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Unlocking Potential Changing Lives

ild Protection

College Uniform

The wearing of colour coded Darton College uniform/dress is fundamental to the creation of a unity of spirit in the college.
There are no distinctions of wealth or background between students; the uniform is attractive, practical and reasonably priced.
There is no doubt that personal appearance does affect standards of behaviour and, therefore, academic performance.
Evidence of this can be found here: (Page 37)
Parents are asked to support college policies on uniform and appearance.
Plain black trousers should be worn (jeans or chinos are not allowed). Trousers should not be worn on the hip.
We acknowledge there is sometimes confusion about the appropriateness of certain trousers, If unsure about the
suitability, please check the pockets 90% of approved trousers have pockets on the inside, if the pockets are stitched onto
the outside of the trousers, they are not approved.
Plain white collared shirt, not polo shirts. Shirts must be worn tucked in and should, therefore, be a suitable length.
Shirts should be worn buttoned to the neck, this includes the top button.
Compulsory year group tie (see below) which should be worn fastened to the neck with a single knot.
Plain black blazer with the college logo sewn on to the breast pocket.
Plain black shoes; not training shoes, canvas or backless. Boots must be worn underneath trousers (no suede). Laces
should be fastened appropriately and bright coloured laces will not be acceptable.
A college sweatshirt is optional and can be worn with a blazer but not as a replacement. Blazers are compulsory at all
Plain black knee length skirt (straight or pleated) but not denim material or a fashion item. Natural, black tights or plain
white socks.
Plain black classic/bootcut trousers in polyester cotton; no jeans, chinos or leggings.
Plain white collared shirt, not polo shirts, or blouses. Shirts must be worn tucked in and should, therefore, be a suitable
length. Shirts should be worn buttoned to the neck (no blouses).
Compulsory year group tie (see below) which should be worn fastened to the neck with a single knot.
Plain black blazer with the college logo sewn on to the breast pocket.
Plain black shoes; not training shoes, canvas or backless. Ankle boots must be worn underneath trousers. Knee length or
suede boots are not acceptable. Laces should be fastened appropriately and bright coloured laces will not be acceptable.
Year group colours for the 2014/2015 academic year
Year 7 Blue
Year 8 Purple
Year 9 Red
Year 10 Yellow
Year 11 Green
Outdoor coats
A waterproof coat may be worn over the blazer to commute to college but must be removed immediately once students are
inside the building. Coats and hoodies visible during the college day (including break and lunchtime) may* be confiscated until
the end of the day and sanctions applied.
Jewellery and Make-Up
All students may wear a watch.
Staff may* confiscate other items of jewellery and sanctions will be applied.
Discrete make-up should be worn (no false eyelashes). The college retains the right to ask students to remove excessive
make-up. Make-up should not be brought into college and may* be confiscated.
Hair style and length should be suitable for college and such that it does not draw particular attention to the individual.
Hair should be of a natural colour.
No bands/bracelets. Charity bands will be permitted at specific times, such as Remembrance Week. This will be indicated
on the college website and students will be informed in assemblies.
Students are only permitted to wear a single set of stud earrings in the lower lobe of the ear
No other form of facial piercings are allowed
Non-Visible facial piercings (e.g. tongue studs) are also not permitted
Please do not allow your child to have a new piercing done close to the start of a school term; we will not make allowances
for recent piercings.
A clear retaining pipe similar to fishing wire can be used to keep the piercing open, however this must not be visible
Clear balls and tubing is not allowed
Ear phones and Accessories
In accordance with the Mobile Phone Policy ear phones may be used at social times, but are not part of the school uniform.
Any earphones visible during lessons/on corridors etc may* be confiscated and behaviour sanctions will apply.
Assertive Discipline
The College operates an Assertive Discipline policy to enable students to be ready to learn.
Assertive Discipline provides the College with a shared and consistent language that promotes a supportive, non-confrontational
yet direct approach when dealing with students.

Assertive Discipline isnt just for teachers; it is for everyone for who comes into contact with students. By having a shared
language Assertive Discipline will provide clarity for students, and allow them to recognise what the issue is to give them the
choice to do as expected.

5 Stages of Assertive Discipline

Praise the students meeting expectations
Give/Repeat the Assertive instruction
Relate to the college expectations
Where needed instigate the sanctions procedure
Recognise positive response with praise

Underpinning rules of Assertive Discipline

All classes to have an appropriate seating plan where possible
Students must raise their hands to speak
3, 2, 1 count and teacher hand up equals quiet and eyes to teacher
Rule and reminder, then the sanctions pathway is applied.
One learning star is identified and awarded each lesson

Praise and Rewards

Good work, behaviour, attendance, a strong sense of community and caring for others will be rewarded at every opportunity.
This will be reflected by:

Verbal praise from teachers and adults
Positive comments made on pieces of work (the colleges WWW system which highlights to students want went well).
Public praise in class or assemblies.
Subject postcards sent home.
Phone calls, emails and letters home
Presentation assemblies and evenings
Recognition of work and display around college
Student prefects
Students elected as Form Representatives and to the School Council will wear badges to show this.
At the end of the year Prefects, Form Representatives and Council Members will be awarded certificates.
Students collect achievement points over the course of the year, this can be gained through:
A star, these are issued to one student per lesson by every subject teacher
Attending extra-curricular clubs
Helping at evening events
Having 100% attendance in a week
Being fully equipped in a week
Not being late for a full week
Being on or above your targets
Lots, lots more

If behaviour is having a negative effect on the teaching and learning or is infringing on the colleges inclusion philosophy,
students can expect the following consequences and processes to take place.
All staff will follow the sanctions pathway; this is a consistent system that enables staff and students to understand the process
of behaviour management and take ownership of the escalation of situations from minor incidents to more serious situations.

College Procedures

Students are told the rule and consequences reminder before being issued with the first consequence see rules underpinning
assertive discipline. All of the following are deemed as inappropriate behaviour and will result in a sanction being given: talking
out of turn, getting out of seat, playing with objects, making noises, defacing work, ignoring a reasonable request, refusing to
undertake a task, answering back, chewing gum, swearing.

The Sanctions Pathway

1. Verbal and/or visible 1
2. 10 minute subject detention recorded in planner
3. 20 minute subject detention recorded in planner
4. Call Out resulting in a 30 minute pastoral after school detention and removal to seclusion room - recorded in planner

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