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Korean dramas

1. 49 Days
2. 9 End 2 Outs
3. A Gentleman's Dignity
4. A Love yo Kill
5. A Man Called God
6. Ad Genius Lee ae !ae"
#. !a$y%&a'ed !eauty
(. !ad Guy
9. !ad Lo)e
*+. !eet,o)en -irus
**. !oys !e&ore .lo/ers
*2. Call o& t,e Country
*3. Can 0e Get Married1
*2. Can't Lose
*5. Ca3ital 4'andal
*6. C,eongdamdong Ali'e
*#. Cinderella Man
18. Cinderella's Sister
*9. City 5unter
2+. Co&&ee 5ouse
2*. Co&&ee 6rin'e
22. Color o& 0oman
23. Creating Destiny
22. Dating Agen'y Cyrano
25. Don't As" Me A$out ,e 6ast
26. Dr. C,am3
2#. .lames o& Am$ition
28. Flower Boy Next Door
29. .lo/er !oy 7amyun 4,o3
3+. .ugiti)e 6lan !
3*. .ull 5ouse 2
32. G,ost
33. lass !as" # $vN8
32. Gloria
35. Glo/ing 4,e
36. Good Do'tor
3#. Goong
3(. Great 9n,eritan'e
%9. & Fa'ily Boo"
4(. )eartstrin*s
2*. 5er Legend
22. 5o/ to Meet A 6er&e't :eig,$or
4%. )&ndred +ear ,n-eritan.e
22. 9 Am Legend
25. 9 Am 4am
26. 9 5ear ;our -oi'e
2#. 9& omorro/ Comes
2(. 9l<imae
49. ,nno.ent !an
5+. 9t's O"ay = Daddy's Girl
5*. K%6o3% ,e >ltimate Audition
/2. Killer K
53. King o& !a"ing = Kim a" Goo
52. Le)el # Ci)il 4er)ant
//. Lie to !e
56. Lo)e 7ain
5#. Lo)e Marriage
5(. Ma !oy
59. Ma'"erel 7un
6+. Man o& 5onor
6*. Mary 4tayed Out All :ig,t
62. May ?ueen
63. Me too = .lo/er@
62. Medi'al o3 eam
65. Monstar
66. My Daug,ter 4eo ;oung
6#. My .air Lady
6(. My Girl
69. My Girl&riend is a :ine%ailed .oA
#+. My 6rin'ess
01. !y&n* 1ol t-e S2y
02. New $ales o3 isaen*
#3. O$stetri's and Gyne'ology Do'tors
#2. O,@My Lady
#5. One .ine Day
#6. O3eration 6ro3osal
##. 6anda and 5edge,og
#(. 6artner
#9. 6ersonal 6re&eren'e
8(. 4in" Li2sti."
(*. 6lay&ul Kiss
(2. 6oseidon
(3. 6rime Minister and 9
(2. 6rin'ess Lulu
(5. 6rose'utor 6rin'ess
(6. 6rote't t,e !oss
(#. ?ueen o& Am$ition
((. 4'ent o& a 0oman
(9. 4',ool 2+*3
9+. 4e'ret
9*. 4e'ret Garden
92. 4,ining 9n,eritan'e
93. 4,ut >3 .lo/er !oy !and
92. 4ingle 6rin'ess and !lind Dates
95. 4no/ .lo/er
96. 4ign
9#. 4omeday
9(. 4oul
99. 43ring 0altB
1((. S&n*"y&n"wan S.andal
*+*. 4/eet *(
*+2. 4/eet 43y
*+3. 4yndrome
*+2. a"e Care o& t,e ;oung Lady
*+5. a"e Care o& >s = Ca3tain
*+6. aBBa
*+#. em3tation o& an Angel
*+(. em3tation o& 0i&e
1(9. $-at 1inter $-e 1ind Blows
**+. ,e De)il
***. ,e Greatest Lo)e
**2. ,e 5eirs
**3. ,e King 2 5earts
**2. ,e Man 0,o Cant Get Married
**5. ,e Marriage 6lot
**6. ,e Master's 4un
**#. ,e Musi'al
118. $-e 4rin.ess' !an
**9. ,e 7eturn o& 9l<imae
*2+. ,e ,ousandt, Man
*2*. ,e -ineyard Man
*22. ,e 0oman 0,o 4till 0ants to Marry
12%. $-orn Birds
*22. o t,e !eauti&ul ;ou
*25. ree o& 5ea)en
*26. > urn
*2#. -am3ire 6rose'utor
*2(. 0ater !loom
*29. 0,at's >3 .oA1
*3+. 0,en A Man Lo)es
*3*. 0,en 9t's At :ig,t
*32. 0,o Are ;ou C2+*38
*33. 0ill 9t 4no/ .or C,ristmas1
*32. 0it', ;oo 5ee
*35. 0onder&ul Li&e
1%5. +ellow Boots
*3#. ;ou're !eauti&ul
*3(. Around 2+
*39. Attention 6lease
*2+. !arairo no 4eisen
141. B&66er Beat
*22. Code !lue
*23. 5ana ;ori Dango
*22. KoiBora
14/. !ao&
*26. 7i', Man 6oor 0oman
*2#. 4,ia/ase ni :arou yo
*2(. ;amato :ades,i"o 4,i',i 5enge
*29. ;u"an Clu$
*5+. A$solute !oy&riend
1/1. A&t&'n's Con.erto
*52. !orro/ ;our Lo)e
*53. !ull .ig,ting
*52. Calling &or Lo)e
*55. De)il !eside ;ou
*56. Drun"en to Lo)e ;ou
*5#. .a$ulous !oys
*5(. .ated o Lo)e ;ou
1/9. )eart7eat Love
15(. )i8 !y Sweet-eart
*6*. Dust ;ou
*62. Lo)e Around
*63. Lo)e Contra't
154. Love Kee2s oin*
*65. Marry Me@
*66. Miss :o Good
*6#. Momo Lo)e
*6(. 7omanti' 6rin'ess
*69. 4"i3 !eat@
*#+. 4miling 6asta
*#*. 4uns,ine Angel
*#2. ,e E .amily
*#3. oGet5er
*#2. 0,en Lo)e 0al"ed 9n
*#5. 0,y 0,y Lo)e
*. *++ Days 0it, Mr Arrogant
2. 2++ 6ounds !eauty
3. A Millionaire's .irst Lo)e
2. A Moment o 7emem$er
5. A 4tory 4adder t,an 4adness
6. Ad Li$ :ig,t
#. AntiFue !a"ery
(. Arang
9. Ar',ite'ture *+*
*+. As One
11. Con3ession o3 !&rder
*2. Cyrano Agen'y
*3. .ri)olous 0i&e
*2. 5eart$rea" Li$rary
*5. 5ea)en's 6ostman
*6. Kiss Me= Kill Me
*#. Little !la'" Dress
*(. Lo)e 6,o$ia
*9. Lo)e 4o Di)ine
2+. My 4assy Girl
2*. My Girl&riend 9s An Agent
22. :e)er Ending 4tory
23. 6ro<e't Ma"eo)er
22. ,e Art O& 4edu'tion
25. ,e Cat
26. >nsto33a$le Marriage
20. 1-ite Ni*-t

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