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Directors Response to Student

Ms. Queen A T Searles

April 17, 2014

Dear Ms. Searles:

This is in response to your letter to Entertainment Business Master of Science degree
program Department Chair, Kim Craft. Ms. Craft had responded to the Student Concern
Form you had submitted, a system I put in place several years ago to facilitate the
resolution of student/teacher disagreements, grade disputes and other issues. As you
know, I am the Program Director for the Entertainment Business Master of Science
degree program, and we have spoken previously, shortly after you entered the program in

Let me begin by offering my apologies for this unfortunate situation. I assure you that
everyone on our team, from your instructors and Department Chair to the student
advising team, care very much about delivering a positive educational experience, and I
apologize that you feel we have let you down in this case.

I also want to apologize if you felt that Ms. Crafts response to your concerns was in any
way insensitive to the issues you brought to her attention, as that was certainly not her
intention. She did follow up with Ms. Stewart, the student advising team, and me, and
responded to you with her decision.

At this point you have voiced your concerns and made some assertions, and unfortunately
we are not in agreement in this case. It is not my intention in this follow-up to address
your response to Ms. Craft as some type of adversarial proceeding with defined terms, as
is the tone of your response. Rather, I would like to see this matter resolved to our
mutual satisfaction. The last thing I want is to lose you as a valued student, and I
sincerely hope that you will continue in the degree program.

To address your specific requests and comments, albeit in a less formal tone, let me share
with you my thoughts and decisions regarding the concerns you have brought to our
attention. I will try to be brief.

1. Per your request, Ms. Craft did conduct an investigation of the issues you raised
in the Student Concern Form. Her response to you summarized the findings of
that review.
2. Regarding your requests for written and/or audio transcripts of Ms. Crafts review
of your concerns with Ms. Stewart, the student advising team and me, there are no
transcripts of those discussions. Obviously the faculty, advisors and I discuss
student issues all the time, and students are not provided access to these
3. Although it is not my intention in any way to detract from the seriousness of the
numerous charges and accusations you have made regarding your teacher, I can

Directors Response to Student

only respond by noting that we are not in agreement, especially relative to your
assertion that your teacher is disrespectful, deceptive, mean-spirited or engaging
in fraud. Ms. Stewart is a respected educator and valued member of our faculty. I
clearly understand that you dont agree with that assessment, and I am sorry you
feel that way. Ms. Stewarts tenure and performance at the university, consistent
positive comments from students, and our direct evaluation of her teaching
abilities simply do not support your accusations. We are clearly in disagreement
regarding these assertions. Ms. Stewart is responsible for managing her
classroom, both on campus and virtually. Removing what she considered to be an
inappropriate discussion post is clearly in her purview, and Ms. Craft or I would
have done the same thing, had we been teaching the class.
4. Similar to the above, I disagree that Ms. Stewart uses deceptive teaching and
learning practices, is overbearingly rude, or unprofessional. Our experience
indicates that is not the case.
5. I strongly disagree with and personally resent your assertion that Ms. Craft or I in
any way condone unprofessional communications, conduct and attitudes. We do
not accept such behavior from our faculty, or our students.
6. That brings us to the issue of completion of the course. I again apologize if Ms.
Crafts response may have seemed in any way curt or dismissive. Rather, she was
simply acknowledging the reality of the situation. Ms. Stewart is the only
instructor for this course. Notwithstanding your strongly held belief to the
contrary, Ms. Stewart is qualified to administer the course and is willing to do so,
in order for you to complete the course and satisfy the degree requirement. I
realize that you have made it very clear that you are adamant regarding your
assertion that you will not be taught by Stewart. I respect but do not agree with
your decision. You have come so far, and I think that your decision is very
unfortunate. But it is yours to make.
7. In an effort to provide additional assurance of fair and impartial treatment, should
you decide to complete the course, Sean Donovan, Student Advising Manager,
has offered to serve as your ombudsman and intermediary during the class, acting
as your advocate and ensuring that your work is objectively and properly
evaluated. I personally appreciate his offer to do so, and I hope that you will see
fit to accept his involvement.

I hope that you will reconsider your decision and complete Digital Marketing in the May
term. But whatever you decide, if you will please let Mr. Donovan know your decision
regarding completing the course, he will make the necessary arrangements.


Ron Cook
Program Director
Entertainment Business Master of Science Degree Program

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