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TAM 224/CEE 210 B1

Appendix B
Test Control Using LabVIEW

John D. Williams
The tests in this laboratory are controlled and monitored by virtual instrument panels that have been created
using LabVIEW

, a graphical programming language developed by National Instruments

. The screens look like

physical panels and the user manipulates the controls like tangible hardware using the mouse-controlled
Operating Tool . In addition, values may be entered from the keyboard.

Panel Palettes
The palette at the top of the LabVIEW

panel is either in standby mode:

or run mode:

Run the program by clicking on the Run button . The Run button changes to and the Stop button
appears to the right of it. The Stop button appears on the Main Panel only. If an error is detected during the
setup and it is necessary TO STOP EXECUTION, click the Stop button on the main panel.

Controls and Displays

Push button and toggle switches are switched by positioning the Operating Tool with the mouse and clicking
on the switch. The PROCEED push button switch is activated by placing the
OPERATING TOOL on the button and clicking. The direction of travel two-
position switch is placed in the DOWN position by clicking on the switch.
Control Displays
The digital control display is identified by the arrows on the left side. The
display is altered by clicking on the box and editing the entry by highlighting,
deleting, typing the desired number and pressing enter (on the Macintosh numeric
keypad) or clicking outside the display. When enter is required, appears
beside the run arrow ( ). NOTE: If the program is run without entering the number, the entry may not be
recognized. The return key is NOT the same as enter; return creates a new line of data:

B2 Behavior of Engineering Materials TAM 224/CEE 210
The slide control graphically denotes the magnitude of the value in the digital display and often indicates the
range of acceptable values. The slide can be moved with the operating tool like a physical slide. Numbers are
input directly in the same manner as the plain digital display:

The text control accepts text entries. The display is altered in the same way as the digital control. Remember
to press enter, not return to complete the entry:

The text ring contains a menu of selections that scroll when the arrows on the left are clicked. Clicking on the
text ring box displays the entire menu:

The digital indicator and the text indicator shown below are read only devices and are used to inform the
user of settings, e.g., current position data and preset units. Changes are not accepted.

TAM 224/CEE 210 Test Control Using LabVIEW


Main Panel
The main panel contains introductory statements and a check list of items to be performed BEFORE running
the program.
Complete the check list.
Press the IEEE button on the Instron Control Console. The PROCEED button is not visible if IEEE is not
Start the LabVIEW

program by clicking on the run arrow.

Press the PROCEED button. (IEEE must be active to have the PROCEED button appear.)
B4 Behavior of Engineering Materials TAM 224/CEE 210

Limits Panel
The Limits Panel shows the status of the 4400 sensors and allows the selection of the action when the
specimen fails.
Current Settings are for information only and should match the Instron Control Console displays. These data
cannot be changed from the keyboard.
If HI CLUTCH is indicated, consult your instructor.
For most tests, set the Break Limit Action to Stop Crosshead. This safety feature stops crosshead movement
when the load drops rapidly.
Set the desired Break Limit Action. Click on the switch to change.
TAM 224/CEE 210 Test Control Using LabVIEW


Test Setup Panel
The Test Set Up Panel sets the machine testing parameters and the data collection rate. The crosshead moves
UP for tensile tests. Click on the switch to toggle the switch DOWN for compression and bending tests. The
crosshead rate is set in the digital panel and is graphically indicated by the slide switch. Note that the slide scale
is logarithmic and the range of acceptable rates is set to 4400 limits.
The Data Point Interval defines the interval at which the program records data. The slide switch gives a
graphical indication and the selection is limited to integer values up to 60.
Select the type of test.
Select the travel direction.
Set the crosshead rate.
Select the data interval.
B6 Behavior of Engineering Materials TAM 224/CEE 210

Header Panel
The Header Panel has blocks with which to identify the test and to enter the dimensions of the specimen.
Click inside each block to enter or edit. Press enter (NOT return) or click outside the block to record the entry.
Course/Section identifies the lab section.
Material Tested is self-explanatory. It may be useful to specify a type, e.g., 1045 Steel.
Specimen Information allows further specifications. It might contain the sequence number in a group of
tests or identify the heat treatment.
Filename is the most critical entry because the data are stored with this label. It should be easy to identify
the file without being verbose. Macintosh

allows long filenames with any character except the colon (:). This
program appends .h to the header file and .d1 to the data file. Make the filename unique. Do not use blanks
in the filename. Your TA may assign a filename protocol especially for large sections. Record the filename(s) in
your lab notebook. Most of the files will be accessible on the network.
The type of test (Tension, Compression, or Bending) is identified. Some measurements, e.g. bending fixture
dimenions, are unique to specific tasks.
The specimen shape is selected by clicking on the toggle switch. The specimen dimensions are recorded in
header file. Digital controls for width and thickness are displayed for rectangular specimens.
TAM 224/CEE 210 Test Control Using LabVIEW

The program creates the header file for the test. If a window pops up warning of an existing file, the filename
is not unique; data from a previous test are overwritten if Replace is selected. Consult your TA.
Enter test name, material, and ID.
Enter unique filename.
Select specimen shape.
Enter specimen dimensions.

Run Test Panel
The test is started from the Run Test Panel.
First select the parameters that are plotted during the test. Note that the units are preset.
X-axis: Select STRAIN if the extensometer is attached. Otherwise choose POSITION.
Y-axis: Select LOAD.
Check the machine setup. Ascertain that the area is safe for the equipment and personnel.
B8 Behavior of Engineering Materials TAM 224/CEE 210
Check the specimen, fixtures, and sensors, and install safety shields.
Press the START button. The UP or DOWN LED on the 4400 Control Console lights, indicating that the
frame is running the test. Corresponding indicators are on the screen.
If the test does not begin, check with your TA.
If the break action is set to STOP the test halts when the break occurs.
Press HALT to stop the test if the break action is not set to STOP.

Plot Panel
The Plot Panel displays the completed test plot. A table of test headers and parameters is located in the
bottom right corner.
The axes scale automatically; however the range may be adjusted. Move the pointer to the numeric label at
either end of the axis scale and edit the label. The plot adjusts to the new scale.
Remove the specimen.
Measure the final dimensions and enter them in the block provided.
Press EXIT to return the program to the main panel for another test.
Printed 7/17/03

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