank you for your initial post this week. You did a great job addressing the initial post assignment
objectives. Some typos were identified in your response post. (-5 points) These include: word choice in second
sentence ("contention"), sentence structure of the second sentence in the second paragraph, last sentence of
paragraph two, "male" and "men" are synonyms, "sites" should be possessive in the last paragraph, and "the
attract" should be "they attract". Key takeaway: As you begin to incorporate more relevant keywords into your
blog, remember to think like someone searching the internet. What words or phrases would someone put into a
search to find the information you are publishing? The more relevant your keywords are to the phrases people
are searching for, the more likely your site will show up in the results. Ranking higher in search results does
take time, and your blog is still fairly young, but diligence will payoff in the end. Please feel free to contact me
with any questions. Kristin
May. 14, 8:59 pm

Kristin ~Since when can points be deducted because the instructor does not like the word that a student uses!
Do you have an issue with complex sentences, otherwise the comas are in the correct place and it is a complete
sentence. Please review and adjust my grade to reflect a score of 97. It is the authors choice to use opinion,
belief or contention when expressing ideas. If a sentence is correct points should not arbitrarily [be] taken,
particularly when it does not detract from the assignment objectives.
11 hours ago
That should be... from the assignment

Hi Queen,
If the word choice does not clearly convey the meaning of the sentence, then it is not the best word choice for
that particular instance. It makes it sound as though you are arguing the keyword suggestions provided, when
in actuality, it's not an argument, but alternate suggestions of additional keywords. It's important that the posts
on the discussion boards do not make classmates feel as though their ideas, suggestions, and contributions are
wrong. Using a word like "contention" can lead a reader to believe you are in "rivalry" or "contest" over
someone's input. This is why I suggested the word "contention" is out of place.
In addition to that instance, there is an additional error in that sentence. It should be "suggestions" and not
"suggestion." There are seven other non-repetitive typos in the post, not including the sentence structure of the
second sentence in the second paragraph, or the word "contention. I've included a screenshot of the track
changes for your post below. According to the EBMS grading policy, your post should receive a score of 93%.
I will be happy to leave the score as a 95% (A+), or I can apply the policy in the strictest sense and decrease
the grade to a 93% (A). Please let me know if you prefer to keep the existing score, or would like it updated in
accordance with the policy.
Email correspondence
Regarding Post Student Concerns
K. Stewart/FSO Instructor &
Q Searles/FSO Student
Wk 1 discussion Post

DOC 6 - B

Kristin- Please do not attempt to play the more errors game here! This matter will be escalated if necessary.
We w[i]ll examine from what was already graded! And actually, my grade should be changed to 99%. Initial
post is worth 80% response post is 20%. Grade = (80% of 100) = (20% of 97) = 80 + 19.4 =99.4 final grade
for discussion post
You should focus more energy on explaining to students how to use the canvas and make sure their work is not
constantly lost rather than nitpicking with small things that have little to do with the objectives of the course.
May. 15, 3:05 pm

11 hours ago

Show message history
On Thursday, May 15, 2014 5:50 PM, Queen Searles <queensearles@fullsail.edu> wrote:

From: Queen Searles
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 5:16 PM
To: Donovan, Sean; cmarconi@fullsail.com; grogers@fullsail.com; gjones@fullsail.com
Cc: Ron Cook; kcraft@fullsail.com; knstewart@fullsail.com; dfranko@fullsail.com;
dmills@fullsail.com; lgarcia@fullsail.com
Subject: RE: Full Sail University - Checking In

Hi Sean,

I demand an audit of the grading practices of Full Sail University Entertainment Business
Masters of Science, instructor, Kristin Stewart. She is playing "Dirty Tricks" relative to grading
practices. She insists on divesting time by nitpicking over the grading of a student discussion
post and has not provided timely feedback to the core of the course assignments. She issued a
threat to re-grade an entire post and change a grade from a 95 to a 93 Additionally, the initial
post is worth 80% and the response post 20% thus the grade should be calculated as (80% of
100)= 80 + (20% of 97)= 19.4 80+19.4 = 99.4 Post Grade. Even if Ms. Stewart followed thru
with her threat she has wasted valuable time because the grade would still round to a 99 if the
student earned a 93 on the response post 80 + (20% of 93) 18.6 = 98.6 = 99%
If she has been calculating student grades without applying the weight of the assignments she
may be deflating some grades while inflating others.

Please request from Ms. Stewart the comments posted relative to this email. Requiring me to
provide evidence will further distract from my ability to stay focused, as her practices can be
overbearing and devastating to one's momentum.

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