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Review: Final Exam Semester 1.

Using class notes, homework, chapter guides, and the textbooks glossary, answer the following items.
6.1.1 Growth of Industrial America. Chater 6.
Define: Corporation:
Robber aron:
!aisse" #aire:
$ocial Darwinism:
%hat factors were responsible for the rapid industrial growth in the late &'((s)
a* b* c*
+ow did the U$ go,ernment aid the expansion of -merican railroads)
a* b*
ecause of the go,ernments laisse" faire policy, industrialist like Carnegie and Rockefeller established early economic
practices. Complete the following chart and e,aluate their contribution below.
%hat economic inno,ations
helped U$ industry expand)
Describe negati,e conse.uences
to -merican society.
Describe positi,e contributions to
-merican society.

/ohn D.
Critical 0hinking. 1xplain whether you consider Carnegie and Rockefeller to be 2robber barons3 or 2industrial statesmen3)
6.1.! "r#ani$ation: %ensions and &ivisions. Chater '.
Define: 4ati,ism:
24ew 25mmigrants:
6any nati,e*born -mericans resented the 2new3 immigrants for what7.economic reasons)
7social and religious reason)
%hat role did racism play in the following e,ents)
Chinese 1xclusion -ct of &''8:
9entlemen -greement of &:(;:
<lessy , #erguson, &':= >'*?@:
6.1.( )oulist *ovement and +a#or "nions. Chater ,-! . 6-(.
Define: 5nflation:
%illiam /ennings ryan:
<opulist <arty:
%hy was o,erproduction a problem for the -merican farmer in the &':(s)
%hat did %illiam /ennings ryan promise to do during the election campaign of &':=)
Define: <ullman $trike:
1ugene A. Debs:
B,er what issues did labor and business owners clash)
a* b* c*
%hom did the U$ go,ernment usually support)
6.!.1-! )ro/ressive Era Reforms. Chater 0.
Define: 0rust:
Describe the -mendment. %hat social problem was it intended to reform)
%hat factors aided the passage of the %omens $uffrage -mendment)
a* b* c*
%hat factors led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act?
a* b*
Critical 0hinking. %hy were <residents %ilson and 0heodore Roose,elt considered <rogressi,e <residents)
a* b*
9i,e examples of issues or causes that they promoted during their presidencies:
a* b* c*
6.(.1 1ecomin/ a 2orld )ower. Chater 13.
Define: 5mperialism:
Cellow /ournalism:
$panish*-merican %ar:
<hilippine 5nsurrections:
Roose,elt Corollary:
Bpen Door <olicy:
ig $tick <olicy:
Using the map below, locate and state the significance of the following:
<uerto Rico:
6.(.(-4 2orld 2ar I Chater 11.
Define: 4ationalism:
%hat e,ent led to the fighting of %orld %ar 5, in &:&D)
7what was the U$ reaction in &:&D)
%hat e,ent led to the U$ entry into %orld %ar 5, in &:&;)
Using the map below, locate and state the significance of the following: 9reat ritain:
+ow did the U$ entry into %orld %ar 5 affect7.-frican*
%hy were the Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918) passed)
...why did the $upreme Court uphold these laws in the case of Schenck v US (1918)?
%hat did <resident %ilsons Fourteen Points say about7.secret alliances and treaties)
7freedom of the seas)
...arms reduction)
...a !eague of 4ations)
0he -llies feared the rise of 9ermany and wished to punish her. +ow was this accomplished in the reat! o" #ersai$$es?
a* b*
6any -mericans feared that the !eague of 4ations would entangle the U$ in future foreign wars7who led the opposition
to passage of the reat! o" #ersai$$es?
...what was the final ,erdict regarding U$ support of the !eague of 4ations)
'.1.1 %he Roarin/ %wenties. Chaters 1( . 1!.
Define: $acco*Aan"etti 0rial:
Red $care:
Euota $ystem:
$copes 0rial:
!ost 9eneration:
+arlem Renaissance:
Critical 0hinking. Using at least one of the abo,e terms, describe the struggle between 2traditional: and 2modern3 -merica
during the &:8(s.
Define: 6argin uying:
Credit <urchases:
%hy did the $tock 6arket Crash bring an end to the prosperity of the &:8(s)
'.1.(-! Great &eression and 5ew &eal. Chaters 14 . 1,.
Define: Dust owl:
onus -rmy:
4ew Deal:
? Rs:
4ew Deal <rogram %ho was intended to be helped) %hat problem was to be o,ercome)
4ational 5ndustrial Reco,ery -ct
-gricultural -dFustment -ct
$ecurities 1xchange Commission
#ederal Deposit 5nsurance Corporation
Ci,ilian Conser,ation Corps
%orks <rogress -dministration
4ational !abor Relations -ct
$ocial $ecurities -ct
Critical 0hinking. Using at least one of these -cts, describe how the 4ew Deal permanently changed the go,ernments
role in the U$ economy)
ecause the $upreme Court declared se,eral key 4ew Deal programs to be unconstitutional, what did <resident #ranklin
D. Roose,elt ask Congress to do)
...what was the outcome of this 2separation of powers3 struggle)
Critical 0hinking. Critics charged that the 4ew Deal often ,iolated what important -merican ,alues)
'.(.1-( 2orld 2ar II: Causes and Fi/htin/. Chaters 16 . 1'.
Define: -ppeasement:
!end*!ease -ct:
Calta -greement:
5n what ways were the 9erman 4a"is and the /apanese militarists similar)
a* b* c*
%hat was the !eague of 4ations reaction to the military aggression of the /apanese and 9ermans in the late &:?(s)
%hat was the 6unich -greement in &:?') did it contribute to the starting of %orld %ar 55)
%hat e,ent led to the starting of %orld %ar 55, in &:?:)
7what was the U$ reaction in &:?:)
%hat e,ent led to the U$ entry into %orld %ar 55, in &:D&)
Using the map below, locate and state the significance of the following: 4orth -frica Campaign:
<earl +arbor:
5wo /ima:
'.(.!-4 2orld 2ar II: 6ome Front and Genocide. Chaters 16 . 1'.
+ow did the U$ entry into %orld %ar 55 affect7.consumers)
%hy were /apanese*-mericans relocated from the %est Coast to internment camps)
...why did the $upreme Court
uphold this 1xecuti,e Brder, in the
case of %ore&atsu v US >&:DD@?
Define: 9enocide:
#inal $olution:
%hat principle did the 4uremburg
0rials establish)

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