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Month-to-Month Residential Rental Agreement

1. Identification of Landlord and Tenants: This Agreement is made and entered into on
[DATE], between ________________("Tenants") and [ORGAN!ATON NA"E]
("#and$ord%"aster Tenant "), whose address and &hone n'mber are [ORGAN!ATON
2. Identification of Premises and Occupants: ('b,e-t to the terms and -onditions o. this
Agreement, #and$ord rents to Tenant, and Tenant rents .rom #and$ord, .or residentia$
&'r&oses on$/, the &remises $o-ated at:___________________________on a month0 to0
month term+ The &remises sha$$ be o--'&ied b/ the 'ndersigned Tenant and the
.o$$owing minor -hi$dren: ____________________
3. Limits on Use and Occupancy: The &remises are to be 'sed on$/ as a &ri1ate
residen-e .or Tenants and an/ minors $isted abo1e in this Agreement, and .or no other
&'r&ose witho't #and$ord2s &rior written -onsent+
4. Termination: E3-e&t as &rohibited b/ $aw, This Agreement ma/ be terminated b/
#and$ord or Tenants and ma/ be modi.ied b/ #and$ord, b/ gi1ing 450da/s2 written noti-e
to the other+ An/ ho$ding o1er therea.ter sha$$ res'$t in Tenant being $iab$e to #and$ord .or
&rorated dai$/ renta$ damages+ [ORGAN!ATON NA"E] is a state .'nded tem&orar/
(670month) ho'sing &rogram, and there.ore this tenan-/ ma/ be terminated an/time on
or a.ter [(A"E DATE A( A8O9E], b/ [ORGAN!ATON NA"E] b/ gi1ing the Tenant a
written :5 da/ noti-e o. termination o. tenan-/+
5. Rent: (ee Atta-hment A .or rent amo'nts, s-hed'$e, and &a/ment &o$i-ies and
6. Amount and Payment of Deposits On signing this Agreement, [ORGAN!ATON
NA"E] wi$$ $oan Tenants the se-'rit/ de&osit that was &re1io's$/ &aid b/
[ORGAN!ATON NA"E] dire-t$/ to the &ro&ert/ owner in the s'm o. ;______+ (ee
atta-hed )romissor/ Note .or month$/ $oan &a/ment amo'nt and &ro-ed'res+ Tenants
ma/ not a&&$/ this se-'rit/ de&osit to the $ast month2s rent or to an/ other s'm d'e
'nder this Agreement+ ., '&on 1a-ating the &remises, Tenant<s $oan has been &aid in .'$$
to [ORGAN!ATON NA"E], [ORGAN!ATON NA"E] wi$$ .'rnish Tenant with an
itemi=ed written statement o. the reasons .or, and the do$$ar amo'nt o., an/ o. the
se-'rit/ de&osit retained b/ the #and$ord, a$ong with a -he-> .or an/ de&osit ba$an-e+
?nder (e-tion @AB5+B o. the Ca$i.ornia Ci1i$ Code, #and$ord ma/ withho$d on$/ that
&ortion o. Tenants2 se-'rit/ de&osit ne-essar/ to: (@) remed/ an/ de.a'$t b/ Tenants in
the &a/ment o. rentD (6) re&air damages to the &remises or a&&$ian-esD and (4) -$ean the
&remises i. ne-essar/ e3-$'si1e o. ordinar/ wear and tear+
7. Utilities: Tenants sha$$ be res&onsib$e .or &a/ment o. a$$ 'ti$it/ -harges, e3-e&t .or the
.o$$owing, whi-h sha$$ be &aid b/ #and$ord: water and garbage
8. !uiet "n#oyment: Tenants sha$$ be entit$ed to E'iet en,o/ment o. the &remises+ Tenants
and their g'ests or in1itees sha$$ not 'se the &remises or ad,a-ent areas in s'-h a wa/
as to: (@) 1io$ate an/ $aw or ordinan-e, in-$'ding $aws &rohibiting the 'se, &ossession or
sa$e o. i$$ega$ dr'gsD (6) -ommit waste or n'isan-eD or (4) anno/, dist'rb, in-on1enien-e
or inter.ere with the E'iet en,o/ment and &ea-e and E'iet o. an/ other tenant or nearb/
resident+ An/ s'-h a-tion ma/ res'$t in the immediate termination o. this agreement as
&ro1ided herein and b/ $aw+
9. Repairs and Alterations: E3-e&t as &ro1ided b/ $aw or as a'thori=ed b/ the &rior
Rental Agreement Page 1
written -onsent o. #and$ord, Tenants sha$$ not ma>e an/ re&airs, a$terations or
de-orations to the 'nit+ Re&airs, a$terations in-$'de re0>e/ing or insta$$ing an/ $o->s to
the &remises or insta$$ing or a$tering an/ b'rg$ar a$arm s/stem+ De-orations in-$'de, b't
are not $imited to, &ainting and wa$$&a&ering+ Tenants sha$$ &ro1ide #and$ord with a >e/
or >e/s -a&ab$e o. 'n$o->ing a$$ s'-h re0>e/ed or new $o->s as we$$ as instr'-tions on
how to disarm an/ a$tered or new b'rg$ar a$arm s/stem+ Tenant a$so agrees to &a/ a$$
-osts res'$ting .rom the a$teration+
10. Acceptance of Premises: Tenant has ins&e-ted the &remises, .'rnishings, eE'i&ment,
and a&&$ian-es and has .o'nd them to be satis.a-tor/+ A$$ &$'mbing, heating and
e$e-tri-a$ s/stems are o&erati1e and deemed satis.a-tor/, e3-e&t as noted on the
atta-hed "o1e0n "o1e0O't temi=ation+
11. $are% $leaning% and Maintenance: Tenants agree to: (@) >ee& the &remises, .'rnit're,
and a&&$ian-es -$ean and sanitar/ and in good re&air, and '&on termination o. the
tenan-/, to ret'rn the &remises to #and$ord in a -ondition identi-a$ to that whi-h e3isted
when Tenants too> o--'&an-/, e3-e&t .or ordinar/ wear and tearD (6) immediate$/ noti./
#and$ord o. an/ de.e-ts or dangero's -onditions in and abo't the &remises o. whi-h the/
be-ome awareD and (4) reimb'rse #and$ord, on demand b/ #and$ord, .or the -ost o. an/
re&airs to the &remises or a&&$ian-es damaged b/ Tenants or their g'ests or in1itees
thro'gh mis'se or neg$e-t+ This includes misuse that can lead to plumbing issues (i.e.
clogged toilet or sinks), broken appliances such as garbage disposals, or damaged
window fixtures.
12. Landlord&s Access for Inspection and "mergency: #and$ord (i+e+ the &ro&ert/ owner%
manager or [ORGAN!ATON NA"E] sta..) ma/ enter the &remises in the e1ent o. an
emergen-/, to ma>e re&airs or im&ro1ements, s'&&$/ agreed ser1i-es and show the
&remises to &ros&e-ti1e b'/ers or tenants+ E3-e&t in -ases o. emergen-/, 1io$ations o.
the ho'sing r'$es o't$ined in Atta-hment A, or Tenants2 abandonment o. the &remises or
-o'rt order, #and$ord sha$$ gi1e Tenants reasonab$e noti-e o. intent to enter+ Tenant<s
non0-om&$ian-e with the #and$ord<s $aw.'$ reE'est .or entr/ is materia$ brea-h o. this
Agreement that ma/ be -a'se .or immediate termination as &ro1ided herein and b/ the
13. Prohi'ition of Assignment and (u'letting: Tenants sha$$ not s'b$et an/ &art o. the
&remises or assign this Agreement witho't the &rior written -onsent o. #and$ord+
14. Possession of the Premises: ., a.ter signing this Agreement, Tenants .ai$ to ta>e
&ossession o. the &remises, the/ sha$$ sti$$ be res&onsib$e .or &a/ing rent and -om&$/ing
with a$$ other terms o. this Agreement b/ de$i1ering a 450da/ written noti-e .or
termination o. tenan-/ to [ORGAN!ATON NA"E AND ADDRE((]+ n the e1ent
#and$ord is 'nab$e to de$i1er &ossession o. the &remises to Tenants .or an/ reason not
within #and$ord2s -ontro$, in-$'ding, b't not $imited to, .ai$'re o. &rior o--'&ants to 1a-ate
or &artia$ or -om&$ete destr'-tion o. the &remises, Tenants sha$$ ha1e the right to
terminate this Agreement+
15. Damages to the Premises n the e1ent the &remises are &artia$$/ or tota$$/ damaged or
destro/ed b/ .ire or other -a'se, the .o$$owing sha$$ a&&$/: n the e1ent that Tenants, or
their g'ests or in1itees, in an/ wa/ -a'sed or -ontrib'ted to the damage o. the &remises,
#and$ord sha$$ ha1e the right to terminate this Agreement at an/ time, and Tenants sha$$
be res&onsib$e .or a$$ $osses, in-$'ding, b't not $imited to, damage and re&air -osts as
Rental Agreement Page 2
we$$ as $oss o. renta$ in-ome+ #and$ord sha$$ not be reE'ired to re&air or re&$a-e an/
&ro&ert/ bro'ght onto the &remises b/ Tenants+
16. Tenants& )inancial Responsi'ility and Renters& Insurance Tenants agree to a--e&t
.inan-ia$ res&onsibi$it/ .or an/ $oss or damage to &ersona$ &ro&ert/ be$onging to Tenants
and their g'ests and in1itees -a'sed b/ the.t, .ire or an/ other -a'se+ #and$ord ass'mes
no $iabi$it/ .or an/ s'-h $oss+ #and$ord re-ommends that Tenants obtain a renter2s
ins'ran-e &o$i-/ .rom a re-ogni=ed ins'ran-e .irm to -o1er Tenants2 $iabi$it/, &ersona$
&ro&ert/ damage and damage to the &remises+
*+ ,ater'eds No waterbed or other item o. water0.i$$ed .'rnit're sha$$ be >e&t on the
&remises witho't #and$ord2s written -onsent+
*- Pets: No &ets sha$$ be >e&t on the &remises witho't #and$ord2s &rior written -onsent,
e3-e&t .or ser1i-e or -om&anion anima$s reE'ested .or indi1id'a$s with disabi$ities+
*. (mo/e Detector De0ice: The &remises are eE'i&&ed with a .'n-tioning smo>e
dete-tor de1i-e(s), and Resident sha$$ be res&onsib$e .or testing the de1i-e wee>$/ and
immediate$/ re&orting an/ &rob$ems, maintenan-e or need .or re&airs to the &ro&ert/<s
owner% manager or [ORGAN!ATON NA"E]<s *o'sing (&e-ia$ist+ . batter/ o&erated,
Resident is res&onsib$e .or -hanging the dete-tor<s batter/ as ne-essar/+ The &ro&ert/
owner%management or [ORGAN!ATON NA"E] sta.. sha$$ ha1e the right to enter the
&remises to -he-> and maintain the smo>e dete-tion de1i-e as &ro1ided b/ the $aw+
12 Mo0ing (er0ices: Tenant ass'mes a$$ res&onsibi$it/ .or the mo1ing o. items done b/
[ORGAN!ATON NA"E] hired 1endors+ Tenant Agrees to in.orm /o'r -ase
manager%/o'th ad1o-ate o. the amo'nt o. be$ongings /o' wi$$ be mo1ing (es&+ $arge
items $i>e dressers, entertainment -enters, wine ra->s, armoires, -'rio -abinets, -hina
-abinets, b'..ets, big s-reen T9(, -hest o. drawers, et-+) be.ore the mo1e, and se-'re$/
&a-> their -ontents in se&arate bo3es+
Tenant a$so agrees to &a-> A## items to be mo1ed se-'re$/ in bo3es or a&&ro&riate
-ontainers and ha1e an/ disassemb$ing or reassemb$ing o. items done &rior to the
mo1e+ . /o'r be$ongings are not &a->ed /o' wi$$ NOT mo1e in and /o'r mo1e wi$$ be
n the e1ent an/ item to be mo1ed -annot be mo1ed sa.e$/ .rom the area where the
item is $o-ated or to an area where the item is to be mo1ed or re$o-ated and /o' wish to
ha1e the item mo1ed an/wa/ 3OR4A5I6ATIO5 5AM"7 and 8 or Mo0ing (er0ice
wi$$ not be $iab$e .or an/ damages to the item or to the wa$$s, .$oors, stairs, rai$ings,
-ei$ings, or other str'-t'res
1* Addenda: 8/ initia$ing as &ro1ided, Tenant a->now$edges that the/ ha1e re-ei1ed and
read -o&ies o. the .o$$owing a&&$i-ab$e addenda, whi-h are atta-hed and in-or&orated
as &art o. this Agreement:
)o$i-ies and Reg'$ations,
Atta-hment A
____ "o1e0n "o1e0O't temi=ation
____ (mo>e Dete-tor Agreement
____ Asbestos Agreement
____ #ead Dis-$os're Addend'm
____ )rote-t Fo'r Gami$/ .rom #ead
n Fo'r *ome )am&h$et
____ "o$d Addend'm
____ #oan )romissor/ Note
____ Rent and #oan Ca$-'$ation
Rental Agreement Page 3
____ Dr'g0Gree Addend'm
11 5otice: )'rs'ant to (e-tion 6A5+7: o. the )ena$ Code, in.ormation abo't
s&e-i.ied se3 o..enders is made a1ai$ab$e to the &'b$i- 1ia an nternet Heb site
maintained b/ The Ca$i.ornia De&artment o. I'sti-e at www+megans$aw+-a+go1+
De&ending on an o..ender<s -rimina$ histor/, this in.ormation wi$$ in-$'de either
the address at whi-h the o..ender resides or the -omm'nit/ o. residen-e and
!) -ode in whi-h he or she resides+
19 "ntire Agreement: This Agreement, whi-h in-$'des a$$ atta-hments, -onstit'tes
the entire Agreement between the &arties, and no &romises or re&resentations,
other than those -ontained here and those im&$ied b/ $aw, ha1e been made b/
#and$ord or Tenants+ An/ modi.i-ations to this Agreement m'st be in writing
signed b/ #and$ord and Tenants+ The .ai$'re o. Tenants or their g'ests or
in1itees to -om&$/ with an/ term o. this Agreement is gro'nds .or termination o.
the tenan-/, with a&&ro&riate noti-e to tenants and &ro-ed'res as reE'ired b/
1: 4rounds for Termination of Tenancy: The .ai$'re o. Tenant or Tenant2s g'ests
or in1itees to -om&$/ with an/ term o. this Agreement, or the misre&resentation
o. an/ materia$ .a-t on Tenant2s Renta$ A&&$i-ation, are gro'nds .or termination
o. the tenan-/, with a&&ro&riate noti-e to Tenant and &ro-ed'res as reE'ired b/
1; Payment of Attorney )ees in a La<suit: n an/ a-tion or $ega$ &ro-eeding to
en.or-e an/ &art o. this Agreement, the &re1ai$ing &art/ [3] sha$$ not% [ ] sha$$
re-o1er reasonab$e attorne/ .ees and -o'rt -osts+
1= Authority to Recei0e Legal Papers: An/ &erson managing the &remises, the
$and$ord and an/one designated b/ the $and$ord are a'thori=ed to a--e&t ser1i-e
o. &ro-ess and re-ei1e other noti-es and demands, whi-h ma/ be de$i1ered to:
[ ] a+ the manager, at the .o$$owing address: ____________________
[ ] b+ the #and$ord, at the .o$$owing address: _____________________
[ ] -+ the .o$$owing: _________________________
#and$ord%"aster Tenant
Rental Agreement Page 4

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