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Embassy of Israel

Washington, D.C.

Did You Know?

Science & Technology in Israel

Israel has long been on the cutting edge of military industry developed at a rapid pace,
research and development of high technology. A meeting the country’s needs for armaments and
country of limited natural resources, Israel's scien- technologies which it could not obtain from
tists and engineers have been constantly faced abroad. Israel today remains a leader in the
with the challenge of quickly devising new and development of military technologies.
innovative solutions. History and geography have
made Israelis adept at identifying problems, Research and development (R&D) in Israel has
finding solutions, and quickly turning ideas into grown far beyond the military. There are dozens
American Technion Society commercial products. of government, defense and public research
institutes, medical centers and universities
Nanotechnology graduate student
Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist move- conducting agricultural, industrial, energy and
at the Technion
ment, promoted the idea of a modern Jewish medical R&D. Overall, Israel ranks among the top
state not only as a physical home for Jews, but seven countries worldwide for patents per
also as a spiritual, cultural and scientific center. capita.
The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Daniel Rafael’s Trophy
active protection
Sieff Research Institute (later renamed the system creates
Weizmann Institute of Science) were all recog- a hemispheric
nized institutions prior to Israel’s establishment in protected zone
around a vehicle
1948. These institutions are recognized today as where incoming
some of the best institutions of higher learning threats are
Weizmann Institute of Science and research in the world.
and neutralized
Solar Tower laboratory at the In 1948, the newly-created Israel Defense Forces
Weizmann Institute of Science,
established a branch called the Science Corps.
which contains a field of 64
large, multi-faced mirrors The Corps developed new arms, explosives, and a
variety of electronic appliances for the IDF. Israel’s Rafael, Armament Development Authority
An astonishing 70% of Israel’s exports are in the former Soviet Union arrived in Israel. An
the high-tech sector and Israel is home to the astonishing 2.3% of these newcomers had
greatest concentration of high-tech start-up second or third degrees (most in R&D
companies anywhere outside of Silicon disciplines).
American companies such as Motorola,
The essence of Israel's achievements in the IBM, Microsoft and Intel chose Israel to
high-tech sector is the quality, energy and establish major R&D centers. Remarkably,
enterprise of its people. Twenty-four percent Israel has more companies listed on the
Israel National Photo Collection
of the country's workforce are university NASDAQ than any country outside North
Employee of the Intel high-tech
factory in Jerusalem manufacturing graduates, the highest proportion in the America.
computer chips world after the U.S. Israel has the world's
highest percentage of engineers and the
highest number of medical doctors per
capita in the world. In addition, Israeli
academics publish more scientific papers in
international journals than any other country
in the world.

Israel’s high-tech workforce has continually

been strengthened by immigrant popula-
Israel National Photo Collection 2007, The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
tions. Many of the countries early successes
Ramat Gan, a city in the Tel Aviv district,
is home to a large concentration of in agricultural technology were a result of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.
skyscrapers, the Diamond Exchange and Jews who had fled from Nazi Germany. In presiding over the NASDAQ Stock
many high-tech businesses the 1990s, more than one million Jews from Market Open Bell

Medical Innovations from Israel .

Given Imaging devel- Hisense Ltd. developed

oped the first ingestible Babysense, a respiratory
video camera known as movement monitor that
the PillCam. The sends out an alarm if a
capsule endoscopy has baby stops breathing
become a standard while asleep, as in SIDS
practice in the majority (sudden infant death
of gastroenterologist syndrome).
Given Imaging, Inc BabySafe USA, LLC

SMART Biotech Ltd. invented SMART- Teva Pharmaceuticals'

ube, offering the most complete detec- Copaxone, a drug devel-
tion of HIV and Hepatitis C infected oped at the Weizmann
individuals by enabling antibody Institute of Science, is
production using a small sample of prescribed by doctors
blood within days from infection. This worldwide as a treatment
is the only technology that enables for Relapsing-Remitting
such early detection. Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Teva Pharmaceuticals

Smart Biotech, Ltd.

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