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Needle and Moxa Workshop

All Information Niki Bilton
Nourishes Blood (toni!ation"
#arms $i (dis%ersion"
Moxa sti!k
more di)use e)e!t*+ood for dis%ersion
ne to use ,ith hi+h -lood %ressure
!an use it to kee% .our treatment ,orkin+*es%e!iall. for a /er.
entren!hed !ondition0
+ood to do on someone ,here .ou need to re1edu!ate the 2i on ho, and
,here to 3o, (s!ars4 o-stru!tions4 et!0"
it5s -etter to ha/e someone else do the moxa sti!k on the %erson
.ou kno, that it5s ,orkin+ ,hen the skin +ets dee%l. %ink
should NOT use smokeless moxa sti!k*it does not ha/e the same e)e!t
'ire!t Moxa
more s%e!i! e)e!t*+ood for toni!ation
nourishes Blood and ,arms $i at that %arti!ular %oint
!an5t use for dee% fen de%ths*the moxa 6ust ,on5t +et there0
.ou shouldn5t need an.thin+ to make it sti!k4 it should -e moist enou+h
use a humidor !i+ar -ox for stora+e (needs air -ut not too mu!h"
do not use al!ohol on a %oint -et,een moxa and needle
if moxa !rum%les ,hen .ou roll it in .our %alm4 it5s dead7
Toni!ation and 'is%ersion
8ou ,ill usuall. use dire!t moxa for toni!ation4 -ut .ou !an use it for
#hen used for dis%ersion4 moxa5s ener+. s%reads out from the %oint and
,orks more on the surfa!e0 Use this te!hni2ue to #arm $i that is !old and
is not mo/in+0
#hen used for toni!ation4 moxa5s ener+. +oes into the %oint and ,orks
at a dee%er le/el than dis%ersion0 Use this te!hni2ue to Build Blood0
Needle & Moxa Notes Page 1 Ashara T. Deckter
To 'is%erse To Tonif.
Use +reener4 !oarser +rade
Use 8ello,9:old4 %urer +rade
;ar+er !ones Small !ones
</en = of !ones Odd = of !ones
Isos!eles trian+le sha%ed
<2uilateral trian+le sha%ed
'istin!tion -et,een sedation and dis%ersion>
Sedation: Makin+ somethin+ less*makin+ it little*%ushin+ it do,n
*!om%ressin+ it0 If .ou ha/e a real4 true ex!ess .ou ma.
,ant to shrink it (this rarel. ha%%ens"
Dispersion: Mo/in+ somethin+ that is stu!k (like ,ith Full Cold or
'am%"0 Moxa is !a%a-le of dis%ersin+ -e!ause it ,arms
2i0 Also !an use this te!hni2ue for /olume and 2ualit.
??Moxa on Needles
+ood for !old or -lood de!ien!. that is dee% inside0
-est moxa needles are @AAB stainless steel and 2C4 D4 DC in!hes lon+
more dis%ersin+ e)e!t than dire!t moxa4 more than moxa
%ut a thin sli!e of root +in+er around the -ottom of the needle to add
Ere1rolled sti!k. moxa
+ood for dis%ersin+ Full1!old0
It !an -e +reat for Fen Mai if there5 s an o-stru!tion
It dis%erses4 therefore ,ill ,arm 2i0
Thread Moxa
/er. dire!t4 %enetratin+ e)e!t*+ood for toni!ation
stand it u% next to a needle4 li+ht it4 and let it -urn do,n to the skin0 It
doesn5t -urn the %atient0
!an use it on its o,n
!an make it on .our o,n4 -ut onl. ,ith Ga%anese ultra %ure moxa
Ba!hman knee %oint holder
use %re1rolled moxa in the holes %ro/ided
!an -e /er. e)e!ti/e for ,armin+ 2i
Moxa %laster
%a!kets ,ith moxa in it0 Shake it and it sta.s ,arm for a-out a da.*
more dis%ersin+ e)e!t
Needle & Moxa Notes Page 2 Ashara T. Deckter
Ti+er #armer
+ood for !hannel !on+estions and sinuses (it dis%erses"
+ood for kids ,ith a!hes and %ains
there are lar+er /ersions a/aila-le !alled ;ion ,armers
Needle & Moxa Notes Page 3 Ashara T. Deckter
Moxa is +ood if shen is dis%la!ed*it allo,s the shen to !ome -a!k into the
Hus-and %ro-lem> .ou need to use moxa -e!ause .ou ma. need to
re!onstitute .an+0 The ,ife %ulses ,ill -e more of a I2 t.%e0 8ou ,ill use
moxa more often for this %ur%ose than for a ,ife %ro-lem0
#ife %ro-lem> sometimes there is real a!!umulation9o-stru!tion ,ithin the
8in0 The.5re not true I2 t.%e %ulses*there5s no heat*it5s 6ust sta+nation0
It5s not +one real !old -ut all fun!tions don5t mo/e*in!redi-le stu!kness0 For
this .ou !an denitel. use moxa on the ,ife0
Hi+h dr. fe/er*'O NOT MO(A
Hi+h ,et e/er*thro,in+ out tem%erature !han+es (!hills J fe/er"4 use moxa
*K to start on :L @M0 It ,ill !reate a re+ulatin+ e)e!t0
Needlin+ on to% of moxa xes the a!tion4 !reates a s.stemi! res%onse0
For!al -od. s.m%toms4 treatin+ /ia the -od.4 treat -oth sides
To treat s.stemi!all.4 onl. treat on one side
Needle & Moxa Notes Page 4 Ashara T. Deckter
There are man. di)erent t.%es4 len+ths4 and +au+es of needles0 8ou need to tr.
e/er. sin+le kind and see ,hat ,orks for .ou0 </er. D months .ou should do this
for the rst fe, .ears .ou are in %ra!ti!e0
On!e .ou5/e sele!ted the t.%es of needle and moxa .ou ,ant to ,ork ,ith4
%ra!ti!e ha/in+ them in .our hand all of the time for the next 2 .ears0 #ith
%ra!ti!e4 the. ,ill -e!ome %art of .ou0 8ou are not nearl. as e)e!ti/e if .our tools
aren5t a !om%lete and seamless extension of .ou0
T8E<S OF N<<';<S
Copper: Tonif.
Gold Plated: Tonif.
Stainless Steel: 'is%erse
Silver Plated: 'is%erse
The properties listed above are not a rle. Tr! the" all #or !orsel# and see ho$ !o experience
the energ!.
A 02mm +au+e needle (=D Ga%anese +au+e" is ne most of the time0 The
lon+er the needle4 the hi+her the +au+e4 es%e!iall. ,hen .ou rst start
,orkin+ ,ith 24 2C4 and D in!h needles0 Finer +au+es are +ood for ,orkin+
on the fa!e0
8ou ,ill need to sto!k u% on lon+er needles4 as most fen de%ths are
si+ni!antl. dee%er than indi!ated in #orsle.5s red %oint -ook0 One in!h
needles are not +oin+ to -e lon+ enou+h for man. !ommonl. used %oints0
Needle & Moxa Notes Page % Ashara T. Deckter
N<<';I N: T<CHNI $U<
This %ro!ess does not ha/e to -e done in one 3uid motion0 At an. ste% .ou !an
sto% and maintain .our %resent %osition0 If the %atient has a rea!tion that re2uires
attention or if .ou lose .our !enter4 sto% and han+ out until .ou5re read. to mo/e
Ehase @
@0 ;o!ate the %oint and sa. hi to the 2i
Before needlin+ a %oint4 al,a.s massa+e it0 This ,el!omes and in/ites the 2i
to !ome u% and !reates a !onne!tion -et,een .ou and .our %atent0
20 Center .ourself
a0 Ali+n .our N elements4 N su-stan!es4 and @2 oO!ials so that .ou are in a
PneutralQ or P!learQ state0 8ou should -e a-le to -alan!e a -am-oo %ole
on one n+er ,ithout it fallin+0
-0 To +et there4 re!all a memor. of ,hen all of .our elements4 su-stan!es
and oO!ials ,ere in harmon.0 Hold this s%a!e0
D0 Create Bod. Mind S%irit9Bod. Mind S%irit intima!. ,ith the %atient
Sta!k .our elements4 oO!ials and su-stan!es u% to mat!h the %atient5s sta!k
as !losel. as %ossi-le0
M0 Ela!e the needle u%on the %atient5s skin
Fi+ht handed> .our left hand should -e on the shaft of the needle and .our
ri+ht hand should -e on the handle0 Insert the needle ,ith .our Left hand0
;eft handed> .our ri+ht hand should -e on the shaft of the needle and .our
left hand should -e on the handle0 Insert the needle ,ith .our Right hand0
N0 Che!k for %ain or resistan!e
If there is %ain or resistan!e4 mo/e the needle /er. sli+htl.0
R0 Conne!t /isuall. ,ith the %atient (,ith their is al,a.s -est"
On!e .ou5/e %ut the needle on the %oint and kno, there5s no resistan!e4 .ou
should N<L<F look at the needle a+ain0 All of .our attention is fo!used on the
K0 Insert the needle
a0 LisualiSe the %atient5s skin o%enin+ u% to re!ei/e the needle and that the
%oint is !allin+ the needle in0
-0 ;et .our hands slo,l. SIN& into the %oint*do not use an. for!e or
%ressure as the needle slo,l. nds its ,a. to 6ust -elo, the surfa!e of the
Toni!ation> insert the needle relatively more slo,l.0 8ou al,a.s ,ant to
meet the 2i ,here it is ener+eti!all.0 If .ou5re the 2i is fra+ile*
that5s ,h. .ou +o in more slo,l.0
Needle & Moxa Notes Page & Ashara T. Deckter
'is%ersion> insert the needle relatively more 2ui!kl.0 A+ain4 .ou ,ant to
meet the 2i ,here it is ener+eti!all.0 If .ou5re dis%ersin+4 it5s -e!ause the
2i is stu!k or mo/in+ too 2ui!kl.*that5s ,h. .ou +o in more 2ui!kl.0
Needle & Moxa Notes Page ' Ashara T. Deckter
Ehase 2
@0 :o do,n to the fen de%th
a0 ;et .our hands -reathe the needle do,n to the fen de%th0 A+ain4 there5s
no for!e or %ressure used0 There5s no rush0
-0 'o not look at the needle to 6ud+e fen de%th*.our hands should -e
trained to kno, ho, man. fen in .ou5re +oin+0
20 Feel the fen de%th
At this %oint4 .ou ha/e !onta!ted the 2i0 Make sure e/er.thin+ is ne and sa.
hi to the 2i0 The %atient should feel no %ain11'a 2i is sim%l. a tou!h0
D0 Ask if .ou5re at the -od. le/el4 mind le/el or s%irit le/el of the %oint0
This ha%%ens internall. and is a matter of intention0
Ehase D
@0 Needle A!tion J Femo/al
O&4 .ou5re in the %oint0 Here is ,here the treatment ha%%ens0
If there is4 it5s -e!ause stru!ture or tissue is in/ol/ed someho,0
a0 Turn the needle @TAU !lo!k,ise and immediatel. remo/e it0
-0 Femo/e the needle relati/el. more quickly than .ou inserted it0
!0 Use -oth hands in a smooth motion to remo/e the needle4 the same as
,hen .ou inserted it0
a0 Turn the needle @TAU !ounter1!lo!k,ise0
-0 ;ea/e it in until .ou are read. to remo/e it0
!0 Femo/e the needle relati/el. more slowly than .ou inserted it0
d0 Use -oth hands in a smooth motion4 the same as ,hen .ou inserted it0
Toni!ation o/er time
a0 Turn the needle @AU !lo!k,ise0
-0 ;ea/e it in until .ou are read. to remo/e it0
!0 Turn the needle the remainin+ @KAU and immediatel. remo/e it0
d0 Femo/e it relati/el. more quickly than .ou inserted it0
e0 Use -oth hands in a smooth motion4 the same as ,hen .ou inserted it0
A Note on Insertin+ a Needle Strai+ht In
#hen .ou insert a needle strai+ht in4 it has a mildl. dis%ersin+ a!tion0 &no,
this and %lan .our needle a!tion a!!ordin+l.0 If .ou are doin+ a transfer4
!arrier needles should -e turn a smid+e !lo!k,ise (@AU" to !ountera!t the
natural dis%ersin+ a!tion
Needle & Moxa Notes Page ( Ashara T. Deckter
Ehase @
@0 ;o!ate the %oint and sa. Hi to the 2i
20 Center .ourself
D0 Create Bod. Mind S%irit9Bod. Mind S%irit intima!. ,ith the %atient
M0 Ela!e the needle u%on the %atient5s skin
N0 Che!k for %ain or resistan!e
R0 Conne!t /isuall. ,ith the %atient (,ith their is al,a.s -est"
K0 Insert the needle
Ehase 2
@0 :o do,n to the fen de%th
20 Feel the fen de%th
D0 Ask if .ou5re at the -od. le/el4 mind le/el or s%irit le/el of the %oint
Ehase D
@0 Needle A!tion J Femo/al
Needle & Moxa Notes Page ) Ashara T. Deckter

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