Mars Orbiter Mission: List of Missions To Mars

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Mars Orbiter Mission

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This article is about the Indian Mars probe. For other Mars orbiters, see List of missions to Mars.
Mars Orbiter Mission
Artist's renderin of the MOM orbitin Mars
Mission type Mars orbiter
Operator I!"O
COSPAR ID #$%&'$($A
SATCAT &)&*$
Website +++.isro.or,mars,home.asp-
Mission duration ( months .planned/
Spacecraft properties
Bus I'%2
Manufacturer I!A3
Launch ass %,&&* k .#,)45 lb/
Dry ass 6$$ k .%,%$$ lb/
Pay!oad ass %6 k .&& lb/
Diensions %.6'metre .4 ft %% in/ cube
Po"er 54$ +atts
Start of ission
Launch date 6 7o8ember #$%&, $)9$5 :T3
Roc#et ;!L<'=L 3#6
Launch site !atish >ha+an FL;
Contractor I!"O
Orbita! paraeters
Reference syste Areocentric
Periareon 4#% km .#(# mi/
Apoareon *(,))& km .4*,54% mi/
Inc!ination %6$.$?
Period *& hours
$poch ;lanned
Mars orbiter
Orbita! insertion
#4 !eptember #$%4, $#9$$ :T3
M!> 6$$#* $(9#* AMT
The Mars Orbiter Mission .MOM/, also called Mangalyaan @Mars'craft@ .!anskrit maala @Mars@ A
yBna @craft@/,
is a Mars orbiter launched into Carth orbit on 6 7o8ember #$%& by the Indian !pace
"esearch Oranisation .I!"O/.
It +as successfully inserted into Mars orbit on #4 !eptember #$%4,
makin India the first Asian nation to send a satellite into Mars orbit, and the first nation in the +orld to do so
on its first attempt.
The mission is a @technoloy demonstrator@ proDect aimin to de8elop the technoloies reEuired for desin,
plannin, manaement, and operations of an interplanetary mission.
It carries fi8e instruments, one of +hich,
a methane detector, +ill particularly ad8ance kno+lede about Mars.
The Mars Orbiter Mission probe lifted'off from the First Launch ;ad at !atish >ha+an !pace 3entre !FA",
!riharikota, Andhra ;radesh, usin a ;olar !atellite Launch <ehicle .;!L</ rocket 3#6 at $)9$5 :T3 .%49&5
I!T/ on 6 7o8ember #$%&.
The launch +indo+ +as appro-imately #$ days lon and started on #5 October
The MOM probe spent about a month in Carth orbit, +here it made a series of se8en altitude'raisin
orbital manoeu8res before trans'Mars inDection on &$ 7o8ember #$%& .:T3/.
It is India's first interplanetary mission and I!"O has become the fourth space aency to reach Mars, after the
!o8iet space proram, 7A!A, and the Curopean !pace Aency.
The spacecraft is currently bein
monitored from the !pacecraft 3ontrol 3entre at I!"O Telemetry, Trackin and 3ommand 7et+ork .I!T"A3/
in Ganalore +ith support from Indian >eep !pace 7et+ork .I>!7/ antennae at Gyalalu.
% Fistory
o %.% Team
# ObDecti8es
& !pacecraft specifications
o &.% Mass
o &.# Gus
o &.& ;o+er
o &.4 ;ropulsion
o &.6 3ommunications
4 ;ayload
6 Telemetry and command
( Mission profile
o (.% Launch
o (.# Orbit raisin manoeu8res
o (.& Trans'Mars inDection
o (.4 TraDectory correction manoeu8res
o (.6 Mars orbit insertion
* !tatus
5 "eferences
) C-ternal links
The MOM mission concept bean +ith a feasibility study in #$%$, after the launch of lunar satellite
3handrayaan'% in #$$5. The o8ernment of India appro8ed the proDect on & Auust #$%#,
after the Indian
!pace "esearch Oranisation completed %#6 crore .:!H#% million/ of reEuired studies for the orbiter.
total proDect cost may be up to 464 crore .:!H*4 million/.
The satellite costs %6& crore .:!H#6 million/
and the rest of the budet has been attributed to round stations and relay uprades that +ill be used for other
I!"O proDects.
The space aency had initially planned the launch on #5 October #$%& but +as postponed to 6 7o8ember #$%&
follo+in the delay in I!"O's spacecraft trackin ships to take up pre'determined positions due to poor +eather
in the ;acific Ocean.
Launch opportunities for a fuel'sa8in Fohmann transfer orbit occur about e8ery #(
months, in this case, #$%( and #$%5.
The Mars Orbiter's on'orbit mission life +ill be bet+een si- and ten
Assembly of the ;!L<'=L launch 8ehicle, desinated 3#6, started on 6 Auust #$%&.
The mountin of the
fi8e scientific instruments +as completed at I!"O !atellite 3entre, Ganalore, and the finished spacecraft +as
shipped to !riharikota on # October #$%& for interation to the ;!L<'=L launch 8ehicle.
The satellite's
de8elopment +as fast'tracked and completed in a record %6 months.
>espite the :! federal o8ernment
shutdo+n, 7A!A reaffirmed on 6 October #$%& it +ould pro8ide communications and na8iation support to the
I!"O chairman stated in 7o8ember #$%& that if the MOM and 7A!A's orbiter MA<C7 +ere
successful, they +ould complement each other in findins and help understand Mars better.
The I!"O plans to send a follo+'up mission +ith a reater scientific payload to Mars in the #$%*I#$#$
timeframeJ it +ould include an orbiter and a stationary lander.
!ome of the leadin scientists +orkin on the Mars Orbiter Mission proDect are9
2. "adhakrishnan I 3hairman, I!"O
M.K.!. ;rasad I >irector, !atish >ha+an !pace 3enter !riharikota
A. !. 2iran 2umar I >irector, !A3
<. Adimurthy I Mission 3oncept >esiner, MOM
Myls+amy Annadurai I ;roramme >irector, MOM
G. !. 3handrashekar I >irector, I!T"A3
;. "obert I Operations >irector, MOM
!ubbiah Arunan I ;roDect >irector, MOM
<. 2esa8araDu I ;ost'Launch Mission >irector, MOM
;. Ckambaram I Operations >irector, MOM
;. 2unhikrishnan I Launch Mission >irector, ;!L<'=L
Litendra 7ath Mos+ami I >irector, ;hysical "esearch Laboratory I!"O
!. 2. !hi8kumar I Orbitin payload >irector, I!A3
G. Layakumar I Launch <ehicle >irector, ;!L<
The primary obDecti8e of the Mars Orbiter Mission is to sho+case India's rocket launch systems, spacecraft'
buildin and operations capabilities.
!pecifically, the primary obDecti8e is to de8elop the technoloies
reEuired for desin, plannin, manaement and operations of an interplanetary mission, comprisin the
follo+in maDor tasks9
desin and realisation of a Mars orbiter +ith a capability to perform Carth'bound maneu8res, cruise
phase of &$$ days, Mars orbit insertion , capture, and on'orbit phase around MarsJ
deep'space communication, na8iation, mission plannin and manaementJ
incorporate autonomous features to handle continency situations.
The secondary obDecti8e is to e-plore Mars' surface features, morpholoy, mineraloy and Martian atmosphere
usin indienous scientific instruments.
Spacecraft specifications
The lift'off mass +as %,&6$ k .#,)5$ lb/, includin 56# k .%,5*5 lb/ of propellant.
The spacecraft's bus is a modified I'% 2 structure and propulsion hard+are confiuration, similar to
3handrayaan %, India's lunar orbiter that operated from #$$5 to #$$), +ith specific impro8ements and uprades
needed for a Mars mission.
The satellite structure is constructed of an aluminium and composite fibre
reinforced plastic .3F";/ sand+ich construction.
Clectric po+er is enerated by three solar array panels of %.5 m N %.4 m .6 ft %% in N 4 ft * in/ each .*.6( m

.5%.4 sE ft/ total/, for a ma-imum of 54$ +atts of po+er eneration in Mars orbit. Clectricity is stored in a &(
Ah Li'ion battery.
A liEuid fuel enine +ith a thrust of 44$ ne+tons is used for orbit raisin and insertion into Mars orbit. The
orbiter also has eiht ##'ne+ton thrusters for attitude control.
Its propellant mass is 56# k.
3ommunications are handled by t+o #&$'+att TWTAs and t+o coherent transponders. The antenna array
consists of a lo+'ain antenna, a medium'ain antenna and a hih'ain antenna. The hih'ain antenna system
is based on a sinle #.#'metre .* ft & in/ reflector illuminated by a feed at !'band. It is used to transmit and
recei8e the telemetry, trackin, commandin and data to and from the Indian >eep !pace 7et+ork.
Scientific instruments
LAP Lyman-Alpha Photometer 1.97 kg
MSM Methane Sensor For Mars 2.94 kg
Mars Exospheric Neutral
Composition Analyser
3.56 kg
TIS Thermal Infrared Imain Spectrometer 3.2 kg
MCC Mars Colour Camera 1.27 kg
The %6 k .&& lb/ scientific payload consists of fi8e instruments9
Atmospheric studies
Lyman'Alpha ;hotometer .LA;/ I a photometer that measures the relati8e abundance of deuterium and
hydroen from Lyman'alpha emissions in the upper atmosphere. Measurin the deuterium,hydroen
ratio +ill allo+ an estimation of the amount of +ater loss to outer space.
Methane !ensor For Mars .M!M/ I +ill measure methane in the atmosphere of Mars, if any, and map
its sources.
;article en8ironment studies
Mars C-ospheric 7eutral 3omposition Analyser .MC73A/ I is a Euadrupole mass analyser capable of
analysin the neutral composition of particles in the e-osphere.
!urface imain studies
Thermal Infrared Imain !pectrometer .TI!/ I +ill measure the temperature and emissi8ity of the
Martian surface, allo+in for the mappin of surface composition and mineraloy of Mars.
Mars 3olour 3amera .M33/ I +ill pro8ide imaes in the 8isual spectrum, pro8idin conte-t for the
other instruments.
Te!eetry and coand
Further information9 Telemetry and Telecommand
The Indian !pace "esearch Oranisation Telemetry, Trackin and 3ommand 7et+ork performed na8iation
and trackin operations for the launch +ith round stations at !riharikota, ;ort Glair, Grunei and Giak in
and after the spacecraft's apoee became more than %$$,$$$ km, an %5'metre .6) ft/ and an &# m
.%$6 ft/ diameter antenna of the Indian >eep !pace 7et+ork +ere utilised.
The %5'metre .6) ft/ dish'antenna
+as used for communication +ith the craft until April #$%4, after +hich the larer &# m .%$6 ft/ antenna +as
7A!A's >eep !pace 7et+ork is pro8idin position data throuh its three stations located in 3anberra,
Madrid and Moldstone on the :! West 3oast durin the non'8isible period of I!"O's net+ork.
The !outh
African 7ational !pace Aency's .!A7!A/ Fartebeesthoek .FG2/ round station is also pro8idin satellite
trackin, telemetry and command ser8ices.
Mission profi!e
Timeline of operations
Phase Date $'ent Detai! Resu!t Reference(s)
6 7o8ember #$%&
$)9$5 :T3
Gurn time9 %69&6
min in 6 staes
#&,66$ km
( 7o8ember #$%&
%)94* :T3
Orbit raisin manoeu8re Gurn time9 4%( sec
#&,66$ km to
#5,5#6 km
* 7o8ember #$%&
#$945 :T3
Orbit raisin manoeu8re
Gurn time9 6*$.(
#5,5#6 km to
4$,%5( km
5 7o8ember #$%&
#$94$ :T3
Orbit raisin manoeu8re Gurn time9 *$* sec
4$,%5( km to
*%,(&( km
%$ 7o8ember #$%&
#$9&( :T3
Orbit raisin manoeu8re Incomplete burn
*%,(&( km to
*5,#*( km
%% 7o8ember #$%&
#&9&& :T3
Orbit raisin manoeu8re
Gurn time9 &$&.5
*5,#*( km to
%%5,(4# km
%6 7o8ember #$%&
%)96* :T3
Orbit raisin manoeu8re
Gurn time9 #4&.6
%%5,(4# km to
%)#,5*4 km
&$ 7o8ember
#$%&, %)9%) :T3
0 0Trans'Mars inDection11
Gurn time9 %&#5.5)
>ecember #$%& I
!eptember #$%4
En route to Mars I The probe +as tra8ellin a distance of
*5$,$$$,$$$ kilometres .45$,$$$,$$$ mi/ in a parabolic
traDectory around the !un
to reach Mars. As of ) Lune #$%4,
the probe had tra8elled 4($ million km in its path to Mars, and
+as about %$$ million km a+ay from Carth.
This phase plan
includes up to four traDectory corrections if needed.
%% >ecember #$%&
$%9$$ :T3
%st TraDectory correction Gurn time9 4$.6 sec !uccess
) April #$%4
#nd TraDectory
correction .planned/
7ot reEuired
"escheduled for %%
Lune #$%4
%% Lune #$%4 %%9$$
#nd TraDectory
Gurn time9 %( sec !uccess
Auust #$%4
&rd TraDectory correction
7ot reEuired
06)10(51 0(%10(41
## !eptember #$%4 &rd TraDectory correction Gurn time9 4 sec !uccess
#4 !eptember #$%4 Mars orbit insertion
Gurn time9 #4 min
O %4 sec
As oriinally concei8ed, I!"O +ould ha8e launched MOM on its ne+ Meosynchronous !atellite Launch
<ehicle .M!L</,
but the M!L< has failed t+ice in t+o space missions in #$%$, I!"O is still sortin out issues
+ith its cryoenic enine,
and it +as not ad8isable to +ait for the ne+ batch of rockets since that +ould ha8e
delayed the MOM proDect for at least three years.
I!"O had to make a choice bet+een delayin the Mars
Orbiter Mission and s+itchin to the less'po+erful ;!L<. They opted for the latter. There is no +ay to launch
on a direct'to'Mars traDectory +ith the ;!L< as it does not ha8e the po+er. Instead, I!"O launched it into Carth
orbit first and slo+ly boosted it into an interplanetary traDectory usin multiple periee burns to ma-imiPe the
Oberth effect.
On %) October #$%&, I!"O chairman 2. "adhakrishnan announced that the launch had to be postponed by a
+eek as a result of a delay of a crucial telemetry ship reachin FiDi. The launch +as rescheduled for 6
7o8ember #$%&.
I!"O's ;!L<'=L placed the satellite in Carth orbit at $)96$ :T3, on 6 7o8ember #$%&,

+ith a periee of #(4.% km, an apoee of #&,)$&.( km, and inclination of %).#$ derees,
+ith both the
antenna and all three sections of the solar panel arrays deployed.
>urin the first three orbit raisin
operations, I!"O proressi8ely tested the spacecraft systems.
The orbiter's dry mass is 6$$ k .%,%$$ lb/, and it carries 56# k .%,5*5 lb/ of fuel and o-idiser. Its main enine,
+hich is a deri8ati8e of the system used on India's communications satellites, uses the bipropellant combination
monomethylhydraPine and dinitroen tetro-ide to achie8e the thrust necessary for escape 8elocity from Carth. It
+ill also be used to slo+ do+n the probe for Mars orbit insertion and subseEuently, for orbit corrections.
Orbit raisin* anoeu'res
Orbit traDectory diaram .not to scale/.
!e8eral orbit raisin operations +ere conducted from the !pacecraft 3ontrol 3entre .!33/ at I!"O Telemetry,
Trackin and 3ommand 7et+ork .I!T"A3/ at ;eenya, Ganalore on (, *, 5, %$, %# and %( 7o8ember by usin
the spacecraft's on'board propulsion system and a series of periee burns. The aim +as to radually build up the
necessary escape 8elocity .%%.# km,s/ to break free from Carth's ra8itational pull +hile minimisin propellant
use. The first three of the fi8e planned orbit raisin manoeu8res +ere completed +ith nominal results, +hile the
fourth +as only partially successful. Fo+e8er, a subseEuent supplementary manoeu8re raised the orbit to the
intended altitude aimed for in the oriinal fourth manoeu8re. A total of si- burns +ere completed +hile the
spacecraft remained in Carth orbit, +ith a se8enth burn conducted on &$ 7o8ember to insert MOM into a
heliocentric orbit for its transit to Mars.
The first orbit'raisin manoeu8re +as performed on ( 7o8ember #$%& at %)94* :T3 +hen the 44$ ne+tons
.)) lb
/ liEuid enine of the spacecraft +as fired for 4%( seconds. With this enine firin, the spacecraft's
apoee +as raised to #5,5#6 km, +ith a periee of #6# km.
The second orbit raisin manoeu8re +as
performed on * 7o8ember #$%& at #$945 :T3, +ith a burn time of 6*$.( seconds resultin in an apoee of
4$,%5( km.
The third orbit raisin manoeu8re +as performed on 5 7o8ember #$%& at #$94$ :T3, +ith a
burn time of *$* seconds resultin in an apoee of *%,(&( km.
The fourth orbit raisin manoeu8re, startin at #$9&( :T3 on %$ 7o8ember #$%&, imparted an incremental
8elocity of &6 m,s to the spacecraft instead of the planned %&6 m,s as a result of underburn by the motor.

Gecause of this, the apoee +as boosted to *5,#*( km instead of the planned %$$,$$$ km.
When testin the
redundancies built'in for the propulsion system, the flo+ to the liEuid enine stopped, +ith conseEuent
reduction in incremental 8elocity. >urin the fourth orbit burn, the primary and redundant coils of the solenoid
flo+ control 8al8e of 44$ ne+ton liEuid enine and loic for thrust aumentation by the attitude control
thrusters +ere bein tested. When both primary and redundant coils +ere enerised toether durin the planned
modes, the flo+ to the liEuid enine stopped. Operatin both the coils simultaneously is not possible for future
operations, ho+e8er they could be operated independently of each other, in seEuence.
As a result of the
fourth planned burn comin up short, an additional unscheduled burn +as performed on %# 7o8ember #$%&
that increased the apoee to %%5,(4# km,
a slihtly hiher altitude than oriinally intended in the fourth
The apoee +as raised to %)#,5*4 km on %6 7o8ember #$%&, %)96* :T3 in the final orbit
raisin manoeu8re.
Trans+Mars in&ection
!imulated 8ie+ of Mars Orbiter Mission alon +ith .left to riht/ Mars, Carth, Mercury and !un on &rd October
#$%4 at %*$$ :T3. The Mars Orbiter Mission satellite is at an altitude of about %&$$ miles from Mars at the
Further information9 Trans'Mars InDection
On &$ 7o8ember #$%& at %)9%) :T3, a #&'minute enine firin initiated the transfer of MOM a+ay from Carth
orbit and on heliocentric traDectory to+ard Mars.
The probe +as tra8ellin a distance of *5$,$$$,$$$
kilometres .45$,$$$,$$$ mi/ to reach Mars.
Tra&ectory correction anoeu'res
Four traDectory corrections +ere oriinally planned, but only three +ere carried out.
The first traDectory
correction manoeu8re .T3M/ +as carried out on %% >ecember #$%&, $%9$$ :T3, by firin the ## ne+tons
.4.) lb
/ thrusters for a duration of 4$.6 seconds.
As obser8ed in April #$%4, MOM is follo+in the desined
traDectory so closely that the traDectory correction manoeu8re planned in April #$%4 +as not reEuired. The
second traDectory correction manoeu8re +as performed on %% Lune #$%4, at %(9&$ hrs I!T by firin the
spacecraft's ## ne+ton thrusters for a duration of %( seconds.
The third planned traDectory correction
manoeu8re +as postponed, due to the orbiter's traDectory closely matchin the planned traDectory.
The third
traDectory correction +as also a deceleration test &.) seconds lon on ## !eptember #$%4.
Mars orbit insertion
The plan +as for an insertion into Mars orbit on #4 !eptember #$%4,
appro-imately # days after the arri8al
of 7A!A's MA<C7 orbiter.
The 44$7 liEuid apoee motor +as successfully test fired at $)9$$ :T3 .%49&$
I!T/ on ## !eptember for &.)(5 seconds, about 4% hours before actual orbit insertion.
On #4 !eptember #$%4, at I!T $49%*9&# satellite communication chaned o8er to the medium ain antenna. At
I!T $(96(9&# for+ard rotation started and locked the position to fire, at I!T $*9%49&# an attitude control
manoeu8re took place +ith the help of thrusters after eclipse started at I!T $*9%#9%) and LAM .LiEuid Apoee
Motor/ starts burnin at I!T $*9%*9&# and ends at I!T $*94%94(. After that re8erse manoeu8re took place, the
spacecraft successfully enters Martian orbit.
First imae taken by Mars Orbiter Mission of Mars' surface
The orbit insertion put MOM in a hihly elliptical orbit around Mars, +ith a period of *& hours and a periapsis
of 4#% km .#(# mi/ and apoapsis of *(,))&.( km .4*,54%.( mi/.
3ommissionin and checkout operations are
planned o8er the comin +eeks to prepare MOM's instruments for science operations.
%. @Mars Orbiter !pacecraft completes Cnine Test, fine'tunes its 3ourse@. Spaceflight 101. ##
!eptember #$%4. "etrie8ed #$%4'$)'#4.
#. @Mars Orbiter !pacecraft@. ISRO. 7o8ember #$%&. "etrie8ed ( 7o8ember #$%&.
&. @Mars Orbiter Mission I !pacecraft@. I!"O. 6 7o8ember #$%&. "etrie8ed 4 February #$%4.
4. @Mars Orbiter Mission I ;ayloads@ .;>F/. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). I!"O.
October #$%&. "etrie8ed 5 October #$%&.
6. @India to launch Mars Orbiter Mission on 7o8ember 6@. NDT. ## October #$%&. "etrie8ed %)
October #$%&.
(. @Mars Orbiter Mission I Launch <ehicle@. I!"O. "etrie8ed 4 February #$%4.
*. @Indian ;robe in Mars Orbit@. !pace 7e+s. #4 !eptember #$%4. "etrie8ed #( !eptember #$%4.
5. @Mars Orbiter Mission@. I!"O. "etrie8ed 4 February #$%4.
). @India becomes first country to enter MarsQ orbit on their first attempt@. !erald Sun. #4
!eptember #$%4 in Mornin 59%6 Indian Time. "etrie8ed #4 !eptember #$%4.
%$. http9,,nssdc.sfc.nasa.o8,nmc,spacecraft>isplay.doRidS#$%&'$($A
%%. @India's First Mars ;robe Makes Fistoric "ed ;lanet Arri8al@. ! !eptember #&, #$%4.
@The MOM probe, +hich is named Manalyaan .!anskrit for @Mars 3raft@/, e-ecuted a #4'minute
orbital insertion burn Tuesday niht, endin a %$'month space Dourney that bean +ith the spacecraft's
launch on 7o8. 6, #$%&@
%#. Walton, Tach .%6 Auust #$%#/. @India Announces Mars Mission One Week After Landin@.
"eb #ro Ne$s. "etrie8ed 5 !eptember #$%&.
%&. !taff .%6 Auust #$%#/. @Manmohan !inh formally announces India's Mars mission@. The
!indu. "etrie8ed &% Auust #$%#.
%4. Gal, Fartosh !inh .&$ Auust #$%#/. @G"I3! in !pace@. Ne$ %or& Ti'es. "etrie8ed &% Auust
%6. ;atairiya, ;a+an 2umar .#& 7o8ember #$%&/. @Why India Is Moin to Mars@. Ne$ %or& Ti'es.
"etrie8ed #& 7o8ember #$%&.
%(. @India's Mars satellite successfully enters orbit, brinin country into space elite@. The (uardian.
#4 !eptember #$%4. "etrie8ed #$%4'$)'#4. @India has become the first nation to send a satellite into
orbit around Mars on its first attempt, and the first Asian nation to do so.@
%*. @India becomes first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit, Doins elite lobal space club@. The
"ashington #ost. #4 !eptember #$%4. "etrie8ed #$%4'$)'#4. @India became the first Asian nation to
reach the "ed ;lanet +hen its indienously made unmanned spacecraft entered the orbit of Mars on
%5. @India's spacecraft reaches Mars orbit ... and history@. )NN. #4 !eptember #$%4. "etrie8ed
#$%4'$)'#4. @India's Mars Orbiter Mission successfully entered Mars' orbit Wednesday mornin,
becomin the first nation to arri8e on its first attempt and the first Asian country to reach the "ed
%). Farris, Mardiner .#4 !eptember #$%4/. @On a !hoestrin, India !ends Orbiter to Mars on Its First
Try@. Ne$ %or& Ti'es. "etrie8ed #6 !eptember #$%4.
#$. !taff .!eptember #$%#/. @Manalyaan 'Mission ObDecti8es@. Indian Space Science Data )entre.
"etrie8ed 5 October #$%&.
#%. Amos, Lonathan .#4 !eptember #$%4/. @Why India's Mars mission is so cheap ' and thrillin@.
**) Ne$s. "etrie8ed #$%4'$)'#6.
##. @India's Mars Mission Manalyaan to be launched on 7o8ember 6@. "etrie8ed ## October #$%&.
#&. @Mars Orbiter Mission :pdate@. "etrie8ed &$ 7o8ember #$%&.
#4. @India Launches Mars Orbiter Mission@. "etrie8ed ( 7o8ember #$%&.
#6. @India's lo+'cost space mission reaches Mars orbit@. "etrie8ed #4 !eptember #$%4.
#(. @Manalyaan successfully placed into Mars Transfer TraDectory@. "etrie8ed % >ecember #$%&.
#*. @3abinet clears Mars mission@. The Findu. 4 Auust #$%#. "etrie8ed %$ Auust #$%#.
#5. @India's Mars mission ets "s. %#6 crore .%) March #$%#/@. "etrie8ed 4
February #$%4.
#). @'We are plannin to send our first orbiter to Mars in #$%&'@. Deccan chronicle. %# Auust #$%#.
"etrie8ed %& Auust #$%#.
&$. @"ocket science9 ho+ I!"O fle+ to Mars cheap@. Findustan Times. ( 7o8ember #$%&.
"etrie8ed 4 February #$%4.
&%. @India plans mission to Mars ne-t year@. n+dail+ne$s,co'. %( Auust #$%#. "etrie8ed 5
!eptember #$%#.
&#. Isro kicks off Mars mission campain +ith ;!L< assembly Times of India "etrie8ed ( Auust
&&. @India's Mission Mars9 The Dourney beins@. NDT. & October #$%&. "etrie8ed & October #$%&.
&4. @7A!A "eaffirms !upport for Mars Orbiter Mission@. I!"O. "etrie8ed %& October #$%&.
&6. @MOM O Ma8en +ill complement each other in Mars findins@. The Econo'ic Ti'es. %)
7o8ember #$%&. "etrie8ed #$ 7o8ember #$%&.
&(. @India plans another Mars mission in #$%*I#$#$@. The Ti'es of India. Luly %5, #$%4. "etrie8ed
!eptember #&, #$%4.
&*. @Manalyaan9 meet the men behind IndiaQs Mars Mission@. Findustan Times. %4 >ecember
#$$5. "etrie8ed %( >ecember #$$5.
&5. @Mars Orbiter Mission .MOM/ I Manlayaan@. Indian Space #ro-ects. October #$%&. "etrie8ed
%5 October #$%&.
&). Laannathan, <enkatachari .% >ecember #$%&/. @IndiaQs Mars Orbiter headin to+ards Mars,
enters !un orbit@.
4$. !ubramanian, T.!. .6 7o8ember #$%&/. @India starts historic mission to Mars@. The !indu.
"etrie8ed %$ February #$%4.
4%. 3handran, 3ynthia .7o8ember 6, #$%&/. @2erala stamp on Mars mission@. Decan )hronicle.
"etrie8ed #$%4'$)'##.
4#. @India's First Mission to Mars to Launch This Month@. Space,co'. %( October #$%&. "etrie8ed
%( October #$%&.
4&. @Mars orbiter mission@. I!"O. "etrie8ed #& 7o8ember #$%&.
44. 3hellappan, 2umar .%% Lanuary #$%&/. @Amanal to budet from Manalyaan, say e-perts@.
Dail+ #ioneer. "etrie8ed %% Lanuary #$%&.
46. @Mars mission ets October, #$%& launch date deadline as India reaches out to the stars@. The
Indian 4 Lanuary #$%&. "etrie8ed 6 Lanuary #$%&.
4(. @Ganalore centre to control Mars orbiter henceforth@. Deccan !erald. ( 7o8ember #$%&.
"etrie8ed ( 7o8ember #$%&.
4*. @Mars baton shifts to I!T"A3@. The !indu. ( 7o8ember #$%&. "etrie8ed ( 7o8ember #$%&.
45. @Mars orbiter +ell on its +ay@. The !indu. %5 >ecember #$%&. "etrie8ed %5 >ecember #$%&.
4). @7A!A's >eep !pace 7et+ork to !upport India's Mars Mission@. space,co'. #5 Lune #$%&.
"etrie8ed 6 7o8ember #$%&.
6$. Mars mission9 India ets help from !outh Africa to monitor 'Manalyaan' Times of India &
>ecember #$%&
6%. Mars Mission on trackJ orbit to be raised on Thursday Cconomic Times ( 7o8ember #$%&
6#. I!"O scientists raise orbit of Mars spacecraft. Ti'es of India * 7o8ember #$%&
6&. Latest :pdates Indian Space Research Organisation/ Mars Orbiter Mission. 5 7o8ember #$%&.
64. !econd orbit raisin manoeu8re on Mars Mission performed Indian C-press 5 7o8ember #$%&.
66. I!"O successfully completes third orbit raisin manoeu8re of Mars probe Tee 7e+s )
7o8ember #$%&
6(. Mars mission faces first hurdle, 4th orbit'raisin operation falls short of taret. Ti'es of India, %%
7o8ember #$%&
6*. Mars mission9 After litch, I!"O plans supplementary orbit'raisin operation tomorro+. Ti'es
of India. %% 7o8ember #$%&.
65. Findustan Times .% >ecember #$%&/. @Mars Orbiter successfully placed in Mars Transfer
TraDectory@. "etrie8ed % >ecember #$%&.
6). I!"O's Mars Orbiter Mission MOM Facebook pae ) Lune #$%4
($. Isro's Mars Orbiter Mission successfully placed in Mars transfer traDectory. % >ecember #$%&.
Ti'es of India.
(%. Lakda+alla, Cmily. @Mars Orbiter Mission ready to fly on+ard from Carth to Mars@. The
;lanetary !cience. "etrie8ed % >ecember #$%&.
(#. I!"O successfully performs first T3M on Mars Orbiter Tee 7e+s %% >ecember #$%&
(&. Manalyaan's ne-t successful step9 a tricky mid'course correction 7>T< #4-* %% >ecember
(4. !pecial 3orrespondent .%% >ecember #$%&/. @Mars orbiter ets its first course correction@. The
Findu. "etrie8ed 4 February #$%4.
(6. Mars Orbiter !pacecraft 3rosses Falf Way Mark of its Lourney I!"O ) April #$%4
((. Fealth parameters of Mars Orbiter are normal The Findu # March #$%4
(*. TraDectory correction of Mars mission likely by Lune %% Cconomic Times # Lune #$%4
(5. Manalyaan on track, no path correction in Auust Findustan Times 7e+ >elhi, Auust $%,
(). @Mars Orbiter Mission I :pdates@. I!"O. ## !eptember #$%4. "etrie8ed #$%4'$)'##.
*$. "ao, <. 2otes+ara .%6 !eptember #$%4/. @Mars Orbit Insertion@ .;>F/. ISRO. "etrie8ed #$%4'
*%. Lakda+alla, Cmily .&% October #$%&/. @India prepares to take fliht to Mars +ith the Mars
Orbiter Mission .MOM/@. The #lanetar+ Societ+. "etrie8ed # >ecember #$%&.
*#. @First imae of earth from isro@. The eracious. #$ 7o8ember #$%&. "etrie8ed # >ecember
*&. @Isro's Mars Mission9 Why Manalyaan's path is full of riders@. 0# Technolog+. ( 7o8ember
#$%&. "etrie8ed # >ecember #$%&.
*4. @India to launch Mars Orbiter Mission on 7o8ember 6@. The Ti'es of India. ## October #$%&.
"etrie8ed ## October #$%&.
*6. Mars mission9 !cientists start raisin Manalyaan's orbit The Times of India * 7o8ember #$%&
*(. Lakda+alla, Cmily .%$ 7o8ember #$%&/. @A hiccup in the orbital maneu8ers for Mars Orbiter
Mission@. #lanetar+ Societ+ blogs. The ;lanetary !ociety. "etrie8ed %% 7o8ember #$%&.
**. @Mars mission9 Isro performs last orbit'raisin manoeu8re@. #TI. %( 7o8ember #$%&. "etrie8ed
%( 7o8ember #$%&.
*5. @MOM' Latest :pdates@. ISRO. &$ 7o8ember #$%&. "etrie8ed &$ 7o8ember #$%&.
*). @Indian spacecraft soars on historic Dourney to Mars@.
5$. @I!"O performs T3M'# on Mars Orbiter Mission@. The Econo'ic Ti'es. ;TI. %# Lune #$%4.
"etrie8ed 6 Luly #$%4.
5%. !ri8asta8a, <anita .% Auust #$%4/. @Manalyaan on track, no path correction in Auust@.
!industan Ti'es .FT Media Ltd./. "etrie8ed %) Au #$%4.
5#. India's first mission to Mars to launch this month. )*S Ne$s, %6 October #$%&.
5&. @Mars Orbiter Mission9 I!"O to test fire enine today@. Tee 7e+s. Tee Media Gureau. ##
!eptember #$%4. "etrie8ed ## !eptember #$%4.
54. @;re'MOI ;ress Griefin by !cientific !ecretary I!"O@. I!"O. "etrie8ed %( !eptember #$%4.
56. Mars spacecraft test'fired successfully Times of India ## !eptember #$%4
5(. @India's Maiden Mars Mission Makes Fistory@. Gloomber T< India. "etrie8ed #4 !eptember
5*. @India becomes first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit, Doins elite lobal space club@. "ashington
#ost. "etrie8ed #6 !eptember #$%4.
55. s Orbiter Mission U :pdates .#4 !eptember #$%4/.

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