Exercitii Gramatica

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I. Choose the phrase(s) that best complete the empty spaces:

1. He introduced me to of the people present at the exhibition.
a. many b. each c. a large amount d. some
2. In her test paper, she managed to write correct sentences.
a. many b. a lot of c. several d. a great deal of
3. My best friend was in trouble and asked me to give him advice.
a. an b. a little c. some d. many
4. I dont quite agree to the fact that your children eat chocolate.
a. a lot of b. many c. a large number of d. a great deal of
5. J ane bought Christmas presents for her family last year.
a. plenty of b. lots of c. few d. a huge amount of
6. If you dont have information on the topic, you may consult the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
a. an b. much c. any d. many
7. There is money on the table. Is it yours?
a. some b. a few c. a little d. many
8. She always seems to have homework to do.
a. many b. much c. plenty of d. a

II. In the following fragment, there are some nouns that should be in the plural, but are not.
Change the text where appropriate:

When I realized that I wanted to be a star, I left home and I tried to find lodging in the capital. I finally
got a place, but it was on the outskirt of the city. The owner did not live on the premise, so there was no-
one to disturb with my music. The acoustic in the basement was excellent, so I used to practise there. The
problem was that I made so much noise that I almost shook the foundation! Unfortunately, when I went
to the headquarter of the Musicians Union, somebody there told me that I didnt have a good enough
look to be famous. So that was the end of my dream!

III. Correct any errors in these sentences:

1. My reading glasses is somewhere in the bedroom, but I just cant find it. 2. In the south of the country,
houses are generally made of stones, but here, bricks are more common. 3. This pair of binoculars have
been in this drawer for a long time. 4. What you have just told me is a really good advice. 5. They had
such a terrible weather that they had to give up the idea of living in a tent and got an accommodation in
the town. 6. He has a great deal of experiences in dealing with such problems. 7. Although my
knowledge in this area are quite poor, I like antique furnitures. 8. The scissors in grandmothers sewing
box needs sharpening. 9. I have made great progresses with my researches these days. 10. I think that the
bathroom scales is out of order. It indicates my weight at a different value every time.

IV. Use the appropriate specific quantifier in each case:

1. We had an excellent of warm weather at the seaside last summer. 2. An unexpected of rain
prevented us from leaving the supermarket for ten minutes. 3. A of wind turned Marys old umbrella
inside out. 4. The children got scared when a of lightning lit up the sky. 5. They got even more scared
when it was followed by a loud of thunder. 6. Ive just felt a of rain on my nose. I think we should
go home.

1. I dont feel very well. I must go out for a of fresh air. 2. During the fire, there was a huge of
smoke hanging over the district. 3. While he was watching me, he was blowing little of smoke out of a
cigarette. 4. I saw a very interesting insect on a of grass. 5. There is a problem with my left eye. I
think Ive got a of dust in it.

1. I would like to buy a of bread, one of soap and two of chocolate. 2. All that he says should be
taken with a of salt. 3. How many of sugar do you take in your tea? 4. Put a few of rice in a
bowl. 5. Have at least one of meat and one of cake!

1. This of land is suitable for a garden. 2. She is tired because she didnt get a of sleep last night. 3.
He was late because, just before he was about to leave, his wife developed a serious of nerves. 4. She
was a skinny, tall girl, with a of red hair. 5. Until they open the new of motorway, the traffic will
be heavy here. 6. Dont wait too long! Call me at the slightest of trouble! 7. Your idea was a of
genius! And it was a of luck that you were able to put it to practice! 8. I have never seen you in such a
of temper before.

V. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. The new sentences will contain
common phrases with uncountable nouns.

1. He goes jogging every morning, no matter if it is raining, snowing or bright sunshine. weathers
2. Although immoral, lying may be necessary sometimes. evil
3. They money they made with the concert is going to the childrens fund. proceeds
4. Once the models are no longer so good looking, their career comes to an end. looks
5. He proved that he knew the situation very well. knowledge
6. There is little chance of finding someone who can lend us that money. odds
7. She hoped that she would feel better after she had slept for some time. sleep
8. She got on very well with her boss. terms

VI. Translate into English :

1. Trebuie s obinem orice informaie care ne-ar putea ajuta n ncercarea noastr. 2. Am plecat cu prea
multe bagaje i acum trebuie s le car singur. 3. Avem nevoie de un binoclu i o busol. 4. M tem c nu
te pot ajuta. Am puine cunotine n acest domeniu. 5. Singurul sfat pe care mi l-a dat a fost s merg mai
departe. 6. Poliia nu a fcut nc nici o arestare n acest caz. 7. tirile pe care le-am primit pn acum
sunt extrem de interesante. 8. Unde sunt banii Mariei? Nu sunt n sertarul unde i ine de obicei. 9. Care
din cele dou bagaje e mai greu: al tu sau al mamei tale? 10. Mi-am splat salopeta fiindc era foarte

VII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collective noun:

1. a(n) of people
2. a(n) of workers
3. a(n) of people listening to a concert
4. a(n) of sailors on a ship
5. a(n) of thieves
6. a(n) of people in a church
7. a(n) of people at a football match
8. a(n) of actors
9. a(n) of trustees

10. a(n) of elephants
11. a(n) of fish
12. a(n) of lions
13. a(n) of flies/ bees
14. a(n) of deer
15. a(n) of sheep/ goats
16. a(n) of birds

17. a(n) of peacocks
18. a(n) of wolves
19. a(n) of geese
20. a(n) of puppies

19. a(n) of papers/ clothes/ toys/ books
20. a(n) of flowers
21. a(n) of cards
22. a(n) of wood
23. a(n) of mountains
24. a(n) of ships
25. a(n) of stars
26. a(n) of steps
27. a(n) of grapes
28. a(n) of cranes
29. a(n) of beads
30. a(n) of events
31. a(n) of chairs/tables/boxes

VIII. Choose the correct answer:

1. There was a [a. piece; b. gasp; c. flicker] of hope in her voice.
2. Darts [a. are; b. represent; c. is] a game very much enjoyed by teenagers.
3. Real wages [a. were; b. is; c. has been] reported to have declined since 2000.
4. There was a flock of [a. sheeps; b. cows; c. sheep] in the field.
5. The kite was flying above the [a. rooves; b. roofs; c. roof] of the village.
6. At funfairs, children usually love riding on [a. merry-go-rounds; b. meerys-go-round; c. merries-go-rounds].
7. He told me that thirty dollars [a. was; b. were; c. is] not enough and that he needed more.
8. If you break her [a. China; b. china; c. chinas], she will never invite you to dinner again.
9. We were all in [a. fits; b. giggles; c. attacks] of laughter at his jokes.
10. They were [a. brothers; b. brethrens; c. brethren] in the same religious group.

IX. Translate into English:

1. n general, preoimea se opune fertilizrii in vitro. 2. Fiecare tire despre activitatea voastr este binevenit.
3. Acustica acestei sli e foarte bun. Acustica e o ramur a fizicii. 4. Aceste mijloace de a obine un paaport
sunt total ilegale. 5. Printre petii de ap dulce includem somonii, pstrvii, crapii i iparii. 6. S-au fcut
progrese remarcabile n acest domeniu n ultimii ani. 7. D-mi cei doi pantaloni scuri care trebuie cusui. 8.
Un fulger este de obicei urmat de un tunet.

X. Choose the singular or the plural form of the nouns below. Translate into Romanian:

1. colour a) Her description of the event is full of . b) Stand up when they are raising the national .
c) He was wearing the of his favourite football team.

2. compass a) Give me the , because I want to draw a circle. b) I think we have lost our way. Wed better
use the . c) Such things are beyond the of the human mind.

3. custom a) It takes time to get used to the local and traditions. b) You must declare everything at the
c) On Saturday evening, as was his , he went downtown.

4. damage a) Youll have to pay for the caused in our restaurant. b) In case of earthquake, the insurance
company will pay the .

5. ground a) The army turned him down on medical . b) Our house in the country has extensive .
c) Desertion is a for divorce. d) Why doesnt anyone take care of this sports ?

6. minute a) He wanted to see the of the previous meeting. b) Could you wait one or two ?

7. pain a) I dont think she is in any now. b) He took great to make the evening perfect.

8. scale a) He was practising on his new piano. b) Weigh the flour on the kitchen .
c) The of this fish are very interesting.

9. spirit a) In the countryside, old women usually believe in . b) I tried singing in order to keep their
up. c) He promised he would never touch again.

10. wit a) He is known for his caustic . b) Laura is admired for her integrity and quick

XI. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. The fire produced a big damage and everybody was desperate. 2. Im sure that the book will provide important
scientific dates in the field. 3. Im trying to take photos of these wonderful lightnings. 4. The police has just
caught the criminal. 5. The speaker asked the public to take its seats. 6. Economics are not a subject that Im really
interested in. 7. Youd better put on a brace, or your trousers will fall down. 8. There were several hundred of
students in front of the University.

I. Rewrite the following sentences putting the adjectives between brackets in the correct order. Justify
your order by identifying, in each case, the adjective type:

1. She was wearing a coat (leather, elegant, black, new).
2. The Browns bought a car (German, second-hand, big, cream-coloured).
3. They used to spend their weekends in a house (small, lovely, country, modern, brick).
4. He offered his wife a dress (velvet, scarlet, evening, gorgeous, long).
5. I happened to find a statue (antique, little, marble, cheap, yellow).
6. We were impressed by the waters (cold, turbulent, greyish, deep).
7. They all sat down at a table (French, huge, dining, old, oak, brown, round).
8. He was very proud of his stick (black, stylish, walking, old-fashioned).

II. Underline the correct form in each of the following sentences:

1.We were all struck by her stone/stony expression when she entered the room. 2. He couldnt afford buying
her a gold/golden ring, so he got a silver/silvery one instead. 3. Is this a metal/metallic chair? No, it is made
of wood, but it has a metal/metallic colour. 4. She is a high/highly competitive gymnast who hates losing. 5.
Some workers were laying lead/leaden pipes outside the house. 6. He insisted that the goods should be sent to
him direct/directly. 7. The new shampoo is supposed to give you silk/silky hair in a matter of months. 8. How
are your parents? They enjoy fair/fairly good health. 9. The only heating device in the house was an old
wood/wooden stove. 10. I have travelled wide/widely, and, in one of my expeditions, I came across a woman
who lived alone deep/deeply in the forest.

III. Put the adjective at the end of each sentence into the correct place:

1. After one years preparation, well start the courses . (proper strictly so called; itself)
2. The neighbours called the police. (concerned worried)
3. Tom has always been a boy . (responsible with a sense of duty)
4. I think that, given the circumstances, he had a reaction . (proper suitable)
5. The chemicals killed any bacteria . (present at an event, in a place)
6. Nobody understood Marys long explanation . (involved complicated)
7. The man was sent to jail. (responsible who is/should be blamed for smth.)
8. You should go and talk to the teacher . (concerned connected with this)
9. The situation cannot be allowed to continue. (present existing or happening now)
10. The person has just left the office. (involved affected by or included in an event or situation)

IV. Circle the variant(s) that can fill each gap:

1. The child was comforted by his mother. (sick, afraid, frightened, ill)
2. They had stories about their travels around the world. (unlikely, galore, a-plenty, countless)
3. A speedy solution is . (main, principal, chief, crucial)
4. He was taken by the ferocity of the criticism. (aback, unawares, surprised, unaccustomed)
5. The train is almost never on time. (last, late, early, stopping)
6. This is reward for twenty years of loyal service. (due, scant, meagre, proper)

V. Use the correct form of the adjective between brackets:

1.Without (far) delay, she took her coat and left. 2. Have you seen the (late) issue of the magazine? 3. The (old)
brother is ten years (old) than the youngest. 4. Which is (good) of the two books? 5. I wont be able to finish the
project without (far) help. 6. Surprisingly enough, the (late) half of December was unusually warm. 7. I should
have entered the (near) shop and bought some more bread. 8. Although Jane is an extrovert, nobody can be sure
about her (in) thoughts and feelings. 9. Unfortunately, he is considered to be the (little) of the two critics. 10.
Who is the (old) member of your department? 11. Is this really her (late) show? Does she intend to give up
acting? 12. The matter they are discussing now is of the (out) importance. 13. If you want to get to the opera,
take (near) turning to the left. 14. As she was quite poor, the old lady decided to rent one of the (up) rooms.

VI. Complete the similes in column A with suitable elements from column B:

Column A
as melancholy as
as ugly as
as sick as
as proud as
as calm as
as merry as
as old as
as poor as
as sweet as
as drunk as
as dead as
as light as
as heavy as
as cold as
as sober as
as quick as
as strong as
as like as
as large as
as deaf as
as easy as
as flat as
as good as
as busy as
as pretty as
Column B
a church mouse
two peas
a picture
a flash
sin/ a scarecrow
a bee
a clock
a judge
a horse
a board
the hills
a feather
a cat/ a sick monkey
a dog
a cucumber
a cricket
a lord
a peacock
a doornail

VII. Rephrase the following sentences using various phrases and constructions with adjectives:

1. The Alps are a lot higher than the Pindus range. The Pindus range is nothing
2. I dont mind carrying this box. It is extremely light, as opposed to the other one, which was very heavy. I
dont mind carrying this box. It is
3. We used to be much closer than we are now. We are nowhere near
4. The children were very well-behaved while you were out. The children were as
5. They are by no means as intelligent as their father. They are far
6. Our special offer was taken up by as many as 70 000 people. No
7. There are hotels completely covering the landscape to the horizon. There are hotels as
8. If we climb higher, the view will be more beautiful. The
9. Anne is a funny girl. Do you mean amusing or strange? Do you mean funny
10. In my opinion, this novel is worse than his last one. I dont think this novel is

VIII. Translate into English:

1.Care sunt ultimele nouti legate de conflictul dintre conducere i sindicaliti? 2. Dac ai avea de ales ntre
teatru i cinematograf, ai opta pentru prima sau pentru a doua dintre alternative? 3. Cu ct mergeam mai
departe, cu att ne simeam mai uurai. 4. Am dou mere: ia-l pe cel mai mare. 5. Dei sora mea mai mare era
mai n vrst dect mine cu 4 ani, semnam ca dou picturi de ap. 6. Dac mi poi mprumuta chiar tu cartea,
cu att mai bine. 7. Tot mai puini tineri sunt interesai de astfel de probleme. 8. Ultimul su roman este foarte
reuit. Acum l ateptm cu nerbdare pe urmtorul. 9. Nu arat cu nimic mai ru n urma accidentului. 10. Ne
este din ce n ce mai greu s-i rezolvm problema. Ai minit, i asta i face greeala cu att mai grav.

I. Write questions about the italicized parts of the following sentences:

1) She stole the bread for the sake of her sick child.
2) The tower has been standing here since 1925 as a symbol of peace and friendship.
3) My grandparents live about three miles away.
4) Aunt Elizabeth is a very handsome woman.
5) Your son should drink out of the small glass.
6) She had been packing up her things for about two hours when it was time to leave for the railway station.
7) He managed to climb twenty feet up the mountain.
8) A branch of the Gulf Stream comes to the west coast of the British Isles.
9) By the way, yesterday you went off with Janes hat.
10) All the students attending that course appreciated the clarity of his presentation.
11) Our school is about half a mile beyond the playing field.
12) They catch fish and oysters by means of nets.
13) She was going to get it from the chemists.
14) He will certainly join us unless he chooses to take a different route.
15) My brother scored 120 in the IQ test.

II. Add the necessary question-tags to the following statements:

1) She really must leave for school now.
2) Frank often watched his sister acting.
3) Frank never watched his sister acting.
4) They havent any money in the bank.
5) I am disturbing you if I come now.
6) There is nowhere to sit in this room.
7) Each of you is staying overnight.
8) All of us will go to the cinema.
9) He had his car repaired last week.
10) She may join us on that trip.
11) You never used to wear a hat.
12) Youd rather I didnt contradict you.
13) He ought to have been informed about it.
14) They have a meeting every month.
15) You havent met my cousin John.
16) No one watched the building while we were away.
17) He hardly ever talks to us now.
18) Everyone likes the Physics teacher.
19) Either Jane or Mary will come to help us.
20) You have to go to Bucharest next week.

III. Add tags in order to soften the power of the following imperatives:

1) Come and see me after work tomorrow.
2) Lets take the baby to another doctor.
3) Dont sit in the managers chair.
4) Let me have a look at your composition.
5) Dont choose such a loud tone of voice.
6) Call me when she gets back to the office.

IV. Translate into English the following statement short answer pairs:

1) -N-am reuit s ajung la timp din cauza vremii.
-Nici fratele meu nu a reuit.
2) -Anul acesta am cursuri numai dup-amiaza.
-i eu la fel i nu-mi place deloc.
3) -nv spaniola de vreo ase luni i m descurc binior.
-i eu, dar nu o vorbesc prea fluent.
4) -Am s m duc s o felicit pe Ana cu ocazia zilei sale de natere.
-i eu m voi duce.
5) -Nu-mi place de noul nostru ef.
-S-i spun sincer, nici mie.

V. Rephrase the following sentences, paying attention to the word order:

1) As soon as I went to bed, someone knocked at the door.
No sooner
2) There was so much confusion that the stock exchange remained closed.
3) I wouldnt doubt her integrity for one moment.
4) If you do happen to stop at the library, could you return this book for me?
5) Its not common for there to be such heavy snowfalls in October.
6) You wont be allowed to leave until the problem has been solved.
Only ..
7) The door keeper cannot be blamed for the fire in any way.
8) The manager didnt at all suspect that his partner was trying to get rid of him.
9) Helen read the story, and also translated it into English.
Not only
10) She was extremely beautiful and men could hardly take their eyes off her.

VI. Give the negative counterparts of the following sentences:

1) Someone came to see her sometime after the accident.
2) Both Jane and Mary have handsome fathers.
3) They managed to find something interesting somewhere else.
4) If you dont get along with your boss, you can move somewhere else.
5) Its still snowing.
6) Your sister might be somehow disappointed when she finds out the truth.
7) There has been only one bus since morning.
8) She nearly always has to finish the others work.
9) Frank has brought some presents and so has John.
10) He was already there when I arrived.

VII. Translate into English:

1) Nu pot s nu-i spun c s-a nelat in aceast privin.
2) Abia dac-l cunoatem pe noul nostru coleg.
3) Nu obinuia s doarm dup-amiaza cnd era copil.
4) Nici unul dintre studeni nu trebuie s plteasc aceast tax.
5) Nici bine nu a intrat pe u, c l-au i sunat de la servici.
6) Care dintre cele dou tablouri i place?
Nici unul.
7) N-am putut trece pe la tine sptmna aceasta, i nici sptmna viitoare n-o s am timp.
8) Nu astzi suntem invitai la petrecere, ci smbta viitoare.
9) Nici Maria, nici Ana nu vor s-i spun mamei ce s-a ntmplat la coal.
10) n casa aceasta nimeni nu tie niciodat nimic.

VIII. Give the affirmative counterparts of the following negative sentences:

1) No woman will ever turn George into a good husband.
2) No one of that description ever wanted to see you.
3) The child can neither read nor write.
4) Scarcely anybody expected her to pass the exam..
5) No one must smoke in this institution.
6) They couldnt have waited there long.

IX. Rephrase the following sentences:

1) He couldnt remember the title of the novel and his colleague couldnt either.
2) They seldom argue about who should do the housework.
3) Mary accepted our suggestion and so did her husband.
Mary didnt.
4) Whenever she saw an old couple, she thought of her own parents.
She couldnt.
5) I had just resumed work when phone rang again.
6) They never thought that their plan would be successful.
At no time..
7) Nothing will make me trust him again.
There isnt
8) Are you going out tonight?, the man asked his son.
The man wanted to know..
9) Both my sister and my brother are students.
Not only..
10) We usually dont play tennis on Sundays.
We almost


I. Comment on the use of SHALL, SHOULD, WILL and WOULD in the following

1) If I had known that you needed me, I should have come earlier.
2) They will often go and spend the evening with their friends.
3) We shall pay you a visit at the end of this week.
4) Will you prepare the dinner for us tonight?
5) That would be the person that we are supposed to meet.
6) I suggested that she should find another workplace.
7) Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.
8) My car would reach over 150 kilometres an hour.
9) The conference will start tomorrow morning at 9.30.
10) You shall never speak to me like that again.
11) You should see this film, its excellent.
12) I will never lend him a book again.
13) If Frank spent more time studying, he would have better results.
14) If you should have some spare time, please help me with this translation.
15) If you will clear the table, Ill start the washing-up.
16) Shall the student wait in front of your office?
17) Lets go for a walk, shall we?
18) I told them that I should leave for Paris the following day.
19) She would go jogging every morning when she was at college.
20) This door wont open. You must repair it.

II. Rewrite the following sentences using MAY/MIGHT, MUST and CAN/COULD:

1) Perhaps it will snow again tomorrow.
2) I dont believe that Mark spoke to you like that.
3) It is possible that they missed the morning train.
4) Mary is sometimes really irritating!
5) Im sure you are tired after such a long journey.
6) It is impossible that all the members disappeared without leaving any trace.
7) Probably she left her umbrella in my fathers car.
8) I just dont believe that this is our former English teacher.
9) John looks rather ill: he probably caught a cold at the skating-rink yesterday.
10) I just didnt know that we were allowed to use our dictionaries.

III. Translate into English using MAY/MIGHT, MUST, CAN/COULD,

1) - Poate s vin i fratele meu?
- Nu, nu poate, fiindc e prea mic.
2) Am s pot trece pe la tine de ndat ce voi termina raportul.
3) Cu siguran Tom nu a scris aceast compunere. S-ar putea s fie a Anei.
4) Vei fi pedepsit dac ncalci aceste reguli.
5) Servete un sandwich. Precis i-e foame dup ce ai stat atta n aer liber.
6) Dac vrei s m asculi un moment, am s-i explic ce s-a ntmplat.
7) Dac gsii cumva cartea, cumprai-mi i mie una.
8) Nu ne-a spus nimeni c ne putem aeza aici.
9) M gndesc c s-ar fi putut s afle ceva despre noii si vecini.
10) S o ajut sau s o las s se descurce singur?
11) Sunt convins c ne-ar fi sunat dac ar fi putut.
12) Nu sunt dezamgit c nu am luat examenul.Voi reui anul viitor.

IV. Choose between DIDNT NEED TO (+infinitive) and NEEDNT HAVE (+past

1) He(buy) the dictionary, as Diane offered to lend him hers.
2) I(add) any spices to the sauce. I think somebody had already put some and now it is too hot.
3) We had wanted to repair the TV, but then we decided to buy a new one and so we(repair) it.
4) They redecorated their flat, but then they had to move. They(decorate) it.
5) John(wait) for her in front of the cinema, because she never showed up.
6) I(introduce) him to Professor Jones, as they had met some years before at a conference.
7) I(be) there at 8 oclock, which would have given me time to do the shopping.
8) I (be) there at 8 oclock, which gave me time to do the shopping.

V. Translate into English using modal verbs which express (lack of) obligation:

1) Am auzit c e n spital. Trebuie s-l vizitez zilele acestea.
2) - Trebuie s art permisul poliistului?
- Eu n-a trebuit s i-l art sptmna trecut.
3) Trebuia s fi mai precaut. Nu vezi ce repede te-au descoperit?
4) A rcit i, prin urmare, trebuie s se ntoarc acas mai repede.
5) Nu a trebuit s-i traduc scrisoarea, fiindc tie bine englezete.
6) Mai bine te-ai ntoarce sptmna viitoare, altfel riti s pierzi deschiderea.
7) Trebuie s-mi continui treaba. Trebuie s termin eseul pn mine.
8) Presupun c trebuie s-l ajutm, cel puin de dragul vremurilor trecute.
9) Nu trebuie s-i iei paltonul, fiindc nu e frig afar.
10) Nu mai trebuia s-i trimii acea scrisoare, fiindc a aflat deja despre accident.
11) Mi-a explicat foarte clar c aa ceva nu trebuie s se ntmple.
12) Spune-mi, doctore, trebuie s in regim?

VI. Rephrase using modal verbs:

1) I doubt he translated that article; he isnt that good at English.
2) Why didnt you help your colleagues when they needed you?
3) Paying the rent in advance is not necessary here.
4) Its highly probable he will arrive before dusk.
5) Its possible that she has already got our telegram.
6) They worried too much about the show, but it all went off perfectly.
7) My grandparents prefer to live in the country than in the town.
My grandparents
8) It will be better if you tell him the truth right away.
9) He finds it difficult to achieve a balance between work and play.
10) The students at the back would not listen to the young teacher.
The young teacher.

VII. Fill in the blanks with a modal verb and with the appropriate form of the verb in

I had a briefcase when I left my office, but I no longer have it now. I (1 leave) it in the taxi.
You (2 not send) for the doctor right after grandmothers faint. She recovered consciousness
After that incident, I understood myself better. I certainly wasnt as stupid as Jane was. She (3
realize) then what I was going to do, but she simply (4 not promise) not to tell anybody about that.
Giving him a cold look, John said: You (5 kill) her!
You (6 not read) Forsyte Saga in only two days. It usually takes at least one week to read it.
Heaven knows what Mrs. Brown (7 do) with so many books. I think she will start to sell them
There was an engine drivers strike and the trains (8 not leave) the station. The passengers (9
be) exasperated.
You (10 not speak) to Mary in such a rude manner. She is so sad now.

VIII. Translate into English using modal verbs:

1) - A prefera s nu m duc la film dect s te las singur acas.
- Mai bine mi-ai fi cumprat i mie bilet.
2) Maina nu pornete. Va trebui s o repar.
3) Mergeau la mare n fiecare an pe vremea cnd erau studeni.
4) Precis era nuntru, fiindc i-am auzit vocea, dar n-a deschis. Poate n-o fi auzit soneria.
5) Cum ndrzneti s-l deranjezi? Nu tii ct de ocupat este astzi?
6) Vrei s m nsoeti pn la el?
7) Nu e obinuit s i se vorbeasc aa urt.
8) - De ce nu vine cu noi la teatru?
- Trebuie s-i termine temele.
9) Dei am puin timp liber, am s te ajut.
10) De obicei era mult lume n parc la ora aceasta.
11) - S-i spun Anei ce s-a ntmplat?
- Nu, nu este cazul. De fapt, nici nu ai voie s vorbeti cu prea mult lume despre acest lucru.
12) Dei am rugat-o, nu a vrut s-mi dea numrul de telefon al profesorului.
13) N-ar ndrzni s vorbeasc aa cu un vechi prieten.
14) Nu trebuia s i ceri tu scuze. A fost numai vina lui.
15) De o vezi cumva, transmite-i salutri din partea mea.
16) Va plti pentru c mi-a nelat ncrederea!
17) - tii s schiezi?
- Nu nc, dar voi tii iarna viitoare, cnd m voi duce la Predeal.
- Eu tiam s schiez cnd aveam cinci ani.
18) mi pare ru c l-am jignit. Nu trebuia s vorbesc despre acest lucru.
19) Dac ai vrea s vii cu mine, a fi ncntat s te duc cu maina.
20) - De ce te grbeti aa?
- Trebuie s fiu la aeroport la ora 10, fiindc prietena mea vine de la Londra.

IX. Rephrase using modal verbs:

1) Visitors are prohibited from entering the private area of the castle.
2) It was very impolite of Mary not to leave a note when she left.
3) I really insist that you should solve this problem by tomorrow.
4) If by some remote chance she mentions my name, please put in a good word for me.
If she..
5) It was wrong of you to go on the trip instead of staying here to help us.
6) I had more pizza than I really needed and now Im rather sick.
7) If he refuses to lend me the money, I will talk to his wife.
If he...
8) Its typical of Mark to lose his money at cards!
9) Although he was a long way from the hospital, John managed to get there in twenty minutes.
Although he was a long way from the hospital, John
10) Dont read the whole novel unless you want to.


I. Give the passive equivalents of the following sentences. Sometimes two passive variants
are possible:

1) Someone is presenting the visitors the surroundings of the castle.
2) They are rebuilding the village which the earthquake razed to the ground.
3) It seems that they lent George a huge amount of money last year.
4) We will certainly give Jane one of these books.
5) They say that dolphins are some of the most intelligent animals.
6) No one has slept in this bed since we moved here.
7) Having greeted the students, Professor Smith sat down at his desk.
8) They promised the strikers better working conditions.

II. Consider each of the following sentences and decide whether only one or both verbs in
italics are suitable:

1) Take all the time you need, but, please, have/get the job done in the end.
2) I must have/get my shoes repaired today.
3) Everybody knew that her husband had been/had got killed in the war.
4) We had/got our car stolen, so we must go to the police.
5) On Saturday, Jane had/got her hair done as usual.
6) A lot of students were/got left behind when the school bus drove off.
7) It was really difficult, but I finally had/got the computer repaired.
8) He had/got his arm broken while playing football.

III. Whenever possible, turn the following sentences into the passive voice, paying attention
to the verb and preposition/particle combination:

1) They should go into the question of costs as soon as possible.
2) The explorers will go into the cave early in the morning.
3) Make sure that you stick the stamp on firmly before you send the envelope off.
4) Most film stars dont like people to stare at them in shops or restaurants.
5) After a discussion which lasted for more than two hours, we finally arrived at an agreement.
6) They arrived at the station five minutes late.
7) If you say that, people will certainly mock at you.
8) You should take your baby to a nursery, as they will look after him very well there.

IV. Rephrase the following sentences:

1) A burglar broke into our house while we were on holidays.
2) Its time the authorities did something about the problem of the homeless.
Its time.
3) People say that her former husband was very difficult to live with.
Her former
4) He always insists that his employees should keep to the rule.
He always
5) It is believed that the castle was built in the twelfth century.
The castle.
6) Nobody had invited the teacher to the ceremony, which annoyed him.
As he
7) At that moment, a neighbour was looking after the children for us.
At that moment, our children
8) Everybody thought that the proof had been destroyed.
The proof.
9) I hate it when people laugh at me.
I hate
10) Someone stole Marks bicycle last week.

V. Rewrite the following sentences by using the verbs in italics in the passive voice:

1) The fact that people met Johns speech with so much enthusiasm means that nobody could
have presented the issue better to the public.
2) My parents advised me not to let others criticize me.
3) The committee raised a strong objection to the Browns adopting little Mary.
4) People dont appreciate hypocrisy any more than they do violence.
5) Shouldnt we inform him about this problem privately, without anyone hearing it?
6) On their telling her that the police were following her, the woman realized that someone had
revealed her secret.
7) People say that they drew up the agreement in the presence of two witnesses.
8) When the librarian finally discovered the missing dictionary, she found that someone had torn
up most of its pages and had made notes on its covers.

VI. Translate into English the following impersonal sentences:

1) Suprafaele de acest fel pot fi curate uor dac folosii soluiile noastre.
2) Se ateapt o nou cretere a preului benzinei.
3) Se tipresc din ce n ce mai multe cri de proast calitate.
4) Portocalele se cur mai greu dac nu ai cuit.
5) Mi s-a pus o ntrebare foarte grea ieri.
6) Se pare c umbrelele se vnd cel mai bine iarna.
7) Crile poliiste se citesc, de obicei, destul de uor.
8) Se consider c acest pianist este foarte talentat.

I. Choose between Present Simple and Present Continuous:

1) I (think) you are aware of my opinion in this respect.
2) What are you doing? I (smell) Janes perfumes; they all (smell) wonderful.
3) You (see) that man over there? No, not that one! You (not look) where my finger (point).
4) Im tired of living in a flat; I (think) of moving into a house.
5) I (not hear) a word of what he (say) You (not hear) because you (not listen) carefully.
6) I just (taste) the milk. Here! How it (taste) to you?
7) Our country (have) a population of 22 million this year.
8) I (think) that you (see) too much of that snob and I (not approve) of it.
9) The court (hear) this particular part of the evidence in private.
10) Well come later, because we (have) a wonderful time at the party.
11) You (remember) the name of the woman who (sit) next to Mary?
12) She (feel) the silk in order to see how soft it is.

II. Choose between Past Simple and Present Perfect:

1) They (meet) for the first time the day before yesterday.
2) I (attend) two important meetings this week.
3) When you (be) invited to that dinner party?
4) John (call) just now and (leave) a message for you.
5) It seems that he (place) the money in a Swiss bank.
6) We all (sit) in silence for a few minutes; the teacher (start) speaking at last.
7) She (call on) me several times earlier this week.
8) You (listen) to Placido Domingo singing? You (listen) to him when he was in Romania?
9) You (be) to Spain before? Yes, we (spend) our honeymoon here last year. You (have) good
weather? No, it never (stop) raining.
10) I (visit) my grandparents last week. You (happen) to see uncle Frank, too? I (not see) him for
many years. I wonder where he is.
11) William Shakespeare (write) a lot of famous plays.
12) George (be) a professional boxer for six years. Then he gave up sports and became a businessman.

III. Identify any possible errors in the following sentences and correct them:

1) Im depending on you, so, please, dont let me down!
2) The meat is tasting a bit funny.
3) I have the feeling that something goes wrong in their marriage.
4) Whats the book youre reading?
5) Its autumn. The leaves turn yellow and fall down.
6) I understand that you work late every day! But what are you doing at weekends?
7) I think youre being rather foolish about this.
8) I sell this car. Do you want to buy it?
9) He holds a bottle in his hand.
10) How is your sister feeling now Much better.

IV. Decide whether the tense underlined is suitable or not in the context given. If you decide it is
not suitable, write a correction:

a) The strangest thing about my old aunt was that she (1) was never coming to see us if we (2) had
other guests. She (3) used to call whenever she (4) was intending to pay us a visit. And when she (5)
heard that a colleague of mine or some friends of my parents (6) promised to stop by, she (7) was
making a silly excuse and (8) was saying that we would meet some other time. Unfortunately, all our
attempts to convince her to come (9) were useless once she (10) made

her decision.
b) We (1) were in touch with the Blue River Police several weeks before detective Brown (2) was
coming here, because they (3) contacted our department, asking us to send a criminologist. However,
now it was us who (4) needed their help, because, in the meantime, one of our colleagues (5)
disappeared. Detective Brown (6) considered what we should do next when we heard a knock at the
door. It was our colleagues wife. She (7) told us that she (8) got a phone call a few minutes earlier
and a strange voice (9) announced her that her husband (10) lay

on a Hawaian beach with a superb

V. Translate into English using Present Simple/Continuous and Present Perfect

1) Copiii mei nva engleza de doi ani i acum o tiu destul de bine.
2) Arde ceva n buctria vecinilor; vd c iese fum pe fereastra lor.
3) Sptmna trecut l-am ntlnit la Universitate, dar de atunci nu mai tiu nimic de el.
4) De cnd plou?
A nceput s plou n urm cu dou zile i nu s-a mai oprit de atunci.
5) De cnd s-a ntors, st n cas i nu vorbete cu nimeni.
6) Fratele meu st cu noi luna aceasta, fiindc i-a vndut casa.
7) Sunt trei sptmni de cnd am avut acea discuie serioas i eu m gndesc ntruna la propunerea
8) Toat ziua a nvat pentru examen i acum se odihnete.
9) Auzi? Parc vorbete cineva n camera alturat!
Da, aud, dar nu neleg ce spune.
10) Sunt doi ani de cnd nu l-am mai vzut i, n tot acest timp, n-am primit nici o scrisoare de la el.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into a perfect tense in order to suggest what has occurred, had
occurred, or will have occurred to produce the situation described in each sentence:

1) Do you have any idea what the film is about? No, I (not see) it.
2) If we dont buy the tickets now, tomorrow we will no longer find any. All of them (be sold).
3) Thats the second time that someone (break) into our flat.
4) I went to see a dentist because I (have) an aching tooth for some time.
5) We (finish) your dress by tomorrow evening. It will be ready for you at 8 oclock.
6) When she first went there, she was not able to utter a single word, because she (not study) any
foreign language at school.
7) I know Bucharest very well, as I (spend) a lot of time there.
8) Then he told me that he needed my help. It was the first time that he (ask) me to do something for

VII. Rephrase the following sentences:

1) The last time I was abroad was in 2000.
I havent
2) Well have to leave immediately at the end of the lecture.
The moment.
3) The cat keeps sleeping in our bed!
The cat is
4) There will be someone to meet Professor Jones on arrival.
5) This will be our first match with a foreign team.
This will be the first time.
6) The house will take us two years to complete.
In two years time we
7) The number of people who buy books is decreasing.
8) After returning from the spa, my grandmother began to feel much better.
Since my grandmother..
9) I didnt receive an answer from him for more than two months.
It was.
10) There will be a committee members meeting tomorrow.
The committee members.

VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate tense:

1) I really (not understand) what you (do) here.
2) Anyone (see) my pen? I (put) it on this table when I (arrive).
3) When they (not call) us by 6, I (know) they (miss) the train.
4) You (go) to the seaside this weekend? Or you (run) out of money?
5) What you (think) we all (do) in ten years time?
6) Something (tell) me that the students (not listen) to a single word the teacher (say) in the last half an
7) Ann (not receive) our gift the last time she (write) me.
8) I (consider) buying a house, but now I (change) my mind.
9) Whats the matter? You (break) your leg? How it (happen)?
10) By the time we (get) there, the play (start).

IX. Translate into English using the appropriate simple, progressive or perfect tenses:

1) Ai citit ceva de Mark Twain? Care dintre romanele lui le-ai studiat la coal?
2) Am fost foarte suprat cnd mi s-a spus c spectacolul s-a terminat deja i le-am reproat prietenilor
mei c nu m-au anunat s vin mai devreme.
3) l ateptam de mai bine de o or cnd un poliist apru la u i ne spuse c Tom a fost arestat.
4) Ai mai fost vreodat la acest muzeu?
Da, l-am mai vizitat o dat cnd eram copil i am fost foarte impresionat de sala armelor. De
atunci nu am mai fost aici.
5) Ai terminat cartea ca s mi-o poi da i mie? Cnd ai terminat-o? Ct timp i-a luat s o citeti?
6) Nu scriam la compunere de mult vreme cnd am aflat c, ntre timp, primisem o alt tem.
7) Cnd s-a fcut ora zece i ea nu a venit nc am nceput s m ntreb dac nu cumva m-a neles
greit i m ateapt n alt parte.
8) Acest dramaturg a scris i cteva poezii foarte bune. Le-a scris n tineree.
9) Citeam cartea de cteva sptmni, dar nu o terminasem nc.
10) Nu intra n clas. Profesorul de francez are or acolo i nu-i place s fie deranjat. El pred de la ora
zece i nc nu a fcut pauz.


I. Supply the correct tense of the verb in brackets:

1) A lot of things (change) here since you (leave) the country.
2) Please be quiet! You continually (interrupt) your colleagues.
3) My brother (buy) that new car, but he (complain) about it ever since.
4) Its a pity you (not join) us to Mamaia last week. As you never (be) at the seaside, it (be) an
interesting experience for you.
5) When you (see) her again, you (be) impressed by the way her health (improve) since she (retire).
6) Not until we (get) there we (find out) that he (be) away on holiday.
7) Pay no attention to Mary. She just (be) sarcastic again.
8) What you (do) in the evening? Would you like to go out?
9) By the time you (return) with the drinks, I (lay) the table.
10) I thought you (come) to see me as soon as you (arrive).
11) She said she (want) (see) the movie as she (be) informed it (be) very good.
12) He told me that it (be) six days since he (arrive) in that resort, but he (not manage) to go out, as it
(rain) continuously.
13) I (work) on the book for about twenty minutes when I (remember) that I (promise) I (call) around
that hour.
14) When she (see) that you (not take) the advice she (give) you last week, she certainly (get) very

II. Translate into English using suitable present, past and future tenses:

1) Cred c familia Brad d o petrecere; aud muzic i vd o mulime de oameni intrnd la ei cu flori.
2) - Observ c eful tu poart un costum foarte elegant
- Da, el ntotdeauna se mbrac cu gust.
3) De cnd locuii n capital? Cnd ai venit s locuii aici?
4) Lucreaz n acest departament de cnd a terminat facultatea.
5) Sunt vreo zece ani de cnd am plecat din Oradea i, din pcate, n tot acest timp n-am mai fost
niciodat pe acolo.
6) Sunt vreo dou sptmni de cnd nu ne-am mai vzut, i nici n-am mai vorbit la telefon de vreo
cteva zile.
7) - De cnd n-ai mai ieit la un restaurant?
- N-am mai ieit nicieri de vreo dou sptmni, cnd am srbtorit ziua Mariei.
8) Nici bine nu am intrat pe u c a i venit la mine i mi-a spus c e de acord cu decizia pe care am
9) Dup cte neleg, ai de gnd s-mi napoiezi cartea abia dup ce va fi citit de toate rudele tale.
10) Pn aduci tu dicionarul, noi vom termina cea mai mare parte a traducerilor.
11) Urmeaz s ne ntlnim cu reprezentanii autoritilor sptmna viitoare.
12) Am s m uit la televizor n timp ce tu i scrii eseul.

III. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

1) The play was already over when we got to the theatre.
By the time.
2) This is my second visit to the British Museum.
This is the second time.
3) I havent seen a really good film at the cinema for ages.
4) This is the strangest idea you have ever had.
5) After so many weeks of hard work, they paid me nothing.
After I
6) Susan will get proper medical treatment and, then, her condition will improve.
7) My doctors appointment is for next Thursday.
I am
8) The speaker started shouting and was immediately hooted off the platform.
No sooner..
9) Whose are these clothes?
10) She wont find out the truth until the witness testifies.
Only after

IV. Fill in with the appropriate mood, voice and tense of the verbs given in brackets:

After a long silence, she asked me: What you (1)(do) all this time?
I wished I (2)(have) something remarkable to say, but, as usual, I (3)(can) only think of the plain
truth. So, I (4) (tell) her that I (5)(do) some writing and some editing, adding that I probably (6)(deal)
with that until I (7)(retire).
But I (8) (realize) that Laura (9)(not listen) to my answer, because she suddenly told me: You
(10)(look) just the same, Arthur. Actually, she (11)(be) right: I (12)(look) quite the same as I (13) (do)
in my twenties.
She (14)(add), I (15)(wish) I (16)(do), too!
But you (17)(look) wonderful! I said.
I could not help (18)(notice) that Laura (19)(smile) while she (20) (examine) me carefully.

V. Rephrase the following sentences in indirect speech beginning as shown:

1) Make sure that you dont leave the TV on all night, Bill, said his father.
His father warned
2) No, you really must visit us in our new home, said Jane.
Jane insisted
3) Ann, would you like to come on holiday with me?, said Mary.
4) Why dont you join us for dinner?, said Oscar.
Oscar suggested...
5) If he is here, he will help us, said Jane.
Jane assured us that..
6) Why werent you at school last week, Tom?, asked the teacher.
The teacher wanted to know..
7) If you hadnt been to the party yesterday, you wouldnt be so tired!
His wife told him..
8) I wish I hadnt told him what I think about him, said Helen.
Helen regretted.
9) Stand up when your teacher comes in!
He ordered.
10)Is your sister still living in her old little flat or has she moved out of it?, Jack inquired.
Jack asked me.

VI. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1) She is dying her white dress blue.
2) All those in favour of the proposal rose their hands, except for old Mr. Benton who, almost laying in
his chair, seemed to have felt asleep.
3) Neither my parents nor my sister have heard about my accident yet.
4) We scarcely got on the bus than she started telling me about her problems and she hadnt stopped
until the bus riched her stop.
5) Jacks trousers have shrunken in the wash.
6) Take your umbrella in case it will rain in the afternoon.
7) We had better called him right now and saw if he could help us.
8) The boat was born along by the current.
9) She says she had taken on a lot of responsibilities lately and was afraid she will not succeed to cope
with them unless she doesnt get some help.
10) If you studied harder, you would be able to give me the correct answer now.

VII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to use of the English tenses:

1) Ea voia s afle numrul de telefon al profesoarei, deoarece fiica ei s-a mbolnvit i nu va putea
merge la coal a doua zi.
2) Membrii comitetului discut problema de vreo trei ore, dar nu au ajuns la nici o concluzie.
3) Dup ce discutm cu directorul, ne vom duce s cutm mrfurile pe care ni le-ai artat sptmna
trecut, dup ce au plecat ceilali clieni.
4) Se plngea c e o lun de cnd nu l-a mai vzut pe Alex i c nu are nici cea mai vag idee pe unde
a fost n tot acest timp sau cnd va veni pe acas.
5) Brbatul care st de vorb cu Ana este vecinul de alturi; ei stau n faa blocului de cel puin un sfert
de or.
6) Mi-a spus c Tom nu e acas, dar s-l atept pn se ntoarce, fiindc mi va da o veste care m va
7) Cnd l-am ntrebat dac i-a telefonat Monici de ziua ei de natere, mi-a spus c nu, dar c i va
trimite o telegram.
8) Mi s-a spus c, dup ce va petrece acolo cinci ani pentru documentare, va scrie o carte.
9) Mai trziu, dup ce a terminat coala, n timp ce i cuta o slujb, s-a ntlnit cu un fost coleg care
i-a promis c o s-l ajute s se angajeze la firma unchiului su.
10) Cnd i-am telefonat, am ntrebat-o dac i la Craiova e frig, fiindc la noi sunt minus cincisprezece
grade, dei soarele strlucete nc de diminea.

VIII. Consider the following sentences and decide which of the two verbal forms is the most
appropriate in each case:

1) The plane is due to take off/ will take off in ten minutes.
2) Mary is looking/ looks wonderful today.
3) You wont have to call me because we will meet/ will be meeting a lot at school next week.
4) When you lived in Bucharest, did you use to travel/ were you travelling by underground?
5) A lot of things have happened/ happened at the office today.
6) What is happening/ happens now that the ceremony is over?
7) That was typical of John. He was always losing/ would always lose his keys in his childhood.
8) I think there is something wrong with my car: it has made/ has been making some strange noises.
9) It rained/ has rained for a week when we were at the seaside.
10) I really dont know when I will be/ am back.


I. Translate into English using, in each case, the right form of the subjunctive mood:

1) A dori s-mi fii alturi n aceste momente.
2) Am sugerat ca Alex s ne nsoeasc n expediie.
3) Am chemat un taximetru pentru ca Ana s nu piard trenul.
4) Se uita la inelul meu de parc nu l-ar mai fi vzut niciodat.
5) Orict de interesant ar fi filmul, a prefera s mergem la oper.
6) Le era team s nu se prbueasc cldirea.
7) E timpul ca tu i cu mine s lmurim nite lucruri.
8) Orice ar fi spus, tu trebuia s-l convingi s vin.
9) A fi preferat ca problema s fie tratat cu mai mult discreie.
10) Este posibil s ning la sfritul acestei luni.
11) A vrea s nu m deranjai cnd am ore.
12) A subliniat importana faptului ca toi s susinem aceast decizie.

II. Translate into English paying attention to the various types of conditional clauses and
using various kinds of conditional conjunctions:

1) Dac cumva v place prjitura, am s v trimit i vou reeta.
2) Presupunnd c a accepta propunerea, care ar fi primul pas al colaborrii noastre?
3) S-mi fi verificat mesajele mai repede, a fi aflat nc de alaltieri despre sosirea lor.
4) N-ai avea attea probleme dac n-ai fi att de mincinos.
5) Am s o in cu mine n camer cu condiia s nu m deranjeze.
6) Muncitorii vor primi mai muli bani cu condiia s i lucreze mai mult.
7) Nu ar fi suprat pe tine dac nu i-ai fi vorbit att de urt.
8) De n-ar mai fi att de frig!
9) Am s-i mprumut romanul cu condiia s mi-l napoiezi mine.
10) Ne povestea rznd c era ct pe-aci s se rsteasc la doamna din faa ei dac nu observa la
timp c e soia efului su.
11) A trebuit s m ntorc mai repede. Profesoara mi-a spus c, dac nu voi fi la coal luni
diminea, le va spune prinilor mei despre notele proaste pe care le-am luat n ultima vreme.
12) Doctorul mi-a spus c, dac ar fi n locul meu, n-ar lua acele medicamente.

III. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, and using verbs in the Subjunctive or the
Conditional Moods:

1) A teacher requires punctuality and hard work from his students.
A teacher requires that.
2) If you want my advice, Id think twice about setting out on such a storm.
If I..
3) Please dont tell anybody about my new boyfriend.
Id rather.
4) Everyone regretted not paying more attention to the instructions.
Everyone wished..
5) If Jack hadnt been interested in art, we couldnt have opened this gallery.
6) Mark is in prison because his boss caught him taking money from the safe.
If his boss..
7) Even if you returned late, you should have called me.
8) What would you do in case of fire?
9) The students should be able to translate such texts by now.
Its about time..
10) He only did that for his daughter to be happy.
He only did that...

IV. Fill in with the appropriate mood, voice and tense of the verbs given in brackets:

When I arrived at home, I (1)(tell) my mother about the old man I (2)(meet) in the
hospital and how he (3)(manage) to skip classes when he (4)(be) a schoolboy. Hardly I
(5)(finish) saying that when I (6)(realize) that I (7)(be) wiser if I (8)(hold) my tongue.
The simple mention of school (9)(give) mother ideas. She told me that, if I (10)(want) to
return to school that semester, she (11)(go) to talk to the principal and he probably (12)(let)
me start at once.
But I (13)(not want) to start at once. It (14)(be) only three weeks to the end of the
semester, I replied.
I would rather you (15)(be) more enthusiastic about it. Tomorrow I will call the
principal and tell him that you (16)(turn up) as soon as you (17)(recover) completely,
concluded mother with determination, (18)(give) me that peculiar look of hers.
Anyway, at that moment, I (19)(wish) I (20)(not say) a word about the whole story.

V. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in the capitals:

1) Without you, I would have resigned a long time ago. BEEN
2) You should go to bed now, because you have classes early in the morning. TIME
3) Im really sorry you couldnt come to the Halloween party. ONLY
4) We wont go on the trip if the weather is bad. UNLESS
5) Oscar doesnt know all the details, though he pretends to. ACTS
6) We really must solve this problem as soon as possible. IMPORTANT
7) You lied to him and now he doesnt trust you anymore. IF
8) If you do remember his name, call me later. SHOULD
9) I wont sell the necklace, not even for $1000. IF
10) He didnt mention it because he was afraid of upsetting Mary. THAT

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

On July 15
I returned home. I (1)(be) abroad with a scholarship for three years. On
(2)(see) the members of my family, who all (3)(come) to the airport to meet me, I was
somehow surprised. First of all, I realized that my little sister (4)(be) no longer little as she
(5)(grow) pretty tall. She (6)(go) to school the next year, but her behaviour was one full of
importance, as if she (7)(be) already a lady. My mother was also changed and I only
(8)(wish) she (9)(be) able to preserve her young spirit throughout the years. As far as my
father was concerned, he (10)(put on) some weight and it was obvious that in a few years time
his health (11)(fail) if he (12)(not take) proper care of himself after he (13)(retire).
I said to myself: I (14)(notice) all these changes now if I (15)(not be) far away
from my family for such a long time? Probably not. But how much I myself (16)(change) in the
last three years? I wanted to ask that aloud, but I was afraid I (17)(get) an answer which I
(18)(not like). Therefore, I decided I had better (19)(leave) those philosophical
considerations aside and I started telling my family about what I (20)(do) while I was away.

VII. Translate into English:

1) Spunea s o suni pe la ora zece, deoarece, i dac o s mearg la cumprturi, tot va ajunge
acas pn atunci.
2) A ieit pe ua din spate, fiindc i era team s nu se ntlneasc cu profesorul de la a crui or
a lipsit sptmna trecut.
3) Profesorul de literatur i-a spus Mariei c nu o crede c a citit romanul, fiindc, dac ar fi
fcut-o, cu siguran i-ar fi amintit numele acelui personaj.
4) A spus c, dac are timp sptmna viitoare, cnd prietena ei va sosi n Bucureti, i va arta
cteva dintre locurile cele mai frumoase ale capitalei.
5) Poliistul a ordonat ca grevitii s elibereze oseaua, fiindc ncurcau circulaia nc de
diminea i spuneau c nu vor pleca acas pn nu vor discuta cu directorul.
6) tiam c George ar fi preferat ca i directoarea s fie prezent, dar bnuiam c se consola cu
ideea c, dac aceasta ar fi venit, nici nu s-ar mai fi putut ocupa de ceilali invitai.
7) A spus s l atept pn se va ntoarce, fiindc are s-mi dea dou veti care m vor bucura.
8) Chiar dac i se va prea c e prea trziu, s-l suni neaprat cnd ajungi acas, fiindc el va
atepta mesajul tu.

VIII. Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not and give reasons for
your decision:

1) If you should happen to find the article, call me right away.
2) If it isnt for your brother, we are missing the train.
3) I hope I would see him again.
4) Supposing your father will find out, what will you do?
5) Youd better stop now lest you should get too tired.
6) I knew that if he was at home, he would help me.
7) No matter what you should do, Ill be by your side.
8) If you will behave like that, no wonder that people start avoiding you.
9) If only I knew then what I know now.
10) If they havent contacted us yet, they havent got our letter.


I. Translate into English using various Infinitival and Participial constructions:

1) Se spune c e un pianist foarte talentat, dar din pcate eu nu l-am auzit niciodat cntnd.
2) Cnd recepia s-a ncheiat, toi invitaii au plecat n limuzine i alte maini de lux.
3) Vreau s-mi strmtez rochia, deoarece am slbit mult n ultima vreme.
4) A rmas pe loc, spernd c, pn la urm, cineva va observa c st n mijlocul ncperii.
5) Dei mi-am plombat mseaua n urm cu o lun, mine va trebui s o scot, fiindc m tot doare de
6) Se ateapt ca muli studeni s refuze categoric s plteasc un pre att de mare pentru acel
7) Dac vremea ne va permite, vom face o excursie n muni la sfritul acestei sptmni.
8) Dac nu i-a fi auzit chiar eu certndu-se n fiecare sear, a fi crezut c au o csnicie foarte reuit.
9) A trebuit s-i fac un palton nou, deoarece cel vechi se rupsese.
10) Se spune c a fost chemat i el la edin, dar nu s-a dus fiindc eful su l-a sftuit s rmn
11) Sptmna trecut secretara a fost prins scotocind prin biroul directorului i a fost imediat
12) Dac i-ai fi zugrvit apartamentul n var, ai fi putut gsi pe cineva capabil s o fac bine.

II. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the Gerund and add the correct preposition:

1) Lily is certainly unused (wake up) so early in the morning.
2) The members of the board consented (give) him the loan.
3) They were pleased the plan (work) up to the end.
4) There can be no objection Marks (join) the rescue team.
5) I had difficulty (find) someone able to tune my piano.
6) The party was organized her (be informed) about it.
7) Oscars success (save) the little girls life turned them into a local hero.
8) I was uneasy in my mind his (leave) just a few minutes before the storm started.
9) You are so perfect (spoil) my day with your never-ending complaints.
10) We could help her get over this difficult moment (keep) her spirits up.

III. Consider the following sentences and use the verbs between brackets in either gerund or

1) To get to work in time means (get up) at 6.30 and (catch) the 7.30 bus.
2) We stopped (talk) to our teacher about the exam that we would take the following week.
3) Look at Peters trousers! It seems that they really need (iron).
4) I hate (interrupt) our chat, but I have a lot of work to do for tomorrow.
5) Im sorry! I regret (say) that you are a fool.
6) She tried (speak) English when she was in London, but nobody understood her.
7) In times of stress, he is so focused on his problems that he sometimes forgets (eat).
8) I mean (help) you as long as you really want to be helped.
9) I suggested (take) a taxi and they all agreed.
10) I regret (say) that you were wrong to take the book without permission.
11) Stop (eat)! Dont you see how fat you have grown?
12) Suddenly I heard a voice that I remembered often (hear) before.

IV. Translate into English using, wherever possible, Gerundial constructions:

1) Nu pot s nu m gndesc la prietenul nostru Alex, care ne-a invitat la expoziia lui, dar nu ne-am
putut duce.
2) Nu suport ca toat lumea s-mi spun ct de mult am greit cnd mi-am dat demisia.
3) N-a putea s descriu plcerea ei cnd i-a revzut fiul dup atia ani.
4) Pantofii trebuie curai nainte de a fi lustruii.
5) A ncercat s discute cu eful su, dar nu a obinut nici un rezultat.
6) Abia ateapt s-i redobndeasc libertatea dup ce a stat apte ani n nchisoare.
7) A recunoscut c a furat portmoneul numai dup ce poliia i-a gsit amprentele pe el.
8) Am uitat c i-am spus deja de edin i, prin urmare, toat dimineaa am ncercat s dau de tine.
9) Nu sunt obinuit s m mbrac att de formal la petreceri.
10) Ana va fi suprat c am minit-o; de fapt, nici nu m pricep s spun minciuni.

V. Rephrase the following sentences, using various non-finite forms of the verb:

1) They say that John was driving at more than 100 miles an hour when he had the fatal accident.
John ..
2) How kind of her to promise that she would help us!
He gladly remembered..
3) I am thinking of getting someone to put a new lock on the door.
I am thinking
4) He really believed that I would pass that difficult exam.
He really believed in..
5) She said it was true she had photocopied the secret documents.
She admitted...
6) They soon reported that the escaped prisoners had been recaptured.
They soon reported the escaped prisoners
7) Ive been invited to attend the lecture and Im looking forward to it.
Im looking.
8) Now that the judge has heard the final testimony, he will be able to give the verdict.
9) I have heard a rumour that your former wife is living somewhere in Italy.
Your former
10) The thief eventually confessed that he had stolen the car.
The thief eventually confessed.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the right non-finite form and add, if necessary, the correct

1) They succeeded (persuade) the authorities to start a campaign against nuclear weapons.
2) In my school days I remember (be/make) to wake up at 6.30 in order to revise my lessons once
3) My husband tried (repair) the TV, but he couldnt.
4) Although football is not exactly my cup of tea, I liked (watch) that match with my friends.
5) I will never forget (congratulate) you on your wedding anniversary.
6) She tried (use) that new detergent, but she still couldnt get the coffee stains out of the tablecloth.
7) The Parliament is sure (pass) a law against smoking in public places.
8) He will certainly be amazed (find out) what happened there.
9) We would like the problem (treat) with discretion.
10) Although she is quite sure (get) a good mark, she is still anxious to see the results.
11) I really think that the hotel needs (restore).
12) He seems (lend) his brother-in-law two thousand dollars, which now he is trying hard to get back.

VII. Decide on the nature of the ing-forms in the following sentences and give reasons for your

1) The doctor walking next to the injured girl is an old friend of my fathers.
2) Walking at least for an hour every day is important for everyones health.
3) My old uncle cannot take a step without his walking stick
4) I watched Mary walking down the street in her new furcoat.
5) Walking along the river, I heard someone crying for help.
6) I dont want to take the bus, because Im used to walking to my office.
7) The slowly walking woman is Georges grandmother.
8) She was seen walking up and down outside his house.
9) I hate Johns walking with his hands in his pockets.
10) Diane walking the dog that morning, I was able to sleep till ten oclock.

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way as to contain the words in capital:

1) Receiving the inheritance enabled us to buy a bigger house. MEANT
2) He came home unexpectedly and found his two sons smoking. COMING
3) It was quite warm when I left home, so I didnt put on my coat. BEING
4) I stepped into the empty room, and this gave me a strange feeling. STEPPING
5) Shes quite happy to look after the children for you. MIND
6) He didnt want to listen to Annes story, as he had heard it all before. HAVING
7) If you work for us, youll have a lot of money, but little spare time. INVOLVES
8) John was just stealing the money when the police appeared. WAS CAUGHT
9) My sister must go to the dentists for filling today. FILLED
10) Im sorry that I couldnt let you know earlier. REGRET

IX. Identify the possible errors in the following sentences and correct them:

1) He is sure of having stolen the jewels, but the police just cant make him confess.
2) Travelling by bus, one of grandmothers china vases got broken.
3) After having agreed on the agenda, they went on to talk about the results of the elections.
4) We regret informing you that your application was rejected.
5) Wanting to restore her parents old house, Jane asked me to contact the best designers in town.
6) She made every single person in that huge audience to cry with the story of her sad childhood.
7) I dont remember to have told Jim that he might join our team.
8) The Bartons had their house destroyed in that terrible earthquake.
9) The University forbids the students smoking on the corridors.
10) Parents should discourage their children against taking any kinds of drugs.

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