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Music projects to serve underprivileged children

September 22, 2014

It was a warm Saturday afternoon when we visited the Government High School 9th Block
Jayanagar. Among all the noise and the clutter of a non-descript government school, there
was one class that held the children in rapt attention, as they prepared for the upcoming
Board exams.
The Math teacher was explaining concepts in Geometry. The students, numbering around
30, passed around an old geometry set, waiting for their turn to use it. They are keen
learners, and they can certainly do well in Board exams but our children cannot afford a
geometry box each. This would mean poor performance or giving up attempting Geometry,
the school principal lamented.
The following Saturday we were at the school again ensuring that these children no longer
feel uncertain about Math exams. We got them good quality geometry boxes each. The
happiness writ on their faces was unexplainable.

To introduce ourselves, we are a group supporting childrens education under the banner of
KChords Trust. While we are professionals attached to various industries, we are also
talented professional musicians, who take up musical projects to raise funds for a host of
charitable activities around childrens education. Six months since inception, we have been
involved in Government Primary School, Government Urdu Primary School and Government
High School in Jayanagar so far.
As KChords co-founder Karthik Somanath puts it, We are happy that our passion for music
benefits the cause that we are compassionate about. Proceeds of all our musical ventures
go to serving underprivileged school children.
Our first music project Techies4kannada presents Baa Sangaati launched by Infosys
Foundation chairperson Sudha Murty created ripples in the music/ IT industry for both their
musical prowess and the charitable work the team commenced following the launch.
From the Trust, we have so far supported school children in the age group of 5-15 years, by
meeting their educational requirements for the academic year 2013-14. As Krishnamurthy
co-founder at KChords Trust observes, Most children in government schools grapple with
very basic issues. For sustained, long-term support for these children, we are looking at
additional sponsorship from public.
We would like to partner with like-minded public and corporate organizations for their
upcoming projects. Donations to the Trust are exempt from tax under 80 G. Those
interested to collaborate and contribute, please contact 7760554305/

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