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12 B

Unfairly Graded Rubric

1. Here, FSO Instructor Stewart uses the dagger of condoned subjective grading practices to humiliate, frustrate and cause
emotional distress to Student.
2. FSO Instructor gave no break down for any point deductions!
3. Instructor appears to have chosen a letter grade from her head, namely, a C+ and highlighted boxes to match her grade.
4. FSO Instructor was sure to properly grade non-subjective categories that can be easily checked correctly, namely technical
5. Student only focuses attention on the first column of a Rubric and submits as a reference point;, an article that helps remove some of the subjectivity in determining
whether an authors work demonstrates critical thinking. Summed Up, Critical Thinkers:
A. Ask questions
B. Analyze
C. Consciously apply tactics and strategies to uncover meaning or assure their understanding
D. Are open to new ideas and perspectiveswilling to challenge and investigate
Based on acceptable authority, Students Blog post at
systematization.html absolutely demonstrates Critical thinking. Student clearly questions, analyze various scholarly thought processes,
including, Malcolm, Martin, Nelson, & NikkiPost was greater than 300 words & SEO components were included.
In accordance with
acceptable reference,
Students Post
Demonstrates critical
thinking, ideas are clearly
communicated and thought
out. However, FSO
instructor deducts 11 points.

FSO Instructor identified no
errors yet 6 percentage points
are deducted for Professionalism
and Instructor further charges
that Students, Ideas are
included but presented without
logical structure. Several errors
impact the authors credibility.

FSO Instructor demonstrates
nefarious purposes in her
A. Posting unsubstantiated
arbitrary grades that
desecrate Students Week
One Blog Post assignment
B. Deeming Students work as
lacking credibility.
C. Deducting 5 points,
prevaricating that Students
Blog post is only
indirectly related to
Students Thesis Project, a
book entitled, Loving You
Haiku; Sometimes It

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