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Ace Combat Assault Horizon is the latest installment of the popular flight simulation series that features
revamped gameplay, physics and realistic setting. The storyline as written by New Yor time!s best"selling
military author, #im $e%elice. &layers will have the chance to pilot several popular aircraft ranging from
attacers, fighters, multirole, bombers and even helicopter gunships.
The game runs on a revamped game engine allowing for destruction in a scale never seen before in Ace
Combat, and indeed in a flight simulator. This engine allows for real"time deformation' as an e(ample, sustained
gunfire on an enemy fighter will rip off its tail, while more severe damage will either tear off the wings or )in more
e(treme cases* even completely disintegrate the airframe as a whole, spilling the aircraft!s oil across the sy and
forcefully e+ecting the pilot from the cocpit. As mentioned before, buildings and other structures are now sub+ect
to combat damage, and will deform in real time. ,cenery damage will be often combined with Close -ange
Assault to provide a cinematic feel to gameplay"" for e(ample, stray fire in a pursuit will hit nearby buildings,
forcing the player to evade the debris while remaining in pursuit.
.(cerpt from Ace&edia
This document is copyrighted to the authors, /hayste and
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This document is protected by copyright law and
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law. Any original characters, names, places, or
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For comments, suggestions and additional tips details we
may have missed, please send us an email!
5n early 4819, an insurgent group named :,-N: surfaces in .astern Africa. ;uicly overwhelmed, the region!s
nations re<uest the =nited Nations for help, which in turn calls upon NAT> to deal with the situation. The
insurgence has the advantage of guerillia warfare and unusually advanced weaponry, which allows it to rapidly
move through the entire African continent. ,eeing how the situation worsens, NAT> comissions a special unit
named the 18?th Tas %orce, an international military unit comprised of aircraft pilots and military commanders
from, amidst other nations, the =nited ,tates, -ussia and %rance. %urthermore, NAT> has discovered that the
rebels are in command of a weapon of mass destruction " a special cruise missile named :Trinity:. To mae
things worse, it has been confirmed that the ,-N is being assisted by a group of -ussian mercenaries led by
Colonel Andrei 0arov, a feared ace pilot and former @ieutenant Colonel of the -ussian Air %orce. ,oon
thereafter, Ailliam 7ishop, leader of the 18?th, sees himself and his comrades involved in an escalating race
between NAT> and ,-N for the control of Trinity.
.(cerpt from Ace&edia
#ission $% & 'ightmare
(nterlude & )hoc*wave
#ission $+ & (nferno
#ission $, -- .ed #oon
#ission $/ -- )poo*y
#ission $0 -- 1lue on 1lue
#ission $2 -- 3ower 3lay
#ission $4 -- 5oc* and 5oad
#ission $6 -- 3ipeline
#ission $7 -- )iege
#ission %$ -- 8ostile Fleet
#ission %% -- 5aunch
#ission %+ -- #otherland
#ission %, -- Aftermath
#ission %/ -- 8ome Front
#ission %0 -- 8urricane
#ission %2 -- A*ula
Mission 01 -- Nightmare
#iami, Florida
Fighter! Air )upremacy
As soon as you start the campaign, you9ll be immediately thrown in the middle of the battle. 3ress 5+ : .+ to
enter ;og Fight #ode <;F#=. Activate it and *eep close to the enemy by holding the throttle <5%=. >eep
gunning the target and releasing your missiles as soon as soon as your targeting circle becomes solid red. This
mode will be an integral part of the game.
After the target crashes, you9ll need to perform some tuning with your aircraft. ?ust follow the onscreen
instructions as these serve as control tutorials as well. @nce done, engage the aircraft that will appear. Ta*e
note of the tips showed in the screen as these will serve you in the long run.
After clearing the initial wave, you9ll have to engage an enemy ace pilot <TATB5CA;=. As mentioned in the
game, conventional attac*s won9t wor* against them. Cnter ;F# and shoot them down using the combination
of <8AD#= high-accuracy missiles and machine gun fire. Target 5eads are a lot tougher and will lead you to a
long pursuit seEuence since you need to *eep them targeted while dealing damage to them.
;estroy two targets then chase down the third one. ;uring this seEuence, you9ll then learn how to counter
enemy ;F#. Follow the instructions as shown. This is another important tric* in the game so memorize it.
After countering it successfully, you9ll have to ta*e down the additional enemy aircraft that will appear. ?ust
switch to your special weapon by pressing )Euare, wait for all of them to get tagged then fire.
Dontinue clearing the targets until you get rid of the last wave. 3ress triangle and watch the following scenes.
1ail out again and watch the remaining scenes. #ission accomplished.
Interlude -- Shockwave
%++%+$%0 $6$$
)ettlement in Castern Africa
;oor Aunner! )urface attac*
Fou9ll now sit behind the guns of an attac* helicopter. )tart by tearing down the enemies along the road. Ta*e
note that you can shoot down the .3As in mid-air, preventing damage to your gunship. The enemy footsoldiers
below may be hard to seeG just shoot down anything that moves and strafe your fire for maximum efficiency.
@h, and your machine gun never overheats too.
Cventually, you9ll reach a bridge. ?ust ta*e out the vehicles first then sweep the remaining survivors. Four
sEuad will continue to the urban area. 5i*e before, shoot down anything that moves below, especially on the
rooftops. ;uring the next few seconds, you9ll have to protect a downed allied gunship and ta*e out an enemy
8ind, preferably before it becomes airborne. Dontinue sweeping the last few targets and the intro will be
Mission 0 -- In!erno
%++%+$%0 %,/,
Allied 1ase and @il Facility in Castern Africa
Fighter#ultirole! Air ;efense
Fou9ll finally be able to select an aircraft for the next mission. The next mission is basically anti-air so the best
plane for the job right now is the F-%2D Fighting Falcon <fighter=. CEuip /AA# as your special weapon. Hatch
the short scene as you taxi off the runway. @nce in control, ta*e off and engage the bandits. (f ever you enter
;F# and there9s a missile alert, disengage by pressing Triangle and sha*e off your pursuers before re-acEuiring
your target. ;estroy the first wave then engage the second.
;uring this wave, you9ll learn how to attac* an enemy performing a counter-maneuver. Fou have to be sharp
and remember the icon needed to trigger this very useful reverse counter-maneuver. ;estroy them all then
head bac* to the base. ;estroy all enemies attac*ing it.
'ext, head to the oil refinery and destroy the enemies attac*ing the field. Finally after clearing them, you9ll
have to destroy the fleeing enemies. This is where your /AA# does its magic. Dlear the enemies until you get
a prompt to trigger a scene. For the final objective, you9ll have to defend (llich as he lands.
Mission 0" -- #ed Moon
%++++$%0 $7%+
.ebel 8ideout in Castern Africa
Attac* 8elicopter! 3@H rescue
Fou9ll be using the Apache 5ongbow again for this mission but this time, you9ll be controlling the gunship itself.
CEuip it with /AA# to start the operation. Fou9ll have to go through a systems chec* before finally starting the
mission. (t will be easier to switch to first-person view <without the 8U;= as you9ll have full view of the targets
and the surroundings.
Approach the first target compound and ta*e out all targets. Four priority will always be the AA emplacements
and .3A soldiers. #ultiple Ihot spotsJ will appearG it doesn9t matter what you clear first. ?ust continue
destroying all targets in the area before moving on. Use your roc*et launcher to ta*e out multiple targets
clumped together.
After the mission update, you9ll have to *eep the rebs off the allied helicopters. Their locations will be
mar*ed in the map so you9ll just have to move fast in homing in and clearing them. @nce your allied ground
troops have landed, you9ll have to *eep the enemies off them as well as *eeping their casualties to a
Dontinue clearing enemies, including the technicals that will rush towards your ground troups. Ta*e them out
Euic* and continue helping them reach the target building. @nce there, unleash hell on the enemy ground
units below, including a medium tan*. Four ground troops will scour the target building and as they do that,
more technicals will appear. Cngage them and destroy them all before they suppress your allied troops.
A couple of 8inds will appear and will attempt to suppress your troops. @ne will most li*ely engage you while
the other will proceed attac*ing your ground troops. Fou can disengage and attac* the other hand to shift its
focus to you, saving your troops unnecessary casualties. Focus your fire and shoot your roc*ets when the
enemy chopper is not moving that much.
After downing the two 8inds, one more will appear and the mission will update. (llich will be moved by the
rebels to the nearby truc*s. Fou must ta*e out the rebel guards using your #A only then engage and destroy
the 8ind.
Finally, approach the enemy convoy in the nearby hill and approach them. @nce they9ve opened fire, destroy
them all and watch them go up in a huge explosion. #ission complete.
Mission 0$ -- Spooky
%++,+$%0 %,$4
#ogadiyu, Castern Africa
Aunship! Around )upport
Aside from the AD-%,$U I)poo*yJ, you9ll also need to select an escort plane for 1ishop. The FA-%6F I)uper
8ornetJ boasts higher overall stats but with limited anti-air special weapons. The #iA-+7A IFulcrumJ however
has two of the best anti-air )3 weapons. ( personally selected the latter because of its KAA# which proved to
be a valuable weapon later on.
First, you9ll be in the weapons control of the )poo*y. (f you have played 8AHL and #odern Harfare before,
then you9ll probably have experienced the destruction you can cause with an AD-%,$. @nce in control, do
some practice shooting if you want then ta*e out any moving, unmar*ed vehicles on the ground. As you pass
through the ruins, use the +0mm to mow down the enemy foot soldiers.
Dontinue heading to the village and nail them with your %+$mm and /$mm. Ta*e out all the enemy vehicles
and anti-air so the allied helicopter sEuadron lands safely. @nce your ground troops are deployed, support
them using your +0mm. Fou can use your /$mm as long as the targets are not Idanger-closeJ. Fou can also
switch to your %+$mm to get a larger view of the area then switching to your smaller weapons once you
spotted the enemies, as long as you9re not firing it.
Dontinue clearing the enemy forces engaging your allied troops. Fou may have to stic* with the +0mm
especially if the targets are located near the ruins. Cventually, your allies will encounter mortar teams. 3an
and scan with your %+$mm, locate the IsourceJ of the mortar arcs then pound them with your /$mm andor
After that, enemy vehicles will start coming in from the sound. (t will be wise to destroy them before they get
near your troops. Dontinue pounding them until the objective updates. ;estroy the four bun*ers mar*ed
below then zoom in and *ill the foot soldiers with your +0mm. They can9t be seen easily using the /$ and %+$
so just strafe your +0mm in a short distance ahead of your ground troops as you9ll most li*ely find them
engaging your allies.
@nce your allies hit the target, you9ll be advised about the planes taxiing from the nearby runway. Fou just
have to ta*e out the lead plane and the others will crash behind it. 5ob your %+$ and /$ on the runway and
time their release to at least catch the target within the IsplashJ area damage.
After clearing the airport, wait until your ground troops come out then zoom in with your +0mm to ta*e out
the enemy troops. >eep doing this since a few seconds later, enemies will start coming in all directions. ?ust
maximize your weapons efficiency by switching between them. Dontinue doing this until friendly helos
For the last objective in this mission, you have to *eep clearing all enemies as your pilot turns and attempts
to pic* up one of your men on the ground. There will be heavy AA but nothing that can9t be managed by your
weapons. ?ust go crazy and *eep shooting those brightly colored targets on the ground until your pilot
successfully pic*s up the last allied soldier on the ground.
Mission 0% -- &lue on &lue
%++,+$%0 %0/6
8amada in Castern Africa
Fighter #ultirole! Cnemy )urprise Attac*
Hhen you9re about to perform a landing seEuence, the planes will scramble and ta*e off in front of you. Abort
the seEuence then head to the mar*er. Cngage the bandits that will appear. After ta*ing them out, stay put as
your friendly .ussians approach you guys. Cvade some of the missile loc*s they9ll throw at you before they
finally get tagged as hostiles.
)witch targets and eliminate them. Ta*e note that you9ll be usually fighting single targets at a time because
these guys are considered as ace pilots. (f you selected the Fulcrum and its KAA#, then you9ll have bit easier
time *illing them, even outside ;F# mode. Fou9ll have to use counter-maneuvers here often since these guys
will most li*ely stic* on your tail, ma*ing it harder to engage them one by one.
After *illing almost all 1ig 1ear planes, the )har* will finally appear. Fou must protect your wingman from his
attac*s. Fou can9t really defeat him at this point so do your best to engage him in ;F# and shoot some lead.
5et him perform a counter-maneuver and shoot you to trigger the scene.
After the scene, you9ll have to control your plane and land it. Approach the blue circle and carefully steer
your plane inside it. @nce done, carefully maintain the reticules as you descend. @nce you9ve touched down,
hit the brea*s and watch the following scenes.
Mission 0' -- (ower (lay
%++2+$%0 %,04
;ubai, United Arab Cmirates
Fighter #ultirole! Dity ;efense
;uring the briefing, youMll have the chance to survey the room. Turn a little to your right and an avid Ace
Dombat player will immediately recognize a familiar face!
Fep, thatMs >ei 'agase <callsign Cdge= from Har ;og sEuadron of Ace Dombat 0 & one of the best *nown female
pilots in the series. Unfortunately she just have a cameo appearance and doesnMt have any real impact to the
story whatsoever.
1etween the two new aircraft, the Typhoon seems to be a better choice. CEuip it with a 2AA#. )tart by
eliminating all targets until the mission updates. 5i*e before, engage and defeat all enemy fighters. They are
very agile so you may want to lure them at times to enter ;F# then use a counter-maneuver to easily *ill
After defeating the second wave of fighters, another wave will appear, with two TU-70 heavy bombers. Cnter
;F# mode then unload all your weapons to destroy these flying duc*s Euic*ly. Another wave of fighters will
engage you, then finally a large wave of three TU-70s and #iA-+7s escorts will approach. Doncentrate in
ta*ing out the bombers since they9re tough and they have countermeasures. Cngage the escorts only through
counter-maneuvers just to prevent them from shooting you down. After ta*ing out the third bomber, the
escorts will retreat.
@nce you see a lone IallyJ approaching from the northwest, Euic*ly engage it and give it everything you got
as soon as it turns hostile. Ta*e note that after *illing it, you still need to completely destroy the debris. ?ust
switch between your regular missiles and 2AA# while firing your machine gun to deal massive damage. #ission
Mission 0) -- *ock and *oad
%++2+$%0 %+$2
)uez Danal, Cgypt
;oor Aunner! )uppression of )uspicious )hips
Fou9ll be a gunner again for an allied 1lac* 8aw* helicopter. After your allies boarded the ship, wait for an
.3A to fire then mow down all hostiles while ta*ing care not to shoot your allies. After that, destroy the
hostile fishing vessels firing .3As towards you as you ma*e your way to another ship. 8elp your boys clear the
area and continue providing fire support as your ground troops infiltrate the ship. Dontinue clearing the dec*
and defeat the enemy 8ind that will appear. )hoot it down.
As your chopper flies along the canal, shoot down several hostile boats along the way. As soon as you reach
the other ship, continue providing support to the ground troops as needed. After a short while, concealed AA
guns and a )A# emplacement will still appear from the container ships. ;estroy them.
Finally you9ll have to shoot down an enemy 8ind. Fou9ll just need your trusty machine gun to do the wor*.
)ince your helicopter doesn9t have countermeasures or counter-maneuvers, you9ll have to shoot down the
roc*ets the 8ind will fire at you. Focus your firea and it should be down in no time.
Mission 0+ -- (ipeline
%+,%+$%0 %,$$
;erbent, .ussia
#ultirole! Dlose Air )upport
For this mission, you9ll have to deal with air and ground targets so you have no choice but to carry a #ulti-role
plane to do the job. Fou should have three new multirole planes! The .afale #, Aripen and )tri*e Cagle. For
this job, ( recommend the F-%0C )tri*e Cagle with UA1.
8ead to the mar*er and engage the first wave of fighters. They shouldnMt be that hard to shoot down. Hait for
the mission to update then head to the beaches. Fou should be able to use A)# <Air )tri*e #ode= now, if your
plane is capable of doing so. A)# will prolong the time your machine gun ta*es before overheating and will
also increase the reload times of your weapons.
@nce in A)#, line up your targets and release your ordnance. Dontinue doing this until you destroyed all
mar*ed targets. ;estroy two lines of enemy ground forces to update your mission. #ore enemy defensive lines
will appear as well as hostile aircraft. Cngage and destroy the enemy fighters so you can concentrate in your
bombing run. Also during A)#, youMre free to switch between your anti-ground weapons and missiles. There
will be enemy helicopters along the way so you can just shoot them down with your missiles. After destroying
the second batch of targets, wait a bit until youMre prompted to watch an event.
8ead to the next A)# entry point and mow down the remaining targets to save your wingmanMs butt. 'ext, a
wave of enemy fighters will appear and will attempt to engage your ground forces. Cngage and destroy them.
Hait a bit and A)# Cntry 3oint <F= will appear. Cnter A)# and do your thing. >eep clearing the ground targets
in and around the fortress until you destroy the 8K.
After resting a bit, The )har* will appear and will release a cruise missile. Fou have to shoot it down before it
destroys your ground units. This cruise missile is tough and agile so you must enter ;F# to shoot it down.
Mission 0, -- Siege
$%$,+$%2 %+$6
1elyi 1ase, .ussia
#ultirole! Allied 1ase and Transport ;efense
Fou can stic* with your previous plane or try out the 5ightning ((. As soon as the mission starts, stay put until
the first wave of bandits appear. )hoot them all down. 'ext, ground targets will appear nearby. 3roceed to
the area and eliminate them. Dontinue destroying enemy targets to protect the base.
'ext, more enemy fighters will appear. Ta*e them all out then sit tight as your wingman attempts to land.
1andits will appear out of nowhere to ta*e the opportunity. Cngage them and destroy them Euic*ly to enable
your wingman to land safely.
Finally, itMs your turn to land. Approach the landing mar*er and carefully approach the runway. Two more
bandits will appear. Doncentrate on landing and wait through the refueling seEuence. @nce ready, ta*e off
and rescue the allied transports targeted by the enemy fighters. Dontinue destroying enemy fighters until the
first three transports land safely. There will be ground forces this time as well enemy aircraft. ( suggest
concentrate on ta*ing out the ground units first then just use counter-maneuvers to destroy enemy aircraft.
;estroy all mar*ed enemy ground units to complete the mission.
Mission 10 -- -ostile .leet
$%$2+$%2 %0$$
1lac* )ea
Attac*er! Fleet Attac*
For this next mission, you9ll ta*e on enemy ships so all the recommended attac*er-class planes will be
available for you to choose. The famous A-%$A IThunderboltJ seems to be the best choice here with its
superior defense and firepower, almost up par with the )U-+0T# IFrogfootJ. (f you want a fast and more
agile aircraft with minor setbac*s in defense, then ta*e the )U-,/ Fullbac* and eEuip it with a /AA#.
After starting the mission, head to the mar*ed location. Ta*e out the frigate first then head to the next set of
targets. Cngage the aircraft carrier <A)# Cntry 3oint 1= and carefully perform some hit-and-run attac*s on it.
(t is heavily defended so avoid stic*ing near its effective range too long. After sin*ing the carrier, you9ll have
to perform a saturation attac* to destroy the next ships. 8ead to Cntry 3oint A and fire all your available
weapons to destroy the targets.
Hait for the next set of targets to appear in your map then enter A)# mode to Euic*ly destroy them. Avoid
switching targets once you9re in A)# mode since you9ll be wasting your chance and precious seconds. As soon
as your special weapon gets a loc*, fire it. After allied )CA5) have rescued the prime minister, you9ll have to
engage the battle cruiser Admiral 'evzorov. 8ead to Cntry 3oint ? and destroy the initial targets. Fly past it
and wait for the prompt to perform another saturation attac*. Cnter A)# mode twice and destroy all available
After the stri*e, there should still be two more crossed targets on the ship. )tay at a safe distance away to
avoid getting ripped by enemy machine guns and wait until you get the order to destroy the targets. 3erform
some hit-and-run attac*s and destroy all targets that will appear the battle cruiser before finally hammering
the last nail in the coffin.
Mission 11 -- *aunch
$%%$+$%2 ++$$
(D1# 1ase, Daucasus .egion, .ussia
1omber Fighter #ultirole! 1ombing .un and Air )upremacy
Fou9ll be flying a strategic bomber in this mission and you only have to select one of the two! The 1-%1 5ancer
or The 1-+ spirit. (n terms of stats and capacity, the 5ancer comes on top so better bring it for this mission. As
for your escort planes, you can select from any of the three new fighters ! F-%0D Cagle, )U-,, Flan*er-; and
F-%/; )uper Tomcat. Any of the three will perform their job well for this mission. 8owever, the second part of
the mission will pit you against enemy interceptors so you9ll need something with high mobility and speed. #y
personal pic* was the )U-,, Flan*er-;.
@nce you9re in control of your bomber, fly low and avoid the radar nets within the allotted time. Fou9ll have to
fly really close to the ground to avoid the horizontal radar nets. Four time will be extended whenever you
reach a designated chec*point. The bomber is really stable so you don9t have to worry about flying as close as
you comfortably are to the ground. >eep doing this until you9re completely out of the valley.
8ead to the next waypoint and enter A)#. Fou have to destroy all targets in the first run. 8old Dircle to drop
more bombs. These bombs are very powerful so you don9t need to concentrate them in one area or drop them
too close to each other. #aximize their blast radius to ta*e out more targets at once. Dontinue entering A)#
as prompted and destroy all targets.
After your bombing run, you9ll be intercepted by enemy Foxhounds. 1rea* off them and use your flares as
necessary. 8ead to the mar*er and continue evading spoofing their missiles until the allied cavalry arrives.
Fou9ll then have to bomb another set of targets. This time, you9ll be using ground penetration bombs to
destroy the (D#1 silos. @nce you get a loc*, release your bomb then Euic*ly select another target to get them
all during your run. To avoid unnecessary damage, remember to deploy your flares. ;on9t hesitate dropping
A31s as fast as you can since you have a lot of reserves anyway.
After the bombing run, your control switches to 1ishop. )tay put a bit and enemy interceptors will attempt to
shoot your bomber down. Cngage and destroy them as Euic*ly as you can to prevent them from severely
damaging the bomber. .emember not to stray too far away from the bomber or you won9t be able to protect
it. ;uring the heat of the action, an (D1# will be launched from below. ;isengage from any dogfight you9re in
and Euic*ly pursue it. As soon as you get in range, enter ;F# and shoot it before your plane reaches its
maximum altitude. Ta*e note that the (D1#Ms exhaust can still damage you. Fou need to stic* close and to
destroy it. Cnemy fighters will also join the fray by flying in front of you alongside of the missile. #ulti-
targeting weapons such as /AAms and 2AAA#s should do the tric*. #ission accomplished.
Mission 1 -- Motherland
$%%0+$%2 %0$$
#oscow, .ussia
Attac* 8elicopter! Around )upport
Fou can only select the Apache for close-range ground support and one of the high-tier fighters for the air
supremacy part of the mission. As soon as the mission starts, proceed to the objective mar*er to find the
large group of enemy ground units there. ;estroy them all then head to the next mar*ed targets. Ta*e out the
hinds and use your roc*et launchers to destroy the clustered enemies beside one of the buildings there.
3roceed to the next mar*ed targets and continue destroying them. Fou need to do this several times until you
get a mission update to fly below the building height to avoid getting hit by surface-to-air missiles.
;o as told and navigate your way to the targets. The radar vehicles are always escorted by )A#s and AA guns.
Fou may want to use your roc*et launcher to ta*e several of them at once then finish the stragglers with your
machine gun. As you continue pic*ing up targets, you9ll also need to shoot down some 8inds along the way. 1e
careful of the infantry .3As on top of buildings as well.
After destroying the fourth radar, you9ll now need to go to the >remlin. There are a lot of targets here so be
systematic and use the buildings as cover as you ta*e them out per batch. Use hit and run tactics since the
ground units here are stationary anyway. ?ust remember that there are two hinds here that you need to shoot
down as well. After eliminating all mar*ed targets, wait a bit and watch the following scene. The first part of
the mission is now over.
Mission 1" -- /!termath
$%%0+$%2 %2$,
#oscow, .ussia
Fighter#ultirole! Air )upremacy
As 1ishop, head to the mar*er. )everal cruise missiles will be released. Dhase them and shoot them all down
before they hit the populated areas in the city. After destroying all cruise missiles, more enemies will appear
to the southwest. 3roceed and engage them. This bomber sEuadron will have numerous escorts so you will
have no choice but to engage some of them as they9ll ma*e it harder for you to spot and tail the bombers.
>eep targeting and destroying the bombers. The mission will update as soon as you dropped the last bomber.
Another bomber will appear, escorted by no other than the )har*. (gnore him for now and concentrate on the
bomber. Try to get a loc* on it as soon as possible and destroy it as fast as you can. (f several enemies are
targeting you through ;F#, you9ll have no choice but to disengage and destroy them through a counter-
maneuver to get them off your tail. Four priority for now is to shoot down the bomber at all costs.
After destroying the bomber, you9ll now have to have a showdown against #ar*ov himself. Ta*e note that this
guy won9t easily fall to counter-maneuvers so do your best to sha*e him off if ever he engages you in ;F#.
>eep tailing and attac*ing him via ;F# whenever possible and he should be down in no time. ;on9t just rely on
your high-accuracy missilesG *eep the trigger on your machine gun while trying to get a loc* on him to deal
extra damage. @nce he9s shot down, mission is complete.
Mission 1$ -- -ome .ront
$%%6+$%2 %$++
#iami, Florida
Fighter #ultirole! Air )upremacy
After ta*ing off, fly to the mar*er and engage the first wave of bogeys. For this next few minutes of the
mission, you9ll just need to *eep shooting down enemies as they appear in your airspace, in a pattern very
similar to the first mission <'ightmare=. Fou9ll finally reach the seEuence where #ar*ov appears and fires a
missile at you. This time, Harwolf + will act as your shield. 8is plane9s ejection mechanisms failed so he9s
unable to bail out. )tic* close and use your machine gun to shoot his canopy off. ?ust *eep your aim and fire a
few rounds off Finally, it9s time to face #ar*ov. Attac* him head on and as soon as you get a loc* on, release
your missiles and fire your machine gun. Ao through the next series of event seEuences and you9ll continue to
the next part of the mission.
3ursue #ar*ov and (llich. ;on9t brea* off to engage their escorts. ?ust use counter-maneuvers to sha*e off the
escorts and Euic*ly resume pursuing them once you9ve ta*en care of them. After reaching a certain point,
(llich will brea* formation and engage you. There will be a couple more enemy aircraft aiding him and his
3A>-FA9s stealth capabilities will also ma*e you lose sight of him from time to time. Fou may destroy a few of
his escorts before resuming tagging him. ;o not rely on your counter-maneuvers often as (llich won9t easily fall
to them easily. Use it against normal fighters though.
Dontinue raining bullets, firing all your missiles and special weapons whenever you get a solid loc* on (llich,
especially in ;F#. Four normal shots will have chances to connect especially when in ;F#. After destroying
him, the mission is complete.
Mission 1% -- -urricane
$%%6+$%2 %+/2
Florida Doast
Fighter #ultirole! Air )upremacy
?oin the fray and destroy the first set of targets. The flight leads of the enemy will be mar*ed so you9ll need
to engage them in ;F# for better chances in shooting them down. Fou can also ta*e down some optional
enemy aircraft if they9re ma*ing your job harder. The last target lead of the first wave will dive and perform a
*ami*aze attac* on a friendly vessel, the Anzio. Dontinue clearing the s*ies and ta*e out the targets. The last
target lead will again attac* the Anzio, fatally damaging it.
A bomber will appear. Cngage it in ;F# and fire all your weapons before it reaches the target. #ore bombers
will appear. ;o the same thing and ta*e them out Euic*ly. The last bomber will appear in very low altitude.
Kuic*ly engage it and stay on its tail while firing all your weapons. The mission will complete after ta*ing out
all targets.
Mission 1' -- /kula
$%%6+$%2 %/,0
Hashington ;.D
Fighter #ultirole! Air ;efense
After allied )A#s and AA defenses are disabled, #ar*ov will appear in an attempt to deliver the last Trinity
Harhead. Cnter ;F# and engage him. ;o your best to stay on him while landing direct hits. This will ta*e a
while as he will counter-maneuver and attempt to ta*e you down. Ta*e note that friendly missiles will also
have the chance to hit you, so be careful especially when you9re tailing him.
Dontinue pursuing and attac*ing him until he finally reaches the last leg of his approach. @nce his target is in
sight, he will stay still to loc* on. Use this chance to unleash everything you have to destroy him. The Trinity
warhead will still become airborne. Cngage it in ;F# and shoot it down in slow motion. Finally, you have to
land your wobbly aircraft to complete the mission.
After the ending credits, you will be rewarded with the following bonuses for completing Dampaign #ode!
- Dompetitive multiplayer call sign IAarudaJ.
- Dolor scheme for the F-%0C )tri*e Cagle.
- Dolor scheme N+ for all aircrafts. <the ,
color scheme will be unloc*ed once you have accumulated
enough points, but the color will only be available to whatever aircraft you were using at
that time=
- 3A>-FA fighter and #i-+/ 8ind helicopter for use in free mission and online multiplayer <restrictions
0all Signs
Apart from the default call signs in multiplayer, you can also unloc* new ones by meeting specific
reEuirements. A list of all the available call signs are detailed below.
Fou must complete each condition to be rewarded with the allotted trophy. (n total, there are 0% trophies in
this game -- ,6 bronze, %$ silver, + gold, and % platinum.

)ierra 8otel
@btained all trophies.

0ampaign Trophies
These set of trophies <except for PAuns Auns AunsM= are story-related and impossible to miss.

Trophy Name
1ail @ut 1ronze Domplete #ission $%! 'ightmare
Auns Auns Auns 1ronze ;estroy all 0 hostile vehicles in intro seEuence
Fire 8azard 1ronze Domplete #ission $+! (nferno
5ife )aver 1ronze Domplete #ission $,! .ed #oon
Fearsome Auardian 1ronze Domplete #ission $/! )poo*y
Cmergency 1ronze Domplete #ission $0! 1lue @n 1lue
Total Annihilation 1ronze Domplete #ission $2! 3ower 3lay
)teel 8unter 1ronze Domplete #ission $4! 5oc* and 5oad
;efender of Horld 8eritage 1ronze Domplete #ission $6! 3ipeline
8ot 3it 1ronze
Domplete the %
half of #ission $7! )iege
@ne #illion Tons of )crap #etal 1ronze Domplete #ission %$! 8ostile Fleet
'ic* of Time 1ronze
Domplete the %
half of #ission %%! 5aunch
1erser*er 1ronze Domplete #ission %+! #otherland
3atriot 1ronze Domplete #ission %,! Aftermath
Friendly Fire 1ronze Domplete #ission %/! 8ome Front
Dategory 0 1ronze Domplete #ission %0! 8urricane
Auardian 1ronze Domplete #ission %2! A*ula
Harwolf % Aold Domplete all missions in Dampaign #ode

Special Trophies
These set of trophies are unloc*ed when a specific reEuirement is met in either campaign mode or free
mission mode.

Trophy Name
1omber #aster 1ronze 3lay through the first half of #ission %%! 5aunch
over and over until you get the trophy.
Dalamity 1ronze Dlear the game once so that you unloc* the 3A>-
FA. (n free mission, pic* #ission $6, ta*e the 3A>-
FA and the CH% special weapon.
Dhec*ing (n 1ronze At the beginning of #ission $2, turn around and
start flying southwest to 3alm ?umeirah islandG
itMs located between points /1 and 01 on the
radar map. There, loo* around for the large
archwaygate of the 8otel Atlantis and fly
through it.
;iverse )tri*es 1ronze Use all , of the AD-%,$ )poo*yMs weaponry
<%+$mm, /$mm, +0mm= to destroy targets in
#ission $/.
Cagle Cye 1ronze There are points in the game where you will be
prompted to press Triangle to focus on
something. ;o this , times to get the trophy.
Aun #aster 1ronze Climinate as many hostiles as you can as the
#8-2$ 1lac* 8aw* door gunner in #ission $4.
8ard )tri*e 1ronze Used A)# to destroy most of the enemy ground
forces in #ission $6.
5imbo 1ronze (n #ission $+, when the Fishbeds start blowing up
the oil field, fly low near the ground and tail one
of the #iAs. (t should target the oil barrels and
cause the entire structure to come down,
including a chimney. Fly under the chimney as it
falls to get this trophy.
#achine Aun Faithful 1ronze ;estroy an enemy plane using only the machine
guns of your own aircraft.
3ursuit #aster 1ronze Hhen youMre engaging a target with ;F#, a red
arrow may occasionally appear on the plane that
youMre after. 3erform a counter-maneuver with 5+
: .+ during this time. For this prize, play #ission
$+ since thereMs a tutorial on how to do this.
.epeat the tutorial seEuence until you snag the
)hot #aster 1ronze The *ey to getting this trophy is to ta*e out 0
targets with one shot. Try aiming for the non-TAT
enemies and engage them in ;F#. At this point,
fire a fully charged missile and hope that
your prey explodes. Use the KAA# for this.
)peed ;emon 1ronze (n #ission %+! #otherland, ta*e out the radar
defense systems as Euic*ly as possible. )o far
there seems to be + sections in the mission that
you have to do this. First is when #agic tells you
to fly at building height, and the second is when
youMre ordered to deal with hostiles at the
>remlin. The trophy does not appear until you
complete the mission however, so youMre going to
have to wait and see.
)tay on Target 1ronze Use the Apache 5ongbow to eliminate %$ targets
in #ission $,.
)uccessive >ill 1ronze Cngage a target in ;F# while there are other
hostiles nearby, so that when the current target is
ta*en down, you can Euic*ly turn to the next one
while still in ;F#. The best missions to attempt
this are #issions 0 and 2.
The Dollector 1ronze 3iloted all aircraft in the game.
Ace of Aces )ilver Aet an PAM ran* on all missions in free mission.
Dhain #aster )ilver )ame as P)uccessive >illM. Fou need to ta*e out 0
targets this time though. Again, play #ission $0,
then engage the first TAT with ;F# and wait
for the green planes to show up. @nce that
happens, Euic*ly nail your preys with high
accuracy missiles.
Dritical 8it )ilver ;uring ;F#, *eep the target within the assault
circle until it turns red then fire a missile. )pecial
weapons li*e the KAA# wor*s best.
)mooth Flight )ilver Aet )ova % to land safely in #ission $7. The )u+4s
will stic* close to the transportMs tail as it
ma*es its final approach on the runaway. Ta*e
this chance to pic* them off Euic*ly.
)witch #aster )ilver Hhen an enemy uses ;F# on you, decelerate so
that the counter-maneuver arrows overlap
Euic*ly. The best time to try for this trophy is on
#ission $0, while engaging 1ig 1ear sEuadron.

Multiplayer Trophies
These set of trophies are unloc*ed when a specific reEuirement is met in online multiplayer.

Trophy Name Type Unlock
Aerial )niper 1ronze Used ;F# to destroy %$ airborne enemies in
competitive online.
Around 3ounder 1ronze Used A)# to destroy ,$ ground enemies in
competitive online.
(nterceptor 1ronze Used an attac* helicopter and destroyed %$
missiles or bombs in competitive online.
'ice Assist 1ronze Used ;F# support or A)# support to join a flight
'ice )ave 1ronze )aved an ally being targeted by hostile players in
;F# in competitive online.
Helcome To #ission Do-@p 1ronze Dleared % level in mission co-op.
All .ounder )ilver @btained all #Q3s. There are / #Q3s in all.

-ero3 Aet the final shot on an enemy base in
Dapital DonEuest.
/ce (ilot3 Aet the most *ills on enemy players.
/ce Striker3 Aet the most *ills on ground
Survivor3 )tay alive for the longest period of
Formation Attac* )ilver ?oined the same ;F# with two others and shot
down a hostile in mission co-op.
'ice >ill )ilver )hot down a 0$ hostile players in competitive
Qeteran 3ilot )ilver )ortied for 0$ hours in competitive online or
mission co-op.
Horld Tour )ilver 3layed on all maps in competitive online.
Harwolf )Euadron Aold Dleared all levels in mission co-op.

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