Total Project Budget Template-July 2012

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Total Project Budget Template for Project Scope and Budget

This template was prepared by the MSBA as a tool to assist districts and their teams in the understanding of
MSBA policies and practices: their potential impact on the MSBAs calculation of a potential Basis of Total
Facilities Grant; and potential Total Maximum Facilities Grant. This template does not contain a final, exhaustive
list of all evaluations which the MSBA may use in determining whether items are eligible for reimbursement by the
Yellow Highlighted Cells include formulas which should not be overwritten in the submitted version of the Total
Project Budget Form.
The MSBA will perform an independent analysis based on a review of information and estimates entered into the
Total Project Budget Template submitted by the District for the proposed school project. The MSBA's analysis
may differ from the analysis performed by the district.
All costs associated with ineligible construction items (refer to 963 CMR 2.16(5) for more information) including
design, permitting, construction monitoring, testing etc. are to be identified and included in the Ineligible Cost
If the project is to include alternates, all construction costs must be included within the Estimated Budget of the
alternate. Associated management and design costs are to be carried as scope excluded items within the related
categories above. If more than three alternates are being considered add rows to the template and list each
alternate separately and include separate budgets for each alternate.
Data Entry
Enter the District and School Names into the top of the form
Enter the Submittal Date
Enter the agreed upon Design Enrollment for the proposed facility, see item 106
Enter the Total Gross Square Footage of the Proposed Facility, see item 107
Enter the Reimbursement Rate before incentives see item 105. Contact the MSBA assigned field coordinator for
current rate.
Enter the Districts maintenance score (refer to Maintenance Score Card), see item 109
Enter anticipated Incentive points for remaining categories, see items 110-118.
In the Estimated Budget Column Enter estimated budget items for all categories that apply to the Proposed
Project. Do not combine multiple categories. For example, separate budgets must be included for Construction
Contract Documents and Bidding; Bidding budget may not be combined with the Construction Contract
Documents budget.
When entering Construction Markups - If the project is to be based on D/B/B, enter 0 for the GMP budget
categories. If the project is to be based on CM@R, enter 0 for the D/B/B budget categories.
If the District is considering multiple alternatives contact the MSBA assigned Field Coordinator.
Identify items that are ineligible for reimbursement based on MSBA regulations. Refer to 963 CMR 2.16 (5)
Ineligible Costs, and enter associated costs under Ineligible Costs adjacent to the appropriate uniform category.
MSBA regulations are available at
Enter costs associated with abatement of asbestos containing floor materials under Ineligible Costs in the
appropriate category, see item 69.
Standard Reimbursement Calculations
Site Cost Reimbursement - If the value of "Eligible Minus Reimbursable" within the Site Cost Reimbursement
section of the spreadsheet is positive, enter that into the "Scope Excluded Site Cost" category in the "Scope
Excluded Items" column see item 77.
Construction Cost Reimbursement - If the value of "Eligible Minus Reimbursable" within the Construction Cost
Reimbursement section of the spreadsheet is positive, enter that into the "Overall Excluded Construction Cost"
category in the "Scope Items Excluded" column, see item 88.
FFE Reimbursement - If the value of "Eligible minus Reimbursable" within the FFE Reimbursement section of
the spreadsheet is positive, enter that applicable amount into the "Scope Excluded Items column for each
category of costs, see items 99-101.
Soft Cost Reimbursement - If the value of "Eligible minus Reimbursable" within the Soft Cost Reimbursement
section of the spreadsheet is positive, enter that into the "Soft Costs that exceed 20% of Const'n Cost" category in
the "Scope Items Excluded" column, see item 103.
Total Project Budget
Insert City/Town
School Name
Insert Submittal Date
Total Project Budget: All costs associated with the
project are subject to 963 CMR 2.16(5) Estimated Budget
Scope Items Excluded from
the Basis of Estimated Total
Facilities Grant or Otherwise
Basis of Estimated Total
Facilities Grant
Estimated Maximum Total
Facilites Grant
Feasibility Study Agreement
1 OPM Feasibility Study $0 ProRated 20% Exclusion
2 A&E Feasibility Study $0 $0 -Administration
3 Env. & Site $0 $0 -A/E Services
4 Other $0 $0 -Miscellaneous Proj Costs
5 Feasibility Study Agreement Subtotal $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! Soft Cost Reimbursement $0 Sum of Three Soft Costs
Administration Est'd Budget Excluded Eligible Soft Costs Category
6 Legal Fees $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0 $0 -Administration
Owner's Project Manager $0 $0 $0 -A/E Services
7 Design Development $0 Ineligible therefore not included in calculation -Site Acquisition
8 Construction Contract Documents $0 $0 $0 $0 -Miscellaneous Proj Costs
9 Bidding $0 $0 $0 $0 FFE
10 Construction Contract Administration $0 Not included in this calculation Owners Contingency
11 Closeout $0 $0 Total Eligible Soft Costs
12 Extra Services $0
13 Reimbursable & Other Services $0 Construction Costs associated with Soft Cost Cap Calculation
14 Cost Estimates $0 Est'd Budget Construction Costs Category
15 Advertising $0 $0 $0 -CM Preconstruction services
16 Permitting $0 $0 $0 -Construction Cost
17 Owner's Insurance $0 Not included in this calculation -Construction Contingency
18 Other Administrative Costs $0 $0 Total Construction Cost
19 Administration Subtotal $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! 20% Soft Cost Allowance
Architecture and Engineering $0.00 Reimbursable Soft Cost
20 Basic Services
21 Design Development $0 $0.00 Eligible minus Reimbursable
22 Construction Contract Documents $0 -If Eligible minus Reimbursable is negative OK.
23 Bidding $0 -If Eligible minus Reimbursable is positive enter value into Soft Costs that
24 Construction Contract Administration $0 exceed 20% of Const'n Cost below in the Ineligible column.
25 Closeout $0 Cosntruction Budget $0
26 Other Basic Services $0 OPM Fee @
27 Basic Services Subtotal $0 $0 $0 OPM Services Eligible Fees Total % of Const 3.50% Value > 3.5%
Reimbursable Services Basic Services $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0
28 Construction testing $0 Extra Services $0 #DIV/0!
29 Printing (over minimum) $0 Dsg'r Fee @
30 Other Reimbursable Costs $0 Designer Services 10.00% Value > 10%
31 Hazardous Materials $0 Basic Services $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0
32 Geotech & Geo-Env. $0 Extra Services $0 #DIV/0!
33 Site Survey $0
34 Wetlands $0
35 Traffic Studies $0
36 Architectural/Engineering Subtotal $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0!
CM & Risk Preconstruction Services
37 Pre-Construction Services $0 #DIV/0!
Site Acquisition
38 Land/Building Purchase $0
39 Appraisal Fees $0
40 Recording fees $0
41 Site Acquisition Subtotal $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0!
Construction Costs
43 Foundations
44 Basement Construction
46 SuperStructure
47 Exterior Closure
Rev. 2: Jan 2012 Page 2 of 4
Total Project Budget
Insert City/Town
School Name
Insert Submittal Date
Total Project Budget: All costs associated with the
project are subject to 963 CMR 2.16(5) Estimated Budget
Scope Items Excluded from
the Basis of Estimated Total
Facilities Grant or Otherwise
Basis of Estimated Total
Facilities Grant
Estimated Maximum Total
Facilites Grant
48 Exterior Walls
49 Exterior Windows
50 Exterior Doors
51 Roofing
53 Interior Construction
54 Staircases
55 Interior Finishes
57 Conveying Systems
58 Plumbing
60 Fire Protection
61 Electrical
63 Equipment
64 Furnishings
66 Special Construction Site Cost Reimbursement = 8.0%
67 Existing Building Demolition Direct Site Cost Excluded Eligible Site Costs
68 In-Bldg Hazardous Material Abatement $0 $0 $0 Eligible Site Costs
69 Asbestos Cont'g Floor Mat'l Abatement Direct Bldg Cost
70 Other Hazardous Material Abatement $0 $0 Reimbursable Site Cost
71 BUILDING SITEWORK Scope Excluded Site Cost $0 Eligible minus Reimbursable
72 Site Preparation If Eligible minus Reimbursable is negative OK. No ineligible needed
73 Site Improvements If Eligible minus Reimbursable is positive enter value into Scope Excluded Site Cost
74 Site Civil/ Mechanical Utilities
75 Site Electrical Utilities
76 Other Site Construction Construction Cost Reimbursement
77 Scope Excluded Site Cost $0 Eligible Demo
$0 Eligible Abatement
Construction Trades Subtotal $0 $0 $0 Total Eligible Demo & Abatement
78 Contingencies (Design and Pricing) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades #DIV/0! Total $/sf
79 D/B/B Sub-Contractor Bonds #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades #DIV/0! Eligible $/sf
80 D/B/B Insurance #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades
81 D/B/B General Conditions #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades
82 D/B/B Overhead & Profit #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades
83 GMP Insurance #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades
84 GMP Fee #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades
85 GMP Contingency #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Trades
86 Escalation to Mid-Point of Construction #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! % of Cumulative sum of Trades and Markups
87 Overall Excluded Construction Cost #DIV/0! Marked Up Demo & Abatement
88 Construction Budget $0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Eligible Construction Cost
89 Alternates - If eligible area if less than total area enter eligible area here.
$0 275 Reimbursable Const Cost for New Construction $/sf (subject to change)
90 $0 - $ Reimbursable Const Cost
91 $0 #DIV/0! Marked Demo & Abatement
92 Alternates Subtotal $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Reimbursable Const Cost
93 Miscellaneous Project Costs #DIV/0! Eligible Minus Reimbursable
Utility company Fees $0 If Eligible minus Reimbursable is negative OK. No ineligible entry needed
94 Testing Services $0 If Eligible minus Reimbursable is positive enter value into Overall Excluded Construction Cost
95 Swing Space/Modulars $0
96 Other Project Costs (Mailing & Moving) $0
97 Misc. Project Costs Subtotal $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0!
98 Furnishings and Equipment FFE Reimbursement
Furnishings $0 $0 Eligible FFE
Rev. 2: Jan 2012 Page 3 of 4
Total Project Budget
Insert City/Town
School Name
Insert Submittal Date
Total Project Budget: All costs associated with the
project are subject to 963 CMR 2.16(5) Estimated Budget
Scope Items Excluded from
the Basis of Estimated Total
Facilities Grant or Otherwise
Basis of Estimated Total
Facilities Grant
Estimated Maximum Total
Facilites Grant
99 Equipment $0 0 Enter Design Enrollment
100 Computer Equipment $0 $2,400 Reimbursable/student (Subject to change)
101 FF&E Subtotal $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 Reimbursable Cost
102 $0 Eligible Minus Reimbursable
Soft Costs that exceed 20% of Const'n Cost If Eligible minus Reimbursable is negative OK.
103 Project Budget $0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! If Eligible minus Reimbursable is positive enter value into Scope Excluded FFE Cost
Board Authorization Reimbursement Rate Before Incentive Points
105 Design Enrollment #DIV/0! Total Incentive Points
106 Total Building Gross Floor Area (GSF) #DIV/0! MSBA Reimbursement Rate
107 Project Budget $0
108 Scope Items Excluded or Otherwise Ineligible #DIV/0! 1.00 (0-2) Maintenance
109 Third Party Funding (Ineligible) $0 0.00 (0-1) CM @ Risk
110 Basis of Estimated Total Facilities Grant
#DIV/0! 0.00 (0-6) Newly Formed Regional School District
111 Reimbursement Rate #DIV/0! #DIV/0! (0-5) Major Reconstruction or Reno/Reuse
112 Estimated Maximum Total Facilities Grant
#DIV/0! 0
113 0
Potentially Eligible Construction Contingency
0.00 (0-1) Overly Zoning 40R and 40S
114 Potentially Eligible Owner's Contingency
0.00 (0-0.5) Overlay Zoning 100 units or 50% of units 1,2,
115 Total Potentially Eligible Contingency
$0 or 3 family structures
116 Reimbursement Rate #DIV/0! 0.00 (0-2) Energy Efficiency - "Green Schools"
117 Potential Additional Contingency Grant Funds
#DIV/0! 0.00 (5) Model Schools
118 Maximum Total Facilities Grant #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Incentive Points
119 Total Project Budget $0

NOTE: This template was prepared by the MSBA as a tool to assist Districts and their teams in the understanding of MSBA policies and practices and their potential impact on the MSBAs calculation of a potential Basis of
Total Facilities Grant and potential Total Maximum Facilities Grant. This template does not contain a final, exhaustive list of all evaluations which the MSBA may use in determining whether items are eligible for reimbursement
by the MSBA. The MSBA will perform an independent analysis based on a review of information and estimates provided by the District for the proposed school project that may or may not agree with the estimates generated by
the District using this template.
1. Does not include any potentially eligible contingency funds and is subject to review and audit by the MSBA.
2 - Pursuant to Section 3.20 of the Project Funding Agreement and the applicable policies and guidelines of the Authority, any project costs associated with the reallocation or transfer of funds from either the Owner's
contingency or the Construction contingency to other budget line items shall be subject to review by the Authority to determine whether any such costs are eligible for reimbursement by the Authority. All costs are subject to
review and audit by the MSBA.
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