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R e 5

The Point
March 30, 2007
[ partie s and
e ve nts to
e nte rtain
the ir gue sts
and bring
trave le rs
toge the r.
Staying in
hoste ls also
provide s
a trave le r with an
inte rcultural e xpe rie nce
unique to the hoste l
culture . "Most hoste lle rs
are n't from the US," says
Maria Argyropolous,
Dire ctor of Ope rations
for USA Hoste ls, Inc., the
bigge st inde pe nde nt hoste l
company in North Ame rica
"Most of our gue sts are
from the UK, Australia,
and Japan, but we lite rally
~] have trave le rs
3from all ove r the
| world, and our
[ staff is primarily
| inte rnational."
Many gue sts make
quick frie nds while
at hoste ls and
stay in touch by e mail or
through myspace .com. "I
me t my fiance at a hoste l.
He 's from Norway, and
I'm from Je rse y," says
Calabre se , "we ke pt in
touch for five months afte r
back at home , and the n I
we nt to visit him in Oslo.
He came back to Ne w York
with me , and we 're ge tting
marrie d in June . So, ye ah,
I gue ss it pre tty much
change d my whole life ."
To find hoste ls, v isit
just to name a fe w.
Information on USA
Hoste ls and the ir staff and
locations can be found at
language , which can be
found on almost e ve ry
song, the de te stable
arrange me nt of music
varie s from tone s that can
hardly be he ard to the
scre aming of uninte lligible
words against noisy guitars,
like in "Me , My Yoke ,
and I." R ice be gins e ach
song with the se inaudible
whispe rs, murmuring in
octave s that can bare ly be
he ard by the human e ar.
is unfortunate ly not
Penny Wars
By Sariah Armstrong
Late last se me ste r, a war
was wage d in Hammond's
G-Lobby. The fight was
against home le ssne ss, and
the we apons we re made of
coppe r, nicke l, and zinc.
The e ve nt, the annual Pe nny
Wars, raise d a total of
$15 9.23. "All of the mone y is
going to Our Fathe r's House ,
and a fe w re pre se ntative s
from He rlihy, the winning
building, will be pre se nting
the mone y to Judy Egan,
the dire ctor of the she lte r,"
said Kacia Krie ne r, the
Campus Organize r for the
Massachuse tts Public Inte re st
R e se arch Group.
In Fitchburg State 's Pe nny
Wars, the te ams we re the
individual re side nce halls,
the Townhouse s, and the
commute rs. Each pe nny was
worth one positive point,
while all othe r mone y was
ne gative . "So, if you live in
Mara an d wan t y o ur re s i d e n ce
hall to win, you throw in
25 pe nnie s," said Krie ne r.
"Some one in Aubuchon will
come along and se e that the re
are a lot of pe nnie s in Mara's,
so [the y] will throw in a
quarte r to bring the amount
back to ze ro." Due to this
rule , most of the mone y was
raise d by making sure that the
othe r te ams we re losing.
First place we nt to He rlihy
Hall with -1,192 points. In
se cond place was Ce dar
House with -1,221, the n
Mara Village with -1,316,
the Townhouse s with -1,799,
Aubuchon Hall with -2,200,
the Commute rs with -2,893,
and in last place was R usse ll
Towe rs with -3,006. He rlihy
and Ce dar we re the halls
with the fe we st pe nnie s in
the ir containe rs, 43 and 19,
re spe ctive ly.
MASSPIR G will hold many
e ve nts ove r the course of the
ye ar. "MASSPIR G works on
e nvironme ntal issue s, highe r
e ducation, and Hunge r and
Home le ssne ss," said Krie ne r.
Last se me ste r, the y he ld the
"Hunge r and Home le ssne ss
Aware ne ss Pane l" and also
hoste d a showing of "An
Inconv e nie nt Truth."
"I applie d for the job be cause
I wante d to make a positive
diffe re nce ," adde d Krie ne r.
The Gallucci-Cirio
Library will be conducting
an online Library Quality
Surve y from April 1st
through the 21st. Donate
10 minute s for a chance to
win a 1GB iPod Shuffle by
comple ting the LibQUAL
surve y at, www.fsc.e du/
library. You can also stop
by the mobile surve y ce nte r
which will be locate d
around campus - watch
for upcoming information
about whe re and whe n.
Gallucci-Cirio Library Renewals
Ke e p your re cords up-to-date ,
avoid bills, and make things
e asy on yourse lf.
You'll ne e d your ID numbe r
or the bar code from your
By Computer:
1. Go to www.fsc.e du/library.
2. Click on Library Catalog
3.Click"YourLibraryR e cord"
4. Ente r the numbe rs be low

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