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Cedefop/DG EAC joint conference

Building European VET Time to move on

29-30 September 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece

Working group discussions

The conference aims to give an overview of the developments in VET in 2010-2014 by
reviewing progress that countries have made towards the priorities set in the Bruges
Communiqu. Discussions in working groups will zoom in on four thematic areas where
achieving progress appears challenging. The themes are:

1. Monitoring labour market outcomes and ensuring feedback to VET provision
2. The use of incentives in VET
3. The role of VET for innovation
4. Key competences in VET

In small groups, you are invited to engage in in-depth discussions to identify positive
experiences, bottlenecks and obstacles. Flash info sessions in the plenary before the working
groups will give a brief introduction to the four themes.

Each of the four themes will be discussed in three parallel working groups. Each working
group will discuss a different topic and lasts 2 hours. Each working group will be chaired by
a moderator and will start with an example of good practice to set the stage for the discussion. A
rapporteur will ensure that the outcomes of the working groups are recorded and can feed into
the panel sessions on the second day of the conference.

Theme 1: Monitoring labour market outcomes and ensuring feedback to VET provision

Feedback mechanisms ensure that labour market trends and outcomes and the opinion of
employers and other relevant stakeholders are taken into account when renewing VET
qualifications and curricula. These mechanisms, which can be formal or informal, differ widely
between and within countries. The Bruges communiqu highlights the importance of monitoring
employability and labour market transitions of VET graduates regularly to inform VET policies
development and VET systems governance. But while the majority of European countries
collect data on the employability and other labour market outcomes of their VET graduates,
programmes, standards and/or curricula take account of transition and employability data only in
half of the countries.

Theme 1: Monitoring labour market outcomes and ensuring feedback to VET provision
1.1 Feedback mechanisms 1.2 Labour market outcomes 1.3 Sharing results to maximise impact
Moderator Dana-Carmen Bachman, EC Alena Zukersteinova, Cedefop Jan Varchola, EC
Contribution Ruud Baarda (via Skype) Carina Cronsioe Martin lovec
Foundation for Cooperation on
VET and the Labour Market - SBB
National Agency for Higher
Vocational Education (Sweden)
National Institution for Education
(Czech Republic)
Example What is the Dutch experience in
using monitoring for VET
How VET providers and companies
participate in monitoring labour
market outcomes?
How to disseminate labour market
intelligence to VET learners through a
web platform?
Rapporteur Jasper van-Loo, Cedefop Juraj Vantuch, SIOV (Slovakia) George Kostakis, Cedefop
Location Library room Rousseau room Foyer (table 1)

The three working groups under this theme showcase the potential of using feedback
mechanisms for VET provision. Ruud Baarda from the Foundation for Cooperation on
Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB) will discuss how monitoring is
used to feed into VET and VET-related policies in the Netherlands. Carina Cronsioe from the
Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education will present an example on how VET
providers and companies participate in monitoring labour market outcomes, which helps
uncover labour market information from companies willing to recruit skilled workers.
Disseminating results to maximise impact will be the focus of the third workshop. As a starting
point for the discussion, an example of a web platform that has been launched to disseminate
labour market intelligence to VET learners and other stakeholders will be presented by Martin
lovec from the Czech National Institution for Education.

Theme 2: The use of incentives in VET

Even though VET has demonstrated considerable benefits to individuals, enterprises and the
economy, it still lacks esteem in a range of countries when compared to general and university
programmes. Favourable outcomes alone are not sufficient to attract students to VET and to
engage enterprises in providing it and therefore a range of countries use incentives. For
instance, it appears quite common to complement promotional campaigns for individuals that
give information on available qualifications and programmes with financial incentives and
support for VET learners. In 2014 most countries also have incentives in place for enterprises to
provide training or employment and/or to hire unemployed. Incentives to VET providers are less
common, but several countries have taken steps after 2012 to introduce them.

The three working groups under this theme demonstrate the potential of using incentives in
VET. The first working group will focus on incentives for learners. Tams Jank from the
Hungarian Ministry for National Economy will share an example on the vocational school
scholarship scheme for training for shortage occupations. Providing incentives to SMEs will be
discussed in the second working group. An initiative that combines creating occupational
profiles, validating prior learning and financial incentives for training will be presented by Mihalis
Tzamalis (IME GSEVEE, the Small Enterprises Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of
Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants). Incentives for VET providers will be discussed in the
third working group. Ken Seery from SOLAS (Ireland) will present the Momentum initiative
which is a good practice example of performance-based incentives for VET providers.

Theme 2: The use of incentives in VET

2.1 Incentives for learners 2.2 Incentives for SMEs 2.3 Incentives for VET institutions
Moderator Patrycja Lipinska, Cedefop Kostas Pouliakas, Cedefop Dmitrijs Kulss, Cedefop
Contribution Tams Jank Mihalis Tzamalis Ken Seery

Ministry for National Economy
Small Enterprises' Institute IME
GSEVEE (Greece)
Further Education and Training
Authority SOLAS (Ireland)
Example How did the VET school
scholarship scheme spur
students training for jobs with
shortage in supply?
How can financial incentives be
linked to occupational profiles
and be matched with validation
of learning?
What is the experience of
introducing performance-based
incentives for VET providers? The
Momentum initiative.
Rapporteur Lidia Salvatore, Cedefop Giovanni Russo, Cedefop Kersti Raudsepp, Cedefop
Location Europa room Montessori room Foyer (table 2)

Theme 3: The role of VET for innovation

National policies for innovation and competitiveness related to education and training as well as
innovation monitors and scoreboards used for international comparisons have traditionally
focused on higher education. The potential of VET at all levels as a crucial factor contributing to
innovation is not always recognised. In addition to preparing learners for occupations where
creativity is a must, VET can foster skills to innovate and be creative and drives new ideas in
business and industry. It also supports competitiveness through the development and diffusion
of new technologies, processes, and services and ultimately impacts on growth and prosperity.
Measures stimulating creativity and innovation tend to be closely related to policies that
stimulate entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.

The three working groups under this theme highlight the role of VET for innovation.
Entrepreneurship will be discussed in the first workshop, where Iris Hermens from the
Netherlands will present an innovative approach to developing entrepreneurial skills. The
Entreprenasium is an initiative that aims to develop socially responsible and creative young
people with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. The second workshop will focus on innovation
clusters. Veronique Gueguen from the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and
Research will present the example of the Campus des mtiers et des qualifications. These are
regional innovation clusters built around high-quality activities that involve VET and
apprenticeship. The third workshop explores how partnerships between VET and the world of
work can spur innovation. Adriana Hodak from the Slovenian Intercompany Training Centre will
present the experience of the School Center of Nova Gorica in cooperating with enterprises.

Theme 3: The role of VET for innovation

3.1 Entrepreneurship 3.2 Innovation clusters 3.3 Partnerships for innovation
Ernesto Villalba-Garcia,
Alin-Adrian Nica,
Committee of Regions Lore Schmid, Cedefop
Contribution Iris Hermens Veronique Gueguen Adrijana Hodak

Entreprenasium school
(the Netherlands)
Ministry of Education
Intercompany Training Center
Example How entrepreneurship learners
can be in charge of their own
education and their own
How can innovation clusters
involve VET at regional level?
Campus des mtiers et des
What is the experience of the
cooperation between the Nova
Gorica School Center and
Rapporteur Georgios Zisimos, ETF Jan Varchola, DG EAC, EC Lore Schmid, Cedefop
Library room Rousseau room Foyer (table 1)

Theme 4: Key competences in VET

Modern labour markets require people to act in a self-directed way and to adapt to rapid
changes at the workplace, in their occupations and even, at sector level. This requires the ability
to apply and adjust ones knowledge and skills to new work contexts. Increasingly the jobs
available at all skill levels will be those that cannot easily be outsourced or replaced by
technology or organisational change. These jobs require people to think, be creative, solve
problems, communicate, organise and decide. Basic skills are part of key competences. Lack of
basic skills early in life can have serious consequences for social and labour market integration.
People also need career management skills to manage transitions within and between jobs and
learning. Young people need opportunities to acquire these skills and adults need to be able to
develop them further.

The three workshops under this theme explore the role of key competences in VET. Auli
Harkonen from Amiedu, a vocational adult education center in Finland, will present an example
on career management skills. The Norwegian example of the Basic Competence at the
Workplace (BCW) programme, which was established 8 years ago and has constantly adapted
to the need for competence at the workplace will serve as a starting point of the discussion in
the second group. The example will be presented by Vigdis Lahaug from the Norwegian
Agency for Lifelong Learning. The third workshop will focus on how basic skills can be
developed in adult learning. Liliana Preoteasa from the Romanian Ministry of Education will
share the example of the The second chance programme, a basic education recovery
programme for young adults who did not complete compulsory education.

Theme 4: Key competences in VET

4.1 Career management skills 4.2 Basic skills in working life 4.3 Basic skills in adult learning
Moderator Pedro Moreno da Fonseca, Cedefop Irina Jemeljanova, Cedefop Alexandra Dehmel, Cedefop
Contribution Auli Harkonen Vigdis Lahaug Liliana Preoteasa

Amiedu adult education centre
Agency for Lifelong Learning
Ministry of Education
Example How career management skills can
be developed in adult education?
The example of Amiedu
What is the experience in
promoting basic competences at
the workplace? The BCW
How can young adults who did
not complete compulsory
education access a basic
education programme?
Rapporteur Pavel Trantina, EESC
Jasper van-Loo, Cedefop
Vlasis Korovilos, Cedefop
Location Europa room Montessori room Foyer (table 2)

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