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When the magnificent Samye, Tibets first major monastery, was under construction, great

masters were invited from India: Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, uddhaguhya, and others! Their
chief Tibetan disci"les included the translators Vairotsana and #udra $ying"o!
%ll these masters, disci"les, and translators hel"ed the teachings of the uddha to flourish li&e the
rising sun! 'uring the time of (hyentse, (ongtrul, and )ho&gyur *ing"a, those twenty+five
foremost disci"les of the *otus+orn who had gathered around him at Samye almost a thousand
years earlier all returned in simultaneous incarnations! %s one of my teachers, ',ongsar
(hyentse, "ut it, -The twenty+five disci"les of the *otus+orn came bac& together li&e a throng of
shee" and goats running out of a barn!
These disci"les rea""eared as masters with incredible e."erience and reali,ation, learning, and
accom"lishment! Their "ersonal disci"les and their disci"les disci"les were e/ually ama,ing!0
In fact, throughout (ham and the rest of Tibet, tul&us of all twenty+five were identified and
recogni,ed! Parado.ically, this flowering was a "ortent that the time for Tibets role as a field of
influence to benefit beings was just about to run out!
Twenty-five Disciples of Padmasambhava:
1! Trison 'etsen 2mnga3 bdag rgyal "o &hri srong lde3u btsan4
5! #eshe Tsogyal 2m&ha3 3gro ye shes mtsho rgyal4
6! Pagor *ochen Vairotsana 2lo chen be7e ro tsa na4
8! $ub Sanggye #eshe 2gnubs sangs rgyas ye shes4
9! :yalwa )hogyang 2ngan lam rgyal ba mchog dbyangs4
;! $am&hai $ying"o 2dge slong nam m&ha3i snying "o4
<! $gag #eshe =honnu 2gnyags lo ye shes g,hon nu4
>! 'rog Palgyi #eshe 23brog mi d"al gyi ye shes4
?! *ang Palgyi Sengge 2rlangs d"al gyi seng ge4
1@! 'orje 'udjom 2rdo rje bdud 3joms4
11! #eshe #ang 2slob d"on ye shes dbyangs4
15! Sog"o *ha"al 2grub chen sog "o lha d"al4
16! $anam #eshe 'e 2sna nam ye shes rdo rje4
18! (archen Palgyi Wangchug 2m&har chen d"al gyi dbang "hyug4
19! 'anma Tsemang 2ldan ma rtse mang4
1;! *ochen (awa Paltseg 2lo chen &a ba d"al brtsegs4
1<! Shudbu Palgyi Sengge 2shud bu d"al gyi seng ge4
1>! :yalway *odro 23bre rgyal ba3i blo gros4
1?! (hye3u Shung *otsawa 2grub chen &hye3u chung lo tswa ba4
5@! 'ran"a $am&ha 2dran "a nam m&ha34
51! Adran Palgyi Wangchug 23o bran d"al gyi dbang "hyug4
55! Ba Cinchen )hog 2rma rin chen mchog4
56! *halung Palgyi 'orje 2lha lung d"al gyi rdo rje4
58! (onchog Dungne 2lang gro d&on mchog 3byung gnas4
59! :yalwa )hangchub 2la gsum rgyal ba byang chub4

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