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This year has yielded three incredible life events.

Many will refer to these life events as their chil-

dren, or their babies, so I will not be the excep-
ton and also call these my babies because they
are energy-sapping-tme-consuming-heartbreaking
bundles of joy.
Baby Number 1
Earlier this year a well-known worship leader in
South Africa contacted me and asked if I would be
interested in being part of a movement known as
#Imagine. The highlight of this movement was a
three-day conference where 7000 teenagers came
together to worship God and get to know Jesus a
litle beter. I had the honour of being the music
director and worship leader of this stunning event.
Months of preparaton culminated in a spectacular
event where we recorded, edited and duplicated
hundreds of CDs within a tme-frame of 12 hours.
Only through Gods grace was this all realized. I am
so proud of this baby. Its a multcultural, youthy and
inspiratonal album which gives full honour glory
and praise to Our Creator.
Baby Number 2
Another awesome ministry opportunity fell into my
lap this year. The organizaton which I am proud-
ly part of, Every Naton, decided to produce its
very frst, multracial, mult-genre, African-relevant
album. South African christans can so easily emu-
late Chris Tomlin or Hillsongs but never can we sing
songs relevant to Africa and proclaim the Lords
reign over our contnent. Untl now. I was privileged
to be the producer of this album having creatve and
executve control. A huge responsibility I know, but
we all worked hard and can proudly say we created
a sound which will resonate with Africa. May His
Kingdom come in our beloved contnent!
Baby Number 3 (A real baby)
Saving the best for last, I can fnally say I am a proud
father of a litle girl, Meliha. She was born on 12
September at 17h29. My beautful wife gave 100%
natural birth, without any assistance or pain relief,
and I can now admit that I have gained a tremen-
dous respect for women and what they go through
during a pregnancy and especially, labour. No man
can remain chauvinistc afer witnessing the miracle
of natural child birth.
I am falling more and more in love with Jana, my
wife, and Meliha every day. I am also sleeping less
and less and every breath is a victory over exhaus-
ton, but I am blessed to say that both my wife and
daughter are healthy and happy. The Grace of the
Lord overwhelms me in ways my human paradigm
can not comprehend. All I can do is sing, Holy, Holy
is the Lord God Almighty!

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