Beard Harvey Helen 1980 Philippines

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No. 3 March, 1980
Visas for India were granted with
out delay, in answer to your prayers.
Flight reservations in Manila were con
firmed the first week in January.
Thanks to gifts from many friends, our
mission fund provided $2000 toward the
$2,454 cost of the airplane tickets.
One of the major tasks in prepar
ing to leave was to get our house ready
for others to occupy. A garage sale
disposed of alot of things and others
were donated to a charity organization.
A pick-up truck went loaded to the dump.
Our children were a great help in doing
much of the work connected with this
project. Repairs to the house included
window screens, plumbing, and a new
roof. Our thanks to Paul Wilabee,
Warren Christiansen, and Carl McCracken
for helping on these projects. On Fri
day, Jan. 18 we packed about 100 pounds
of books and took them to the post of
fice. After some necessary errands we
were home about 5 p.m., with the task
of moving out still ahead of us. We
spent the evening moving things. War-^
ren and Eileen Christiansen came and
helped until 12:30 a.m. Saturday morn
ing, we finished moving out, and that
afternoon our tenants moved in. We
went to Philip cuid Jeannie's home to
spend our last night in the U.S.
On Sunday afternoon-,' J^D?_ 20,
Evelyn Miller, our capable forwarding
agent, drove us to the Los Angeles
airport. There we visited with 25-30
friends and relatives who came to see
us off. Our flight departed for San
Francisco just after sunset. At the
San Francisco airport our nephew, Bill
Miles and his wife, Jan came to visit
with us.
Our Philippine Airlirtfes DC-10
landed at Honolulu at 1:00 a.m. The
yplane then f^\:/,.,rion-stop th^,^, 000. miles
' from Honolul,u_... to Man^Al in a little over
ten hours. A fine Filipino breakfast was
"^served before we arrived in Manila at
7:15 a.m. Tuesday. We saw friends waving
to us from the upper floor of the airport
building as we walked from the plane.
Sid Boudreaux and I^rrita McKinney had
come to meet us. After we got through
customs they took us to McKinney's house,
and we made plans to fly up to Aparri the
next day.
But the flight was cancelled that
day, so we went up on the bus with Sid
Boudreaux on Thursday. It took all day,
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to arrive in
Tuguegarao, the provincial capitol of
Cagayan. The day before, our friends
from Aparri, SejLby and Romeo
....^^pspe, had come down to meet a plane
that did not come, and they came again on
Thursday to meet the bus. They had car
trouble and had to make repairs before
making the return trip to Aparri.
We arrived in Aparri aboi^ 9:00 a.m.
/ and were given a hig welcome by the
^elbys and Bpu^eauxs, Mary Pruitt and
Joy Collins. We stayed in the home of
'CharTes and Roberta Selby and were re
freshed by their kind hospitality and
gracious Christian spirit. On Friday
night there was a program by the
Forensian Society of Aparri Bible Semi
nary. We were officially welcomed during
this program. The students presented
special music. Scripture recitations and
other speaking exercises. The program
closed with Ilocano folk songs.
' asked .tp preach_in the
Aparri "church at the Sunday morning ser-
(^4jivCe on 27. and Helen presented a
lesson to ^'women's meeting on Sunday
afternoon. On Monday we were busy sort
ing things and p^cki^_^to,SS^o
At noon the missionary's a^^toget^e'r^'^^
Boudreauxs' home, and had prayer together.
Then we made a hurried departure to get
the bus to Tuguegarao. Sid Boudreaux
went with us to help us. The bus ride
took about one and 3/4 hours, and cost
9 pesos per person (about $1.25). At
Tuguegarao we got off the bus and took
a tricycle (motorcycle with side car)
across the city to a center from which
jeepneys go out to surrounding towns.
There we got into a jeepney that was go
ing to Enrile, our destination. I count
ed 18 passengers in the jeepney besides
the driver. A Jeepney is a small pick
up truck with benches on the sides, a
roof on top, and the front end made to
look like a jeep.
We arrived in Enrile about 5:00 p.m.
and went to visit ^^ck ^^Mipkey Rich-
'^-aa^s^pnd spent the night at their house,
it was a very enjoyable visit. They have
been translating Acts and other New Tes
tament books into Itawes. We rose early
to catch the bus from Tuguegarao to Ma
nila. We were i^ Manila at 4:30 p.m. and
were met by the j^cl^nney^ who took us to
the home of Ron arid Jearmie Hoffman. The
evening was spent^^'visTting with them and
with QJiar^s ^d Flor^ Li^(gj.1, who
are missionaries at Davao on the island
of Mindanao.
We spent our last two days in Ma
nila quietly with the Dennis McKinney
family, getting ready to leave for India.
The live .in .a^rreAted-^^^ on a
(short dead-end street"Iri asection of
Manila that is full of narrow, crooked
streets, with high walls about the houses.
\ Dennis,, and Lorrita took^s to the airport
on and went in with us to the
the departure lounge. They
treated us to a refreshing cold drink in
a restaurant there, and had prayer with
us before saying good-bye.
Our flight was with KLM in a 747
which was only partly filled. A very fine
meal was served after we were aloft. The
plane landed in Bsingkok and then went on
to Delhi. When we arrived i^De^hi air
port we were greeted by Leah Moshier, and
taken to the Imperial ^"S^^^T^^where Leah
had reserved a room for us.' two
days we saw the sights of Delhi, including
the Raj Ghat where Ghandi's body :was cre
mated, the great mosque, and the Sound and
Light performance at the Red Fort.
On Feb. 2 we flew to Agra and spent
two days there, seeing the Mahal and
other palaces and tombs of' the Moghul
emperors. Sunday evening we attended a
church service in the home of American
missionaries. Tuesday morning Feb. 5, we
Left Agra by plane, and^ .-were met... at
Khajuraho by two young men with the
mission car. Leah drove us tQ_.,_Kplpahar
and we were welcomed and made at* home in
the old bungalow occupied by Leah, Dolly
Chitwood and Linda Stanton.
, - p&ext day teaching assignments be-
^^J[an. Harvey teaches Old Testament Survey
to about 18 young men, and Helen teaches
Proverbs to a group of women. Helen is
also repeating her class for a group of
older girls, and teaching music reading to
a young man who plays the piano. 0]^ stay
^t Kulpahar continues until ^b. 287 when
we leave for an overnight train ride to
The Aparri Bible Seminary provides
'^Bible studies and leadership training for
the Iloqano speaking people of the Cagayan
alley region. During the coiiiijgtg. school
eAt; Jlarvey will be , teaching an Old Tes
tament exegesis class, Romans and Corin
thians. He will also have an Old Testa
ment poetry class, and there may be a
Hebrew class. ^^HeLgn^ will be teaching
first grade subjects to Carolyn Boudreaux.
The work of the children's home is
carried on by Ma^ry^^^ ^rv^t and jQy,..,Cpl3^s.
At present the children are housed in a
building belonging to the Mission, a short
distance from the Seminary. Bujt .he^
^fine home, is heijicr built for them on a
jppiec^^oFlmission property south of Aparri
vCs^verlooking the Cagayan River. It will be
known as the Cagayan ya]U.e^_ Children's
Home-The .pl^c^f is "a topical paradise.
with coconuts, bananas, mangoes and papa
yas growing on it. Rrn, Sp-lhy has dreams
of a recording studio, and ultimately a
radio station, and a
school on the property.
Christian high
We were given a grand welcome to
Kulpahar on our first full day here. It
was held in the school compound, where
the school children were all seated by
classes on rugs under a large tree.
Some of the older girls placed beautiful
leis of orange marigolds around our
necks. The children were well behaved
and sat quietly, with no talking or dis
turbance of any kind. Each grade pre
sented a song or skit of some kind as
a welcome to us. The colorful clothing,
bright faces and smiles, the carefully
spoken "Good Afternoon" in English, will
be long remembered.
Kulpahar village is just like -any
other village in this part of India.
People live in brick or mud houses,
where many share the same room. The
water supply is from the public well or
hydrant. Bicycle, ox^carts, cows,
goats, and people of all ages throng the
dusty streets. Piles of cow dung cakes
are drying for future use. The main
street of Kulpahar is narrow and unpaved,fj
with houses and little shops in a con- /'
tinuous row on either side. The Church
of Christ Mission is a short distance
from the village on the main road, and
occupies three spacious compounds with
well-built brick buildings. Those who
have worked here over the past thirty-^
some years have done a great work in the
midst of a great difficulty. Here boys
and girls are given proper carehousing
food, clothing, and loveand also a
good education. The Bible is taught
regularly in addition to the regular
school curriculum. On the mission prop-r
erty all the activities necessary to
feeding and maintaining over 200 chil-r
dren and the workers are carried on.
There is building, gardening, cooking,
washing, housecleaning, teaching, care
for the sick, etc. There are living
quarters for the children, the mission
aries, and the workers. There is a
church and a hospital. New buildings
have been continually added over the
years as the work has expanded. At
present an ^ii^di^on to the hospital is
under construction,
Harvey has been teaching a Survey
of Old Testament to the men of the staff.
These are college graduates for the most
part, who teach in the school and perf
other services for the mission. Mr. Lai,
the headmaster of the school and the
preacher for the church, translates into
Hindi. These young men seem eager to
learn, and are quite regular in atten
dance. They have 2% hours of lecture in
the afternoon and evening, after they
have done their day's work. The ^.entire
course occupies 37 hours of lecture time.
We take pleasure in announcing the
engagement of our daughter, Martha
Florence, to Mr. David Van Wormer. The
wedding is expected to take place July
26th, and we invite our friends to attend
at the Parkcrest Church at 1:00 p.m. The
parents of David are Mr. and Mrs. James
Van Wormer of Riverside, Calif., where he
is the minister of the Victoria Ave.
Christian Church.
My assignment has been to teach some
practical thoughts from Proverbs to the
staff women, and also to a group of 25
girls from eighth grade and up. These
are Hindi speaking people, so I must use
an interpreter to translate for me. This
has been a privilege and a joy as the
classes are very attentive, and the a-
mount of Scripture they can quote is fab
ulous. Today (Monday, Feb. 18) as we
talked of rejoicing and singing they sur
prised me by singing the entire 100th
Psalm, and they know others as well.
Last week Leah "^oshier accepted an
other baby. She named him Raja. His
^andparents brought him and begged her
^take him. The ipother was dead and
they could not afford to feed him. He is
six months old and a bright little fellow.
He smiles when I pick him up, and obvious
ly he has won my heart. Raja is one of
hundreds of little ones who have been
rescued here at Kulpahar in behalf of the
Lord Jesus.
The children in this home are well
behaved and courteous. They can say,
"Good Morning", "Good Afternoon", or
"Good Evening" in English, and delight to
do this every time we meet them anywhere
on the grounds. Our thanks to our many
friends for bringing us here.
Thank you to our faithful correspond
dents who sent mail to us in Aparri and
in Kulpahar. At this writing we will be
in Kulpahar another week. Mail can reach
us at the following addresses: (Allow
about two weeks for air mail. It costs
31<: per half ounce, or use the 22<?
aerogramme form.) Send all gifts to our
forwarding agent.
Our address until April 27th ,
c/o Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Morse
Box 65
Chiengmai, Thailand
After April 28th
c/o Philippine Mission Churches of Christ
Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan 1118
1. For continued health and spiritual
strength to teach the Word of the Living
2. Rain is needed in India. There has
been almost no rain for two years in the
Kulpahar area. The monsoon season is not
until July.
3. For the propagation of the gospel the
world over.
4. For the governments of the world, in
cluding our own United States.
Field Address:
P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan
Philippines 1118
Parkcrest Church of Christ
5950 Parkcrest Street
Long Beach, California 90808
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Long Beach, Calif.
Permit 563
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs, Evelyn Miller ^
10317 Eudora Avenue
Buena Park, CA 90620
BOX 177
KEiiPXON, IN 46049
Address Correction Requested.
X2/80 B
Parkcrest Church of Christ
No. 4 June, 1980
a^ristian training institute
Bilaspur, M.P., India
On Feb. 29, we were welcomed and made
^mfortable at Bilaspur by William and
Jean Roland, and Joan Getter. We stayed
in the old Schaefer mission house, next to
the Kududand Church of Christ. An elderly
Indian Christian named Emmanuel helped us
with the housework.
Harvey taught the book of Ezekiel to
the students of the Christian Training
Institute, about two dozen young men, plus
the wives of some of them. Brother
Ishwari Lall, headmaster of the Institute,
translated into Hindi. The school day be
gan with a short chapel service. The
teaching sessions lasted the rest of the
morning. Helen had time to visit a school
where Jecin Roland was teaching a group of
20 Kindergarten children. Bible teaching
was included. She went along one day when
the Rolands took the children to a lake
for a picnic.
The first Sunday Harvey preached at
the Kududand church and the second Sunday
at the Railway Area Church. Weather in
Bilaspur was hot and dry, but a thunder
storm with heavy rain brought some relief
just before we left on March 12.
The 1980 convention of the churches
of the Surguja District was held at Sita-
pur, M.P., March 12-16 (Wed. - Sun.). The
property of the Church of Christ Mission,
Bernel and Joan Getter, missionaries, pro
vided the meeting place. The mission
operates a boarding school for boys and
girls from the villages, and has a church
building, school building, and girls'
hostel on the ground where the missionary
home is located. The boys' hostel is on
another piece of land, which is devoted to
gardening and farming. It produces food
for the mission and gives the boys some
thing productive to do.
During the convention hundreds of
Christians gathered at the mission. They
brought their food and bedding, some of
them walking 10-15 miles. Families pre
pared their meals over wood fires in an
open field. There were games in the af
ternoons. The young people had a Scrip
ture memorization contest. The winner re
cited 150 verses, giving references in 15
minutes without a pause. There were Bible
classes every morning, and a preaching
service every evening. There was much
music, a long song service at each session
plus many special numbers.
We felt honored to be a part of the
convention. When we arrived in the Get
ters' jeep, Joan and the children of the
hostel came out to meet us and sing for us
giving us bougainvillea leis which they
had made. Harvey preached five sermons
and gave four Bible lessons in the adult
section. Maximiun attendance at any one
session was about 600. The church was
packed with people sitting on the floor,
with others on the porch outside, looking
in at the windows and doors.
The Getters have done a great work in
the midst of great difficulty. It is not
easy for a Westerner to live and work in
India. But they have adapted to Indian
ways and have taught and evangelized per
sistently, with the result that many have
become Christians. They need help. Pray
that new workers will be recruited, and
that the government will permit them to
live and work in India.
Cars are few in India, the oxcart,
horse tonga, bicycle and rickshaw being
much more numerous. For going a distance,
busses and trains are used. We took the
train to Bilaspur, the Kalinda Express,
and had first class sleeper accommodation.
All windows to the compartment have iron
shutters, with small holes for ventilation
They are closed at night to prevent
thieves from stealing. This makes it so
no one can see in or out. The iron slid
ing door can be shut and securely locked
from the inside. After that nothing gets
in but .the dust and smoke. You bring your
own bedding and drinking water or do with
out. On the night run from Raigarh to
Calcutta we had Indian sheets given to us
by Joan Getter.
Bus travel in India is also quite an
e3q>erience. To get a seat, be early at
the station where the bus begins its run.
With the help of friends, we did this at
Bilaspur. The busses are battered and
dirty. The windows have dark glass, to
cut down the sun's heat. There are not
enough seats, but no one is refused a ride
They just pack them in tighter in the
aisle. Our bus journey ended at Ambikapur
and there our jeep journey began.
Lisu women in tribal cost\ame after church
service at the Tribal Children's Hostel in
Dinner in the home of Jesse and Drema
Yangmi (seated at right with their son
James) Jesse is chairman of the Lisu
Bible Revision Committee which is working
The Indian Jeep is a well-built and
durable vehicle. Bemel Getter met us in
Ambikapur and we travelled to Sitapur in
his jeep. No diesel fuel could be obtain
ed in Ambikapur, so we arrived at the
mission house in Sitapur with an empty
tank. The next week the Lord blessed us
with diesel for the trip to Raigarh, so we
took the jeep.
In Thailand we took an air condition
ed bus from Bangkok to Chiangmai. A hos
tess served cold drinks. Free lunch was
provided at a restaurant stop. A snack
and coffee were served before arriving in
Chiangmai. Cars are numerous in Thailand.
Motorcycles are more numerous. Pickup
trucks with roof and benches serve as
taxis. Bicycle rickshaws are also used.
In the Philippines private cars are
scarce, and most travel is by bus, jeepney
taxi, or tricycle (Motorcycle with sidecar
It can carry up to six passengers. Crowd
ing is the order of the day. There is
always room for one more!)
We have travelled by plane, train,
private car, bus, jeep, jeepney, tricycle,
bicycle, and rickshaw, and always got to
our destination. We are grateful for safe
travel on all these journeys.
to produce a more readable Lisu Bible.
David Morse is at the end of the table,
with his wife Norma next to him. David
oversees technical aspects of typesetting
and printing of the various books in Lisu
and Rawang. Next to Norma is Karen John
son who is a nurse at the Tribal Children
Hostel and schoolteacher for James Yangmi.
Eugene Morse in a moss garden on Mt.
Inthanon, 8,500 feet. Eugene has heen a
missionary all his life in China, Burma,
and Thailand.
The Mae Sai River forms part of the
boundary between Burma and Thailand. At
the town of Mae Sai in Thailand an inter
national bridge crosses the river to
Taahileik in Burma. Although missionaries
are not allowed to go into Burma, the
people from Burma may come into Thailand
in the daytime to attend classes. And so
a school lasting three weeks was held
there, beginning March 24. Robert and
Eugene Morse and Alan Bemo were the prin
cipal ones in charge of the school.
Harvey was invited to help with the teach
ing. All teaching was done in English and
translated into Burmese. The students
came from several tribal backgrounds,
Kachin, Lahu, Akha, etc., each with its
own language, but all were able to under
stand Burmese.
During the 2nd and 3rd weeks of the
school a program for children and youth
was added to the adult program. Janet
Bemo directed this, and Helen helped with
it, giving a Bible story each day. This
brought the daily attendance to about 80
persons, about half of them adults. In
the first week the adults were so eager to
leam that they asked for classes to be
held on Saturday also.
Aparri Bible Seminary Building. Library
and classrooms are dovmstairs, offices and
assembly hall upstairs.
Chinese meals were prepared and serv
ed at the school each day. All the mis
sionaries stayed in an old Thai house,
where we had morning and evening devotions
and singing. Robert Morse had a birthday
while we were there and Janet Bemo made
him a cake. She also made strawberry
shortcake several times during the school.
On Sundays we went to churches where
Robert Morse or Alan Bemo preached in
Chinese, with an interpreter translating
into Thai. At the end of the school 16
persons were baptized.
After a pleasant Thai International
flight from Bangkok we arrived in Manila
on Monday afternoon, April 28. Dennis and
Lorrita McKinney and Mickey Richards met
us at the airport. We stayed three days
with the McKinneys and enjoyed a mission
ary get-together being held there. On May^,
1, we took the air-conditioned bus for th^;!'
all-night ride to Aparri. We are getting
settled and adjusted to life in Aparri.
Two Christian service camps. Junior and
Intermediate, were held on the Bible
Seminary campus the first two weeks in
Cagayan Valley Children's Home at Lal-lo
a few miles outh of Aparri on the highway
to Manila.
All our friends are invited to attend
the wedding of our daughter, Martha
Florence to Mr. David James Van Wormer on
Saturday, July 26, 1:00 p.m., at the Park-
crest Church of Christ in Long Beach.
March to May 1980
Knott Avenue Christian Church
Parkcrest Church of Christ
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Beard
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boling
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Cairpbell
Mr. & Mrs. Buren Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Foote
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Fordyce
Mr. Sl Mrs. Troy Heard
Alice Hoey
Elizabeth Hooper
Mr. & Mrs. M. Kimbell
Mr. & Mrs. M. Klaiber
Mr. & Mrs. Milo Klinsky
Justin McKeal
Park Netting
Mr. St Mrs. Jack Pullen
Dorothy Smith
Mr. St Mrs. Harry Tilley
Christian Mission Press
Return Home Air Fare
Harvey Beard
Balance March 1, 1980
Income. . . . .
Less e^^enses
Balance end of May, 1980
Field Address:
P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan
Philippines 1118
Parkcrest Church of Christ
5950 Parkcrest Street
Long Boach, California 90808
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Long Beach, Calif,
Permit 3^"^
Forwarding Agent;
Mrs. Evelyn Miller
10517 Eudora Avenue
Buena Park, OA 90620
BOX 177
IN 46C49
Address Correction Requested.
X2/80 B
Parkcrest Church of Christ
Ho. 5
SeptBbr 19B0
OUR vork: at APABBI
The school year in the Philippines
begins in June. The public schoolfl in
Aparri opened on June 9th, and the Aparri
Bible Saninary on June 16th. For us it was
a rather busy time, as we irere just th^
able to get into our apartment at the Sen^-
inary. We went to Manila the ni^t of June
9th with a number of errands to do, includ
ing a trip to the dentist. lorrlta McEin-
ney, bless her, met us at the bus staticm
at 1 A.M., and had a taxi waiting to taiie
us to their house. We stayed three d^rs,
returning Thursday nl^t. Friday we moved
to the apartment.
Sunday evening Harvey got sick with
the flu. Hel^ had her first day of
teaching first grade lessons to Carolyn
Boudreaui. Harvey missed the first day of
Seminary classes, but was able to teach
after that. He has a class in Old Testa
ment History, beginning with Genesis, and a
class in New Testazuent Exegesis of FAWAnff
and Corinthians. There are 27 students in
Old Testament, 20 in Haw Testament. We do
have a language problem. They imderstand
fairly well if one speaks slowly dis
tinctly. It is difficult for than to speak
in English, so class discusaion is limited.
It would be much better in Ilooano, except
that the teacher and one student do not
speak it.
On Tuesday evening there is a one hour
Bible study for faculty and staff, with
prayer meeting following. Harvey is teach
ing the book of EzekLel for the Bible
study. There are about 20 in this group.
Sunday mornings at the Aparri Church of
Christ, Harvey teaches the Bible School
lesson in English to an adult class.
Your prayers are requested for the
Apanl Churoh, idiich is without a minister
at present. 'The elders, idio are professors
at tbs Seminary, do the preaehing, but
their time is occupied wiht the SBinary. }
In Manila one can find shopping centers
and supermarkets much like those in the
States. Out in the provinces these have not
yet arrived. The local market is the place
to buy fruit, vegetables, meat and fish.
Bread comes fr^ one of the bakeries. Caxt-
ned food can be bou^t in siaoy stores.
Aparri, being on the river and the sea, is
well supplied with ^resh fish. Chickens are
usually bou^t live, and you do the rest.
The meat sellers display their wares in the
' open.
Here are a few typical food prices:
12 oz. can of corned beef $ 2.20
Can of evaporated milk ,50
12 oz. jar of peanut butter 1.45
Can of tuna chunks .89
8 oz. cheese .79
4 bananas .17
1 egg (eggs are sold'by the piece) .10
5 ears of com .13
1 loaf of bread (1.I lb.) .45
1 large avocado ,13
1 lb. fish ,58 ,
.We are occupying a three ro<na apartment
on the mission property. It is on the
ground floor of the Selbys* house. We :Jam
"cii^.electtioityy!;whifth4s :hh:.rreB l.J'.H. td
7 A.M. daily. Our bathroom is modem; with
toilet, shower, and wash basin. There is
running water (cold only) most of the time.
The water system oonslsts of well and elec
tric pump, with a tank at rooftop level frtai
which water flows by gravity.
Our kltcheta has a gas range
and refrigerator. The gas oomes
in a large steel cylinder, and
costs about $4? to replace vhen
empty. As a health precaution,
we boil all our drinkliig water,
also the water we make into ice.
Ve bo\tgbt four strai^t
chairs with cane bottCHos for
about $16 each, and a wooden
bedstead made to order for $60.
We got a foam rubber mattress
for it and are . quite comfort
able* Other furniture we needed
was already in the apartment, or
was loaned to us.
ithout the airplane it would have been
impossible. Our daugiiter Nartha^s wedding
date, . July 26, came in the middle of the
first semester of Aparri Bible Seminary.
But the people here decided that ve should
go home for the wedding, and they would fill
in for us. Thanks to ItoJ Boudreauz and
Romeo ...Gorospe, who tau^t Hairey's classes
for three weeks. Carolyn Boudreauz had a
vacation. To finance the trip we had Income
tax refunds and a deleted Social Security
payment that came at the right time to pay
for the budget fare tickets.
On Thursday, July 10 we made the all
day bus trip to Manila. On Friday we took
care of necessary business. On Saturday we
had dinner and fellowship at the HcKinneys'
house (a newly rented place out near Faith
Academy, their children's school). The Mc-
Kinneys, Chuck and Mickey Richards, Sid Bou
dreauz and the Beards had a nice evening
visiting. On Sunday we attended the Ilocand "
service at the Cruzada St, Church of Christ. |
There we saw Ver^lio and Esther De Los San- i
tos, idio were "on their way back to their-
mission work in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Monday morning we left Manila on a Pan
Am 747 and were in Guam by late afternoon.
During the ni^t we flew to Honoliilu. There
it was ' Monday Bomiag- again,
and we had the day to fly to Los
Angeles. That evening we had a
pleasant reunion with our fam
ily. We stayed a few days with
Philip and Jeannie, then a few
days with David and Sharon, and
the last few days with Roger and
It was good to see many of
you at the wedding* It was a
very beautiful and spiritual
service at the Parkcrest Church.
The matron of honor was Martha's
sister Ruth, and the best
was David Root. Martha chose to
use all her nieces end nephews
' ^in the wedding. The only ones
that were not used were too
little. They were asleep in the
nursery, namely, Joel and Joy
David 7an Vomer sang "God
Is My Shepherd." Other delict-
ful music vas presented by Jei>-
nifer Root, Roger and Alice
Koexner, and a ^handbell choir.
David's father, James Van Vformer
and Martha's brother Roger per-
foimed the ceremony. Martha's
father escorted her down the
aisle, and also gave the bene-
The church was full and the
reception line was long. A wed-
ding buffet was served at Roger
and Kay Beard's house. Kaye P^^8Mj
was a wonderful hostess along
with all her family and our fam-
ily. David and Martha remained
with us for the buffet, then ROBERT
left for their secret destina
tion, which we later leamed
was the Queen Mary. Sunday they flew to
San Francisco to spend a few days. We were
leaving the same evening to fly to ^^anila,
and they can to see us off, along with most
of the rest of our family and our faithful
forwarding agent, Evelyn Miller.
The return journey got us to Manila on
Tuesday morning, and on Wednesday we took
the night bus to Aparri. By Friday we were
back at work teaching. We had been away
just 21 d^rs. We praise God for mwioTig it
possible for us to come, and we praise Him
for our family and friends.
In our June newsletter we told of the
Bible School at Mae Sai, Thailand, March 24-
April 11, but had no pictures at that time.
Throu^ the courtesy of Alan B^o we can
present these pictures.
Carolyn Boudreaui is doing very well in
her first grade school wozk. She had S + on
each subject for her grades from the Inteiv
national Institute. This was her first re
port of grades. Carolyn is learning to play
the piano, and Is taking art lessons.
Robert Itorse is one of the missionaries
peceiring regular support from the Parkcrest
Church of Christ. He is industrious* woit-
isg hard at tasks idiich do ziot appear glasH
orous at all* but vhich are necessary to the
gsrovth of the churches* He baa be^ busyr
with preparing a revised edition of the Ra^
vang hj^mnal, and with the ongoing work of
translating the Bible into Rawang. The ini
tial work of translating much of the Old
Testament is still to be done. In the field
Robert relates well to the people. We heard
him preach in Chinese at a chapel in
Tham* Thailand on March 50* wid saw "HHth
visiting with the people on a cordial
friendly basis.
June to August 1^80
Knott Avenue Christian Church
Parkcrest Church of Christ
Mr. & Mrs. William Ball
Fern Boulton
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Campbell
lorraine Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Fordyce
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Heard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heritage
Alice Hoey
Elizabeth Hooper
Mr- & Mrs. M. E- Kiiriben
Mr- & Mrs- Milo Klinsky
Mr- & Mrs- Bill Lowe
Justin McKeal
Park Netting
Rosemary Fatten
Mr- & Mrs- Harry Tilley
Pbcpenses .
Christian Mission Press 28-55
Postage 39.53
Retum Air Fare Home 300-00
Harvey Beard 500-00
Balance June 1* 1980
Less expenses
Balance end of August, 1980
Field Address:
P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan
Philippines 1118
i Parkcrest Church of Christ
1i 5950 Parkcrest Street
Long Beach, California 90808
Non-profit Org,
U.S. Postage Paid
Long Beach, Calif.
Permit 565
forwarding Agent:
'Irs. Evelyn Miller
10517 Budora Avenue
Buena Park, OA 90620
BOX 177
\^J^^Mdress Correction Requested.
V 4 i
X2/80 B
Parkcrest Church of Christ
No. 6
December 1980
In the name of the Bright, the Morn
ing Star, Jesus, the Root and Offspring of
David (Rev. 22:16), we greet you at the
time when we celebrate His birth.
This will be our first Christmas in
another land, away from any of our family.
On December 22nd we are invited to the
Brewsters', and all of us Americans will
journey to Tuguegarao to be with them for
a Christmas celebration. They are South
ern Baptists who have invited us all to
their home. How nice! Chuck and Mickey
Richards will be there. We also will have
a Christmas Eve service at the Aparri
Church, as well as a service Christmas
morning. The missionaries will have din
ner together.
The Seminary closes for three weeks
beginning December 12th. The choir is
preparing a Christmas concert the evening
of the 12th.
In our family, the big event of the
year was the marriage of our daughter Mar
tha and David Van Wormer. They are now
living on the Milligan College campus in
Tennessee, while David studies at Emmanuel
School of Religion. Ruth and David Root
and their six J's are still in Eugene, Or
egon where David is in his second year of
teaching at Northwest Christian College.
Our three sons, David, Roger and Philip
are all living in their own homes in Long
Beach, with their wives and children.
David continues as a counsellor for Lake-
wood High School, Roger is a minister of
the Parkcrest Church of Christ, and Philip
is employed by the Automobile Club of
Southern California. We thank God that
they and their families are all active in
the church.
We wish you all the very best of
God's blessings in the coming year.
Harvey and Helen Beard
On November 15 we received a letter
from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Selby asking us
to continue into the 1981-1982 school
year. They wish us to stay at least for
the first semester, because they will not
be able to . return in time for the begin
ning of the school year in June. We haye^
_on, at least through the
first semester, ~^ich ends in October. If
we are needed for the second semester, we
will stay for that, also.
We are considering the possibility of
a trip to the U.S.A. in the summer vaca
tion, that is, in April and May. If our
friends and supporters would like us to
visit and report on our work, please write
to us at our field address as soon as pos
sible. Air mail, which costs 31<? per half
ounce, reaches us in 2-3 weeks. J'he 22
aerogramme is the best bargain. After
write to our fowarding agent.
Yesterday at lunch we had a dish of
bananas with fresh grated coconut for our
dessert. Both grew in our yard. We cut a
stalk of bananas, and a few days later a
ripe coconut fell from the tree into our
garden plot. It was delicious.
'.'i^ '^^-y -
In the first week in November Luzon
was hit by one of the biggest typhoons
ever. The Cagayan Valley had a flood re
ported to be the worst in 100 years. Many
lives were lost, and there was much prop
erty damage. The road to Manila was cut
by landslides in the mountains, as well as
bridges washed out.
The Northern Isabela Academy at Cali-
naoan, one of our two Christian high
schools, suffered damage from flooding.
It was not only water in the buildings,
but due to the wind, the waves beat a-
gainst them with destructive effect. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Richards had five feet
of water in the downstairs part of their
house at Enrile. Tuguegarao, capital of
Cagayan province, was flooded. The cement
""b'lock" waTl~bn the mission property at Lal-
lo was undermined by flood waters and col
lapsed. The Children's Home is located on
high ground and escaped damage.
Aparri, at the mouth of the Cagayan
River, was unhurt. We had heavy rain and
f^ii^ly heavy wind. With the ground satur
ated we had running springs in the street
in front of the Seminary. People- here
gathered much driftwood from the river and
from the beach.
Travel in and out was cut off at a
time when our people needed to get out.
The Lord was good to us, and five men were
allowed to fly to Manila on a private air
plane on November 7th, and Joy Collins and
Mary Pruitt left on another one on Novem
ber 9th.
- r -
. -
The last few months we have been
introduced to Filipino customs about wed
dings and funerals. On Aug. 10th we were
asked to go to services for a man who had
died the day before. Two services were
held, one in a nieghbor's home, where re
freshments were served, and one in the
man's home, where his body lay in state.
There were daily services in the home, un
til the funeral was held in the church on
Aug. 20th. After a long service, the
mourners walked to the cemetery, following
the hearse.
On Sept. 10th we attended a service
in the Peneyra home on the occasion of the
86th birthday of the late Faustino Penev-
ra, who had been pastor and evangelist for
many years. After speakin.g_.and singing,_a
delicious meal was served. This was a
customary memorial service.
On Sept. 19th we were invited to a
25th wedding anniversary celebration for
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Banggo, at the Maxing-
al Church in Lal-lo. Bro. Banggo was one
of the first graduates of Aparri Bible
Seminary. A wedding service was held in
the church, with Dennis McKinney officiat
ing. Then there was a dinner in the home.
After this a rally was held in the church,
for area churches and preachers.
On Nov. 20th we attended a wedding at
the Aparri Church. It was similar to our
traditional wedding services. Afterwards
a dinner was served at the home. In the
Philippines the bridegroom has to pay for
the wedding, which includes the meal.
Dear Friends:
Nov. 23, 1980
Even though we can't be with you at
this time, you are very near in our pray
ers. It is wonderful that God keeps us
together this way "His Way."
Today is our 42nd wedding anniver
sary. There was a wind this morning which
reminded me of the Santa Ana wind which
blew in Covina, California on the day we
were married. The years have gone fast
for us, and we never realized that we
would be foreign missionaries at this
time. God is so good! "His compassions
fail not. They are new every morning,
great is thy faithfulness." Lam. 3:22.
We will have a Thanksgiving dinner on
Nov. 29th. There will be 12-14 of us Amer
ican missionaries. It will be a time of
praise and thanks to God for America and
for His blessings upon us. We will espec
ially miss our families at home, but
praise God for His faithfulness.
We are expecting --.Shirley Toledo to
join us in the'"work in Aparri. will
fj-y to Manila Noy^ 30th and a few days
after that slie~should be with us here.
She will work in the office. We needjier,
as Mary Pruitt has been doing "'^is~and she
needs to give all her time to the Child
ren's Home at Lal-lo. We are also__^peet.-
ing the Rutherford,, family from Porter-
viTle, Califi to come after the first of
the year.
cont. pg. 4
This was held Aug. 1st. Glomer An-
cheta and Leonila Palomo are singing.
Both were in Harvey's class in Old Testa
ment. Leonila helped in our home for a
When the- first semester closed on
October 3rd, there was a week off before
the second semester began October 13th.
This was called "Week of Evangelism," and
special meetings were held in our two high
schools in Isabels Province. Some of the
Seminary students took part in these, and
there were many baptisms.
The second week in November Lloyd
Selby, Dennis McKinney, Romeo Gorospe and
a number of our preachers attended a Cong
ress on Discipling a Nation at Baguio.
Dr. Donald McGavran and others were there
to encourage the leadership of the church
es in the Philippines to begin a great
evangelistic thrust, with the object of
having 50,000 churches by 2,000 A.D.
On November 28th and 29th a confer
ence of preachers of the Philippine Mis
sion Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon
was held at Aparri. The men who had been
at Baguio reported on what they had learn
ed. It is hoped that this will result in
a great increase in evangelistic activity
and the planting of many new churches
throughout the Cagayan Valley and adjacent
Notes From Helen, cont.
The women of the Aparri Church haVe a
meeting once a month on Sunday afternoon.
I have been asked to speak two different
times for this group. It was a pleasure.
They are a wonderful group of Christian
Filipino women. They take turns having
this meeting in their homes.
The bells at the Catholic Church ring
at 5:00 A.M. About that time also young
boys come through on our street calling
for people to buy hot steamed rolls or hot
rice. Once I heard something else and
learned that the boy was saying, "Do you
have any pigs for sale?"
"And it shall come to pass that all who call upon the
name of the Lord shall be delivered;...
Joel 2:32a
But how are men to call upon him in whom they have
not believed? And how are they to believe in him of
whom they have never heard? And how are they to
hear without a preacher? And how can men preach
unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful
are the feet of those who preach good news!"
Romans 10:14 - 16
Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all
ctcumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus for you.
_ 1 Thessalonians 5:1618
Printing 27.50
Postage 32.70
Return Air Fare Home 400.00
Harvey Beard 1200.00
Balance September 1, 1980
Less expenses
Balance end of December 31, 1980
Field Address:
P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan
Philippines 1118
Parkcrest Church of Christ
5950 Parkcrest Street
Long Beach, California 90808
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Long Beach, Calif.
Permit 565
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Evelyn Miller j
10517 Eudora Avenue |
Buena Park, OA 90620 | Address Correction Requested.
BOX 177
X2/80 .B
3 ^981
No. 1
Dear Friends in Christ:
1 MINISTRY OF l|fi||||i^
September, 1979
Chri ST
It was the end of January 1979 when
Harvey decided not to teach another school
year at Pacific Christian College. We were
praying for a decision about what to do when
an invitation came from Charles and Roberta
Selby to fill in for them at Aparri Bible
Seminary, while they were to be on furlough
In 1980-81. Aparri is a seaport town at the
mouth- of the Cagayan River in northern
Luzon, Philippines. We did not respond to
this invitation at once, but set April 15 as
the day for a final decision. By then it
seemed to us that this is what the Lord
would have us do, and we wrote to the Selbys
that we would come.
The Lord gave us preparation for this
with Harvey being chairman of the Missionary
Committee of the Parkcrest Church of Christ
for many years. He read missionary news
letters. froBL the four comers of the earth
and kept informed. He taught in the Euro
pean Christian Service Camp ten summers.
Last year he taught a semester at Kenmore
Christian College in Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia. While travelling to and from
Australia we visited missionaries in Asia
and Europe, including a visit to Aparri in
the Philippines.
Since April we have been occupied with
clearing away things to get ready to go. The
school year at P.C.C. had to be finished; we
had to move out of our apartment in Puller-
ton and back to Long Beach; the Long Beach
house still has to be set in order for rent
ing to someone during our absence; and Har
vey had agreed to go to to Europe and teach
in two camps, one for Americans, the other
for Italians, both in Italy. He returned to
Long Beach August 22nd. Another project
that has taken much of his time is the up
dating and revision of portions of the book
L^ds. of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey. Much
of this work remains to be done.
The Selbys have requested us to be in
Aparri before they leave for their furlough,
which will be some time in March, 1980.
Since we have been asked to visit Kulpahar,
India, and do some Bible teaching there, we
plan to leave early in January, 1980 and go
there first and then go on to the Philip
pines. Travel plans still have to be worked
out. We are excited about the prospect of
serving in this way, and we do request your
prayers. We cannot undertake this work
without your intercessory prayers for us
both pi^sically and spiritually.
Our needs with reference to moving to
Aparri and living there are estimated at
SI,000 for transportation to the field, and
S300 per month for living expenses. Any who
wish to contribute to this need may send to
our forwarding agent, Mrs. Evelyn Miller,
10317 Sudora Avenue, Buena Park, California,
90620. Make checks payable to Philippine
Mission Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon,
Inc., or send through your local church.
Gifts may also be sent to the Parkcrest
Church of Christ, 5950 Parkcrest Street,
Long Beach, California 90808 and designated
for our work. A large part of our living
expenses will be cared for by our retirement
income, so that we do not need to seek full
support at this time. We will also need to
accumulate a fund for our return from the
field at the end of our term of service.
Travel expenses to India (or any other place
we may visit enroute) are not included in
the estimate.
With our love in Christ,
Harvey and Helen Beard
Aparri is on the north shore of Luzon,
on the South China Sea, at the mouth of the
Cagayan River. It is a seaport town, and a
hub of commerce for the lower Cagayan Val
ley. In the early days of the mission work
in the Philippines by the Churches of Christ
and Christian Churches, the gospel spread
from the Ilocos provinces on the west coast
to Aparri and the entire Cagayan Valley. The
Aparri church suffered the loss of its
building after an agreement between Disciple
and Methodist missionaries in the 1920's
turned the whole Cagayan Valley over to the
Methodists. Under the leadership of Fausti-
no Peneyra the" church was able to get an
other building.
When Charles and Roberta Selby arrived
at Aparri- in 1947, Bro. Peneyra -was the only
trained native leader there. In 1952 the
Aparri Bible Seminary was established. Mr.
and Mrs. Norval Campbell worked there in the
years 1953-1957. In the years up to 1969
the Seminary had 60 graduates. At that time
enrollment was about 50 students each year.
In 1947, after the war, there were two
preachers and ten churches. In 1969 there
were 40 preachers and more than 60 churches.
In 1978 there were over 700 baptisms.
An average of 12 student preachers were out
every week-end preaching in various places.
The two Christian high schools. Northern
Isabels Academy and Southern Isabels Acad
emy, had about 1,000 students enrolled in
the past school year, with 214 graduates.
In these two schools, 183 of the students
were baptized into Christ during the school
year. The schools are south of Aparri, in
the Cagayan River Valley, in the province of
Isabels. In 1964 Sid and Marge Boudreaux
came to help with the high schools. Mrs.
Boudreaux has also been teaching at Aparri
Bible Seminary, In 1970 Dennis and Lorrita
McKinney arrived to work with Southern Isa
bels Academy. Later Dennis devoted his time
to the evangelistic work in the Cagayan Val
ley, with his family living in Manila, where
the children are in school.
Other aspects of the Christian work in
the Cagayan Valley are a radio broadcast six
days a week, the Aparri Christian Press, and
the Cagayan Children's Home. The radio
broadcast brings in many inquiries. The
press provides printed materials for the
churches, an Ilocano newspaper and Bible
School lessons, and this year a revision of
the Ilocano hymn book. Ilocano is the prin
cipal language of this part of the island.
The Cagayan Children's Home, under Mary
Pruitt's supervision, is just'getting start
ed. A building is under construction south
of Aparri on a beautiful hill site over
looking the Cagayan River. A recording
studio will also be built on the same piece
of property, and ultimately a radio station-.r
A Christian liberal arts college is also
planned, and when realized, should provide
leadership and support for the churches and
all the Christian enterprises of the Cagayan
The Bible seminary at Aparri is the
real key to growth in the area, for it pro
vides trained Christian leadership for the
churches. The Filipino peoples have proved
that they can evangelize their people better
than the missionaries can, if only they are
educated in the Bible and related subjects.
This education is being supplied by the
Aparri Bible Seminary.
Field Address;
P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan
Philippines 1118
Parkcrest Church of Christ
5950 Parkcrest Street
Long Beach, California 90808
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Long Beach, Calif.
Permit 363
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Evelyn Miller
10317 Eudora Avenue
Buena Park, CA 90620
P 0 BOX 5077
Address Correction Requested.
11/9 B

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