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From the Chamber Chief: September 2014

The Chambers Leadership Fredericksburg launched its 2015 class

last week. 28 new Fellows met at the Courtyard Marriott in
downtown Fredericksburg each, undoubtedly, a little bit nervous,
perhaps even anxious about the new journey they had committed
themselves to. A highly prestigious and competitive program,
Leadership Fredericksburg has an atmosphere and a standard that
sets it apart from other traditional leadership programs. So what
makes us so special? Let me share a small snapshot into our recent
class to help you understand us.
Class began with welcoming remarks from alumni members who are
now leaders within the program: Eric Fletcher LF 11, Senior Vice President for Strategy, Marketing &
Business Development at Mary Washington Healthcare and the chairman of the Leadership Advisory
Board that oversees the program; and Brian Morgan LF 14, Senior Program Manager at Flatter &
Associates and the 2014 LF class president. Both shared moments from their LF experience and
encouraged the newbies to embrace every part of the program. I cant help but think that hearing
candid reflections from well-established, successful business leaders must be inspiring on that first day.
This was immediately followed by an icebreaker exercise that pushed even the most introverted soul to
open up about some interesting facet of their life. By the time we take our first break, folks were
starting to feel like they knew each other. The group next had an intense discussion about the very
definition of leadership which flowed into comparisons between professional and community
leadership. Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between the two? And how can
someone inspire a full community to follow them on a local issue while sometimes maintaining a job
thats at the bottom of their organizations leadership structure?
All who are accepted into Leadership Fredericksburg must complete a 360 evaluation (LMAP) followed
by an executive coaching session prior to the first day of class. This is daunting stuff facing me or Greg
Hiebert (LFs facilitators and coaches) with your feedback report is no easy task! Each coaching session
ends with the Fellow having to create an individual development plan also known as a commitment to
work on at least one item that will enhance their leadership style. The class next dove into discussion
about their LMAPs some have committed to speak up more at work, others committed to dialing
their energy/bold presence backa lot! Leadership comes from every personality type there is no right
or wrong. Learning how to adjust ones natural style to best lead takes discipline and focused effort.
Now fully engaged with others at their tables, the group happily broke for lunch.
Heres where the day became amazing. Immediately following lunch, our guest speaker arrived. Several
months ago I asked Joel Griffin LF 09 to speak to the class after Id seen him give a speech at Stafford
Countys Business Appreciation Event. A former Marine and co-founder of Dependable Global Solutions
(DGS), Joel is the current chairman of Stafford Countys Economic Development Authority. I did not ask
Joel to speak about any of these things. Instead, I asked Joel as a LF alumnus to share facets of his
personal leadership journey over the past few years as he and his wife Jennifer led the effort to see that
"Gwyneth's Law" became law. Passed in 2013, Gwyneths Law requires CPR and AED training for all
public school teachers and staff as well as graduating seniors for all public schools.
In 2012, Joel and Jennifer Griffins daughter Gwyneth collapsed at school and did not receive CPR. The
13 year-old spent seven weeks in the hospital and sadly, passed away. Rather than succumbing to their
grief, the Griffins were propelled into action upon the loss of their young daughter. They quickly became
activists for change. Working with the American Heart Association and other leaders in particular,
former Delegate Mark Dudenhefer they absolutely refused to take no for an answer. Amazingly, the
law passed in Virginia in May 2013. The law has also passed in two other states and the Griffins are on a
quest to see it pass in all of the United States of America.
Joel inspired the class to find their passion and make a difference for their community. He assured them
that one person matters and one person can motivate change. He shared the differences in his and his
wifes leadership styles and how they complement one another. By sharing such a tremendous tragedy
coupled with a triumphant victory that has already saved lives Joel left an indelible mark of service,
dedication, and leadership on the new class.
After another break, we talked about generations of leadership, beginning with the Traditionalists and
closing with the Millennials. Sure; we could discuss this important topic for the full day! But there was
still more: the class was challenged to create a personal mission statement. The mission statement
addresses the following:
Who am I? (Identity); What do I believe in? What are my passions? (Values/Believes) What do I aspire
to be? (Mission/Purpose)
There is nothing easy about completing this exercise. And if that wasnt enough, at the end of the day,
the Fellows met their mentors for the first time. (each Fellow is matched with a mentor from the
business community who will meet with them monthly to support their time in the program and help
them meet their goals set out in their development plan).
So there you have it a tiny snapshot into the world that is Leadership Fredericksburg. I hope reading
this inspires you to think about your own leadership style and the impact it has on everyone around you.
Whether you are the CEO or a new supervisor, your leadership affects others around you. Its important
to seek out ways to enhance your natural strengths and to recognize areas that can use improvement.
Were all a work in progress but when we put our community first, everyone benefits. Nothing happens
unless you make it happen, so find your passion, and get moving!

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