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Caesalpinia spinosa.

It is a plant native to Peru used since pre-Hispanic times in folk or folk medicine and
in recent years, as a raw material in the world market of food hydrocolloids
Siliceous and clayey soils predominate Ayacucho basin.
Tara tree is productive at 4 years and its production is concentrated in the
departments of Ancash, Cajamarca, Huanuco, Ica, La Libertad and Lambayeque.
Temperature between 12 and 18 C and can accept up to 20 C. In the valleys the
ideal temperature is 16 to 17 C. Precipitation of 400 to 600 mm per year. Tara is an
undemanding species regarding soil quality, accepting the stony and degraded;
develops optimally robust arboreal habit in loam and sandy loam, slightly acid to
moderately alkaline. It is found from 800 to 3,000 meters.
The TARA is a tree of strange twisted shapes and gloomy, which is developed on the
coast and mountains up to 3,000 m altitude.

Industrially it is integrated as part of gastroenterological drugs to treat ulcers, healing,
for their astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial,
antiscorbutic and odontlgicos, most used and those that produce constriction being
It is used very frequently in traditional medicine to relieve discomfort of the throat;
sinusitis; and fungal vaginal infections; inflamed eye wash; chronic wounds in the
decayed tooth; stomach ache; diarrhea; anger; rheumatism and cold; purifying



Valeriana officinalis.

Native to Europe and parts of Asia, Valerian has also been introduced in North
America. Usually grows in moist forests and the edge of streams.
Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since the time of ancient Greece.
Hippocrates described its properties, and Galen prescribed as a remedy for
insomnia. In medieval Sweden, it is sometimes placed in the wedding clothes of the
groom to avoid the "envy" of the elves.

Valerian root has many properties that are beneficial to the human body, but must be
consumed with care. Among the properties of valerian we can mention:
'The Valerian used to soothe aches and certain types of irregular menstrual cycles,
cramping, fever and stomach ulcers
'The Valerian has properties that help to counteract the flu and its symptoms
'The Valeria has relaxing properties that help soothe headaches
'These relaxing properties of valerian also serve to calm anxiety
'The valerian root is also used to induce sleep, which in most cases can be a nice
effect, although some people can be intense.



Rosmarinus officinalis.

Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region, especially in areas where the soil is
particularly dry, sandy and rocky ground.

Rosemary has stimulant and tonic effects; promotes recovery in the respiratory and
digestive diseases.
-Helps Overcome liver disorders. Taken after meals infusion aids digestion and
prevents the onset of symptoms of poor digestion such as bloating, flatulence,
heartburn, etc.
-Emenagogo: Sale slightly pains of menstruation and facilitates drainage prevents
problems caused by collateral such as headaches, stomach, fluid retention and
general irritability.
-Heptico: As a remedy for liver failure, you can make a decoction of a spoonful of
dried leaves per cup of water.
-Anemia: Contains much iron can help overcome the lack of it in our body in cases of

- Antioxidant: A plant with more antioxidants.



Eucalyptus globulus.

It comes from Australia and Tasmania. From the eighteenth century it was extended
and a naturalized virtually all temperate zones of the planet.

Eucalyptus leaves contain essential oil, up to 80% eucalyptol, resin, tannins and
acids. These essences, for its antiseptic properties, is widely used in the preparation
of inhalations and infusions for sore throats and bronchial; tincture as anticatarral and
treatment of respiratory tract. It also has application in nerve and cardiac
abnormalities. It is aromatic smell, taste astringent at first and then refreshing.
Antimicrobial and anti fungal properties: Capable of removing microorganisms that
cause infectious diseases. Eucalyptus has bactericidal properties (which kill
bacteria), bacteriostatic (which inhibit the growth of bacteria), and fungicides (to
eliminate fungi).



Pimpinella anisum.

It comes from eastern Europe in the area that now comprises the Middle East,
Turkey, Egypt, Greece and the Greek Islands, where it grows wild. Currently listed as
a species cultivated in many warm parts of the world although it is very difficult to
naturalize outside its place of origin and only grown from seeds planted in April.

Anise is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and many of its components have
beneficial health properties. You can highlight its properties as an expectorant and
carminative, which improve digestion, They help expel gases and improve stomach
tone, roasted ensuring better digestion.

In women anise increases the secretion of milk, which may be beneficial in infancy. It
is also known that anise helps women to have more regular periods.

Anise is recommended in cases of lack of appetite, gastrointestinal spasms,
excessive gas (flatulence), problems of bad breath (halitosis), colds and other
respiratory problems. In women it is strongly recommended during the stage of
lactation and to regulate the menstrual cycle.

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