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Interrelationship with Content Knowledge and

Technological Knowledge needed for a Social

Science Teacher:
Submitted To
Mrs. Anupama
Sree Narayana Training College
Submitted by
Social Science
Submitted on: !"#"$%&
".The Role o# a Teacher
3.The Teachers in the digital $ra
'(nce we #ree oursel)es #rom the mental limits o# )iewing this
technology as a weak sister to #ace to #ace synchronous education* the
+otentials to re)olutioni,e education and learning become readily
a++arent- said Turro#.
The technology o# education in)ol)es both traditional and
contem+orary resource.books and chalkboards* +encil and +a+er* slides
and ta+es* #ilm and tele)ision. /ut it in)ol)es much more that that 0ust
the hardware and so#tware.the audio.)isual e1ui+ment and the materials
needed to use with it. it includes decisions about the educational ends to
be achie)ed and decisions about the si,e o# the learning grou+s* the
learning se1uence and the choice o# media.
The *ole of a Teacher:
There seems little danger that the teacher will be su++lanted by
machines and early an2ieties on this +oint a++ear ill #ounded. !ndeed the
+oint has now arri)ed where the teacher is still a dis+enser o#
in#ormation but in addition he has become a creator o# all kinds o#
learning e2+eriences and the manager o# a range o# resources inside the
classroom and his already com+le2 role will undoubtedly be #urther
e2tended and de)elo+ed as the a++lication o# educational technology in
the schools becomes more wides+read. 3cti)ities such as +lanning*
ad)ising* and e)aluation will be among the teacher4s chie# concerns. /y
acce+ting courses +re+ared by teams* by +ermitting )arious
technological de)ices to take o)er the work they can do without
boredom or im+atience as well as or better than the teacher by
encouraging the integration o# educational technicians in the rooms
where learning in taking +lace* the teacher is multi+lying his e##ort and
de+loying it where it is most needed.
The range o# technology used in a classroom may e2tend #rom the
o)erhead +ro0ector which is chea+* easy to use and accessible to all to an
e2clusi)e #ully immersi)e )irtual reality where students interact with
each other and ob0ects in cybers+ace. 5irtual reality may be considered
irrele)ant to today4s common teaching +ractices although this may
change in the #uture. 6or the +ur+ose o# this discussion* technology is
de#ined as the use o# com+uter so#tware and telecommunications.
T(AC-(*S IN T-( 'I.ITA/ (*A:
a7 Teacher as a &hange 3gent:.
1. !denti#ying strengths and weaknesses o# instructional materials.
". 8etermining relati)e e##ecti)eness o# instructional materials.
3. Sharing the e2+eriences with others in the system.
%. Strategies o# communicating* orienting* and moti)ating others.
. 9orksho+ demonstration and team teaching.
b7 Teacher has to undertake the #ollowing acti)ities:
1. Tutorial:Team +a+er:sym+osium.
". 8e)elo+ing so#tware trans+arencies:+rograms learning
3. 8e)elo+ing sel#.instructional material:su++ort system:learning
+ackage or any unit.
%. 9orksho+ on handling hardware.
. Pre+aration o# low cost:im+ro)ised material.
;. &onducting a lesson incor+orating
radio:t):)ideo:com+uter:language laboratory and its e)aluation.
<. 5isit to educational technology:35 hall and its re+orting.
c7 The teacher must de)elo+:
1. Positi)e attitude to in#ormation technology.
". 3bility to +romote ethical and legal beha)ior in the use o# !T #or
School and home use.
3. 3bility to meet all basic hardware knowledge and use re1uirements
s+eci#ied in the classroom.
%. 3bility to a++ly technology tools to sol)e a )ariety o# +roblems
teaching and learning with technology.
. 3bility to make decisions regarding the use o# s+eci#ic
technologies based on em+irical research on learning e##ecti)eness.
;. 3bility in theories o# learning to create instructional technologies
on s+eci#ied )ariables o# interest #or learning.
<. =oti)ation or learning strategies to #urther the #ield o# !T and*
8. 3bility to attain a minimum Technical ability.
d7 Teacher must +ossess the #ollowing skills:
1. &om+uter skills* key boarding* word +rocessing* creating* database
drawing* gra+hs* +ie chart etc* a s+readsheet and a statistical
". /asic knowledge o# using 3uthoring tool #or creation o# interacti)e
lesson in =ultimedia.
3. 3ccessing and downloading item #rom the internet.
%. 6amiliarity with e.mail
This has clear im+lications #or to+ and bottom layers o# the class
and the combination o# sound* )isuals and interacti)e tasks* a++eals to
di##erent learning style. 9hile good technology a++lication will do
all these things and many more mediocre materials can result in a
great deal o# time wasting. !t can be concluded that with the use o#
technology a teacher can make her classroom en)ironment acti)e*
e##ecti)e and interesting #or children.
". 8r.>.Si)ara0an? Trends and 8e)elo+ments in =odern $ducation on
Practices? &alicut @ni)ersity &o.o+erati)e store* &alicut
3. 5.>.Rao? =odern =ethods o# Teaching? Ra0at
Publication?%:3"?Aeeta &olony* 8elhi
%. @.>.Singh and >.N.Sudersan? Teacher $ducation? 8isco)ery
Publishing Bouse? New 8elhi.

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