Orogenic Gold Deposit

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MUH. CHAIDIR W. (D6211258)
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Geological Environment
Related Deposits
Mineralization, Veins & Alteration
Favorable Orogenic Gold Terranes

Orogenic Gold Deposits

Orogenic gold deposits are precipitated from the last orogeny cycle

common in metamorphic belt

25% of worlds gold is sourced from orogenic gold deposits
Generaly Overview
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Geological Environment

Orogenic Gold Deposits
Related Deposits
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Endapan emas orogenic ini telah terbentuk selama lebih dari 3 milyar tahun dari
sejarah bumi. Waktunya, selama Arkean ke Prakambrium dan terus-menerus
sepanjang Fanerozoikum.

Observasi yang telah dilakukan pada sabuk sekishijau Archaean hingga sabuk
metamorfik Phanerozoik mengindikasikan adanya asosiasi emas pada fasies

Dominantly Archean to Phanerozoic

Late Archean (2.7 to 2.55 Ga)
Early Proterozoic (2.1 to 1.8 Ga)
Late Proterozoic (700 to 600 Ma)
Late Paleozoic (455 to 340 Ma)
Mesozoic-Cenozoic (285 to 70 Ma)

Orogenic Gold Deposits
R.J. Goldfarb et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 18 (2001)
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Vein Mineralogy
Endapan orogenik dicirikan dengan, vein yang dominan
kuarsa dengan mineral sulfida 3-5% (umumnya sulfida
Fe) dan mineral karbonat 5-15%.

Mineral albit, fushsite, klorit, scheelite dan turmalin
sangat sering menjadi pengotor pada urat yang
ditemukan pada batuan pembawa fasies sekis hijau.
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Vein Textures
Textures represent the local deformation process and vary according to the nature of the host
structure (extensional vs. compressional).

Extensional veins typically display quartz and carbonate fibres at a high angle to the vein walls
and with multiple stages of mineral growth

Compressional laminated veins are composed of massive, fine-grained quartz. When present in
laminated veins, fibres are subparallel to the vein walls

Vein as open space infill and altered wall rock as replacements

Orogenic Gold Deposits
Proximal to distal assemblages

Scale and intensity of alteration function of system depth and wall rock composition

Best developed in ultramafic and greenstone hosts

In sediment-hosted systems, alteration is narrow and discrete enveloping the mineralization

Proximal alteration sulphide minerals (py-po-aspy) and alkali-rick silicates (sericite, fuschite,
albite, biotite) -white clay alteration

Distal alteration carbonate minerals (lower temperature varieties) with quartz

Amphibolite, diopside, plagioclase and garnet present with lesser carbonate in +amphibolite-grade

Orogenic Gold Deposits
Regional Metamorphism
Host rocks are typically metamorphosed to greenschist faces, with local amphibolite and granulte
facies conditions

Mineralization preferentially developed in metamorphic gradients (with greenschist or greenschist
to amphibolite)

Ore forming alteration products typically
overprinted on regional metamorphic mineralogy
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Favorable Regional & District Targeting Criteria
1. Complex lithostratigraphy with competency contrasts

2. Isolation of competent units within incompetent units

3. Greenschist to greenschist-amphibolite transition facies metamorphism

4. Subjacent to major, crustal-scale structure

5. Lamprophyre and porphyry dikes

6. Fe-rich host-rocks and-or early magnetite alteration

7. Anticlines and domal structures

8. Flexures (dilational jogs) in major structural trends

9. Reactivation of earlier structures especially thrusts by strike-slip movement,
either late in the orogenic cycle or as a later overprinting event
Orogenic Gold Deposits
Favorable Orogenic Gold Terranes

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