Company Profile

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Company Profile

EPWP Beneficiary Management Services

Performance based results on projects
that really matter

Making policy work

NFM Consulting is a newly-formed black-owned and managed company providing strategic management
services to state and para-statal bodies in the implementation of EPWP. The company is based in the capital,
Pretoria and has national reach and market penetration objective. The company is a sole proprietary, wholly
owned and operated by Nombulelo Makapela, who has extensive experience in EPWP project co-ordination.

The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is a nation-wide government led initiative aimed at drawing a
significant number of unemployed South Africans into productive work, in a manner that will enable them to gain
skills and increase their capacity to earn income. The initiative is being implemented through established
government structures and within existing budgets. The EPWP was announced by President Thabo Mbeki in his
State of the Nation Address in February 2003.

This nation-wide programme involves all spheres of government as well as state-owned enterprises. It aims to
draw significant numbers of unemployed people into productive work and also contains a training component that
will increase people's capacity to earn an income. Furthermore, beneficiaries already in the program are
assessed to have a better chance of finding permanent employment than those not in the program. We urge you
to drag every sinew of your institutional make-up to implement EPWP as a viable and constructive way of socio-
economic upliftment. Let us drag EPWP to the nerve center of service delivery in our municipalities to ensure that
this noble programme resonates in tandem with the developmental agenda of our government. According to
EPWP Deputy Director General, Mr. Stanley Henderson the performance of the programme in the first quarter
indicates the continued successful performance by the Infrastructure Sector in the creation of the most work

The EPWP continues to be the most successful national effort in the alleviation of poverty for the poorest of the
poor in South Africa. NFM Consulting aims to operate its offering at the forefront and quadrant two areas of
community development and upliftment through EPWP.


NFM Consulting will assist implement and administer EPWP reporting to the
Management Information System on behalf of all prospects in need of Beneficiary
Management-based reporting in the Infra-structure sector. NFM Consulting services
include but not limited to:

EPWP Technical Support
EPWP Beneficiary Management Services
Events Management Services
EPWP MIS Reporting
Community Development Projects
Sector Co-ordination
Program Promotion
Data Analytics
Data Profiling
Database Management
Project Visits
Site Inspections


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NFM Consulting values the progress made by national government in the implementation of this program for the
economic development and upliftment of its communities. The company intends to be at the core of the project
administration of EPWP Beneficiary Management in South Africa. NFM Consulting is committed to assisting
EPWP implementers sector-wide to reach and exceed their key performance indicator targets consistently. The
company plans to make a quantifiable impact in the success of the EPWP in South Africa. .
Performance based results on
projects that really matter
Service Objectives
The companys offering to all prospective institutions
using EPWP has the following objectives:
Full Project compliance according to DPW
Accurate and timely reporting of every project
on the DPW MIS and,
Ensuring the achievement of all due diligence
targets for the prospects incentive
Value Proposition
In the evolved institutional market framework
of South Africa, NFM Consulting locates ailing
EPWP accounts, consolidates them, and then
releases them with competent project
management plan in order to guarantee the
incentive compensation.
NFM Consulting offers a focused continuous
workshop on the projects milestones,
optimizing their delivery to increase the return
on investment to the public as well as to the
prospective institution.


NFM Consulting is newly formed company owned and operated by Nombulelo
Florence Makapela. She has been an EPWP Projects Coordinator deployed in
one of the major urban centers for the last 5 years. She has co-ordinated EPWP
Maintenance Projects for the City of Tshwane during this period and has
extensive experience in managing beneficiaries, contractors, project managers,
communities as well as all EPWP stakeholders. NFM Consulting is adequately
capitalized in intellectual property, management structure and range in the delivery of its offering
to national prospects for EPWP.

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130 Rivier Street, Sunnyside East, Pretoria, ZA Mobile: 0746749989

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