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DOC 7 - A

Student Demand for Investigation

To Donovan, Seangjones@fullsail.comgrogers@fullsail.com and 9 More...
May 16
Kind Greeting Administrators and All Concerned Parties,

Below is the recent correspondence regarding the grading of student's week one Discussion post,
wherein the initial post is worth 80% of the grade and the response post is equal to 20% of the
grade. Said correspondence from and the mindset of the instructor is vexatious and is distracting
from student's ability to gain maximum value on the journey to completing the course objectives.


Queen Searles

May. 15, 3:05 pm

How can you tell the author what they meant by using a word! Maybe I was having a conflict
with myself as to whether the three choices I made were the best possible choices.

May. 15, 3:08 pm

Hi Queen,

You did a nice job on your posts, and received an A+ on the assignment. This is definitely
something to be proud of, and a testament to your hard work and dedication. I appreciate your
dedication to your academics and grades, however, with the 7 non-repetitive errors/typos, the
best grade I can offer you is the 95%. As you will see on the rubric, the typos are deducted from
the score as a whole, and not the initial and response posts individually. This is an EBMS
grading policy, and is applied to all classes for discussion board assignments. Out of 100
possible points, 10 points are allocated to grammar/typos/punctuation, 20 points to content and
organization, 20 points to relevance, 10 points to research and citations, and 40 points to
technology tools (in this specific case, this would include the use of Alexa.com, Quantcast.com,
etc.). If the grammar deductions were applied separately to the initial and the response posts, this
would cause a sort of "double-dipping" effect, taking points away twice.

I hope this helps clarify the program's grading policy for discussion boards. As a fellow educator,
I know you understand the importance of uniform grading and offering every student the same
opportunities. An A+ on a discussion board is a terrific achievement, and continuing to submit
work at this level with allow you to earn a high score in the course overall.


DOC 7 - B
Student Demand for Investigation

May. 15, 4:32 pm

Kind Greetings Kristin,

My grade is not NEGOTIABLE! You cannot "offer" me a grade. You are required to calculate
my grade for the discussion post as stated in the Rubric for every discussion post.

Initial post is 80% Response post is 20% of the grade. Even if you took the maximum 10 points
from an assignment the final grade would still be 98!

There have been assignments where mistakes in grammar were made and I still earned 100%
remember 99.5 and up is still 100. It is unfair to give equal weight to a response post or to even
be in the mindset that minor "typos" in a response post can turn an otherwise outstanding project
into an A- post.

Further, you are required to give immediate feed back on the other week one assignments
without undue procrastination with trivialities.


Queen Searles
May. 16, 8:46 am

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