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370 Whitehead Road
Midlothian, n^exas'. .76Q::6S-.i-::r
17 January 1990
Dearest Friends,
letter for me to write
edication to the Lord
and generous support
of service in Nigeria,
and gifts at the time
midst of our great lo
day and night. Our Fa
beyond comprehension,
er death nor life, nei
future, nor any powers
creation, will be abl
rist Jesus Our Lord."
This is a difficult
much. I love your d
I love your faithful
during our 33 years
letters, phone calls
31st August. In the
family up in prayer
has given me a Peace
convinced that neith
the present nor the
anything else in all
of God that is in Ch
I love each one of you so
and to His work in Nigeria,
of Don and me and our family
I am grateful for your" prayers ,
Don was killed in Nigeria on
ss and sorrow you held me and my
ther answered your prayers. He
He gives me Hope for "...I am
ther angels nor demons, neither
, neither height nor depth, nor
e to separate us from the love
On January 12 I met with the elders of my li
Christian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am now
missionary service in Nigeria. However, the
Walter and Edna Anne (Don's sister) Smith we
from 1967-81, 86 & 87. They made a trip to
to visit the churches. They were greatly en
raising support to return to the field. Wou
continuing your faithful support of the West
through our co-laborers, the Smiths? They c
150 Campus View Drive, Lincoln, Illinois,
They will be happy to visit you and report o
Walter plans to return to Nigeria in May.
ving-link church. East Tulsa
officially retired from active
mission work goes on.
re our co-laborers in Nigeria
Nigeria Nov. 12-Dec. 20, 1989
couraged and are presently
Id you please consider
Africa Christian Mission
an be contacted at
62656. Phone: 217/735/4632
n the work in Nigeria.
A Memorial Fund has been established to support the education of Nigerian
evangelists in the United States. Presently Lawrence Ebak is studying for
his Master's degree at Lincoln Christian College. By 1992 Lawrence plans
to return to Nigeria to lead in the Cross River Bible Schoo^ and the
establishment of new churches. Please send your gifts to:
Don Baughman Memorial Fund, East Tulsa Christian Church
280 S. Memorial Drive, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112
if you would like to support this project.
The Lord willing, I will move to in March and settle near
Jane and Dennis, and my new grandson Andrew. My address will be:
P. Box 9.2.5';t^Newpo:rfc'7r.xegb-h''''B'-7%'J^'^^I ' 11 enjoy hearing from you.
Thank you my beloved fellow-workers for your heartfelt love and many
kindnesses to me and to my family. You will always be a part of my
deepest joy. May our Hope be in Him who gives us life.
Until He comes,
Your servant in Christ,
West Africa Christian Mission

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