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As media: Part B: written work

Film 1) The fault in our stars.

The fault in our stars is a breath taking dramatic rom-com based upon the number-one
bestselling novel by john green. Get ready to stand by and encounter the extraordinary love affair
of two cancer patient's as they steal not only your heart but a few shedding tears as well.
Shailene oodley plays a cautious teen with an admirable sense of humour called ha!el grace
"ancaster# $nsel %lgort plays a charismatic teen with great optimism called $ugustus aters and
&at olff plays a humorous blind boy whose friends with $ugustus called 'saac. $s we join them
through their joys and grief seeing what real love is. $s the two star crossed lovers take a journey
to the beautiful city of $msterdam( to meet both Gus and ha!el)s favourite author peter van
houten to look for answers about the book *imperial affliction)( however find love instead in the
$nne frank house.
The film the fault in our stars has uni+uely interesting visual elements such as the text messages
being illustrated on the screen on screen giving a more realistic relationship between teenagers.
The film start off with an over narration by the main character ha!el( setting the scene giving the
audience an idea about the main character ,she)s defiant and is a realist for example#
-.epression is not a side effect of cancer. .epression is a side effect of dying. /ancer is also a
side effect of dying. $lmost everything is( really.01
'n the movie all the cancer patients have a prop show each diagnosis( for example 2a!el carries
around an oxygen mask which is attached to her which gives a hint to the audience that she has
a defective respiratory system ,lung cancer1( $ugustus has a fake leg which makes evident that
he has it amputated as a cause to his cancer. $ugustus)s friend 'saac ,played by &at wolf1 wears
glasses after having his sight taken as a result of cancer# him wearing glasses shows that he is
vision impaired. The support meeting host in a church which is ironic as 2a!el doesn)t mention
having a belief nor do the others.
The film the fault in our stars mostly appeals to teens ,aged 3451 and adults as kids will not
understand the concept of cancer and death( there is also a range of technical dialect which will
not be known by kids under 34 ,such as fathom and impending fragmentation etc.1( further more
some other scenes maybe sensitive to younger viewers ,mature scenes and depressing
situations1. 't mostly appeals to teens and adults as they are in the stages of love and
experiencing love for either the first time or the stages of love therefor a film about love may
intrigue the people as they want to witness other interpretation of love or a movie about love.
6ost of the scenes are shot outside so natural lighting is used( whereas when in ha!el)s house
and the church artificial lighting is used( the lighting in both the house and church are +uiet dim
which may suggest that it)s a depressing atmosphere which may represent the depression of the
cancer patients and the isolation of ha!el that is until $ugustus enters her life and suddenly the
lighting becomes brighter.
Film 2) The book thief.
Marwa Slimani
As media: Part B: written work
The book thief a drama set during world war two reflects the harsh lifestyle of the $nne frank
story in a modern aspect. e travel back in time as we make history through the traumatising life
of "eisel a commoner( who gets adopted by the 2ubermann family. Get ready to go back in time
to one of world)s most atrocious wars in the shoes of an audacious young girl who forfeits a life of
childhood unwillingly due to war. "eisel an illiterate gets taught to read( learning how to express
the wonderful way of the world through words. Sophie &7lisse plays courageous young girl with a
bookish attitude called "eisel# &ico "iersch plays a determined and rebellious young boy who
acts like a side-kick towards "eisel call 8udy and Geoffrey 8ush as a gentle( loving father figure
who teaches "eisel who to read called 2ans 2ubermann. &ico and "eisel find friendship in the
same hatred( their friendship and unknowing love for each other grows on the audience.
"eisel has the walls of her basement covered in words showing that she loves to learn and is
expanding her knowledge every day( although the basement if a comforting place for "eisel its
+uiet dark and there is not much lighting( %ven when shooting -outside0 there wasn)t much light(
't may show that even though she is in her comfort !one she is not entirely safe or happy as max
becomes ill( the darkness may be foreshadowing as in the end everything leads in death and
The book thief mostly appeals to adults and young adults as they would understand the concept
of war and death( as the film the book thief is based on world war two and the holocaust it would
be upsetting to the younger children ,39-3:51. There is violence in the movie which may not be
suitable for the ;oungers( such as the way the <ews were treated by the &a!is( language in
German may not be suitable as well as deaths and near deaths.
=oth "eisel and max came to the house possessing a book( this may show that they are bright
people( even though "eisel was illiterate at first she was still knowledgeable in other aspects
,%.g. when 2ans asked if the book was hers she replied -it wasn)t always mine01( and in a sense
the books are there way out of the war ,to preoccupy them1 for example max was carrying a
book about 2itler it was protecting him as if he had the book the Germans wouldn)t suspect him
of being a <ew.
Mes vaanes de Franes: m! summer of Frane.
Marwa Slimani

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