CS6843 Syllabus 2014fall

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Six MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201 T: 718.260.3600 F: 718.260.3136 engineering.nyu.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CS 6843: Computer Networking Syllabus
Fall 2014
Saturday, 10:00 am 12:30 pm

Instructor: Dr. Z. John Zhao
E-mail: zz342@nyu.edu
Office: 2 Metro Tech Center, Rm. 10.TBD
Office hours: Monday 5:00 6:00 pm, Saturday 8:30 9:30 am
Office phone: TBD
Assistant: TBD
Overview: This course takes a top-down approach to computer networking. After an
overview of computer networks and the Internet, the course covers the application layer,
transport layer, network layer and link layers. Topics at the application layer include
client-server architectures, P2P architectures, DNS and HTTP and Web applications.
Topics at the transport layer include multiplexing, connectionless transport and UDP,
principles or reliable data transfer, connection-oriented transport and TCP and TCP
congestion control. Topics at the network layer include forwarding, router architecture,
the IP protocol and routing protocols including OSPF and BGP. Topics at the link layer
include multiple-access protocols, ALOHA, CSMA/CD, Ethernet, CSMA/CA, wireless
802.11 networks and link-layer switches. The course includes simple quantitative delay
and throughput modeling, socket programming and network application development
and Wireshark labs.
Course Prerequisites: Students must have completed CS 2134 (Data Structures and
Algorithms) or equivalent.
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, by J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross
AddisonWesley, 6th Edition, March 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0132856201. (Chapters 1-6)
We'll be making extensive use of the web site for this textbook throughout the course.
Please make sure that you can log into the student section of the site with the access
code from your textbook.
Grading & Exams
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 40%
Wireshark assignments: 15%
Python socket programming: 15%
Exam type: close-book, a letter-size, double-sided reference sheet is allowed.

Six MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201 T: 718.260.3600 F: 718.260.3136 engineering.nyu.edu

Course Work
All students are required to have access to the MyPoly online blackboard for course
logistics and content: announcements, assignments, quiz questions, etc.
In addition to Wireshark and Python socket programming assignments, there will be
homework assignments and online quiz questions provided biweekly. These will not be
graded, but solutions will be made available.
Students are encouraged to discuss the homework and programming assignments with
each other. However, except for team projects, your written solutions must be your own
work. The first violation of this policy will result in zero point on that assignment and a
reduction in your final grade (for example, from B+ to B). A second violation will result in
an F grade. For additional information see the Institute Policy on Academic Dishonesty.
Tentative Schedule
Note: all homework, Wireshark labs, and programming projects will be assigned with
specific due dates through MyPoly online blackboard.
Date Lectures Homework* Wireshark Lab Programming
Sept. 6
Chapter 1 Computer
Networks & Internet
Getting started
Sept. 13

Sept. 20
Chapter 2 Application
Sept. 27
Web server
Oct. 4
Chapter 3 Transport
Oct. 11

Oct. 18
Midterm exam, covering Lecture 1-6
Oct. 25
Chapter 4 The Network
SMTP mail client
Nov. 1
Nov. 8
Chapter 5 The Link
UDP Pinger
Nov. 15

Nov. 22
Chapter 6 - Wireless
Nov. 29
Thanksgiving recess, no class
Dec. 6
Ch. 6 Mobile networks
Dec. 13
Final exam, covering all lectures
* Homework assignments will not be graded
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for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or
redistribution must be obtained from the author. By choosing to view this document, you agree
to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

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