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Ang tunay na pag-anyaya, dinadamayan ng hila

Nagpapakain ma't masama sa loob, ang pinakakain hindi nabubusog.

Bago mo sabihin at gawin, makapitong iisipin.
Kung di ukol, di bubukol.
Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa.
Kung walang tiyaga, walang nilaga.
Taong di marunong sumangguini, may dunong ma'y namamali.
A person who does not seek advie will make mistakes though wise.
!alang mahirap gisingin gaya ng nagtutulog-tulugan.
No one's harder to wake up than someone pretending to be asleep.
Ang manamit ng hiram, sa daan hinuhubaran.
"# you wear something borrowed, you an be stripped naked in the streets.
Kung nagbibigay ma't mahirap sa loob, ang pinakakain ay di mabubusog.
$iving grudgingly will not appease the hunger o# the one you're #eeding.
Kung sino ang unang pumutak, siyang nangitlog.
!hoever akles %rst is the one who laid the egg. &$uilty'(
Kung sino pa ang anluwage ay siyang walang itak.
"t is the arpenter who has no bolo kni#e.
)alakas ang loob, mahina ang tuhod.
Bold o# heart, but weak-kneed.
Ang pili nang pili, natatama sa bungi.
The hoosy one ends up with the worst.
Batong buhay ka man na sakdal ng tigas, sa patak ng tubig lamang naagnas.
The hardest stone you may be, but you will only be eroded by drops o# water.
!alang mahirap na gawa 'pag dinaan sa tiyaga.
Nothing's hard to do i# you pursue it through perseverane.
Ang kaginhawaan ay nasa kasiyahan, at wala sa kasaganaan.
!ell-being is in happiness and not in prosperity.
Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang wika ay mahigit pa sa hayop at malansang isda.
A person who does not love his own language is worse than beast and #oul-smelling
%sh. &This is a *uote attributed to +os,
Ang tunay na pag-ibig sa bayan ay nasa pawis ng gawa.
$enuine patriotism is in the sweat o# ation.
President, Head of State, Head of Government President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III
Vice President Jejomar Cabaiatam BINAY
Executive Sec. Paquito OCHOA, Jr.
Presidential Chief of Staff Secretary Julia ABA
Sec. of Agrarian Reform !irgilio " #O$ %"Y"$
Sec. of Agriculture Pro&eso A#CA#A
Sec. of the udget ! "anagement 'loren&io ABA
Sec. of Education, Culture, ! S#orts Armin #(I$)%O, %e*.
Sec. of Energy Jose %ene . A#+"N%A$
Sec. of Environment ! $atural Resources %amon PAJ"
Sec. of %inance Cesar P(%I$I+A
Sec. of %oreign Affairs Albert "# %O$A%IO
Sec. of Health "nrique ONA, r.
Sec. of &nterior ! 'ocal Govt. Jesse %OB%"O
Sec. of (ustice #eila " #I+A
Sec. of 'a)or ! Em#loyment %osalinda BA#O,
Sec. of $ational *efense !oltaire -A,+IN
Sec. of Pu)lic +or,s ! High-ays %ogelio #. $IN-$ON
Sec. of Science ! .echnology +ario +ON)"JO
Sec. of Social +elfare ! *evelo#ment Cora.on $O#I+AN
Sec. of Socioeconomic Planning Cayetano PA"%AN-A
Sec. of .ourism Alberto #I+
Sec. of .rade ! &ndustry -regory O+IN-O
Sec. of .rans#ortation ! Communications +anuel %O/A$ II
$ational Security Adviser Cesar P. -A%CIA, Jr.
Governor, Central an, Amando )")AN-CO, Jr.
Am)assador to the /S Jose C(I$IA, Jr.
Permanent Re#resentative to the /$, $e- 0or, #ibran N. CABAC)(#AN
Committee C0air1erson
Accounta)ility of Pu)lic 1fficers !
&nvestigations 2lue Ri))on Committee3
Alan Peter Cayetano
4i,o Pangilinan
Agrarian Reform
Gregorio Honasan
Agriculture and %ood
Edgardo Angara
an,s, %inancial &nstitutions ! Currencies
Edgardo Angara
Civil Service and Government Reorgani5ation
Antonio .rillanes &V
Constitutional Amendments, Revision of
Codes and 'a-s
Richard Gordon
(uan "iguel 6u)iri
Cultural Communities
(am)y "adrigal
Economic Affairs
'oren 'egarda
Education, Arts and Culture
Alan Peter Cayetano
"iriam *efensor Santiago
Environment and $atural Resources
Pia Cayetano
Ethics and Privileges
Pia Cayetano
Edgardo Angara
%oreign Relations
"iriam *efensor Santiago
Games, Amusement and S#orts
'ito 'a#id
Government Cor#orations ! Pu)lic Enter#rises
Richard Gordon
Health and *emogra#hy
Pia Cayetano
(ustice and Human Rights
%rancis Escudero
'a)or, Em#loyment ! Human Resource
(inggoy Estrada
'ocal Government
enigno A7uino &&&
$ational *efense and Security
Rodolfo ia5on
Peace, /nification and Reconciliation
(am)y "adrigal
Pu)lic &nformation and "ass "edia
Ramon Revilla, (r.
Pu)lic 1rder and &llegal *rugs
Gregorio Honasan
Pu)lic Services
(uan Ponce Enrile
Pu)lic +or,s
Ramon Revilla, (r.
%rancis Pangilinan
Science and .echnology
Edgardo Angara
Social (ustice, +elfare and Rural *evelo#ment
'oren 'egarda
Richard Gordon
.rade and Commerce
"ar Roxas
/r)an Planning, Housing and Resettlement
(uan "iguel 6u)iri
+ays and "eans
%rancis Escudero
0outh, +omen and %amily Relations
(am)y "adrigal

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