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Internet Protocol television Internet Protocol television Internet Protocol television Internet Protocol television (IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV) is a system through which television services are delivered
using the Internet protocol suite over a packetswitched network such as a !"# or the Internet,
instead of $eing delivered through traditional terrestrial, satellite signal, and ca$le television
formats% &nlike downloaded media, IPTV offers the a$ility to stream the media in smaller $atches,
directly from the source% "s a result, a client media player can $egin playing the data (such as a
movie) $efore the entire file has $een transmitted% This is known as streaming media%
IPTV services may $e classified into three main groups'
!ive television, with or without interactivity related to the current TV show(
Timeshifted television' catchup TV (replays a TV show that was $roadcast hours or days
ago), startover TV (replays the current TV show from its $eginning)(
Video on demand (V)*)' $rowse a catalog of videos, not related to TV programming%
IPTV is distinguished from Internet television $y its ongoing standardi+ation process (e%g%,
,uropean Telecommunications -tandards Institute) and preferential deployment scenarios in
su$scri$er$ased telecommunications networks with highspeed access channels into enduser
premises via settop $ or other customerpremises e/uipment%
0ontents 0ontents 0ontents 0ontents
1 *efinition
2 3istory
2%1 Promise
4 5arkets
4%1 For hospitality
6 "rchitecture
6%1 ,lements
6%2 "rchitecture of a video server network
6%4 3ome networks
6%6 I5- architecture
7 Protocols
8 Via satellite
9 3y$rid IPTV
: "dvantages
:%1 ,conomics
:%2 Interactivity
:%4 Videoondemand
:%6 IPTV$ased converged services
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= !imitations
=%1 !atency
1< >andwidth re/uirements
11 Privacy implications
12 Vendors
14 -ervice $undling
16 ?egulation
17 -ee also
18 ?eferences
19 ,.ternal links
*efinition *efinition *efinition *efinition
3istorically, many different definitions of IPTV have appeared, including elementary streams over
IP networks, transport streams over IP networks and a num$er of proprietary systems%
)ne official definition approved $y the International Telecommunication &nion focus group on
AIPTV is defined as multimedia services such as television;video;audio
;te.t;graphics;data delivered over IP $ased networks managed to provide the re/uired
level of /uality of service and e.perience, security, interactivity and relia$ility%A
"nother more detailed definition of IPTV is the one given $y "lliance for Telecommunications
Industry -olutions ("TI-) IPTV ,.ploratory @roup on 2<<7'
AIPTV is defined as the secure and relia$le delivery to su$scri$ers of entertainment
video and related services% These services may include, for e.ample, !ive TV, Video )n
*emand (V)*) and Interactive TV (iTV)% These services are delivered across an access
agnostic, packet switched network that employs the IP protocol to transport the audio,
video and control signals% In contrast to video over the pu$lic Internet, with IPTV
deployments, network security and performance are tightly managed to ensure a
superior entertainment e.perience, resulting in a compelling $usiness environment for
content providers, advertisers and customers alike%A
3istory 3istory 3istory 3istory
The term IPTV first appeared in 1==7 with the founding of Precept -oftware $y Dudith ,strin and
>ill 0arrico% Precept developed an Internet video product named IP;TV% IP;TV was a multicast
$ack$one (5>)#,) compati$le Windows and &ni.$ased application that transmitted single and
multisource audio and video traffic, ranging from low to *V* /uality, using $oth unicast and IP
multicast ?ealtime Transport Protocol (?TP) and ?eal time control protocol (?T0P)% The software
was written primarily $y -teve 0asner, Earl "uer$ach, and 0ha 0hee Euan% Precept was ac/uired
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$y 0isco -ystems in 1==:%
0isco retains the IP;TV trademark%
Internet radio company "udio#et started the first continuous live we$casts with content from
WF""TV in Danuary 1==: and E0T&!P on Danuary 1<, 1==:%
Eingston 0ommunications, a regional telecommunications operator in the &E, launched EIT
(Eingston Interactive Television), an IPTV over digital su$scri$er line (*-!) $road$and interactive
TV service in -eptem$er 1=== after conducting various TV and video on demand (Vo*) trials% The
operator added additional Vo* service in )cto$er 2<<1 with Fes TV, a Vo* content provider%
Eingston was one of the first companies in the world to introduce IPTV and IP Vo* over "*-!% In
2<<8, the EIT service was discontinued, su$scri$ers having declined from a peak of 1<,<<< to
In 1===, #>Tel (now known as >ell "liant) was the first to commercially deploy Internet protocol
television over *-! in 0anada
using the "lcatel 947< *-!"5 and middleware created $y
i5agic TV (owned $y #>TelGs parent company >runcor
)% The service was marketed under the
$rand Vi$eVision in #ew >runswick, and later e.panded into #ova -cotia in early 2<<<
the formation of "liant% i5agic TV was later sold to "lcatel%
In 2<<2, -asktel was the second in 0anada to commercially deploy Internet Protocol (IP) video
over *-!, using the !ucent -tinger *-! platform%
In 2<<8, it was the first #orth "merican
company to offer highdefinition television (3*TV) channels over an IPTV service%
In 2<<4, Total "ccess #etworks Inc launched an IPTV service, consisting of 1<< free IPTV stations
In 2<<7, >red$ands$olaget launched its IPTV service as the first service provider in -weden% "s of
Danuary 2<<=, they are not the $iggest supplier any longer( Telia-onera, who launched their
service later now has more customers%
In 2<<8, Ver+ion Fi)- launched its Fi)- product, IPTV service in the &nited -tates, comprising a
national head end and regional videoserving offices% Veri+on offered over 4<< channels in 11
cities with more to $e added in 2<<9 and $eyond% In 5arch 2<<=, Veri+on announced that Fi)-
had e.panded to 1<< or more highdefinition channels in every Fi)- market% Veri+on Fi)- !ineup
,.pands to 1<< or 5ore 3igh *efinition 0hannels in ,very Fi)- TV 5arket% While using Internet
protocols, Veri+on $uilt a private IP network e.clusively for video transport%
In 2<<9, TP@ $ecame the first internet service provider in "ustralia to launch IPTV%
0omplementary to its "*-!2H package this was, and still is, free of charge to customers on
eligi$le plans and now offers over 67 local free to air channels and international channels% >y
2<1<, ii#et and Telstra launched IPTV services in conIunction to internet plans $ut with e.tra
In 2<<:, PT0! launched IPTV under the $rand name of PT0! -mart TV% This service is availa$le in
7< maIor cities of the country offering 16< live channels and more than 7<< titles for V)* with
key features such as
Time-hift Television
Parental 0ontrol
,P@ (,lectronic Program @uide)
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V)* (Video on *emand)
#V)* (#ear Video on *emand)
In 2<<=, the company JaapTVK came out with the IPTV receiver JaapTVK 3*1<<=#, a receiver
that could $ring live channels from all over the world% -uccessfully now in 2<14 (now at its fourth
generation model) it is still in the market as one of the leading $rands in the industry with
streaming of over 1,2<< live channels% Its wide success is accredited $y the strong impact it has in
the &nited -tates market%
In 2<1<, 0entury!ink L after ac/uiring ,m$ar/ (2<<=) and Mwest (2<1<) L entered five &%-%
markets with an IPTV service called Prism%
This was after successful test marketing in Florida%
In 2<11, T)T (Television )rgani+ation of Thailand) !aunched IPTV service over its "*-! service%
The offering has four tiers of service from a $asic platform of free over the air channels in Thai
language to a full slate of entertainment packages offering various international satellite networks
in Thai, ,nglish, French, Eorean, Indian and "ra$ic languages%
In 2<12, dT5ediaTV B4C (http';;www%dtmedia%tv) launched its IPTV service over the "*-! service
offered $y *irect Telecom to its customers% 0urrently they offer &E IPTV service to &E ,.pats all
over the world offering &E, ?ussian N @erman language FTV;FT" 0hannels% The IPTV service can
$e enIoyed on a TV using a -et Top >o.% &sers can also enIoy directly on mo$ile devices such as
the ipad, iphone and ipod from the $rowser without the need of installing "pps%
In 2<14, Vmedia (http';;www%vmedia%ca;pu$lish;news;post;V5ediaTV#ow"vaila$le
Throughout)ntario) launched its IPTV service over its 0a$le;*-! service% 0urrently they offer
IPTV within )ntario, 0anada with hopes to $e a$le to e.pand to all over 0anada%
In 2<14 3ospitality IPTV !td launched )TT services for 6< live TV streaming channels throughout
"ustralia and #ew Jealand under a secure )TT delivery platform as an e.pansion of hugely
successful previous IPTV closed network platforms%
*uring the 2<16 Winter )lympics -hortest path $ridging (I,,, :<2%1a/) was used to deliver 48
IPTV 3* )lympic channels%
Promise Promise Promise Promise
The technology was hindered $y low $road$and penetration and $y the relatively high cost of
installing wiring capa$le of transporting IPTV content relia$ly in the customerGs home% 3owever,
residential IPTV was e.pected to grow as $road$and was availa$le to more than 2<< million
households worldwide in 2<<7%
In *ecem$er 2<<=, the F00 $egan looking into using settop $ to make TVs with ca$le or
similar services into network video players% F00 5edia >ureau 0hief >ill !ake had said earlier that
TV and the Internet would soon $e the same, $ut only 97 percent of homes had computers, while
== percent had TV% " 2<<= #ielsen survey found == percent of video viewing was done on TV%
5arkets 5arkets 5arkets 5arkets
The num$er of glo$al IPTV su$scri$ers was e.pected to grow from 2: million in 2<<= to :4 million
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5ap of IPTV countries of the world%
0ountries where IPTV is availa$le in at least some parts of
the country
in 2<14% ,urope and "sia are the
leading territories in terms of the
overall num$er of su$scri$ers% >ut
in terms of service revenues, ,urope
and #orth "merica generate a larger
share of glo$al revenue, due to very
low average revenue per user
("?P&) in 0hina and India, the
fastest growing (and ultimately, the
$iggest markets) is "sia% The glo$al
IPTV market revenues are forecast to
grow from &-O12 $illion in 2<<= to
&-O4: $illion in 2<14%
-ervices also launched in >osnia and
3er+egovina, >ulgaria, Pakistan,
0anada, 0roatia, !ithuania, ?epu$lic of 5oldova, 5acedonia, 5ontenegro, Poland, 5ongolia,
?omania, -er$ia, -lovenia,
the #etherlands,
@eorgia, @reece, *enmark, Finland, ,stonia,
0+ech ?epu$lic, -lovakia, 3ungary,
#orway, -weden, Iceland, !ithuania, Turkey, 0olom$ia
and 0hile% The &nited Eingdom launched IPTV early and after a slow initial growth, in Fe$ruary
2<<= >T announced that it had reached 4=:,<<< su$scri$ers to its >T Vision service%
0laro has
launched their own IPTV service called A0laro TVA% This service is availa$le in several countries in
which they operate, such as *ominican ?epu$lic, ,l -alvador, @uatemala, 3onduras, #icaragua%
IPTV is Iust $eginning to grow in 0entral and ,astern ,urope and !atin "merica, and now it is
growing in -outh "sian countries such as -ri !anka, Pakistan and especially India%
significant plans in countries such as ?ussia% Ea+akhstan introduced
its own IPTV services
$y the national provider Ea+akhtelecom D-0
and content integrator "lacast under the Ai* TVA
$rand in two maIor cities "stana and "lmaty in 2<<= and is a$out to go nationwide starting 2<1<%
"ustralian I-P ii#et launched "ustraliaGs first IPTV with fetchtv%
The first IPTV service to launch on the 0hinese mainland sells under the A>esTVA $rand and is
currently availa$le in the cities of -hanghai and 3ar$in%
In India, IPTV was launched $y "irtel
and the government service provider 5T#! and >-#! through tie up with "E-3 and is availa$le in
most of the maIor cities of the country% 5eanwhile, &F @roup which is the franchise owner for &F)
movies in -outhern India plans to offer multiple host of services such as customerGs movies on
demand, shopping online, video conferencing, media player, elearning on their single IPTV set top
$o. $randed as ,magine%
In -ri !anka, IPTV was launched $y -ri !anka Telecom (operated $y -!T Vision0om) in 2<<:,
under the $rand name of P,) TV% This service is availa$le in whole country%
In Pakistan, IPTV was launched $y PT0! in 2<<:, under the $rand name of -mart TV% This service
is availa$le in most maIor cities of the country%
In 5alaysia, various companies have attempted to launch IPTV services since 2<<7% Failed PayTV
provider 5iTV attempted to use an IPTVover&3F service $ut the service failed to take off%
3ypp%TV was supposed to use an IPTV$ased system, $ut not true IPTV as it does not provide a
settop $o. and re/uires users to view channels using a computer% True IPTV providers availa$le in
the country at the moment are Fine TV and *,TV% In M2 2<1<, Telekom 5alaysia launched IPTV
services through their fi$er to the home product &niFi in select areas% In "pril 2<1<, "stro $egan
testing IPTV services on TI5, dot0om >erhadGs highspeed fi$er to the home optical fi$re
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network% In *ecem$er 2<1<, "stro $egan trials with customers in highrise condominium $uildings
around the 5ont Eiara area% In "pril 2<11, "stro commercially launched its IPTV services under
the tag line AThe )ne and )nly !ine FouGll ,ver #eedA, a triple play offering in conIunction with
TI5, dot0om >erhad that provides all the "stro programming via IPTV, together with voice
telephone services and $road$and Internet access all through the same fi$re optic connection into
the customerGs home%
In Turkey, TT#,T launched IPTV services under the name IPtivi$u in 2<1<% It was availa$le in pilot
areas in the cities of Istan$ul, P+mir and "nkara% "s of 2<11, IPTV service is launched as a
largescale commercial service and widely availa$le across the country under the trademark
ATivi$u ,VA%
-uperonline plans to provide IPTV under the different name AWe$TVA in 2<11%
TQrk Telekom started $uilding the fi$er optic su$structure for IPTV in late 2<<9%
In Iran, -hima (http';;www%-hima%ir) is the first IPTV service provider, launched its pilot in 2<11%
In -audi "ra$ia, 5"3,0 is offering 3ospitality TV (IPTV) powered $y #,V?)# with complete
design, installation and maintenance services%
For hospitality For hospitality For hospitality For hospitality
>esides targeting the homes, vendors target IPTV services to the hospitality sector% IPTV is a
natural progression from the payperview and video on demand offerings% -ome players such as
!ocatel, -electTV, V*", and Tivus have started offering IPTV to the hotels $efore moving into the
homes% In 2<14 !ocatel 0ompany launched the most comprehensively integrated IPTV platform
availa$le into new markets in "ustralia, Philippines, 5alaysia, Thailand, ,thiopia and -ri !anka%
"rchitecture "rchitecture "rchitecture "rchitecture
,lements ,lements ,lements ,lements
TV headend' where live TV channels are encoded, encrypted and delivered in the form of IP
multicast streams%
V)* platform' where ondemand video assets are stored and served when a user makes a
re/uest in the form of IP unicast stream%
Interactive portal' allows the user to navigate within the different IPTV services, such as the
V)* catalog%
*elivery network' the packet switched network that carries IP packets (unicast and
3ome gateway' the piece of e/uipment at the userGs home that terminates the access link
from the delivery network%
&serGs settop $o.' the piece of e/uipment at the userGs home that decodes and decrypts TV
and V)* content and displays it on the TV screen%
"rchitecture of a video server network "rchitecture of a video server network "rchitecture of a video server network "rchitecture of a video server network
*epending on the network architecture of the service provider, there are two main types of video
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0ommon name 0ommon name 0ommon name 0ommon name I,,, I,,, I,,, I,,, standard standard standard standard
WiFi :<2%11a
0ommon name 0ommon name 0ommon name 0ommon name IT&T IT&T IT&T IT&T recommendation recommendation recommendation recommendation
3omeP#" 2%< @%==71L4
@%hn;3ome@rid @%==8< (P3F)
@%hn;3ome@rid @%==81 (*!!;5"0)
@%hn;3ome@rid @%==82 (5anagement
@%hnmimo @%==84
@%hn;3ome@rid @%==86 (P-*
@%hnta @%==9<
@%c. @%==92
3ome networking 3ome networking 3ome networking 3ome networking standards standards standards standards
server architecture that can $e considered for IPTV
deployment' centrali+ed and distri$uted%
The centrali+ed architecture model is a relatively
simple and easy to manage solution% For e.ample,
as all contents are stored in centrali+ed servers, it
does not re/uire a comprehensive content
distri$ution system% 0entrali+ed architecture is
generally good for a network that provides relatively
small V)* service deployment, has ade/uate core
and edge $andwidth and has an efficient content
delivery network (0*#)%
*istri$uted architecture is Iust as scala$le as the
centrali+ed model, however it has $andwidth usage
advantages and inherent system management
features that are essential for managing a larger
server network% )perators who plan to deploy a
relatively large system should therefore consider
implementing a distri$uted architecture model right
from the start% *istri$uted architecture re/uires
intelligent and sophisticated content distri$ution
technologies to augment effective delivery of
multimedia contents over service providerGs
3ome networks 3ome networks 3ome networks 3ome networks
In many cases, the residential gateway that provides
connectivity with the Internet access network is not located close to the IPTV settop $o.% This
scenario $ecomes very common as service providers start to offer service packages with multiple
settop $ per su$scri$er%
#etworking technologies that take advantage of e.isting home wiring (such as power lines,
phone lines or coa.ial ca$les
) or of wireless hardware have $ecome common solutions for
this pro$lem, although fragmentation in the wired home networking market has limited somewhat
the growth in this market%
In *ecem$er 2<<:, IT&T adopted ?ecommendation @%hn (also known as @%==8<), which is a
ne.tgeneration home networking standard that specifies a common P3F;5"0 that can operate
over any home wiring (power lines, phone lines or coa.ial ca$les)%
*uring 2<12 I,0 will adopt
a prenorm for P)F networking at @iga$it speed% This pre standard will specify a P3F that operates
at an adapta$le $it rate $etween 1<< 5$it;s and 1 @$it;s depending on the link power $udget%
@roups such as the 5ultimedia over 0oa. "lliance, 3omePlug Powerline "lliance, 3ome Phoneline
#etworking "lliance, and Muasar "lliance (Plastic )ptical Fi$er)
each advocate their own
I5- architecture I5- architecture I5- architecture I5- architecture
There is a growing standardi+ation effort on the use of the 4@PP IP 5ultimedia -u$system (I5-)
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as an architecture for supporting IPTV services in carriers networks% >oth IT&T and ,T-I are
working on socalled AI5-$ased IPTVA standards (see e%g% ,T-I T- 1:2 <29
)% 0arriers will $e
a$le to offer $oth voice and IPTV services over the same core infrastructure and the
implementation of services com$ining conventional TV services with telephony features (e%g% caller
I* on the TV screen) will $ecome straightforward%
The 5ulti-ervice Forum recently conducted
interopera$ility of I5-$ased IPTV solutions during its @5I event in 2<<:%
Protocols Protocols Protocols Protocols
IPTV covers $oth live TV (multicast) as well as stored videoondemand;Vo* (unicast)% Play$ack
re/uires a $road$and device connected to either a fi.ed or wireless IP network in the form of
either a standalone personal computer or limited em$edded )- device such as a smartphone,
touch screen ta$let, game console, connected TV or settop $o.% Video compression is provided
$y either a 3%284 or 3%286 derived codec, audio compressed via a 5*0T $ased codec and then
encapsulated in either an 5P,@ transport stream or ?TP packets or Flash Video packets for live or
Vo* streaming% IP multicasting allows for live data to $e sent to multiple receivers using a single
multicast group address% 3%286;5P,@6 "V0 is commonly used for internet streaming over higher
$it rate standards such as 3%281 and 3%284 which were more designed for I-*# video
conferencing% 3%282;5P,@1;2 is generally not used as the $andwidth re/uired would /uite easily
saturate a network which is why they are only used in single link $roadcast or storage
In standards$ased IPTV systems, the primary underlying protocols used are'
-ervice provider $ased streaming'
I@5P for su$scri$ing to a live multicast stream (TV channel) and for changing from
one live multicast stream to another (TV channel change)% IP multicast operates within
!"#s (including V!"#s) and across W"#s also% IP multicast is usually routed in the
network core $y Protocol Independent 5ulticast (PI5), setting up correct distri$ution
of multicast streams (TV channels) from their source all the way to the customers who
wants to view them, duplicating received packets as needed% )ndemand content uses
a negotiated unicast connection% ?TP over &*P or the lower overhead 3%222 transport
stream over T0P are generally the preferred methods of encapsulation%
We$ $ased unicast only live and Vo* streaming'
"do$e Flash Player prefers ?T5P over T0P with setup and control via either "5F or
R5! or D-)# transactions%
"pple i)- uses 3!- adaptive $itrate streaming over 3TTP with setup and control via an
em$edded 54& playlist file%
5icrosoft -ilverlight uses smooth streaming (adaptive $itrate streaming) over 3TTP
We$ $ased multicast live and unicast Vo* streaming'
I,TF recommends ?TP over &*P or T0P transports with setup and control using ?T-P
over T0P%
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0onnected TVs, game consoles, settop $o.s and network personal video recorders'
local network content uses &PnP "V for unicast via 3TTP over T0P or for multicast live
?TP over &*P%
We$ $ased content is provided through either inline We$ plugins or a Television
$roadcast $ased application that uses a middleware language such as 53,@7 that
triggers an event such as loading an inline We$ $rowser using an "do$e Flash Player
" telecommunications company IPTV service is usually delivered over an investmentheavy walled
garden network%
!ocal IPTV, as used $y $usinesses for audio visual "V distri$ution on their company networks is
typically $ased on a mi.ture of'
0onventional TV reception e/uipment and IPTV encoders 1%
IPTV gateways that take $roadcast 5P,@ channels and IP wrap them to create multicast
Via satellite Via satellite Via satellite Via satellite
"lthough IPTV and conventional satellite TV distri$ution have $een seen as complementary
technologies, they are likely to $e increasingly used together in hy$rid IPTV networks that deliver
the highest levels of performance and relia$ility% IPTV is largely neutral to the transmission
medium, and IP traffic is already routinely carried $y satellite for Internet $ack$one trunking and
corporate V-"T networks%
The use of satellite to carry IP is fundamental to overcoming the
greatest shortcoming of IPTV over terrestrial ca$les L the speed;$andwidth of the connection%
The copper twisted pair ca$ling that forms the last mile of the telephone and $road$and network
in many countries is not a$le to provide a si+ea$le proportion of the population with an IPTV
service that matches even e.isting terrestrial or satellite digital TV distri$ution% For a competitive
multichannel TV service, a connection speed of 2< 5$it;s is likely to $e re/uired, $ut unavaila$le
to most potential customers%
The increasing popularity of high definition television (with twice
the data rate of -* video) increases connection speed re/uirements, or limits IPTV service /uality
and connection eligi$ility even further%
3owever, satellites are capa$le of delivering in e.cess of 1<< @$it;s via multispot $eam
technologies, making satellite a clear emerging technology for implementing IPTV networks%
-atellite distri$ution can $e included in an IPTV network architecture in several ways% The simplest
to implement is an IPTVdirect to home (*T3) architecture, in which hy$rid *V>$road$and
settop $ in su$scri$er homes integrate satellite and IP reception to give nearinfinite
$andwidth with return channel capa$ilities% In such a system, many live TV channels may $e
multicast via satellite (IPencapsulated or as conventional *V> digital TV) with stored video
ondemand transmission via the $road$and connection% "r/ivaSs -atellite 5edia -olutions *ivision
suggests TIPTV works $est in a hy$rid format% For e.ample, you would use $road$and to receive
some content and satellite to receive other, such as live channelsU%
3y$rid IPTV 3y$rid IPTV 3y$rid IPTV 3y$rid IPTV
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3y$rid IPTV refers to the com$ination of traditional $roadcast TV services and video delivered
over either managed IP networks or the pu$lic Internet% It is an increasing trend in $oth the
consumer and pay TV BoperatorC markets%
3y$rid IPTV has grown in popularity in recent years as a result of two maIor drivers% -ince the
emergence of online video aggregation sites, like FouTu$e and Vimeo in the mid2<<<s, traditional
pay TV operators have come under increasing pressure to provide their su$scri$ers with a means
of viewing Internet$ased video B$oth professional and usergeneratedC on their televisions% "t the
same time, specialist IP$ased operators Boften telecommunications providersC have looked for
ways to offer analogue and digital terrestrial services to their operations, without adding either
additional cost or comple.ity to their transmission operations% >andwidth is a valua$le asset for
operators, so many have looked for alternative ways to deliver these new services without
investing in additional network infrastructures%
" hy$rid settop allows content from a range of sources, including terrestrial $roadcast, satellite,
and ca$le, to $e $rought together with video delivered over the Internet via an ,thernet
connection on the device% This ena$les television viewers to access a greater variety of content on
their TV sets, without the need for a separate $o. for each service%
3y$rid IPTV settop $ also ena$le users to access a range of advanced interactive services,
such as V)* ; catchup TV, as well as Internet applications, including video telephony,
surveillance, gaming, shopping, egovernment accessed via a television set%
From a payTV operatorSs perspective, a hy$rid IPTV settop $o. gives them greater longterm
fle.i$ility $y ena$ling them to deploy new services and applications as and when consumers
re/uire, most often without the need to upgrade e/uipment or for an engineer to visit and
reconfigure or swap out the device% This minimises the cost of launching new services, increases
speed to market and limits disruption for consumers%
The 3y$rid >roadcast >road$and TV (3$$TV) consortium of industry companies is currently
promoting and esta$lishing an open ,uropean standard for hy$rid settop $ for the reception
of $roadcast and $road$and digital TV and multimedia applications with a single user interface%
These trends led to the development of 3y$rid >roadcast >road$and TV settop $ that
included $oth a $roadcast tuner and an Internet connection L usually an ,thernet port% The first
commercially availa$le hy$rid IPTV settop $o. was developed $y "dvanced *igital >roadcast, a
developer of digital television hardware and software, in 2<<7% The platform was developed for
-panish pay TV operator Telefonica,
and used as part of its 5ovistar TV service, launched to
su$scri$ers at the end of 2<<7%
"n alternative approach is the IPTV version of the 3eadend in the -ky ca$le TV solution% 3ere,
multiple TV channels are distri$uted via satellite to the I-P or IPTV providerSs point of presence
(P)P) for IPencapsulated distri$ution to individual su$scri$ers as re/uired $y each su$scri$er%
This can provide a huge selection of channels to su$scri$ers without over$urdening Internet
trunking to the P)P, and ena$les an IPTV service to $e offered to small or remote operators
outside the reach of terrestrial high speed $road$and connection% "n e.ample is a network
com$ining fi$re and satellite distri$ution via an -,- #ew -kies satellite of =7 channels to !atin
"merica and the 0ari$$ean, operated $y IPTV "mericas%
While the future development of IPTV pro$a$ly lies with a num$er of coe.isting architectures and
implementations, it is clear that $roadcasting of high $andwidth applications such as IPTV is
accomplished more efficiently and costeffectively using satellite
and it is predicted that the
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1< of 2< 24;<=;2<16 12'7:
maIority of glo$al IPTV growth will $e fuelled $y hy$rid networks%
"dvantages "dvantages "dvantages "dvantages
The Internet protocol$ased platform offers significant advantages, including the a$ility to
integrate television with other IP$ased services like high speed Internet access and VoIP%
" switched IP network also allows for the delivery of significantly more content and functionality%
In a typical TV or satellite network, using $roadcast video technology, all the content constantly
flows downstream to each customer, and the customer switches the content at the settop $o.%
The customer can select from as many choices as the telecomms, ca$le or satellite company can
stuff into the TpipeU flowing into the home% " switched IP network works differently% 0ontent
remains in the network, and only the content the customer selects is sent into the customerSs
home% That frees up $andwidth, and the customerSs choice is less restricted $y the si+e of the
TpipeU into the home% This also implies that the customerGs privacy could $e compromised to a
greater e.tent than is possi$le with traditional TV or satellite networks% It may also provide a
means to hack into, or at least disrupt (see *enial of service) the private network%
,conomics ,conomics ,conomics ,conomics
The ca$le industryGs e.penditures of appro.imately O1 $illion per year are $ased on network
updates to accommodate higher data speeds% 5ost operators use 2L4 channels to support
ma.imum data speeds of 7< 5$it;s to 1<< 5$it;s% 3owever, $ecause video streams re/uire a high
$it rate for much longer periods of time, the e.penditures to support high amounts of video traffic
will $e much greater% This phenomenon is called persistency% *ata persistency is routinely 7V
while video persistency can easily reach 7<V% "s video traffic continues to grow, this means that
significantly more 05T- downstream channels will $e re/uired to carry this video content% >ased
on todayGs market, it is likely that industry e.penditures for 05T- e.pansion could e.ceed O2
$illion a year, virtually all of that e.penditure $eing driven $y video traffic% "doption of IPTV for
carrying the maIority of this traffic could save the industry appro.imately 97V of this capital
Interactivity Interactivity Interactivity Interactivity
"n IP$ased platform also allows significant opportunities to make the TV viewing e.perience
more interactive and personali+ed% The supplier may, for e.ample, include an interactive program
guide that allows viewers to search for content $y title or actorSs name, or a pictureinpicture
functionality that allows them to Tchannel surfU without leaving the program theySre watching%
Viewers may $e a$le to look up a playerSs stats while watching a sports game, or control the
camera angle% They also may $e a$le to access photos or music from their P0 on their television,
use a wireless phone to schedule a recording of their favorite show, or even adIust parental
controls so their child can watch a documentary for a school report, while theySre away from
In order that there can take place an interaction $etween the receiver and the transmitter, a
feed$ack channel is needed% *ue to this, terrestrial, satellite, and ca$le networks for television do
not allow interactivity% 3owever, interactivity with those networks can $e possi$le $y com$ining TV
networks with data networks such as the Internet or a mo$ile communication network%
Videoondemand Videoondemand Videoondemand Videoondemand
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IPTV technology is $ringing videoondemand (Vo*) to television,
which permits a customer to
$rowse an online program or film catalog, to watch trailers and to then select a selected
recording% The playout of the selected item starts nearly instantaneously on the customerGs TV or
Technically, when the customer selects the movie, a pointtopoint unicast connection is set up
$etween the customerGs decoder (settop $o. or P0) and the delivering streaming server% The
signalling for the trick play functionality (pause, slowmotion, wind;rewind etc%) is assured $y
?T-P (?eal Time -treaming Protocol)%
The most common codecs used for Vo* are 5P,@2, 5P,@6 and V01%
In an attempt to avoid content piracy, the Vo* content is usually encrypted% Whilst encryption of
satellite and ca$le TV $roadcasts is an old practice, with IPTV technology it can effectively $e
thought of as a form of *igital rights management% " film that is chosen, for e.ample, may $e
playa$le for 26 hours following payment, after which time it $ecomes unavaila$le%
IPTV$ased converged services IPTV$ased converged services IPTV$ased converged services IPTV$ased converged services
"nother advantage of an IP$ased network is the opportunity for integration and convergence%
This opportunity is amplified when using I5-$ased solutions%
0onverged services implies
interaction of e.isting services in a seamless manner to create new value added services% )ne
e.ample is onscreen 0aller I*, getting 0aller I* on a TV and the a$ility to handle it (send it to
voice mail, etc%)% IP$ased services will help to ena$le efforts to provide consumers anytime
anywhere access to content over their televisions, P0s and cell phones, and to integrate services
and content to tie them together% Within $usinesses and institutions, IPTV eliminates the need to
run a parallel infrastructure to deliver live and stored video services%
!imitations !imitations !imitations !imitations
IPTV is sensitive to packet loss and delays if the streamed data is unrelia$le% IPTV has strict
minimum speed re/uirements in order to facilitate the right num$er of frames per second to
deliver moving pictures% This means that the limited connection speed and $andwidth availa$le for
a large IPTV customer $ase can reduce the service /uality delivered%
"lthough a few countries have very highspeed $road$andena$led populations, such as -outh
Eorea with 8 million homes $enefiting from a minimum connection speed of 1<< 5$it;s, in other
countries (such as the &E) legacy networks struggle to provide 4L7 5$it;s
and so simultaneous
provision to the home of TV channels, V)IP and Internet access may not $e via$le% The lastmile
delivery for IPTV usually has a $andwidth restriction that only allows a small num$er of
simultaneous TV channel streams L typically from one to three L to $e delivered%
-treaming IPTV across wireless links within the home has proved trou$lesome( not due to
$andwidth limitations as many assume, $ut due to issues with multipath and reflections of the ?F
signal carrying the IP data packets% "n IPTV stream is sensitive to packets arriving at the right
time and in the right order% Improvements in wireless technology are now starting to provide
e/uipment to solve the pro$lem%
*ue to the limitations of wireless, most IPTV service providers today use wired home networking
technologies instead of wireless technologies like :<2%11% -ervice providers such as "TNT (which
makes e.tensive use of wireline home networking as part of its &Verse IPTV service) have
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e.pressed support for the work done in this direction $y IT&T, which has adopted
?ecommendation @%hn (also known as @%==8<), which is a ne.tgeneration home networking
standard that specifies a common P3F;5"0 that can operate over any home wiring (power lines,
phone lines or coa.ial ca$les)%
!atency !atency !atency !atency
The latency inherent in the use of satellite Internet is often held up as reason why satellites
cannot $e successfully used for IPTV, $ut in practice latency is not an important factor for IPTV% "n
IPTV service does not re/uire realtime transmission, as is the case with telephony or
videoconferencing services%
It is the latency of response to re/uests to change channel, display an ,P@, etc% that most affects
customersS perceived /uality of service, and these pro$lems affect satellite IPTV no more than
terrestrial IPTV% 0ommand latency pro$lems, faced $y terrestrial IPTV networks with insufficient
$andwidth as their customer $ase grows, may $e solved $y the high capacity of satellite
-atellite distri$ution does suffer from latency L the time for the signal to travel up from the hu$ to
the satellite and $ack down to the user is around <%27 seconds, and cannot $e reduced% 3owever,
the effects of this delay are mitigated in reallife systems using data compression,
T0Pacceleration, and 3TTP prefetching%
-atellite latency can $e detrimental to especially timesensitive applications such as online
gaming (although it only seriously affects the likes of firstperson shooters while many 55)@s
can operate well over satellite Internet
), $ut IPTV is typically a simple. operation (oneway
transmission) and latency is not a critical factor for video transmission%
,.isting video transmission systems of $oth analogue and digital formats already introduce known
/uantifia$le delays% ,.isting *V> TV channels that simulcast $y $oth terrestrial and satellite
transmissions e.perience the same <%27second delay difference $etween the two services with no
detrimental effect, and it goes unnoticed $y viewers%
>andwidth re/uirements >andwidth re/uirements >andwidth re/uirements >andwidth re/uirements
*igital video is a com$ination of se/uence of digital images, and they are made up of pi.els or
picture elements% ,ach pi.el has two values, which are luminance and chrominance% !uminance is
representing intensity of the pi.el( chrominance represents the colour of the pi.el% Three $ytes
would $e used to represent the colour of the high /uality image for a true colour techni/ue% "
se/uence of images is creating the digital video, in that case, images are called as frames%
5ovies use 26 frames per second( however, the rate of the frames can change according to
territoriesG electrical systems so that there are different kinds of frame rates, for instance, #orth
"merica is using appro.imately 4< frames per second where the ,urope television frame rate is 27
frames per second% ,ach digital video has dimensions width and height( when referred to
analogue television, the dimension for -*TV is 92<W6:< pi.els, on the other hand, numerous
3*TV re/uires 1=2<W1<:< pi.els% 5oreover, whilst for -*TV, two $ytes (18 $its) is enough to
create the colour depth, 3*TV re/uires three $ytes (26 $its) to create the colour depth%
There$y, with a rate of 4< frames;second, the uncompressed data rate for -*TV $ecomes
4<W86<W6:<W18, in other words, 169,678,<<< $its per second% 5oreover, for 3*TV, at the same
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>andwidth capacity for simultaneously two 3*TV streams, two
-* streams, additional to 3-* and voice
frame rate, uncompressed date rate
$ecomes 4<W1=2<W1<:<W26 or
1,6=2,==2,<<< $its per second% With
that simple calculation, it is o$vious
that without using a lossy
compression methods service
providerSs service delivery to the
su$scri$ers is limited%
There is no a$solute answer for the
$andwidth re/uirement for the IPTV
service $ecause the $andwidth
re/uirement is increasing due to the
devices inside the household% Thus,
currently compressed 3*TV content
can $e delivered at a data rate
$etween : and 1< 5$it;s, $ut if the
home of the consumer e/uipped with
several 3*TV outputs, this rate will
$e multiplied respectively%
The highspeed data transfer will increase the needed $andwidth for the viewer, at least 2 5$it;s
is needed to use we$$ased applications on the computer% "dditionally to that, 86 k$it;s is
re/uired to use landline telephone for the property% In minimal usage, to receive an IPTV
tripleplay service re/uires 14 5$it;s to process in a household%
Privacy implications Privacy implications Privacy implications Privacy implications
*ue to limitations in $andwidth, an IPTV channel is delivered to the user one at a time, as
opposed to the traditional multiple.ed delivery% 0hanging a channel re/uires re/uesting the
headend server to provide a different $roadcast stream, much like V)* (For V)* the stream is
delivered using unicast, for the normal TV signal multicast is used)% This could ena$le the service
provider to accurately track each and every programme watched and the duration of watching for
each viewer( $roadcasters and advertisers could then understand their audience and programming
$etter with accurate data and targeted advertising%
In conIunction with regulatory differences $etween IPTV and ca$le TV, this tracking could pose a
threat to privacy according to critics%
For IP multicast scenarios, since a particular multicast
group (TV channel) needs to $e re/uested $efore it can $e viewed, the same privacy concerns
Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors
" small num$er of companies supply most current IPTV systems% -ome, such as 5ovistar TV, were
formed $y telecoms operators themselves, to minimise e.ternal costs, a tactic also used $y P00W
of 3ong Eong% -ome maIor telecoms vendors are also active in this space, nota$ly "lcatel!ucent
(sometimes working with 5ovistar TV), ,ricsson (nota$ly since ac/uiring Tand$erg Television),
#,0, "ccenture ("ccenture Video -olution), Thomson, 3uawei, and JT,, as are some IT houses,
led $y 5icrosoft% 0alifornia$ased &T-tarcom, Inc%, Tennessee$ased Worley 0onsulting,
Tokyo$ased The #ew 5edia @roup, 5alaysian$ased -electTV and )slo;#orway$ased -napTV
also offer endtoend networking infrastructure for IPTV$ased services, and 3ong Eong$ased
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16 of 2< 24;<=;2<16 12'7:
>#- !td% provides turnkey open platform IPTV technology solutions% @lo$al sales of IPTV systems
e.ceeded 2 $illion &-* in 2<<9%
3ospitality IPTV !td, having esta$lished many closed network IPTV systems, e.panded in 2<14 to
)TT delivery platforms for markets in #ew Jealand, "ustralia and "sia Pacific region, $ringing a
,uropean flair and sophistication to the delivery of )TT content%
@oogle Fi$er offers an IPTV service in Eansas 0ity, 5) and Eansas 0ity, E- which includes
@iga$itspeed internet and over 2=< channels via the fi$er optic network $eing $uilt out in E0E
and E05)%
5any of these IPTV solution vendors participated in the $iennial @lo$al
?--FT<) 5-F Interopera$ility 2<<: (@5I) event which was coordinated $y the 5ulti-ervice
Forum (5-F) at five sites worldwide from 2< to 41 )cto$er 2<<:% Test e/uipment vendors
including #etrounds, 0odenomicon, ,mpiri., I.ia, 5u *ynamics and -pirent Ioined solution
vendors such as the companies listed a$ove in one of the largest IPTV proving grounds ever
-ervice $undling -ervice $undling -ervice $undling -ervice $undling
For residential users, IPTV is often provided in conIunction with video on demand and may $e
$undled with Internet services such as Internet access and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
telecommunications services% 0ommercial $undling of IPTV, VoIP and Internet access is sometimes
referred to in marketing as triple play service% When these three are offered with cellular service,
the com$ined service may $e referred to as /uadruple play%
?egulation ?egulation ?egulation ?egulation
3istorically, $roadcast television has $een regulated differently from telecommunications% "s IPTV
allows TV and Vo* to $e transmitted over IP networks, new regulatory issues arise%
,li 5% #oam highlights in his report ATV or #ot TV' Three -creens, )ne ?egulationXA some of the
key challenges with sector specific regulation that is $ecoming o$solete due to convergence in this
-ee also -ee also -ee also -ee also
0omparison of streaming media systems
0omparison $etween )TT and IPTV
0omparison of video services
0ontent delivery network
@rid casting
Internet television
!ist of music streaming services
!ist of streaming media systems
IPTV Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http';;en%wikipedia%org;wiki;IPTV
17 of 2< 24;<=;2<16 12'7:
Protection of >roadcasts and >roadcasting )rgani+ations Treaty
-oftware as a service
-treaming media
We$ television
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tops;)% >road$andtvnews%com% ?etrieved 2<14<817%
Z ZZ Z B1C (http';;www%mrgco%com;press[releases%html^hst$<=) 72%
Z ZZ Z A3F>?I* -et Top > for IPTV \ *igital 5edia -trategy $y Deff VinsonA
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Z ZZ Z B2C (http';;www%vnet%tv;We$cast%asp.XidY7) 76%
Z ZZ Z A#ew ,uropean initiative merges television with the power of the InternetA (http';;www%h$$tv%org
;news;3>>TV[P?[Final%pdf) (Press release)% 3$$TV 0onsortium% "ugust 29, 2<<=%
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*igitaltvnews%net% ?etrieved 2<14<817%
Z ZZ Z AIPTV "mericas !aunches First IPTV -atellite *istri$ution Platform for !atin "merica and The
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notI*Y69) (Press release)% IPTV "mericas% Danuary 14, 2<<=%
Z ZZ Z International *atacasting 0orporation AWhy IP )ver -atelliteXA (http';;www%datacast%com
;pg[-olutionInde.%php)% "ccessed Danuary 1:, 2<<=% 0ompany factsheet
Z ZZ Z AFuture !ooks >right For IPTVA (http';;www%satellitetoday%com;via;ednote;16<%html) -atellite
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Z ZZ Z The ,conomics of IPTV (http';;www%$ig$andnet%com;inde.%php;sol[iptv[economics%htmlXYmr$) 8<%
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Z ZZ Z -ession and 5edia -ignalling for IPTV via I5- (http';;cmo$ile%ptinovacao%pt;files
Z ZZ Z >ulkley, Eate% AIPTVSs ,astern PromiseA *igital TV ,urope )cto$er 2<<: p 6: 84%
Z ZZ Z >rown, Peter D% A-uper 3eadends "nd 3igh ,.pectationsA Via -atellite "pril 2<<8 p 1:L4< 86%
Z ZZ Z 5arket Wire AJyR,! "nnounces IndustryGs First "*-!2;2H :<2%11n @ateway and #ew IPTV Product
)fferingsA (http';;findarticles%com;p;articles;mi[pwwi;is[2<<:<8;ai[n288:2717) Dune 2<<:
Z ZZ Z 3omeP#" and 3ome@rid -ign !iaison "greement (http';;www%marketwatch%com;news;story
61,7:><72,44222,6602aNdistYmsr[=), @roups Work to Promote #ew IT& @%hn @lo$al Wired 3ome
#etworking -tandard
Z ZZ Z "TNT Participating in @%hn -tandard *evelopment (http';;www%everywire%com;2<<=;<2
Z ZZ Z #ewtec Productions #V ATP21< -at4Play >road$and TerminalA (http';;www%newtec%eu;fileadmin
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?2;<8%2<1<)% -atellite Internet 5odem factsheet
Z ZZ Z TomSs 3ardware A3ow much latency is too much for )nline @amingXA
(http';;www%tomshardware%co%uk;forum;page==<<7[27[<%html)% "ccessed Danuary 24, 2<<=% Internet
Z ZZ Z IPTV privacy risks (http';;www%cedmaga+ine%com;iptvprivacyrisks%asp.) 9<%
Z ZZ Z ,ricson report on need for regulation (http';;www%ericsson%com;ericsson;corpinfo;pu$lications
;ericsson[$usiness[review;pdf;4<:;4<:[4:[61[reshaping%pdf) P*F (219 E>)
Z ZZ Z TV or #ot TV (http';;www%crtc%gc%ca;eng;media;noam2<<:%htm) 92%
-ecuring 0onverged IP #etworks, Tyson 5acaulay, "uer$ach 2<<8 (I-># <:6=497:<<)
,.ternal links ,.ternal links ,.ternal links ,.ternal links
IT& IPTV Focus @roup (http';;www%itu%int;IT&T;IPTV;)
"rs Technica' "n Introduction to IPTV (http';;arstechnica%com;guides;other;iptv%ars)
IPTV over I5- (http';;isoc%nl;activ;2<<:-IP-I@standards)skarVan*eventer
Internetconnected TVs finally arrive (http';;www%telegraph%co%uk;technology;news;:<:1126
A*oes Video *elivered )ver " Telephone #etwork ?e/uire " 0a$le FranchiseXA
(http';;papers%ssrn%com;sol4;papers%cfmXa$stract[idY=42=:<) ",I>rookings Doint 0enter
for ?egulatory -tudies
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