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Rockport Elem.

Iriday, ScpIcnhcr 3b, 3014
IarcnI lcwsIcIIcr 4
In this Issue:
^!! ^BO!1 S!!C!^!S
Hear from specials teachers
about the exciting things
happening in their classes.
We are so lucky to have this
at our school.
!!!! SK!!! ^W^BD
Our Character Trait for the
month of August and
September was Respect.
Learn about the program and
checkout next months
newsletter to see our first
!!COM!^G D^1!S
Oct. 3 Mayse Farm 1st Grade
Oct. 8 Walk to School Day
Oct. 9 Trunnels K
Oct. 9 Reids Orchard Pre-K
Life Skills Award Winners
1hc IiIcskiIIs proran has hccn a parI oI IockporI IIcncnIary Ior nany ycars
wc cncourac chiIdrcn Io usc Ihcir IiIcskiIIs cvcry day, whcIhcr iI`s hy hcin
kind Io a ncw sIudcnI (kindncss) or workin wiIh oIhcr sIudcnIs Io pick up
Irash (carin and ciIizcnship) or hcIpin a Icachcr kccp Ihc cIassroon cIcan
(rcspccI and Icadcrship). 1hcrc arc a IoIaI oI 9 IiIcskiIIs (in addiIion Io Ihosc
noIcd ahovc IrusIworIhincss, rcsponsihiIiIy, ^hovc and Icyond, Iairncss).
Iach nonIh Icachcrs noninaIc onc sIudcnI Iron Ihcir cIassroon IhaI hcsI
rcprcscnIs Ihc IiIcskiII wc IcaIurcd durin IhaI nonIh. SIudcnIs arc rcconizcd
Ior Ihcir cIIorIs wiIh IchcI Iroud IiIcskiII ^wards. 1hc oaIs oI Ihis proran
arc Io inprovc sociaI rcIaIionships, IosIcr nuIuaI coopcraIion in soIvin
prohIcns, dcvcIop a sIroncr scnsc oI schooI and connuniIy, IosIcr cross
cuIIuraI scnsiIiviIy and rcspccI Ior IiIc, dcvcIop a scnsc oI scII and
cnpowcrncnI Io nakc hcaIIhy IiIc choiccs, and ovcraII, Io
prcparc chiIdrcn Io Iivc hcaIIhicr, happicr Iivcs.
Walk To School Day
InIcrnaIionaI \aIk Io SchooI Iay (OcIohcr Ih) is a IohaI
cvcnI IhaI invoIvcs connuniIics Iron norc Ihan 40 counIrics
waIkin and hikin Io schooI on Ihc sanc day. II hcan in
1997 as a oncday cvcnI. Ovcr Iinc, Ihis
cvcnI has hcconc parI oI a novcncnI Ior
ycarround saIc rouIcs Io schooI and a
ccIchraIion wiIh rccord hrcakin
parIicipaIion cach OcIohcr. 1oday,
Ihousands oI schooIs across ^ncrica Iron
aII 50 sIaIcs, Ihc IisIricI oI CoIunhia, and
IucrIo Iico parIicipaIc cvcry OcIohcr.
scnsc oI scII and
ovcraII, Io
a IohaI
40 counIrics
hcan in
rc Iar
I^IIl1 lI\SII11II 4
IindcrarIcn cIasscs havc hccn Icarnin onc oI Ihc paIrioIic
sons wc wiII sin on VcIcrans Iay. IirsI radc has hccn Icarnin
Ihc quarIcr noIc and cihIh noIcs
and how Ihcy naIch Ihc hcaIs in
Ihc words wc spcak. Sccond and
Ihird radcs arc rcvicwin Ihc
noIcs and Icarnin Ihc quarIcr
rcsI. \c havc conposcd our IirsI
son and wiII hc pcrIornin Ihc
ncw son on Ihc IockcnspicIs
IhaI I1O purchascd aI Ihc cnd oI
IasI ycar. IourIh radc is workin on noIc vaIucs Io prcparc Ihcn
Ior rccordcrs sccond scncsIcr. IiIIh radc is pcrIornin VcIcrans
Iay on sIac. \c arc prcparin our sons, crcaIin an iMovic Io
hc shown durin Ihc pcrIornancc and wiII aIso hc Icarnin
hoIiday sons.
IindcrarIcn has painIcd Ior Ihc IirsI Iinc. 1hcy did a rcaI |oh.
IirsI radc nadc appIcs showin IcxIurc wiIh Iahric. \c wiII hc
painIin our punpkin has ncxI. Sccond radc is rcvicwin
Iinc and coIors in paIIcrns and painIin Icavcs usin a conh.
1hird radc has hccn doin and drawin/dcsin usin Iincs IhaI
Ihcy havc choscn Io naIch an cnoIion I had ivcn Ihcn. IourIh
has hccn discussin op arI Iookin aI painIins and crcaIin our
own. IiIIh radc rcvicwcd Iincs and crcaIcd a concIric sIar
wiIh ncaI Iinc and coIor paIIcrns IhaI Ihcy crcaIcd.
Physical Education
1hc IockporI IIcncnIary IhysicaI
IducaIion Iroran is sIrucIurcd in such a
way IhaI Ihc duraIion, inIcnsiIy, and
Ircqucncy oI acIiviIics noI onIy noIivaIc
sIudcnIs huI aIso nccI Ihcir individuaI
nccds. SIudcnIs parIicipaIc in Ihc scIccIion
oI acIiviIics Iron a widc varicIy oI acIiviIy
arcas. Iach and cvcry sIudcnI is ivcn an
cquaI opporIuniIy Io parIicipaIc in a
haIanccd physicaI cducaIion proran.
^I Ihc cIcncnIary IcvcI sIudcnIs arc
cxposcd Io cxpcricnccs IhaI cncourac
Ihcn Io cn|oy physicaI acIiviIy. 1hrouh
cIIccIivc pracIiccs sIudcnIs wiII Icarn Io
vaIuc Ihc cIIccIs oI physicaI acIiviIy and iIs
roII on posiIivc IiIcIon hcaIIh and wcII
hcin. SIudcnIs wiII hc cncouracd Io
cxpIorc, Iakc risks, cxhihiI curiosiIy, work
wiIh oIhcrs coopcraIivcIy and achicvc a
pcrsonaI hcaIIh cnhancin IcvcI oI physicaI
Rockport Elem
Iriday, ScpIcnhcr 3b, 3014
We sLarLed wlLh Lhe
purchase of abouL
60 new uLles all wlLh
a lower ALos level for
sLudenLs ln grades k
Lhrough 2nd. All
sLudenLs ln grades
Lhrough 3

recelved an lad and
are checklng ouL
llbrary books
Lhrough Cverdrlve
(an onllne llbrary
Larly ln Lhe school
year l reallzed
several llbrary books
were desLroyed by a
leaky roof. 1he
books were on a
speclal carL LhaL held
all Lhe hollday books.
l would llke Lo Lhank
our 1C, who has
graclously oered Lo
purchase new books
Lo replace Lhe ones
LhaL were desLroyed.
Cur 1C has also
headphones LhaL
were very much
needed LhroughouL
Lhe school.
1he llbrary wlll be
hosung Lwo book
falrs Lhls year. 1he
rsL one wlll be a
hollday speclal LhaL
wlll be open durlng
Lhe WlnLer lesL.
Many ChrlsLmas gls
and sLocklng sLuers
wlll be avallable for
Music and Art

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