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Construe interpret, read, take, see, understand by, take to mean

Absurdity illogicality, irrationality, silliness, ludicrousness, meaningless, farce
Invoke appeal to, call upon, call up, rise up, pray to, summon, bring into play, cite
Equipoise an equal distribution of weight; even balance;equilibrium.
Inculpatory Fact to charge with fault; blame; accuse.
Tilted skewed, slanted, twisted
Adduced - to bring forward in argument or as evidence; citeas pertinent or conclusive:
Disrobe remove clothes, undress, take your clothes off, strip off
Proscribe forbid, ban, bar, excluded, make illegal, veto, disallow, rule out
Uphold support, sustain, maintain, defend, endorse, advocate, espouse, encourage
Precision accurate, exactness, exactitudes, care, meticulousness
Odious hateful, horrible, abhorrent, loathsome, revolting, detestable, repellent, repulsive
Wickedness evil, badness, iniquity, sin, impiety, malice
Viciousness cruelty, nastiness, brutality, ferociousness, ferocity, fierceness, violence
Outrageous disgraceful, shameful, shocking, offensive, contemptible, despicable, extreme
Atrocity act of violence, massacre, killing, evil, violent incident, murder, crime
Perversity the state or quality of being perverse
Perverse -
willfully determined or disposed to go counter towhat is expected or desired; contrary.
turned away from or rejecting what is right, good,or proper; wicked or corrupt.
wayward or cantankerous.
Wayward - turned or turning away from what is right orproper; willful; disobedient:
Subdued passive, cowed, submissive, quiet, unresponsive, restrained, serious, downcast
Opined - to express opinions
Indictment any formal accusation of crime condemnation, denunciation, reflection, comment,
outcome, accusation
Rebut - to contradict or oppose by formal legal argument, plea, or countervailing proof, to expose
the falsity of
Presumption - law : an act of accepting that something is true until it is proved not true, belief,
guess, assumption

Denunciation accusation, condemnation, criticism, admonition, scolding
Morbid dark, gloomy, melancholic, sad, miserable, discontented, gruesome, sinister
Melancholic sad, miserable,
Prima facie - law : based on what is known or seen when something is first considered or dealt with
Gruesome dreadful, frightening, shocking, horrible, grisly, ghastly
Sinister menacing, threatening, ominous, disturbing, creepy, baleful
Susceptible vulnerable, at risk, liable, prone, dispose, inclined, subject, predispose
Luminary celebrity, star, achiever, personal, face, top name, VIP, leading light
Phenomenon occurrence, fact, observable fact, experience, happening, event, incident, trend
Exemplify demonstrate, represent, illustrate, typify, show, epitomize, embody
Indeterminate undefined, undetermined, indefinite, unfixed, uncertain, vague
Modicum small amount, little, bit, degree, scrap, ounce
Compassion sympathy, empathy, concern, kindness, consideration, care
Owe - be indebted, be obliged, be obligated
Allegiance loyalty, commitment, adherence, faithfulness, duty
Preferential special, favored, privileged, superior
Plenipotentiary -
a person, especially a diplomatic agent, investedwith full power or authority to transact bus
inesson behalf of another.
Retinue entourage, follower, attendant
Obliterate - wipe out, destroy, abolish, demolish, eradicate, annihilate, and reduce to nothing
Overt obvious, unconcealed, explicit, evident
Impossibility unfeasibility, impracticality, hopelessness, ridiculousness
Inherent intrinsic, innate, inbuilt, natural, inborn
Presuppose assumed, take for granted, takes as fact, presume
Altercation argument, quarrel, disagreement, dispute, squabble
Ensue result, follow, develop, proceed, and arise
Exculpate free from blame, exonerate, absolve, pardon, acquit
Depravity immorality, corruption, wickedness, evil, decadence, degeneracy, wantonness
Propensity tendency, inclination, partiality, predisposition, susceptibility, predilection
suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude;unwholesomely gloomy, sensitive, extre
me, etc.:
affected by, caused by, causing, or characteristicof disease.

Extraneous irrelevant, unconnected, not pertinent, superfluous, inappropriate, off the point
Surreptitiously - furtively, secretly, sneakily, slyly, clandestinely
Repress suppress, contain, keep inside, hold back, limit inhibit, stifle
Deem think, believe, consider, estimate, propose, judge, reason, reckon
Induce persuade, encourage, temp, make, provoke, stimulate
Conceive image, envisage, visualize, envision, picture, consider, regard
Ripen mature, season, grow, develop, evolve, become fully grown
a person who picks locks, esp one who gainsunlawful access to premises by this means
Indeterminate undefined, undetermined, uncertain, vague
Thwarted let down, dissatisfied, disenchanted, dissolution, upset, sadden, frustrated
Inflict Impose, exact, cause
Impunity exemption from punishment. immunity from detrimental effects, as of anaction.
Strafe to attack (ground troops or installations) byairplanes with machine-gun fire,
Slang. to reprimand viciously.
Citadel fortress, refuge, sanctuary, castle, port, bastion, stronghold
Oft often.
a bridge of which the whole or a section may bedrawn up, let down, or drawn aside, to pre
ventaccess or to leave a passage open for boats,barges, etc.
Shelling gunfire, shooting, bombardment
Inextricably - incapable of being disentangled, undone, loosed, or solved
hopelessly intricate, involved, or perplexing:
Intricate - complex; complicated; hard to understand, work,or make:
Perplexing - to make complicated or confused, as a matter orquestion.
Lurk prowl, creep around, wait, loiter, hang about, skulk
Threshold doorsill, doorstep, entrance, porch
Emasculation - to castrate
to deprive of strength or vigor; weaken
debilitate - to make weak or feeble; enfeeble
undermine -
to attack by indirect, secret, or underhandmeans; attempt to subvert by stealth.
Devitalize - to deprive of vitality or vital properties; makelifeless; weaken.
Lothario a man who obsessivelyseduces and deceives women.
Gusto enjoyment, delight, pleasure, enthusiasm, passion, zest
Sans without, lacking, in need, short, minus
voluntary sexual intercourse between twounmarried persons or two persons not married to
each other.
Peripheral tangential, unimportant, non-essential, marginal, minor, secondary
Exculpatory tending to clear from a charge of fault or guilt.
Purview Law.
a. that which is provided or enacted in a statute,as distinguished from the preamble.
b. the purpose or scope of a statute.

Plausible reasonable, believable, credible, conceivable, probable, likely, possible
Nomenclature classification, taxonomy, catalog, categorization, arrangement, organization
Latter last, final, concluding, later, end
Subsidiary supplemental, additional, auxiliary, contributory
Deem think, believe, consider
Transgress misbehave, disobey, sin, go astray, lapse, contravene, break the rules, do wrong
Incur acquire, sustain, ear, deserve, gain,
Wanting deficient, inadequate, imperfect, not good enough, not up to standard
Diminution decrease, deduction, lessening, attenuation, shrinking, dwindling
Extenuating explanatory, justifying, mitigating
Imperil put in danger, endanger, risk, jeopardize, expose, hazard
Limb extremity, branch, member
Contemplate consider, think, reflect, study, mull over, ponder
Peril danger, threat, risk, hazard
Partake participate, share, contribute, involve yourself in, join, assist
Pose pretense, sham, fake, front, faade
Pretense make believe, deceit, deception, affectation
Sham fraud
Affectation habit, mannerism, way, quirk, pretension,
Nudge elbow, jolt, shove, prod, bump, push
Disheveling to let down, as hair, or wear or let hang in loosedisorder, as clothing
Protagonist character, hero, leading role, central character
Club beat, hit, organization, society, guilt, association
Coolly unworried, quiet, calm, serenely
Commensurability - having the same measure or divisor: suitable in measure; proportionate.
Ponder consider, think about, contemplate, deliberate, wonder about
Infliction something inflicted, as punishment or suffering.
Hit strike, punch, slap, beat, smack, batter, thump, knock
precede head, come first, lead,
Post place of duty, send, place, situation, station, job, placement, position
Latter - being the second mentioned of two
Subsidiary supplemental, auxiliary, additional, contributory, ancillary
Insolvency bankruptcy, liquidation, ruin, collapse

Heinous crime it is a grievous, odious and hateful offense which by reason of its inherent or
manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and perversity, is regarded as seriously outrageous to the
common standards or norms of decency and morality in a just, civilized and orderly society.

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