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Conserve O Gram

Bibliography: General Collections Care and Preservation

November 2011 Number 1/2
On-line Resources
American Institute for Conservation of Historic
and Artistic Works (AIC). Caring for Your
Treasures. <>
(From the main page go to the left-hand side
of the page and select Resource Center then
Caring for Your Treasures.)
Canadian Conservation Institute. CCI Notes.
index-eng.aspx> (With link to the CCI Book-
store. Publications available cover a wide range
of specifc topics.)
Conservation Online (CoOL) Document
Library. <> (See
Search page, as well as list of conservation
Institute of Museum and Library Services. Con-
necting to Collections: Guide to Online Resources.
<> (Core set
of books, online resources, and an annotated
Image Permanence Institute. <https://www.
publications> (See Resources section, as well
as separate Sustainable Preservation Practices
and Dew Point Calculator web sites.)
National Park Service. Museum Handbook,
Part I: Museum Collections. Washington, DC:
National Park Service, 2006.
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington, DC: National Park Service.
(Cover a wide range of conservation topics,
materials and procedures.)
Northeast Document Conservation Center.
Resources. <
introduction.php> (Site includes preservation
leafets, suppliers list and instructional toolkits
on a range of preservation topics.)
Print Resources:
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI).
Framework for the Preservation of Museum Col-
lections Wall Chart. Ottawa: Canadian Con-
servation Institute (CCI), 2004. (Poster with
matrix showing ways to avoid agents of deterio-
ration; available from the CCI Bookstore.)
_________________. Technical Bulletins.
Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute
(CCI). <
viewCategory_e.aspx?id=18> (Cover a wide
variety of conservation techniques and topics;
can be ordered online.)
Landrey, Gregory J. et al. Te Winterthur Guide
to Caring for your Collection. Winterthur: Henry
Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 2009.
Long, Jane S. and Richard W. Long. Caring
for Your Family Treasures: Heritage Preservation.
2 General Collections Care and Preservation
Conserve O Gram 1/2 National Park Service
Paris, Jan. Choosing and Working with a Con-
servator. Northeast Document Conservation
Center Preservation Leafet 7.7. <http://www.
Sturman, Shelly G. Obtaining Professional
Conservation Services. In Caring for Your Col-
lections: Preserving and Protecting Your Art and
Other Collectibles, edited by Arthur W. Schultz,
194-201. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1992
Housekeeping and Cleaning
Caple, Chris. Cleaning. In Conservation Skills:
Judgement, Method, and Decision Making,
90-105. New York: Routledge, 2000.
Heaver, Melissa M. Housekeeping for Historic
Homes and House Museums. Edited by Byrd
Wood. Washington, DC: National Trust for
Historic Preservation, 2000.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook,
Part I: Museum Collections. Washington, DC:
National Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 13: Museum Housekeeping (1998)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington, DC: National Park Service.
COG 1/6: Choosing a Vacuum Cleaner for Use
in Museum Collections(2003)
COG 3/5: Volcanic Ash: Cleaning Museum
Objects (1993)
Te National Trust [UK]. Te National Trust
Manual of Housekeeping. Oxford: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2006. (Currently out of print.)
Handling, Packing and Shipping
National Park Service. Museum Handbook,
Part I: Museum Collections. Washington, DC:
Washington: Heritage Preservation, 2000.
MacLeish, A. Bruce. Te Care of Antiques and
Historical Collections. Lanham: AltaMira Press,
National Committee to Save Americas Cul-
tural Collections. Caring for Your Collections:
Preserving and Protecting Your Art and Other
Collectibles. Edited by Arthur W. Schultz. New
York: Harry N. Abrams, 1992.
Williams, Don and Louisa Jaggar. Saving Stuf:
How to Care for and Preserve Your Collectibles,
Heirlooms, and Other Prized Possessions. New
York: Fireside, 2005.

Conservation Treatments and Choos-
ing a Conservator
American Institute for Conservation of His-
toric and Artistic Works. How to Choose a
Conservator. <http://www.conservation-us.
Applebaum, Barbara. Conservation Treatment
Methodolgy. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann,
National Park Service. Museum Handbook,
Part I: Museum Collections. Washington, DC:
National Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 8: Conservation Treatments(2001)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington, DC: National Park Service.
COG 1/5: Salvaging Acidic or Damaged
Museum Accession Books (1997)
Bachmann, Konstanze. Conservation Concerns:
A Guide for Collectors and Curators. Washing-
ton, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992.
3 General Collections Care and Preservation
National Park Service Conserve O Gram 1/2
National Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 6: Handling, Packing and Shipping
_________________. Conserve O Gram Series.
Washington, DC: National Park Service.
COG 17/1: Checklist for Planning the
Shipment of Museum Objects (1993)
COG 17/2: Packing Museum Objects for
Shipment (1993)
COG 17/3: Crating Museum Objects for
Shipment (1993)
COG 17/4: Retroftting A Moving Van To
Transport Museum Collections (1995)
COG 17/5: How to Make a Paper Board
Crate (2008)
COG 17/6: Packing a Framed Two-
Dimensional Object (2009)
Neilson, Dixie. Object Handling. In Museum
Registration Methods, 5th Edition, edited by
Rebecca A. Buck and Jean Allman Gilmore,
209-218. Washington: American Association
of Museums, 2010.
Packing, Art Handling & Crating Information
Network. <> (Provides
information and resources on art artifact han-
dling, especially crating and shipping.)
Powell, Brent, John Molini and T. Ashley
McGrew. Packing and Crating. In Museum
Registration Methods, 5th Edition, edited by
Rebecca A. Buck and Jean Allman Gilmore,
322-331. Washington: American Association
of Museums, 2010.
Taurins, Irene. Shipping by Land, Air and Sea.
In Museum Registration Methods, 5th Edition,
edited by Rebecca A. Buck and Jean Allman
Gilmore, 332-337. Washington: American
Association of Museums, 2010.

Museum Collections Storage
Adelstein, Peter Z. IPI Media Storage Quick
Reference. Rochester: Image Permanence Insti-
tute, 2004.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 7: Museum Collection Storage (1999)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 4/1: Museum Storage Cabinets (1993)
COG 4/2: Dust Covers for Open Steel
Shelving (1993)
COG 4/3: Installing the Retroft Gasket Kit
COG 4/4: Creating a Microclimate for
Oversized Museum Objects (1993)
COG 4/5: Storage Techniques for Hanging
Garments: Padded Hangers (1994)
COG 4/6: Storage Techniques for Canoe
Paddles and Long-Handled Tools (1994)
COG 4/7: Museum Collection Storage Space:
Is an Insulated Modular Structure Right for Your
Collection? (1994)
COG 4/8: Selecting Environmental Control
Systems for Insulated Modular Structures (1994)
COG 4/9: Bufered and Unbufered Storage
Materials (1995)
COG 4/10: Determining Museum Storage
Equipment Needs (1997)
COG 4/11: Determining Museum Storage
Space Requirements (1997)
COG 4/12: Ring Supports for Pottery and
Round-Based Objects (1998)
COG 4/13: Modifying Museum Storage
Cabinets (1998)
COG 4/14: Planning a Research Space (1998)
COG 4/15: Storage Techniques for Hanging
Garments: Dust Covers (2001)
4 General Collections Care and Preservation
Conserve O Gram 1/2 National Park Service
Ottawa: CCI, 2003.
Protection and Safety
Merritt, Elizabeth E. Covering Your Assets:
Facilities and Risk Management in Museums.
Washington: American Association of Muse-
ums, 2005.
Security and Fire Protection
National Fire Protection Association. Fire Pro-
tection Handbook, 20th Ed. Quincy: National
Fire Protection Association, 2008.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 9: Security and Fire Protection (2002)
Appendix G: Protection of NPS Museum
Collections (1996)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 2/23: Fire Safety 101: A Fire Safety Self-
Inspection Checklist (2005)
Watts, Jack. Fire Safety in Historic Buildings.
Washington: National Trust of Historic Preser-
vation, 2008.
Emergency Preparedness Planning

Burke, Robert and David Liston, eds. Museum
Security and Protection: A Handbook for Cul-
tural Heritage Institutions. New York: Rout-
ledge, 1993.
Edwards Information. Edwards Information
Emergency Planning and Disaster Recovery
Sourcebook. Brookline, MA: Edwards Informa-
tion, 2011.
COG 20/1: Museum Facility Specifcations:
Selected References (1999)
Collections Environment and Moni-
Grzywacz, Cecily M. Monitoring for Gaseous
Pollutants in Museum Environments. Los Ange-
les: Getty Conservation Institute, 2006.
Hatchfeld, Pamela B. Pollutants in the Museum
Environment. London: Archetype Publications,
Ltd., 2005.
Image Permanence Institute. Sustainable
Preservation Practices for Managing Storage
Environments. <>
(Two-year education and training project,
including workshops and webinars; Videos
and Resources sections contain presentations
and other materials.)
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 4: Museum Collections Environment
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 3/1: Using a Psychrometer to Measure
Relative Humidity (1993)
COG 3/2: Calibration of Hygrometers and
Hygrothermographs (1993)
COG 3/3: Datalogger Applications in
Monitoring the Museum Environment, Part
I: Comparison of Temperature And Relative
Humidity Dataloggers (2001)
Tetreault, Jean. Airborne Pollutants in Museums,
Galleries, and Archives: Risk Assessment, Con-
trol Strategies, and Preservation Management.
5 General Collections Care and Preservation
National Park Service Conserve O Gram 1/2
Heritage Preservation. Emergency Response and
Salvage Wheel. Washington: Heritage Preserva-
tion Inc., 2005.
__________________. Field Guide to Emer-
gency Response. Washington: Heritage Pres-
ervation Inc., 2006. (Available through Heri-
tage Preservation Bookstore, <https://www.>)
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 10: Emergency Planning, parts a-b
Chapter 10: Emergency Planning, parts c-f
Appendix G: Protection of NPS Museum
Collections (1996)
Curatorial Health and Safety
Hawks, Catherine, Michael McCann, Kath-
ryn Makos, Lisa Goldberg, David Hinkamp,
Dennis Ertl, Jr., and Patricia Silence, eds.
Health and Safety for Museum Professionals.
New York: Society for the Preservation of
Natural History Collections; Washington, DC:
Health and Safety Committee, American Insti-
tute for Conservation, 2011.
Pinniger, David. 2004. Pest Management in
Museums, Archives and Historic Houses. Arche-
type Publications, London, 115 pp.
Integrated Pest Management Working Group
(IPM-WG). <>
(Provides resources on integrated pest manage-
ment within museums, archives, and historic
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Chapter 5: Biological Infestations (1998)
Chapter 11: Curatorial Health and Safety
______________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington, DC: National Park Service.
COG 2/1: Hazardous Materials Health and
Safety Update (1993)
COG 2/2: Ethylene Oxide Health and Safety
Update (1993)
COG 2/3: Arsenic Health and Safety Update
COG 2/4: Dichlorvos (Vapona) Update
COG 2/5: Fossil Vertebrates as Radon Source:
Health Update (1993)
COG 2/6: Preparing Salvage Caches for
Emergency Use (1993)
COG 2/7: Fabricating Secure Hangers for
Framed Works of Art (1994)
COG 2/8: Hantavirus Disease Health and
Safety Update (1995)
COG 2/9: Tamper-Resistant Fasteners for
Museum Exhibit Cases (1995)
COG 2/10: Hazardous Materials in Your
Collections (1998)
COG 2/11: Health and Safety Risks of
Asbestos (1999)
COG 2/12: Safe Techniques for Archival
Surveying and Assessment (2000)
COG 2/13: Introduction to Respirator Use in
Collections Management. (2000)
COG 2/14: DDT Health and Safety Update
COG 2/15: Cobalt Indicating Silica Gel Health
and Safety Update (2005)
COG 2/16: Chronology of Pesticides Used on
National Park Service Collections. (2001)
COG 2/16: Additional Graph of Pesticide
Chronology (2001)
COG 2/17: Physical Properties and Health
6 General Collections Care and Preservation
National Park Service Conserve O Gram 1/2
Efects of Pesticides Used on National Park
Service Collections (2001)
COG 2/18: Safe Storage and Handling of
Natural History Specimens Preserved in Fluid
COG 2/19: Guidelines for the Handling of
Pesticide Contaminated Collections (2002)
COG 2/20: Handling and Shipping Cellulose
Nitrate Film (2002)
COG 2/21: Safer Cleaning Alternatives for the
Museum & Visitor Center(2003)
COG 2/22: Disposal of Nitrate Film (2004)
Object Types
Preserving My Heritage - How to Care
for <
prendresoindes/objects-objets-eng.aspx> (Lists
various categories/objects, from material types
to specifc objects.)
Archeological Objects
Cronyn, J.M. Te Elements of Archaeological
Conservation. London: Routledge, 1990.,
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Appendix I: Curatorial Care of Archaeological
Artifacts (2001)
National Park Service. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 6/1: First Aid for Wet-Site Objects
COG 6/2: Desalinization: Passive Alkaline
Soak (1993)
COG 6/3: Testing for Chlorides with Silver
Nitrate (1993)
COG 6/4: Making Percent Solutions of
Chemicals (1993)
COG 6/5: Soluble Salts and Deterioration of
Archeological Materials (1998)
COG 6/6: Long-Term Efects of Acid-Cleaning
Archeological Ceramics (1999)
Sease, Catherine. A Conservation Manual for
Te Field Archeologist. Los Angeles: Institution
of Archaeology, 1994.
Ethnographic Objects
National Park Service. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 5/1: Storage Supports for Basket
Collections (1993)
COG 5/2: Storage Mounts for Feathered
Headdresses and Soft-Sided Hats and Caps
Ogden, Sherelyn, Ed. Caring for American
Indian Objects: A Practical and Cultural Guide.
St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 2004.

Furniture and Wooden Objects
McGrifn, Robert F. Furniture Care and Con-
servation, Revised Tird Edition. Lanham: Alta-
Mira Press, 1995.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Appendix N: Curatorial Care of Wooden
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 7/1: Cleaning Wood Furniture (1993)
COG 7/2: Waxing Furniture and Wooden
Objects (1993)
COG 7/3: Protecting Wood with Preservatives
and Water Repellants. (1993)
COG 7/4: Upholstered Furniture: Agents of
COG 7/5: Dusting Wooden Objects (2002)
COG 7/6: Silicone in Furniture Waxes and
Polishes (1993)
COG 7/7: Emergency Treatment for Water-
Soaked Furniture and Wooden Objects (1993)
Williams, Marc A. Keeping It All Together: Te
Preservation and Care of Historic Furniture.
Worthington, OH: Ohio Antique Review,
Stone, Ceramic, Glass, and Plaster
Koob, Stephen P. Conservation and Care of
Glass Objects. London: Archetype Publications,
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Appendix P: Curatorial Care of Ceramic,
Glass, and Stone Objects (2000)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 8/1: Removing Dust from Ceramic and
Glass Objects (1993)
COG 8/2: Storing and Handling Plaster
Object (1997)
COG 8/3: Preservation of Low-Fired Ceramic
Objects (2002)
Leather and Skin Objects
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI). CCI
Notes series. Ottawa: Canadian Conservation
Note 8:2 Care of Alum, Vegetable, and Mineral
Tanned Leather (1992) <http://www.cci-icc.>
Note 8:4 Care of Rawhide and Semi-Tanned
Leather (1994) <
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service (2006).
Appendix S: Curatorial Care of Objects Made
from Leather and Skin Products (1996)
__________________. Conserve O Gram
COG 9/1: Leather Dressing: To Dress or Not to
Dress (1993)
COG 9/2: An Easy-To-Build Museum Saddle
Mount (2009)
Metal Objects
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service (2006).
Appendix O: Curatorial Care of Metal Objects
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
COG 10/1: Caring for Historic Longarms:
Storage and Handling Requirements (1999)
COG 10/2: Caring for Silver and Copper Alloy
Objects (1999)
COG 10/3: Preparing Historic Motorized
Vehicles for Storage or Exhibit(1999)
COG 10/4: Caring for Outdoor Bronze
Plaques, Part I: Documentation and Inspection
COG 10/5: Caring for Outdoor Bronze
Plaques, Part II: Cleaning and Waxing (2005)
Natural History Specimens
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: Museum
Management Program, 2006.
Appendix Q: Curatorial Care of Natural
7 Identifying Museum Insect Pest Damage
Conserve O Gram 3/11 National Park Service
8 General Collections Care and Preservation
Conserve O Gram 1/2 National Park Service
Rose, Carolyn L., Catharine A. Hawks, and
Hugh H. Genoways, eds. Storage of Natural
History Collections: A Preventive Conservation
Approach. 4th Printing. New York: Society for
the Preservation of Natural History Collec-
tions, 2009.
Simmons, John E. 2002. Herpetological Col-
lecting and Collections Management Revised Edi-
tion. Society for the Study of Amphibians and
Reptiles Herpetological Circular No. 31, 153
Society for the Preservation of Natural History
Collections. Collection Forum.
Society for the Preservation of Natural His-
tory Collections. Leafets <http://www.spnhc.
Williams, Stephen L., Ren Laubach, and
Hugh H. Genoways. A Guide To the Manage-
ment of Recent Mammal Collections. Carnegie
Museum of Natural History Special Publica-
tion No. 4, 105 pp.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service.
Appendix L: Curatorial Care of Easel
Paintings (2000)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 12/1: Storage Screens for Paintings
Paper-based Objects
Ellis, Margaret Holben. Te Care of Prints and
History Collections (1999)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 11/1: Removing Wet Specimens from
Long-Term Storage in Formalin (1993)
COG 11/2: Storage Concerns for Geological
Collections (1998)
COG 11/3: Storage Concerns for Fluid-
Preserved Collections (1999)
COG 11/4: Storage Containers and Labels for
Fluid-Preserved Collections (1999
COG 11/5: Re-Use of Ethanol in Processing
Biological Specimens (2003)
COG 11/6: Labeling Natural History
Specimens (2005)
COG 11/7: Vertebrate Skeletons: Preparation
and Storage (2006)
COG 11/8: Curation of Insect Specimens
COG 11/9: Handling and Care of Dry Bird
and Mammal Specimens (2006)
COG 11/10: Radioactive Minerals (2006)
COG 11/11: Health and Safety Issues with
Geological Specimens (2006)
COG 11/12: Preparing and Storing Herbarium
Specimens (2009)
COG 11/13: Shipping and Handling of
Natural History Wet Specimens Stored in Fluids
as Dangerous Goods - Hazardous Materials
COG 11/14: Using the Cuvette Technique to
Store Vertebrate Microfossils and Other Small
Natural History Specimens (2007)
COG 11/15: Bynes Disease: How to
Recognize, Handle and Store Afected Shells and
Related Collections (2008)
COG 11/16: Preparing and Storing Geological
Drill Cores (2010)
Metsger, Deborah A. and Sheila C. Byers, eds.
Managing the Modern Herbarium An Interdisci-
plinary Approach. Society for the Preservation
of Natural History Collections, Washington
D.C, 1999.
9 General Collections Care and Preservation
National Park Service Conserve O Gram 1/2
COG 14/2: Storage Enclosures for Photographic
Prints and Negatives (1993)
COG 14/3: Chronology of Photographic
Processes (1993)
COG 14/4: Caring for Photographs: General
Guidelines (1997)
COG 14/5: Caring for Photographs: Special
Formats (1997)
COG 14/6: Caring for Color Photographs
COG 14/7: Caring for Photographs: Special
Monochrome Processes (1998)
COG 14/8: Caring for Cellulose Nitrate Film
COG 14/9: Identifcation of Film-Base
Photographic Materials (1999)
COG 14/10: Cold Storage for Photograph
Collections An Overview (2009)
COG 14/11: Cold Storage for Photograph
Collections Using Individual Freezer Unit
COG 14/12: Cold Storage for Photograph
Collections Vapor-Proof Packaging (2009)
Ritzenhaler, Mary Lynn and Diane L. Vogt
OConnor. Photographs: Archival Care and
Management. Chicago: Society of American
Archivists, 2006.
Rubber and Plastics
National Park Service. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 8/4: Care and Identifcation of Objects
Made from Plastic (2010)
COG 18/2: Safe Plastics and Fabrics for
Exhibit and Storage (2004)
Quye, Anita and Colin Williamson, ed. Plas-
tics: Collecting and Conserving. Edinburgh:
NMS Publishing Limited, 1999.
Shashoua, Yvonne. Conservation of Plastics,
Drawings. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, 1996.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006. Appendix J: Curatorial
Care of Paper Objects (2003)
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 13/1: Window Mats for Paper Objects
COG 13/2: How to Flatten Folded or Rolled
Paper Documents (1993)
COG 13/3: Polyester Encapsulation (1993)
COG 13/4: Exhibit Mounting Variations for
Objects on Paper (1993)
Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. Preserving Archives
and Manuscripts. Chicago: Society of American
Archivists, 2010.
Eastman Kodak Company. Conservation of
Photographs. Kodak Publication F-40. Roches-
ter: Eastman Kodak, 1995.
National Film Preservation Foundation. Film
Preservation Guide: Te Basics for Archives,
Libraries and Museums. San Francisco: National
Film Preservation Foundation, 2004.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Appendix M: Management of Cellulose Nitrate
and Cellulose Ester Film (1999)
Appendix R: Curatorial Care of Photographic
Collections (1996)
National Park Service. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service, 2006.
COG 14/1: Making Mounting Corners for
Photographs and Paper Objects (1993)
10 General Collections Care and Preservation
Conserve O Gram 1/2 National Park Service
COG 16/5: Flag Rolling and Storage (2009)
Creation, Care, and Storage of Digital
Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management
Tool for Preservation and Access. Maxine K.
Sitts, editor. Northeast Document Conserva-
tion Center, 2000. <
Iraci, Joe. Longevity of Recordable CDs and
DVDs. CCI Notes 19:1. Ottawa: Canadian
Conservation Institute, 2010. <http://www.cci->
National Park Service. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 19/21: Planning Digital Projects for
Preservation and Access (2000)
COG 19/22: Managing Digital Projects for
Preservation and Access (2000)
COG 22/1: Understanding Bit Depth (2008)
COG 22/2: Understanding Digital Image
Formats (2008)
COG 22/3: Understanding PPI (Pixels Per
Inch), DPI (Dots Per Inch), and Digital Display
COG 22/4: Understanding Histograms for
Digital Photography (2008)
COG 22/5: Digital Storage Media (2010)
Shapiro, Michael, and Brett I. Miller. A
Museum Guide to Copyright and Trademark.
Washington: American Association of Muse-
ums, 1999.
Te NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the
in the Digital Representation and Management
of Cultural Heritage Materials. Humanities
Advanced Technology and Information Insti-
tute (HATII), University of Glasgow, and the
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural
Heritage (NINCH), 2002. <http://www.nyu.
Materials Science, Degradation and Preservation.
Oxford: Elsevier Ltd., 2008.
Williams, R. Scott. Care of Objects Made
from Rubber and Plastic. CCI Notes 15:1.
Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute,
1997. <
______________. Display and Storage of
Museum Objects Containing Cellulose Nitrate.
CCI Notes 15:3. Ottawa: Canadian Conserva-
tion Institute, 1994. <
______________. Te Diphenylamine Spot
Test for Cellulose Nitrate in Museum Objects.
CCI Notes 17:2. Ottawa: Canadian Conserva-
tion Institute, 1994. <
Landi, Sheila. Te Textile Conservators Manual:
Second Edition. Boston: Butterworth Publish-
ers, 1992.
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
I: Museum Collections. Washington: National
Park Service, 2006.
Appendix K: Curatorial Care of Textile Objects
_________________. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington: National Park Service.
COG 16/1: Causes, Detection, and Prevention
of Mold and Mildew on Textiles (1993)
COG 16/2: Dry Cleaning Museum Textiles
COG 16/3: A Simple Storage Mat for Textile
Fragments (2001)
COG 16/4: Synthetic Fibers in Costume
Collections (2002)
11 General Collections Care and Preservation
National Park Service Conserve O Gram 1/2
Historic House Museums and Fur-
nished Historic Structures
Harris, Donna Ann. New Solutions for House
Museums: Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation
of Americas Historic Houses. Lanham, MD:
AltaMira Press, 2007.
Merritt, Jane and Julie A. Reilly. Preventive
Conservation for Historic House Museums.
Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2010.
National Park Service. Guidelines for Prepar-
ing Historic Furnishings Reports. <http://www.
guide.htm> (Provides annotated sample as well
as an example report.)
_________________. Museum Handbook,
Part III: Museum Collections Use. Washing-
ton: National Park Service, 2007.
Chapter 8: Using Museum Collections in
Historic Furnished Structures (2007)
Watts, Jack. Fire Safety in Historic Buildings.
Washington, DC: National Trust of Historic
Preservation, 2008.

Kathryn Blackwell
Museum Registrar
Florida Holocaust Museum
Eric Duyck
Curatorial Assistant
NPS Museum Management Program
Access to and Use of Collections
National Park Service. Museum Handbook, Part
III: Museum Collections Use. Washington:
National Park Service, 2007.
Chapter 6: Other Uses of Museum Collections
Chapter 7: Using Museum Collections in

Museum Exhibits
Barclay, R.L., Andr Bergeron, and Carole
Dignard. Mount-making for Museum Objects
(Second Edition). Ottawa: Canadian Conserva-
tion Institute, 2002.
National Park Service. Conserve O Gram series.
Washington, DC: National Park Service.
COG 1/11: Selecting Carpets and Floor
Coverings for Exhibit Galleries and Visitor
Centers (2001)
COG 18/1: Polyester Film Book Supports
COG 18/2: Safe Plastics and Fabrics for
Exhibit and Storage (2004)
National Park Service. Exhibit Conservation
Guidelines CD-ROM. <
(Available to order online; samples available on
web site.)
Te Conserve O Gram series is published as a reference on collections
management and curatorial issues. Mention of a product, a man-
ufacturer, or a supplier by name in this publication does not con-
stitute an endorsement of that product or supplier by the National
Park Service. Sources named are not all inclusive. It is suggested
that readers also seek alternative product and vendor information
in order to assess the full range of available supplies and equipment.
Te series is distributed to all NPS units and is available to
non-NPS institutions and interested individuals on line at
cons_toc.html>. For further information and guidance con-
cerning any of the topics or procedures addressed in the series,
contact NPS Park Museum Management Program, 1849 C
Street NW (2265), Washington, DC 20240; (202) 354-2000.

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