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MonlLorlng Women's
SecurlLy ln 1ranslLlon

Cycle 3 - May 2014

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 2

1hls ls Lhe Lhlrd monlLorlng reporL followlng Lhe basellne sLudy: AfghanlsLan: MonlLorlng Women's
SecurlLy ln 1ranslLlon", publlshed ln Aprll 2013. MonlLorlng Women's SecurlLy ln 1ranslLlon lnlLlaLlve was
concelved by Cordald, Lhe Afghan Women's neLwork (AWn), and AfghanlsLan ubllc ollcy 8esearch
CrganlzaLlon (A8C) and funded by Cordald Lo monlLor and assess Lhe lmpacL on women of Lhe
ongolng securlLy LranslLlon from lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces Lo Lhelr naLlonal counLerparLs. 1hls Lhlrd
monlLorlng reporL focuses on how Lhe LranslLlon ls affecLlng Afghan women uslng Lhe proxles of Cverall
SecurlLy, MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe, Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon), Access Lo !usLlce,
vlolence AgalnsL Women, and Women and CurrenL Affalrs.

A8C ls responslble for Lhe research componenL of Lhls pro[ecL whlle AWn and Cordald conducL
ouLreach and advocacy aL Lhe naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal levels based on Lhe flndlngs from Lhls research.

A8C, AWn and Cordald wlsh Lo express Lhelr slncere graLlLude Lo lndlvlduals and organlzaLlons LhaL
conLlnue Lo offer Lhelr Llme and commlLmenL Lo Lhls monlLorlng pro[ecL. We are parLlcularly lndebLed Lo
Lhe many members of clvll socleLy lncludlng school Leachers, prlnclpals, docLors, mldwlves, securlLy
offlclals, elders and all Lhe lndlvldual women who parLlclpaLed ln Lhls sLudy and shared Lhelr vlews and
lnslghLs abouL Lhe place and slLuaLlon of women ln Lhe LranslLlon process.

About the kesearchers

1he A8C research Leam responslble for Lhls reporL conslsLs of (ln alphabeLlcal order): Ahmad Shaheer
Anll, nafasgul karlml, Mohammad Sablr khyber, larld nasery, Saeed arLo, Zahra Caseml, Lhsan SaadaL,
Zarghona Salfl, khalld Slddlql, and Mohsln usyan.

Saeed arLo, Lhsan SaadaL, and khalld Slddlql auLhored Lhls reporL.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 3
About AkC
AfghanlsLan ubllc ollcy 8esearch CrganlzaLlon (A8C) ls an lndependenL soclal research organlzaLlon
wlLh a mandaLe Lo promoLe soclal and pollcy learnlng Lo beneflL developmenL and reconsLrucLlon efforLs
ln AfghanlsLan and oLher less developed counLrles Lhrough conducLlng soclal sclenLlflc research,
monlLorlng and evaluaLlon, and Lralnlng and menLorlng. A8C ls reglsLered wlLh Lhe MlnlsLry of
Lconomy ln AfghanlsLan as a non-proflL non-governmenL organlzaLlon and headquarLered ln kabul,
AfghanlsLan wlLh saLelllLe offlces ln Mazar-e Shrlf (norLh), PeraL (wesL), kandahar (souLh), and !alalabad
(easL). A8C and lLs lndlvldual researchers have underLaken pro[ecLs ln CenLral Asla, aklsLan, lndla,
Afrlca, Chlna, and 1urkey.

lor more lnformaLlon, see:
ConLacL: mall[

About AWN
1he Afghan Women's neLwork (AWn) ls a non-parLlsan, non-proflL neLwork of women LhaL serves as an
umbrella organlzaLlon for 112 nCC members, and 3,000 lndlvldual members who are commlLLed Lo
supporL Lhe women of AfghanlsLan. AWn has offlces ln kabul, PeraL and !alalabad and works Lhrough
local parLners ln several Afghan provlnces. rlmary concerns for AWn are lssues relaLed Lo: gender-
based vlolence, youLh empowermenL and glrl's educaLlon. 1he neLwork also represenLs and promoLes
Lhe vlews of Afghan women ln pollLlcal and soclal arenas Lhrough advocacy and by challenglng
AfghanlsLan's leaders Lo enforce leglslaLlve reforms for Lhe proLecLlon of women's rlghLs.

lor more lnformaLlon, see: hLLp://
ConLacL: dlrecLor[awn-af.neL

About Corda|d
Cordald, based ln Lhe neLherlands, has a focus on lnLernaLlonal developmenL and collaboraLlon ln
vulnerable reglons and areas of confllcL. lLs mlsslon ls Lo bulld flourlshlng communlLles ln fracLured
socleLles. MonlLorlng Lhe LranslLlon ln AfghanlsLan ls parL of Cordald's program on Women's Leadershlp
for eace and SecurlLy (WLS). 1hls program alms Lo lncrease Lhe capaclLy of women's neLworks, glve a
volce Lo women aL Lhe local level ln processes of peace and securlLy, and promoLe Lhe women's agenda
ln naLlonal and global arenas.

lor more lnformaLlon see:
ConLacL: sL[[

A8C Lakes full responslblllLy for all omlsslons and errors.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 4

L|st of Abbrev|at|ons

AlP8C AfghanlsLan lndependenL Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon
AL Afghan Local ollce (Arbakl)
AnA Afghan naLlonal Army
An Afghan naLlonal ollce
AnSl Afghan naLlonal SecurlLy lorces
AnSl Afghan naLlonal SecurlLy lorces
ACC Armed CpposlLlon Croups
A8C AfghanlsLan ubllc ollcy 8esearch CrganlzaLlon
AWn Afghan Women's neLwork
8SA 8llaLeral SecurlLy AgreemenL
CSC Clvll SocleLy CrganlzaLlon
uoWA ueparLmenL of Women's Affalrs
LvAW LllmlnaLlon of vlolence AgalnsL Women Law
lCu locus Croup ulscusslon
l8u lamlly 8esponse unlL
lMl lnLernaLlonal MlllLary lorces
lSAl lnLernaLlonal SecurlLy AsslsLance lorce
MoWA MlnlsLry of Women's Affalrs
nAWA naLlonal AcLlon lan for Women of AfghanlsLan
nA1C norLh ALlanLlc 1reaLy CrganlzaLlon
nCC non-governmenLal organlzaLlon
unAMA unlLed naLlons AsslsLance Mlsslon ln AfghanlsLan
unSC8 1323 unlLed naLlons SecurlLy Councll 8esoluLlon 1323
v1C vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 3

1ab|e of Contents
Lxecut|ve Summary ................................................................................................................ 8
1. Introduct|on...................................................................................................................... 12
2. 8ackground....................................................................................................................... 12
3. Cb[ect|ves and Methodo|ogy ............................................................................................ 17
4. I|nd|ngs from Cyc|e 3........................................................................................................ 18
Ia|zabad, 8adakhshan rov|nce ..................................................................................................... 18
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 18
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 18
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 19
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 20
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 21
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 21
8a|kh, 8a|kh rov|nce..................................................................................................................... 22
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 22
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 22
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 23
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 23
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 24
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 24
Daw|atabad, 8a|kh rov|nce .......................................................................................................... 26
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 26
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 26
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 26
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 27
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 27
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 28
8amyan, 8amyan rov|nce............................................................................................................. 29
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 29
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 30
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 30
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 31
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 31
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 31
Lashkargah, ne|mand rov|nce ...................................................................................................... 33
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 33
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 33
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 33
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 34
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 34
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 6
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 34
nerat, nerat rov|nce .................................................................................................................... 36
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 36
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 36
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 36
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 36
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 37
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 37
Ia|a|abad, Nangarhar rov|nce....................................................................................................... 38
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 38
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 38
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 38
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 39
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 39
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 39
Sorkhrod, Nangarhar rov|nce ....................................................................................................... 40
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 40
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 40
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 41
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 41
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 42
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 42
kandahar, kandahar rov|nce........................................................................................................ 44
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 44
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 44
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 43
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 43
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 46
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 46
kunduz, kunduz rov|nce............................................................................................................... 47
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 47
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 47
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 47
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 48
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 48
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 48
Mehtar|am, Laghman rov|nce ...................................................................................................... 49
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 49
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 49
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 30
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 30
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 30
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 31
aghman, kabu| rov|nce .............................................................................................................. S2
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 32
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 32
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 33
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 33
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 7
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 34
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 34
arwan, arwan rov|nce .............................................................................................................. SS
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 33
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 33
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 36
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 37
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 37
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 38
Aybak, Samangan rov|nce............................................................................................................ S9
Cverall SecurlLy................................................................................................................................. 39
MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe..................................................................................................... 39
Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon) ....................................................................................... 39
Access Lo !usLlce................................................................................................................................ 60
vlolence AgalnsL Women.................................................................................................................. 60
Women and CurrenL Affalrs.............................................................................................................. 60
S. Ana|ys|s of Aggregate Survey Data.................................................................................... 62
6. Conc|us|on and kecommendat|ons ................................................................................... 70
8adakhshan................................................................................................................................... 70
8a|kh ............................................................................................................................................. 71
8amyan ......................................................................................................................................... 71
ne|mand........................................................................................................................................ 72
nerat ............................................................................................................................................. 72
Nangarhar...................................................................................................................................... 72
kandahar ....................................................................................................................................... 73
kunduz .......................................................................................................................................... 73
Laghman........................................................................................................................................ 73
kabu| ............................................................................................................................................. 73
arwan .......................................................................................................................................... 74
Samangan...................................................................................................................................... 74
kecommendat|ons......................................................................................................................... 74
CovernmenL of AfghanlsLan:............................................................................................................. 74
nA1C and Member SLaLes: ............................................................................................................... 73
lnLernaLlonal uonor CommunlLy:...................................................................................................... 76
lurLher 8esearch:.............................................................................................................................. 77
Append|x 1: Interv|ewee and Iocus Group D|scuss|on Codes ................................................ 78

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 8
Lxecut|ve Summary
1he release of Lhls 3
Cycle monlLorlng reporL colncldes wlLh Lhe compleLlon of Lhe second round of
voLlng for Lhe resldenLlal LlecLlon, held afLer Lhe flrsL round of presldenLlal and Lhe provlnclal counclls
elecLlons on Aprll 3, 2014. An esLlmaLed 36 percenL of Lhe voLers ln Lhe flrsL round of elecLlons ln 2014
were female. 1hls compares Lo 44 percenL ln 2004 and 38 percenL ln 2009. WlLh Lhe LoLal number of
voLers ln 2014 belng excepLlonally hlgh, 2014 may well have Lhe hlghesL ever absoluLe number of
women voLlng ln elecLlons ln AfghanlsLan. 8egardless of Lhe consequences of Lhe securlLy LranslLlon, Lhe
hlgh level of parLlclpaLlon by women ln Lhe elecLlons ls a clear slgn LhaL Afghan women wanL Lo have a
say ln whaL wlll become of Lhelr counLry ln Lhe posL-LranslLlon perlod.

Clven Lhe Llmlng of Lhls laLesL round of monlLorlng, from laLe 2013 Lo March 2014, Lhe dlscusslons wlLh
Lhe many women and men engaged ln lnLervlews and focus group dlscusslons for Lhls research
lnevlLably revolved around Lhe elecLlons, Lhe negoLlaLlons over Lhe 8llaLeral SecurlLy AgreemenL (8SA)
wlLh Lhe unlLed SLaLes, and Lhe negoLlaLlon of peace beLween Lhe CovernmenL of AfghanlsLan and Lhe
Armed CpposlLlon Croups (ACCs). As much as posslble, aLLempL has been made Lo reflecL Lhe perLlnenL
polnLs from Lhese dlscusslons ln Lhls reporL.

AL Lhe Llme of wrlLlng, May-!une 2014, women make up 22 percenL of Lhe members of Lhe lower house
of parllamenL (68 women), 17 percenL of Lhe upper house (47 women), and are llkely Lo make up 20
percenL of Lhe LoLal provlnclal councll members (96 women). AfghanlsLan has a hlgher percenLage of
women ln lLs governmenL Lhan Lhe unlLed SLaLes, lrance, AusLralla, Canada, and Lhe unlLed klngdom.
1he key dlfference beLween AfghanlsLan and Lhese counLrles ls, of course, LhaL Lhe hlgh percenLage of
women ln governmenL ln AfghanlsLan has been made posslble by a quoLa sysLem puL ln place as parL of
Lhe reconsLrucLlon efforLs slnce 2001.

AfghanlsLan's quoLa sysLem for women ln governmenL has recenLly come under aLLack from Lhe more
LradlLlonallsL / conservaLlve segmenLs ln Lhe soclal and pollLlcal arenas. 1he reducLlon ln 2013-2014 of
Lhe quoLa for female provlnclal councll members ln AfghanlsLan from 23 percenL Lo 20 demonsLraLes Lhe
Lenuousness of Lhese relaLlvely hlgh numbers of females ln dlfferenL sLrucLures of governmenL. lndeed,
many have argued LhaL Lhe rapld prollferaLlon of measures soon afLer 2001 Lo brlng AfghanlsLan ln llne
wlLh lnLernaLlonal convenLlons and charLers on women's rlghLs has ln facL creaLed a backlash agalnsL
such measures. 1he successful aLLempL by a slzable number of parllamenLarlans Lo reduce Lhe quoLa for
women ln provlnclal counclls, and aLLempLs by oLhers elsewhere agalnsL legal provlslons for women's
rlghLs, are manlfesLaLlons of Lhls backlash and polarlzaLlon.

1he LllmlnaLlon of vlolence agalnsL Women (LvAW), slgned lnLo law Lhrough a presldenLlal decree, has
come under heavy debaLe ln Lhe arllamenL slnce laLe 2013 wlLh llLLle or no prospecL of belng approved
wlLhouL ma[or changes belng demanded by Lhe LradlLlonallsL / conservaLlve facLlons. Also, slnce mld-
2013, Lhere have been lncreased pressures by Lhe more conservaLlve members of Lhe arllamenL Lo
weaken secLlons of Lhe Crlmlnal Code deemed lnapproprlaLe or lnconslsLenL wlLh sLrlcL lnLerpreLaLlons
of lslam. Some parllamenLarlans have even asked for brlnglng back sLonlng as punlshmenL for adulLery.
uesplLe Lhe many accompllshmenLs slnce 2001, ln 2014 AfghanlsLan remalns one of Lhe mosL dangerous
places for women ln Lhe world.

A survey conducLed by AfghanlsLan WaLch ln 2013 reporLs evenly mlxed vlews regardlng securlLy and
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 9
governance durlng and afLer Lhe 2014 LranslLlon. 1wenLy flve percenL of Lhose surveyed emphaslzed Lhe
lmporLance of sLrengLhenlng cooperaLlon beLween Lhe publlc and Lhe governmenL, 22 percenL wanLed
sLronger [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons, 22 percenL wanLed more efforL ln lmplemenLlng gender equallLy pollcles,
19 percenL wanLed lncreased parLlclpaLlon of women ln Afghan naLlonal Army, and 12 percenL wanLed
Lhe conLlnued presence of Lhe lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces Lhrough Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8llaLeral SecurlLy
AgreemenL or oLher arrangemenLs.

1he lmpacLs of Lhe securlLy LranslLlon ln AfghanlsLan have noL been unlform for women across Lhe 12
provlnces monlLored for Cycle 3. ln some areas, women lndlcaLed LhaL Lhelr securlLy had worsened. ln
oLher provlnces women sLaLed LhaL Lhelr securlLy slLuaLlon had lmproved slnce Lhe securlLy LranslLlon. ln
areas where Lhe Arbakl (Afghan Local ollce - AL) ls acLlve, women complalned abouL lncreases ln
crlmlnal acLlvlLy and deLerloraLlng securlLy. ln areas where Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon has lmproved, Lhere ls
hlgher Lhan expecLed evldence of wllllngness and ablllLy of Afghan naLlonal SecurlLy lorces (AnSl) and
communlLles Lo cooperaLe ln resolvlng securlLy and safeLy lssues.
erspecLlves on AnSl dlffered noneLheless. ln kabul, AnSl personnel are consldered as respecLful
Lowards and proLecLlve of women, whereas ln Pelmand AnSl were vlewed as dlsrespecLful and rude
Loward women. 1here were also concerns ln Pelmand abouL wheLher AnSl had sufflclenL faclllLles and
resources Lo fulflll lLs role adequaLely. 1he maln worry for women durlng Lhe Cycle 3 round of daLa
collecLlon was Lhe lack of economlc opporLunlLles for women, parLlcularly slnce donor ald programmlng
ln all LranslLloned provlnces had decreased slgnlflcanLly.
A number of Lhe recommendaLlons below are from Lhe flrsL and second monlLorlng reporLs publlshed ln
Aprll and CcLober 2013, as Lhey remaln unaddressed and/or relevanL.


Government of Afghan|stan:
1. Comm|tment to UNSCk 132S and other |nternat|ona| protoco|s on women: 1he CovernmenL
musL fulflll lLs commlLmenL Lo women, peace, and securlLy by adopLlng a comprehenslve
naLlonal acLlon plan for lmplemenLlng unSC8 1323 ln AfghanlsLan. 1he CovernmenL of
AfghanlsLan musL also remaln commlLLed Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of oLher lnLernaLlonal laws and
proLocols for women's empowermenL such as CLuAW, lCC8 and C8C.
2. Afghan Loca| o||ce (AL): lnsLlLuLlonallze communlLy-based pollclng approaches lnvolvlng
women ln AnSl Lo lmprove communlLy-An relaLlons and Lo lncrease gender senslLlve
approaches Lo pollclng, parLlcularly by An. SelecL AL commanders and offlcers ln consulLaLlon
wlLh communlLles Lo mlnlmlze exLorLlve behavlor and lnLlmldaLlon by rogue elemenLs.
lncorporaLe AL lnLo Afghan naLlonal ollce, wlLh clear and speclflc overslghL mechanlsms,
responslblllLles and formal unlforms whlle on duLy so LhaL clvlllans can ldenLlfy AL as securlLy
personnel. 1ralnlng for AL on gender senslLlvlLy and human rlghLs based on naLlonal and
lnLernaLlonal laws, and menLorlng, need Lo be deslgned and conducLed ln close collaboraLlon
and coordlnaLlon wlLh women's rlghLs organlzaLlons.
3. Inst|tut|ona||z|ng gender-based secur|ty prov|s|on: lnLenslfy governmenL and donor-alded
menLorlng and exchange programs wlLhln AnSl, lncludlng Lhe exchange of AnSl Leams wlLh
relaLlve success ln handllng women's rlghLs lssues, beLween provlnces as a means for cross-
ferLlllzaLlon based on besL pracLlces and uLlllzlng lessons learned.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 10
4. Iam||y kesponse Un|ts (IkUs): rovlde adequaLe resources for lamlly 8esponse unlLs lncludlng
quallfled and experlenced personnel, dedlcaLed spaces, equlpmenL and furnlLure, daycare
faclllLles, funcLlonlng recordlng and flllng sysLems for cases of vlolence agalnsL women, and
Lralnlngs for l8u personnel on how Lo Lake adequaLe care of female vlcLlms of vlolence.
3. Access to [ust|ce and v|o|ence aga|nst women: rovlde adequaLe lnsLlLuLlonal and maLerlal
supporL, wlLh clvll overslghL, for women's shelLers Lo lncrease women's access Lo [usLlce and
proLecLlon from vlolence. 1he [usLlce sysLem should be made more recepLlve Lo women's needs
Lhrough ralslng awareness of and knowledge abouL women's rlghLs among all [usLlce sysLem
6. Women |n Government: ConLlnue efforLs and plans Lo lncrease Lhe number of women ln
governmenLal enLlLles such as AnSl, Supreme CourL, !udlclary, Local governmenL and forelgn
ambassadorlal posLs. 1hese efforLs should lnclude lncreaslng Lhe number of quallfled women ln
senlor governmenLal poslLlons, provlslon of menLorlng programs for women and men ln all
mlnlsLrles Lo ensure LhaL Lhere are funcLlonlng gender unlLs aL every mlnlsLry and adequaLe
resources Lo supporL Lhem, and creaLlng a soclal and economlc envlronmenL conduclve Lo
women's parLlclpaLlon ln governmenL.
7. Women |n pub||c ||fe and econom|c deve|opment: MalnLaln and expand employmenL
opporLunlLles for women, deslgn and plan vocaLlonal Lralnlng opporLunlLles for skllls
developmenL and women's economlc empowermenL purposes, address socleLal dlscrlmlnaLlon
and harassmenL agalnsL women Lhrough creaLlng mechanlsms LhaL encourage, and proLecL,
women LhaL reporL dlscrlmlnaLlon and harassmenL, and supporL access Lo and use of safe
LransporL and proLecLed worklng spaces for women.
8. Women |n commun|ty deve|opment: ldenLlfy opporLunlLles Lo lnvolve women and clvll socleLy
organlzaLlons ln local governmenLal dlscusslons and declslon on communlLy developmenL
lssues, wlLh Lhe lnLenL of keeplng Lhe gender aspecLs of developmenL declslons ln focus.

NA1C and Member States:
9. ISAI phase-out: uevelop benchmarks and speclal measures ln consulLaLlon wlLh women's
organlzaLlons and women's rlghLs acLlvlsLs Lo ensure women's securlLy ls noL negaLlvely affecLed
durlng Lhls perlod, parLlcularly ln rural AfghanlsLan. 1he benchmarks wlll need Lo be llnked Lo
Lhe accounLablllLy mechanlsm wlLhln nA1C's chaln of command.
10. Women |n ANSI: ln Lhe seL-up of Lhe 8esoluLe SupporL Mlsslon, speclflc aLLenLlon needs Lo be
pald Lo lncludlng human rlghLs and women's rlghLs Lralnlng ln Lhe ollce Academy and oLher
Lralnlng faclllLles of AnSl, lncreaslng Lhe number of women wlLhln AnSl, and engaglng wlLh
communlLles for LrusL bulldlng purposes and generaLlng supporL for women ln AnSl as a cruclal
means of proLecLlng women's rlghLs.
11. Commun|ty-based po||c|ng: SupporL Lhe lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of communlLy-based pollclng wlLh a
gender perspecLlve wlLhln AnSl and LesL such lnlLlaLlves as lemale LngagemenL 1eams, Mlxed
LngagemenL 1eams (where posslble), Mlxed Clvll / AnSl CooperaLlon 1eams, and CulLural
SupporL 1eams.
12. Gender capac|t|es w|th|n NA1C and member states: nA1C and member sLaLes should creaLe
and malnLaln a pool of lnLernaLlonal and Afghan gender experLs wlLh sufflclenL supporL,
lncludlng budgeLs, and speclflc benchmarks Lo ensure full lnLegraLlon of a gender perspecLlve ln
programmlng by nA1C and lLs member sLaLes ln AfghanlsLan.
13. Structura| consu|tat|on w|th CSCs: A sLrucLural consulLaLlon mechanlsm wlLh naLlonal and
lnLernaLlonal clvll socleLy organlzaLlons needs Lo be formally esLabllshed. 1he sLeps Laken by
nA1C Lo engage CSCs ln Lhe developmenL Lhe 8evlew of Lhe racLlcal lmpllcaLlons of unSC8
1323 for Lhe ConducL of nA1C-led CperaLlons and Mlsslons" should become common pracLlce
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 11
ln nA1C and oLher lnLernaLlonal enLlLles and agencles wlLh mandaLes on AfghanlsLan Lo ensure
ongolng lnpuL from CSCs.

Internat|ona| Donor Commun|ty:
14. Deve|opment programm|ng: LxlsLlng level of flnanclal commlLmenL from Lhe lnLernaLlonal
communlLy needs Lo be malnLalned and exLended Lo ensure longer Lerm commlLmenL Lo
AfghanlsLan beyond 2017. uevelopmenL programs, especlally ln healLh, economlc developmenL,
educaLlon, securlLy, and [usLlce need Lo be lnLenslfled ln areas where lnLernaLlonal securlLy
forces are no longer presenL Lo ensure LhaL Lhe many galns made for women's empowermenL
slnce 2001 are malnLalned and expanded.
13. Synergy and Coord|nat|on: CoordlnaLe efforLs Lo advance women's rlghLs and Lhelr parLlclpaLlon
ln developmenL, peace processes and dlscusslons wlLh Lhe new elecLed resldenL and Lhe new
governmenL. 1hls should lnclude Lhe provlslon of asslsLance Lo Lhe new Afghan governmenL and
CSCs ln devlslng ways ln whlch Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe 1okyo MuLual AccounLablllLy lramework on
women's rlghLs, Lhe Afghan naLlonal AcLlon lan for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of unSC8 1323 and
oLher relevanL pollcles on women's rlghLs are meL Lhrough adequaLe Lechnlcal capaclLy and
flnanclal supporL.
16. Women |n governance: SupporL lmplemenLaLlon of pollcles such as nAWA Lo lncrease Lhe
number, Lhe overall percenLage, and Lhe effecLlve funcLlonlng of women ln governmenLal
enLlLles lncludlng AnSl, whlle malnLalnlng and expandlng women-deslgnaLed spaces wlLhln
Lhese enLlLles and creaLlng an enabllng envlronmenL for women's acLlve parLlclpaLlon and
17. A|d transparency and pub||c accountab|||ty mechan|sm: SupporL Lhe CovernmenL of
AfghanlsLan ln developlng a publlcly accesslble naLlonal Ald lnformaLlon CenLer whlle supporLlng
clvll socleLy, especlally women's organlzaLlons, Lo provlde clvll overslghL Lo ensure publlc
accounLablllLy of Lhe use of developmenL ald funds.
18. I|nanc|a| and techn|ca| support to women-|ed and c|v|| soc|ety organ|zat|ons: 1echnlcal and
flnanclal supporL should conLlnue Lo be provlded for women-cenLered organlzaLlons. Such
lnlLlaLlves should lnclude communlLy-based developmenL monlLorlng sysLems, organlzed and
run by women aL Lhe local communlLy level and ln collaboraLlon wlLh naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal
clvll socleLy organlzaLlons.

Iurther kesearch:
19. Gender re|at|ons and reg|ona| d|vers|ty: LsLabllsh, Lhrough ln-depLh assessmenL, why Laghman
and kandahar have experlenced relaLlve lmprovemenLs afLer Lhe LranslLlon and afLer a long
perlod of lnsLablllLy, why Samangan has remalned unchanged afLer Lhe LranslLlon, and wheLher
Lhere are lessons Lo be learned from Lhese cases for crlLlcal provlnces such as kunduz. (1hls
recommendaLlon wlll be addressed Lhrough ln-depLh research, Lhe flndlngs from whlch wlll be
presenLed as a companlon case sLudy for Lhe MonlLorlng Women's SecurlLy ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle
4 reporL.)
20. 8enchmark|ng and base||ne |nformat|on: rlor Lo any and all lnLervenLlons on securlLy and
servlce provlslon ln Lhe LranslLloned provlnces, governmenL and lnLernaLlonal donor
programmlng musL be based on slLuaLlon analyses and basellne assessmenLs wlLh a cenLral
focus on gender relaLlons and how Lhe proposed lnLervenLlons affecL, negaLlvely and poslLlvely,
pre-exlsLlng gender relaLlons ln Lhe LargeL communlLles.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 12
1. Introduct|on
Cn March 22, 2011, Lhe resldenL of AfghanlsLan, Pamld karzal, announced Lhe flrsL Lranche of Lhe
LranslLlon of securlLy responslblllLles for AfghanlsLan from Lhe lnLernaLlonal Lo naLlonal securlLy forces.
1he LranslLlon ls Lo be compleLed by Lhe end of 2014. Cn 18 !une 2013, Lhe launch of Lhe flfLh and flnal
LranslLlon Lranche was announced. AfLer 2014, Afghan naLlonal SecurlLy lorces (AnSl) wlll have Lhe sole
responslblllLy for AfghanlsLan's naLlonal securlLy. Some asslsLance wlll conLlnue Lo be provlded by
lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces lncludlng Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lhough Lhe exacL exLenL and naLure of Lhls
asslsLance has noL been fully dlsclosed ln parL because Lhe 8llaLeral SecurlLy AgreemenL proposed by Lhe
unlLed SLaLes remalns unslgned.

ln SepLember 2012 AfghanlsLan ubllc ollcy 8esearch CrganlzaLlon (A8C), ln parLnershlp wlLh Afghan
Women's neLwork (AWn), and fundlng and oLher supporL from Cordald sLarLed a monlLorlng
programme Lo documenL and analyze Lhe lmpacLs, boLh poslLlve and negaLlve, of Lhe LranslLlon on
Afghan women. Lvldence from Lhe flrsL Lwo cycles of Lhls monlLorlng programme suggesLs LhaL Lhe
overall securlLy condlLlons conLlnue Lo evolve ln mulLlple dlrecLlons. ln a number of cases, e.g., PeraL,
Lhe slLuaLlon has been deLerloraLlng slnce Lhe LranslLlon whlle ln oLhers, e.g., Aynak (Samangan), Lhere
has been no slgnlflcanL change. ln yeL oLhers, e.g., Laghman, afLer Lhe lnlLlal rapld deLerloraLlon
followlng Lhe LranslLlon, Lhere were slgns of sLablllLy and lmprovemenL by Lhe Llme Lhe monlLorlng daLa
was belng collecLed for Lhls reporL ln lebruary / March 2014. (See SecLlon 4, llndlngs, below)

1he release of Lhls 3
Cycle monlLorlng reporL colncldes wlLh Lhe compleLlon of Lhe flrsL round of voLlng
for Lhe resldenLlal LlecLlon, held LogeLher wlLh elecLlons for Lhe provlnclal counclls on Aprll 3, 2014. 1he
second round of voLlng for resldenLlal LlecLlon ls scheduled for !une 14, 2014. Clven Lhe Llmlng of Lhls
laLesL round of monlLorlng, from laLe 2013 Lo March 2014, Lhe dlscusslons wlLh Lhe many women and
men who were engaged ln lnLervlews and focus group dlscusslons lnevlLably revolved around Lhe
elecLlons, Lhe negoLlaLlons over Lhe 8llaLeral SecurlLy AgreemenL (8SA) wlLh Lhe unlLed SLaLes, and
negoLlaLlon of peace beLween Lhe CovernmenL of AfghanlsLan and Lhe Armed CpposlLlon Croups
(ACCs). As much as posslble, aLLempL has been made Lo reflecL Lhe perLlnenL polnLs from Lhese
dlscusslons ln Lhls reporL.
2. 8ackground
AL Lhe Llme of wrlLlng, May 2014, women make up 22 percenL of Lhe members of Lhe lower house of
parllamenL (68 women), 17 percenL of Lhe upper house (47 women), and are llkely Lo make up 20
percenL of Lhe LoLal provlnclal councll members (96 women).
AfghanlsLan has a hlgher percenLage of
women ln lLs governmenL Lhan Lhe unlLed SLaLes, lrance, AusLralla, Canada, and Lhe unlLed klngdom.

1he key dlfference beLween AfghanlsLan and Lhese counLrles ls, of course, LhaL Lhe hlgh percenLage of

AfghanlsLan WaLch (2014). Women ln 2014 1ranslLlon: A reporL on Lhe concerns and demands of women and clvll
socleLy organlzaLlons ln AfghanlsLan's 34 provlnces. (kabul: AfghanlsLan WaLch), page 13. Avallable from: Also, CovernmenL of Canada (2014). Afghan 2014 resldenLlal and rovlnclal Councll
LlecLlons. Avallable from: hLLp://
See: hLLp://
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 13
women ln governmenL ln AfghanlsLan has been made posslble by a quoLa sysLem puL ln place as parL of
Lhe reconsLrucLlon efforLs slnce 2001.

AfghanlsLan's quoLa sysLem for women ln governmenL has recenLly come under aLLack from Lhe more
LradlLlonallsL / conservaLlve segmenLs ln Lhe soclal and pollLlcal arenas. 1he reducLlon ln 2013-2014 of
Lhe quoLa for female provlnclal councll members ln AfghanlsLan from 23 percenL Lo 20 demonsLraLes Lhe
Lenuousness of Lhese relaLlvely hlgh numbers of females ln dlfferenL sLrucLures of governmenL. lndeed,
many have argued LhaL Lhe rapld prollferaLlon of measures soon afLer 2001 Lo brlng AfghanlsLan ln llne
wlLh lnLernaLlonal convenLlons and charLers on women's rlghLs has ln facL creaLed a backlash agalnsL
such measures. 1he successful aLLempL by a slzable number of parllamenLarlans Lo reduce Lhe quoLa for
women ln provlnclal counclls, and aLLempLs by oLhers elsewhere agalnsL legal provlslons for women's
rlghLs, are manlfesLaLlons of Lhls backlash and polarlzaLlon.

1he LllmlnaLlon of vlolence agalnsL Women (LvAW), slgned lnLo law Lhrough a presldenLlal decree, has
come under heavy debaLe ln Lhe arllamenL slnce laLe 2013 wlLh llLLle or no prospecL of belng approved
wlLhouL ma[or changes belng demanded by Lhe LradlLlonallsL / conservaLlve facLlons. Also, slnce mld-
2013, Lhere have been lncreased pressures by Lhe more conservaLlve members of Lhe arllamenL Lo
weaken secLlons of Lhe Crlmlnal Code deemed lnapproprlaLe or lnconslsLenL wlLh sLrlcL lnLerpreLaLlons
of lslam. Some parllamenLarlans have even asked for brlnglng back sLonlng as punlshmenL for
uesplLe Lhe many accompllshmenLs slnce 2001, ln 2014 AfghanlsLan remalns one of Lhe mosL
dangerous places for women ln Lhe world.

I|gure 1: keported Cases and Iorms of V|o|ence Aga|nst Women - 2012

Source: AlP8C

AfghanlsLan lndependenL Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon (AlP8C) reporLs lncreases ln vlolence agalnsL

See Ablrafeh, L. (2009), Cender and lnLernaLlonal Ald ln AfghanlsLan: 1he ollLlcs and LffecLs of lnLervenLlon
(!efferson: Mclarland and Co.), pages 30-32 and kandlyoLl, u. (2007), Cld ullemmas or new Challenges? 1he
ollLlcs of Cender and 8econsLrucLlon ln AfghanlsLan," uevelopmenL and Change 38(2), 169-199, boLh clLed ln
A8Lu (2013), Women's 8lghLs, Cender LquallLy, and 1ranslLlon: Securlng galns, movlng forward", page 12.
AfghanlsLan WaLch (2014), pages 17-18.
ueuLsche Welle news Agency: AfghanlsLan, Lhe MosL uangerous CounLry for Women. Avallable from:
hLLp://, clLed ln AfghanlsLan WaLch (2014), page 18.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 14
women ln 2012.
Whlle, arguably, Lhe rlse ln Lhe number of cases of vlolence may be aLLrlbuLed Lo more
women wllllng Lo reglsLer Lhelr cases of vlolence, Lhe facL remalns LhaL vlolence agalnsL women
conLlnues ln many forms (llgure 1).

uesplLe Lhese challenges numerous galns made by and for women ln AfghanlsLan slnce 2001 remaln.
lrom havlng Lhe hlghesL number of maLernal morLallLy raLe prlor Lo 2001, aL 1,600 deaLhs per 100,000
blrLhs, maLernal morLallLy raLe ln 2013 sLood aL 400 per 100,000 blrLhs.
1he percenLage of glrls ln
schools, Lhe numbers of schools and cllnlcs and Lhe numbers of Leachers and medlcal personnel have
sLeadlly rlsen Lhough unevenly LhroughouL Lhe counLry and wlLh ma[or concerns abouL Lhe quallLy of
educaLlonal and healLh servlces belng provlded.
AL Lhe formal pollcy level, Lhe naLlonal AcLlon lan for
Women of AfghanlsLan (nAWA) of 2008 has commlLLed Lhe CovernmenL of AfghanlsLan Lo lncrease Lhe
LoLal percenLage of women ln governmenL from Lhe currenL 22 percenL Lo 30 percenL by 2018.

ln Lhe 12 provlnces covered under Lhls monlLorlng exerclse, Lhe upward Lrends ln Lhe number of
enrollmenLs for glrls and boys have conLlnued Lhough Lhere are reglonal varlaLlons (llgure 2).

I|gure 2: Students Lnro||ed |n ub||c Schoo|s, 2011 and 2012

Source: CSC SLaLlsLlcal ?earbooks, 2012 and 2013

Slmllarly, Lhere are upward Lrends for Lhe number of male and female Leachers buL wlLh reglonal
varlaLlons (llgure 3).

AlP8C (2012). vlolence AgalnsL Women ln AfghanlsLan: 8lannual 8eporL (kabul: AfghanlsLan lndependenL Puman
8lghLs Commlsslon)
See World 8ank: hLLp://
See, for example, A8C (2014), lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe naLlonal AcLlon lan for Women ln AfghanlsLan".
Avallable from: hLLp://
See: hLLp://




2012 (8oys)
2012 (Clrls)
2011 (8oys)
2011 (Crlls)
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 13

I|gure 3: Ma|e and Iema|e 1eachers |n ub||c Schoo|s, 2011 and 2012

Source: CSC SLaLlsLlcal ?earbooks, 2012 and 2013

1here ls llLLle or no change ln Lhe number of Comprehenslve PealLh CenLres and 8aslc PealLh CenLres
beLween Lhe years 2011 and 2012 (llgure 4).

I|gure 4: Comprehens|ve nea|th Centres (CnC) and 8as|c nea|th Centres (8nC), 2011 and 2012

Source: CSC SLaLlsLlcal ?earbooks, 2012 and 2013

Slmllarly, Lhe numbers for medlcal docLors and healLh asslsLance professlonals remaln largely unchanged
Lhough wlLh sllghL lncreases ln 2012 compared Lo 2011 (llgure 3).




2012 (Male)
2012 (lemale)
2011 (Male)
2011 (lemale)



2012 (8PC)
2012 (CPC)
2011 (8PC)
2011 (CPC)
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 16
I|gure S: Med|ca| Doctors (MD) and nea|th Ass|stance rofess|ona|s (nA), 2011 and 2012

Source: CSC SLaLlsLlcal ?earbooks, 2012 and 2013

1here are slgnlflcanL varlaLlons ln Lhe LoLal numbers of female governmenL employees across provlnces.
ln 8adakhshan, 8alkh, Pelmand, PeraL, kandahar, kunduz, arwan, and Samangan Lhere have been
lncreases ln Lhe LoLal number of female employees ln 2012 compared Lo 2011. ln 8amyan Lhe number of
female governmenL employees has dropped from 30 percenL ln 2011 Lo around 23 percenL ln 2012
whereas ln nangarhar, Laghaman, and kabul Lhe number of female governmenL employees have
remalned Lhe same beLween 2011 and 2012 (llgure 6).

I|gure 6: Iema|e Government Lmp|oyees (Iu|| 1|me and Contract), 2011 and 2012

Source: CSC SLaLlsLlcal ?earbooks, 2012 and 2013

A survey conducLed by AfghanlsLan WaLch ln 2013 reporLs evenly mlxed vlews regardlng securlLy and
governance durlng and afLer Lhe 2014 LranslLlon. 1wenLy flve percenL of Lhose surveyed emphaslzed Lhe
lmporLance of sLrengLhenlng cooperaLlon beLween Lhe publlc and Lhe governmenL, 22 percenL wanLed
sLronger [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons, 22 percenL wanLed more efforL ln lmplemenLlng gender equallLy pollcles,




2012 (Mu)
2012 (PA)
2011 (Mu)
2011 (PA)
ercenLage of
lemale Lmployees
ercenLage of
lemale Lmployees
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 17
19 percenL wanLed lncreased parLlclpaLlon of women ln Afghan naLlonal Army, and 12 percenL wanLed
Lhe conLlnued presence of Lhe lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces Lhrough Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8llaLeral SecurlLy
AgreemenL or oLher arrangemenLs.
An esLlmaLed 36 percenL of Lhe voLers ln Lhe flrsL round of
elecLlons ln 2014 were female. 1hls compares Lo 44 percenL ln 2004 and 38 percenL ln 2009. WlLh Lhe
LoLal number of voLers ln 2014 belng excepLlonally hlgh, 2014 may well have Lhe hlghesL ever absoluLe
number of women voLlng ln elecLlons ln AfghanlsLan.

1he purpose of Lhls ongolng monlLorlng exerclse has been Lo examlne wheLher Lhere are grounds for
concern for women's rlghLs ln AfghanlsLan as a consequence of Lhe LranslLlon of responslblllLy for
naLlonal securlLy from lnLernaLlonal Lo naLlonal securlLy forces by Lhe end of 2014. 1he remalnder of Lhls
reporL ls organlzed as follows. 1he nexL secLlon descrlbes Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhls monlLorlng exerclse.
SecLlon 4 presenLs Lhe dlsLrlcL by dlsLrlcL analysls based on Lhe emplrlcal daLa collecLed from Lhe 14
dlsLrlcLs monlLored. SecLlon 3 provldes an analysls of Lhe aggregaLe quanLlfled daLa collecLed ln Lhe
dlsLrlcLs. SecLlon 6 concludes wlLh recommendaLlons.
3. Cb[ect|ves and Methodo|ogy
1hls Lhlrd monlLorlng reporL soughL Lo assess Lhe llkely lmpacL of securlLy LranslLlon on Lhe llves of
Afghan women based on changes observed ln Lhe followlng proxles:
1. Cverall SecurlLy
2. MoblllLy and Access Lo ubllc Llfe
3. Access Lo Servlces (PealLh and LducaLlon)
4. Access Lo !usLlce
3. vlolence AgalnsL Women, and
6. Women and CurrenL Affalrs (eace rocess, 8llaLeral SecurlLy AgreemenL, LlecLlons).

1he daLa and oLher lnformaLlon from secondary sources were used for Lhe overvlew ln Lhe lnLroducLlon
Lo Lhls reporL and Lhe generaLlon of graphs ln Lhe lnLroducLlon and analysls secLlons. 1he prlmary daLa
was collecLed Lhrough lnLervlews wlLh 271 lndlvlduals (mosLly female), 28 focus group dlscusslons wlLh
females, and a quanLlLaLlve survey compleLed by a LoLal of 390 focus group parLlclpanLs (1able 1).

1ab|e 1: 8reakdown of Interv|ews and Iocus Group D|scuss|ons

AfghanlsLan WaLch (2014), pages 28 - 29.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 18
4. I|nd|ngs from Cyc|e 3
Ia|zabad, 8adakhshan rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 56 7895 !$:$;2$- 7897 ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
Women reporL cases of physlcal abuse, forced marrlages, and exchange of glrls and women as a means
Lo seLLle feuds (kl-l-W-1). PealLh cllnlcs and worklng women sLaLe LhaL vlolence qulLe common ln rural
areas (kl-l-Cov-1, kl-l-CPS-1). 1hroughouL Lhe provlnce vlolence agalnsL women ls reporLed Lo have
lncreased ln Lhe afLermaLh of Lhe LranslLlon:

When Lhe forelgn Lroops were ln 8adakhshan, Lhey would help us wlLh lssues regardlng women's
rlghLs. 1hey would also asslsL us ln our flghL agalnsL vlolence agalnsL women. 8uL now Lhey are noL
here and forelgn lnsLlLuLlons LhaL are supposed Lo help us wlLh Lhese lssues are more concerned
wlLh Lhelr own securlLy Lhan dolng whaL Lhey are here Lo do. 1he LranslLlon has led Lo an lncrease
ln vlolence agalnsL women and [udlclal bodles are weaker Lhan Lhey were prlor Lo Lhe LranslLlon. l
expecL Lhe forelgn organlzaLlons LhaL are currenLly acLlve ln Lhe area Lo end Lhelr currenL pro[ecLs
and leave. - kl-M-nCC-3, lalzabad.

lalzabad remalns relaLlvely safe Lhough oLher, parLlcularly rural, dlsLrlcLs are descrlbed as dangerous
and unsafe for women. CuLslde Lhelr homes ln lalzabad women feel safe ln publlc spaces whereas
movemenL ln and Lo some dlsLrlcLs such as ?&-;, @"-03A6 B"C"-"D ".0 E$*C; ls descrlbed as llmlLed and
rlsky (kl-M-nCC-3). 1he lack of securlLy ouLslde Lhe urban areas has made movemenL by women very
dlfflculL and only ln cases of exLreme emergency women Lravel Lo oLher dlsLrlcLs.

Women ln lalzabad appear Lo be saLlsfled wlLh AnSl and sLaLe Lhe securlLy personnel are respecLful Lo
glrls and women. Women also sLaLe LhaL Lhey feel comforLable ln approachlng AnSl Lo seek help (kl-l-
Cov-2). 1hls poslLlve vlew of AnSl ls ln conLrasL Lo how Lhe F-2"D) are vlewed, however:

1he creaLlon and presence of Arbakl have noL led Lo any poslLlve ouLcomes yeL. uurlng Lhe day Lhe
Arbakl clalm Lo be on Lhe governmenL's slde and aL nlghL Lhey operaLe as Lhleves and block roads for
robberles. Some of Lhem Lurn lnLo 1allban and dlsLorL Lhe securlLy of Lhe reglon. -kl-M-nCC-3,


We do noL have Arbakl ln Lhe cenLer [lalzabad]. ln Lhe dlsLrlcLs, where Lhey are acLlve, Lhey are Lhe
source of lnsecurlLy Lhemselves, because Lhey sLlll serve Lhelr former commanders from Lhe war
perlod. - k-l-8W-1, lalzabad
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
1he LranslLlon has affecLed women's employmenL and employmenL opporLunlLles ln 8adakhshan. WlLh
Lhe deparLure of lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces, a number of resldual [obs have ceased Lo exlsL whlle a
number of non-governmenL organlzaLlons have scaled down or sLopped Lhelr acLlvlLles, parLlcularly ln
rural areas:

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 19
LmploymenL opporLunlLles for women have decllned slnce Lhe LranslLlon. lf forelgners leave Lhe
reglon enLlrely, Lhere ls a chance LhaL Lhe slLuaLlon worsens compleLely. now, Lhere sLlll are
women LhaL are employed. lf [for example] Lhe securlLy agreemenL ls noL slgned Lhe prospecLs of
employmenL for women wlll be furLher weakened. - kl-M-nCC-3, lalzabad.


AfLer Lhe LranslLlon Lhe employmenL opporLunlLles have decllned greaLly. rlor Lo Lhe LranslLlon,
Lwo Lhousand people used Lo work for Lhe 81, now all Lhese people are unemployed and
sufferlng from lL. - kl-M-MLu-4, lalzabad.

1he slLuaLlon for women worklng for governmenLal enLlLles ln lalzabad appears Lo be unchanged slnce
Lhe LranslLlon:

A large number of women work ln governmenL organlzaLlons or prlvaLe agencles. MosL of Lhem
also work as Leachers and face no dlfflculLles when commuLlng Lo work. - kl-l-Cov-2, lalzabad.

1he workshops and awareness ralslng pro[ecLs held by Lhe lndependenL Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon and
oLher CSCs ln urban areas Lo Leach communlLy members of Lhe rlghLs of women are sald Lo have been
successful, parLlcularly wlLh Lhe communlLy elders and rellglous leaders who sLaLed LhaL Lhey were
supporLlve of women worklng ouLslde Lhelr homes (kl-l-PC-3, kl-l-Cov-1). ln rural dlsLrlcLs movemenLs
by women, lncludlng golng Lo work, ls affecLed by concerns abouL Lhe deLerloraLlon of securlLy. Some of
Lhe women lnLervlewed from rural areas sLaLed LhaL Lhey had ended Lhelr employmenL due Lo concern,
or uncerLalnLy, abouL Lhe securlLy condlLlons (kl-l-Cov-1).
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
ln addlLlon Lo provldlng asslsLance ln emergencles, Lhe 81 personnel also asslsLed ln provldlng
vacclnaLlons and nuLrlLlonal help Lo chlldren (kl-M-nCC-3). WlLh Lhe deparLure of Lhe 81, Lhere ls a
much hlgher level of anxleLy by famllles wlLh small chlldren (kl-l-CPS-3). 1hls ls felL much more ln rural
dlsLrlcLs Lhan lalzabad where access Lo healLh and oLher servlces has noL been affecLed slgnlflcanLly
slnce LranslLlon (lCu-WW).

ln rural areas access Lo healLh and educaLlon conLlnue Lo be adversely affecLed by poor lnfrasLrucLure
such as roads buL also poor or lnadequaLe faclllLles:

eople ln Lhls reglon have a hard Llme when Lrylng Lo access healLh cenLers because Lhere are no
roads. eople elLher brlng Lhelr lll relaLlves on a donkey or on Lhelr backs Lo Lhe cllnlc. We provldes
servlces Lo paLlenLs who are ln need of gynecologlcal servlces, suffer from 18 or menLal lllnesses. -
kl-M-Med-4, lalzabad.

Cn access Lo educaLlon, a governmenL employee sLaLed LhaL,

Clrls' access Lo educaLlon ln lalzabad ls good, buL ln oLher dlsLrlcLs lL ls hard for glrls Lo go Lo
schools. ln some dlsLrlcLs Lhe securlLy ls bad, women and glrls are warned abouL aLLendlng schools
or work ouLslde Lhelr homes. 1hls used Lo be Lhe case ln only one dlsLrlcLs, buL now, Lhere are
many dlsLrlcLs where Lhese Lhlngs happen. - kl-l-Cov-1, lalzabad.

AnoLher reason for glrls' lack of access Lo educaLlon ls Lhe llmlLed number of schools ln some dlsLrlcLs:

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 20
eople ln Lhls reglon do noL have much access Lo schools. We have LhlrLeen mosques and one
school where sLudenLs from far away places come Lo follow classes. -kl-M-MLu-4, lalzabad.

Lack of a sufflclenL number of schools and Leachers ls compounded by conservaLlsm ln some dlsLrlcLs.
lor example,

As far as educaLlon ls concerned, ln some dlsLrlcLs some glrls are forbldden Lo sLudy beyond Lhe
fourLh grade because elLher Lhey llve Loo far away or Lhelr parenLs are concerned LhaL Lhey are
LaughL by male Leachers. - kl-l-CPS-3, lalzabad.

ln lalzabad, however, access Lo educaLlon ls reporLed Lo have markedly lmproved and ls en[oylng
supporL from wlLhln Lhe communlLy:

8ellglous leaders generally have a poslLlve oplnlon of glrls geLLlng an educaLlon and encourage
women Lo seek educaLlon. 1he elders are more supporLlve of educaLlon for women Lhan one year
ago and Lhe reason ls predomlnanLly more awareness among rellglous leaders abouL women's
rlghLs. 1hls ls Lhe resulL of many workshops and semlnars LhaL have Laken place. - kl, kl-l-CPS-2,
Access to Iust|ce
1he effecLs of LranslLlon on women's access Lo [usLlce have been relaLlvely mlnlmal. ln Lhe pasL, forelgn
Lroops would provlde experLlse and servlces Lo naLlonal CSCs and securlLy and [usLlce offlclals Lo
prevenL vlolence agalnsL women (kl-M-l8u). AlLhough Lhese servlces noL belng as wldely avallable as
before Lhe LranslLlon, women appear Lo feel LhaL Lhelr access Lo [usLlce ls unaffecLed. 1he vlew
expressed by one An offlclal ls also lndlcaLlve of how offlclals vlew [usLlce and women's rlghLs wlLhln
Lhe [usLlce sysLem:

now lL ls noL llke ln Lhe pasL, when anybody could do anyLhlng and physlcally abuse anyone Lhey
wlshed. now we deLaln - and quesLlon - Lhem and Lurn Lhem over Lo Lhe legal offlclals. -kl-M-An

1here are some complalnLs, however, abouL Lhe unequal manner ln whlch [usLlce offlclals LreaL cases
lnvolvlng women:

1here are legal and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons ln our reglon buL Lhelr aLLlLude Lowards women ls very bad.
Lspeclally, women LhaL have runaway from Lhelr homes are LreaLed very badly and as crlmlnals.
Also, lf you do noL have any connecLlons or power, no one would llsLen Lo you. -kl-l-CPS-3,


1here are legal ald bureaus avallable ln Lhe urban areas LhaL help women. !udlclal lnsLlLuLlons are
presenL buL Lhey do noL deal wlLh women's cases well. 1hey usually ask for maLerlal and flnanclal
favors ln exchange for Lhelr servlces. Women LhaL do noL have money cannoL geL [usLlce. - kl-l-
8W-1, lalzabad.

Access Lo formal [usLlce by women ln rural areas remalns lnsufflclenL and lnadequaLe. lnformal [usLlce ls
served based on cusLomary law whlch ofLen, Lhough noL always, favors men (kl-M-nCC-3). CommunlLy
elders preslde over resolvlng legal dlspuLes lncludlng cases LhaL concern women (kl-M-nCC-3).
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 21

1he lmpacL of Lhe LranslLlon on women's access Lo [usLlce has been llmlLed Lhough much needs Lo be
done Lo lncrease avallablllLy, access, and use of formal legal enLlLles.
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo Lhe daLa provlded by famlly response unlLs, Lhe exLenL of vlolence agalnsL women has
lncreased from elghL cases ln 2012 Lo LwenLy-elghL by Lhe end of 2013 (kl-M-l8u). 1he LranslLlon has
conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe rlse ln vlolence agalnsL women:

When Lhe forelgn Lroops were ln 8adakhshan, Lhey would help us wlLh lssues regardlng women's
rlghLs. 1hey would also asslsL us ln our flghL agalnsL vlolence agalnsL women. 8uL now Lhey are noL
here and forelgn lnsLlLuLlons LhaL are supposed Lo help us wlLh Lhese lssues are more concerned
wlLh Lhelr own securlLy Lhan dolng whaL Lhey are here Lo do. 1he LranslLlon has led Lo an lncrease
ln vlolence agalnsL women and [udlclal bodles are weaker Lhan Lhey were prlor Lo Lhe LranslLlon. l
expecL Lhe forelgn organlzaLlons LhaL are currenLly acLlve ln Lhe area Lo end Lhelr currenL pro[ecLs
and leave. - kl-M-nCC-3, ln lalzabad.

Women sLaLe LhaL vlolence ls parLlcularly hlgher ln remoLe areas, where men are less educaLed and
women are less aware of Lhelr rlghLs (kl-M-MLu-3, lCu-PW).

Women and Current Affa|rs
All Lhose lnLervlewed sLaLed Lhelr supporL for Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA. lor example:

1he slgnlng of Lhe 8SA ls a poslLlve sLep and shall be enhance women's employmenL opporLunlLles
and reduce Lhe populaLlon of Lhe 1allban ln Lhe reglon. lf lL ls noL slgned, Lhe presldenL karzal's Len-
year achlevemenLs for women shall be losL. 1he slgnlng of Lhe 8SA shall be a poslLlve sLep for
women's developmenL. - kl-l-W-1 ln lalzabad

1here ls a fear LhaL lf Lhe securlLy agreemenL ls noL slgned Lhe achlevemenLs LhaL have been made over
Lhe lasL decade wlll be losL. 1he slgnlng of Lhe 8SA wlll lncrease Lhe posslblllLy of a beLLer fuLure:

lf Lhe 8SA ls slgned, Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon for women shall geL beLLer and Lhey would be able Lo
safely go Lo Lhelr works. We supporL Lhe slgnlng of Lhls agreemenL. - kl-l-8W-2 ln lalzabad

Accordlng Lo a promlnenL womanln 8adakhshan, ln Lhe cenLral areas women played an acLlve ln Lhe
elecLlons. Women were reporLed Lo have come ouL ln force Lo voLe and parLlclpaLed ln awareness
ralslng campalgns Lo encourage oLhers Lo voLe. Powever, because of Lhe rugged Lerraln, many women
from rural areas were noL able Lo casL Lhelr voLes. 1hls problem could have been solved by havlng
moblle voLlng sLaLlons LhroughouL Lhe provlnce(kl-l-W-1).

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 22

8a|kh, 8a|kh rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 76 7895 F=-)>GH"4 789I ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
hyslcal abuse and oLher crlmes agalnsL women are sald Lo be on Lhe rlse ln 8alkh. lor example:

vlolence agalnsL women has lncreased. 1hree nlghLs ago, for lnsLance, a husband murdered hls
wlfe, lefL hls daughLers alone wlLh her aL home and Look hls son wlLh hlm. lL ls sLlll unknown why
he dld all Lhls and wheLher he wlll be broughL Lo [usLlce. - kl-l-nCC-2, 8alkh.

AlmosL everyone lnLervlewed reporLed knowlng someone ln hls or her vlclnlLy who was a vlcLlm of
domesLlc vlolence or murder. Many aLLrlbuLe Lhls Lo Lhe posL-LranslLlon economlc hardshlp, caused by
Lhe deparLure of lnLernaLlonal forces and Lhe [obs creaLed by Lhelr presence (kl-l-nCC-1). 1he
deLerloraLlng economy and Lhe uncerLalnLles abouL Lhe fuLure ls sald Lo have affecLed Lhe wellbelng of
many women (kl-l-nCC-1).

Women reporLed LhaL Lhey felL more apprehenslve movlng around ln rural areas. Women from urban
areas do noL feel as secure as before when Lravellng Lo rural areas. lor example:

1he securlLy of Lhe vlllages and rural areas has deLerloraLed drasLlcally over Lhe lasL slx monLhs.
Slx monLhs ago, we could Lravel Lo elghLy vlllages. 1oday, we can only go Lo elghLeen vlllages.
1here are armed men on Lhe way LhaL rob people. lL has made Lravelllng very dlfflculL for us. -
lCu-WW ln 8alkh.

1he LranslLlon has adversely affecLed Lhe ablllLy of An Lo do lLs work Lhough An and AnA are generally
consldered as capable, hard worklng and respecLful Lo women (kl-l-nCC-1). Slnce Lhe LranslLlon, Lhe
ouLsklrLs of urban cenLers and Lhe more remoLe dlsLrlcLs do noL recelve as much aLLenLlon as before
regardlng havlng adequaLe personnel and equlpmenL Lo malnLaln securlLy (kl-l-8W-1). 1here are
concerns regardlng some of Lhe members of Lhe Arbakl, however, vlewed by many as a source of unresL
ln some dlsLrlcLs of Lhe provlnce (kl-l-CCv-1).
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
A group of communlLy elders sLaLed LhaL Lhe rlsk of women geLLlng raped by forelgners" had been
removed slnce Lhe deparLure of lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces (lCu-CL). 1here are, however, complalnLs
abouL harassmenL of women and glrls walklng Lo work or school. Some arrange pald LransporLaLlon by
cuLLlng cosLs of Lhelr oLher dally needs (kl-l-nCC-3).

Women ln Lhe urban dlsLrlcLs sLaLe LhaL Lhelr freedom of movemenL has lncreased slnce Lhe deparLure
of forelgn forces. ln Lhe rural dlsLrlcLs where Lhe Arbakl are acLlve, women reporL LhaL Lhey noL Lo feel
safe ouLslde Lhelr homes (kl-l-CCv-1, kl-l-8W-1, kl-l-nCC-2). 1he deparLure of lnLernaLlonal securlLy
forces has meanL LhaL some communlLy elders and rellglous leaders are playlng a more lnsLrumenLal
role ln supporLlng, or undermlnlng, Lhe presence of women ln publlc llfe lncludlng worklng and
educaLlon (kl-l-W-1, kl-l-l8u).

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 23
1he LranslLlon has especlally affecLed women LhaL depended on pro[ecLs and funds, no longer avallable
slnce Lhe LranslLlon. An employee of a CSC ln 8alkh descrlbed her work afLer Lhe LranslLlon as follows:

Slnce we are an nCC, our ablllLy Lo perform our Lasks depends on money from donors and rlghL
now we do noL have any pro[ecLs. We help women who approach us [usL ouL of our own
goodwlll. LasL year we could Lravel Lo farLhesL places ln Lhe dlsLrlcL Lo asslsL women ln need of
help. [AfLer Lhe LranslLlon] our ablllLy Lo perform our Lasks ls very llmlLed slnce Lhere are no
funds. - kl-l-nCC-2 ln 8alkh.
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
ln Lhe rural dlsLrlcLs access Lo healLh cllnlcs and schools has always been a challenge because of general
lnsecurlLy, culLural conservaLlsm, lnsufflclenL faclllLles, and a general lack of adequaLe LransporLaLlon. ln
urban dlsLrlcLs access Lo servlces ln educaLlon does noL appear Lo be a challenge Lo mosL women.

We have abouL 680 sLudenLs ln our school and aLLracL new sLudenLs every year. We do have
sLudenLs LhaL leave school, buL Lhe maln reasons for LhaL ls elLher marrlage or movlng Lo anoLher
locaLlon. Cur Leachers have noL reslgned [slnce Lhe LranslLlon] elLher. -kl-l-CPS-1, 8alkh.

Access Lo healLh and educaLlon are supporLed and belng promoLed by some of Lhe rellglous leaders. lor

l do noL have much conLacL wlLh oLher lmams, buL ln our area we have Lwo lmams who sub[ecL
women's rlghLs Lo Lhelr sermons and preach abouL lL. 1helr encouragemenL has lncreased
compared Lo slx monLhs ago. Lven Lhe lmams' daughLers and daughLers ln law go Lo school. - lnu-
l-W-1, 8alkh.

Slmllarly, oLher women ln urban cenLers reporLed LhaL Lhelr local lmams lncorporaLe women's
educaLlon and rlghLs ln Lhelr dlscusslons and preachlng, encouraglng glrls Lo go Lo school (kl-l-CPS-2,

1here are no complalnLs abouL glrls geLLlng LhreaLs because of golng Lo school or geLLlng an educaLlon.
1he few concerns LhaL glrls' hlgh schools expressed relaLed prlmarlly Lo Lhe lack of faclllLles.

Women ln Lhe urban cenLers of 8alkh have access Lo educaLlon and healLh servlces. 1hose llvlng ln rural
areas have dlfflculLy ln accesslng cllnlcs due malnly Lo lnadequaLe roads and LransporLaLlon buL also
parLlally due Lo lncreased concerns abouL lnsecurlLy (kl-M-An, kl-l-W-1). As far as women's access Lo
educaLlon ls concerned, Lhe LranslLlon seems Lo have been beneflclal. Women, parLlcularly ln urban
cenLers, can move around more freely and communlLy elders and rellglous leaders are supporLlve of
women recelvlng educaLlonal servlces (kl-l-CPS-1, kl-l-CPS-2, kl-l-CPS-3).
Access to Iust|ce
1here are complalnLs abouL corrupLlon ln Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem lncludlng [obs belng boughL and

.[W]hen we asked Lhe young man why he was prepared Lo pay such a blg amounL of money, he
sald LhaL lL was noLhlng and LhaL he would earn lL back ln a week. 1he [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons have
Lurned lnLo shops and people are forced Lo be corrupL so LhaL Lhey can earn back whaL Lhey have
pald for Lhe poslLlon. - kl-l-nCC-3, 8alkh.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 24
1wo oLher facLors llmlL women's access Lo [usLlce ln 8alkh. llrsL, communlLy members generally are noL
appreclaLlve of women LhaL approach courLs Lo solve Lhelr problems (kl-l-W-1). Second, less funds
from Lhe lnLernaLlonal donors ln LranslLloned areas has meanL LhaL Lhe ablllLy of CSCs LhaL work Lo
enhance women's access Lo [usLlce has been reduced (kl-l-nCC-1). 8efore Lhe LranslLlon numerous
CSCs would go Lo remoLe dlsLrlcLs Lo asslsL women ln need Lo galn access Lo Lhe formal [usLlce. Such
excurslons are no longer posslble due a comblnaLlon of shorLage of funds and helghLened lnsecurlLy,
percelved or acLual.

Women's access Lo [usLlce ln 8alkh ls llmlLed. 1here are concerns abouL corrupLlon ln Lhe formal [usLlce
sysLem and CSCs are underfunded Lo provlde asslsLance Lo women ln need of legal servlces.
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo clvll socleLy organlzaLlons and famlly response unlLs, physlcal abuse and oLher crlmes
agalnsL women are on Lhe rlse and common ln 8alkh (kl-l-CSC-2, kl-M-l8u). uue Lo Lhe LranslLlon, Lhe
economlc slLuaLlon has deLerloraLed and Lhe employmenL opporLunlLles have decllned:

vlolence agalnsL women has lncreased. 1hree nlghLs ago, for lnsLance, a husband murdered hls
wlfe, lefL hls daughLers alone wlLh her aL home and Look hls son wlLh hlm. lL ls sLlll unknown why
he dld all Lhls. - kl-l-v1C-2, 8alkh.

AlmosL everyone lnLervlewed knows someone ln Lhelr vlclnlLy who ls or has been a vlcLlm of severe
domesLlc vlolence and murder. 1he deLerloraLlng economy and Lhe uncerLalnLles regardlng Lhe fuLure of
Lhe women ln Lhe reglon have also affecLed women's healLh, accordlng Lo Lhe CSCs. Accordlng Lo a
healLh cllnlc, Lhere are more cases of menLal lllness and hlgh blood pressure LhaL women suffer from
due Lo Lhe bad (economlc) slLuaLlon lnslde Lhelr homes.
Women and Current Affa|rs
1he women expressed sLrong supporL for Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA slnce, among oLher lssues, Lhe slgnlng
would brlng more sLablllLy and employmenL opporLunlLles for women:

eople, all of Lhem, wlsh Lhe 8SA Lo be slgned. 1hey ask us whaL would happen lf Lhe 8SA ls noL
slgned? 1hey feel LhaL Lhe 8SA can brlng more employmenL opporLunlLles for men and women ln
Lhe reglon. - kl-l-Cov-2, 8alkh.

A group of housewlves sLaLed LhaL because Lhe 8SA had noL been slgned, prlces for goods had rlsen and
llvlng expenses had gone up and Lhere was less wllllngness Lo lnvesL and creaLe [obs.

Accordlng Lo a promlnenL woman ln Mazar-e-Sharlf Lhe hlgh LurnouL of women Lo voLe durlng Lhe
elecLlons was ln parL due Lo moneLary lncenLlves provlded Lo many women, parLlcularly Lo poor and Lhe
llllLeraLe, by some of Lhe candldaLes. 8uL, aL Lhe same Llme, Lhe campalgns by Lhe presldenLlal and
provlnclal councll candldaLes were much more effecLlve Lhan prevlous elecLlons. AnSl malnLalned order
and securlLy and Lhls encouraged people, lncludlng many women, Lo come ouL and casL Lhelr voLes.
1here are many reporLs of famlly members encouraglng each oLher Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe elecLlons, whlch
was parLlcularly encouraglng for Lhe women (kl-l-W-1).

ConLrary Lo 8adakhshan, women llvlng ln remoLe areas dld have many dlfflculLles Lo access Lhe voLlng
sLaLlons Lo casL Lhelr voLe:

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 23
ln 8alkh dlsLrlcL l was sLaLloned aL a pollng sLaLlon ln a very remoLe area and l saw LhaL a loL of
women voLed and parLlclpaLed wlLh enLhuslasm. All women voLed because Lhey were aware of
whaL was aL sLake and had parLlclpaLed ln awareness workshops and semlnars. - kl-l-W-1
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 26

Daw|atabad, 8a|kh rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 56 7895 F=-)>GH"4 789I ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
1he LranslLlon does noL appear Lo be a cause for concern as far as lLs lmpacL on overall securlLy for
women ln uawlaLabad. lnlLlally Lhe response followlng Lhe full LranslLlon was heslLance Lo leave Lhe
home. 8uL Lhls changed relaLlvely qulckly:

We do noL face any problems whlle Lravellng Lo oLher dlsLrlcLs and vlllages and do so wlLh
confldence. Women can freely move around and usually do so alone. 1he sLores are open Llll laLe
ln Lhe evenlng and women can go ouLslde Llll relaLlvely laLe ln Lhe evenlng.-kl-l-Cov-2,

AnSl's work ls vlewed poslLlvely by Lhe communlLy, parLlcularly wlLh Lhe knowledge LhaL
AnSl's resources have been reduced slnce Lhe LranslLlon:

Cur naLlonal pollce are faclng dlfflculLles and challenges. 1he pollce force does noL have Lhe
requlred faclllLles, nor have Lhey had sufflclenL Lralnlng Lo fulflll Lhelr duLles professlonally. We
have naLlonal pollce ln Lhls dlsLrlcL and desplLe Lhe many challenges Lhey manage Lo malnLaln
securlLy. 1he populaLlon ls saLlsfled wlLh our pollce's work. -kl-l-v1C-2, uawlaLabad.

1he elders and oLher members of Lhe communlLy are sald Lo cooperaLe wlLh An ln flghLlng crlme.
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
AfLer Lhe lnlLlal worrles LhaL followed Lhe LranslLlon, women are sald Lo have resumed Lhelr rouLlnes
and funcLlons ouLslde Lhe home. Women's access Lo work has been reduced due malnly Lo fewer [obs
belng avallable as a resulL of Lhe LranslLlon:

CpporLunlLles Lo flnd work have decreased over Lhe lasL slx monLhs. Slx monLhs ago, Lhere used
Lo be llLeracy courses and vocaLlonal Lralnlng courses and faclllLles where women Look courses
and oLher women were Leachers and Lralners. now many of Lhese faclllLles no longer exlsL,
ellmlnaLlng [ob opporLunlLles for women. - lCu-WW, uawlaLabad.

Women worklng ln cruclal servlces such healLh have been less suscepLlble Lo Lhe lack of fundlng:

ln Lhe lasL slx monLhs, only one female employee was flred and Lhe reason for Lhe flrlng was
corrupLlon and lnapproprlaLe behavlor wlLh Lhe paLlenLs. Women's employmenL ln healLh ls
oLherwlse noL LhreaLened. -kl-l-Med-2, uawlaLabad.

Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
1he LranslLlon has noL affecLed women's access Lo healLhcare and Lhe number of paLlenLs LhaL vlslL Lhe
cllnlcs has noL decreased:

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 27
1he number of women LhaL vlslL our cllnlc ls parLlcularly hlgh on Mondays and 1hursdays
because Lhese are markeL days. Women someLlmes come alone, oLher Llmes Lhey are
accompanled by a male companlon. usually when Lhey come from farLher places, Lhey come
wlLh a male companlon. Cn average we help abouL one hundred female paLlenLs each day. 1he
number of our paLlenLs has noL changed slnce Lhe LranslLlon. Women have noL been sub[ecLed
Lo any LormenL (by Lhelr famllles or oLherwlse) when accesslng our cllnlcs. - kl-l-Med-2,

Women reporLed LhaL Lhelr famllles are generally very aLLenLlve Lo Lhelr needs for medlcal servlces.

1here have been aLLacks on schools and kllllngs of Leachers ln Lhe dlsLrlcL. Powever, Lhese evenLs
appear noL have had adverse lmpacLs on Lhe access Lo or avallablllLy of educaLlon:

Slx monLhs ago, Lhree Leachers were murdered. 1hls led Lo a drop ln aLLendance. 8uL now Lhose
who were absenL have reLurned Lo Lhelr schools and are followlng Lhelr classes. 1he securlLy
slLuaLlon has lmproved Loo. 1hose glrls who have sLopped comlng Lo school have done so
because of geLLlng marrled or movlng away wlLh Lhelr famllles.-kl-l-CPS-2, uawlaLabad.

arenLs are sald Lo be supporLlve of educaLlon for glrls. 1here ls also supporL from Lhe communlLy for
glrls golng Lo school.
Access to Iust|ce
Women reporL LhaL Lhey are Laken serlously when Lhey have approach Lhe pollce wlLh a problem.
Women wlLh domesLlc vlolence complalnLs are asslsLed by female pollce offlcers. When female pollce
are noL avallable, members of Lhe AfghanlsLan lndependenL Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon are asked for
asslsLance (lCu-PW).
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
WlLh regards Lo women's sense of securlLy lnslde Lhelr houses, Lhere ls a general consensus among Lhe
lnLervlewees LhaL domesLlc vlolence has decreased Lremendously over Lhe lasL slx monLhs. ln 2011, Lhe
famlly response unlL ln uawlaLabad sLaLed Lo have flfLy-Lwo reglsLered cases ln 2011, a year laLer lL had
fallen down Lo LwenLy-Lhree and by Lhe end of 2013 Lhe number of reglsLered cases were as low as nlne.
CLhers ln Lhe fleld have also noLlced Lhe decrease ln vlolence agalnsL women ln uawlaLabad:

We do noL know whaL Lhe sLaLlsLlcs are wlLh regards Lo physlcal abuse of women. unLll slx
monLhs ago, we would geL Lhree Lo four glrls who were vlcLlms of domesLlc vlolence ln our
hosplLals for LreaLmenL. We have noL recelved any ln Lhe lasL number of monLhs. 1he recenL
developmenL ls LhaL Lhe elders parLlclpaLe ln confllcL resoluLlon and avold physlcal abuse ln Lhls
manner. - kl-l-Med-1, 8alkh.

Women ln uawlaLabad sLaLed LhaL forced marrlages occur ofLen ln uawlaLabad and are a source of
vlolence agalnsL women:

Cne week ago a glrl ln Lhls dlsLrlcL commlLLed sulclde. 1he reason was forced marrlage LhaL was
planned Lo Lake place. Cne monLh ago anoLher glrl commlLLed sulclde and some Llme before LhaL
a glrl Look Loo much medlcaLlon and kllled herself. 1here ls a loL of sulclde, buL noL as much
domesLlc vlolence as slx monLhs ago. - kl-l-v1C-2, uawlaLabad.

none of Lhe above menLloned lnsLances and Lrends seem Lo have been lnfluenced by Lhe LranslLlon.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 28
Women and Current Affa|rs
1he senLlmenLs expressed by Lhe women ln uawlaLabad dlsLrlcL were ldenLlcal Lo Lhose by women ln
8alkh dlsLrlcL, above. 1he awareness semlnars and pro[ecLs on women's rlghLs and elecLlons appear Lo
have conLrlbuLed Lo women's parLlclpaLlon ln elecLlons (kl-l-W-1).
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 29

8amyan, 8amyan rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
H"-:C JG9K6 7895 F=-)>GH"4 789I ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
ln cenLral/urban areas Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon for women remalns unchanged whlle ln rural areas Lhere
are reporLed drops ln school aLLendance of glrls due, reporLedly, Lo concerns abouL lack securlLy.

1he women reporLed LhaL Lhey were more worrled abouL fuLure prospecLs Lhan lmmedlaLe securlLy
condlLlons. Worklngwomen sLaLed LhaL Lhey knew of no cases of LhreaL agalnsL Lhem or Lhelr female
colleagues. lor example,

8amyan ls secure. So far we have noL faced any dlfflculLles regardlng our securlLy. We even walk
Lo work and noL feel any LhreaLs or dlfflculLles ln dolng so. -kl-l-nCC-2, 8amyan

ln rare cases of LhreaLs agalnsL women, Lhe women and Lhelr famllles appear Lo be confldenL LhaL Lhey
can deal wlLh Lhem. lor example:

LasL year, l recelved a phone call wlLh someone Lelllng me LhaL l should noL be worklng and dolng
buslness. l gave Lhe caller my address and Lold hlm LhaL lf he had anyLhlng speclflc Lo say, he
should come Lo Lhe markeL and say lL Lo my face. My broLher also Lold me Lo glve hlm Lhe
address and LhaL he would come Lo Lhe shop and face Lhe person who LhreaLened me. 1he caller
dld noL show up and l ever goL any oLher LhreaLs from anyone. -kl-l-8W-2, 8amyan

1ravelllng Lo oLher provlnces ls vlewed as unsafe, however. 1hls ls parLlcularly dlfflculL for
buslnesswomen who need Lo Lravel for work Lo nelghborlng dlsLrlcLs or clLles (kl-l-8W-1, kl-l-8W-2).
uurlng Lhe presence of forelgn Lroops, ACCs from nelghborlng provlnces would aLLack Lhe 81s presenL
ln 8amyan (kl-l-CCv-1). Slnce Lhe LranslLlon Lhe mlllLary aLLacks by ACCs have almosL compleLely
sLopped buL LhefL and robbery have lncreased, parLlcularly E"C;"-0 and L"4MC". borderlng 8aghlan
provlnce,LC)2"- borderlng arwan and 8aghlan provlnces, and @"-"*(kl-l-CCv-1, kl-l-8W-2).

AnSl personnel also have a poslLlve vlew of securlLy ln 8amyan:

8amyan ls secured by Lhe local populaLlon. 1he people ln Lhls reglon have suffered greaLly durlng
Lhe 1allban and wanL and value peace very much. lor Lhls reason, Lhey have collecLlvely puL
down Lhelr arms and have Lurned Lhemselves Lo knowledge, sLudylng and rebulldlng Lhelr
communlLles. -kl-M-An, 8amyan

1he securlLy forces are vlewed by Lhe communlLy as helpful and cooperaLlve, provldlng proLecLlon for
glrls aLLendlng school and women ln publlc (kl-l-CPS-1).

AnSl ls noL as presenL or effecLlve ln rural areas buL sLlll has Lhe supporL and LrusL of Lhe communlLles.
lor example:

Whenever we have needed help from Lhe pollce Lhey have senL people Lo help us. We are
saLlsfled and Lhe people have expressed Lhelr saLlsfacLlon wlLh our [naLlonal] securlLy forces. 8uL
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 30
Lhe pollce do noL have Lhe capaclLy Lo deal wlLh all Lhe challenges Lhey face. 1hey fewer
resources now Lhan before. -kl-l-nCC-1, 8amyan

1here are no complalnLs of corrupLlon wlLhln Lhe An and Lhe LranslLlon has noL affecLed Lhe
populaLlon's percepLlon of Lhe An negaLlvely. lnsLead, Lhere appears Lo be more supporL and sympaLhy
for An Lhan before wlLh many expresslng concerns LhaL An ls aLLendlng Lo lLs securlLy responslblllLles
buL LhaL Lo do so lL would need more resources. lor example:

Cur securlLy forces have always been very acLlve and Lhe people are generally law abldlng. l do
noL Lhlnk LhaL our securlLy forces have sufflclenL level of professlonallzaLlon and resources Lo do
Lhelr [ob as well as ls requlred. - kl-l-CPS-1, 8amyan
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
Women ln Lhe cenLral or urban areas of 8amyan have no dlfflculLy golng Lo work or movlng around Lhe
provlnce wlLh a few excepLlons of some dlsLrlcLs (lCu-Cov). 1ravellng by road Lo oLher provlnces ls a
challenge due Lo crlmlnal, raLher Lhan pollLlcal, acLlvlLy (kl-l-Cov-1, kl-l-8W-2). uesplLe Lhese LhreaLs
women sLlll Lravel Lo nelghborlng clLles, provlnces, and nelghborlng counLrles (kl-l-8W-2). Women's
presence ln publlc spaces and worklng women appear Lo be commonly accepLed and deemed as normal:

8ellglous leaders are clear ln Lhelr sermons LhaL women have Lhe rlghL Lo work ouLslde of Lhelr
homes. We lnvlLe lmams Lo our workshops and lnform Lhem abouL Lhe lnfluence of Lhelr
Leachlng as appreclaLlon as a way of provldlng Lhem wlLh feedback. 1hen we dlscuss wlLh Lhem
how Lo conLlnue Lo promoLe women's rlghLs ln Lhelr sermons, whlch Lhey do. - kl-l-l8u,

8efore Lhe LranslLlon Lhe 81, a number of buslnesses provldlng 81 wlLh servlces, and a hlgher number
of nCCs provlded [obs for women. 1here has been a slgnlflcanL drop ln Lhe number of [obs for women
slnce Lhe LranslLlon. lor example:

AL Lhls momenL we have 47 sLudenLs. When forelgners were here, we had a hlgher number of
sLudenLs and more Leachers, buL now we only have one Leacher. Many women followed llLeracy
courses ln dlfferenL cenLers supporLed by donors. 1o keep Lhe women lnLeresLed we also creaLed
a daycare cenLer. now all our Leachers work aL Lhe daycare and we have changed our premlses
lnLo a laundry cenLer wlLh warm and cold waLer. now women come here Lo wash Lhelr cloLhes
[lnsLead of learnlng [ob skllls]. - kl-M-v1C-2, 8amyan

Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
1he people of 8amyan, especlally Lhose llvlng ln urban areas, are generally saLlsfled wlLh Lhelr access Lo
healLhcare. ln rural areas, however, access Lo healLh servlces has decreased slgnlflcanLly:

When forelgners were here, women had less challenges wlLh regards Lo Lhelr access Lo
healLhcare. Women were hlred as nurses or mldwlves who were pald Lo go Lo far-away reglons
and hold vlslLaLlon hours for women. 8uL now Lhere ls no one Lo do Lhls [ob and lL ls hard for
women Lo volunLeer and Lake on such pro[ecLs.-kl-M-v1C-2, 8amyan

Access Lo educaLlon, even ln less secure areas such as kahmard and Shlbar, has noL been affecLed much
by Lhe LranslLlon. 1here are no reglsLered cases of school burnlngs buL some reporLed LhaL Lhere had
been cases of polsonlng of Lhe waLer supply ln glrls' schools (kl-l-8W-2). 1hls was noL conflrmed by
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 31
oLhers lnLervlewed, however. Worklng closely wlLh school counclls LhaL lnclude communlLy elders, Lhe
schools are reporLed Lo conLlnuously monlLor Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon and advlse Lhelr sLudenLs as and
when necessary (kl-l-CPS-2, kl-l-CPS-3).

Whlle schools have been able Lo manage reasonably well slnce Lhe LranslLlon, vocaLlonal Lralnlng
faclllLles have suffered greaLly from Lhe drop ln exLernal fundlng (kl-M-v1C-2).
Access to Iust|ce
Access Lo [usLlce and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons ln 8amyan has noL changed noLlceably slnce Lhe LranslLlon.
Powever, Lhe pace of progress ln Lhls secLor has slowed down somewhaL (kl-M-An). !udlclal bodles,
An, and Lhe lamlly 8esponse unlL are descrlbed as accesslble ln Lhe cenLral areas of Lhe provlnce,
whlle ln Lhe rural areas access Lo Lhese unlLs ls more dlfflculL (kl-l-nCC-1). 1he accesslblllLy of Lhe
lnsLlLuLlons ln rural areas llmlLed by dlsLance and Lhe more conservaLlve values of Lhe rural communlLles

Where Lhere ls access Lo [usLlce lnsLlLuLlons, Lhere ls less cerLalnLy ln recelvlng [usLlce:

AbsoluLely no aLLenLlon ls belng pald [by courLs] Lo Lhe cases LhaL concern women. AlP8C asslsL
Lhe women Lo make Lhelr cases, buL Lhe courLs do noLhlng ln response. A woman, who has Lwo
chlldren, has been golng from courL Lo courL for Lwo years now Lo dlvorce her drug-addlcL
husband. 8uL slnce she has no money Lo brlbe people, her case does noL reach anyone. AnoLher
woman was murdered by her slsLer-ln-law. 1he murdered women's moLher dld all ln her power
Lo galn [usLlce, buL slnce she had no male parLner Lo help her and no money Lo brlbe people, she
could noL geL anywhere.- kl-l-8W-3, 8amyan
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo clvll socleLy organlzaLlons and buslnesswomen ln 8amyan, Lhe sense of lnsecurlLy caused
by noL slgnlng Lhe 8SA has delayed lnvesLmenLs and caused more poverLy (kl-l-nCC-1, kl-l-8W-1, kl-l-
8W-2). ln cenLral areas Lhe securlLy of women lnslde Lhelr houses ls beLLer Lhan ln remoLe areas, where
less glrls aLLend school, Lhere are more conLenLlons on lnherlLance rlghLs and more vlolence agalnsL
women and glrls (kl-l-8W-1, kl-l-l8u). hyslcal abuse has decreased slgnlflcanLly over Lhe lasL number
of years due Lo exLenslve awareness pro[ecLs and workshops held by clvll socleLy organlzaLlons and
AfghanlsLan lndependenL Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon (kl-M-v1C-2). Powever, accordlng Lo a clvll socleLy
organlzaLlon Lhe worsenlng of economlc slLuaLlon and lack of employmenL due Lo Lhe deparLure of
lnLernaLlonal forces has led Lo more vlolence agalnsL women (kl-l-nCC-1). 1he daLa on Lhe number of
cases of vlolence agalnsL women by Lhe lamlly 8esponse unlL ln 8amyan conflrm Lhls Lrend: ln 2011 we
had 29 cases of vlolence agalnsL women, Lhls dropped Lo LwenLy-Lhree ln 2012 and rose agaln Lo LhlrLy-
four by Lhe end of 2013".
Women and Current Affa|rs
Women ln 8amyan are concerned LhaL Lhelr condlLlons wlll deLerloraLe furLher lf Lhe 8SAls noL slgned
(kl-l-nCC-2). A close assoclaLlon ls made beLween Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA and avallablllLy of resources
for women-cenLered progammlng:

lf Lhe securlLy agreemenL ls slgned, Lhe securlLy of Lhe women wlll lmprove and more women wlll
follow Lralnlng courses and geL employed whlch wlll lncrease sLablllLy. vocaLlonal opporLunlLles
wlll lncrease and people wlll be able Lo lnvesL ln dlfferenL professlons and secLors. - kl-l-v1C-1 ln
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 32

1he head of a glrls' hlgh school sLaLed LhaL Lhe uncerLalnLy was keeplng glrls away from school. More
generally, whlle Lhe women were ln favour of Lhe 8SA belng slgned, Lhey were also expllclL abouL Lhe
condlLlons on whlch Lhe agreemenL would be based:

under Lhe currenL clrcumsLances slgnlng Lhe 8SA mlghL noL seem Lo affecL Lhe socleLy much. 8uL,
ln Lhe long run we wlll need Lhe 8SA because lL wlll brlng securlLy and economlc ald. lf Lhe 8SA ls
slgned, we also wanL Lhe securlLy forces Lo sLop searchlng people's houses by force. . Lhe values
of Afghan culLure musL be respecLed and forelgners musL noL harass people. - lCu-CL ln 8amyan

8uslnesswomen complalned abouL people holdlng on Lo Lhelr money and delaylng lnvesLmenLs because
of uncerLalnLy.

Accordlng Lo a promlnenL woman ln 8amyan Lhe lasL Lwo elecLlons ln 2004 and 2009 had ralsed
women's awareness abouL Lhe lmporLance of voLlng and Lhus Lhe hlgh number of Lurn ouL by women ln
Lhe elecLlons ln 2014:

1here are volces LhaL complaln abouL voLe rlgglng and corrupLlon, buL lLs exLenL ls much more
llmlLed Lhan Lhe prevlous elecLlons. 1he maln concern of Lhe people ls LhaL Lhe counLlng of voLes
and Lhe ouLcome of Lhe elecLlons mlghL noL be as LransparenL as people hope for. - kl-l-W-2,

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 33

Lashkargah, ne|mand rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 76 7895 !$:$;2$- 7897 ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
Cverall securlLy slLuaLlon has worsened compared Lo slx monLhs ago. Women express worrles abouL
LargeL kllllngs and lndlscrlmlnaLe kllllngs Lhrough aLLacks by ACCs:

Cur securlLy slLuaLlon has worsened ln Lhe lasL slx monLhs. romlnenL famllles feel LhreaLened
buL Lhls level of lnsecurlLy affecLs all of us dlrecLly. lL dlscourages women from leavlng Lhelr
homes and worklng ouLslde Lhe home. Lven Lhose who are educaLed, be lL docLors or Leachers,
do noL wanL Lo leave Lhelr houses. - lCu-WW, Pelmand.

1he women are appreclaLlve of AnSl's efforLs Lo malnLaln securlLy buL do belleve LhaL Lhey have
adequaLe faclllLles:

We are happy wlLh Lhe way Lhe naLlonal pollce and Lhe army are operaLlng. lf Lhey have Lhe rlghL
faclllLles and equlpmenL, Lhey can ensure Lhe safeLy and Lhe securlLy. So far Lhere have noL been
any looLlngs or plunderlng ln our reglon. - lCu-8W, Pelmand
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
Women's movemenL ouLslde Lhe home for work or oLher reasons has been severely affecLed ln Lhe lasL
6 monLhs (lCu-PW, kl-l-W-3). 1here are fewer opporLunlLles for women Lo work because of Lhe
scallng down of exLernal flnanclal asslsLance for women-cenLered programs and pro[ecLs:

Slnce Lhe deparLure of lnLernaLlonal forces employmenL opporLunlLles for women have dropped
slgnlflcanLly. 1he handcrafL secLor ln whlch women were very acLlve has been faclng deflclencles
because Lhere ls no one Lo buy Lhelr producLs or lnvesL ln Lhelr crafLsmanshlp. Women's access
Lo Lrade and buslness has decllned as well. -kl-l-Cov-1, Pelmand
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
Women's access Lo healLh servlces has decllned slnce Lhe deparLure of forelgn forces due Lo a number
of cllnlcs havlng closed down due Lo lack of fundlng (lCu-PW, lCu-WW). Cf Lhose LhaL remaln, many
complaln LhaL Lhey do noL have adequaLe faclllLles and resources:

Slnce Lhe LranslLlon women's access Lo servlces has become much more llmlLed because Lhe
quallLy of everyLhlng has deLerloraLed. Cllnlcs do noL have enough medlcaLlon for Lhelr paLlenLs
and schools do noL have Leachers. ln Lhe clLles Lhere are cllnlcs avallable, buL ln vlllages Lhe
number of cllnlcs has decllned compared Lo Lhe pasL. - lCu-PW, Pelmand

1he deLerloraLlon ln securlLy has forced many Leachers Lo sLay aL home whlle lack resources conLlnues
Lo provlde challenges for schools LhaL have remalned open:

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 34
Clrls do noL have access Lo decenL educaLlonal servlces. l mean Lhey do noL have any means of
LransporLaLlon and come from far away places Lo Lhls school. 1hey do noL have a car and on Lhelr
way Lo school Lhey face many problems and ofLen come Lo classes laLe. - kl-l-CPS-1, Pelmand

overLy also undermlnes access Lo educaLlon. 8uylng books, arranglng LransporLaLlon, and Laklng Lhe
rlsk of sendlng glrls Lo dlsLanL schools ofLen form Lhe basls for decldlng noL Lo send glrls Lo school (kl-l-
CPS-1, kl-l-CPS-2, kl-l-CPS-3).
Access to Iust|ce
Compared Lo slx monLhs ago, women's access Lo formal [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons has decllned (lCu-PW, kl-l-
W-3). Powever, ln conLrasL Lo oLher provlnces, Lhe cases LhaL go Lhrough Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem are,
accordlng Lo some, Laken serlously and dealL wlLh adequaLely:

lf a case ls reporLed, lL ls always Laken care of. Women LhaL reporL Lhelr cases are provlded a
lawyer free of charge and LhaL helps Lhem wlLh Lhelr case. Cur [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons are also
proLecLlve of women and deal wlLh Lhelr cases swlfLly and urgenLly. - kl-l-v1C-2, Pelmand

1here are noL many complalnLs abouL Lhe worklngs of Lhe pollce and Lhe legal and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons.
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
1he exLenL of vlolence agalnsL women ln Pelmand has lncreased compared Lo slx monLhs ago, accordlng
Lo worklng women and housewlves:

1he exLenL of domesLlc vlolence agalnsL women has lncreased compared Lo Lhe pasL. Women
who used Lo work ouLslde Lhelr houses ln Lhe pasL and provlde Lhelr chlldren wlLh food and
shelLer are now unemployed. 1hls leads Lo domesLlc vlolence, especlally lf Lhelr husbands are
addlcLed Lo narcoLlcs and asks for money. lf Lhe women cannoL provlde Lhem wlLh money, Lhey
geL physlcally abused. - lCu-WW, Pelmand.

A parL of Lhe reason for unemploymenL ls Lhe deparLure of lnLernaLlonal forces and reducLlon of pro[ecLs
LhaL used Lo geL flnanced by lnLernaLlonal donors (kl-l-W-2, kl-l-Cov-2). AnoLher reason for
unemploymenL of women ls Lhe deLerloraLlng securlLy slLuaLlon ln Lhe provlnce, whlch forces women Lo
sLay aL home. uaLa from lamlly 8esponse unlLs reglsLraLlon of cases of vlolence agalnsL women conflrm
Lhe rlse ln vlolence agalnsL women, ln 2011, Lhere were seven cases of vlolence agalnsL women, a year
laLer, Lhe number had gone up Lo LwenLy-seven. 8y Lhe end of 2013, Lhere were LwenLy-Lhree reglsLered
cases of vlolence agalnsL women.
Women and Current Affa|rs
Women are ln favour of Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA because Lhey belleve Lhe resulLanL securlLy and sLablllLy
wlll lead Lo lmproved economlc opporLunlLles:

1he 8SA should be slgned. Slgnlng Lhe agreemenL wlll re-esLabllsh economlc supporL and ald LhaL
was provlded Lo us by Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy. 1hls wlll provlde new [ob opporLunlLles for
women and Lhe pro[ecLs LhaL have now been sLopped wlll sLarL agaln. Lver slnce Lhls whole
dlscusslon abouL Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA, Lhe prlces have skyrockeLed and Lhe employmenL
opporLunlLles LhaL were once presenL for women have dlsappeared. - kl-l-CPS-2 ln Pelmand

1he women fear LhaL lf Lhe agreemenL ls noL slgned, securlLy wlll deLerloraLe and Lhus undermlne Lhelr
access Lo work and educaLlon.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 33

A promlnenL woman ln Pelmand sLaLed LhaL Lhere were Lhree reasons for Lhe hlgh LurnouL of women
durlng Lhe elecLlons. llrsL, Lhe awareness ralslng pro[ecLs and campalgns hadbeen effecLlve and helped
Lhe women ln becomlng aware of Lhelr rlghLs and duLles. Second, men had encouraged Lhelr female
famlly members Lo voLe. 1hlrd, securlLy on Lhe day of voLlng was adequaLe and provlded assurance for
men and women Lo come ouL and casL Lhelr voLes(kl-l-W-2). 1here were some concerns abouL
cheaLlng ln voLlng and voLe counLlng, however:

1here was noL much voLe rlgglng for Lhe presldenLlal elecLlon. 1he provlnclal counclls' elecLlons
were fllled wlLh corrupLlon, however. 1he facL LhaL Lhe elecLlons are golng Lo Lhe second round
has made our women and youLh, who casLed Lhelr voLes wlLh enLhuslasm, raLher dlsappolnLed. -
kl-l-W-1, Pelmand

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 36
nerat, nerat rov|nce
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?".3"-4 7NGI86 7895 H"-:C 7899 ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
Compared Lo Lhe prevlous Lwo cycles overall securlLy ln PeraL has deLerloraLed. Slnce Lhe LranslLlon,
local mlllLla groups have been armed ln preparaLlon Lo defend Lhemselves ln case Lhere ls confllcL (kl-l-
nCC-1). Many dlsLrlcLs are now ouL of bounds for people from ouLslde Lhose dlsLrlcLs:

. We cannoL Lravel Lo Lhe dlsLrlcLs LhaL we used Lo Lravel Lo. We used Lo llsLen Lo women, make
an lnvenLory of Lhelr problems, and once we were back Lo Lhe cenLre we would call Lhe
responslble auLhorlLles Lo Lake care of Lhe lssues. We cannoL do Lhls anymore. - kl-l-nCC-1,

Whlle PeraL ClLy ls relaLlvely safe, Lhe surroundlng dlsLrlcLs and almosL all oLher dlsLrlcLs are deemed as
lnsecure. Women of PeraL are noL saLlsfled wlLh AnSl ln malnLalnlng securlLy (kl-l-CPS-1, kl-l-CPS-2).
1he pollce are noL consldered as respecLful and proLecLlve Loward women. Allegedly Lhe pollce are rude
Lo women who have been vlcLlms of vlolence, especlally domesLlc vlolence.
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
Women's access Lo work ln PeraL has decreased compared Lo 6 monLhs ago (kl-l-nCC-1). ln parL Lhls ls
due Lo fewer [obs belng avallable Lo women because of a reducLlon ln women-cenLered pro[ecLs and
program funded by exLernal sources:

2013 was a good year for employmenL and work ln PeraL. Many new pro[ecLs sLarLed and even
llllLeraLe women were glven work ln dlfferenL organlzaLlons. 8uL, unforLunaLely, ln Lhe lasL Lwo Lo
Lhree monLhs, due Lo uncerLalnLles abouL 2014 many prlvaLe and publlc employers closed down
Lhelr operaLlons and lefL Lhe provlnce. - kl-l-CPS-1, PeraL
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
Access Lo healLh and educaLlon ln PeraL remalns relaLlvely unchanged compared Lo 6 monLhs ago.
1here ls sLrong communlLy supporL ln Lhe urban areas for glrls' educaLlon:

Women and glrls have access healLh and educaLlons ln PeraL. ln Lhe cenLral areas, women and
glrls go Lo schools and unlverslLles and are noL sub[ecLed Lo harassmenL. 1here ls a loL of respecL
for Lhem. buL, ln Lhe rural areas access Lo Lhese servlces ls llmlLed. - lCu-CL, PeraL

1he conLrasL beLween urban and rural areas of PeraL ln Lerms of access Lo healLh and educaLlon ls
parLlcularly sharp ln PeraL provlnce.

Access to Iust|ce
Women's access Lo [usLlce ln PeraL ClLy ls much hlgher Lhan Lhe rural dlsLrlcLs (kl-l-nCC-1). ln rural
areas Lhere are fewer famlly response unlLs, lawyers, and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons. ln addlLlon, Lhe
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 37
deLerloraLlng securlLy slLuaLlon rlghLs organlzaLlons, lawyers, and [usLlce sysLem offlclals from golng Lo
rural dlsLrlcLs and asslsLlng women ln need of legal servlces (kl-l-nCC-2).

ln Lhe cenLral areas of Lhe provlnce women have much beLLer access Lo [usLlce Lhough Lhe quallLy of
servlces provlded ls consldered less Lhan opLlmal (kl-l-nCC-2, kl-l-nCC-1). 1he aLLlLude of pollce and
[udges Lowards women ls noL frlendly or helpful buL Lhe clvll socleLy organlzaLlons provlde asslsLance:

. 1he law prevenLlng vlolence agalnsL women has been lmplemenLed mosL successfully ln PeraL,
Lhls ls also shown by a survey done by Lhe unAMA. Powever, we have been less successful ln
applylng Lhls law over Lhe lasL year. 1he maln reason ls LhaL Lhe pollce are noL cooperaLlng and
Lhe [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons are noL followlng up. 1he pollce are rude Lo women who seek [usLlce. lf a
woman goes Lo a pollce sLaLlon wlLh a broken arm because of a beaLlng by her husband, Lhe
pollce Lell her LhaL she ls only reporLlng on Lhe husband because she now knows abouL human
rlghLs whereas before Lhese Lhlngs were never a problem. 1hey demand LhaL women who
complaln musL prove LhaL Lhelr husbands have done Lhese Lhlngs Lo Lhem and lf Lhey are noL
able Lo prove lL ln courL, Lhey wlll be senL Lo prlson for Lhree years. - kl-l-nCC-1, PeraL
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo many of Lhe lnLervlewees, Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon of women ln PeraL has deLerloraLed
compared Lo Lhe prevlous Lwo cycles (kl-l-nCC-1). revlously, Lhe mosL common Lypes of vlolence
agalnsL women conslsLed of self-burnlng, buL now, LhaL ls ln decllne (kl-l-nCC-1). 1he number of
sulcldes, runnlng away from homes and kldnapplngs has lncreased, 1he exLenL of abuse agalnsL women
has lncreased slgnlflcanLly. 1he Lypes of abuse conslsL of beaLlng, murder and kldnapplngs..."(kl-l-W-

Women of PeraL prlmarlly menLlon Lwo facLors as Lhe maln sources of Lhls deLerloraLlon, flrsL, Lhe facL
LhaL lnLernaLlonal forces are leavlng Lhe counLry ln 2014 has generaLed a loL of uncerLalnLy abouL Lhe
fuLure (kl-l-W-1). And second, Lhe local mlllLary leaders from Lhe pasL, such as lsmael khan, have
armed many men wlLh weapons (kl-l-nCC-1). Accordlng Lo housewlves and a clvll socleLy organlzaLlon,
ln Lhe lasL weeks Lhree women ln Lhe clLy have been murdered (lCu-PW, kl-l-nCC-2).
Women and Current Affa|rs
1here ls broad supporL for Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA:

. lf Lhe securlLy agreemenL ls noL slgned, Lhe 1allban wlll reLurn and women wlll have noLhlng Lo
do or say anymore. We also worry LhaL lf Lhe agreemenL ls noL slgned, vlolence agalnsL women
wlll lncrease. - kl-l-W-2, PeraL

1he hlgh LurnouL for Lhe elecLlons was aLLrlbuLed Lo lncreased awareness among women:

Women parLlclpaLed because Lhey are aware of whaL Lhelr parLlclpaLlon means for Lhem and Lhe
fuLure of Lhelr chlldren. AnoLher reason for Lhe hlgh level of parLlclpaLlon was Lhe fear of whaL
mlghL happen lf elecLlons falled or dld noL Lake place. Women LhoughL LhaL Lhelr voLe ln Lhe
elecLlons was a voLe agalnsL [armed opposlLlon groups]. - kl-l-W-2 PeraL

AdequaLe securlLy was clLed as anoLher reason for people Lo come ouL and voLe. Powever, Lhere are
worrles abouL Lhe ouLcome of Lhe elecLlons and elecLlon process. voLe buylng and voLe rlgglng were
menLloned as rlsks Lo Lhe Lransparency of Lhe elecLlon process (kl-l-W-2).
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 38
Ia|a|abad, Nangarhar rov|nce
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1$2-3"-4 76 7895 !$:$;2$- 7895 ,& 2$ :&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
1he securlLy slLuaLlon of !alalabad has deLerloraLed slgnlflcanLly slnce 6 monLhs ago (kl-l-nCC-6).
Women avold belng presenL ln publlc or move around Lhe clLy because Lhey fear becomlng casualLy of
LerrorlsL aLLacks and sulclde bombs (kl-l-v1C-1). 1here ls general consensus among Lhe women LhaL
desplLe Lhe LhreaLs, !alalabad ls relaLlvely safe:

1he securlLy slLuaLlon !alalabad ls good, buL ln Lhe rural dlsLrlcLs Lhe securlLy ls very poor. 1hls ls
because Lhere are no more aerlal bomblngs by Lhe Amerlcans and Lhe ACCs have found an
opporLunlLy Lo regroup. . we would llke Lo provlde servlces ln rural dlsLrlcLs buL we have no
access Lo many of Lhem. lf securlLy were good, Lhen we would have been able Lo provlde our
servlces Lhere Loo. -kl-l-l8u, !alalabad

Women who work as legal advlsors or lawyers sLaLe LhaL Lhere are many LhreaLs of vlolence agalnsL
Lhem from Lhe people Lhey are flghLlng ln Lhe courL sysLem. Whlle Lhese LhreaLs have always exlsLed, Lhe
women lndlcaLe LhaL ln Lhe lasL few monLhs Lhey have reached Lhelr hlghesL polnL, maklng lL very
dlfflculL Lo conLlnue legal cases represenLlng women (kl-l-nCC-4, kl-l-nCC-3).

Women of !alalabad conslder AnSl as respecLful and proLecLlve of women. 1he women also belleved
LhaL AnSl ls capable of ensurlng Lhe securlLy of Lhe counLry, buL lack Lhe necessary equlpmenL and
Lralnlng Lo do so (kl-l-nCC-3, kl-l-W-3).
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
1he number of pro[ecLs for women has been decreaslng ln Lhe provlnce slnce Lhe LranslLlon process
began. 1he maln reason for unemploymenL among women, however, ls sLaLed as lnadequaLe securlLy:

1here are very few employmenL opporLunlLles for women. nCCs do noL hlre any more people
and are acLually reduclng Lhe number of personnel. 1he maln reason for Lhls ls Lhe worsenlng of
Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon. Some Llme ago, we had many women who would work ln cllnlcs ln far
away places and dlsLrlcLs. 8uL now because Lhe bad securlLy ln Lhose dlsLrlcLs Lhey are forced Lo
leave Lhelr [obs and sLay aL home. -kl-l-W-3, !alalabad

MoblllLy for Lhe women of !alalabad ls a ma[or challenge due parLly Lo LhreaL of LerrorlsL aLLacks buL
also because of Lhere belng fewer [obs (kl-l-v1C-1, kl-l-W-1).

Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
1he maln lmpedlmenL Lo women's access Lo servlces ln !alalabad ls securlLy (lCu-PW). Powever,
women conLlnue Lo use healLh servlces and glrls conLlnue Lo aLLend school:

Women go Lo cllnlcs, schools and bazaars and Lhey do noL face any speclflc problems for dolng
so. Powever, Lhey only go Lo bazaars lf Lhe have Lo. Clrls go Lo schools and unlverslLles wlLhouL
faclng any dlfflculLles. 1hey have moblllLy, buL Lhere ls also a loL of fear. - kl-l-Cov-3, !alalabad
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 39

1here are complalnLs abouL Lhe quallLy of servlces provlded by schools and hosplLals, buL noL Lhelr
avallablllLy (kl-l-Cov-3).
Access to Iust|ce
Legal and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons ln !alalabad Lake women's cases serlously and Lhelr aLLlLude Lowards
women ls reporLed as professlonal (lCu-WW, kl-l-nCC-6, kl-l-W-4). ApparenLly, Lhe poslLlve aLLlLude
of Lhe [usLlce offlclals Loward women ls because of a complalnL by a glrl abouL Lwo [udges who had noL
glven Lhe glrl a falr LreaLmenL. 1he glrl complalned and won, resulLlng ln Lhe flrlng of Lhe Lwo [udges.
Slnce Lhen, all [udges are sald Lo be careful when deallng wlLh cases LhaL concern women and glrls (kl-l-
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
1he securlLy ln Lhe clLy of !alalabad ls good, buL ln Lhe dlsLrlcLs Lhe securlLy ls very poor. 1hls ls
because Lhe presldenL has forbldden Lhe Amerlcans Lo bomb Lhe enemy and Lhe 1allban have
lncreased Lhelr acLlvlLles and have dlsLorLed Lhe securlLy. We have no access Lo many dlsLrlcLs,
had Lhe securlLy been good, Lhen we would have been able Lo provlde our servlces Lhere Loo. -
kl-l-l8u !alalabad

Accordlng Lo worklng women, women avold walklng or belng ouLslde ln Lhe clLy because of Lhe fear of
(sulclde) bombs or aLLacks by armed men (lCu-WW). Clvll socleLy organlzaLlons sLaLe noL Lo be able Lo
access remoLe areas due Lo poor securlLy slLuaLlon (kl-l-nCC-6). 1he number of reglsLered cases of
vlolence agalnsL women, accordlng Lo Lhe lamlly 8esponse unlL ln !alalabad ln 2011 was flfLy-elghL, a
year laLer lL had lncreased Lo elghLy-Lwo. 8y Lhe end of 2013, LhaL number had dropped back Lo slxLy-
Lwo reglsLered cases. 1he decllne ln Lhe number of reglsLered cases can be explalned by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
l8us do noL have access Lo many dlsLrlcLs.
Women and Current Affa|rs
1here ls sLrong supporL ln favour of Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA:

1he 8SA has Lo be slgned. lf Lhe 8SA ls slgned, lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlons wlll lncrease Lhelr
pro[ecLs, whlch wlll provlde new opporLunlLles for women. lL wlll also lmprove Lhe securlLy
slLuaLlon. now LhaL Lhe 8SA ls noL slgned, securlLy has deLerloraLed, Lhe [armed opposlLlon
groups] have become more darlng and are geLLlng sLronger everyday because Lhere Lhey do noL
feel deLerred by anyone anymore. [Some of us] expecL Lhem Lo enLer Lhe clLy soon. - kl-l-W-4

Accordlng Lo a promlnenL woman ln !alalabad, Lhe hlgh LurnouL for Lhe elecLlons was due Lo people
feellng Lhe need Lo declde Lhelr fuLure and LhaL Lhe securlLy provlded by AnSl was adequaLe. 1here are
concerns abouL fraud ln voLlng and Lhe counLlng of Lhe voLes, however (kl-l-W-4).

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 40
Sorkhrod, Nangarhar rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 76 7895 F=-)>GH"4 789I ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
Cverall securlLy has deLerloraLed slnce Lhe LranslLlon. 1he maln cause of Lhe deLerloraLlon ls Lhe lncrease
ln armed robberles, oLher crlmlnal acLlvlLles, and armed vlolence Lo seLLle varlous forms of confllcL (kl-l-
W-1). Ceneral vlolence and crlmlnal acLlvlLy appear Lo have replaced LhreaLs Lo securlLy from LerrorlsL
aLLacks (kl-l-v1C-1). 1he women were unanlmous ln expresslng fear for Lhelr safeLy aL home or ouLslde
Lhe home.

1here ls much appreclaLlon for AnSl desplLe Lhe general vlew LhaL AnSl ls lll-equlpped Lo malnLaln
securlLy and order:

eople are generally happy wlLh An buL An cannoL provlde securlLy. 1hey lack Lhe necessary
human resources and weaponry Lo do so. l have applled for a permlL Lo own a gun for my own
proLecLlon. -kl-l-v1C-1, Sorkhrod.

1he appreclaLlon of AnSl, desplLe Lhe shorLcomlngs, ls ln parL due Lo Lhe general dlsapproval of Lhe
presence of lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces (lCu-CL). CommunlLy elders were clear Lhey wanLed securlLy
provlslon by Afghan raLher Lhan lnLernaLlonal forces because Afghans would be more respecLful of Lhe
local cusLoms and LradlLlons:

An and AnA are Afghans and serve Lhelr own people. 1he pollce chlef of Sorkhrod dlsLrlcL ls a
very capable man and knows how Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lhe resources glven Lo hlm Lo each vlllage
effecLlvely. AnA has become much more acLlve slnce Lhe deparLure of forelgn forces and we are
very saLlsfled wlLh Lhem. We do noL have Lhe Arbakl ln Sorkhrod. 1helr servlces were offered Lo
us, buL we refused Lo have Lhem. - lCu-CL, Sorkhrod

1he lnLervlewees made numerous references Lo lncldenLs lnvolvlng lnLernaLlonal securlLy
personnel enLerlng people's homes by klcklng ln Lhelr doors and noL acknowledglng people's
prlvacy and hlgh levels of conservaLlsm abouL sLrangers ln Lhelr homes, especlally wlLh women
presenL (lCu-CL).
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
1he LranslLlon has affecLed women's moblllLy and access Lo work (kl-l-W-1). 1here are fewer LerrorlsL
aLLacks, buL more kldnapplngs, murders, and ACC movemenLs lnslde Lhe vlllages and communlLles (kl-l-
CPS-1). 1he currenL securlLy condlLlons have affecLed women's moblllLy whlle employmenL
opporLunlLles for women have decreased due Lo reduced exLernal fundlng for women-cenLered pro[ecLs
and programs (kl-l-v1C-2). Lven when Lhere are [obs for women, many famllles heslLaLe ln allowlng
Lhelr female relaLlves Lo apply for Lhem. 1he women of Sorkhrod are sald Lo llve ln consLanL fear and

lear ls everywhere, we are afrald Lo go ouL Lo work. As we go Lo work, we fear Lhe drlvers, we
fear Lhose slLLlng ln Lhe car wlLh us and we fear LhaL Lhose around us mlghL be members ACCs or
crlmlnals. When our daughLers leave home for school, we fear LhaL Lhey mlghL become vlcLlms
Lo random vlolence. -lCu-WW, Sorkhrod
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 41
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
1here ls reasonable access Lo healLhcare desplLe shorLages ln faclllLles and human and flnanclal

MosL of Lhe areas have Lhelr cllnlcs and paLlenLs generally manage Lo access Lhem. lf Lhe paLlenLs
llve far away, Lhey elLher come by cars or Lake Lhe bus. lf Lhere ls an emergency we do noL have
ambulances Lo help Lhem, buL ln Lhose cases Lhey almosL always manage Lo flnd a car and come
Lo us. - kl-l-MLu-1, Sorkhrod.


Women do have access Lo cllnlcs and Lhere are male and female docLors. ln every dlsLrlcL Lhere
are acLlve cllnlcs or healLh cenLers - kl-l-Cov-1, Sorkhrod.

Access Lo educaLlon ls also affecLed by general worrles abouL Lhe currenL securlLy condlLlons:

Manu of our sLudenLs come from far away places and ln Lhe pasL Lhey dld noL experlence any
problems when comlng Lo school. 1he number of problems has lncreased recenLly. lor example,
Lhere was remoLely conLrolled bomb LhaL exploded aL a peLrol sLaLlon locaLed near Lhe school.
1he exploslon occurred aL elghL ln Lhe mornlng and unLll nlne ln Lhe mornlng no one showed up
aL school. Slnce Lhen Lhere ls consLanL fear among Lhe sLudenLs and Lhe Leachers allke and Lhe
number of our sLudenLs aL hlgher grades has dropped slgnlflcanLly. Also, ln Lhe pasL, our Leachers
would volunLeer Lo work for Lhe elecLlon commlsslon. 1hls year we recelved a formal requesL
from Lhe deparLmenL of educaLlon elecLlon volunLeers and noL a slngle Leacher was prepared Lo
volunLeer. - kl-l-CPS-2, Sorkhrod.

1he awareness programs are sald Lo have been very effecLlve ln changlng Lhe senLlmenLs of Lhe people
abouL glrls geLLlng an educaLlon. 1hese programs are especlally successful when elders and rellglous
leaders are lnvolved:

8ellglous leaders have a poslLlve oplnlon abouL glrls geLLlng an educaLlon and clalm LhaL
educaLlng oneself ls Lhe duLy of every man and woman. 1here ls also a useful dally mornlng radlo
program ln whlch Lhe rellglous leaders explaln Lhese lssues Lo Lhe people. - kl-l-W-2, Sorkhrod.

Slnce Lhe LranslLlon ACCs have galned more ground ln some dlsLrlcLs. lnlLlally, Lhey demanded an end Lo
glrls golng Lo school. 1he elders negoLlaLed wlLh ACCs and an agreemenL was reached LhaL Lhe glrls
could conLlnue Lo go Lo school on Lhe condlLlon LhaL Lhey wore proper hl[ab on Lhelr way Lo school (kl-
Access to Iust|ce
Sorkhrod ls culLurally conservaLlve and, as such, Lhe general preference ls Lo keep famlly dlspuLes prlvaLe
especlally lf such dlspuLes lnvolve women:

Pere, women are submlsslve and men have a bad Lemper especlally when men lose Lhelr [obs.
1hey noL only beaL Lhelr women, buL also chlldren. 1here ls also a loL of physlcal abuse. - lCu-
PW, Sorkhrod

1he LranslLlon has noL made any dlfference ln Lerms of access Lo formal [usLlce. Access Lo formal [usLlce
for Lhe ma[orlLy women ls frowned upon and mlnlmal (lCu-PW). 1here ls also a shared bellef LhaL Lhe
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 42
formal [usLlce sysLem ls rlddled wlLh corrupLlon and women wlLhouL money wlll noL be served properly
by [usLlce offlclals (kl-l-v1C-1). 1he only people whose help ls soughL by Lhe women are Lhe communlLy

Pere, women do noL dare Lo go Lo Lhe pollce or provlnclal offlces for help. lf Lhey do, people wlll
condemn Lhem for Laklng Lhelr famlly lssues Lo ouLslders lnsLead golng Lo Lhe vlllage elders. -
lCu-PW, Sorkhrod.

WlLh no falLh ln [udlclal bodles and no lncenLlve Lo approach Lhem, women ln Lhe reglon Lend noL Lo
have even general lnformaLlon abouL Lhe [udlclal sysLem (kl-l-Cov-1).
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
eople of Sorkhrod are generally reserved abouL whaL happens behlnd closed doors. WlLh regards Lo
vlolence agalnsL women, Lhe narraLlve ls LhaL women are belng physlcally abused and Lhe economlc
hardshlp, parLlally caused by Lhe LranslLlon, has conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe deLerloraLlon:

Pere, women are submlsslve and men have a bad Lemper especlally when men lose Lhelr [obs.
1hey noL only beaL Lhelr women, buL also chlldren. 1here ls a loL of physlcal abuse, whlch ls
creaLlng a loL of problems. - lCu-PW ln Sorkhrod

Accordlng Lo healLh cllnlcs and housewlves, mosL women llve ln such clrcumsLances wlLh mlnlmal access
Lo [usLlce, whlch makes Lhem more vulnerable (kl-l-Med-2. lCu-PW). 1helr only source of help ls Lo
approach Lhe elders and hope LhaL Lhey resolve Lhe confllcL.
Women and Current Affa|rs
1he people of Sorkhrod are dlvlded abouL Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA. Some say LhaL Lhe 8SA should be
slgned unLll AfghanlsLan can supporL lLself:

lf [Lhe 8SA] ls noL slgned, Lhere ls a chance LhaL Amerlcans wlll leave AfghanlsLan and publlc
admlnlsLraLlon would be lefL Lo people who would noL allow women Lo work. Also, lf Lhe
Amerlcans do noL supporL us, we wlll face Lremendous economlc challenges and women's access
Lo [usLlce and educaLlon mlghL become lmposslble. -kl-l-CPS-1 ln Sorkhrod.

CLhers are more susplclous of Lhe acLlons of Lhe forelgn counLrles:

. 1here ls a secreL behlnd every acLlon Lhese days. Cn Lhe days LhaL Lhe forelgn Lroops were
leavlng, Lhe number of Lerror aLLacks was hlgher Lhan oLher days. 1he forelgners were showlng
Lhelr power ln Lhls manner and hoplng Lo puL pressure on Lhe governmenL Lo slgn Lhe 8SA. - kl-
l-v1C-1 Sorkhrod.

1here ls sLrong senLlmenL for condlLlonallLles Lo accompany Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA. lorelgn forces musL
respecL Lhe people of AfghanlsLan and Lhelr culLure" (lCu-CL).

ulfferenL reasons were glven for women's parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe elecLlons:

Women wanLed Lo voLe and choose a leader LhaL could ensure economlc growLh and access Lo
educaLlon for Lhe people. 1he securlLy forces dld a good [ob ln securlng Lhe reglon, Lhere was a
member of Lhe securlLy forces ln every few meLers. 8ecause of Lhe fear of lnsecurlLy, women dld
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 43
noL leave Lhelr houses unLll elghL ln Lhe mornlng, buL once Lhey heard LhaL Lhe securlLy was
good, Lhey all lnformed each oLher and came and voLed. -kl-l-W-1, Sorkhrod.

Accordlng Lo a promlnenL woman Lhe maln concern abouL Lhe fuLure of elecLlons ln Sorkhrod lsfraud(kl-

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 44
kandahar, kandahar rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
?".3"-4 7J6 7895 !$:$;2$- 7895 ,& 2$ :&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
1he overall securlLy slLuaLlon for women ouLslde Lhe home ls reporLed as normal by Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
women lnLervlewed. 1he maln change compared Lo 6 monLhs ago ls Lhe change ln Lhe naLure of Lhe
ACC acLlvlLy ln Lhe provlnce. ACCs have reduced Lhe number and Lhe feroclLy of Lhelr aLLacks and do
noL appear Lo be LargeLlng ASnl. 1here have been very few LerrorlsL aLLacks over Lhe lasL few monLhs
(lCu-PW-1, lCu-WW). 1he decrease ln LerrorlsL aLLacks has been correlaLed Lo Lhe deparLure of
lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces from kandahar:

When Lhe forelgners were here, we feared Lhem and we feared Lhe 1allban because we were
caughL ln beLween and many lnnocenL people dled. now LhaL Lhe forelgners are gone, our fear
from Lhem ls gone and Lhere are no more sulclde aLLacks. When forelgners were here, Lhey
would aLLack people's houses, bllndfold Lhe men and release dogs on women. My husband was
Laken Lwo years ago and l do noL know where he ls. l Lhlnk he ls sLlll held as a prlsoner. - lCu-
PW-2, kandahar

Cne elemenL of ACCs' new approach Lo aLLacks ls Lhe lncrease ln Lhe number of assasslnaLlons of
promlnenL lndlvlduals. 1hls has lncreased Lhe fear felL by promlnenL women who are frequenLly ln publlc
spaces (kl-M-l8u). 1o proLecL Lhemselves, promlnenL women have been Laklng a number of measures
lncludlng frequenL changes of ouLflL and movlng around dlscreeLly ln publlc spaces (kl-l-W-1). 1hese
women also complaln LhaL Lhey recelve verbal abuse from members of Lhelr own communlLles, some
whose members lnsulL Lhe women's husbands on Lhe grounds LhaL Lhey are noL real men" for allowlng
Lhelr wlves Lo come ouL of Lhe home and be seen ln publlc. ln Lhe recenL monLhs a female aLLorney was
assasslnaLed and a female M was kldnapped (lCu-WW).

WlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe LargeL kllllngs, Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon ls vlewed as havlng lmproved slgnlflcanLly
slnce Lhe LranslLlon. Women's oplnlon of AnA and An ls largely poslLlve wlLh Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
women feellng comforLable when approachlng a pollce sLaLlon and asklng pollce for help (lCu-WW).

1here are concerns abouL AnSl noL belng adequaLely equlpped, skllled, and resourced for fulfllllng lLs
funcLlons. Also, Lhere are some reporLs of Lhe younger AnSl members harasslng women ln publlc spaces
or belng rude Loward Lhem (lCu-PW-1). Powever, Lhese cases are rare and Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe women
are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe manner ln whlch An provldes asslsLance.
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
1he ma[orlLy of Lhe women lnLervlewed sLaLe LhaL Lhey dld noL fear Lravellng Lo and from work. 8ecause
of Lhe LargeL kllllngs, Lhe mosL worrled are women worklng for Lhe governmenL, famlly response unlLs,
or women-relaLed lssues (kl-l-Cov-1)

As wlLh all oLher provlnces LhroughouL AfghanlsLan, Lhere has been a slgnlflcanL reducLlon ln Lhe
number of [obs avallable Lo women ln kandahar. lewer [obs for women have meanL LhaL fewer women
need Lo appear ln publlc spaces. lor Lhose wlLh [obs moblllLy and access Lo work ls noL consldered a
ma[or challenge (lCu-WW).

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 43
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
1he deparLure of lnLernaLlonal forces has had a negaLlve lmpacL on women's access Lo healLh and
educaLlonal servlces:

AfLer Lhe deparLure of lnLernaLlonal forces, medlcal ald has been sLopped compleLely, schools do
noL have heaLlng fuel, and Lhe quallLy of Leachlng has deLerloraLed. -kl-l-nCC-1, kandahar

1he number of healLh faclllLles has decreased and Lhe quallLy of Lhe servlces provlded has

ln our dlsLrlcL, women do noL have adequaLe access Lo healLh cllnlcs. 1hey usually cover long
dlsLances and when Lhey are here, Lhey complaln abouL Lhe long Llme of Lhelr Lrlps and ask for
more medlclne Lhan Lhey need because Lhey say Lhey do noL wanL Lo make Lhe same Lrlp agaln. -
kl-M-Med-1, kandahar

Whlle access Lo educaLlon ln rural areas of kandahar ls llmlLed, Lhere are no concerns abouL Lhe securlLy
of glrls aLLendlng school:

We do noL have any fears abouL Lhe securlLy of our sLudenLs on Lhelr way Lo school. Cur only
fear ls LhaL Lhey mlghL become vlcLlms of Lrafflc accldenLs. Cur Leachers do noL face any securlLy
challenges elLher. -kl-l-CPS-1, kandahar

1he maln lssue wlLh educaLlonal servlce provlslon ln rural areas ls Lhe lnsufflclenL number of schools,
overcrowded school buses, and overcrowded school classrooms buL noL lack of securlLy:

We do noL have any fears abouL Lhe securlLy of our sLudenLs on Lhelr way Lo school. Cur only
fear ls LhaL Lhey mlghL become vlcLlms of Lrafflc accldenL. Cur Leachers do noL face any securlLy
challenges elLher. -kl-l-CPS-2, kandahar

Schools ln urban areas reporL LhaL Lhelr number of sLudenLs has lncreased because many people have
relocaLed from rural areas Lo urban areas where schools are more accesslble (kl-l-CPS-2).
Access to Iust|ce
Women are appreclaLlve of Lhe presence of female pollce offlcers ln An female pollce offlcers (lCu-
PW-2). ln rural areas Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem, even when presenL and funcLlonlng, ls noL uLlllzed by
women and especlally noL when Lhe dlspuLe lnvolves male famlly members (lCu-PW-2). ln urban areas,
Lhe deparLmenL of women's affalrs and clvll socleLy organlzaLlons are presenL and legal servlces are
provlded for women (kl-M-l8u). Also, Lhere are complalnLs abouL Lhe unhelpful aLLlLude of courL
offlclals Lowards women and allegaLlons of corrupLlon:

1here are cases of vlolence and abuse, buL when faLhers and broLhers rape Lhelr daughLers and
slsLers, whaL can one expecL from oLhers? When a man rapes a woman, he geLs released ln
exchange for money and ls noL charged wlLh any crlmes. 1here was a case when a man raped Lhe
newly wed wlfe of hls broLher, because Lhe famlly of Lhe man dld noL wanL Lhelr famlly name
sLalned, Lhey klcked Lhe woman ouL of Lhe house for commlLLlng such an acL. - lCu-PW-2,
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 46
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo Lhe daLa from Lhe lamlly 8esponse unlL ln kandahar, Lhe number of reglsLered cases of
vlolence agalnsL women rose from elghLy-elghL ln 2012 Lo one hundred and elghL by Lhe end of 2013.

1here are cases of vlolence and abuse, buL when faLhers and broLhers rape Lhelr daughLers and
slsLers, whaL can one expecL from oLhers. When a man rapes a woman, he geLs released ln
exchange for money and ls noL charged wlLh any crlmes. - lCu-PW-2, kandahar

1hese cases are more common ln Lhe rural areas as Lhe servlces provlded by legal and [udlclal
lnsLlLuLlons are noL as easlly accesslble as ln Lhe cenLral areas of Lhe provlnce (kl-M-l8u).

ln urban areas, however, Lhe deparLmenL of women's affalrs and clvll socleLy organlzaLlons are
more acLlve and, accordlng Lo a clvll socleLy organlzaLlon, Lhe exLenL of vlolence agalnsL
women has been decreaslng over Lhe years. 1he reason for Lhls decllne ls malnly more
awareness among women and men abouL human rlghLs and Lhe avallablllLy of servlces (kl-M-
Women and Current Affa|rs
1here ls wldespread supporL for Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA:

1he slgnlng of Lhe 8SA wlll lmprove Lhe poslLlon of women ln kandahar. lL wlll especlally enhance
women's access Lo educaLlon and work. Women wlll be valued more ln socleLy. - lCu-PW-1,

AnoLher reason for supporL of Lhe 8SA ls Lhe expecLaLlon LhaL lL wlll lmprove Lhe capaclLy and capablllLy
of Lhe naLlonal army and pollce.

1he maln reasons for women's parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe elecLlons are sald Lo be Lhe securlLy provlded by AnSl
and lncreased awareness among women:

Women were moLlvaLed Lo voLe and once Lhey reallzed LhaL Lhe securlLy was good, Lhey lnformed Lhelr
nelghbours and oLher women and Lhey all wenL and voLed. - kl-l-W-2.

1he key lnformanLs lnLervlewed expressed concern abouL fraud ln Lhe ouLcome of Lhe elecLlons. 1here
were also concerns among women abouL Lhelr husbands noL allowlng Lhem Lo go ouL and voLe a second
Llme (kl-l-W-2).

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 47
kunduz, kunduz rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
!$:$;2$- 7O6 789I !$:$;2$- 7897 ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
CuLslde Lhe home Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon for women has deLerloraLed compared Lo slx monLhs ago. rlor
Lo Lhe LranslLlon Lhe maln source of lnsecurlLy were aLLacks agalnsL naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal securlLy
forces by ACCs. Slnce Lhe LranslLlon Lhere has been a sLeady rlse ln crlmlnallLy someLlmes lnvolvlng
members AnSl (kl-l-v1C-1, kl-l-8W-2, kl-l-Cov-2, lCu-WW). Many women sLaLed LhaL Lhey llved ln
consLanL fear and anxleLy abouL Lhelr personal safeLy:

WhaL l fear mosL - and Lhlnk abouL -ls LhaL four armed men mlghL aLLack my house aL nlghL and
kldnap me and Lake me wlLh Lhem. Lvery day, my fear becomes more and more LhaL one day,
Lhey mlghL block my way and Lake me wlLh Lhem or klll me. 1wo monLhs ago, Lhe chalrman of
Lhe elecLlon commlsslon and Lhree Leachers of Lhe academy of sclences were murdered. - kl-l-
nCC-1, kunduz

1he women belleve LhaL AnSl ls dolng Lhe besL lL can Lo malnLaln order and securlLy, desplLe belng lll-
qulpped and under resourced. 1he Arbakl, however, are a source of concern for everyone:

1here ls a loL of cooperaLlon beLween Lhe people and Lhe pollce and Lhe pollce are dolng Lhelr
work well. 1hey are capable of securlng abouL flfLy percenL of Lhe provlnce buL our pollce and
army have Lo have beLLer weapons and equlpmenL Lo do Lhelr [ob well. 1he Arbakl are a
problem. uurlng Lhe day Lhey work for Lhe governmenL, aL nlghL Lhey become Lhleves. lnsLead of
lnvesLlng ln Lhe Arbakl, Lhe resources should be lnvesLed ln Lhe naLlonal pollce. - kl-l-v1C-1,
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
1he LranslLlon and Lhe subsequenL deparLure of forelgn Lroops have led Lo a decrease ln employmenL
opporLunlLles for women. 1he number of pro[ecLs for women has decllned and Lhe nCCs have
decreased Lhelr number of employees (kl-l-8W-2).

CorrupLlon and nepoLlsm have lncreased slgnlflcanLly slnce Lhe LranslLlon and many quallfled
women applylng for [obs fall Lo secure Lhem because Lhey cannoL or do noL wanL Lo pay Lo
become employed or are noL relaLed Lo Lhe rlghL people. ln publlc spaces women are rouLlnely
harassed by men, lncludlng some from AnSl (kl-l-8W-2).
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
1he lncrease ln harassmenL of women ln publlc spaces has also affecLed Lhe women's access Lo servlces
such as cllnlcs and schools:

We do have access Lo servlces. We have schools, cllnlcs and can go Lo bazaars, buL are very afrald
of Lhe Arbakl. ln some dlsLrlcLs Lhey have done some bad Lhlngs, so unless we really have Lo, we
avold golng ouLslde. AfLer four o'clock women cannoL leave Lhelr homes. A male companlon
always accompanles glrls LhaL go Lo schools or unlverslLles afLer four o'clock. When we go Lo
work, we go alone. When we go back home, we are elLher accompanled by a mahram or Lravel
ln groups of Lhree or four women - kl-l-WW-2, kunduz
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 48

1he Arbakl are generally consldered as a source of lnsecurlLy ln Lhe provlnce.
Access to Iust|ce
1here are courLs and oLher [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons ln kunduz buL Lhere are complalnLs abouL how women
are LreaLed by Lhese enLlLles. CorrupLlon wlLhln Lhe [udlclal sysLem deprlves many women of access Lo

Women do have access Lo courLs buL Lhe courL ls corrupL and mlsLreaLs women. lf a woman
approaches Lhem for Lhe nlkah or dlvorce Lhey elLher ask money or ask women Lo do Lhem
sexual favors. SomeLlmes cases sLay for years ln courLs and Lhere ls no responslble lndlvldual
who can ask or explaln why Lhese cases are here for such a long Llme. - lCu-CL, kunduz

CorrupLlon and Lhe unprofesslonal behavlor of some of Lhe [usLlce offlclals have damaged Lhe lmage
LhaL people have of Lhe [udlclal sysLem and llmlLed women's access Lo [usLlce (lCu-WW). Women who
become vlcLlms of domesLlc vlolence have ofLen nowhere Lo go (kl-l-Cov-1).
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
vlolence agalnsL women has lncreased because many people are unemployed and Lhelr
economlc slLuaLlon ls noL good. 1he maln reason for vlolence ls Lhe rlse ls poverLy and llllLeracy.
1he LranslLlon has noL affecLed Lhe exLenL of vlolence agalnsL women much. - kl-l-8W-1, kunduz

1he exLenL of vlolence agalnsL women ln kunduz has lncreased ln Lhe lasL slx monLhs (kl-l-Cov-2, lCu-
WW). lnLervlewees also sLaLed LhaL Lhe number of glrls geLLlng murdered by Lhe men ln Lhelr famlly has
lncreased as well. Clrls escape forced marrlages and, when caughL, geL kllled by Lhelr broLhers or faLhers
(kl-l-8W-2, kl-l-nCC-3).
Women and Current Affa|rs
1he supporL for Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA among Lhe lnLervlewees ln kunduz ls unanlmous. 1hey expecL Lhe
agreemenL Lo lmprove Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon, creaLe employmenL opporLunlLles, and glve women more
access Lo [usLlce:

1he securlLy agreemenL should be slgned. lf lL ls noL slgned, Lhe llves of women ln Lhe provlnce
wlll deLerloraLe and Lhelr efforLs so far Lo galn Lhelr rlghLs wlll go Lo wasLe. ?esLerday, a Leacher
whose vlllage ls ln Lhe clLy of kunduz Lold me LhaL her vlllage ls now ln Lhe hands of armed
opposlLlon groups. Some days she cannoL come Lo her work because she ls afrald. - kl-l-v1C-1,

1he relaLlvely hlgher LurnouL of women Lo voLe durlng Lhe elecLlons was due Lo lncreased awareness
among Lhe women because of campalgns ln Lhe medla and pro[ecLs led by Lhe clvll socleLy organlzaLlons.
Also, Lhe exLenslve and medla publlclzed elecLlon campalgns encouraged men Lo allow Lhelr female
famlly members Lo go ouL and voLe, and perhaps help Lhe males' favorlLe candldaLe Lo geL more voLes.
Cood securlLy provlslons also encouraged people Lo come ouL, desplLe Lhe securlLy LhreaLs (kl-l-W-2).

1here are concerns abouL fraud ln Lhe voLlng process, however:

. Women are worrled LhaL Lhey voLed desplLe Lhe dlfflculL culLural and securlLy condlLlons ln
kunduz and, Cod forbld, Lhelr voLes mlghL go Lo wasLe [because of fraud]. - kl-l-W-2, kunduz
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 49
Mehtar|am, Laghman rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 76 7895 H"-:C 7899 ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
Slx monLhs ago Lhere were many cases of women belng murdered because Lhey were suspecLed of
worklng for Lhe governmenL (lCu-PW). 1he slLuaLlon appears Lo have lmproved slgnlflcanLly compared
Lo Lhe flrsL and second rounds of monlLorlng (kl-l-Cov-3). 1he reasons glven for Lhe lmprovemenL are
closer coordlnaLlon wlLhln AnSl (lncludlng wlLh Lhe Arbakl) and collaboraLlon beLween Lhe communlLles
and AnSl:

1hough Lhe naLlonal pollce and army do noL have enough faclllLles and lack Lhe necessary
weapons, Lhey are very capable of ensurlng securlLy ln Lhe reglon. Slx monLhs ago, Lhe securlLy
slLuaLlon was very bad, buL now, when Lhe new commander Look offlce and lnsLalled local pollce
ln Lhe dlsLrlcLs, Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon lmproved and Lhe pollce commander hlmself would
parLlclpaLe ln operaLlons. -kl-l-Cov-1, Laghman.

uesplLe Lhe generally poslLlve vlew of AnSl, Lhere remaln some concerns:

1here ls much corrupLlon among Lhe pollce ln Laghman. ln Lhe local pollce Lhere are Loo many
boys who are Loo young, Loo uneducaLed and Loo lnexperlenced Lo do Lhe work of a pollce
offlcer. usually, Lhe appolnLmenL of offlcers happens Lhrough connecLlons and Lhe people
employed are Lhose LhaL can brlng ln money. - lCu-PW, Laghman.

Many of Lhe rural communlLles, dlsplaced because of securlLy Lenslons, have become more secure wlLh
many rural-urban mlgranLs havlng gone back Lo Lhelr communlLles, easlng Lhe Lenslons and dlsorder
wlLhln MahLarlam (kl-l-An). Awareness ralslng pro[ecLs are sald Lo have been effecLlve ln proLecLlng
women agalnsL domesLlc vlolence Lhough domesLlc vlolence remalns as a ma[or lssue:

We do noL have any ma[or cases LhaL concern women. 1he mosL common cases are abouL
women runnlng away from home buL Lhese cases have also decreased compared Lo before.
- kl-M-l8u, MehLarlam.

1he maln causes of domesLlc vlolence agalnsL women are poverLy and lgnorance and drug
addlcLlon among men (kl-M-Med-1).
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
1he slLuaLlon for women ln Laghman has lmproved compared Lo slx monLhs ago. MosL women worklng
for governmenL organlzaLlons are noL worrled abouL belng ln publlc spaces. Women worklng for Lhe
MlnlsLry of Women's Affalrs, on Lhe oLher hand, are ln a hlgher rlsk caLegory and fear becomlng vlcLlms
of LargeL kllllng by ACCs (lCu-PW). 1here are also fears of becomlng vlcLlms of LerrorlsL aLLacks and
exploslons ln publlc places:

l work for Lhe deparLmenL of educaLlon. My only fear ls bomb exploslons ln Lhe sLreeLs. Also,
when women vlslL Lhe MlnlsLry of Women's affalrs for workshops, Lhey do so wlLh a loL of fear.
1haL ls why many women do noL vlslL Lhe deparLmenL of women's affalrs - lL has been a LargeL
for ACCs. lCu-WW, Laghman.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 30

1he LranslLlon has affecLed women's access Lo work ln a negaLlve way. 1he deparLure of lnLernaLlonal
forces has led Lo a decrease ln lnvesLmenL ln women's employmenL opporLunlLles and LhaL has led Lo a
rlse ln unemploymenL among women:

A ma[orlLy of organlzaLlon ln Laghman had dlfferenL klnds of courses, such as sewlng and llLeracy
courses, for women. AfLer Lhe deparLure of lnLernaLlonal forces, many Lhese pro[ecLs suddenly
sLopped and have noL been able Lo resLarL (.) Lhere ls a loL of unemploymenL among women,
also Lhose who are educaLed and have graduaLed from hlgh school slL and home and do noL
work. - lCu-WW, Laghman.
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
Compared Lo Lhe prevlous monlLorlng cycles women's access Lo healLh and educaLlon ln Laghman has
lmproved (lCu-PW). revlously, because of Lhe poor securlLy slLuaLlon women's access Lo healLh cllnlcs
and schools was especlally llmlLed ln F>).$M"- and F>)*C".M dlsLrlcLs of Lhe provlnce (kl-l-Cov-3). 1here
are no lmpedlmenLs Lo access ln urban areas, however:

8ecause our cllnlc ls locaLed ln a safer place, we have noL been affecLed by lnsecurlLy. Cur
employees have noL been LhreaLened or forced Lo reslgn from Lhelr [obs. As far as harassmenL of
our paLlenLs ls concerned, we have noL had any complalnLs yeL.-kl-M-Med-1, Laghman.

Many women vlslL healLh cllnlcs unaccompanled by a male (kl-M-Med-1).

Access Lo educaLlon has also lmproved ln recenL monLhs. usually schoolglrls have conLracLs wlLh
rlkshaws LhaL drop Lhem aL school ln Lhe mornlng and brlng Lhem home ln Lhe evenlngs (lCu-PW).
1here are no complalnLs abouL securlLy or socleLal facLors resLrlcLlng glrls' access Lo educaLlon (kl-l-
Access to Iust|ce
1he LreaLmenL of women and women's cases by legal and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlon has lmproved compared Lo
slx monLhs ago. 1hls ls especlally Lhe case ln urban cenLers. ln some rural areas, where ACCs have
sLrong lnfluence, women are less wllllng Lo reporL Lhelr cases Lo Lhe formal [usLlce auLhorlLles (kl-M-
nCC-1). 1he deparLmenL of women's affalrs has become more acLlve durlng Lhe lasL slx monLhs and
provldes asslsLance Lo women who wlsh Lo Lake Lhelr cases Lo Lhe formal [usLlce auLhorlLles (kl-l-Cov-

1he process of crlmlnal proceedlngs has also lmproved compared Lo slx monLhs ago. lamlly response
unlLs, Lhe pollce offlce and Lhe deparLmenL of women's affalrs work closely LogeLher Lo make sure LhaL
women are safe and [usLlce ls served (kl-M-l8u).
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Women's Affalrs, Lhe number of reglsLered cases of vlolence
agalnsL women has lncreased from 312 ln 2012 Lo 648 by Lhe end of 2013. 1he maln causes of
vlolence agalnsL women, as explalned by a healLh cllnlc employee, are poverLy, lack of
awareness and men's dependence on narcoLlcs (kl-M-nCC-1, kl-M-Med-1).

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 31
uesplLe Lhe lncrease ln number of reglsLered cases, Lhe famlly response unlLs sLaLe LhaL Lhe
awareness campalgns have helped and Lhe exLenL of vlolence has been decreaslng:

We have very few cases LhaL speclflcally concern women, Lhe only cases LhaL we encounLer are
abouL women runnlng away from Lhelr houses and Lhese Loo have decreased slgnlflcanLly
compared Lo Lhe pasL. - kl-M-l8u, Laghman.

1he lmprovemenL of Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon ls glven as one reason for Lhe decllne ln Lhe number
of cases of vlolence agalnsL women (kl-M-l8u).
Women and Current Affa|rs
Women of Laghman are generally supporLlve of Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA:

1he securlLy agreemenL should be slgned. lf lL ls noL slgned, war mlghL sLarL agaln ln AfghanlsLan
and armed opposlLlon groups mlghL Lake power and force all women Lo sLay aL home. Also,
because Lhe 8SA has noL been slgned, lL has affecLed Lhe economlc slLuaLlon ln AfghanlsLan.
8uslnessmen are noL lnvesLlng Lhelr money and people wlLh money are Lransferrlng lL Lo forelgn
counLrles. - kl-l-Cov-1, Laghman.

1he lnLervlewees expecL LhaL securlLy and Lhe economy wlll lmprove lf Lhe 8SA ls slgned. 1here are fears
LhaL lf Lhe 8SA ls noL slgned, Lhe counLry mlghL go down a paLh of war and desLrucLlon (lCu-WW, kl-l-

1he maln reasons for women's parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe elecLlons ln Laghman were glven as good securlLy on
elecLlon day and Lhe campalgns by Lhe presldenLlal candldaLes. Women knew whaL each candldaLe had
Lo offer and made Lhelr cholces on Lhe day of Lhe elecLlons.

1he maln concern ls Lhe knowledge LhaL Lhere was much fraud ln Lhe voLlng process and some women
are concerned LhaL Lhelr voLes may have been wasLed (kl-l-W-1). Many vlew Lhe second round of
presldenLlal elecLlons as unnecessary, glven Lhe hlgh rlsks of organlzlng anoLher naLlonal elecLlon.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 32
aghman, kabu| rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 I6 7895 H"-:C 789I ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
SecurlLy ls sald Lo be lmprovlng over Llme wlLh a sense of order becomlng esLabllshed. 1he vlew of AnSl
ls largely poslLlve Lhough wlLh Lhe usual concerns abouL mlsbehavlor and corrupLlon by some members
of AnSl and Lhe general lack of faclllLles, equlpmenL, and Lralnlng (kl-M-Med-1, lCu-WW). AnSl also
en[oys Lhe approval of Lhe communlLy elders:

Cur naLlonal pollce, desplLe havlng llmlLed faclllLles, are Lruly dellverlng good work. 1hey are noL
llke Lhey were ln Lhe pasL, now Lhey professlonally secure our dlsLrlcL, especlally lf Lhere are
naLlonal celebraLlons or speclal occaslons. 1hey are responslve Lo Lhe needs of Lhe women. lor
example, when we need Lhelr asslsLance ln cases regardlng domesLlc vlolence, Lhey help us galn
access Lo [usLlce. 1hls ls a slgn LhaL Lhe pollce are proLecLlve of women. - kl-l-nCC-1, aghman


Cur naLlonal pollce and naLlonal army can be of greaL help Lo our people. 1hey respecL women
and as a woman l am confldenL LhaL our pollce are capable of havlng poslLlve affecLs on securlLy.
- lCu-PW, aghman
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
Where Lhere are concerns abouL harassmenL, younger women are more affecLed Lhan older women:

So far, we have noL faced any problems ln publlc spaces. Cn Lhe sLreeLs, young men harass
young glrls, however, and sub[ecL Lhem Lo verbal harassmenL and lnsulLlng remarks. 1hese boys
do noL dare Lo harass older women. - lCu, Pousewlves, aghman

1here has been a reducLlon ln harassmenL of younger glrls, however, and movemenL ln publlc spaces ls
noL consldered a challenge ln aghman (kl-l-l8u). Some women and communlLy elders belleve LhaL
afLer Lhe LranslLlon, women have been able Lo move around more freely because Lhey and Lhelr famllles
know LhaL Lhere are no forelgners on Lhe sLreeLs (lCu-PW). Women generally feel safe on Lhe sLreeLs
and are able Lo go on wlLh Lhelr dally llves and work wlLhouL belng harassed or feellng endangered:

Women are noL belng harassed. So far, we have noL had any complalnLs. Women and glrls dld
noL geL harassed ln Lhe pasL and Lhey do noL geL harassed now. 1hls ls because we have elders ln
our vlllages LhaL prevenL harassmenL from happenlng. Also, Lhe vlllages are ln good conLacL wlLh
each oLher and people know each oLher's backgrounds. So lf a boy harasses someone, Lhen
everyone knows who Lhe boy's famlly ls and lL can be prevenLed from happenlng agaln. 1here
are no problems wlLh regards Lo harassmenL. - kl-l-l8u, aghman

1he LranslLlon has affecLed Lhe llvellhoods of speclflc groups of women ln a negaLlve way:

1he LranslLlon has affecLed Lhose women LhaL worked for nCCs, Lhose LhaL were acLlve ln Lhe
fleld of human rlghLs and Lhose LhaL worked for Clvll SocleLy CrganlzaLlons. A loL of Lhese women
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 33
have losL Lhelr [obs and are noL able Lo susLaln Lhelr llvellhoods anymore. -kl-M-Med-1,

1hose LhaL are noL affecLed by Lhe LranslLlon express Lhelr frusLraLlons wlLh deallngs wlLh forelgn
buslnesses, funders, and conLracLors. 1he feel LhaL Lhe forelgn lnvesLors ln Lhe reglon are noL Lhere Lo
Lrade wlLh and help Afghan women buL help each oLher whlch ls cosLlng Lhem buslness and earnlngs:

Members of Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy say lL wlLh Lhelr Longues and wrlLe lL wlLh Lhelr pens,
buL do noL puL lL ln pracLlce (.) 1hey glve Lhelr conLracLs Lo Lhose wlLh forelgn passporLs and
who can speak a couple of Lngllsh words (.) 1helr lnvesLmenLs flnd Lhelr way back Lo forelgn
counLrles and never sLay ln AfghanlsLan. So how do you expecL Afghan women Lo grow and
develop? - kl-l-8W-1, aghman

1here are some concerns abouL some rellglous leaders ln Lhe communlLy who are calllng for more
resLrlcLlons on women's freedoms ln Lerms of employmenL and movemenL ln publlc places (kl-l-nCC-1,
kl-l-nCC-2). Whlle by no means a wldespread vlew, some women worry abouL Lhe prospecLs of more
calls by oLhers for resLrlcLlons on women (kl-l-nCC-1).
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
Servlce levels and Lhe number of cllnlcs per household have remalned Lhe same slnce Lhe LranslLlon.
1here are complalnLs abouL lnadequaLe or lnsufflclenL medlcaLlon and overcrowded cllnlcs and

Women walL for hours [ln Lhe cllnlc] Lo no avall. ln addlLlon, Lhey also do noL glve enough
medlcaLlon Lo Lhe paLlenLs. Women who Lake Lhelr chlldren Lo be vacclnaLed, someLlmes go for
Lhree or four days before lL ls Lhelr Lurn Lo be helped. 1hls slngle cllnlc does noL sufflce four
Lhousand households. - lCu-CL, aghman

1hls ls conflrmed by healLh offlclals:

ually, we recelve sevenLy Lo elghLy women who are elLher lll or are brlnglng an lll chlld Lo Lhe
docLor. 1here ls a loL of congesLlon ln our cllnlc because lL ls Lhe cenLral cllnlc ln Lhe dlsLrlcL. -kl-
M-Med-1, aghman

1he LranslLlon has had some mlnor effecLs on educaLlonal servlces buL Lhe number of glrls aLLendlng
schools has noL changed slnce Lhe deparLure of forelgn Lroops (kl-l-l8u).
Access to Iust|ce
An ls reporLed Lo cooperaLe fully ln legal cases lnvolvlng women (kl-l-nCC-2, kl-l-nCC-3). Women
LhreaLened or ln emergency need of proLecLlon are Laken ln by safe houses unLll Lhelr cases are
resolved and Lhey are no longer LhreaLened:

Women ln Lhls reglon have access Lo safe houses. Women LhaL face serlous dlfflculLles and are
noL accepLed by Lhelr famllles or have escaped domesLlc vlolence llve ln safe houses. 1he law
LhaL prevenLs vlolence agalnsL women has been effecLlve ln proLecLlng women. -kl-l-nCC-2,

1he [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons are also aware of women's needs and vulnerablllLles and Lhe [udges and
aLLorneys seem Lo deal wlLh Lhelr cases professlonally:
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 34

We have noL wlLnessed any dlscrlmlnaLory behavlor Lowards women wlLhln Lhe [udlclal sysLem ln
Lhe reglon. !udges handle women's cases well and, ln kabul, women ln need of legal ald are
provlded a lawyer Lo represenL Lhem, so Lhere are no dlfflculLles ln Lhls regard. -kl-l-nCC-2,

lf women cannoL afford a lawyer, one ls provlded Lo Lhem free of charge by Lhe legal ald bureaus or Lhe
CSCs acLlve ln Lhe fleld of human rlghLs (kl-l-nCC-3). As long as women manage Lo ask for help, whlch
can be a challenge ln some cases, Lhen Lhe chances are LhaL Lhe woman would geL Lhe help she asked
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo clvll socleLy organlzaLlons and famlly response unlLs ln aghman, Lhe exLenL of vlolence
agalnsL women has remalned unchanged over Lhe lasL year(s), buL Lhe servlces provlded Lo vlcLlms have
lmproved (kl-l-nCC-1, kl-l-nCC-2, kl-l-l8u). Women are more aware of Lhelr rlghLs, Lhe pollce and
famlly response unlLs are more acLlve and Lhere ls beLLer reglsLraLlon of vlolence agalnsL women:

1he number of reglsLered cases of vlolence agalnsL women has lncreased and dlfferenL reporLs
on Lhe lssue also conflrm LhaL, buL Lhe reason for Lhls lncrease ln domesLlc vlolence ls more
awareness among women and women do noL accepL belng LreaLed unfalrly and approach Lhe
responslble law unlLs. Also, women's access Lo legal ald bureaus has lncreased. When women
become vlcLlms Lhey seek help and Lhls has lncreased over Lhe lasL years. - kl-l-nCC-2,

1he assumpLlon, among Lhe clvll socleLy organlzaLlons, ls LhaL beLLer reglsLraLlon and reporLlng accounL
for Lhe lncrease ln number of cases and noL Lhe acLual rlse ln vlolence agalnsL women. Powever, Lhere ls
vlolence agalnsL women ln aghman and lL dlffers ln Lype:

Cases of vlolence agalnsL women conslsL prlmarlly of physlcal abuse, forced and under-aged
marrlages and rape. 1he numbers do flucLuaLe monLhly, buL over Lhe long run Lhere ls relaLlve
conslsLency ln Lhe exLenL Lo whlch women are sub[ecLed Lo vlolence and abuse. -kl-l-nCC-2,
Women and Current Affa|rs
Women of aghman are supporLlve of slgnlng Lhe 8SA buL emphaslze LhaL lLs Lerms and condlLlons
should be negoLlaLed Lo serve Lhe people of AfghanlsLan, Lhrough Lhelr governmenL should have Lhe
flnal say:

lf Lhe agreemenL ls slgned buL lLs conLenLs noL applled, Lhen lL wlll be [usL as useless as all our
oLher laws and convenLlons. 8uL lf lL ls based on a concreLe plan, and lf Lhere ls an especlally
deslgned lnsLlLuLlon Lo reporL lLs lmplemenLaLlon Lo Lhe CovernmenL of AfghanlsLan, Lhen lL wlll
lead Lo poslLlve ouLcomes for Lhe people of AfghanlsLan. -kl-l-nCC-2, aghman

1he maln reason for supporLlng Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA ls Lhe lnsecurlLy LhaL has emerged slnce
Lhe deparLure of Lhe forelgn forces:

. [8]lghL now, Lhere ls a loL of unemploymenL among men. 1he prlces of prlmary goods have
lncreased and people are faclng economlc hardshlp. 1he reason ls Lhe deparLure of forelgn
Lroops. noL slgnlng Lhe 8SA wlll encourage Lhe people Lo hold on Lo Lhelr caplLal or Lake lL abroad
lnsLead of lnvesLlng or spendlng lL here.. - lCu-CL, aghman
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 33
arwan, arwan rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
H"-:C N6 7895 H"4 7897 ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
ln Lhe early monLhs of 2014 reporLs of worsenlng general securlLy and kldnapplngs by crlmlnal elemenLs
have lncreased. An ls reporLed Lo have sLarLed a campalgn agalnsL Lhe crlmlnal gangs responslble buL
warns LhaL Lhe lncrease ln crlmlnallLy ls a funcLlon of hlgh levels of unemploymenL and ldleness and
pollLlcal lnsLablllLy.
1he deLerloraLlon ln securlLy slnce Lhe LranslLlon ls parLlcularly serlous ln L)"CM"-0,
E&CG$G L"'), PC&-2".0 and LC).Q"-)(kl-l-8W-1). 1he provlnclal cenLer remalns sLable, however. MosL
men ln arwan possess weapons. Women reporL Lo be Laklng exLra cauLlon such as noL golng ouL ln laLe
hours buL Lhey generally feel safe ouLslde Lhe home (kl-M-Med-1).

1he deparLure of lnLernaLlonal forces has led Lo fewer resources for AnSl, encouraglng corrupLlon ln
some cases. 1he percepLlon of An ln arwan has remalned generally poslLlve wlLh a few excepLlons (kl-
l-8W-1). Women are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe worklngs of AnA:

1he worklngs and accompllshmenLs of Lhe naLlonal army are commendable. 1hey are respecLful
Lowards women. 1he pollce, however, are lmmersed ln corrupLlon. ln Lhe clLles, Lhough, Lhey are
respecLful Loward women. 1hose who drlve ln 8angers are noL only dlsrespecLful Lo women, buL
also a source of lnsecurlLy and danger for oLhers ln Lrafflc. 1hey drlve exLremely fasL and
dangerously. 1he pollce and Lhe army are noL able Lo ensure our securlLy wlLhouL any help from
Lhe forelgners because Lhey lack essenLlal maLerlal, equlpmenL, and funds. 8lghL now, Lhey have
noL had Lhelr salarles for monLhs. - kl-M-nCC-1, arwan.

1here are complalnLs of harassmenL and lnLlmldaLlon of women schoolglrls by some members of An:

ParassmenL by Lhe pollce has lncreased. When glrls are on Lhelr way Lo school, pollce cars sLop ln
fronL of Lhem and Lhe occupanL Lells Lhe glrls LhaL he ls commander such and such and he would
llke Lo Lake Lhem Lo Lhe pollce sLaLlon. Pow can we complaln from oLhers lf Lhe pollce behave ln
Lhls manner? Also some Llme ago, Lhere was a flghL ln fronL of my broLher's shop. lnsLead of
separaLlng Lhose flghLlng, Lhe pollce ran away and lefL Lhe scene, Lhls ls probably how Lhey acL on
Lhe baLLlefleld. - lCu-PW, arwan.

Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
8ural communlLles of arwan are generally conservaLlve and do noL allow Lhelr female famlly members
Lo work or go Lo school. lor example:

lf women choose Lo work for governmenLal organlzaLlons people would noL have much problem
wlLh LhaL. 8uL lf Lhey work for forelgners and brlng home uollars, our people would be very
upseL, because accordlng Lo lslam a woman ls llke gold and gold should be kepL ln safeLy. lf a
woman works for Lhe governmenL, Lhen she should respecL Lhe LradlLlons of lslam and hl[ab
whlle worklng Lhere. - lCu-CL, arwan.

lrom: PashL-e Sobh, kabul dally newspaper, May 13, 2014, avallable from: hLLp://
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 36

1hls vlew ls lnLerpreLed by some of Lhe women as follows:

.lmaglne a woman leaves her house and goes Lo work ln an organlzaLlon where noL one oLher
woman works. naLurally people wlll noL accepL Lhls. 1hese lssues are more common ln rural
areas. llllLeraLe women ln rural areas face a loL of dlfflculLles. 1here are no work opporLunlLles
for Lhem, Lhere are no women's pro[ecLs, Lhere are no llLeracy courses and lf Lhere are any,
women are noL allowed Lo [oln. - lCu-WW, arwan.

1he deparLure of lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces and a number of non-mlllLary enLlLles has resulLed ln
fewer [obs for women and creaLed a number of serlous soclal problems:

AfLer Lhe deparLure of Lhe forelgners, organlzaLlons closed and Lhe number of pro[ecLs for
women decreased. Also, when Lhe lnLernaLlonal forces lefL 8agram, many became unemployed.
uue Lo Lhls unemploymenL, many young men and boys became addlcLed Lo narcoLlcs.
-kl-l-Cov-3, arwan
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
Access Lo healLh servlces ln Lhe cenLral areas of arwan ls a challenge for women llvlng ln rural areas
and vlllages:

ually we recelve up Lo elghLy female paLlenLs ln our cllnlc. 1helr husbands always accompany
Lhose who approach us for gynecologlcal servlces. CLhers elLher come wlLh oLher women from
Lhelr famllles or come alone. Men ob[ecL Lo women golng Lo cllnlcs alone and ask where are
Lhese women and why are Lhey golng Lhere alone? eople have dark mlnds and are llllLeraLe and
Lhese lssues happen more ofLen ln vlllages and rural areas Lhan ln urban areas. - kl-l-Med-2,

All cllnlcs and hosplLals ln Lhe provlnclal cenLer have female docLors dedlcaLed Lo female paLlenLs and
Lhere are no complalnLs abouL Lhe Llmellness of Lhe servlce belng provlded by healLh faclllLles.

Colng Lo school or worklng for schools puLs some women and glrls ln rlsk:

l have been LhreaLened a number of Llmes (.) As l was on my way Lo vlslL oLher schools, Lhey
followed me wlLh moLorcycles and l LhoughL l was golng Lo geL kllled (.) laLer Lhey Lold me LhaL l
should never dare Lo work agaln and LhaL schools are noL supposed Lo have female headmasLers.
1hen l Lalked Lo Lhe chlef of securlLy. 1he case was forwarded Lo Lhe mlnlsLry of educaLlon and lL
Lurned ouL Lo be an exLenslve gang wlLh members ln kabul. My husband, armed, would escorL
me Lo school and back home. AfLer LhaL, l recelved some more LhreaLs from oLher groups Loo. -
kl-l-CPS-1, arwan.

CulLural conservaLlsm, comblned wlLh lnsufflclenL number of female Leachers, ofLen resulLs ln glrls belng
deprlved of educaLlon:

1he only problem LhaL we have wlLh glrls' educaLlon ls Lhe lack of female Leachers. When glrls
reach sevenLh grade we have Lo forbld Lhem from golng Lo school because Lhey sLarL blology
lessons where Lhey debaLe and dlscuss abouL dlfferenL parLs of human body. lemale Leachers
and noL young men should Leach Lhese lessons Lo young glrls. - lCu-CL, arwan.

1he LranslLlon has had a much larger lmpacL on access Lo educaLlon ln rural areas:
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 37

We do noL have many problems ln Lhe cenLral areas of Lhe provlnce. ln Lhe rural areas, however,
Lhere ls flghLlng golng on and Lhls creaLes unresL and lnconvenlence among our sLudenLs. 1here
ls lnsecurlLy ln Chorband and recenLly ln kunar where 21 members of Lhe naLlonal securlLy
forces were murdered. 1hls creaLes anxleLy among our sLudenLs and affecLs Lhem negaLlvely (.)
ln Lhe lasL couple of days, Lhere are rumors golng around LhaL more Lhan LwenLy sulclde
bombers have enLered Lhe provlnce. 1hls creaLes a sense of horror and anxleLy among our
sLudenLs and men and women. - kl-l-CPS-1, arwan.
Access to Iust|ce
1here are complalnLs abouL corrupLlon ln Lhe legal sysLem:

Compared Lo prevlous years, women have more access Lo legal and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons, buL Lhe
progresslon of a case, be lL concernlng a man or a woman, depends on money. 1he sysLem ls
lmmersed ln corrupLlon. SlxLy percenL of Lhe process of a legal case would noL Lake place wlLhouL
brlblng Lhe offlclals. -kl-l-8W-1, arwan.

Pavlng powerful connecLlons ls also a maln source of concern:

. ln AfghanlsLan, Lhere ls corrupLlon everywhere and arwan ls no dlfferenL. lf someone from
Lhe provlnclal councll, or anyone wlLh sLrong connecLlons even commlLs murder, he wlll geL away
wlLh lL and walk freely. 8uL someone wlLh no connecLlons can be [alled even lf he ls lnnocenL. -
kl-l-W-1, arwan.

V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
1he lamlly 8esponse unlL ln arwan sLaLed Lo have fourLeen reglsLered cases of vlolence agalnsL women
over 2013. Accordlng Lo many lnLervlewees, Lhe LranslLlon ln arwan has led Lo more unemploymenL
and poverLy, whlch has caused more vlolence agalnsL women (kl-l-W-1). WhaL makes arwan
somewhaL dlfferenL from oLher provlnces ls LhaL Lhe lnLervlewees Lell sLorles of, noL [usL abuse, buL also

A woman from our Lrlbe was sub[ecLed Lo lnLense LorLure by her husband. She was noL allowed
Lo go Lo her parenLs' house and, whlle she was pregnanL, every mornlng he would force her Lo
Lake a baLh ln cold waLer. unLll one day he shoL her wlLh hls gun and she was Laken Lo a hosplLal
where her chlld was born and Lhey boLh survlved. 1here are Loo many armed men ln Lhls
provlnce, Lhere are also many who are addlcLed Lo narcoLlcs. 1hese comblned wlLh
unemploymenL and poverLy lead Lo a loL of women belng abused ln Lhls manner. - kl-l-v1C-1,

ln arwan, women do noL Lalk abouL vlolence lnslde Lhelr housed wlLh oLhers, noL even wlLh Lhe docLors
who LreaL Lhelr ln[urles:

We do noL geL paLlenLs who speclflcally deflne Lhelr ln[urles as belng caused by domesLlc
vlolence, Lhe vlcLlms Lend Lo keep Lhose a secreL. Some who are abused are noL allowed Lo leave
Lhe house so Lhey never reach us... - kl-l-Med-2, arwan.

1he secreLlve naLure of domesLlc vlolence makes lL hard Lo make any sLaLemenLs abouL Lhe decllne or
rlse ln lLs exLenL, Lhe general assumpLlon ls LhaL lL has lncreased over Lhe years:

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 38
1he exLenL of domesLlc vlolence agalnsL women has lncreased, especlally physlcal abuse (and use
of flrearms) has lncreased. A woman was shoL by her husband and puL ln Lhe Landoor [an oven
as a hole ln Lhe ground]. Cne day laLer her faLher found her dead Lhere. Cases as such are
reporLed Lo- and reglsLered by- us. We do noL know why Lhey have lncreased and cannoL ask
because lL ls noL our [ob Lo ask Lhese quesLlons. - kl-l-Med-2, arwan.
Women and Current Affa|rs
MosL women ln arwan clalmed LhaL Lhey dld noL know enough abouL Lhe 8SA Lo commenL. 1hose who
knew abouL Lhe 8SA belleved LhaL lLs slgnlng wlll lmprove Lhe economy:

Women's access Lo work has decreased and pro[ecLs are posLponed unLll Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA.
8efore Lhe LranslLlon, a woman would work ln an organlzaLlon and earn up Lo four hundred
dollars per monLh. 8uL now, Lhey do noL have Lhls [ob and Lhe salary and everyone ls worrled
and walLlng for Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA. - lCu-WW, arwan.

Some women sLaLed LhaL lncreased economlc acLlvlLy, afLer Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 8SA wlll leadLo more
employmenL and decrease poverLy, whlch ls usually Lhe maln cause of domesLlc vlolence agalnsL

1he reason for Lhe hlgh LurnouL by women Lo voLe was Lhelr bellef LhaL Lhose who
represenLed Lhem ln Lhe pasL dld noL pay aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr needs. uesplLe Lhe hlgh hopes of
elecLlng more carlng offlclals, Lhere were also concerns abouL wldespread lgnorance abouL Lhe
elecLlon process:

. 1hose who are llLeraLe, whlch ls abouL flve Lo Len percenL of Lhe populaLlon, know LhaL lf a
candldaLe does noL have flfLy plus one percenL, Lhe elecLlons would go Lo a second round. lor
Lhose who are llllLeraLe, lL ls hard Lo undersLand Lhls process and Lhey do noL know why Lhey
have Lo voLe a second Llme.- kl-l-W-1, arwan

MosL are also worrled abouL charges of fraud ln Lhe elecLlon process (kl-l-W-1).

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 39

Aybak, Samangan rov|nce
!"#$ &' ()*)#+ ,-".*)#)&. /$-)&0+ ,-".*)#)&.+
1$2-3"-4 76 7895 F=-)>GH"4 789I ,-".*)#)&. <&;=>$#$0
Cvera|| Secur|ty
1he securlLy slLuaLlon ln Samangan has noL changed slnce slx monLhs ago. Women Lravel freely
LhroughouL Lhe provlnce and vlslL dlfferenL dlsLrlcLs wlLhouL fears for Lhelr safeLy (kl-l-CPS-1). eople
are saLlsfled AnSl. A ma[or concern ls Lhe deLerloraLlng economlc slLuaLlon (lnu-8W-2).

1he appreclaLlon AnSl appears Lo be unanlmous ln Samangan. 1he naLlonal army and Lhe pollce are
consldered capable of securlng Lhe provlnce desplLe Lhelr lack of faclllLles and equlpmenL:

lf we look aL Lhe faclllLles Lhey have, our securlLy and pollce forces are dolng a good [ob
compared Lo Lhose ln oLher provlnces. 1hey are capable of ensurlng Lhe securlLy compleLely. Cur
dlsLrlcLs are all safe. Women are noL LhreaLened and feel safe. SomeLlmes we geL some LhreaLs
from some people because we are deallng wlLh a case agalnsL Lhem, buL Lhls ls naLural.
- kl-l-nCC-1, Aybak
Mob|||ty and Access to ub||c L|fe
Many pro[ecLs LhaL provlded [obs for women have ended slnce Lhe LranslLlon. Women's moblllLy and
access Lo work ln Samangan are llmlLed by soclal conservaLlsm. SecurlLy ls noL a ma[or lssue for women
who work ouLslde Lhe home (kl-l-W-1).
Access to Serv|ces (nea|th and Lducat|on)
1he LranslLlon has affecLed women's access Lo educaLlon, parLlcularly older women's access Lo
vocaLlonal Lralnlngs, due Lo a decrease ln Lhe number of pro[ecLs.

ln urban areas women go freely Lo cllnlcs and hosplLals, and mosLly wlLhouL a male companlon (kl-l-
CPS-1). ln rural areas, dlsLance Lo Lhe cllnlcs and a shorLage of quallfled medlcal sLaff are ma[or
lnhlblLlng facLors ln access Lo healLh servlces (kl-l-Med-1).

Lack of lnvesLmenL ln women-cenLered pro[ecLs ls of some concern:

l have Len sLudenLs now. Slx monLhs ago, l had more sLudenLs. We do noL have Lhe raw maLerlal
LhaL enabled us Lo funcLlon. Cur pro[ecLs were funded on slx-monLhly basls. now LhaL Lhe lasL
Lerm ls over, we are noL belng funded anymore. -kl-l-v1C-1, Aybak

Clrls' schools reporL LhaL Lhelr enrollmenL levels are rlslng and glrls are noL experlenclng any dlfflculLles
ln comlng Lo school (kl-l-CPS-1, kl-l-CPS-2). Cne facLor LhaL perslsLenLly affecLs Lhe quallLy of
educaLlon ln Samangan ls lack of resources and faclllLles wlLhln Lhe schools:

1he dlfflculLles LhaL we face are Lhe lack of a learnlng envlronmenL and especlally sLudy maLerlal.
SLudenLs have Lo buy Lhelr books Lhemselves and Lhere ls a lack of quallfled Leachers. Some
Leachers are also Loo ofLen absenL. - lCu-CL, Aybak
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 60
Access to Iust|ce
Women are saLlsfled wlLh Lhelr access Lo formal [usLlce. 1hey are also happy LhaL Lhere are female
offlcers ln An (lCu-WW). Clvll socleLy organlzaLlons provlde lawyers and oLher forms of asslsLance Lo
women who wlsh Lo Lake Lhelr cases Lo formal [usLlce auLhorlLles. 1he LranslLlon has noL affecLed
women's access Lo [usLlce ln Samangan:

Women's access Lo pollce, courLs of law and aLLorney's offlce ls geLLlng beLLer. !udges and
aLLorneys LreaL Lhose who approach Lhem well. ln Lhe lasL slx monLhs, Lhe slLuaLlon has goLLen
beLLer. 1he lmprovemenL ln Lhe acLlons and deallng of Lhe pollce ls a dlrecL resulL of Lhelr new
Lralnlng. - kl-l-nCC-3, Aybak

lL ls especlally Lhe presence of female pollce offlcers LhaL has made [usLlce accesslble Lo women:

lemale pollce offlcers are helpful Lo women who face dlfflculLles. Also ln prlsons where women
are held, female pollce offlcers are helpful Lo Lhose deLalned. - lCu-CL, Aybak

When women go Lo Lhe pollce, Lhelr cases are Laken serlously. SomeLlmes Lhe pollce LogeLher wlLh
famlly response unlLs and Lhe deparLmenL women's affalrs medlaLe beLween female complalnanLs and
Lhelr famllles. lalllng medlaLlon, asslsLance ls provlded Lo sLarL crlmlnal proceedlngs (kl-M-l8u).
V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
Accordlng Lo Lhe lamlly 8esponse unlL ln Samangan, Lhe number of reglsLered cases of vlolence agalnsL
women wenL from elghLeen ln 2011 Lo LwenLy-one ln 2012 and elghLeen agaln by Lhe end of 2013.
Accordlng Lo a clvll socleLy organlzaLlon ln Aybak, Lhe awareness pro[ecLs such as workshops and 1v -and
radlo- campalgns have helped decrease Lhe number of under-aged and forced marrlages whlch, ln Lurn,
has decreased Lhe exLenL of abuse of women, buL Lhere ls sLlll room for lmprovemenL:

MosL cases concern harassmenL of -and bad behavlor Lowards- women by Lhelr famllles. Clrls do
noL have a say ln chooslng Lhelr llfe parLners and women do noL have anyLhlng Lo say wlLhln Lhelr
houses. lf women requesL or demand anyLhlng from Lhelr husbands, Lhey geL answered wlLh
punches and klcks. 1here are physlcal and verbal buL also economlc vlolence LhaL women are
sub[ecLed Lo. All Lhese are caused by lack of awareness on Lhe women's as well as Lhe men's
parL. - kl-l-nCC-1,Aybak
Women and Current Affa|rs
1he general senLlmenL ls ln favour of Lhe 8SA belng slgned:lf Lhe agreemenL ls slgned, Lhere ls a good
chance LhaL Lhe economy and securlLy lmprove. lf noL, Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon could deLerloraLe"(kl-M-
Med-1). Women are afrald of whaL mlghL happen lf Lhe agreemenL ls noL slgned:

lf Lhe agreemenL ls noL slgned, some of Lhe rellglous leaders mlghL have more Lo say abouL
resLrlcLlons on women of AfghanlsLan. Women wlll come under a loL of pressure ln general and
wlll end up sLaylng ln Lhelr homes. - kl-M-Med-2, Aybak

1he number of women who Lurned ouL Lo voLe was hlgher Lhan expecLed:

A large number of women parLlclpaLed and voLed. We dld noL expecL so many of Lhem Lo come
and voLe, slnce people feared sulclde aLLacks. l wenL Lo a glrls' school Lo voLe and Lhere were so
many women LhaL Lhere was noL enough space for Lhe llne Lo form. MosL of Lhe women voLed,
buL Lhe pollng sLaLlon ran ouL of balloLs and Lhe women were asked Lo go Lo oLher pollng
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 61
sLaLlons. 8uL, by Lhe Llme people goL Lo Lhe nexL polllng sLaLlon, lL was Loo laLe and Lhe pollng
sLaLlon closed. - kl-l-W-1, Samangan

1he large LurnouL ls aLLrlbuLed Lo lncreased awareness among women and Lhe undersLandlng LhaL Lhelr
voLe ls declslve for Lhelr own fuLure and Lhe fuLure of Lhe counLry. Cood securlLy provlslons on elecLlon
day also encouraged Lhe hlgh LurnouL by men and women (kl-l-W-1).

1here are worrles abouL fraud and voLe rlgglng. Accordlng Lo a key lnformanL people Lhlnk LhaL Lhe
followers of some candldaLes are armed and ready Lo sLarL armed confllcL lf Lhelr candldaLe of cholce ls
noL elecLed.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 62

S. Ana|ys|s of Aggregate Survey Data
1here are general worrles abouL lnLernaLlonal forces leavlng AfghanlsLan. Powever, Lhe worrles appear
Lo be more a funcLlon of fuLure uncerLalnLy and less because of a vold of securlLy. ln Lhe cases of
nangarhar, kunduz, kabul, kandahar, and arwan Lhe number of Lhose noL worrled acLually exceeds
Lhose LhaL are worrled (llgure 7).

I|gure 7: now Do ou Iee| About Internat|ona| Iorces Leav|ng Afghan|stan?

noL Worrled
. =390

uesplLe worrles abouL securlLy ln Lhe posL-LranslLlon perlod, Lhe level of confldence ln AnA and An Lo
provlde securlLy ls slgnlflcanLly hlgh (llgure 8). Cf noLe ln llgure 2 are Laghman and Samangan LhaL show
full confldence ln AnA and An whlle ln oLher provlnces such as 8alkh, nangarhar, kunduz, kabul, and
kandahar Lhe levels of confldence are around 80 percenL. 1he slLuaLlon ln Laghman warranLs parLlcularly
close examlnaLlon ln Lhe fuLure rounds of monlLorlng slnce Lhese mosL recenL flndlngs suggesL a
compleLe reversal of Lhe crlLlcal condlLlons recorded for Lhe flrsL Lwo rounds of monlLorlng.

1here are concerns LhaL An and AnA, desplLe Lhelr apparenL lnLenLlon Lo malnLaln securlLy and order,
do noL have adequaLe faclllLles, equlpmenL, or Lralnlng Lo do so effecLlvely. 1he survey resulLs show,
however, LhaL Lhe overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of Lhe women are happy LhaL Lhe forelgn Lroops are leavlng
AfghanlsLan and LhaL Lhe responslblllLy ls Lransferred Lo An and AnA.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 63

I|gure 8: Can AN and ANA rotect Women?

. =390

ercepLlons of personal securlLy ln publlc spaces appear Lo have worsened ln PeraL, nangarhar, kunduz,
and Laghman whlle reporLed as mosLly unchanged ln 8adakhshan, 8amyan, Pelmand, and Samangan
(llgure 3). 1he only Lwo provlnces LhaL reporL percelved lmprovemenLs are 8alkh and kandahar. Also, ln
Lhe cases of 8alkh, Laghman, kabul, and kandahar a slgnlflcanL number of women percelved Lhelr
personal securlLy ouLslde Lhe home as beLLer Lhan before (llgure 9).

I|gure 9: ercept|ons of Secur|ty Cuts|de the nome

. =390

An and AnA are reporLed as belng more effecLlve Lhan 6 monLhs ago ln deLerrlng harassmenL rlsks
Loward women ln publlc spaces (llgure 10). An addlLlonal aspecL Lo be consldered ln Lerms of
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 64
harassmenL ln publlc spaces ls Lhe role of Lhe Arbakl who appear Lo play a mlxed role across Lhe
provlnces (llgure 11).

I|gure 10: narassment |n ub||c Spaces Compared to S|x Months Ago

. =390

ln some provlnces such as kunduz Lhe Arbakl ls blamed as a source of harassmenL and dlscomforL for
woman. ln conLrasL, Lhe Arbakl ln Laghman are reporLed as havlng played a slgnlflcanL role ln
esLabllshlng order ln publlc spaces and deLerrlng harassmenL Loward women. lL should be noLed also
LhaL Lhe general condlLlons ln Laghman durlng Lhe flrsL and second cycles of monlLorlng had been
reporLed as crlLlcal and deLerloraLlng. lL wlll be lmporLanL Lo esLabllsh how Lhe comblned forces of AnA,
An, and Lhe Arbakl have managed Lo be successful ln lncreaslng securlLy ln Laghman buL noL ln oLher

I|gure 11: Do ou Iee| Safe w|th Arbak| |n Charge of Secur|ty?

. =390

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 63
A very hlgh number of women across Lhe provlnces reporL LhaL AnA and An are respecLful Loward
women (llgure 11). Cf noLe ln llgure 6 ls Lhe excepLlon of PeraL, where around 40 percenL of Lhe
women reporL LhaL AnA and An are noL respecLful Loward women. 1he slLuaLlon ln PeraL warranLs
closer examlnaLlon ln Lhe nexL rounds of monlLorlng Lo esLabllsh Lhe reason for Lhls slgnlflcanL dlfference
and wheLher or noL Lhe slLuaLlon lmproves or worsens over Llme, and why. 8adakhshan, Pelmand,
kunduz, and nangarhar also sLand ouL as provlnces where a slgnlflcanL number of Lhe women reporL
dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh Lhe respecL Lhey recelve from AnA and An. Slmllar aLLenLlon wlll need Lo be pald Lo
Lhese provlnces ln Lhe fuLure rounds of monlLorlng.

I|gure 12: Are ANA and AN kespectfu| 1oward Women?

. =390

As llgures 13a and 13b show, Lhe general percepLlon ls LhaL wlLh Lhe deparLure of forelgn Lroops Lhere
are fewer [obs for women and Lhus Lhe number of women worklng ouLslde Lhe home has decreased.
1here are some noLable excepLlons, however.

!"#$%&'() *() +#
!"#!$% &'#&"%
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-./.0121.3 -.401 -.56.3 7845.3/ 789.: ;.3<.91.9 =>3/>? @.<15.3 =.A>4 =.3/.1.9 B.9C.3 D.5.3<.3
># 3#8 50%&/ 50-5 @+!A@+@ %) "()B('5C81 5# <#2(&D
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 66
I|gure 13a: More or Iewer Women Work|ng Cuts|de the nome Compared to S|x Months Ago

I|gure 13b: More or Iewer Iobs for Women Compared to S|x Months Ago

. =390

ln 8adakhshan, 8alkh, Pelmand, kunduz, kandahar, and Samangan Lhere are LhoughL Lo be a hlgher
number of women worklng ouLslde home Lhan before Lhe LranslLlon (llgure 13a). Slnce llgure 13a ls
based only on Lhe percepLlons of Lhe women surveyed, lL wlll be lmporLanL Lo esLabllsh ln acLual Lerms
wheLher or noL Lhe number of women worklng ouLslde home has lncreased and, lf so, Lhe reasons for
Lhe lncreases. Powever, regardless of Lhe acLual numbers of women worklng ouLslde Lhe home, lL ls
slgnlflcanL LhaL Lhose surveyed percelve Lhese numbers hlgher Lhan before.

uesplLe reporLs of a general reducLlon ln Lhe number of [obs slnce Lhe LranslLlon ln many communlLles,
Lhe responses from Lhe women surveyed ln kandahar show LhaL 40 percenL of Lhe respondenLs felL LhaL
Lhere were a hlgher number of [obs for women now compared Lo 6 monLhs ago. 1hls percepLlon (llgure
!"#$%&'() *#"( +,-( .())
!"#$%& !'#()& *!#'(&
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$"#%"& +#,'& $$#")&
-./.0121.3 -.401 -.56.3 7845.3/ 789.: ;.3<.91.9 =>3/>? @.<15.3 =.A>4 =.3/.1.9 B.9C.3 D.5.3<.3
># 4#: 62%&1 62,6 62("( ,"( -#"( #" 3()) =#-(& =#"1%&8 #:6)%0( 62( 2#-() '#-@,"(0 6# A -#&62) ,8#B
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 67
13b) correlaLes poslLlvely wlLh hlgher Lhan before number of [obs for women ln kandahar (llgure 13a)
and requlres furLher examlnaLlon for Lhe nexL rounds of monlLorlng.

I|gure 14: nave ou Cons|dered u|tt|ng our Iob 8ecause of Worsen|ng Secur|ty?

. =390

lL ls also slgnlflcanL LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of Lhose surveyed sLaLed LhaL Lhey had noL consldered qulLLlng
Lhelr [obs on Lhe accounL of worsenlng securlLy condlLlons (llgure 14). 1hls may be aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe facL
LhaL mosL worklng women are mosL llkely Lhe maln lncome earners for Lhelr households and LhaL Lhere
ls a much hlgher level of confldence ln AnSl by Lhe women ln malnLalnlng order and securlLy Lhan
generally LhoughL.

ln Lerms of access Lo [usLlce Lhere has noL been a slgnlflcanL change ln Lhe percepLlon of Lhe women
compared Lo Lhe prevlous rounds of monlLorlng. 1he percepLlon of Lhe [usLlce sysLem ls largely poslLlve
Lhough Lhere are some noLable excepLlons (llgure 13).

I|gure 1S: Does the Iust|ce System rotect Women's k|ghts?

. =390
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 68

ln nangarhar, Laghman, and arwan slgnlflcanL numbers of Lhose surveyed dld noL feel LhaL Lhe [usLlce
sysLem provldes adequaLe proLecLlon of Lhelr rlghLs. ln Laghman Lhe percenLage of women who do noL
Lhlnk Lhe [usLlce sysLem provldes adequaLe legal proLecLlon ls over 60 percenL and sLands ln dlrecL
conLrasL Lo Lhe level of confldence felL by Lhe same respondenLs Loward AnA, An and Lhe Arbakl
(llgures 7 - 13).

ln 8adakhshan, 8alkh, 8amyan, and Samangan over 30 percenL of Lhe respondenLs sLaLed LhaL Lhey were
comforLable wlLh approachlng [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons (llgure 16) wlLh less Lhan 10 percenL sLaLlng LhaL Lhey
were uncomforLable. ln Pelmand, PeraL, nangarhar, kunduz, and Laghman over 20 percenL of Lhe
respondenLs sLaLed LhaL Lhey were uncomforLable ln approachlng Lhe [usLlce sysLem. 1hese percenLages
are parLlcularly hlgh ln nangarhar, kunduz, and Laghman (llgure 16).

I|gure 16: Comfort |n Approach|ng Iust|ce Inst|tut|ons

. =390

1he slgnlng of Lhe 8llaLeral SecurlLy AgreemenL beLween AfghanlsLan and Lhe unlLed SLaLes ls vlewed by
many of Lhose surveyed as cruclal Lo general securlLy, sLablllLy, and economlc prospecLs (llgure 17). 1he
hlgh level of supporL for Lhe slgnlng of Lhe AgreemenL ls based on Lwo assumpLlons. llrsL, Lhe slgnlng of
Lhe AgreemenL wlll ensure conLlnued supporL for AnSl by lnLernaLlonal experLs who wlll provlde
Lralnlng and equlpmenL and, second, Lhe presence of lnLernaLlonal securlLy advlsors wlll have poslLlve
splllover effecLs ln Lerms of developmenL pro[ecLs and [obs for women and men.

Also of noLe ln llgure 17 are Lhe hlgher Lhan average number of women who oppose Lhe slgnlng. 1hls ls
parLlcularly pronounced ln nangarhar, kabul, Laghman, and kandahar. lL ls very llkely LhaL Lhls level of
opposlLlon ls Lhe resulL of a general faLlgue ln some communlLles where Lhe physlcal presence of
lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces has been parLlcularly sLrong.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 69
I|gure 17: Shou|d the 8||atera| Secur|ty Agreement 8e S|gned?

. =390

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 70

6. Conc|us|on and kecommendat|ons
1he lmpacLs of Lhe securlLy LranslLlon ln AfghanlsLan have noL been unlform for women across Lhe 12
researched provlnces durlng Cycle 3. ln some areas, women lndlcaLed Lhelr securlLy has worsened. ln
oLher places women sald Lhelr securlLy slLuaLlon has lmproved slnce Lhe securlLy LranslLlon.
ln areas where Lhe Arbakl (AL) ls acLlve, women complalned abouL lncreased crlmlnal acLlvlLy and
deLerloraLlng securlLy. ln conLrasL, ln areas where Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon has lmproved, respondenLs
reporLed lncreased wllllngness and ablllLy by Lhe Afghan naLlonal SecurlLy lorces and communlLles Lo

erspecLlves on AnSl dlffered noneLheless. ln kabul, AnSl personnel are consldered as respecLful
Lowards and proLecLlve of women, whereas ln Pelmand AnSl were vlew as rude and dlsrespecLful
Loward women. 1here were also concerns LhaL AnSl dld noL have sufflclenL faclllLles and resources Lo
fulflll lLs role adequaLely.

1he maln worry expressed by Lhe women ls Lhe lack of economlc opporLunlLles for women, parLlcularly
slnce donor ald programmlng ln all LranslLloned provlnces has decreased slgnlflcanLly.
8egardless of Lhe consequences of Lhe securlLy LranslLlon, Lhe hlgh LurnouL of women for Lhe elecLlons ls
a clear slgn LhaL Afghan women wanL Lo have a say ln whaL wlll become of Lhelr counLry ln Lhe posL-
LranslLlon perlod.

1hls remalnder of Lhls secLlon summarlzes Lhe key flndlngs for each provlnce, followed by a separaLe
subsecLlon of recommendaLlons.

Women feel safe and secure ln publlc spaces ln urban areas. Women worklng aL governmenLal offlces ln
urban areas do noL face dlfflculLles ln commuLlng Lo work. AnSl ls vlewed poslLlvely, parLlcularly ln
urban areas. 1ravellng Lo and from rural areas ls of some concern, however, due Lo lack of adequaLe
securlLy. 1he dlsLrlcLs of !orm, Wardu[, 8aharak, and keshm are deemed ouL of bounds for women whlle
Lhe role of Lhe Arbakl ls a source of concern.

1he number of [obs for women has decreased slnce Lhe LranslLlon. PealLhcare servlce provlslon has
been adversely affecLed parLlcularly ls such areas as vacclnaLlons and emergency healLhcare provlslon.
Access Lo educaLlon for glrls and women ln urban areas remalns Lhe same as before Lhe LranslLlon buL
rural areas face many challenges lncludlng a lack of securlLy, lack of lnfrasLrucLure, and more resLrlcLlve
culLural norms on educaLlon for glrls and women.

Many women clalm LhaL Lhe workshops and semlnars provlded by Lhe clvll socleLy organlzaLlons over
Lhe years have lncreased general awareness abouL women's rlghLs and Lhe lmporLance of educaLlon for
women. ln urban areas rellglous leaders and communlLy elders are supporLlve of educaLlon for women
and glrls.

Access Lo [usLlce has noL been affecLed by Lhe LranslLlon. An appears Lo have become more responslve
Lo women's legal needs, parLlcularly ln Lhe urban areas. 1here ls concern, however, abouL corrupLlon by
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 71
some offlclals ln Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem and Lhe facL LhaL women are less llkely Lo be aLLended Lo due
Lo Lhelr lnablllLy Lo pay brlbes.

1here are ma[or concerns abouL securlLy ln Lhe posL-LranslLlon perlod Lhough Lhls ls noL vlewed as a
dlrecL resulL of Lhe LranslLlon. eople generally express Lhelr saLlsfacLlon wlLh AnSl. ln Lhe areas where
Lhe Arbakl ls acLlve, Lhere are complalnLs abouL Lhelr lack of professlonal conducL, accusaLlons of
crlmlnal acLlvlLy, and lnapproprlaLe behavlor Loward women.

1here are fewer [obs and vocaLlonal Lralnlng opporLunlLles for women Lhan before Lhe LranslLlon.
CommunlLy elders and rellglous leaders are more approvlng of women ln Lhe publlc sphere now
compared Lo before Lhe LranslLlon. ln Lhe rural areas securlLy remalns a ma[or concern and many
women do noL leave Lhelr homes. 1hls ls especlally Lhe case ln areas where Lhe Arbakl has been

Access Lo healLh servlces has noL changed slnce Lhe LranslLlon ln urban areas. 1here are reporLs of less
access Lo healLh servlces ln rural areas now compared Lo before Lhe LranslLlon.

Access Lo school for glrls, and aLLendance levels, remaln unchanged. Women's access Lo [usLlce
conLlnues Lo be llmlLed whlle Lhe formal [udlclary sysLem ls vlewed by many women ln 8alkh dlsLrlcL as
belng corrupL. 1hls negaLlve vlew of Lhe [usLlce sysLem ls ln dlrecL conLrasL Lo Lhe vlew ln uawlaLabad,
where women are very poslLlve abouL Lhe [usLlces sysLem. 1he fundlng for CSCs LhaL provlde legal
asslsLance Lo women has been reduced slnce LranslLlon, adversely affecLlng women parLlcularly ln rural

Women feel generally safe ouLslde Lhelr homes, parLlcularly ln urban areas. A slgnlflcanL number of
rellglous flgures, parLlcularly ln urban cenLers, openly promoLe Lhe rlghLs of women. ulsLrlcLs borderlng
and roads Lo oLher provlnces are generally consldered as unsafe due malnly Lo lndlscrlmlnaLe crlmlnal
acLlvlLy. AnSl are vlewed as cooperaLlve, proLecLlve and respecLful. 1hey also en[oy some degree of
sympaLhy among Lhe populaLlon because of Lhelr efforLs Lo malnLaln order and securlLy desplLe Lhe lack
of resources.

1he LranslLlon has resulLed ln a reducLlon ln Lhe number of [obs for women. Also, vocaLlonal Lralnlng
programmlng has been reduced slnce Lhe LranslLlon. Women's access Lo servlces ls saLlsfacLory buL ln
need of expanslon and lmprovemenLs. Access Lo educaLlon has noL been affecLed noLlceably by Lhe

Access Lo [usLlce and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons ln 8amyan has remalned Lhe same as before Lhe LranslLlon.
AnSl ls supporLlve of women ln need of legal servlces Lhough Lhe [usLlce sysLem ls sald Lo be
unresponslve Lo legal cases broughL forLh by women.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 72
Women's movemenL ouLslde Lhe home has been severely llmlLed by Lhe deLerloraLlng securlLy slLuaLlon
slnce Lhe LranslLlon. Women feel LhreaLened and unsafe ouLslde Lhelr homes and Lhus mlnlmlze Lhelr
presence ln publlc.

unemploymenL ln general and for women ln parLlcular has lncreased slnce Lhe LranslLlon. Women ln
economlc hardshlp wlLh drug-addlcLed husbands parLlcularly suffer from lncreased domesLlc vlolence.
1here ls general saLlsfacLlon wlLh AnSl and Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem. 8uL Lhere ls also concern abouL
lack faclllLles and resources for AnSl Lo fulflll lLs role adequaLely.

uecreases ln fundlng for healLh and educaLlonal servlces, comblned wlLh wldespread general poverLy,
have reduced access Lo healLh and educaLlon compared Lo 6 monLhs ago.

SecurlLy ln PeraL has deLerloraLed ln Lhe lasL slx monLhs. 1he number of kllllngs arlslng from personal
confllcLs ls sald Lo be lncreaslng wlLh repeaLed references Lo a general alr of lawlessness descendlng ln
PeraL and surroundlng areas. 1ravelllng Lo oLher dlsLrlcLs and moblllLy ln general ls a challenge,
parLlcularly ln rural dlsLrlcLs. Women flnd AnSl unhelpful, unfrlendly, and rude.

1here are fewer [obs for women. Lower levels of fundlng comblned wlLh deLerloraLlng securlLy have
resulLed ln many prlvaLe and publlc enLlLles leavlng Lhe provlnce, reduclng Lhe number of employmenL
opporLunlLles for women.

Women's access Lo healLh and educaLlon servlces has remalned relaLlvely unchanged ln PeraL ClLy buL
drasLlcally reduced ln rural dlsLrlcLs. Slmllarly, access Lo [usLlce ls slgnlflcanLly less ln rural areas. ln boLh
rural and urban dlsLrlcLs, Lhere are complalnLs by women LhaL even when Lhelr complalnLs are heard ln
Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem, Lhey are noL LreaLed serlously and are ofLen dlsmlssed.

SecurlLy has deLerloraLed sLeadlly slnce Lhe flrsL monlLorlng reporL ln early 2013. 1he maln cause of Lhls
deLerloraLlon ls Lhe ablllLy of ACCs Lo regroup ln Lhe more remoLe areas of Lhe provlnce. 1here ls shared
concern LhaL ACCs may soon be able Lo overrun !alalabad. ln Surkhrod women are fearful of becomlng
vlcLlms of armed confllcL lnsLlgaLed by crlmlnals whose acLlvlLles have slgnlflcanLly slnce Lhe LranslLlon.

Women ln !alalabad have malnLalned Lhelr presence ln publlc spheres. Powever, Lhere are fewer [ob
opporLunlLles for women because Lhe number of pro[ecLs and programs for women has decreased slnce
Lhe LranslLlon. 1he slLuaLlon for women ln rural dlsLrlcLs ls much more severe Lhan ln !alalabad. ln boLh
!alalabad and Surkhrod AnSl are vlewed as capable of malnLalnlng securlLy, especlally lf Lhey are beLLer
equlpped and Lralned.

1here ls reasonable access Lo healLh and educaLlonal servlces ln !alalabad buL Lhere has been a
slgnlflcanL reducLlon ln access Lo Lhese servlces ln rural areas. Slmllarly, ln Surkhrod access Lo healLh and
educaLlonal servlces has noL been affecLed by Lhe LranslLlon. 1he elders have been supporLlve of glrls
golng Lo school and, ln some lnsLances, have even negoLlaLed wlLh Lhe ulLra-conservaLlve ACCs Lo
ensure glrls' conLlnued access Lo educaLlon.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 73

1he securlLy slLuaLlon has lmproved ln kandahar slnce Lhe LranslLlon due Lo a decrease ln Lhe number of
LerrorlsL aLLacks by ACCs. romlnenL women and men conLlnue Lo be LargeLed by ACCs, however, and
Lhere have been a number of assasslnaLlons and kldnapplngs ln Lhe lasL few monLhs.

Women are generally saLlsfled wlLh An and feel comforLable when approachlng a pollce offlcer. CLhers
complaln LhaL some members of An harass and are dlsrespecLful Loward women. MoblllLy and access
Lo work and publlc llfe are noL consldered as challenges by mosL women, parLlcularly ln urban areas.
1here are safeLy concerns by promlnenL women and women worklng for governmenLal organlzaLlons
due Lo LargeL kllllngs and kldnapplngs by ACCs.

1he LranslLlon has had a negaLlve effecL on women's access Lo healLh and educaLlon due Lo reduced
fundlng. 1here ls access Lo formal [usLlce Lhough Lhls access ls noL wldely uLlllzed by women and Lhere
are allegaLlons of corrupLlon and a blas agalnsL women ln Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem.

1he securlLy slLuaLlon has deLerloraLed slgnlflcanLly slnce Lhe LranslLlon. ParassmenL and vlolence
agalnsL women have lncreased slnce 6 monLhs ago. 1here are concerns abouL crlmlnal acLlvlLles by
some Arbakl members and a weak formal [usLlce sysLem. Many women have mlnlmlzed Lhelr
movemenLs ouLslde Lhe home, or Lake precauLlons such as movlng ln groups or wlLh male relaLlves.
AnSl ls sald Lo be dolng lLs besL Lo malnLaln order and securlLy desplLe Lhe lack of resources and
lnsufflclenL personnel.

1he number of [obs for women has decreased and quallfled women are refused [obs ln favor of men.
1here are no complalnLs abouL Lhe number of avallable cllnlcs or schools. Access Lo and use of Lhese
servlces are, however, hampered by concerns abouL Lhe safeLy and securlLy of women ln publlc spaces.

SecurlLy has lmproved slgnlflcanLly compared Lo Lhe prevlous monlLorlng cycles. Cases of vlolence
agalnsL women have decreased and Lhere ls general saLlsfacLlon wlLh AnSl. 1here are sLlll LhreaLs
agalnsL women by ACCs and fear by women of becomlng vlcLlms of LerrorlsL aLLacks, such as bombs, ln
publlc spaces.

Access Lo healLh and educaLlon ln urban areas has lmproved and women and glrls uLlllze Lhese servlces
freely, parLlcularly ln urban areas. uesplLe some perslsLenL challenges ln areas where ACCs are acLlve,
women of Laghman generally have access Lo [usLlce and Lhe legal and [udlclal lnsLlLuLlons. ueparLmenL
of women's affalrs ls more acLlve Lhan lL was slx monLhs ago and lL works wlLh women who wlsh Lo Lake
Lhelr cases Lo formal [usLlce auLhorlLles.

1he number of reglsLered cases of domesLlc vlolence has lncreased, buL Lhls rlse ls parLlally due Lo
beLLer reglsLraLlon and more reporLlng, as women are more aware of Lhelr rlghLs. CuLslde Lhe home,
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 74
older women sLaLe LhaL Lhey feel safe. ?ounger women are someLlmes harassed on Lhe sLreeLs, buL Lhls
harassmenL has decllned over Llme. AnSl's role ls broadly appreclaLed, desplLe Lhe general lack of
faclllLles. AnSl personnel are consldered as respecLful Lowards and proLecLlve of women.

Women do noL feel LhreaLened when Lhey are ln publlc spaces. 1here are some concerns abouL Lhe
lnsufflclenL number of [obs for women and how women are marglnallzed ln Lhe [ob markeL, however.
Servlces are accessed freely and wlLhouL worrles abouL harassmenL, mlsLreaLmenL, or securlLy. 1here
are concerns abouL lnsufflclency and lnadequacy of servlce, parLlcularly ln healLhcare. 1here ls access Lo
[usLlce and women wlshlng Lo uLlllze lL have Lhe supporL of An and women's rlghLs organlzaLlons Lo do

CuLslde Lhelr homes women feel safe and are able Lo move around freely, parLlcularly ln Lhe provlnclal
cenLer. 1here are very few ACC aLLacks buL Lhere ls a hlgh raLe of crlmlnal acLlvlLy. An ls noL respecLed
by many women because of corrupLlon and anLl-soclal behavlor lncludlng harassmenL of women and

uesplLe Lhe relaLlvely hlgh degree of culLural conservaLlsm, women and glrls have access Lo healLh and
educaLlonal servlces. 1he slLuaLlon ls much more challenglng ln rural areas, however. CorrupLlon ls a
ma[or source of complalnLs abouL Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem.

1he securlLy slLuaLlon noL changed ln Lhe lasL 6 monLhs. Women move freely ouLslde Lhe home and
LhroughouL Lhe provlnce buL Lhelr moblllLy and access Lo work ls affecLed by a hlgh degree of soclal
conservaLlsm. AnSl ls appreclaLed by Lhe communlLles and ls respecLful Lo women. AnSl also works
closely wlLh legal auLhorlLles and Lhe deparLmenL of women's affalrs Lo resolve legal complalnLs by

1he deparLure of lnLernaLlonal securlLy forces has resulLed ln fewer [obs belng avallable Lo women.
Access Lo healLh and educaLlonal servlces ls good Lhough geographlcal dlsLance and rough Lerraln are
ma[or lmpedlmenLs Lo access for many rural communlLles. Access Lo [usLlce ls also good and Lhere ls
close collaboraLlon beLween Lhe formal [usLlce sysLem, Lhe pollce, and clvll socleLy organlzaLlons Lo
aLLend Lo women's legal lssues.

A number of Lhe recommendaLlons below are from Lhe flrsL and second monlLorlng reporL publlshed ln
Aprll and CcLober 2013 as Lhey remaln unaddressed and/or relevanL.

Government of Afghan|stan:
1. Comm|tment to UNSCk 132S and other |nternat|ona| protoco|s on women: 1he CovernmenL
musL fulflll lLs commlLmenL Lo women, peace, and securlLy by adopLlng a comprehenslve
naLlonal acLlon plan for lmplemenLlng unSC8 1323 ln AfghanlsLan. 1he CovernmenL of
AfghanlsLan musL also remaln commlLLed Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of oLher lnLernaLlonal laws and
proLocols for women's empowermenL such as CLuAW, lCC8 and C8C.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 73
2. Afghan Loca| o||ce (AL): lnsLlLuLlonallze communlLy-based pollclng approaches lnvolvlng
women ln AnSl Lo lmprove communlLy-An relaLlons and Lo lncrease gender senslLlve
approaches Lo pollclng, parLlcularly by An. SelecL AL commanders and offlcers ln consulLaLlon
wlLh communlLles Lo mlnlmlze exLorLlve behavlor and lnLlmldaLlon by rogue elemenLs.
lncorporaLe AL lnLo Afghan naLlonal ollce, wlLh clear and speclflc overslghL mechanlsms,
responslblllLles and formal unlforms whlle on duLy so LhaL clvlllans can ldenLlfy AL as securlLy
personnel. 1ralnlng for AL on gender senslLlvlLy and human rlghLs based on naLlonal and
lnLernaLlonal laws, and menLorlng, need Lo be deslgned and conducLed ln close collaboraLlon
and coordlnaLlon wlLh women's rlghLs organlzaLlons.
3. Inst|tut|ona||z|ng gender-based secur|ty prov|s|on: lnLenslfy governmenL and donor-alded
menLorlng and exchange programs wlLhln AnSl, lncludlng Lhe exchange of AnSl Leams wlLh
relaLlve success ln handllng women's rlghLs lssues, beLween provlnces as a means for cross-
ferLlllzaLlon based on besL pracLlces and uLlllzlng lessons learned.
4. Iam||y kesponse Un|ts (IkUs): rovlde adequaLe resources for lamlly 8esponse unlLs lncludlng
quallfled and experlenced personnel, dedlcaLed spaces, equlpmenL and furnlLure, daycare
faclllLles, funcLlonlng recordlng and flllng sysLems for cases of vlolence agalnsL women, and
Lralnlngs for l8u personnel on how Lo Lake adequaLe care of female vlcLlms of vlolence.
3. Access to [ust|ce and v|o|ence aga|nst women: rovlde adequaLe lnsLlLuLlonal and maLerlal
supporL, wlLh clvll overslghL, for women's shelLers Lo lncrease women's access Lo [usLlce and
proLecLlon from vlolence. 1he [usLlce sysLem should be made more recepLlve Lo women's needs
Lhrough ralslng awareness of and knowledge abouL women's rlghLs among all [usLlce sysLem
6. Women |n Government: ConLlnue efforLs and plans Lo lncrease Lhe number of women ln
governmenLal enLlLles such as AnSl, Supreme CourL, !udlclary, Local governmenL and forelgn
ambassadorlal posLs. 1hese efforLs should lnclude lncreaslng Lhe number of quallfled women ln
senlor governmenLal poslLlons, provlslon of menLorlng programs for women and men ln all
mlnlsLrles Lo ensure LhaL Lhere are funcLlonlng gender unlLs aL every mlnlsLry and adequaLe
resources Lo supporL Lhem, and creaLlng a soclal and economlc envlronmenL conduclve Lo
women's parLlclpaLlon ln governmenL.
7. Women |n pub||c ||fe and econom|c deve|opment: MalnLaln and expand employmenL
opporLunlLles for women, deslgn and plan vocaLlonal Lralnlng opporLunlLles for skllls
developmenL and women's economlc empowermenL purposes, address socleLal dlscrlmlnaLlon
and harassmenL agalnsL women Lhrough creaLlng mechanlsms LhaL encourage, and proLecL,
women LhaL reporL dlscrlmlnaLlon and harassmenL, and supporL access Lo and use of safe
LransporL and proLecLed worklng spaces for women.
8. Women |n commun|ty deve|opment: ldenLlfy opporLunlLles Lo lnvolve women and clvll socleLy
organlzaLlons ln local governmenLal dlscusslons and declslon on communlLy developmenL
lssues, wlLh Lhe lnLenL of keeplng Lhe gender aspecLs of developmenL declslons ln focus.

NA1C and Member States:
9. ISAI phase-out: uevelop benchmarks and speclal measures ln consulLaLlon wlLh women's
organlzaLlons and women's rlghLs acLlvlsLs Lo ensure women's securlLy ls noL negaLlvely affecLed
durlng Lhls perlod, parLlcularly ln rural AfghanlsLan. 1he benchmarks wlll need Lo be llnked Lo
Lhe accounLablllLy mechanlsm wlLhln nA1C's chaln of command.
10. Women |n ANSI: ln Lhe seL-up of Lhe 8esoluLe SupporL Mlsslon, speclflc aLLenLlon needs Lo be
pald Lo lncludlng human rlghLs and women's rlghLs Lralnlng ln Lhe ollce Academy and oLher
Lralnlng faclllLles of AnSl, lncreaslng Lhe number of women wlLhln AnSl, and engaglng wlLh
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 76
communlLles for LrusL bulldlng purposes and generaLlng supporL for women ln AnSl as a cruclal
means of proLecLlng women's rlghLs.
11. Commun|ty-based po||c|ng: SupporL Lhe lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of communlLy-based pollclng wlLh a
gender perspecLlve wlLhln AnSl and LesL such lnlLlaLlves as lemale LngagemenL 1eams, Mlxed
LngagemenL 1eams (where posslble), Mlxed Clvll / AnSl CooperaLlon 1eams, and CulLural
SupporL 1eams.
12. Gender capac|t|es w|th|n NA1C and member states: nA1C and member sLaLes should creaLe
and malnLaln a pool of lnLernaLlonal and Afghan gender experLs wlLh sufflclenL supporL,
lncludlng budgeLs, and speclflc benchmarks Lo ensure full lnLegraLlon of a gender perspecLlve ln
programmlng by nA1C and lLs member sLaLes ln AfghanlsLan.
13. Structura| consu|tat|on w|th CSCs: A sLrucLural consulLaLlon mechanlsm wlLh naLlonal and
lnLernaLlonal clvll socleLy organlzaLlons needs Lo be formally esLabllshed. 1he sLeps Laken by
nA1C Lo engage CSCs ln Lhe developmenL Lhe 8evlew of Lhe racLlcal lmpllcaLlons of unSC8
1323 for Lhe ConducL of nA1C-led CperaLlons and Mlsslons" should become common pracLlce
ln nA1C and oLher lnLernaLlonal enLlLles and agencles wlLh mandaLes on AfghanlsLan Lo ensure
ongolng lnpuL from CSCs.

Internat|ona| Donor Commun|ty:
14. Deve|opment programm|ng: LxlsLlng level of flnanclal commlLmenL from Lhe lnLernaLlonal
communlLy needs Lo be malnLalned and exLended Lo ensure longer Lerm commlLmenL Lo
AfghanlsLan beyond 2017. uevelopmenL programs, especlally ln healLh, economlc developmenL,
educaLlon, securlLy, and [usLlce need Lo be lnLenslfled ln areas where lnLernaLlonal securlLy
forces are no longer presenL Lo ensure LhaL Lhe many galns made for women's empowermenL
slnce 2001 are malnLalned and expanded.
13. Synergy and Coord|nat|on: CoordlnaLe efforLs Lo advance women's rlghLs and Lhelr parLlclpaLlon
ln developmenL, peace processes and dlscusslons wlLh Lhe new elecLed resldenL and Lhe new
governmenL. 1hls should lnclude Lhe provlslon of asslsLance Lo Lhe new Afghan governmenL and
CSCs ln devlslng ways ln whlch Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe 1okyo MuLual AccounLablllLy lramework on
women's rlghLs, Lhe Afghan naLlonal AcLlon lan for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of unSC8 1323 and
oLher relevanL pollcles on women's rlghLs are meL Lhrough adequaLe Lechnlcal capaclLy and
flnanclal supporL.
16. Women |n governance: SupporL lmplemenLaLlon of pollcles such as nAWA Lo lncrease Lhe
number, Lhe overall percenLage, and Lhe effecLlve funcLlonlng of women ln governmenLal
enLlLles lncludlng AnSl, whlle malnLalnlng and expandlng women-deslgnaLed spaces wlLhln
Lhese enLlLles and creaLlng an enabllng envlronmenL for women's acLlve parLlclpaLlon and
17. A|d transparency and pub||c accountab|||ty mechan|sm: SupporL Lhe CovernmenL of
AfghanlsLan ln developlng a publlcly accesslble naLlonal Ald lnformaLlon CenLer whlle supporLlng
clvll socleLy, especlally women's organlzaLlons, Lo provlde clvll overslghL Lo ensure publlc
accounLablllLy of Lhe use of developmenL ald funds.
18. I|nanc|a| and techn|ca| support to women-|ed and c|v|| soc|ety organ|zat|ons: 1echnlcal and
flnanclal supporL should conLlnue Lo be provlded for women-cenLered organlzaLlons. Such
lnlLlaLlves should lnclude communlLy-based developmenL monlLorlng sysLems, organlzed and
run by women aL Lhe local communlLy level and ln collaboraLlon wlLh naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal
clvll socleLy organlzaLlons.
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 77

Iurther kesearch:
19. Gender re|at|ons and reg|ona| d|vers|ty: LsLabllsh, Lhrough ln-depLh assessmenL, why Laghman
and kandahar have experlenced relaLlve lmprovemenLs afLer Lhe LranslLlon and afLer a long
perlod of lnsLablllLy, why Samangan has remalned unchanged afLer Lhe LranslLlon, and wheLher
Lhere are lessons Lo be learned from Lhese cases for crlLlcal provlnces such as kunduz. (1hls
recommendaLlon wlll be addressed Lhrough ln-depLh research, Lhe flndlngs from whlch wlll be
presenLed as a companlon case sLudy for Lhe MonlLorlng Women's SecurlLy ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle
4 reporL.)
20. 8enchmark|ng and base||ne |nformat|on: rlor Lo any and all lnLervenLlons on securlLy and
servlce provlslon ln Lhe LranslLloned provlnces, governmenL and lnLernaLlonal donor
programmlng musL be based on slLuaLlon analyses and basellne assessmenLs wlLh a cenLral
focus on gender relaLlons and how Lhe proposed lnLervenLlons affecL, negaLlvely and poslLlvely,
pre-exlsLlng gender relaLlons ln Lhe LargeL communlLles.

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 78
Append|x 1: Interv|ewee and Iocus Group D|scuss|on Codes

key Informants and Iocus Groups: 8adakhshan
No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-M-nCC-3 Manager
2 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
3 kl-l-nCC-1 Manager
4 kl-M-An Manager of Crlmlnal ueparLmenL
3 kl-M-An-2 Manager of Puman 8lghL ueparLmenL
6 kl-l-An-1 Lmploy of Puman 8lghL ueparLmenL
7 kl-M-l8u ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
8 kl-l-W-1 Member of rovlnclal Councll
9 kl-l-W-2 Member of rovlnclal Councll
10 kl-l-W-3 Member of rovlnclal Councll
11 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
12 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
13 kl-l-v1C-4 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
14 kl-M-v1C-3 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
13 kl-l-v1C-2 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
17 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
18 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
19 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
20 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
21 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
22 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
23 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
24 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
23 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
26 kl-M-MLu-4 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
27 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
28 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
29 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
30 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 79
key Informants and Iocus Groups: 8a|kh
No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-nCC-2 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
2 kl-l-nCC-3 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
3 kl-l-nCC-1 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
4 kl-l-nCC-4 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
3 kl-l-nCC-3 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
6 kl-l-nCC-6 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
7 kl-l-W-1 Pead of SolldarlLy Councll
8 kl-l-W-2 Pead of uevelopmenL Councll
9 kl-l-v1C-2 1eacher aL a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
10 kl-l-v1C-3 1eacher aL a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
11 kl-l-v1C-1 1eacher aL a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
12 kl-l-8W-3 8uslness Woman
13 kl-l-Cov-2 8uslness Woman
14 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
13 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
16 kl-l-Cov-1 8uslness Woman
16 kl-M-An AdmlnlsLraLlve Manager
17 kl-l-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
18 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
19 kl-M-l8u Pead of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
20 kl-l-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
21 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
22 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
23 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
24 kl-l-W-1 Member of rovlnclal Councll
23 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
26 lnu-l8u ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
27 kl-l-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
28 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
29 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
30 kl-l-v1C-1 1eacher of v1C
31 kl-M-An Manager of Crlmlnal ueparLmenL
32 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
33 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
34 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
33 kl-l-W-1 Member of rovlnclal Councll
36 kl-l-W-2 Member of rovlnclal Councll
37 kl-l-W-3 Member of rovlnclal Councll
38 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders (8)
39 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders (u)
40 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders (M)
41 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves (8-u)
42 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women (8-u)
43 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves (M)
44 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women (M)

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 80

key Informants and Iocus Groups: 8amyan
No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
2 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
3 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
4 kl-M-An ulrecLor of Puman 8lghLs
3 kl-l-W-3 Member of rovlnclal Councll
6 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
7 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
8 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
9 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
10 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
11 kl-l-l8u ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
12 kl-l-W-1 uepuLy ulrecLor of uuA
13 kl-l-nCC-1 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
14 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
13 kl-M-v1C-2 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
16 kl-l-v1C-1 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
17 kl-l-W-2 romlnenL Women
18 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
19 kl-l-8W-3 8uslness Woman
20 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
21 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
22 kl-l-v1C-3 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
23 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
24 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
23 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 81

key Informants and Iocus Groups: ne|mand
No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-nCC-1 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
2 kl-l-nCC-2 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
3 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
4 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
3 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
6 kl-l-W-3 Member of rovlnclal Councll
7 kl-l-W-2 Member of rovlnclal Councll
8 kl-l-W-1 Member of rovlnclal Councll
9 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
10 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
11 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
12 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
13 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
14 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
13 kl-M-l8u ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
16 kl-l-An Manager of Crlmlnal ueparLmenL
17 kl-M-v1C-1 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
18 kl-l-v1C-2 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
19 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
20 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
21 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
22 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
23 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 82

key Informants and Iocus Groups: nerat

No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-W-1 romlnenL Women
2 kl-l-W-2 romlnenL Women
3 kl-l-W-3 romlnenL Women
4 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
3 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
6 kl-l-l8u-2 ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
7 kl-M-l8u-1 Manager of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
8 kl-l-An Member of ulrecLoraLe of Women
9 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
10 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
11 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
12 kl-l-nCC-1 Manager
13 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
14 kl-l-nCC-3 Manager
13 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
16 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
17 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
18 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
19 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
20 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
21 kl-l-v1C-1 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
22 kl-l-v1C-2 1eacher of v1C
23 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
24 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
23 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
26 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 83
key Informants and Iocus Groups: Nangarhar

No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-W-2 Member of rovlnclal Councll
2 kl-l-W-4 Member of rovlnclal Councll
3 kl-l-W-3 Member of rovlnclal Councll
4 kl-l-W-3 Member of rovlnclal Councll
3 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
6 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
7 kl-l-8W-3 8uslness Woman
8 kl-l-nCC-1 Manager
9 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
10 kl-l-nCC-4 Manager
11 kl-l-nCC-3 Manager
12 kl-l-nCC-6 Manager
13 kl-l-v1C-2 1eacher of v1C
14 kl-l-v1C-1 1eacher of v1C
13 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
16 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
17 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
18 kl-l-l8u Member of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
19 kl-M-An ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
20 kl-l-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
21 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
22 kl-l-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
23 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
24 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
23 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
26 kl-l-W-1 romlnenL Women
27 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
28 kl-l-v1C-1 Manager
29 kl-l-v1C-2 1eacher of v1C
30 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
31 kl-l-An Pead of Puman 8lghL ueparLmenL
32 kl-M-l8u Manager of Crlmlnal ueparLmenL
33 kl-l-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
34 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
33 kl-l-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
36 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women (S)
37 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves (S)
38 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders (S)
39 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women (!)
40 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves (!)
41 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders (!)
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 84

key Informants and Iocus Groups: kandahar

No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-nCC-1 Manager
2 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
3 kl-M-l8u Manager of Crlmlnal ueparLmenL
4 kl-M-An Manager of Puman 8lghL ueparLmenL
3 kl-l-W-1 romlnenL Women
6 kl-l-W-2 romlnenL Women
7 kl-l-W-3 romlnenL Women
8 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
9 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
10 kl-l-v1C-1 1eacher of v1C
11 kl-l-v1C-2 1eacher of v1C
12 kl-M-v1C-3 1eacher of v1C
13 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
14 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
13 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
17 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
18 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
19 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
20 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
21 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
22 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
23 lCu-PW-1 locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
24 lCu-PW-2 locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
23 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 83
key Informants and Iocus Groups: kunduz

No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-An Member of Puman 8lghL ueparLmenL
2 kl-M-l8u Manager of Crlmlnal ueparLmenL
3 kl-l-W-1 Member of rovlnclal Councll
4 kl-l-W-2 romlnenL Women
3 kl-l-W-3 romlnenL Women
6 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
7 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
8 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
9 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
10 kl-l-nCC-1 1ralner
11 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager
12 kl-l-nCC-3 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
13 kl-l-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
14 kl-M-MLu-3 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
13 kl-l-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
16 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
17 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
18 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
19 kl-l-v1C-1 1eacher of v1C
20 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
21 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
22 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 86

key Informants and Iocus Groups: Laghman
No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-W-1 romlnenL Women
2 kl-l-W-2 romlnenL Women
3 kl-M-lnCC-1 lnCC Manager
4 kl-l-v1C-2 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
3 kl-M-v1C-1 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
6 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
7 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
8 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
9 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
10 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
11 kl-M-l8u ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
12 kl-l-An Manager of Puman 8lghL
13 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
14 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
13 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
16 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
17 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
18 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders

key Informants and Iocus Groups: aghman

No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-An Manager of Crlmlnal ueparLmenL
2 kl-l-l8u ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
3 kl-M-MLu-4 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
4 kl-l-nCC-1 Manager
3 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager for rlghLs and proLecLlon of women
6 kl-l-nCC-3 Manager
7 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
8 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
9 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
10 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
11 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
12 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
13 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
14 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
13 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 87

key Informants and Iocus Groups: arwan
No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
2 kl-M-l8u ulrecLor of lamlly 8esponse unlLe
3 kl-M-W-1 ulrecLor of Puman 8lghLs
4 kl-M-nCC-1 Manager
6 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
7 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
8 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
9 kl-l-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
10 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
11 kl-l-v1C-2 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
12 kl-l-W-1 Member of rovlnclal Councll
13 kl-l-v1C-1 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
14 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
13 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
16 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
17 kl-l-W-2 Member of rovlnclal Councll
18 kl-l-nCC-2 8epresenLaLlve of an nCC
19 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
20 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women
21 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves

Women ln 1ranslLlon - Cycle 3 (!une 2014) 88

key Informants and Iocus Groups: Samangan

No Code Aff|||at|on
1 kl-l-W-1 romlnenL Women
2 kl-l-W-2 romlnenL Women
3 kl-l-W-3 romlnenL Women
4 kl-l-nCC-1 Manager
3 kl-l-nCC-2 Manager
6 kl-l-nCC-3 Manager
7 kl-l-v1C-1 Manager of a vocaLlonal 1ralnlng CenLer
8 kl-l-v1C-2 1eacher of v1C
9 kl-l-v1C-3 1eacher of v1C
10 kl-l-CPS-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
11 kl-l-CPS-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
12 kl-l-CPS-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
13 kl-l-8W-1 8uslness Woman
14 kl-l-8W-2 8uslness Woman
13 kl-l-Cov-1 CovernmenL Lmployee
16 kl-l-Cov-2 CovernmenL Lmployee
17 kl-l-Cov-3 CovernmenL Lmployee
18 kl-M-MLu-1 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
19 kl-M-MLu-2 ulrecLor of PealLh Cllnlc
20 kl-M-l8u Manager of lamlly 8esponse unlL
21 lCu-CL Llders and 8ellglous Leaders
22 lCu-PW locus Croup ConslsLed of Pousewlves
23 lCu-WW 1he Member of lCu was Worklng Women

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