Pulling Our Energy From Renewable Sources

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Pulling our energy from renewable sources

Renewable sources as fuel for

Consumption from renewable sources
Generate electricity/fuel/energy for mankind to operate on
Wind turbines provide a method for generating electricity out of thin air, literally.
lthough, the process is not magic! needless to say, the technology and engineering is
incredibly comple" and e"planation of the mechanics goes beyond the scope/magnitude
of this introductory topic on wind energy
(urbine location is based on the average wind speeds )typically annual average* for a
Wind speeds measured using an anemometer.
This data and software ("Data") is provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ("NREL"),
which is operated by the Alliance for !stainable Energy, LL" ("ALL#AN"E") for the $%% Depart&ent
of Energy ("D'E")%
ocial*econo&ic iss!es
Wind generated energy is a renewable resource for electricity.
Renewable resources are a massive industry which continues to grow as
demand for clean fuel increases. With world population increasing
exponentially, the demand for electricity is unquenchable. It is necessary that
the human race takes responsibility in keeping balance with nature while
generating energy and developing as a race. Electricity generated from wind
turbines is very practical for many reasons. We all know that wind exists
everywhere on the globe. lso, a turbine!s energy output can very high
relative to its cost and pollution is extremely low and space usage is e"cient.
While these are obviously the bene#ts of adopting wind generated electricity,
there are also setbacks to the technology which has caused debate about its
e"ciency. $he variables which remain volatile are the key elements when
determining if a wind turbine, or even an entire wind farm, will provide
pro#tability from the investment. $o fully explore the concept of farming wind
for energy it is important to understand the mechanics and consider the
positives and negatives of the technology.
$he electricity is generated mechanically by a large turbine, which is
elevated anywhere between rooftop to over %&& feet, and rotates as a
reaction to oncoming winds. $he moving turbine turns a rotor in a generator
which is located at the top of the tower. wind turbine that is generating
electricity is essentially converting, or transducing, one form of energy into
another. $he energy that is contained in the movement of air molecules is
what we consider potential energy. $he amount of electricity produced by a
turbine will vary. $his is because the turbine is only able to produce electricity
when there is steady wind speeds. 'ot only must available wind remain
consistent but there is also a spectrum in which minimal to maximum wind
speeds are required for pro#table output. (enerally, the preferable range of
wind speeds is between )&*+,&mph. It is also a prominent factor that the
winds in a particular region be predictable. n area with volatile conditions
will not be premium for e"cient energy production. -ue to this fact alone,
farming wind for electricity is an available option in very speci#c regions
across the globe.
$here are many ways how mankind can bene#t from investing in wind
turbines to harness electricity. the pro#t margin of energy production grows
over time, the energy is clean and pollution is very minimal since turbine
operation is intrinsically environmentally*friendly, space consumption is low
in the manner of the vertical construction of turbines, and both individuals
and large businesses can maintain wind turbines because of the wide range
of scales in which turbines can be designed and built. $he largest point of
interest in wind farming is probably pollution, i.e. low carbon footprint. s
increasing levels of /01 increase in the earth!s atmosphere, many
undesirable e2ects on natural conditions manifest.
large amount of electricity is produced from coal, natural gas and
nuclear power. Each of these sources intrinsically produces abundant
quantities of waste which are undeniably detrimental to human health and
the natural balance of our environment. Wind turbines produce, literally, no
harmful pollution, although they will create a degree of noise pollution.
3roduction of electricity with little to no pollution would have a signi#cant
e2ect on our environments health over time. 4ergey!s website informs their
readers that, 5 +& kW 4ergey (rid$ek system will o2set approximately +.1
tons of air pollutants and 16& tons of greenhouse gases over its %&*year
operating life.7
4ergey!s online resources inform clients that they very possibly may
bene#t from installing a small*scale turbine if their energy bill exceeds ++
cents8kwh or who live in an area that has an average wind speed of at least
++mph. $o those who privately own a turbine, they will not only be capable of
producing electricity for their own use, at which the cost is considered in the
purchase, installation and maintenance of the turbine, but will be able to
make pro#t by selling any unused electricity to the local power company.
Wind turbines may also be a great solution to remote locations, villages and
small communities which may have limited or no access to a power grid.
$hese areas may install a turbine if the weather conditions are favorable. In
such a case, self*su"ciency opens the doors to increased quality of life.
Weather conditions introduce a very prominent issue in wind farming.
s with any situation requiring a large investment of time, work and money
we must consider the e"cacy and feasibility of implementing a wind turbine.
9any areas which are favorable for wind farming, that is the conditions in
wind speeds and consistency, present a di"cult and unreliable foundation for
the turbines to be installed. n example of this is when turbines are placed in
water or in mountainous regions. When conditions require extensive planning
and engineering to pull o2 a safe and sturdy installation the overall price of
the installation goes up. :urthermore, when prices for implementing wind
turbines increase, the pro#t margin is lower in the short*term. 9any
individuals and private companies will have a hard time favoring the long*
term bene#ts over the short*term. $his is why there exists a debate about
whether or not the pro#t margin will exceed the initial costs; and not yet
considering the additional costs of maintenance and repair. $o provide a brief
statement about the costs of a turbine, an individual may pay <%,6&& for a
+kw turbine, <%%,&&& for a +&kw =both small scale and typically capable of
powering up to a few homes> and a contractor may have a bill <%.6 million for
the installation of each 1.6mw turbine.
(enerating electrical power from wind has a lot of potential
considering the e"ciency and advancements of modern engineering
capabilities. s long as we have the ability to transform the energy, the
source is always available and abundant in many places around the globe.
$he advantages of creating power from wind can be obtained by both large
scale management, producing millions of megawatts to power cities, and by
individuals who have the resources to own their own turbine. :or future
enthusiasts of power production and self*su"ciency, considering investments
in wind turbines can bring about long*term pro#ts. 'eedless to say it would
be tragic for an investment to be wasted if the conditions for energy
production are not ideal. 3ursuing renewable sources of energy for the
creation and distribution of electricity is ideally one of most in?uential
opportunities our world has to grow as people and maintain a healthy
environment. @nowing the mechanics, advantages and disadvantages of wind
turbines and wind farming is important information which everyone can
bene#t from.

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