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Student Concerns

1) Student Concerns
Entertainment Business Master of Science

Instructions: Please complete the following in the fields provided and return it to your student advisor. Your
advisor will ensure that the information you are submitting is complete and identifies what you have done to try to
correct the issue with your instructor. She will then forward the form to the Program Director for review.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Queen Searles Course: Digital Marketing Date: 3-23-2014

1. Please summarize the issue/s you would like to resolve with your Course Director.
The issues that need to be resolved with Ms. Kristin Stewart, current instructor for Digital Marketing, hereafter referred to as
Stewart, are as follows:
1. Stewart removed a student post from the Student Study Lounge without communicating with student and affording student
an opportunity to discuss the issues and revise their own post.
2. Stewart impersonated the student by placing a fraudulent post next to students photo, using the word Hello in the
salutation. Said student, who, like Oprah Winfrey over-stands the power of attraction, refrains from using that word. Student
was extremely appalled to see her post replaced with Ms. Stewarts words and Students face.
3. Stewart engages in deceptive teaching and learning practices that provide negative learning experiences for students. This
includes, but is not limited to, making unjustified point deductions from student discussion posts that are not in accordance
with course rubrics. Stewarts practices could rob students of achieving their maximum earning potential.
4. Stewarts overbearingly rude and unduly mean-spirited attack has caused student to experience excessive stress, as well
as, serious physical pains.

DOC. 1-B
Student Concerns

2. Please explain what steps you have taken to resolve this issue.
Student, who was utilizing temporary housing services, made special arrangements to attend the
live GoTo Session to discuss the aforesaid concerns with Stewart after class. At the end of the
class, after allowing sufficient time for the other two students to raise questions, the student
herein asked to be unmuted. Student attempted to explain to Stewart that the student study
lounge, or even before or after class, should be appropriate platforms to begin the discussion
about how some professionals negatively view the quality of degrees obtained online. As you
can see from the attached screen shots of the GoTo session chat, Stewart abruptly muted
student. This is akin to slamming a phone down or slamming the door in a persons face

In private chat mode student admonished Stewart of her rudeness and waited until the other 2
students left the session in an effort to resume conversation with Stewart. Notwithstanding that
Stewart was aware of students present challenges, she unmercifully refused to unmute student
and engage in productive, intelligent two-way conversation with student, stating, she did not
have time...among other things.

Although Stewart states that she archives her weekly GoTo Training sessions she does not. In
fact, she attempts to make the live sessions as short as possible and she relies on previously
archived sessions recorded months ago. When changes in Googles technological processes
platform were brought to her attention, she casually remarked that she must provide updated
information later.

Regarding the unjustified deduction of points, student sent an email to Stewart requesting
elaboration on the three-point deduction from students week one discussion post. In a response
email Stewart brushed students concern off saying, I did not keep a record of the typosI just
read the posts, and if I notice any typos, I apply the deduction. If I remember correctly, I believe
one of them was for a missing apostrophe to show possession.

Student wrote a letter that she revised into the grievance herein upon the advise of her student
advisor, Tarragon Horn, who explained that completing this form is the first step of established
university protocol for registering a formal complaint. Student was also advised that Ms. Stewart
is the only person currently teaching Digital Marketing. This presents another major issue,
because student, a 35-year vetted pedagogical professional, refuses to pay and/or study under
the direction of Ms. Stewart or anyone who demonstrates such despicable professional

DOC. 1-C
Student Concerns

Stewarts Fraudulent Post Impersonating Student
3. Please submit all supporting documentation here, as forwarded email
exchanges, and/or as attachments.
DOC. 1-D
Student Concerns

Stewart abruptly MUTED
Student while student
was talking!

Student immediately
expressed her discontent
with Stewarts

Stewart could have easily transitioned the conversation respectfully by saying, Ok, Im going to
mute youwe can talk more after I end the session

DOC. 1-E
Student Concerns

The fact that Stewart chose not to respond when student expressed that her actions were rude
and furthermore, never apologized but in fact became more audacious, leads Student to believe
that Stewarts acts were Intentional; done with the sole purpose of causing student to
experience emotional and physiological distress.
DOC. 1-F
Student Concerns

DOC. 1-G
Student Concerns

Moreover Student believes that Stewarts actions are discriminatory as she filched points from
the students discussion post with out a justifiable explanation.

DOC. 1-H
Student Concerns

Of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE is Stewarts audacious tactics that ditto Greens Law 28, Any
mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity (Green, 1998).
Students who seek to gain maximum rewards and sail fully into a destiny worthy of the
finances, time and sacrifices required to earn the Distinction of Entertainment Business Masters
of Science Graduate, appreciate constructive feedback and current input from their professors
and peers. Stewarts unethical pedagogical practices are impinging upon Students academic,
social and financial progress.

DOC. 1-I
Student Concerns

Smiling, Stewart gains trust then mislead students to believe that, If your schedule does not
allow, the sessions are archived. Missed weekly sessions are not archived. What is archived
are prerecorded GoTo Training sessions, which sometimes contain outdated technological

5. Please describe your ideal resolution to your concerns.

DOC. 1-J
Student Concerns

The ideal resolution to this matter is for Full Sail University
administrators to:

1. Immediately locate a professor to teach the course who is
passionate about pedagogy, compassionate towards students, and
who practices honest pedagogical principles that promote equity of
2. Conduct an audit and investigation into the professional dishonesty
of Kristin Stewart and her unprofessional communications using
disdainful tones that humiliate, aggravate and exacerbate pain.
3. Allow students week one discussion post to be graded by a
professor who is committed to professional integrity and to
employing grading practices that allows students to learn from their
mistakes and to gain maximum mastery of course objectives.
4. Student also requests that the universities policy of using the same
information is waived in this instance and that her week one
Discussion post can be used when she takes the course.

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