Innovations Unit Vocabulary

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Unit 10 - Shopping

pirate copy Raubkopie

to have fallen off the back vom Lastwaggen fallen, von der Palette to be stolen
of a lorry fallen

tout Kartenschwarzhändler someone who buys tickets for a

concert, sports match etc and sells
them at a higher price, usually on
the street near a sports ground,
theatre etc

counterfeit Fälschung something that is made to look like

an exact copy of something else in
order to trick people

to fiddle one’s tax return seine Steuererklärung fälschen

cash-in-hand job Schwarzarbeit

file-sharing site Datenaustauschseite

to smuggle schmuggeln to take something or someone

illegally from one country to

fraudulent betrügerisch intended to deceive people in an

illegal way, in order to gain money,

replica Kopie an exact copy of something,

especially a building, a gun, or a
work of art

fake Fälschung a copy of a valuable object, painting

etc that is intended to deceive

brand-name Marken-

nicked geklaut stolen

illicitly illegalerweise
shellfish Meeresfrüchte an animal that lives in water, has a
shell, and can be eaten as food, for
example crabs, lobsters, and oysters

treacherous 1 tückisch, verräterisch someone who is treacherous cannot

be trusted because they are not
loyal and secretly intend to harm
2 äußerst gefährlich ground, roads, weather conditions
etc that are treacherous are
particularly dangerous because you
cannot see the dangers very easily

to cast a light on/onto sth Licht auf etw werfen to provide new information about
something, making it easier to

cockle Herzmuschel a type of shellfish with a shell that

has two parts and is shaped like a

ruthless skrupellos so determined to get what you

want that you do not care if you
have to hurt other people in order
to do it

to incorporate miteinbeziehen to include something as part of a

group, system, plan etc

fraud Betrug the crime of deceiving people in

order to gain something such as
money or goods

to launch a crampdown rigoroses Vorgehen einleiten

revenue Steuereinkommen money that the government

receives from tax

akin to ähnlich

bootlegging Alkoholschmuggel

boost Ankurbelung, Auftrieb, Aufschwung

cornerstone Meilenstein something that is extremely

important because everything else
depends on it

VAT Mehrwertsteuer
to scratch one’s head sich am Kopf kratzen

compelled gezwungen forced

genuine echt

threshold Schwellenwert the level at which something starts

to happen or have an effect

manifesto Manifest, Programm

substantially beträchtlich

seams Nähte, Säume

sleeve Ärmel

tartan Schottenkaro

compatible vereinbar, kompatibel able to exist or be used together

without causing problems

hairline crack feiner Riss

fuzzy unscharf, verschwommen unclear or confused

ripped eingerissen, zerrissen be torn quickly and violently

to fall apart auseinanderfallen

to be well up in sth mit etw vertraut sein, gut Bescheid


frayed ausgefranst if cloth or other material frays, or if

something frays it, the threads
become loose because the material
is old

chipped angeschlagen if you chip something, or if it chips,

a small piece of it breaks off

to be rushed off one’s feet vor Arbeit kein Bein mehr auf den Boden

baggy schlabbrig; schlotterig loose-fitting

buckle Schnalle, Spange

collar Kragen
cuff Ärmelaufschlag,

flared ausgestellt

hood Kapuze a part of a coat, jacket etc that you

can pull up to cover your head

knee-length knielang

lapel Rockaufschlag

paisley Paisleymuster

pinstripe Nadelstreifen

pleated skirt Faltenrock

polka-dotted gepunktet

polka dots Punkte

polo-neck Rollkragenpulli a shirt or sweater that has a high

collar that folds down and fits
closely around the neck

to raise a few eyebrows für Stirnrunzeln sorgen

skimpy knapp

It’s the tip of the iceberg. Das ist die Spitze des Eisbergs.

It was the final straw. Da platzte mir der Kragen. the last in a series of bad things that
happen to make someone very
upset, angry, etc.

to uncover a terrorist plot einen Terroristenanschlag aufdecken

web of corruption Netzwerk der Korruption

to cast light on sth Licht auf etw werfen to provide new information about
something, making it easier to

to cast doubt on sth etw anzweifeln to make people feel less certain
about something

to launch an attack angreifen

buoyant beschwingt, heiter happy and confident

sluggish lustlos, schwerfällig, träge

to drain on the resources Ressourcen in Anspruch nehmen

to drain a lake einen See trockenlegen

to drain emotionally emotional zehren

to undercut your die Preise der Mitbewerber unterbieten

competitors’ prices

penalties Strafen punishments

draconian drakonisch

handover Übergabe the act of giving someone else

control of a place or business

nervous breakdown Nervenzusammenbruch

walkout Streik strike

passer-by Passant

upbringing Erziehung

drop in the ocean Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein

a trickle of people eine kleine Menge Leute

a stream of people eine Menge Leute

a flood of people Menschenmasse

to open the floodgates Immigration wird von Regierung if something opens the floodgates,
erleichtert or if the floodgates open, it
suddenly becomes possible for a lot
of things to happen which were
prevented from happening before

wave of anger and protest Welle der Empörung

to go under Pleite gehen if a business goes under, it has to

stop operating because of financial

to keep one’s head above sich über Wasser halten to manage to continue to live on
water your income or keep your business
working when this is difficult
because of financial problems
It’s all water under the Das ist Schnee von gestern.
bridge now.

to sink or swim auf sich alleine angewiesen sein to succeed or fail without help from
anyone else

to get into hot water with sich mit dem Chef in die Haare kriegen
the boss

floating voter Wechselwähler

to leak news to the press der Presse Informationen zuspielen

flimsy dünn, zart flimsy cloth or clothing is light and


sturdy robust

revealing freizügig

frumpy altmodisch old-fashioned

tacky billig if something is tacky, it looks cheap

or badly made, and shows poor

nasty widerlich

stumpy stämmig stumpy legs, fingers etc are short

and thick in an unattractive way

slender schlank slim

to splash out sich nicht lumpen lassen to spend a lot of money on


loud knallig, grellbunt; aufdringlich too bright

bright leuchtend

to clash sich schlagen if two colours or designs clash, they

look very bad together

to look out of place fehlplaziert aussehen

cardigan Strickjacke

dangly baumelnd, herabhängend hang or swing loosely

deceit Betrug, List , Schwindel behaviour that is intended to make

someone believe something that is
not true

rethink Umdenken

to dent one’s confidence sein Selbstvertrauen schwächen

to resort to legal action gerichtliches Vorgehen

handle Griff the part of an object that you use

for holding it

colours run Farben laufen aus

flat pack Flachgehäuse

boot Kofferraum trunk

dent Delle

sell-by-date Haltbarkeitsdatum

to chuck away wegwerfen to throw away

refund Rückerstattung, Rückvergütung an amount of money that is given

back to you if you are not satisfied
with the goods or services that you
have paid for

to come apart at the sole an der Sole auflösen

receipt Kassenbon

to get lost abhauen

to misrepresent falsch darstellen

excess baggage Übergewicht

outward journey Hinreise

return journey Rückreise home journey

refurbishment Renovierung act of decorating and repairing

something such as a building or
office in order to improve its

landlord Vermieter a man who rents a room, building,

or piece of land to someone

deposit Kaution money that you pay when you rent

something such as an apartment or
car, which will be given back if you
do not damage it

inadequate unangemessen

to reiterate wiederholen to repeat

to neglect verabsäumen, unterlassen to pay too little attention to


cramped room sehr enger Raum overcrowded room

service charge Benutzungsgebühr

leaflet Prospekt brochure

to dent the profit den Gewinn schmälern

to tackle a problem ein Problem angehen to address a problem

rampant inflation ungezügelte Inflation

I haven’t the foggiest. Ich hab nicht die leiseste Ahnung I don’t have an idea.

Unit 9 - The weather and the environment

to chuck it down to rain very heavily stark regnen

It chucked it down all afternoon.

chilly chilly weather or places are cold enough to frostig, kühl

make you feel uncomfortable

a chilly November morning

It’s blowing a gale wind moving Draußen tobt ein Sturm.


glorious weather very sunny and good Kaiserwetter

blistered My hands were blistered from all the mit Blasen bedeckt
muggy muggy weather is unpleasantly warm and schwül, feucht
the air seems wet [=humid]

to be snowed in to be unable to travel from a place because eingeschneit sein

so much snow has fallen there

We were snowed in for three days last


to be rained off if an event or activity is rained off or rained wegen Regens abgesagt
out, it has to stop because there is too werden
much rain

The match was rained off.

waterlogged a waterlogged area of land is flooded with wassergetränkt

water and cannot be used

Heavy rain meant the pitch was


tailback a line of traffic that is moving very slowly orStau

not moving at all

a five-mile tailback on the M25

to avoid sb. like the to stay away from someone jmd. meiden wie die Pest
Why did you speak to him? You usually
avoid him like the plague.

to erect a wind They’re going to erect a wind turbine in ein Windkraftwerk errichten
turbine front of my house.

global warming a general increase in world temperatures Erderwärmung

caused by increased amounts of carbon
dioxide around the Earth

leading advocate He is a leading advocate of nuclear power. großer Befürworter

nimby not in my backyard Nicht vor meiner Haustür!

Nicht mit mir!
someone who does not want a particular
activity or building near their home - used
to show disapproval

bitter unpleasantly cold bitterkalt

a bitter wind
scorching extremely hot brütend heiß

the scorching desert heat

It’s pouring down. to rain heavily without stopping Es schüttet in Strömen.

It’s spitting. to be raining very lightly [=drizzle] Es tröpfelt.

You don't need an umbrella - it's only


breeze a gentle wind Lüftchen, leichter Wind

flowers waving in the breeze

patchy fog It will be a cold night, and there may be fog stellenweise Nebel

gale-force winds a gale- force wind is strong enough to be stürmische Winde

dangerous or cause damage

torrential rain very heavy rain sinflutartige Regenfälle

It’s absolutely to rain very hard [=pour] Es schüttet wie aus Kübeln.
bucketing down.
It's been bucketing down all day.

power cut a period of time when there is no Stromausfall

electricity supply [=power failure; =power
outage AE]

to dig out to get something out of earth, snow etc ausschaufeln, ausgraben
using a spade or your hands

We had to dig the car out of a snow drift.

downpour a lot of rain that falls in a short time Guss, Platzregen

to skid if a vehicle or a wheel on a vehicle skids, it rutschen, ins Schleudern

suddenly slides sideways and you cannot geraten
control it

The car skidded as she turned onto the


visibility the distance it is possible to see, especially Sicht, Sichtweite

when this is affected by weather conditions

Visibility on the roads is down to 20 metres

due to heavy fog.

black ice an area of ice that is very difficult to see Glatteis

Driving conditions are dangerous, with

black ice in many areas.

mudbath a large area of mud Schlammbad

Thousands of young people arriving for the

festival soon turned the fields into a

to sleep like a log to sleep very well wie ein Murmeltier schlafen

I’ve got a memory Ich habe ein Gedächtnis wie

like a sieve. ein Sieb.

to fit like a glove I know this dress is going to fit you like a wie angegossen passen
glove (=fit you very well).

hydroelectric plant Wasserkraftwerk

coal-fired power Kohlekraftwerk


overcast dark with clouds bewölkt, bedeckt

a chilly overcast day

grim very bad, ugly, or unpleasant düster, trostlos

a grim industrial town

viable a viable idea, plan, or method can work umsetzbar, realisierbar


economically viable rentabel

to subsidise if a government or organisation subsidises subventionieren

a company, activity etc, it pays part of its

Farming is heavily subsidised by the

subsidisation government. Subventionierung

to bring/grind sth. to to make something stop etw. zum Stehen bringen

a halt
albeit used to add information that reduces the wenn auch, obgleich
force or importance of what you have just
said [=although]

He accepted the job, albeit with some

Chris went with her, albeit reluctantly.

to stand for sth. to support a particular set of ideas, values, für etw. stehen
or principles

It's hard to tell what the party stands for

these days.

not to stand for sth. to not allow something to continue to etw. nicht dulden
happen or someone to do something

She's been lying about me, and I won't

stand for it.

Indian summer a period of warm weather in autumn Altweibersommer

chill a feeling of coldness Kühle

There was a slight chill in the air.

to run around like We were all running around like headless

headless chickens chickens (=trying to do a lot of things, in an
anxious or disorganised way).

to try to find a used to say that something is almost eine Nadel im Heuhaufen
needle in a haystack impossible to find suchen

Finding out which file you want can be like

looking for a needle in a haystack.

to take to sth. like a to learn how to do something very easily bei etw. gleich in seinem
duck to water Element sein
She took to dancing like a duck to water.

It’s like water off a if criticism, warnings etc are like water off a Es berührt einen nicht.
duck’s back. duck's back, they have no effect on the person
you are saying them to

hail of bullets a large number of bullets that are thrown or fired Kugelhagel
at someone

winds of change used to refer to things that have important frischer Wind
effects, and that cannot be stopped

The winds of change are blowing through the

entire organisation.

to be feeling a bit nicht ganz auf der Höhe

under the weather sein

to cloud one’s to make someone less able to think clearly or sein Urteilsvermögen
judgement make sensible decisions beeinträchtigen

Don't let your personal feelings cloud your


warm welcome His colleagues gave him a very warm welcome herzliche Begrüßung
when he returned to work.

to be snowed under to have more work than you can deal with in Arbeit ersticken
with work
I found myself snowed under with work.

stuffy a room or building that is stuffy does not have stickig

enough fresh air in it

It's getting stuffy in here - do you mind if I open

the window?

forecast a description of what is likely to happen in the Vorhersage

future, based on the information that you have
now [↪prediction]

The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.

permissive not strict, and allowing behaviour that many liberal, tolerant
other people would disapprove of

a permissive society

to contaminate to make a place or substance dirty or harmful by verschmutzen,

putting something such as chemicals or poison in verunreinigen

Drinking water supplies are believed to have

been contaminated.
contamination Verschmutzung

to bask to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat of the sun or a sich wärmen

Lizards were basking in the morning sun.

Unit 7 - Hair and beauty

bags under the eyes Augenränder

vacant an expression that shows that someone does not nichtssagender Blick
look/expression/stare seem to be thinking about anything

to wipe to rub a surface with something in order to remove abwischen, abtrocknen

dirt, liquid etc

Wipe your feet!

to pamper sb. to look after someone very kindly, for example by jmd. verwöhnen
giving them the things that they want and making
them feel warm and comfortable

She spent her childhood as the pampered daughter of

a wealthy family.

to poke to quickly push your finger or some other pointed hineinfahren

object into something or someone

I just poked myself in the eye.

to botch sth. up to do something badly, because you have been etw. verpatzen, etw.
careless or because you do not have the skill to do it verpfuschen

The builders really botched up our patio.

patio a flat hard area near a house, where people sit outside Veranda, Terrasse

to rinse out to remove soap, dirt etc from something by washing it abspülen, auswaschen
quickly with water
I rinsed the mud out under the tap.

hereditary a quality or illness that is hereditary is passed from a erblich

parent to a child before the child is born [↪genetic]

plastic surgery the medical practice of changing the appearance of Schönheitsoperation

people's faces or bodies, either to improve their
appearance or to repair injuries

blissfully happy extremely happy glückselig

wig artificial hair that you wear on your head [↪toupée+ Perücke

to cost sb. dearly to make someone suffer a lot or to lose something jmd. teuer zu stehen
important kommen

The scandal has cost Nicholson dearly.

to perpetuate to make a situation, attitude etc, especially a bad one, aufrechterhalten,

continue to exist for a long time fortbestehen lassen

an education system that perpetuates the divisions in

our society

to undergo surgery operiert werden

bleached to make something pale or white, especially by using gebleicht, blondiert

chemicals or the sun

She bleached her hair blond.

bitchy unkind and unpleasant about other people [=catty] gehässig, gemein, bissig

self-conscious worried and embarrassed about what you look like or befangen, gehemmt,
what other people think of you verlegen

Jerry's pretty self-conscious about his weight.

cellulite fat just below someone's skin, that makes it look Cellutlitis
uneven and unattractive

sharp nails scharfe Nägel

polished nails
incredibly long nails unglaubich lange Nägel
chewed nails zerkaute Nägel

mad staring eyes

bloodshot eyes blutunterlaufene Augen
big soulful eyes große, gefühlvolle Augen
soulful expressing deep, usually sad, emotions gefühlvoll, seelenvoll

skinny legs dünne Beine

hairy legs behaarte Beine
long legs lange Beine
great legs tolle Beine
fat stumpy legs dicke, stämmige Beine

bushy eyebrows buschige Augenbrauen

thick eyebrows dicke Augenbrauen
thin eyebrows dünne, schmale
plucked eyebrows gezupfte Augenbrauen

filthy hands schmutzige Hände

rough hands raue Hände
soft hands zarte Hände
delicate hands zierliche Hände

size-13 feet Schuhgröße 49/50

smelly feet stinkende Füße
bare feet nackte Füße
flat feet Plattfuß
tiny feet winzige Füße

double chin Doppelkinn

stubbly chin stoppeliges Kinn
cleft chin gespaltenes Kinn

huge nose riesige Nase

runny nose laufende Nase
pointy nose spite Nase
flat nose flache Nase
pierced nose gepiercte Nase

wrinkled face runzliges Gesicht

angelic face Engelsgesicht
boyish face knabenhaftes Gesicht

bushy hair buschiges Haar

spiky hair in Spitzen abstehendes
greying hair grau meliertes Haar
ginger hair rötliches Haar
permed hair dauergewelltes Haar
wavy hair welliges Haar
tangled hair verheddertes Haar
off-putting if someone's behaviour or the appearance of abstoßend
something is off-putting, you do not like it or you think
it is unattractive

Some women found the competitive style of the

discussions off-putting.

to pluck your eyebrows to make your eyebrows the shape you want, by pulling Augenbrauen zupfen
out some of the hairs

to pick your nose to remove mucus from your nose with your finger in der Nase bohren

to file your nails to use a metal tool to rub your nails in order to make Nägel feilen
them smooth

manageable easy to control or deal with leicht zu handhaben

to trim to make something look neater by cutting small pieces zuschneiden, kürzen
off it

I have my hair trimmed every six weeks.

to be all the rage to be very popular or fashionable ganz in Mode sein, der
letzte Schrei sein
DiCaprio became all the rage after starring in the film

pus a thick yellowish liquid produced in an infected part of Eiter

your body

bridge a small piece of metal that keeps false teeth in place Zahnbrücke
by attaching them to your real teeth

liposuction a way of removing fat from someone's body, using Fettabsaugung


to pin back the ears die Ohren anlagen lassen

to alter to change, or to make someone or something change verändern

buttock implants Poimplantate

weak-willed someone who is weak-willed does not do something willensschwach, willenlos

difficult that they had intended to do

to sneer at sb. to smile or speak in a very unkind way that shows you jmd. belächeln, jmd.
have no respect for someone or something verspotten

She sneered at Tom's musical tastes.

shallow not interested in or not showing any understanding of oberflächlich
important or serious matters - used to show

to splash out to spend a lot of money on something sich nicht lumpen lassen

to have the guts the courage and determination you need to do den Mut haben
something difficult or unpleasant

No-one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he

was making.

to pick holes in to criticize an idea or a plan by saying what its weak points are: an etw. herumkritisieren
It's easy to pick holes in her argument.

condescending behaving as though you think you are better, more intelligent, herablassend
or more important than other people - used to show

Professor Hutter's manner is extremely condescending.

top highest part of your head Kopfende

beer gut someone's stomach, especially when it is large Bierbauch

Phil has a huge beer gut (=unattractive fat stomach caused by

drinking too much beer).

to have a good to be good at noticing a particular type of thing, especially ein Auge für etw. haben
eye for sth. something attractive, valuable, of good quality etc

She's definitely got a good eye for a bargain.

to rack one’s to try very hard to remember or think of something sich das Hirn zermatern,
brains sich den Kopf
I racked my brains, trying to remember his name. zerbrechen

to slip one’s mind if something goes out of your mind, you forget it, especially dem Gedächtnis
because you are very busy entschwinden

financial muscle finanzielle Stärke

to twist sb.’s arm to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do jdn. zu etw. überreden

No one twisted my arm about coming to see you.

bad blood angry or bitter feelings between people böses Blut

There's too much bad blood between them.

to have a good ear a good ear for dialogue ein gutes Gehör für etw.
for sth. haben

incurable impossible to cure unheilbar

She has a rare, incurable disease.

disfigured to spoil the appearance that something naturally has entstellt

His face had been disfigured in an accident.

internationally internatinal anerkannt

internationally international bekannt
internationally international akzeptiert

blissfully unaware in seeliger Unwissenheit

blissfully ignorant in seeliger Ignoranz
blissfully happy leben

clinically proven klinisch geprüft

clinically tested klinisch getested
clinically suffering from a medical condition in which you are so klinisch depressiv
depressed unhappy that you cannot live a normal life

patients who are clinically depressed

surgically removed operativ entfernt

surgically inserted operativ eingesetzt
surgically chirurgisch eingepflanzt

outrageously abscheulich gekleidet

dressed sündhaft teuer
outrageously unglaublich komisch
strictly streng vertraulich
confidential strikt durchgesetzt
strictly enforced durch und durch
strictly impartial unparteiisch/unabhängig

bitterly cold bitterkalt

bitterly I was bitterly disappointed. bitter enttäuscht
disappointed bitter gespalten
bitterly divided

hugely influential äußerst einflussreich

hugely äußerst enttäuschend
disappointing äußerst erfolgreich
hugely successful

uniquely einmalig privilegiert

privileged einmalig qualifiziert
uniquely qualified einziagartig menschlich
uniquely human

there and then immediately auf der Stelle, sogleich

I thought I'd have to wait, but they offered me the job there
and then.

bright and early very early in the morning in aller Frühe

He was up bright and early, keen to get started.

touch and go used about a situation in which there is a serious risk that sehr riskant
something bad could happen

It was touch-and-go whether the doctor would get there on


to-ing and fro-ing a lot of activity that does not help you to do something hin und her

After much toing and froing, they finally reached a decision.

trial and error if you do something by trial and error, you test many different praktisches
methods of doing something in order to find the best Herumprobieren

I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial

and error.

to be sick and to be angry or bored with something that has been happening die Nase voll haben
tired of for a long time
I'm sick and tired of your excuses.

cut and dried a situation, decision, result etc that is cut and dried cannot abgemacht, festgelegt
now be changed

I don't think the plan is as cut and dried as people think.

tried and tested a tried and tested method has been used successfully many bewährt, geprüft und
times erprobt

tried and tested safety procedures

to be few and far to be rare selten, dünn gesät

Jobs are few and far between at the moment.

now and again sometimes, every now and then ab und zu

I hear from him every now and then.

first and foremost used to emphasize the most important quality, purpose, in erster Linie
reason etc

Dublin is thought of first and foremost for its literary heritage.

Unit 6 - Disasters

gutter press Boulevardpresse tabloids

apparently anscheinend it seems like

crisis serious situation

damage physical harm that is done to something or

to a part of someone's body, so that it is
broken or injured

dreadful terrible

charity an organization that gives money, goods, or

help to people who are poor, sick etc

ridiculous very silly or unreasonable

harm damage, injury, or trouble caused by

someone's actions or by an event

to donate to give something, especially money, to a

person or an organization in order to help

harassment when someone behaves in an unpleasant

or threatening way towards you

embarrassment Beschämung an event that causes a government,

political organization etc problems, and
makes it look bad

donator Stifter

to fund mit Geldmittel versehen, finanzieren to provide money for an activity,

organization, event etc

tariff Zoll a tax on goods coming into a country or

going out of a country

unaccounted for vermisst

to harass sb jmd belästigen to make someone's life unpleasant, for

example by frequently saying offensive
things to them or threatening them

to perceive bemerken to understand or think of something or

someone in a particular way

donator Stifter

casualty Unfallopfer, Verwundeter so. who is hurt or killed in an accident or


fatalities Todesfälle a death in an accident or violent attack

prone to anfällig für likely to

debris Geröll, Schutt, Trümmer pieces of sth. That are left after it has been
destroyed in an accident

upbeat optimistisch, motiviert

death toll Zahl der Todesopfer the total number of people who die in an
accident, war etc

to launch einführen

sobering ernüchtern making you feel very serious

corpse Leiche dead body

to rip through an area eine Gegend verwüsten to go through an area with a lot of violence

to urge sb to to sth jdn bedrängen etw zu tun

to weep weinen to cry

to soak tränken if you soak something, or if you let it soak,

you keep it covered with a liquid for a
period of time, especially in order to make
it softer or easier to clean

to nag so to do sth jmd in den Ohren liegen etw zu tun

to condemn sth/so verurteilen, verdammen

to moan about sth über etw jammern

to reassure so of/about jmd beruhigen, versichern


avalanche Lawine a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that

falls down the side of a mountain

earthquake Erdbeben a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface that

often causes a lot of damage

drought Dürre a long period of dry weather when there is

not enough water for plants and animals to

flood Flut a very large amount of water that covers an

area that is usually dry

forest fire Waldbrand

landslide Hangrutsch a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down

a hill, cliff etc

volcano eruption Volkanausbruch

sheer bloß, blank, pur

almighty Allmächtig

rubble Schutt, Trümmer broken stones or bricks from a building or

wall that has been destroyed

flatly rundheraus
to lobby sb Einfluss nehmen auf jdn

a mere drop in the ocean ein Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein a very small amount of something
comapred to what is needed or wanted

financial mismanagement finanzielle Misswirtschaft

in real terms an realen Werten

flashflood Sturzflut

submerged überschwemmt something is completely covered with

water or another liquid

Stranded festsitzen

to recede zurückgehen if a memory, feeling or possibility recedes,

it gradually goes away

burnt to the ground bis auf die Grundmauern


to go up in flames in Flammen aufgehen

tremor Beben, Erschütterung small earthquake in which the ground

shakes slightly

to light up the sky den Himmel erleuchten

lit up erhellte

life-threatening lebensbedrohlich

to be alleged to have angeblich etw getan haben

done sth

apathetic gleichgültig not interested in something, and not willing

to make any effort to change or improve

donation Spende something, especially money, that you give

to a person or an organization in order to
help them

to donate Spenden to give something, especially money, to a

person or an organization in order to help

to come to the brink of am Rande des Geschäftsschlusses

closure stehen
freak außergewöhnlich unexpected and very unusual

deforestation Abholzung the cutting or burning down of all the trees

in an area

blanket ban Pauschalverbot

airlift an occasion when people or supplies are

taken to a place by plane, especially during
a war or dangerous situation

raging tobend, wütend

stretched to breaking am Rander der Belastbarkeitsgrenze

point sein

charred verkohlt something that is charred has been burned

until it is black

to raze sth to the ground etw dem Erdboden gleich machen

blaze Brand; Flamme a big dangerous fire - used especially in

news reports

spaked gezündet

consent Einwilligung permission to do something

to be sucked up aufgesaugt werden

to get run over überfahren werden to hit someone or something with a

vehicle, and drive over them

to make a donation to give money to so or an organization in

order to help them

runaway Ausreißer someone, especially a child, who has left

home without telling anyone and does not
intend to come back

to undergo a trauma ein Trauma durchleben

refuge Zufluchtsort a place that provides shelter, or protection

from danger

to fund a project ein Projekt finanzieren

malpractice Amtsmissbrauch when a professional person makes a

mistake or does not do their job properly
and can be punished by a court

allegation Anschuldigung a statement that someone has done

something wrong or illegal, but that has
not been proved

denial Leugnen a statement saying that something is not


to refuse point blank rundweg ablehnen refuse immediately and directly without
giving a reason

reassurance Zusicherung something that is said or done which

makes someone feel calmer and less
worried or frightened about a problem

vacancies freie Stellen a job that is available for someone to start


branch Filiale a local business, shop etc that is part of a

larger business

aspiring aufstrebend hoping to be successful in a particular job,

activity, or way of life

Unit 5 - Food

to rumble if your stomach rumbles, it makes a noise, especially knurren

because you are hungry

peckish slightly hungry hungrig

She was feeling a bit peckish.

to stir to move a liquid or substance around with a spoon or stick umrühren

in order to mix it together

Keep stirring.

splash a small amount of liquid added to a drink, sauce, etc Spritzer, Schuss

I just add a splash of chilli sauce.

constipated having difficulty in getting rid of solid waste from your body verstopft

to draw the line at to allow or accept something up to a particular point, but bei etw. die Grenze
sth. not beyond it ziehen

unadventurous afraid of taking risks or trying new things bieder, einfallslos

to sprinkle to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of something beträufeln, bestreuen

Sprinkle each side with pepper.

filling food that is filling makes your stomach feel full sättigend

It wasn’t exactly filling.

texture he way that a particular type of food feels in your mouth Konsistenz

to be in season/ Vine tomatoes are in season from April to October. Saison haben/
to be out of season keine Saison haben

to swell up to become larger and rounder than normal auquellen, anschwellen

to marinate to put meat or fish in a marinade, or to be left in a marinieren

marinade for some time

I left it to marinate overnight.

to grease to put butter, grease etc on a pan etc to prevent food from einfetten
sticking to it

Grease the pan before you pour the batter in.

to soak if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it einlegen
covered with a liquid for a period of time

grated to rub cheese, vegetables etc against a rough or sharp gerieben

surface in order to break them into small pieces

to chop to cut something into smaller pieces kleinschneiden

to simmer to boil gently, or to cook something slowly by boiling it köcheln


to stir-fry to cook small pieces of food quickly by moving them

around continuously in very hot oil

to toss to move pieces of food about in a small amount of liquid so

that they become covered with the liquid

Toss the carrots in some butter before serving.

baking tray a flat piece of metal that you bake food on Backblech
fig a soft sweet fruit with a lot of small seeds, often eaten Feige
dried, or the tree on which this fruit grows

mussel a small sea animal, with a soft body that can be eaten and a Miesmuschel
black shell that is divided into two parts

shark fin one of the thin body parts that a fish uses to swim Haifischflosse

tripe Kutteln

rash a lot of red spots on someone's skin, caused by an illness Hautausschlag

tap water water that comes out of a tap rather than a bottle Leitungswasser

diarrhoea an illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and Durchfall
comes out often

wind the condition of having air or gas in your stomach or Blähungen

intestines, or the air or gas itself

stuffed completely full, so that you cannot eat any more vollgestopft

heartburn an unpleasant burning feeling in your stomach or chest Sodbrennen

caused by acid from your stomach

ulcer a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may bleed Geschwür
or produce poisonous substances

additive a substance that is added to food to improve its taste, Zusatzstoff

appearance etc

Our products are free from artificial additives.

processed food processed food has substances added to it before it is sold,

in order to preserve it, improve its colour etc

processed cheese/meat/fish

to charge to ask someone for a particular amount of money for verlangen (Preis)
something you are selling

The hotel charges $125 a night.

charge somebody £10 etc (for something)

The restaurant charged us £40 for the wine.

pomegranate Granatapfel

radish Rettich, Radieschen

clove Knoblauchzehe; Nelke,

sage Salbei

turnip Rübe

cumin Kümmel

turmeric Safran

to slice to cut meat, bread, vegetables etc into thin flat pieces aufschneiden

parsnip Pastinak

to coat to cover something with a thin layer of something else belegen, beschichten
Next, coat the fish with breadcrumbs.

to squeeze to get liquid from something by pressing it auspressen

Squeeze the oranges.

to evaporate if a liquid evaporates, or if heat evaporates it, it changes verdampfen

into a gas

to sneeze if you sneeze, air suddenly comes from your nose, making a niesen
noise, for example when you have a cold

prawn a small pink shellfish that can be eaten [=shrimp American Garnele, Krabbe

lethargic feeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing träge, teilnahmslos

fad something that people like or do for a short time, or that is Modeerscheinung,
fashionable for a short time Trend

to shed to get rid of something that you no longer need or want loswerden, abwerfen

a diet to help you shed pounds

pile on the pounds to gain a lot of body weight viel Gewicht zunehmen

a pinch a pinch of salt eine Prise

a drop Would you like a drop more wine? Tropfen, Schluck

a hint It’s not too spicy. It’s just got a hint of chilli. eine Spur
spoonful Would you like another spoonful of ice cream? Löffel, löffelvoll

a slice Can I tempt you with one more slice of cake? ein Stück

a bite Shall we get a bite to eat? ein Bissen

a drag Can I just have a drag of your cigarette? ein Zug (von einer

a sip What does your juice taste like? Can I have a sip and see? ein Schluck

scaremongering the practice of deliberately making people worried or Panikmache

nervous, especially in order to get a political or other

in the nick of time just before it is too late, or just before something bad gerade noch rechtzeitig,
happens im letzten Augenblick

Luckily, help arrived in the nick of time.

a host of There are a whole host of reasons why I am vegetarian. viele

bags of Broccoli is supposed to give you bags of energy. sehr viel

to be in floods of crying a lot in Tränen aufgelöst sein

She was in floods of tears after the burglary.

to vent oneself in a sich in einer Flut von

flood of tears Tränen erleichtern

a string of He committed a string of offences. eine Reihe

a grain of truth There is a grain of truth to the accusation. ein Fünkchen Wahrheit

a line of It’s the latest in a long line of scandals to beset the legal eine lange Reihe

to meddle to deliberately try to influence or change a situation that (sich) einmischen

does not concern you, or that you do not understand

He accused the US of meddling in China's internal affairs.

I'm not the sort of newspaper owner who meddles with
editorial policy.

to pander to so./sth. to give someone anything they want in order to please jmd./etw. nachgeben
them, even if it seems unreasonable or unnecessary - used
to show disapproval
Some newspapers feel they have to pander to the
prejudices of their readers.

to contend to argue or state that something is true argumentieren,

Some astronomers contend that the universe may be
younger than previously thought.

hazard something that may be dangerous, or cause accidents or Gefährdung, Risiko


Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife.

scrutinise to examine someone or something very carefully prüfen

He scrutinised the document.

yield the amount of profits, crops etc that something produces Gewinn, Ertrag

The average milk yield per cow has doubled.

blight something that makes people unhappy or that spoils their Verschandelung
lives or the environment they live in

a swathe of land a long thin area of land Landstrich

to outweigh to be more important or valuable than something else überwiegen

The benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages.

a piece of cake to be very easy ein Kinderspiel

'How do you do that?' 'It's a piece of cake! Watch!'

the icing on the cake something that makes a very good experience even better Tüpfelchen auf dem i

It was a great day, but meeting her there was just the icing
on the cake!

selling like hot cakes if things are selling like hot cakes, they are very popular and weggehen wie warme
people are buying a lot of them very quickly Semmeln

Copies of the book are selling like hot cakes.

sb.’s bread and main source of income Lebensunterhalt

butter I’m self-employed. I do some consultancy work, but my
bread and butter comes from providing training to firms.

living on the a very low level of income which allows people to eat but an der Armutsgrenze
breadline not have any extra things leben

to butter so. up to say nice things to someone so that they will do what you jmd. Honig ums Maul
want schmieren

Don't think you can butter me up that easily.

to take sth. with a used to say that you should not always completely believe etw. nicht für bare
pinch of salt what a particular person says Münze nehmen

You have to take what he says with a pinch of salt.

to put all your eggs to depend completely on one thing or one course of action alles auf eine Karte
in one basket in order to get success, so that you have no other plans if setzen
this fails

When planning your investments, it's unwise to put all your

eggs in one basket.

herein in this place, situation, document etc hier

the conditions stated herein

amendment a small change, improvement, or addition that is made to a Gesetzesänderung

law or document, or the process of doing this

constitutional amendments

Unit 4 - The law

to get off lightly to be punished lightly

to take a plea bargain make a good deal with police

to offer a plea bargain

plea Plädoyer

offence crime

to tow to pull

miscarriage of justice conviction & punishment of so

for a crime he didn’t commit

jargon special language

round our way in our area

to turn a blind eye to sth to ignore sth

it’s bound to it’s likely

to make sth an offence etw strafbar machen to make sth illegal

to take out an injunction against to take a court order against

to bill so to make so pay

outrageous unbelievable

to tow away a car Auto abschleppen

not to make head or tail of sth making no sense

dodgy suspicious

custody battle Sorgerechtsstreit

to kick up a fuss to make a big deal/scene about


sick joke dirty/bad joke

spate of burglaries series of burglaries

to launch a crackdown start an initiative against sth

to recover a car to get back a car

to be liable to be responsible

damages compensation

to get off not being punished

to get off a technicality not being punished because of a

small detail

drag mess

murder Mord

to murder so jmd ermorden

burglary/robbery/theft Diebstahl

to rob so/to thieve from so jmd bestehlen

rape Vergewaltigung he crime of forcing someone to

have sex, especially by using

rapist Vergewaltiger

assault/attack Angriff

to assault so jmd angreifen

assaulter Angreifer

to mug jmd auf offener Straße ausrauben to attack someone and rob them
in a public place

to blackmail so jdn erpressen

corruption Korruption

to bribe so jmd bestechen to illegally give someone,

especially a public official,
money or a gift in order to
persuade them to do something
for you

to carjack sb jmd das Auto unter Androhung von the crime of using a weapon to
Gewalt wegnehmen force the driver of a car to drive

arson Brandstiftung the crime of deliberately making

something burn, especially a

to pull over rechts ranfahren to drive to the side of the road

and stop your car

to get a ticket einen Strafzettel bekommen

to issue a ticket Strafzettel ausstellen

to toughen verschärfen

to enforce a law ein Gesetz durchsetzen

to hassle so jmd bedrängen, auf die Nerven to annoy someone, especially by

gehen asking them many times to do

Catch 22 ausweglose Situation an impossible situation that you

cannot solve because you need
to do one thing in order to do a
second thing, but you cannot do
the second thing until you have
done the first

offensive weapon gefährliche Waffe

over the top übertrieben OTT remarks, behaviour etc that

are over-the-top are so extreme or
unreasonable that they seem
stupid or offensive

to guard against sich hüten vor, sich in Acht nehmen

infringement Einschränkung

to interrogate befragen to ask someone a lot of questions

for a long time in order to get
information, sometimes using

palaver Geschwätz unnecessary trouble and anxiety

that makes something seem more
important than it really is

to get off with a slap on the wrist mit einem blauen Auge

to reek stinken to stink

to acquit freisprechen to give a decision in a court of law

that someone is not guilty of a

What a drag! What a shame!

to sympathise with so Mitleid haben to feel bad for so

to be abrupt schroff, abweisend sein

to kick a habit eine Gewohnheit abbrechen stop doing sth which is bad for you

to change hands Besitzer wechseln

to be unsettling beunruhigt sein making you feel nervous or worried

to sue so jmd verklagen to take legal action

defendant Angeklagter the person in a court of law who

has been accused of doing
something illegal
to get a restraining order eine einstweilige Verfügung

to burglarise einbrechen

to fine so for sth jmd eine Geldstrafe für etw


to pay a fine Strafe zahlen

to charge so with sth jmd wegen einer Sache anklagen,

jmd etw zur Last legen

to tweeze eyebrows Augenbrauen zupfen

caution Warnung warning

to tighten rules strengere Regeln machen

to toughen the law Gesetz strenger machen

litigation Rechtsstreit the process of taking claims to a

court of law

injunction gerichtliche Anordnung an order given by a court which

tells someone not to do something

purchase Kauf, Erwerb

impunity Straffreiheit

lawless gesetzlos

to uphold a law Ein Gesetz achten

vigilante groups Bürgerwehr group of people who illegally

punishes criminals and tries to
prevent crime, usually because
they think the police are not doing
this effectively

unenforceable nicht vollstreckbar

to flout the law das Gesetz missachten

to add insult to injury Das Ganze nur noch schlimmer to make a bad situation worse for
machen someone who has already been
treated badly

to cut a long story short lange Rede, kurzer Sinn

to top it all off um Dem Ganzen die Krone


to say the least gelinde gesagt

to tell you the truth Offen gestanden

to set/put the record straight Die Dinge ins rechte Licht rücken

heinous abscheulich, schrecklich very shocking and immoral (crime)

to charge a fee Geld einheben

extortionate erpresserisch, halsabschneiderisch an extortionate price, demand etc

is unreasonably high

loophole Schlupfloch

to file for divorce die Scheidung einreichen

to file for bankruptcy Konkurs anmelden

to infringe sb.’s rights jds Rechte verletzen

stringent streng very strict

overleaf auf der Rückseite on the other side of the page

accept liablity

to take the law in one’s own hands Selbstjustiz üben to do something illegal in order to
put right something that you think
is not fair

to overturn a conviction Urteil überdenken

tax inspector Steuerprüfer

traffic warden Polizeihelfer, Parkwächter

estate agent Immobilienhändler someone whose business is to buy

and sell houses or land for people

first and foremost zu allererst, in erster Linie used to emphasize the most
important quality, purpose, reason
to perceive wahrnehmen to understand or think of
something or someone in a
particular way

greedy gierig always wanting more of everything

divorce case Scheidungsfall

divorce settlement Scheidungsvereinbarung the amount of money, property etc

each person receives in a divorce

paternity suit Vaterschaftsprozess a legal action in which a mother

asks a court of law to find proof
that a particular man is the father
of her child, usually in order to
claim financial support from him

no-win, no-fees basis chancenlose,

to scramble to do sth sich darum reißen, etw zu tun to struggle or compete with other
people to get or reach something

litigation Prozess, Rechtsstreit the process of taking claims to a

court of law

amoral amoralisch having no moral standards at all

hypocrisy Heuchelei when someone pretends to have

certain beliefs or opinions that they
do not really have - used to show
disapproval *≠sincerity+

annoyance Ärgernis something that makes you slightly


to be awarded custody das Sorgerecht übertragen to get the right to take care of a
bekommen child, given to one of their parents
when they have divorced

maintenance Unterhalt money paid by someone who is

divorced to their former wife or
husband [=alimony]

to draw up a will ein Testament aufsetzen to prepare a legal document which

says who gets your possessions
after death

breach of contract Vertragsverstoß action of breaking an agreement

to go bust bankrott gehen to go under

to file for bankruptcy Konkurs anmelden

to sort out aussieben, aussondern to arrange or organize something

that is mixed up or untidy, so that it
is ready to be used

compensation Schadenersatz money paid to someone because

they have suffered injury or loss, or
because something they own has
been damaged

crusading kämpfend

apprenticeship Ausbildung the job of being an apprentice, or

the period of time in which you are
an apprentice

to headhunt abwerben someone who finds people with

the right skills and experience to do
particular jobs, and who tries to
persuade them to leave their
present jobs

to mess sth up etw vermasseln to spoil or ruin something,

especially something important or
something that has been carefully

to be short-listed to put someone on a short list for a

job or a prize

invaluable unschätzbar extremely useful

line of work Branche the type of work someone does

Unit 3 - Describing Places

ancient belonging to a time long ago in history, especially

thousands of years ago *≠modern+

remote far from towns or other places where people live

shanty a small, roughly built hut made from thin sheets of armselige Hütte
wood, tin, plastic etc that very poor people live in

compact packed or put together firmly and closely

residential a residential part of a town consists of private houses, Wohn-

with no offices or factories [↪suburban]

sprawling spreading over a wide area in an untidy or unattractive ausufernd, weitläufig


steeped in history to have a lot of a particular quality geschichtsträchtig

It’s a city steeped in history.

provincial old-fashioned and not interested in anything new or provinzlerisch

different - used to show disapproval

off the beaten track a place that is off the beaten track is not well known weit ab vom Schuss
and is far away from the places that people usually visit

hype attempts to make people think something is good or Rummel, Tamtam,

important by talking about it a lot on television, the Presserummel
radio etc - used to show disapproval

to jet to travel by plane, especially to many different places davondüsen

jet off somewhere or He’s always jetting off somewhere or other. irgendwohin abdüsen

to venture out to go somewhere that could be dangerous sich hinauswagen

When darkness fell, he would venture out.

nowhere near not at all nicht annähernd

She's nowhere near as pretty as you are.

equivalent something that has the same value, purpose, job etc as Entsprechung, Pendant
something else

The word has no equivalent in English.

to be worn out very tired because you have been working hard erschöpft sein, geschlaucht
[=exhausted] sein

I’m a bit worn out after all that sightseeing.

town twinning town that has formed a relationship with a similar Städtepartnerschaft
town in another country in order to encourage visits
between them

Oxford's twin town is Bonn.

row a short angry argument, especially between people Aufruhr, Krach, Streit
who know each other well [=quarrel]

He had just had a row with his wife.

eyesore something that is very ugly, especially a building unschöner Anblick,

surrounded by other things that are not ugly Schandfleck

The factory is an eyesore.

to foster to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period of pflegen, fördern,
time [=encourage, promote] begünstigen

They’re trying to foster better relations.

link a way in which two things or ideas are related to each Beziehung

We have strong links with Glasgow.

source the cause of something, especially a problem, or the Quelle, Ursprung

place where it starts

It’s been a major source of corruption.

to line one’s own to make yourself richer, especially by doing something in die eigene Tasche
pockets dishonest - used to show disapproval wirtschaften

They exploit the system to line their own pockets.

commuter belt an area around a large city, from which many people Einzugsgebiet
travel to work every day

commuting to regularly travel a long distance to get to work pendeln

to laze to relax and enjoy yourself in a lazy way faulenzen

We just spent the whole time lazing around by the


to party to enjoy yourself with a group of other people by feiern

drinking alcohol, eating, dancing etc

The people there party like there’s no tomorrow.

to let one’s hair to enjoy yourself and start to relax, especially after sich gehen lassen, aus sich
down working very hard herausgehen

The party gave us all a chance to really let our hair


insult a remark or action that is offensive or deliberately rude Beleidigung

Their offer was so low I took it as an insult.

in turn as a result of something wiederum

Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose.

snobbish behaving in a way that shows you think you are better versnobt, protzig
than other people because you are from a higher social
class or know more than they do

Her family seems snobbish.

to dog if a problem or bad luck dogs you, it causes trouble for verfolgen
a long time

He has been dogged by injury all season.

outcry an angry protest by a lot of ordinary people Aufschrei, Protestwelle

The closure of the local hospital has caused a huge
public outcry.

at taxpayers’ expense auf Kosten der Steuerzahler

wary someone who is wary is careful because they think achtsam, umsichtig,
something might be dangerous or harmful vorsichtig

I'm a bit wary of driving in this fog.

freebie something that you are given free, usually by a Gratisgeschenk,

company Werbegeschenk

controversy Streit, Auseinandersetzung

to court controversy einen Streit anfachen

to decide a
controversy einen Streit entscheiden

to decide a
controversy einen Streit schlichten
to raise a controversy
einen Streit auslösen

campaign Aktion, Einsatz, Feldzug

to conduct a einen Feldzug führen


to serve on campaign im Kampfeinsatz dienen

to wage a campaign
eine Kampagne führen

row Aufruhr, Krach, Streit

to make a row Krach schlagen

to raise a row einen Tumult erzeugen

movement Bewegung, Lauf

to generate Bewegung erzeugen

Bewegung verhindern
to prevent
movement die Bewegung lenken

to control the eine Bewegung begründen


to originate a

outcry Aufschrei, Protestwelle

to cause an outcry Aufschrei verursachen

source Quelle

to deduct at source an der Quelle besteuern


to obtain agreement zu einer Vereinbarung

to annul an
agreement eine Vereinbarung
to approve an
agreement eine Vereinbarung
to approve an
agreement einen Vertrag bestätigen

to be in agreement
to break an
einen Vertrag brechen
to bring into
in Übereinstimmung bringen
to conclude an
agreement eine Vereinbarung schließen

to conclude an einen Vertrag abschließen


to conclude an einen Vertrag schließen


to confirm an eine Vereinbarung

agreement bestätigen

to frustrate an einen Vertrag vereiteln


to make an ein Abkommen treffen


to make an einen Vertrag schließen


to modify an eine Vereinbarung ändern


to reach an eine Verabredung treffen


to reach an eine Vereinbarung treffen

ein Übereinkommen
to seal an agreement besiegeln

to sign an agreement einen Vertrag unterzeichnen

to smile one's
agreement zustimmend lächeln

to strike an
agreement eine Einigung erzielen

to vary an agreement
eine Vereinbarung ändern
to violate an
eine Vereinbarung verletzen

benefits Unterstützung, Beihilfe

to claim benefits Leistungen beantragen

to draw benefits Leistungen beziehen

to grant benefits Zuwendungen gewähren

to receive benefits Leistungen erhalten

to trim benefits Beihilfen kürzen

to be on benefits von Sozialhilfe leben

to confer benefits on jdm. eine Gunst erweisen


to draw retirement Altersruhegeld beziehen


to draw
unemployment Arbeitslosenunterstützung
benefits beziehen

to grant insurance
benefits Versicherungsleistungen

relations Beziehungen

to discontinue Beziehungen abbrechen


to establish relations Beziehungen aufbauen

to establish relations
Verbindungen aufnehmen

to maintain relations

to maintain relations Beziehungen

pol. aufrechterhalten

to suspend relations Beziehungen unterhalten

to visit relations
Beziehungen einfrieren
to entertain relations
with sb.
Verwandte besuchen
to maintain good
relations mit jdm. Beziehungen
to produce new
relations gute Beziehungen
to re-establish
affiliate relations neue Verbindungen schaffen

to resume former Konzernverbindung wieder

relations aufnehmen

to revive former frühere Verbindungen

relations wieder aufnehmen

frühere Beziehungen wieder

zum Leben erwecken

damage Beschädigung, Schaden

to cause damage Schaden verursachen, zu

Schaden führen
to do damage Schaden verursachen

to prevent damage Schaden verhindern

to suffer damage, to
sustain damage Schaden erleiden

to adjust a damage
Schaden regulieren
to afflict damage to
einer Sache Schaden zufügen
to ameliorate the
damage den Schaden mindern

to appraise the
damage den Schaden schätzen

to ascertain the
damage den Schaden feststellen

to avert (any)
damage einen Schaden abwenden

to avert a damage

to avert further einen Schaden abwenden

weiteren Schaden abwenden
to bear the damage
den Schaden tragen, für den
to cause a damage Schaden aufkommen

einen Schaden verursachen

to pressure sb. into jdn. dazu drängen, etw. zu

doing sth. tun

let-down an event, performance etc that is not as good as you Enttäuschung

expected it to be [=disappointment]

to take offence to feel offended because of something someone says beleidigt sein, sich
or does angegriffen fühlen
inward investment Investition aus dem Ausland

to enter into an einen Vertrag schließen


stodgy stodgy food is heavy and makes you feel full very schwer verdaulich
quickly - used to show disapproval *≠light+

peak the time when something or someone is best, greatest, Gipfel, Höhepunkt
highest, most successful etc

to peter out to gradually become smaller, less, weaker etc and then aulaufen, sich verlieren,
come to an end: versanden

The road became narrower and eventually petered


infighting when members of the same group or organization interne Machtkämpfe

argue, or compete with each other in an unfriendly

to gain/gather The campaign for reform should start to gather Eigendynamik entwickeln, in
momentum momentum in the new year. Fahrt kommen

covert secret or hidden verdeckt, versteckt

to be in attendance to be at a special or important event zugegen sein

to rumour The couple’s wedding is rumoured to have taken place ein Gerücht verbreiten
last week.

publicist someone whose job is to make sure that people know Publicity-Manager
about a new product, film, book etc or what a famous
person is doing

reticence unwillingness to talk about what you feel or what you Verschwiegenheit,
know Zurückhaltung

beneficial having a good effect nützlich, günstig, einträglich

beneficiaries someone who gets advantages from an action or Nutznießer


detract to make something seem less good etw. schmälern, von etw.
One mistake is not going to detract from your
to dub to give something or someone a name that describes etw. einen Namen geben,
them in some way titulieren

to be intent on sth. to be determined to do something or achieve something auf etw. versessen sein

to vaccinate to protect a person or animal from a disease by giving impfen

them a vaccine

faction a small group of people within a larger group, who have Fraktion, Lager
different ideas from the other members, and who try to
get their own ideas accepted

roundly The plan was roundly rejected. eindeutig, klar

to brush aside to refuse to listen to someone, or refuse to consider beseite schieben, ignorieren
something [=dismiss]

He simply brushed all my objections aside.

preceding happening or coming before the time, place, or part vorangehend, vorig
mentioned *=previous; ≠following+

preceding days/weeks/months/years
income tax paid in preceding years

to canvass to try to persuade people to support a political party, etc werben

by going to see them and talking to them, especially
when you want them to vote for you in an election

in due course at some time in the future when it is the right time, but zu gegebener Zeit
not before

Further details will be announced in due course.

Unit 2 - Work and office politics

to leap out at sb. jmd sofort ins Auge springen you notice sth particularly, because it is
interesting or important
maternity leave Karenz time that a mother is allowed to spend
away from work when she has a baby

childminder Tagesmutter someone who is paid to look after young

children while their parents are at work

pangs of guilt Anfall von Schuldbewusstsein very strong emotional suffering

to be knackered gerädert, geschafft sein extremely tired

crunch kritische Situation a difficult situation caused by a lack of

something, especially money or time

to squeeze quetschen, hineindrücken

armpit Achsel

terse kurz angebunden short and rather unfriendly

to slam down niederschleudern

homemaker Hausfrau, Hausmann

rewarding belohnend, bereichernd making you feel happy and satisfied

because you feel you are doing something
useful or important

fulfilling erfüllend

challenging herausfordernd

to be well-off wohlhabend sein having a lot of money

do research into Forschung betreiben

tax return Steuererklärung

draw up a contract Vertrag aufsetzen

to delegate delegieren

to liaise Verbindung aufnehmen to exchange information with someone

who works in another organization or
department so that you can both be more

to oversee beaufsichtigen, überwachen

to be/feel out of one’s überfordert sein


irated erzürnt
insensitive unsensibel, taktlos

to snap ausrasten

stationery Bürobedarf

demeaning erniedrigend making someone feel embarrassed or


slightly etwas, ein wenig

demanding fordernd, anspruchsvoll needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill

conscientious gewissenhaft careful to do everything that it is your job

or duty to do

immensely ungeheuer, immense

sales target Absatzziel

to make so feel guilty jmd wegen etw ein schlechtes

about sth Gewissen machen

guilty conscience Schuldbewusstsein

slave-driver Menschenschinder someone who makes people work very


to find one’s feet Fuß fassen getting used to things

to be thrown in at the ins kalte Wasser geworfen not getting any support when first starting
deep end werden

to pull one’s weight seinen Beitrag leisten doing one’s fair share of work

to rock the boat für Unruhe sorgen to cause problems for other members of a
group by criticizing something or trying to
change the way something is done

to show/teach sb the jmd mit allem vertraut machen introduce so to sth


to have a lot/enough on viel/genug am Hals haben to have a lot of work to do, to be busy with
one’s plate things

not to mince your words ein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen to say exactly what you think, even if this
might offend people:

hurtful verletzend
accessible offen, zugänglich someone who is accessible is easy to meet
and talk to, even if they are very important
or powerful

dictatorial diktatorisch

inflexible unflexibel

moody launisch often changing quickly from being in a good

temper to being in a bad temper

ambitious ehrgeizig

direct direkt, gerade

insensitive unsensible not noticing, or not taking the care to

notice, other people's feelings

reliable verlässlich someone or something that is reliable can

be trusted or depended on

conscientious gewissenhaft

even-handed gerecht fair

posthumous nach dem Tod after death

to uphold a law ein Gesetz achten

crackdown on scharfes Vorgehen gegen

verdict Urteil an official decision made in a court of law

care assistant Pfleger

football manager Fußballtrainer

general practitioner (GP) Allgemeinmediziner a doctor who is trained in general medicine

and treats people in a particular area

househusband Hausmann

management consultant Unternehmensberater

refuse collector Müllwerker

stockbroker Börsenmakler a person or organization whose job is to buy

and sell shares, bonds etc for people

intractable hartnäckig
to address a problem ein Problem angehen starting to try to solve a problem

drastic drastisch

long-standing jahrelang

to exacerbate a situation eine Situation verschärfen to make matters even worse

unworkable unausführbar

to be fraught with sth mit etw überfrachtet sein

petrified extrem verängstigt extremely frightened

to broach a subject ein Thema anschneiden

to get the sack entlassen werden to be fired

pay rise Gehaltserhöhung an increase in the amount of money you

are paid for doing your job

to take sth the wrong way etw in den falschen Hals


to own up to gestehen, etw eingestehen,

sich zu etw bekennen

to get sth over with etw hinter sich bringen

tedious langweilig, mühsam, ermüdend boring

to make sacrifices Opfer bringen

to make a note of sth etw notieren

in-depth gründlich, tiefgehend thorough, complete, and considering all

the details

to make a decision eine Entscheidung treffen

to do business Geschäfte machen

to do the tax return Steuererklärung machen to give information so that your tax can be

to make contacts Kontakte schließen

to do a study eine Studie machen

to do the accounts Konten führen

to make changes Veränderungen machen

to do the photocopying Kopien machen

to sweat blood Blut schwitzen

to rant about so/sth sich über etw/jmd auslassen

standoffish reserviert rather unfriendly and formal

raving rasend, rabiat, wütend

approachable erreichbar friendly and easy to talk to

to exceed übertreffen

long-term langfristig continuing for a long period of time into the

future, or relating to what will happen in
the distant future

to fall short of unterschreiten

cutbacks Kürzungen

to target sb sich jmd zur Zielgruppe nehmen

legitimate rechtsmäßig acceptable or allowed by law

despicable verachtenswert

vulnerable verwundbar someone who is vulnerable can be easily

harmed or hurt

physically demanding körperlich fordernd

not very fulfilling nicht sehr erfüllend

incredibly tedious ungeheuer mühsam, langweilig

incredibly competitive unglaublich konkurrierend

immensely rewarding ungemein bereichernd

high-powered leistungsstark

highly stressful überaus stressig, anstrengend

emotionally demanding seelisch, emotional

financially rewarding finanziell interessant

social worker Sozialarbeiter

street cleaner Straßenkehrer

psychiatrist Psychiater

plumber Klempner

marketing manager Marketingmanager

labourer Arbeiter worker

monotonous eintönig, monoton

on-the-job-training Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz

drastic drastisch

adjacent to angrenzend, anliegend next to

atrocious behaviour schreckliches Benehmen extremely bad behaviour

irresponsibility Verantwortungslosigkeit

rubbish dump Mülldeponie

chocolate wrappers Papier mit dem Schokolade

eingewickelt ist

cigarette packets Zigarettenschachteln

rung Sprosse einer Leiter

over-ambitious überaus ehrgeizig

to make a living seinen Lebensunterhalt


detrimental schädlich (Ruf) causing harm or damage

excessive noise zu großer Lärm

locality Ortschaft

inconsiderate rücksichtslos, unbedacht

venture spekulatives Unternehmen a new business activity that involves taking


whatsoever wie auch immer

to lay off staff Mitarbeiter entlassen

to be on the verge of am Rande des Konkurs stehen to have serious financial problems

word of mouth mündliche Überlieferung

bossy herrisch

out-of-court settlement außergerichtliche Einigung an agreement to end a legal argument, in

which one side agrees to pay money to the
other so that the problem is not brought to

on behalf of im Namen von

thorough gründlich in-depth

internal innerbetrieblich

to undermine untergraben

to ostracise sb jmd ächten if a group of people ostracize someone,

they refuse to accept them as a member of
the group

blue-collar worker Arbeiter

white-collar worker höherer Angestellter

name-calling Beschimpfungen

to instigate sth etw einleiten to start

to stamp out ausmerzen

appliance Gerät a piece of electrical equipment

to affix anheften, anstecken to fasten or stick something to something


alteration Änderung a small change that makes someone or

something slightly different

arty someone who is arty knows a lot about art,

film, theatre etc
template Dokumentvorlage something that is used as a model for
another thing

frowned upon verpönt to disapprove of someone or something,

especially someone's behaviour

to be out of depth if you are out of depth you can’t cope as

the work is too demanding

domineering dominant someone who is domineering tries to

control other people without considering
their feelings or ideas - used to show

Unit 1 - Describing People

to breathe down so.'s neck jmd. im Genick sitzen to pay very close attention to what
so. is doing in a way that makes him
feel nervous

to bite so.’s head off jmd den Kopf abbeißen to talk to so. very angrily

to get sth. off one's chest sich etw. von der Seele reden to tell so. about sth. That has been
worrying you for a long time

smug süffisant; selbstzufrieden showing too much satisfaction with

your own cleverness or success -
used to show disapproval

weirdo Spinner

scrounger Schnorrer so. who wants to get money or

something by asking other people
for it rather than by paying for it

bore Langweiler

to whinge jammern to complain, to moan about sth.

bimbo Tussi an insulting word for an attractive

but unintelligent young woman

to drone on eintönig reden to speak in a boring way, usually for

a long time
to fiddle herumspielen to keep moving and touching
something, especially because you
are bored or nervous

to wind so up jmd. nerven to annoy so.

disinclined abgeneigt to be unwilling to do something

odd sonderbar different from what is normal or

expected, especially in a way that
you disapprove of or cannot

tight-fisted geizig not generous with money

laid-back entspannt, locker relaxed and seeming not to be

worried about anything

know-all Alleswisser someone who behaves as if they

know everything - used to show

egomaniac selbstherrlich someone who thinks that they are

very important, and does not care
whether they upset other people in
order to get what they want

petty läppisch, unbedeutend a petty problem, detail etc is small

and unimportant

slob Messie / Schlamper, fauler Mensch someone who is lazy and untidy

to lift a finger Finger rühren

intimidating furchterregend, einschüchternd making you feel worried and not


whinger Jammerer

to give so. the creeps make so nervous, make so feel


to stick to sth. religiously konsequent an etw anhalten

to get a word in edgeways zu Wort kommen to get a chance to say sth

to bend the rules ein Auge zudrücken

to ramble on schwafeln to talk for a long time in a way that

other people find boring
to be an acquired taste etwas für Kenner sein

eclectic vielseitig, eine Auswahl darstellend including a mixture of many

different things or people,
especially so that you can use the
best of all of them

to flout sth. sich über etw hinwegsetzen

to boost ankurbeln increase or improve sth making it

more successful

to pursue a career in einer Journalistenkarriere folgen


to pigeonhole so. jmd in eine Schublade stecken to stereotype so.

buzzword Modewort in-word

oppressed unterdrückt

lavish üppig, verschwenderisch generous, luxurious, impressive,


utterly completely

hence daher, demzufolge for this reason

to tie the knot den Bund fürs Leben schließen

decent schicklich, anständig of a good enough standard or


self-centred ichbezogen

ghastly schrecklich, grauenhaft very bad or unpleasant

deprived sozial benachteiligt not having the things that are

necessary for a comfortable or
happy life

to offend so. jmd beleidigen to make someone angry or upset by

doing or saying something that they
think is rude, unkind

commitment Verpflichtung a promise to do something or to

behave in a particular way

luncheon engagement Mittagessen (formal)

to pick on sb. an jmd herumnörgeln to behave in an unfair way to
someone, for example by blaming
them or criticizing them unfairly

a weird bunch of people ein seltsames Völkchen strange people

to drive sb. nuts jmd. verrückt machen to drive sb. crazy

He thinks he’s God’s gift to Er fühlt sich als Beglücker aller Frauen. He has a very high opinion about
women. himself.

That’s gorgeous. Das schmeckt herrlich.

You slob! Du Chaot!

to stick one’s nose into sth seine Nase in etw reinstecken do not mind one’s own business

to bring a subject alive einen Gegenstand interessant machen to make a subject interesting

day-to-day life tägliches Leben

teacher’s pet Lieblingsschüler teacher’s favourite

to give people lots of praise Leute sehr loben words that you say or write in order
to praise someone or something

tricky kniffelig, schwierig something that is difficult to deal

with or do because it is complicated
and full of problems

on and off mit Unterbrechungen

deadly dull todlangweilig

disparate verschieden different

to hit it off etw gut verstehen

to watch one’s weight auf das Gewicht schauen

to correct everybody else alle anderen ausbessern

to be stuck to sth./so. an etw/jmd kleben

to look sb. straight in the jmd fest in die Augen schauen


to mumble to oneself vor sich hin murmeln

to eye sb. up and down jmd genau mustern

to make it up with sb sich wieder versöhnen

to boss so. around jmd herumkommandieren to push so. around

dizzy schwindelig feeling unable to stand steadily, for

example because you are looking
down from a high place or because
you are ill

to talk behind one’s back hinter dem Rücken reden

to push so. around herumkommandieren to tell someone what to do in an

impolite or threatening way

to tell so. off mit jmd schimpfen if someone in authority tells you
off, they speak to you angrily about
something wrong that you have

to ***** about sb über jmd lästern to make unpleasant remarks about


to have a ***** about sb über jmd lästern

a ladies’ man Aufreißer, Frauenheld casanova

a loser ein Verlierer

moody launisch often changing quickly from being

in a good temper to being in a bad

to be obsessed with besessen sein mit

party animal Partylöwe someone who enjoys going to

parties and drinking a lot of alcohol,
and behaving in a loud and often
rude way

a whinger ein Jammerer

a workaholic ein Arbeitstier

fashion-conscious modebewusst

environmentally conscious umweltbewusst

health-conscious Gesundheitsbewusst
politically conscious politisch interessiert

university-educated Universitätsbildung genossen haben

highly educated sehr gebildet

privately educated Privatschule besucht haben

well-educated gut erzogen

community-minded die Gesellschaft liebend

bloody-minded stur, starrsinnig, übel gesinnt deliberately making things difficult

for other people

open-minded aufgeschlossen

politically minded politisch interessiert

privileged background Privilegierter Hintergrund

deprived background sozial benachteiligter Hintergrund

religious background religiöser Hintergrund

to have a working-class aus der Arbeiterklasse stammen


extravagant taste extravaganter Geschmack

eclectic taste vielseitiger Geschmack

to acquire a taste sich einen Geschmack aneignen

Strange taste ungewöhnlicher Geschmack

to develop reputation sich einen Ruf machen

to damage reputation dem Ruf schaden

to have a reputation for bekannt sein für

to live up to one’s reputationseinem Ruf gerecht werden

to flout rules Regeln missachten

to follow rules sich an Regeln halten

to stick to rules sich an Regeln halten

to pursue a career eine Karriere verfolgen

to boost a career eine Karriere ankurbeln

to end a career eine Karriere beenden

to ruin a career eine Karriere ruinieren

to stand the test of time die Zeiten überdauern

self-satisfied selbstgefällig too pleased with yourself and what

you have done - used to show

by and large im Großen und Ganzen

to preface einleiten to say or do something before the

main part of what you are going to

to go through a lot of ups durch viele Höhen und Tiefen gehen

and downs

posh nobel, vornehm upper class

downfall of society Untergang der Gesellschaft complete failure or loss of moral



CORY: Cohesion

Conjunctions Time:

After: He went to bed after he had finished his book.

After which: The 15th is the deadline after which the U.N. has authorized action.

As: You can go first as you're the oldest. (because)

I saw him as I was coming into the building. (while)
Angry as he was, he couldn't help smiling. (although)
As with his earlier movies, the special effects in his latest film are brilliant. (like)

As long as: As long as you're up, would you mind getting me a drink? (since)
The economy will remain strong as long as there are jobs to go around. (while)

As soon as: As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong.

At which: Did you ever reach a point at which you said…?

Hardly: We had hardly left the ground when the storm broke.
Hardly had we left the ground when the storm broke. (Inversion!)

No sooner: The plane had no sooner taken off than I regretted not taking the train.
No sooner had the plane taken off than I regretted not taking the train. (Inversion!)

Before: Before he could reach the door, she quickly closed it.

By the time: By the time he was found sitting in his car, he was already unconscious.

Now (that): Now that we're all here, let's start the meeting.

Once: Once he found a job, things got better.

Since: We've played better since you joined the team. (in the period of time after the time when)
I have wanted to be a pilot since [=ever since] I was a child. (from the time in the past when)
Since you've finished all your chores, you may go out and play. (because)

The moment: The moment the cameras are turned off, he is able to relax. (as soon as)

Till: They kept playing till it got dark.

Until: We played until it got dark.

When: When he finally showed up, he was drunk. (at the time that)
We take the bus to school when it rains. (used to say what happens, is true, or can be done in a
particular situation)
She quit politics when she might have had a great career in it. (although)
Tomorrow is when we must decide. (the time or occasion at or in which)

Whenever: You may leave whenever you wish. (at any or every time that)

Whereupon: He graduated from high school in 1986, whereupon he immediately joined the navy.
(formal : at which time —used to say that something happens directly after something else and often
as a result of it) dt: woraufhin, wonach
While: The phone rang while I was doing the dishes.

Conjunctions Result:

And so: All in all, I felt I was all right now, and so was the world.

Or else: You have to leave or else you will be arrested for trespassing. (used to say what will
happen if something is not done)
He either thinks he can't do it or else he just isn't interested. (used to say what another possibility is)

Otherwise: Something must be wrong; otherwise, he would have called.

So: We were bored with the movie, so we left. (for that reason)

So that: She pulled him to the side so that no one else could hear their conversation. (used to say the
reason for something)

Conjunctions Contrast, Concession, Alternatives:

Although: Although we rarely see each other, we're still very good friends. (despite the fact that)
I think his name is John, although I'm not completely sure about that. (but, however, though)

But: He wants to go to the movies, but I want to go to the museum.

We had no choice but to leave. (except)

Even if: I'm going to the party even if it rains.

Even though: She stayed with him even though he often mistreated her.

Except that: We'd go, except (that) it's too far.

Or: He must be hiding something or he wouldn't be lying. (used to introduce the reason why
something said previously is true)

Much as: She knew the truth, much as [=even though] she wanted to deny it.

Nor: I neither know nor care what they think.

Not that: I saw him with some other woman, not that I care.

Though: Though it was raining, we went hiking.

Whereas: Some of these species have flourished, whereas others have struggled.

While: While I think some parts of the plan are good, I don't think it's practical. (although)
While some people think his comedy is funny, others find him offensive. (describes how two people,
groups, etc., are different)

Whilst: BE formal: while

Yet: She designs simple yet [=but] elegant clothing.

She played well, yet she didn't qualify for the finals. [=although she played well, she didn't qualify for
the finals].

Reformulating, clarifying

Indeed: This is a very nice house indeed. (without any question)

He likes to have things his own way; indeed, he can be very stubborn. (formal —used when making a
statement that adds to or strengthens a previous statement)
In fact: They know each other; in fact, they're close friends. (in truth —used to stress that a
statement is true although it may be surprising or unlikely)

In other words: So, in other words, you're saying that you forgot to do it.

Rather: I don't like chocolate - rather, I love chocolate. (used to introduce a statement that
indicates what is true after you have said what is not true)

Or rather: We can take the car, or rather, the van. (used to introduce a statement that corrects what
you have just said)

That is to say: We - that is to say my wife and I - will be attending the wedding. (used when giving
more accurate or specific information about someone or something that was just mentioned)
We plan on going to the concert—that is, if tickets are still available. (used when giving information
that affects something previously mentioned)

To put it another way: To put it another way, this testifies to what I would call the journalization of
academic criticism.

Changing Subject, referring to subject

Anyhow: It's OK if we don't go to the movie. I'm not that interested in seeing it anyhow. (informal)

Anyway: The road got worse, but they kept going anyway. (informal)
It's too expensive, and anyway [=and besides], we don't have enough time to do it.

As far as… is concerned: As far as I'm concerned, feng shui is a load of rubbish. (in a particular
person's opinion)

As for…/as to…: He was a nice enough person, but as for his suggestions, I found them unhelpful.
There is disagreement as to the causes of the fire. (about)

As regards: As regards [=regarding] your first question, we cannot assist you. (formal : relating to
(something); in or with regard to (something))

At any rate: At any rate [=in any case], cooking with fresh ingredients makes everything taste better.

By the way: By the way, did you hear what happened today? (informal)

Incidentally: The report discusses the problem only incidentally. [=in passing] (as something that is
less interesting or important)
I recently met his wife who, incidentally [=by the way], is a well-known author.

Now for: That was an easy question. Now for something a bit more challenging. (used to introduce a
different idea or activity)

Regarding…: As regards *=regarding+ your first question, we cannot assist you. (formal : relating to
(something); in or with regard to (something))

Speaking of…: Speaking of Jill, where is she? (to mention a subject in speech or writing)

Talking about…: Talking about exploration though the polls show that something like 75 percent of
the country is against legalization. (informal)

That brings me on to…: (formal)

That reminds me: That reminds me, did you mail that letter I gave you yesterday? (informal)

To turn to…: To turn to a very tangible environmental problem like overpopulation -- what would
traditionalists say about that?

With reference to…: I have something further to add with reference to *=with respect to, in regard
to] what was said earlier. (formal : about or concerning (something or someone); in relation to)

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