Smita Life Ch. 02

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Smita Life Ch.

Smita spent most of his of life from Narlepur. Ona her School form from prestigious school in
Panchgani. She had a would to visit his hometown city, just a during the holidays, when her parents
also descend into their the small town.
Parents Smita were very protects her and she was brought up s very conservative manner. Her
relationship s boys were very limited, firstly, due to fear of parents and later due to habit staying
away from boys. Behind ahoj and ahoj, she still does not have contact s boys. Ona her school He
spent years of in strict monastery girls' school, which is her very socially awkward s boys.
Smita was always very cute girl. When in school, who would may notice that she would grows up cat.
When Smita puberty, she began abloom into a very beautiful girl. Smita was athletic person and
participated in on many sports. Such a strong physical activity holding her shape, s thereby the
correct quantities of of fat on the right places.
Afterwards, what ended the education, excellent study results Smita and her success in the sport to
make sure, that she got into very of renowned high school in Mumbai. Afterwards, what spent
several years old far away from home, she was happy, that she returned s parents. Na high school,
Smita quickly gained several friends s her merry nature, i when all the her friends of girls.
S over time Smita warmed up at the boy also. Her friends were very sociable s boys; some were in
relationships, while others were interested thrown away. V the first year alone, Smita friend of circle
expanded the from 5 people 9 persons, who in the price 4 girls and 5 boys. She used see her
girlfriend walks the other guys, some of
them were sexually active, and were not at all discreet about their sexuality.
During their sleepovers, Smita hears a her friends tell their escapades, which in turn would her very
much. I when would to confess, but also enjoyed listening to your friends brag about their sexual life.
Smita and her friends with also look at the porno, from where Smita has won many of knowledge
about sex.
Smita was one of the most beautiful of girls in her school. Being beautiful, intelligent and versatile
with her very popular in school. He always had a string of of boys, who are trying to, in order court
her. During the their respective higher education years old, Smita had two relatively long term
relationships. Her first boyfriend, Akash, whom she met in the course of the first year of of study,
introduced her into the world of of romance and intimacy. Akash was in their group of friends, and
was well-looking guy. He had a this chocolate boy appearance, which enchanted Smita. Akash he
asked her, and she willingly accepted it.
Ona and Akash would go into outlying corners of their high School and was would out. She was then
very shy and their sexual meetings would go nad framework kissing and feel each other on their
clothes. Whenever with attempted to give a his hands insider dress, she would push the him back.
She wanted go farther, but the fear from of her parents and societal pressure her from doing
prevented the. Both are sexual amati could not take their relationship farther. So, as well
as almost all the high schools romances, her relationship s Akash did not last long. It is simply
trailed off s over time and they broke up.
Smita other friend, Yash was the captain of school cricketing drustvo. He was hezk and
was also a good in academics. Yash opened her eyes into world of sex. This was at the whom came
about virginity in the 3rd year of study.
Smita, Yash and all of their friends went on a trip into Matheran, hills a station near the Bombay.
They rented a lodge, which overlooked forests Sahyadri. After hectic den sight see and explore
place, a group of retreated into their the cottage. After a heavy diameter, all the friends with
gathered u the fireplace. Smita and Yash were sitting close to each other, strong blanket wrapped
around them.
How they spoke your friends, Yash sneaked hand Smita is the eye. Gently squeezed the her breasts.
Brought him a second hand on her pussy and spawned over your pajamas. This two-way attack on ni
was selects its toll on the Smita. She was heavily breathed, drops of sweat began to form on the
Se their friends just a few meters from her, Smita had itself the control the very. She could not to
take risks, let her friends they know, what her boyfriend was doing s her. Yash, then gave his hand
into the her shirt, pushed bras upward, and pulled nipples. His of the Cold his hands on her of hot
nipple from the Smita yelped joy. All her friends were on ni was looking as Smita gave shit eat smile.
Yash also stopped playing s her on the moment. He did not want to create a scene before of his
friend, and it especially gossip queen Leena, who was sitting just a few meters from them.
After a few minutes, the rest couples went to their rooms. Yash held the Smita for hand and pulled
her to their bedroom. Both were very horny and pounced at yourself. Very passionate night followed.
It was a night, when Smita came about virginity. Afterwards, what tasted forbidden fruit, Smita has
now become woman.
Their relationship ended, when Yash asked about adoption on a high school in USA. On her football
boots and moved with your life in another country. Smita was broken heart. She loved Yash and they
wanted, in order their relationship to continue to its logical end. Smita cure her broken the heart for
the several months. She graduated from the a high school s an excellent score.
Smita remained from relations during its whole the Master course. Fully has focused on the the
studio and passed the examination s fluttering battalions. Afterwards, what finished his studies was
offered a job as an assistant in renowned College of the Arts. Tam she met Anand.
Anand was her boss, Head of professor psychology in their school. He was a widower, his wife died
during the accident. On was 40 years a Smita was 23, when they met. They immediately be clicked
and grew close u himself. Anand was well-looking, ripe and very well-read man. On would he shared
about his deep knowledge psychology s Smita. His worldly ways impression Smita a she developed
huge crush at his boss.
He was it month of July. Hust rained, how it usually does in Mumbai. Smita finished his work
and waited in the hall dormitories for rain to subside, but did not slow at all. She learned to from a
colleague, that local trains turns off. Smita was now fear. How did I get had get home, when fastest
and most reliable way of transport came to a grinding halt?
When been thinking about, how this problem solve, Anand came to the hall. He saw troubled
expression on face and he asked her, what happened. She told him, that her problem. Anand, as the
true gentleman offered to help.
Anand: Do not worry Smita, I have a auto. I drops you into his house.
Smita: Ach, sir, why you have go whole period of this problem for me? That is in order; I with
somehow do its way home.
Anand: Do not be silly Smita! Look at the rain, it was raining from noon, and are not there no signs
that it will be slow down or stop in the foreseeable the time of. Come with me.
Smita: Jo ... you're right. Ok Lord, will I s thee. Thank you very much!
Anand:. Do not mention dear
They proceeded to basement of the building, where was his auto parked. They got into a the car and
left the arel. It was raining cats and dogs, visibility was very less. Anand turn on the radio, in
order facilitated the Smita in voltage. Suddenly there was a reporting on the radio that Milan of the
metro was closed due of flooding. Smita was now in a big the problem. Milan Subway was only path
that has been connecting its Institutes and her house.
Smita: Oh Shit ... Now, how do we get into my house
Anand: That is exactly it, what am wondering. , That we are in the problem. But I I have a solution.
My house is 5 minutes from here. Why we there yet? You can wait, until the rain calms down, and
then I with drop you home.
Smita:. Ok Sir, we we have no other possibility, than go to thee
Anand rode toward his the house. It was situated in the mid class suburbs. He parked auto on open
to the parking of its housing the complex. His construction was at least 50 meters from the there.
Both ran toward the of the house and got inwards They made their the
path to its 10th floor of apartment. He opened the doors and both they entered into his the house.
The house was spacious a yet simple. Sl had decent furniture s fold-out kit, several display
cases and TV lockers. Anand went into the bedroom and brought couple of towels them wipe
Anand: Smita, SI clothes completely drenched. If you stay in them long, you will become ill.
Smita: Co do I do? I do not have spare set of clothes. Anand: I have a shirt and pants inside, will not
be you mind, wearing for a while, right up your clothes dry
Smita are reluctant to be changed into his of dresses, but cold wind blows through the window was
not of assistance. She had no a different possibility, than be changed into his of dresses. Anand
pulled out a shirt and trousers from alcove, and gave her into Smita. She apologized into the
bathroom to change. She went out in several minutes and sat down down on the couch. Anand sat on
the sofa chair beside few meters from her. Anand offered her a hot cup of of tea, which her willingly
adopted them. While the Anand was preparing tea, Smita looked around after the room. She saw
image of beautiful women on wall. Fotka was covered sandalwood wood wreath. That must be Anand
the wife; She was so beautiful, Smita she thought.
Anand he returned s two cups of tea a saw Smita at the sight on the image. Anand: It was my
woman. She died before 7 years ago.
Smita turned and looked at him. I still cups on the table before her and sat down on the couch beside
Anand: She died when a car accident in Pune, Mumbai of the road.
Smita: Did not you have children
Anand: My wife was 6 months pregnant, when she died. We wanted, make our first child. They were
we are on the top of the world, happy couple, than occurred to tragedy and the god of took the love
of my of life and my unborn child.
Anand eyes welled up with with tears, when he said, Smita, as was his life in shambles during
several minutes. Smita cursed herself you for asking him such a question a brining him to tears. She
could not she bare her affection be sad.
Smita: Is mi it sorry, sir. I did not have asked you a question on it. I am a really are sorry Anand
wiped his tears a just nodded his his head. On gave cup of of tea Smita and took one for yourself.
They quietly slurped tea after a period of several minutes, than Smita broke the silence.
Smita: Sir, it was being prepared 7 years, what she died. Have you never occurred to, how with
again she got married?
Anand: Sunaina, my woman was love of my of life. I just can not bear the thought, that marries
someone else. I if I, who me take? I am a 40 years old, my hair are proedivl. I'm not
much a good catch.
Smita: Do not think, that as the one, sir. I when you're 40 years old, you will still look well. Gray hair
just adds into a mature and intelligent personality. Are you educated, cultured man. Every girl would
married you.
Smita words brought smile on his face. It was it after 7 years, that Anand looked at the girl s love.
Smita got close the him a laid the him hand on his shoulder and pulled him a little closer to her.
Anand with on ni looked. Their eyes were locked after a period of several seconds. Their heart filled
with love and their minds bursting with with desire devouring everyone else. Rain and zima is added
into the fire.
Smita was really close to the men, who liked to so much. She just wanted, in order him to catch and
kiss him. But shy girl in it By preventing this from events. Anand made the
first step thereby, bringing the their lips close to her. Anand her kissed tenderly at first glance,
moved his lips, to kiss her upper lip.
Smita breath accelerated. She had no sex into 3 years old and here was s man who her the desired
so much, kissing her so tenderly. Ona replied on his kiss kiss him in return. Within a few minutes
they were kissing each other intensively. Anand brought his tongue into mouth. She opened her
mouth to have invited his language inwards Their tongues met, when with furiously kissing each
other. Their languages porridge, how with licked, sucked and biting his each
additional of the lips.
Anand her pulled closer to itself, in order their kiss still more intense. He put his hand on her belly,
looking at which did not have defend. She put hand on his thighs, slowly with make his way through
to his crotch. Anand slowly moved his right hand on her breasts and began stamping is through
shirt. He noticed, that her remove bra when has changed. This he turned him still more and began
squeezing her breasts. On then began kissing ears, sucked her ear lobes, making his way down on
nape of neck and kissed her there.
Smita was in convulsions of passion; her hand already cur has reached Anand crotch and noticed
boule there. Anand shuddered with pleasure as Smita began rub his penis over trousers. They parted
their kiss and looked at yourself. Their eyes were full of of lust and they simply wanted to grab all
the their dress and fill your newly resulting relationship.
Anand took shirt and revealed his with clean chest. That did not have hair at him. Z the perspective
of the chest, Smita realized Anand worked regularly. She let hands roam on her body. Ona gently
she moved her fingers from shoulder to his toned chest into his tight abdomen. Anand one after the
second began unbuttoning shirt and slowly reveals her dekolt. Anand removed all of the buttons a
slowly took off his shirt over shoulders. Her gorgeous pair of breasts entered into view. Just for a few
seconds stared at them. He saw a woman peak less after a long time.
Anand from it sit on the lap of forehead to him. He pulled out their language from brady slowly neck
with the her collarbone bones. Smita was shivering, the when sucked in on her collarbone bones.
Anand again traced the line from the her collar on the chest before settling mouth on her left breast.
He took a deep at them like a man, the starved days. Still on the sucking tits, to migrate from one
breast to the other. Smita grabbing his head from behind and shoved him more on her breasts,
forcing the him suck heavier. On continued sucking s enthusiasm and everyone Smita did was groan.
His frenzied sucking brought Smita to her orgasm. It was a strong orgasm, the first has experienced
a after 3 years celibacy.
Anand from it to lay down, s head propped about of armrest. Sundal her pants reveal her pussy.
Smita is a pussy was smoothly shaved, how her precedence. Anand then took off his pants and his
bottom linen in one swift motion. His penis jumped out.
Anand was decently equipped. His penis was a 6 inches in length and had a decent girth as well.
Tam was pubic hair around him. Dostal up on the couch u their of the head, his one leg rested on the
couch next to chest and one on the ground. Brought his penis in the vicinity of lips. Smita knew, that
wants smoking. She used give Yash Smoking when the old, but did not like with her is power. Simply
did it, in order him comforted. But now she was s Anand, to its man of the moment. She was so
enamored s him, that he is ready to do anything to him comforted.
Anand rubbed his of a bird on his lips quietly. Smita opened her lips, order to him in the mouth.
Anand Dick slowly began to disappear between her red lips. Smita sniffed the of a bird quickly,
without the use of of any technique just so, how it is used suck Yash dick. While the Yash was happy,
just receive smoking, Anand on the other side felt the exact opposite. He realized, that is amateur in
the provision Smoking. Will the will have to learn her give the correct smoking. On was more than
happy, to do so.
Sundal your dick out of her mouth a he said to her basics giving a good smoking. He had advised
her, how to go around sucking cock. Smita listened, as obedient student. Afterwards, what was
performed Anand lectured her on the basics oral sex, again slipped the penis into the mouth. Smita
follow his instructions to the word a quickly grasped arts. Ona was soon use their own techniques.
She licked entire of his shaft from the base to the tip, sucked his head and bit him on lightly, threw
her tongue on pee hole. She grabbed him for zadek and forced himself more and more from his penis
in the mouth; his pubic hair lechtal nos. Anand groaned with pleasure, when his sex student was
excel in the arts.
Anand removed his penis from the mouth and got with from the sofa. He went on the sofa, which
was in one corner of the room and lay down on him. He motioned Smita, to take on the him s her
pussy on his face and mouth on his penis. They again began to joys with each other. Anand who
tasted pussy after years of was rampant. He licked her pussy, sucked in her klitoris so intensively,
that Smita orgasmed second time that evening. She could not correctly suck his dick, because Anand
is a pussy licking made her whining and Grit teeth in the pleasures.
As her orgasm crossed her, Smita continued in smoking. She was it hell bent on the provision of
Anand just as intense orgasm. A j to succeeded. After a few minutes, Anand growled loudly a
spurted his load into the mouth. Smita was surprised by this by the sudden by explosion in the
mouth. She had no a different possibility, than swallow his load which shall her managed to do very
well. That was first time, what was tasting sperm. Liked her, salty taste and thickness his load.
Both got outside themselves and sat down. They looked one another in the eye and kissed. After a
few minutes, broke the their kiss. Smita everything was are charged up to now, ready to into Shit
Smita: Anand, I want you me the fuck now. Marry me! Make sure I feel as true woman!
Anand: But sweetheart I do not have a condom. Would you risk becoming pregnant?
Smita: That already does not matter. I'll take yourself a morning after pills. Do not be afraid; Just
fuck me, what throat seemeth him good.
Seeing Smita in this an excited state he turned on Anand. He had a orgasmed before a couple
minutes ago, but his penis was again exhibits a signs of recovery. He got up from the sofa, picked up
the Smita into the arms of and took her into the bedroom. Bedroom should double bed, big enough
for their of bodily adventure.
He tossed her on the bed and stood on the edge. Smita sat on the edge and lick his penis, until he
was again hard. Dostal with on the bed, between his legs and placed his penis on her input pussy. He
bent body on the her so, in order their lips met. How are kissed, Smita held the his dick and laid it
on the her pussy the hole and pushed forward. Smita smashed the their kiss and moaned as Anand is
shaft made its way through her pussy. She was very moist, her kundika-drenched with their
own juices and Anand saliva. She had no no problem accommodating his penis into her.
Anand her slowly in fucked. S locked eyes, they kissed. He kissed her on the neck, sucked in again
and again on her tits. After a moment Smita he uttered the words, which encouraged Anand further.
Smita: That me poser of hard darling. Pound me s a jack hammer. Tear it up my pussy .... ohh
yesssss ... the child no so ...
Anand him now increased I on the elbows and began shafting her quickly. Kurva was so intense, that
Smita she had an orgasm within a
minute. Anand had 7 years old sexual frustration inside him, which was now Releasing the on her
body. On was fucking her in full speed, his penis go inwards and out out of her pussy, his balls
slapping about her zadek so the sound "icon, icon, the icon".
Bedroom was full of scents sex, the screams of of joy and moans from of pleasure. Their lovemaking
was very loud, but stormy rain and the wind outdoors prevent others, in order heard their grunts.
Postel was the creaking of s Anand is each strong move. Smita shall stabbing equally quickly in
opposite direction. Soon they were fucking in the coordination, such if part of their fuck was
choreography. Anand he bit her on her tits, so his prints of teeth, not elsewhere left a trail of love

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