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222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, 12th Floor, Chicago, IL 60654 | PH: (888) 236-4170 | EM: info@turboappeal.


lor lmmedlaLe 8elease

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CPlCACC, lL - SepLember 19, 2014. More Lhan 130 of Chlcago's buslness ellLe aLLended Lhls year's
lACS 8uslness and LnLrepreneurlal Conference. Cver 13 companles applled Lo presenL Lhelr sLarLup
plLch Lo a panel of experLs for feedback. 1urboAppeal Co. ( was one of
Lhree companles ulLlmaLely chosen Lo plLch aL Lhe conference ln fronL of Lhe panel, whlch lncluded
execuLlves from 1echsLars, CrowLhanda, lashlonara, Crlgln venLures, llllnols 1ool Works,
llllnolsvLn1u8LS, and 8enchrep.

1urboAppeal's co-founders sLarLed Lhelr company Lo flnd a soluLlon Lo Lhe ever-growlng problem of
homeowners paylng Loo much for Lhelr properLy Laxes. 1urboAppeal presenLed lLs plLch aL Lhe
conference and was ulLlmaLely awarded $60,000 ln MlcrosofL Azure Cloud compuLlng servlces and
$2,000 worLh of accounLlng, Lax and consulLlng servlces Lo help grow Lhe sLarLup company.

1urboAppeal's CLC, 8adal Shah, sLaLed LhaL "when we declded Lo Lackle Lhe lssue of over-Laxed
homeowners we qulckly reallzed LhaL we had Lo provlde a qulck and slmple soluLlon for Lhe
properLy owners and also develop a new Lechnology Lo asslsL legal professlonals so LhaL Lhey can
manage a larger volume of properLy Lax appeals."

Sources vary wlLh Lhelr esLlmaLes, buL approxlmaLely 70 of all real esLaLe ls over-assessed ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes, whlch means LhaL mosL homeowners are paylng more Lhan Lhey should be ln
properLy Laxes. lL ls surprlslng Lo flnd LhaL mosL homeowners do noL reallze LhaL Lhey have a rlghL
Lo appeal Lhelr Lax assessmenL and posslbly lower Lhelr properLy Laxes. Lven when homeowners
are aware LhaL Lhey have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo appeal Lhelr Laxes, many flnd Lhe process confuslng
and exLremely Llme consumlng.

1he soluLlon became a sLarLup LhaL asslsLs ln appeallng properLy Laxes by slmply obLalnlng a few
pleces of lnformaLlon from Lhe homeowner. Legal professlonals can Lhen use LhaL lnformaLlon and
uLlllze 1urboAppeal's Lechnology Lo research evldence and complle addlLlonal lnformaLlon used Lo
flle Lhe appeal wlLh Lhe approprlaLe governlng body. Shah provlded LhaL "Lhe sysLem makes Lhe
process as slmple and efflclenL for everyone as posslble. 1he homeowners slmply provlde
lnformaLlon and walL Lo see lf Lhey save money, and Lhe legal professlonals have a Lool LhaL
provldes Lhem Lhe opporLunlLy Lo llkely manage and flle a slgnlflcanL amounL of more appeals."

1urboAppeal has sLarLed faclllLaLlng properLy Lax appeals ln Cook CounLy, llllnols and plans Lo grow
Lo oLher counLles across Lhe naLlon ln 2013. lL ls headquarLered ln Chlcago's sLarLup lncubaLor

CCn1AC1: 8adal Shah - hone: (312) 431-4664 | Lmall: badal[

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