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/799 34:;<=>:? ,@)@? ls resldenL and 1echnlcal ulrecLor of Mechanlcal SoluLlons, lnc., where he and
oLher sLaff perform deslgn, analysls, LesLlng, and LroubleshooLlng of pumps and mlscellaneous
Lurbomachlnery. 8lll has over 40 years of hands-on as well as deslgn experlence wlLh roLaLlng
machlnery ln Lhe aerospace, power, and process lndusLrles. 8lll ls presenLly one of Lhe uS
represenLaLlves Lo Lhe AnSl/ lSC Machlnery AcousLlcs and vlbraLlon SLandards CommlLLee lSC
1C108/S2, ls pasL 8oard Chalr of Lhe SocleLy for Machlnery lallure revenLlon 1echnology (Ml1),
and ls pasL resldenL of Lhe SocleLy of 1rlbologlsLs & LubrlcaLlon Lnglneers (S1LL). Pe ls an
Pydraullc lnsLlLuLe SLandards arLner, and ls a Len-year veLeran of Lhe 1AMu ump Symposlum
Advlsory CommlLLee.

,4A9 0@ /BC46D7; ls Manager of 1urbomachlnery Analysls aL Mechanlcal SoluLlons, lnc. (MSl), ln
Whlppany, new !ersey. Pe has over 28 years of dlverse experlence ln Lhe analysls and deslgn of
roLaLlng equlpmenL. Pls speclalLy lncludes complex 3u sollds modellng of pump and compressor
caslngs and roLaLlng assemblles, and Lhe performance of sLress and vlbraLlon analysls uslng
advanced flnlLe elemenL Lechnlques. Mr. 8oyad[ls has worked as a lead analyLlcal englneer for
ma[or compressor and pump manufacLurers such as lngersoll-8and, lngersoll-uresser ump, and
llowserve CorporaLlon. Mr. 8oyad[ls has a 8S and MS ln Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng from Lehlgh
unlverslLy. Pe ls a member of Lhe Al Machlnery SLandards CommlLLee and a SLandards arLner of
Lhe Pydraullc lnsLlLuLe.

):7< E@ #9;B5 ls Lhe v of Lnglneerlng aL Mechanlcal SoluLlons, lncorporaLed. Pe's a graduaLe marlne
englneer wlLh abouL LhlrLy years of experlence ln Lurbomachlnery. revlously he was a fleld
englneer and Lhen reglonal manager aL uresser lndusLrles.

34F7 3@ #54:7 ls Manager of 1urbomachlnery 1esLlng aL Mechanlcal SoluLlons, lnc. (MSl), ln
Whlppany, new !ersey. Pe ls responslble for fleld vlbraLlon LesLlng lnvolvlng CuS and Modal
analysls. Pls career spans more Lhan 16 years prlmarlly worklng wlLh roLaLlng equlpmenL analysls
and LroubleshooLlng ln Lhe peLrochemlcal, reflnery, and power generaLlon lndusLrles. rlor Lo
[olnlng MSl, Mr. Cnarl was a 8oLaLlng LqulpmenL Lnglneer ln uvSA-venezuela responslble for Lhe
predlcLlve malnLenance of one of Lhe largesL peLrochemlcal complexes ln LaLln Amerlca. Mr. Cnarl
recelved hls 8.S degree (Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng, 1996) from Lhe Zulla unlverslLy ln venezuela. Pe
ls a member of ASML and Lhe lSC 1C108/S2 SLandards CommlLLee for Machlnery vlbraLlon.

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