Vocabulary Exam Translate From Spanish Into English and From English Into Spanish

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Vocabulary Exam
Translate from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish:
1. Azul= 6. Purple=
2. Rojo= 7. White =
3. Verde= 8. Brown=
4. Amarillo= 9. Orange=
5.Rosa= 10. Black=

Months - Fill in the gaps:

January, February, .........................., April, June, .........................., ...........................,
September, ............................., October, November, .......................................

Write the numbers in letters - Example: 1 = one

5 = 3= 2= 10=
8= 0= 4=
11= 9= 6=

Choose the correct words:

Tom's Story

In the Spring/Summer I wear shorts and t-shirts because it's very hot/cold. I like to wear
sandals/boots to the beach. I wear a jumper/swimsuit to go swimming in the sea. My mother
likes to wear a jacket/dress to go to work in June.

My friend Jack and I like to build a snowman in the Autumn/Winter. I have to wear a
scarf/sock and a big hat/woolly hat because it's very hot/cold outside! I don't like to wear
socks/gloves, but my father says I have to do it.

I love animals, but I don't like insects so much. There is a yellow and black insect that flies and
likes honey, it is a bee/bird. I really like ants/butterflies because the have many beautiful
colors and they can fly.

Animals- Translate from Spanish into English:

1. Oso = 6.Escarabajo=
2. Elefante= 7.Vaca=
3. Perro= 8.Mosca=
4. Gato= 9.Gallina=
5. Saltamontes= 10. Pez=


Fill in the gaps with the correct word:

In ___________(primero) place, in the morning I have _______________(desayuno) before I
go to school. I eat ____________(cereales) with ________________ (leche).

In ____________(segundo) place, when I come home from school, I am very ___________
(hambriento) and _____________ (sediento), so I eat ______________ (comida/almuerzo)
very fast. I like to eat ________________ (comida rpida). I don't like all the ______________
(vegetales) very much. I hate _____________ (cebolla) and ____________ (lechuga), but I love
_________________ (patatas) and __________________ (tomates).
In ____________(tercer) place, after I eat, I have to do my ______________ (deberes) and
then I go ________________________ (jugar al ftbol) and then I
___________________________ (tocar la flauta) at home. I would like to
___________________________ (tocar el piano) but I don't have any time.
In _____________(cuarto) place, my mother likes me to go to the
______________________(centro comercial) with her. Sometimes to buy
_______________(comida) or ______________(ropa).
Lastly, before I go to _____________(dormir) at night, I have to eat _______________ (cenar)
and help my parents clean the ______________(cocina) after we finish. Then, I go brush my
____________ (dientes) in the________________(bao). When I finish, I go to my
_________________(habitacin) and put on my pijamas. They are in my _____________
(armario). Then, I go to ___________(cama).

WH-/How...?/ Can or Can't... Questions:

1.________is your brother? 6.______________ are you?
He's at school. I'm 12 years old.

2._________ is Lily? 7.______________does it cost?
She's the new teacher. It costs 10,00.

3._________is your name? 8.______________bicycles have you got?
My name's Rachel. I've got one and it's red.

4._________ are John and Jane coming? 9.______ I play volleyball with you? (poder)
I think at 3 o'clock. Yes, you ________.

5._________are you so happy? 10. __________ come to the cinema tonight?
Because I won the lottery! (poder)
No, _______________.


1. Ayer hice la comida. Hoy mi madre cocina y va a hacer sopa con patatas.


2.Me duelen los pies, las piernas y la espalda de hacer ejercicio. No me duele: la cabeza, ni los
brazos, ni el cuello.

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