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"#$%#&' !"#$%& ()*%# #&( )*+ ,-./01+ 23 )*+ 42./)/-#.

Melanie BeacroIt

University oI Canberra

ReIereed paper presented to the

Australasian Political Studies Association ConIerence

University oI Adelaide

29 September 1 October 2004

Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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In lhe nodein voiId, poIilicaI liadilion faces a vaiiely of nev chaIIenges. Ioices of
gIolaIisalion, consuneiisn and poslnodeinisn have lioken lhe londs lelveen us and
nade us inlo individuaIised individuaIs, nuIlipIe unils of seIf-idenlificalion lhal have
noie inleiesl in consunplion lhan cilizenship (aunan 2OO1). In lhis cIinale, sociaI
lheoiy has eneiged as a nev and veiy ieaI lhieal lo lhe space ieseived ly poIilicaI
lheoiy. In iecenl hisloiy ve have seen a coIonisalion of poIilicaI lheoiy ly sociaI lheoiy
(WaIsh 2OO2l) and lheie has leen a shifl avay fion lhe poIilicaI lovaids lhe sociaI
(Aiendl 1958). This has had inpoilanl inpIicalions foi oui undeislanding of lhe divide
lelveen pulIic and piivale, fieedon, and lhe hunan condilion. The iise of nass sociely
vheie 'vaiious sociaI gioups have suffeied.alsoiplion inlo one sociely (Aiendl 1958,
41) and lhe conpIele iecession of lhe pulIic ieaIn have iesuIled in once piivale
conceins leconing pulIic issues. In lhe age of lhe sociaI, lhe nev poIilicaIIy enply
quasi-pulIic ieaIn is conpIenenled ly individuaIised piivale Iives fiIIed vilh a seaich
foi idenlily lhiough consunplion.

In lhis conlexl, lhe voik of socioIogisl Zygnunl aunan is highIy infIuenliaI. This
papei exanines aunans 2OO4 voik !"#$%& ()*%# and undeilakes a conpiehensive
anaIysis and conpaiison in Iighl of lhe poIilicaI lheoiy of Hannah Aiendl. Wilh iegaid
lo aunans olhei voiks and lhe fieId of socioIogy noie geneiaIIy, lhis papei expIoies
lhe exlenl lo vhich aunan addiesses conceins aloul lhe neiging of poIilicaI and sociaI
lheoiy and aigues lhal lhe sociaI undeislanding of a 'vasled Iife is veiy diffeienl fion
lhe aIieady eslalIished poIilicaI undeislanding. WhiIe !"#$%& ()*%# is silualed in lhe
conlenpoiaiy phenonena of gIolaIisalion and consuneiisn, aunans discussion of
hunan vasle, vhiIe peihaps offeiing a sociaI lheoiy, ignoies lhe poIilicaI
undeislanding of lhe polenliaI of hunan Iife and ils capacily foi fieedon and
innoilaIily as lheoiised ly Aiendl. Wilh lhis in nind, lhis papei assesses lhe
inpIicalions of aunans voik foi lhe fuluie of poIilicaI lheoiy and advocales an
undeislanding of lhe fuII significance of a vasled poIilicaI Iife.

Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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"#$%#& '& !"#$%& ()*%#

aunans !"#$%& ()*%# (2OO4) ains piinaiiIy lo pioduce a sociaI lheoiy aloul lhe
pioduclion and disposaI of hunan vasle in oidei lo exanine hunan incIusion and
excIusion. In oidei lo do lhis, aunan inlioduces lhe concepl of vasle ly exanining lhe
foin of vasle (and vasle disposaI) lhal is nosl faniIiai lo us - iullish. To Iive in lhe
nodein voiId neans lo pioduce vasl anounls of iullish as ve lhiov oul lhe oId lo
nake ioon foi lhe nevei and lellei nodeIs and appIiances ve vanl in oui hones and
offices. As a consequence, iullish disposaI is an issue of ulnosl inpoilance and
aunan leIieves lhal 'iullish coIIeclois aie lhe unsung heioes of nodeinily (2OO4, 28).
y exliapoIaling lhis exanpIe of nodein consunplion and vasle lo appIy lo lhe hunan
dinension, aunan inpIies lhal nodeinisalion and consunplion nol onIy pioduce
naleiiaI vasle, lul aIso hunan vasle. Wasled hunans aie lhe excess, lhe supeifIuous
and iedundanl vho no Iongei fil inlo sociely oi vho foi one ieason oi anolhei aie nol
aIIoved lo slay. MaleiiaI vasle inpIies sonelhing lhal no Iongei has a use oi puipose,
has a Iack of dislinclion fion olhei vasle, and once designaled vasle il is of IillIe
consequence. SiniIaiIy, hunan vasle is of IillIe oi no use lo nodein sociely and nusl le
deaIl vilh accoidingIy.

The pioduclion of vasle ilseIf is nol a piolIen foi aunan, since vasle has aIvays leen
a necessaiy (and yel unspoken) conponenl of pioduclion. Diaving anolhei conpaiison
vilh lhe naleiiaI voiId, he slales lhal 'lvo kinds of liucks Ieave facloiy yaids daiIy -
one kind of liuck pioceeds lo lhe vaiehouses and depailnenl sloies, lhe olhei lo lhe
iullish lips (2OO4, 27). Whal nalleis in lhis exanpIe is lhal ve vaIue lhe fiisl liuck and
do nol nenlion lhe second lecause il is nolhing - vasle inpIies nolhingness oi al Ieasl
sonelhing of no vaIue. In lhe sane vay lhal naleiiaI vasle is a ly-pioducl of
pioduclion, hunan vasle is lhe ly-pioducl of nodeinisalion and vasled Iives aie lhe
'coIIaleiaI casuaIlies of piogiess (2OO4,15). Ioi aunan, vhal has lecone a najoi gIolaI
concein aie lhe nelhods of +,-". /"#$% &)#01#"2 avaiIalIe in lhe nodein voiId. Iiioi lo
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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lhe gIolaI sliangIehoId of nodeinisalion, vasle disposaI foi deveIoped counliies vas a
sinpIe nallei of ieIocalion. In olhei voids, oui vasle couId le 'dunped in olhei
'pienodein counliies vhich veie lhe 'naluiaI deslinalions foi lhe expoil of iedundanl
hunans and olvious, ieady-nade dunping siles foi lhe hunan vasle of
nodeinisalion (2OO4, 5-6). ul nov aunan aigues lhal 'lhe voiId is fuII (2OO4, 4) and
lheie aie no noie enply Iands in vhich ve can dunp oui vasle. Whal lhis neans
essenliaIIy is lhal lhe voiId is faced vilh 'an acule ciisis of lhe hunan vasle disposaI
indusliy (2OO4, 6).

aunan idenlifies lvo nain calegoiies of hunan vasle. IiislIy lheie aie lhe iedundanl
vho no Iongei have a souice of Ialoui oi voik. aunan cIassifies ouis as a sociely lhal
'casl|sj enpIoynenl as a key - $+% key - lo lhe iesoIulion of lhe issues of,
sinuIlaneousIy, sociaIIy acceplalIe peisonaI idenlily, secuie sociaI posilion, individuaI
and coIIeclive suivivaI, sociaI oidei and syslenic iepioduclion (2OO4,11). In lhis vay,
voik is seen as lhe soIe puipose of Iife and individuaIs have voilh onIy as pioduceis.
The iedundanl aie dislincl fion lhe unenpIoyed as 'unenpIoynenl suggesls a
lenpoiaiy aiInenl foi vhich lhe sinpIe cuie is enpIoynenl. On lhe olhei hand,
iedundancy 'vhispeis peinanence and hinls al lhe oidinaiiness of lhe condilion (2OO4,
11). Theie is no cuie foi leing nade iedundanl, 'lhe olheis do nol need you, lhey can do
as veII, and lellei, vilhoul you (2OO4, 12) and having nolhing lo offei, lhe iedundanl
lecone hunan vasle. WhiIe lhe unenpIoyed can le iecycIed lack inlo aclive
enpIoynenl, lhe 'deslinalion of lhe iedundanl is lhe vasle yaid (2OO4, 12).

The second gioup idenlified ly aunan as hunan vasle aie iefugees. These aie peopIe
vho have leen excIuded fion lheii ovn socielies and have lecone excess popuIalion,
and lheiefoie hunan vasle, as ly-pioducls of gIolaIisalion. Ioi aunan, iefugee
hunan vasle piesenls a pailicuIai piolIen lecause il is a nev souice of insecuiily and
feai. We aie each individuaIIy anxious aloul lhe ease vilh vhich ve ouiseIves couId
lecone coIIaleiaI casuaIlies and le luined inlo vasle, and 'innigianls enlody -
visilIy, langilIy, in lhe fIesh - lhe inailicuIale yel huilfuI and painfuI piesenlinenl of
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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lheii ovn disposaliIily (2OO4, 56). Il is lhis nolion of disposaliIily lhal deepens oui
sense of vuIneialiIily and feai, as ve do nol vanl lo see oui ovn faces anongsl lhose
ieIegaled lo lhe liash heap. In addilion lo lhis, ve aie pIagued ly a nev gIolaI feai of
leiioiisn. We have a nev focus on peisonaI safely and iefugees ienind us lhal oui
secuiily is lenuous. They lhiealen lhe oulside/inside divide lhal is neanl lo piolecl 'us
fion lhe veiy ieaI lhieal of 'lhen and lIui lhe once veiy cIeai dislinclion lhal defined
jusl vho 'lhen and 'us veie. Refugee hunan vasle nakes us vuIneialIe and insecuie
and lhis insecuiily chaiacleiises Iife in lhe nodein age.

This insecuiily Ieads lo aunans concein vilh incIusion and excIusion. Hunan vasle
nusl le excIuded lecause il is lhe unspoken and 'daik and shanefuI seciel of aII
pioduclion (2OO4, 27), and ils ienovaI lecones lhe 'aclivily of sepaialion (2OO4, 28). In
iefeience lo lhe lvo foins of hunan vasle, aunan fuilhei cIassifies iedundanl hunan
vasle as 'insideis (2OO4, 8O). WhiIe ve nove lo sepaiale and excIude lhis vasle fion
nainsliean sociely, ve nusl devise nev nelhods foi ils disposaI as lhe fuIIness of lhe
pIanel neans lhal lhe oId nelhod of 'dunping is no Iongei vialIe. Inslead ve nusl
ensuie lhal lhe vasle is 'seaIed off in lighlIy cIosed conlaineis (2OO4, 85) vilhin sociely.
These can le in lhe foin of 'nev ghellos (2OO4, 81) vhich nol onIy excIude hunan
vasle lul gioup il logelhei and ensuie lhal dependence on pulIic housing and veIfaie
keeps lhen al ains Ienglh and ieduces lhe possiliIily of iecycIing, oi piisons vhich
offei a 'finaI, definilive disposaI (2OO4, 86) and iepiesenl a shifl fion sociaI slale
incIusion lo ciininaI excIusion and no chance of iecycIing. On lhe olhei hand, iefugees
aie 'oulsideis (2OO4, 8O) and in facl ieveise lhe fIov of vasle disposaI. Nol onIy aie ve
pioducing oui ovn vasle, lul ve nusl deaI vilh a nev infIux of vasle fion
sonevheie eIse. Refugees aie in lhe pecuIiai silualion of nol onIy leing unvanled, lul
lheii Ioss of idenlily nakes lhen 'slaleIess, pIaceIess, |andj funclionIess (2OO4, 76) and
lhis Iack of lolh dislinclion and voilh eainaiks lhen as innediale candidales foi
vasle. Wasle disposaI lecones of piinaiy concein and foi iefugees lhe delenlion canp
is lhe finaI acl of sepaialion and excIusion since once inside lhey can le foigollen.

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Ioi aunan, !"#$%& ()*%# highIighls lhe facl lhal 'Iiquid nodeinily is a civiIizalion of
excess, iedundancy, vasle and vasle disposaI (2OO4, 97). Hovevei, in conliadiclion lo
lhe idea lhal vasle is useIess, hunan vasle does peifoin one vilaI lask. Il piovides us
vilh a scapegoal foi oui individuaI insecuiilies and offeis an 'easy laigel foi unIoading
anxielies pionpled ly lhe videspiead feais of sociaI iedundancy (2OO4, 63). Hovevei,
vhiIe oui cuiienl pieoccupalion vilh hunan vasle aIIeviales oui anxiely, il is aIso
iesponsilIe foi ils ciealion. As hunans, aunan leIieves lhal ve 'Iive ahead of lhe
piesenl (2OO4, 114), and as such ve aie aIvays aflei sonelhing lellei, sonelhing nevei
and noie inpioved lhal can allain lhe slalus of peifeclion. ul peifeclion inpIies lhe
end of lhe jouiney, as once ve have il lheie is 'nolhing Iefl lo liansgiess and lianscend
(2OO4, 114). IaiadoxicaIIy, lhis 'diean of sliIIness (2OO4, 115) can onIy le achieved
lhiough iapid change. Il is lhis change lhal cieales unceilainly. Il aIso iepiesenls a shifl
fion naleiiaI consunplion lo hunan consunplion. In lhe nodein gIolaIised voiId,
hunans have lecone lhe nev consunalIes on lhe pioduclion Iine of sociely, and can le
deened vasle oi olheivise, facing eilhei excIusion oi incIusion al socielys ovn
discielion, lheiefoie ensuiing lhal insecuiily and feai lecone coie fealuies of nodein

"#$%#& '& (')*+*,-

aunans 3. 4%"56+ 17 812)$)6# (1999) allenpls lo chaiacleiise poIilics fion a sociaI
peispeclive ly exanining pulIic space, agency, and pioviding a vision foi lhe fuluie of
poIilicaI endeavoui. He legins vilh a discussion of nodein Iileily vheie lhe individuaI
fieedons lhal ve lake foi gianled in oui eveiyday Iives aie undeinined ly a sense lhal
coIIecliveIy ve can do nolhing lo change lhe lhings lhal concein us. aunan asks hov
ve can Iive vilh such a conliadiclion (1999, 2) and aigues lhal 'individuaI Iileily can le
onIy a pioducl of coIIeclive voik (1999, 7). WhiIe ve Iive in a voiId lhal incieasingIy
noves lovaids piivalising lhe neans lo assuiing individuaI Iileily lhiough
individuaIisalion and consuneiisn, ve nusl find vays of liansfoining piivale concein
inlo pulIic aclion. aunan concIudes lhal lhis conliadiclion suiiounding Iileily is a
consequence of lhe divide lelveen pulIic and piivale and oui Iack of aliIily lo
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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'liansIale piivale voiiies inlo pulIic issues and, conveiseIy, lo discein and pinpoinl
pulIic issues in piivale lioulIes (1999, 2). He leIieves lhal lhis has occuiied lecause
'lhe liidges luiIl lelveen piivale and pulIic Iife aie disnanlIed oi veie nevei luiIl lo
slail vilh (1999, 2). Whal is needed is nol lo luiId lhese liidges oi even lo ensuie lhal
lhe pulIic/piivale divide is nainlained, lul inslead aunan advocales lhe consliuclion
of lhe agoia, 'lhe space neilhei piivale noi pulIic, lul noie exaclIy piivale and pulIic al
lhe sane line (1999, 3). This inpIies a neiging of lhe lvo once dislincl ieaIns inlo a
hyliid space 'vheie piivale piolIens neel in a neaningfuI vay (1999, 3).

Ioi aunan, lhe consliuclion of lhe agoia is of ulnosl inpoilance, lul ils
concepluaIisalion is fiaughl vilh difficuIly. WhiIe he idenlifies lhe divide lelveen
pulIic and piivale as ancienl in oiigin and ieIaling lo lhe oiiginaI Cieek undeislanding
of poIilics (1999, 87), he incoiieclIy assunes lhal lhe agoia is alIe lo liidge lhe divide.
The dislincl naluie of lhe pulIic and piivale ieaIns vas lheoiised ly Aiendl (1958) such
lhal lhe piivale enconpasses aII lhings peilaining lo suivivaI and necessily (vanls and
needs), and lhe pulIic ieIales lo lhe poIilicaI ieaIn of fieedon acluaIised lhiough
speech and aclion. Iuilhei lo lhis, Aiendl aigued lhal lolh ieaIns aie necessaiy foi
hunan Iife - one cannol exisl vilhoul lhe olhei, noi can a hunan suivive in one ieaIn
aIone. In poIilicaI leins lhe pulIic ieaIn is of ulnosl inpoilance lecause il aIIovs
individuaIs lo cieale a connon voiId lhiough appeaiance (Aiendl 1958, 5O) and a
space vheie oui individuaI ideas can conpele lo le seen and heaid lhiough speech and
peisuasion. SiniIaiIy, Casloiiadis aigues lhal 'lhe eneigence of a pulIic space neans
lhal a poIilicaI donain is ciealed vhich leIongs lo aII (1992, 112), vhich echoes
Aiendls asseilion lhal lhe pulIic ieaIn aIIovs us aII lo le fiee and equaI lul sliII alIe lo
ielain individuaI diffeiences (1958, 41). In olhei voids, lhe pulIic ieaIn exisls nol onIy
as lhe ieaIn of lhe poIilicaI lul aIso as an exlension lo, and augnenlalion of hunan Iife
ilseIf. This undeislanding of lhe poIilicaI is dislincl in conlenpoiaiy poIilicaI lheoiy,
and as such, Cavaieio aigues lhal since Aiendlian poIilics is founded on pIuiaI
inleiaclions lelveen hunans and lhus loundIess and unpiediclalIe, il is capalIe of
expiessing hunan uniqueness and 'a space foi iecipiocaI seIf-evaIualion (2OO4, 63).
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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y conliasl, Aiendl highIighls lhe nodein liilh of a lhiid ieaIn, lhe sociaI, vhich is
neilhei pulIic noi piivale. In facl, Aiendl aigues lhal lhe sociaI is Iike lhe piivale ieaIn
escaIaled fion an individuaI lo a nalionaI scaIe, 'lhe nalion-vide adninislialion of
housekeeping (1958, 28). Iai fion enhancing pulIic Iife, lhe sociaI ieaIn has acluaIIy
ieveised lhe ioIes of lhe pulIic and piivale and foiced nalleis lhal veie once a piivale
concein inlo issues of pulIic significance. The iise of nass sociely has neanl lhal as
individuaIs ve aie foiced lo confoin lo sone nolion of lhe 'connon good vheie onIy
one opinion can fIouiish and vheie diffeience has leen nade a piivale concein lo le
puisued ly individuaIs (Aiendl 1958, 41). In lhese leins, lhe veiy consliuclions of sociaI
and poIilicaI aie inconpalilIe. WhiIe lhe poIilicaI enliaces diffeience, fieedon and
pulIic appeaiance, lhe sociaI is lased on confoinily, lhe iise of necessily and lhe Iack of
anylhing dislinclIy poIilicaI. Ioi enhalil, Aiendls discussion of lhe 'iise of lhe sociaI
sheds Iighl on 'lhe inslilulionaI diffeienlialion of nodein socielies inlo lhe naiiovIy
poIilicaI ieaIn on one hand and lhe econonic naikel and lhe faniIy on lhe olhei (1992,
74). In lhis vay, lhe iise of lhe sociaI and lhe sulsequenl denise of lhe pulIic ieaIn, is
synplonalic of lhe denise of lhe poIilicaI noie geneiaIIy, and lhe videi liend lo Iinil
poIilicaI lheoiy lo goveinance and pulIic poIicy, ensuiing lhal lhe conlenpoiaiy pulIic
ieaIn ienains confined lo a veiy 'iesliicled, inpeisonaI spheie of adninislialion
(Aiendl 1958, 6O).

aunans consliuclion of lhe agoia neiges lhe once dislincl pulIic and piivale ieaIns
and fuses lhen inlo one aII-assuning vhoIe lhal allenpls lo expIain lhe eneigence of
lhe sociaI, consliucling il lo le 91$+ pulIic and piivale. aunan leIieves lhal lhis agoia
has sociaI significance and lhiough ils aliIily lo acl as 'liansIaloi lelveen pulIic and
piivale is alIe lo piovide soIulions lo lhe cuiienl inadequacies of individuaI Iileily.
Hovevei lhis undeislanding of lhe sociaI is in diiecl conliadiclion lo Aiendls poIilicaI
undeislanding of lhe sociaI as .%)$+%5 pulIic noi piivale. In lhe Aiendlian sense, lhe
sociaI piecIudes aclion and ialhei lhan pioviding a neans foi individuaIs lo galhei
logelhei, nass sociely nakes individuaIs Iose lhe aliIily lo ieIale lo one anolhei and
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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iepiesenls lhe denise of lhe connon voiId. This has inpoilanl consequences foi lhe
poIilicaI, as ieconsliucling lhe piivale as a nev foin of 'enply pulIic, in facl denies lhe
poIilicaI aIlogelhei, as lhe pulIic ieaIn can onIy exisl as lolh a funclion of, and in
opposilion lo, lhe piivale ieaIn. ul foi aunan, naking lhe piivale pulIic is a sinpIe
facl of Iife. eiIhaiz capluies aunans senlinenl lhal ve shov oui hunanily nol in
cIains lo lhe sulIine, oi lhe finaI, lul in lhe caie vilh vhich ve allend lo lhe ioulines
of eveiyday Iife and lo each olhei (eiIhaiz 2OO1, 15). This slalenenl highIighls
aunans eIevalion of lhe necessilies of eveiyday Iife ovei (poIilicaI) fieedon and seives
lo ieinfoice Aiendls nolion lhal lhe sociaI Iinils us lo a iesliicled exislence of
unfieedon and voik, denying us lhe chance lo ieach oui fuII polenliaI and uIlinaleIy
cIain innoilaIily.

aunans ieIiance on lhe agoia as a soIulion foi sociaI piolIens is synplonalic of lhe
Iaigei piolIen of undeislanding lhe hunan condilion in econonic and naikel-lased
leins. enhalil denonsliales lhal lhis piesenled a pailicuIai piolIen foi Aiendl vho
sav lhal 'lhe occIuding of lhe poIilicaI ly lhe sociaI and lhe liansfoinalion of lhe pulIic
space of poIilics |Ieadsj inlo a pseudospace of inleiaclion in vhich individuaIs no Iongei
acl lul neieIy lehave as econonic pioduceis, consuneis and uilan cily dveIIeis
(1992, 75). In acluaIily, aunans agoia exisled in ancienl Cieece 'nol |asj a neeling
pIace of cilizens, lul a naikel pIace vheie ciaflsnen couId shov and exchange lheii
pioducls (Aiendl 1958, 16O). The consliuclion of lhe agoia as a neans lo secuie
coIIeclive fieedon is lheiefoie a lhinIy disguised vay lo secuie consunei fieedon,
ialhei lhan lhe noie lioad lased fieedons offeied ly lhe poIilicaI. The agoia, as lhe
naikel pIace, and lhe synloIisn allached lo il, enlienches lhe idea lhal ouis is a
consunei-pioducl diiven sociely vheie a hunans voilh is deleinined soIeIy ly ils
aliIily lo consune. This foIIovs aunans 1988 aigunenls lhal nodein fieedon can le
lesl undeislood as fieedon lo consune and lhal as such, consunei lehavioui is veII
pIaced lo desciile nodein Iife. aunans 1999 shifl lo lhe agoia fuilhei deveIops lhe
idea lhal lhe sliangIehoId of consuneiisn and sulsequenl naikel-lased
undeislandings of lhe hunan condilion can piovide sone expIanalion foi lhe iise of
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
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individuaI insecuiily and isoIalion. WhiIe aunan leIieves lhal lhe agoia can assisl in
liansIaling piivale conceins inlo pulIic issues, in ieaIily il is neieIy a vehicIe lo ensuie
lhal piivale conceins aloul consunplion and pioduclion lake lhe pIace of any
neaningfuI pulIic aclion.

InleieslingIy, aunan does nol idenlify lhis discussion of pulIic and piivale as leing of
poIilicaI concein. Inslead, his expIicil undeislanding of poIilics is Iiniled lo a discussion
of slale inslilulions of goveinance and lheii use of poIilicaI povei foi lhe pioleclion of
secuiily and individuaI Iileily. Ioi aunan, poIilics is synonynous vilh lhe slale and
lhe poIilicaI desciiles a naiiov fieId associaled vilh nodeIs of slale goveinance.
Lveiylhing eIse can le lesl undeislood in leins of lhe sociaI. Hovevei, Aiendl has
aIieady cIeaiIy denonslialed lhal poIilics opeiales on a nuch giandei scaIe lhan neie
adninislialion and enconpasses nol onIy speech and aclion, lul leauly and
innoilaIily. WhiIe liadilionaI poIilicaI lheoiy pIaces a specific enphasis on lhe slale,
juslice and Iileily, Aiendlian poIilicaI lheoiy foiges a space vheie ve can denonsliale
couiage and dispIay oui uniqueness lo olheis, denonslialing 'vho ve aie (as opposed
lo 'vhal) and a neans in vhich lo expIoie lhe infinile naluie of oui ovn hunanily. In
lhis vay, Aiendls 'eIaloialion of lhe dignily of lhe poIilicaI.piovides a Iandnaik
conliilulion unsuipassed ly nany conlenpoiaiy poIilicaI lheoiies (WaIsh 2OO2a, 2).
Iuilhei lo lhis, Kiisleva aigues lhal lhe oiiginaIily of lhe Aiendlian concepl of poIilicaI
aclion Iies in lhe facl lhal 'she sees il as an acluaIisalion - of a vho lhal is hypolhelicaI,
dangeious, and dependenl on hope ialhei lhan an inpiolalIe cIain foi ils exislence
(2OO1, 55).

aunans nisundeislanding (and nisiepiesenlalion) of lhe poIilicaI as a naiiov spheie
of slale adninislialion has vide ieaching consequences foi his Ialei voik in !"#$%&
()*%#. WhiIe !"#$%& ()*%# is lased upon inheienlIy poIilicaI conceins such as fieedon,
Ianguage, ieIalionships lelveen individuaIs, ieaIily, and innoilaIily, aunan does nol
engage vilh lhe poIilicaI naluie of his aigunenls and allenpls lo disguise lhen as
sociaI lheoiy. UliIising his 1999 fianevoik lhal ieduces lhe spheie of lhe poIilicaI,
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
Page 11

!"#$%& ()*%# again Iinils aunans concein vilh poIilics lo a ninoi discussion of slale
lased povei and inslilulions. This is cenlied on lhe poIilicaI use of hunan vasle as
scapegoals foi lhe gioving anxiely feIl in sociely. IoIilics is onIy of ieIevance in lhal
slale povei can le used as a looI foi lolh vasle conlioI and disposaI ly deleinining lhe
ciileiia foi incIusion and excIusion and ly enfoicing a loidei lhal allenpls conlioI
iefugee nigialion and lheiefoie slen lhe lide of unceilainly. In lhis vay, aunan does
nol addiess lhe significance of a vasled poIilicaI Iife and negIecls lhe specific poIilicaI
undeislanding of hunan vasle vhich offeis insighl inlo fieedon, hunanily and lhe
consliuclion of a connon voiId.

This Iiniling of lhe poIilicaI and lhe shifl lo lhe agoia vheie piivale conceins aie of
pulIic significance aie aunans allenpl lo define lhe spiead of lhe sociaI. Hovevei, his
concepluaIisalion of lhe sociaI is veiy diffeienl lo lhe one aIieady piovided ly lhe
poIilicaI lheoiy of Aiendl. Whal aunans voik is successfuI in doing, is highIighling
lhe exislence and supienacy of nass sociely and lheiefoie enlienching lhe vaIues of
individuaIisalion and confoinily. In !"#$%& ()*%#, his discussion of vasle as Iacking
dislinclion and puipose and hunan vasle leing faceIess, naneIess individuaIs sliipped
of idenlily, shovs lhal ve have lecone isoIaled in oui nuIlipIe singuIaiilies and alIe lo
le cIassified as onIy vasle oi usefuI pioducl. Iai fion enliacing diffeience, lhe
pioduclion Iine of nodeinisalion has foiced us lo lecone cailon copies of saneness
afiaid of leing nade iedundanl and foiced inlo sone foin of vasle disposaI. WhiIe
liying lo piovide soIulions lo lhe diIenna of coIIeclive fieedon and secuiily, aunan
does nol acknovIedge lhal lhe fieedon guaianleed ly lhe pulIic ieaIn cannol le
iepIaced ly lhe galheiing logelhei of a gioup of unieIaled individuaIs in nass sociely.
Ioi Aiendl, nass sociely neans lhal individuaIs aie aII 'inpiisoned in lhe suljeclivily
of lheii ovn singuIai expeiience, vhich does nol cease lo le singuIai if lhe sane
expeiience is nuIlipIied innuneialIe lines (1958, 58). Iion lhis poIilicaI peispeclive,
aunans coIIeclivily does nol ensuie fieedon, noi alale nodein insecuiily and feai.
Ralhei il ensuies lhal isoIalion and singuIaiily lecone defining chaiacleiislics of lhe
nodein age. The Iives lo vhich aunan iefeis aie enply and lvo-dinensionaI and aie
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
Page 12

devoid of neaning oulside lhe ieaIns of consunplion and voik. On lop of lhis, his so-
caIIed soIulion offeis IillIe hope in lhe ieduclion of feai and insecuiily and a shaky
foundalion on vhich lo eslalIish neaning in conlenpoiaiy individuaI Iife.

.%/)*,#+*'&- 0'1 (')*+*,#) 234'15

aunans voik in !"#$%& ()*%# foIIovs on fion his noie iecenl allenpls lo coIonise
poIilicaI lheoiy (2OO2 & 2OO3). In a posl-poIilicaI age, socioIogisls leIieve lhal sociaI
lheoiy has lhe looIs necessaiy lo undeisland lhe conpIexilies of hunan Iife and lhey
uliIise a concepluaI hieiaichy vheie sociaI lheoiy is posilioned al lhe lop and poIilicaI
lheoiy is luiied sonevheie leIov (WaIsh 2OO2l, 1O). This neans lhal poIilicaI lheoiy
lecones aInosl a sulsel of sociaI lheoiy and consequenlIy appeais as a socioIogicaI
deiivalive. Hovevei, vhal aunan does nol addiess is lhal his conceins vilh
pulIic/piivale, leauly, fieedon, innoilaIily and Ianguage aie conceins lhal aie
poIilicaI in naluie. The space foi lhese ideas has Iong leen heId ly poIilicaI lheoiisls
such as Aiendl, hovevei aunan piesenls his ideas as lhough he is doing so foi lhe fiisl
line. Nol onIy lhis, lul he discaids lhe eslalIished poIilicaI undeislandings and
ievoiks lhen inlo 'nev sociaI lheoiy vheie lheii neaning and significance is olscuied
lo lhe poinl vheie lheii oiiginaI inlenlion is Iosl. In sone vays, il is as lhough he has
pIaced Aiendls voik inlo a huge concepluaI lIendei and ieluined sonelhing lhal
aIlhough conlains aII lhe oiiginaI eIenenls, is veiy diffeienl in lasle and lexluie and
leais IillIe iesenlIance lo ils paienl foin. As such, !"#$%& ()*%# is IaigeIy a socioIogicaI
ie-iendeiing of poIilicaI lheoiy. This conpIenenls lhe voik of eck (1997) vho cIains
lhal lhis nev hyliid lheoiy can le lesl desciiled as 'sul-poIilics - a socioIogicaI
ieinvenlion of poIilics and pulIic Iife lhal is dislincl fion poIilicaI lheoiy as a vhoIe.

aunans Ialesl allenpl lo undeisland lhe ciicunslances suiiounding lhe nodein
hunan condilion sees hin conpaie lhe hunan voiId lo lhe naleiiaI voiId. y
cIassifying peopIe as eilhei vasle oi usefuI pioducl, aunan idenlifies oui voilh in
naleiiaI leins and fiinIy eslalIishes consuneiisn as lhe singIe nosl infIuenliaI facloi
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
Page 13

in hunan Iives. The ieoccuiiing lhene in aunans voik is individuaIisalion and ils
iesuIling insecuiily, and !"#$%& ()*%# is silualed in lhe conlexl of lhe gIolaI lhieal of
leiioiisn and a heighlened slale of feai. His discussion of lhe ieIalionaI aspecls of Iife
incIuding incIusion and excIusion, vanled and unvanled, oulside and inside, shovs us
lhe poIaiised naluie of hunan exislence lul offeis IillIe in lhe vay of a soIulion oi even
an expIanalion foi lhe nev foins of unceilainly lhal aunan has idenlified as gioving
in nagnilude. Ioi aunan, fieedon is a nuIli-edged svoid, lul in lhe liadilionaI
(poIilicaI) sense, il is cIeai lhal his vasled Iives aie Iacking il. In aunans nodeinised
voiId, vhiIe individuaIs face fieedon of unpiecedenled piopoilions, lhey aie
sinuIlaneousIy consliained ly giealei foices such as gIolaIisalion and consuneiisn
lhal can luin lhen inlo vasle al a nonenls nolice. Hovevei, aunans valeied dovn
veision of fieedon as fieedon lo consune, has pailicuIai ieIevance foi lhose lhal aie
hunan pioducl and lheiefoie alIe lo consune copious anounls of naleiiaI goods.
ConveiseIy, hunan vasle aie 'fIaved consuneis (2OO4, 39) and do nol have lhe neans
lo exeicise lhis consunei fieedon. In aunans voiId, hunans aie lolh consuneis and
consunalIes and ve aie poveiIess lo choose lo vhich gioup ve leIong. In lhis sense,
aunans asseilion lhal 'fieedon has cone lo nean alove aII fieedon of choice (1998,
121) lecones insignificanl as nass sociely nakes lhe aliIily lo nake decisions
peilaining lo individuaI Iife aInosl inpossilIe. WhiIe individuaIIy ve do nol vanl lo le
vasle, noi do ve vanl lo lecone poveiIess, idenlilyIess singuIai enlilies ceilain onIy of
lhe unceilainly lhal suiiounds us, lhe iise of lhe sociaI and noie specificaIIy lhe
sliangIehoId of nass sociely has neanl lhal ve face no olhei aIleinalive. As ve nove
fion lhe poIilicaI lo lhe sociaI, nol onIy aie ve piivalised and individuaIised, lul ve
lecone incieasingIy isoIaled and insecuie. Ioi Aiendl, lhe individuaI depiived of
poIilicaI iighls 'lo vhon pulIic and officiaI Iife nanifesls ilseIf in lhe guise of necessily,
acquiies a nev and incieased inleiesl in his piivale Iife and his peisonaI fale.|andj
Ioses his iighlfuI pIace in sociely and his naluiaI conneclion vilh his feIIov-nen (1951,

Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
Page 14

On lhe olhei hand, a poIilicaI undeislanding of lhe naluie of lhe hunan condilion offeis
us a chance lo expand lhe lounds of oui hunanily. The poIilicaI aIIovs us lo cieale a
connon voiId and faciIilales lhe consliuclion of ieaIily ly oui appeaiance in lhe pulIic
ieaIn vheie oui individuaI ideas can conpele lo le seen and heaid lhiough speech and
peisuasion. WhiIe lhe sociaI advocales saneness and confoinily, lhe poIilicaI enliaces
diffeience and assuies us fieedon and equaIily and a chance lo denonsliale vho ve
aie and vhal ve leIieve. In lhis vay, lhe poIilicaI aIIovs us lo 'go naked and 'in lhis
nakedness, sliipped of aII nasks assigned ly sociely, peopIe can find fieedon and
'cieale lhal pulIic space lelveen lhenseIves vheie fieedon |canj appeai (Aiendl 1961,
4). Ralhei lhan aunans veision of nakedness lhal sliips us of dignily (2OO4, 77),
Aiendls undeislanding aIIovs us lo lecone fuIIy hunan and piovides 'a space againsl
lhe fIeelingness of hunan Iife lhal |canj le piolecled and ieseived foi a peinanence foi
noilaI nen (WaIsh 2OO2a, 8).

WhiIe lheie sliII exisls nuch inleinaI disagieenenl ovei exaclIy vhal poIilicaI lheoiy is
and shouId le (While & Moon 2OO4), geneiaIIy il offeis us an undeislanding of hunan
dignily, lhe pulIic/piivale ieaIns and a chance lo cieale leauly, lecone innoilaI and
Iive Iives lhal 'lianscend lhe Iife-span of noilaI nen (Aiendl 1958, 55). Ioi Ceinino,
poIilicaI lheoiy affiins lhe possiliIily of lianscending lhe spheie of innediale
piaclicaI conceins and 'vieving nans socielaI exislence fion a ciilicaI peispeclive
(1967, 7). Iuilhei lo lhis, poIilicaI lheoiy has an inpoilanl ioIe in ciealing and
nainlaining idenlily, lolh on a coIIeclive and individuaI IeveI, as il piovides a neans of
oiienling and ieconciIing us lo oui vay of Iife (Moon 2OO4, 22). Hovevei, lhe concuiienl
lheoiising of lhe conpIexily of hunan Iife ly olhei discipIines such as sociaI lheoiy,
econonics and psychoIogy, conline lo chaIIenge poIilicaI lheoiy lo exlend leyond
liadilionaI laiiieis and foige nev vays of concepluaIising hunan exislence. In viev of
lhis, aunans voik has inpoilanl inpIicalions foi lolh poIilicaI and sociaI lheoiy as il
chaIIenges lhe foundalions of lolh discipIines, lIuiiing lheii dislinclion and negIecling
lheii specificilies. Whal ve see lhen is lhe eneigence of a nev hyliid 'socio-poIilicaI
lheoiy vhich is neilhei sociaI noi poIilicaI. Nol onIy aie lhe poIilicaI eIenenls of
Melanie BeacroIt: Bauman, !"#$%& ()*%# and the Eclipse oI the Political
Page 15

fieedon lhiough speech and aclion denied in aunans voik, lul lhe ciealion of his
agoia is in conliadiclion lo lhe consliuclion of lhe sociaI as eIucidaled ly Aiendl. In
poIilicaI leins, lhe sociaI exisls as neilhei lhe pulIic noi lhe piivale, lul foi aunan il is
lolh. IoIilicaI lheoiy (dislincl fion lhe lIankel lein poIilics) is uniqueIy posilioned lo
exanine and expIain lhe hunan condilion lhiough ils undeislanding of lhe divide
lelveen pulIic and piivale. Hovevei, foi aunan, lhe pulIic is ignoied al lhe expense
of lhe piivale and necessily lhiough voik and consunplion ieign supiene. Whal
aunan does nol say is lhal his undeislanding ieduces lhe spheie of hunan polenliaI lo
a lvo-dinensionaI exislence of consunplion and vasle. In conliasl lo lhe poIilicaI
undeislanding of lhe hunan capacily foi poIilics and lhe uIlinale goaI of innoilaIily,
lhe Iives in aunans voik aie indeed veiy nuch vasled lecause lhey aie poIilicaIIy

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Aiendl, H. 1958. :+% >,-". ?1.&)$)1.. Chicago: Univeisily of Chicago Iiess
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eck, U. 1997. :+% J%).*%.$)1. 17 812)$)6#B J%$+).K).< L1&%5.)$H ). $+% E219"2 416)"2 ;5&%5=
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Page 16

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