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6788 #9:8;<= ls a Senlor ConsulLlng Lnglneer ln Lhe roducL uevelopmenL deparLmenL
aL LllloLL Company, ln !eanneLLe, A, where he supervlses Lhe compressor aerodynamlcs group. lor 36 years aL
LllloLL, he has focused prlmarlly on cenLrlfugal compressor aerodynamlc deslgn, analysls, and slngle sLage
developmenL LesLlng. 8lll ls also responslble for Lhe malnLenance and upgrade acLlvlLles assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
mulLlsLage compressor selecLlon program, and occaslonally ls lnvolved ln facLory and fleld performance
LroubleshooLlng. rlor Lo [olnlng LllloLL, one year was spenL aL lord MoLor company and Lwo years aL nASA Langley
8esearch CenLer worklng aL Lhelr low speed wlnd Lunnel faclllLy. Mr. Pohlweg recelved a 8.S. degree ln Aerospace
Lnglneerlng from enn SLaLe unlverslLy ln 1971 and a M.S. degree ln lllghL Sclences from Ceorge WashlngLon
unlverslLy ln 1973.

>7? #@AB7C ls a Senlor Lnglneer ln Lhe Advanced 1echnology deparLmenL aL LllloLL Company, ln !eanneLLe,
ennsylvanla, where he performs compuLaLlonal fluld dynamlcs (Clu) and oLher aerodynamlc analyses for Lurblnes
and compressors. revlous experlence lncludes Clu and oLher analyses on shlpboard propulslon and plplng
sysLems wlLh WesLlnghouse LlecLrlc CorporaLlon, and Lurblne deslgn supporL and LesLlng aL LllloLL Company. Pe has
31 years of englneerlng experlence, mosLly ln aerodynamlcs and fluld sysLems. Mr. Pardln recelved a 8.S. degree
(Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng, 1981) from Carnegle-Mellon unlverslLy, and ls a reglsLered rofesslonal Lnglneer ln Lhe
SLaLe of ennsylvanla.

DAE ><FFA<G 199A< ls Lhe manager of Lhe 8oLaLlng Machlnery uynamlcs SecLlon aL SouLhwesL 8esearch
lnsLlLuLe ln San AnLonlo, 1x. Pe holds a 8.S., M.S., and h.u. ln Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng from 1exas A&M
unlverslLy. Pls professlonal experlence over Lhe lasL 20 years lncludes englneerlng and managemenL
responslblllLles relaLed Lo cenLrlfugal compressors and gas Lurblnes aL Solar 1urblnes lnc. ln San ulego, CA,
uresser-8and ln Clean, n?, and SouLhwesL 8esearch lnsLlLuLe ln San AnLonlo, 1x. Pe has auLhored over 30
Lechnlcal papers relaLed Lo Lurbomachlnery and has Lhree paLenLs pendlng. ur. Moore has held Lhe poslLlon of
Cll and Cas CommlLLee Chalr for lC1l 1urbo Lxpo and ls Lhe AssoclaLe LdlLor for Lhe !ournal of 1rlbology. Pe ls
also a member of Lhe 1urbomachlnery Symposlum Advlsory CommlLLee, Lhe ll1oMM lnLernaLlonal
8oLordynamlcs Conference CommlLLee, and Lhe Al 616 and 684 1ask lorces.

1AE '98HG ls presenLly a 1esL Lnglneerlng Supervlsor wlLh uresser-8and Company ln Clean, n.?. Pe ls responslble
for developlng LesL meLhods Lo meeL ob[ecLlves for producLlon compressors and analyLlcal aerodynamlc LesLlng
cenLrlfugal and axlal compressors. Mr. Colby has held several englneerlng poslLlons over hls 39 year career aL
uresser-8and. Pls work experlence has been ln Lhe Lhermodynamlc performance of cenLrlfugal compressors. Pe
has more Lhan 26 years of experlence ln LesLlng of compressors, boLh ln-shop and fleld.
Cary sLudled Mechanlcal 1echnology aL Alfred SLaLe unlverslLy ln new ?ork. Pe has been a 1uLorlal AuLhor,
ulscusslon Croup Leader and ShorL Course Speaker for Lhe 1urbomachlnery Symposlum and has auLhored several
papers on hydrocarbon performance LesLlng of compressors.

8oberL C. WhlLe ls a rlnclpal Lnglneer for Solar 1urblnes, lnc. ln San ulego, Callfornla. Pe ls responslble for
compressor and gas Lurblne performance predlcLlons and appllcaLlon sLudles. ln hls former poslLlon he led Lhe
developmenL of advanced surge avoldance and compressor conLrols aL Solar 1urblnes. Mr. WhlLe holds 12
u.S.paLenLs for Lurbomachlnery relaLed developmenLs. Pe has conLrlbuLed Lo several papers, LuLorlals, and
publlcaLlons ln Lhe fleld of 1urbomachlnery.

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