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Embassy of Israel

Washington, D.C.

Did You Know?

Israel’s International Development Program

The Center for International Cooperation the basis for international relations between
(Hebrew acronym: MASHAV) has been active people...[and] must be based on the solidarity of
throughout the developing world since the late all human beings derived from fraternity and
1950s, assisting to alleviate problems of hunger, mutual assistance in every sphere of life -
disease, and poverty by means of technical economic, social and scientific..."
training and technology transfer. MASHAV's
programs encourage trainees to find their own In 1958, Foreign Minister Golda Meir first visited
solutions to problems and adapt them to their Africa. Deeply moved by the challenges faced by
respective cultural and social values, economic the newly-independent African nations, she was
potential, natural resources and regional priori- convinced that Israel should play a significant
Israel National Photo Collection ties. role in assisting them to improve health, educa-
tion, nutrition, resources and the status of
Member of Kibbutz Urim, located
The development of scientific research and women. Her personal commitment to interna-
in the Negev Desert, waters a
young tree in 1947 technology in Israel is an integral part of the story tional cooperation led to the setting up of
of the Jewish people's return to its homeland. MASHAV, a center for international cooperation
After achieving independence in 1948, scientific within Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
research and technological development were
key factors in shaping Israel into a modern state,
as new and innovative capabilities were tested
and implemented to meet the challenges of a
growing country with scarce natural resources.

Expressing the country's desire to share knowl-

edge gained from its own development experi-
Israel National Photo Collection
ence, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minis-
Israel hosts international conference ter, advocated that "the principles of mutual CINADCO
on agricultural development, 1963 assistance and equality should also constitute International Human Resourse
Training in Israel

MASHAV began its activities on a small scale. In the to others. While levels of education and experience
first year of operation (1958), 137 trainees, mostly vary, MASHAV strives to tailor its courses to address
from a few countries in Asia and Africa, participated the development priorities of each student
in its training courses in Israel. Five years later
(1963), the number of participants reached 1,262, As the world’s population reaches ten billion, the
mainly in the fields of agriculture, cooperation and challenges to modern technology will include
labor studies, and medicine and public health, with combating hunger, thirst, poverty, gender bias and
the majority coming from Africa and the rest from ecological problems. MASHAV’s programs will
A MASHAV training Asia, the Mediterranean Basin and Latin America. continue to strive to reduce human suffering and
workshop on Psychological That same year, MASHAV experts were sent for the intensify environmental protection, while remain-
and Physical Rehabilitation first time to host countries to conduct "on-the- ing committed to global efforts towards sustain-
in the Community spot" training courses: 21 courses were held in 19 able living for all.
countries with 393 participants. To date, MASHAV
has trained over 200,000 course participants from
held by the
approximately 140 countries in Israel and Israeli
abroad. Embassy in
Ethiopia for
MASHAV's programs are intended to reach diverse AIDS orphans
populations with a wide spectrum of educational
MASHAV backgrounds and work experiences, as well as to
MASHAV course on enable participants (including teachers, farmers,
agriculture in engineers, community workers, regional planners,
Embassy of Israel, Addis Ababa
South America physicians and nutritionists) to transmit new skills

. Agricultural Development and Cooperation
The Center for International Agricultural Devel- agro-ecology to Research and Development
opment Cooperation (CINADCO), of the Ministry (R&D), agricultural extension, supporting systems,
of Agriculture and Rural Development, is agribusiness consulting services, development of
MASHAV's main professional and operational arid and semi-arid regions and other related
institution in Israel for international agricultural
development cooperation.
Through its integrated professional and practical
development approach, CINADCO shares its
CINADCO’s programs focus on combining sound professional and operational capabilities with
professional experience with practical field level grassroots agricultural populations and institu-
orientation. Moreover, the prime development tional organizations to assist and enhance the
concept has been a practical bottom-up global agenda for agricultural sustainable devel-
approach, focusing on professional, technologi- opment and overall economic growth.
cal and practical know-how cooperation with the
developing world. CINADCO
MASHAV participants
Participants in CINADCO’s CINADCO's activities take place in Asia, Africa, the examining eel
International Course in Middle East and Latin America and in a number production vats
Beekeeping for Honey, of training centers in Israel. CINADCO's courses during a course
By-Products and Pollination are conducted in English, Spanish, French, on Intensive
Russian, Arabic and other local languages.
For more information,
please visit: CINADCO offers professional services in those
• MASHAV subjects where Israel’s own experience reflects
identified technological strengths in agricultural
http://mashav.mfa.gov.il and environmental subjects. These services
• CINADCO range from crop and livestock-production
www.cinadco.moag.gov.il technologies, irrigation and water saving meth-
ods and systems, farm management, forestry and MASHAV

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